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We have established a rapid, simple and sensitive flow cytometric system for the detection of Plasmodium falciparum that involves lysing erythrocytes and staining parasites at the same time using a newly developed hemolysing and staining solution containing dodecyl methyl ammonium chloride and acridine orange. In this system, freed parasites of P. falciparum could be plotted separately from erythrocyte ghosts, white blood cells and platelets on the two-dimensional scattergram of forward-angle light scatter and green fluorescence by flow cytometry with an argon laser. It took only 2–3 min per sample to obtain the scattergram and analyze the data, including the time of sample preparation for flow cytometric analysis. Sample preparation with this method does not require any difficult handling procedures. The threshold of parasite detection was almost equal to that of microscopic examination for cultured P. falciparum. The results of drug-susceptibility assays using this system were also almost identical to those obtained using microscopic examination. In this system, parasites at different erythrocytic stages could be easily distinguished. This system must prove useful and practical for basic laboratory studies of P. falciparum including those requiring the differential measurement of parasites at specific erythrocytic stages.  相似文献   

Screening of microorganisms capable of producing alginate lyase enzyme is commonly carried out by investigating their abilities to grow on alginate-containing solid media plates and occurrence of a clearance zone after flooding the plates with agents such as 10% (w/v) cetyl pyridinium chloride (CPC), which can form complexes with alginate. Although the CPC method is good, advantageous, and routinely used, the agar in the media interferes with the action of CPC, which makes judgment about clearance zones very difficult. In addition, this method takes a minimum of 30 min to obtain the zone of hydrolysis after flooding and the hydrolyzed area is not sharply discernible. An improved plate assay is reported herein for the detection of extracellular alginate lyase production by microorganisms. In this method, alginate-containing agar plates are flooded with Gram's iodine instead of CPC. Gram's iodine forms a bluish black complex with alginate but not with hydrolyzed alginate, giving sharp, distinct zones around the alginate lyase producing microbial colonies within 2–3 min. Gram's iodine method was found to be more effective than the CPC method in terms of visualization and measurement of zone size. The alginate-lyase-activity area indicated using the Gram's iodine method was found to be larger than that indicated by the CPC method. Both methods (CPC and Gram's iodine) showed the largest alginate lyase activity area for Saccharophagus degradans (ATCC 43961) followed by Microbulbifer mangrovi (KCTC 23483), Bacillus cereus (KF801505) and Paracoccus sp. LL1 (KP288668) grown on minimal sea salt medium. The rate of growth and metabolite production in alginate-containing minimal sea salt liquid medium, followed trends similar to that of the zone activity areas for the four bacteria under study. These results suggested that the assay developed in this study of Gram's iodine could be useful to predict the potential of microorganisms to produce alginate lyase. The method also worked well for screening and identification of alginate lyase producers and non-producers from environmental samples on common laboratory media. They did this by clearly showing the presence or absence of clearance zones around the microbial colonies grown. This new method is rapid, efficient, and could easily be performed for screening a large number of microbial cultures. This is the first report on the use of Gram's iodine for the detection of alginate lyase production by microorganisms using plate assay.  相似文献   

We have established a rapid, simple and sensitive flow cytometric system for the detection of Plasmodium falciparum that involves lysing erythrocytes and staining parasites at the same time using a newly developed hemolysing and staining solution containing dodecyl methyl ammonium chloride and acridine orange. In this system, freed parasites of P. falciparum could be plotted separately from erythrocyte ghosts, white blood cells and platelets on the two-dimensional scattergram of forward-angle light scatter and green fluorescence by flow cytometry with an argon laser. It took only 2–3 min per sample to obtain the scattergram and analyze the data, including the time of sample preparation for flow cytometric analysis. Sample preparation with this method does not require any difficult handling procedures. The threshold of parasite detection was almost equal to that of microscopic examination for cultured P. falciparum. The results of drug-susceptibility assays using this system were also almost identical to those obtained using microscopic examination. In this system, parasites at different erythrocytic stages could be easily distinguished. This system must prove useful and practical for basic laboratory studies of P. falciparum including those requiring the differential measurement of parasites at specific erythrocytic stages.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid assay for quantitative determinations of DNA in crude homogenates is described. The method is based on the enhancement of fluorescence seen when bisbenzimidazole (Hoechst 33258) binds to DNA. Crude homogenates in which chromatin has been dissociated with high salt buffer can be assayed directly and reliably in a few minutes. The dissociation of chromatin is critical to accurate determinations of DNA in biological materials using this method. The assay can detect as little as 10 ng of DNA with rather unsophisticated instrumentation.  相似文献   

Cholera epidemics caused by Vibrio cholerae 01 continue to represent a major public health concern in many developing countries. A rapid and simple test kit for the detection of V. cholerae 01 has been developed. The kit, CholeraScreen is a monoclonal antibody-based, co-agglutination test and is used directly with stool specimens. It does not include culturing the specimen and is performed without the need for sophisticated laboratory equipment. Specificity of the test was demonstrated, using 118 reference cultures, to which cross-reactions were not observed. Preliminary results of field trials carried out in Guatemala and Bangladesh demonstrated that the test is equally sensitive as conventional culture methods in detecting V. cholerae and, in many cases, more sensitive. The CholeraScreen test is simple, specific, and does not require culturing procedures, making it suitable for direct detection of cells of V. cholerae in clinical specimens, even in the field. Also, the test requires less than five minutes to complete.  相似文献   

There remains a need for rapid, specific and sensitive assays for the detection of bacterial indicators for water quality monitoring. In this study, a strategy for rapid detection of Escherichia coli in drinking water has been developed. This strategy is based on the use of the substrate 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-d-glucuronide (MUG), which is hydrolyzed rapidly by the action of E. coli β-d-glucuronidase (GUD) enzyme to yield a fluorogenic 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU) product that can be quantified and related to the number of E. coli cells present in water samples. In this study, the detection time required for the biosensor response ranged between 20 and 120 min, depending on the number of bacteria in the sample. This approach does not need extensive sample processing with a rapid detection capability. The specificity of the MUG substrate was examined in both, pure cultures of non-target bacterial genera such as Klebsiella, Salmonella, Enterobacter and Bacillus. Non-target substrates that included 4-methylumbelliferyl-β-d-galactopyranoside (MUGal) and l-leucine β-naphthylamide aminopeptidase (LLβ-N) were also investigated to identify nonspecific patterns of enzymatic activities in E. coli. GUD activity was found to be specific for E. coli and no further enzymatic activity was detected by other species. In addition, fluorescence assays were performed for the detection of E. coli to generate standard curves; and the sensitivity of the GUD enzymatic response was measured and repeatedly determined to be less than 10 E. coli cells in a reaction vial. The applicability of the method was tested by performing multiple fluorescence assays under pure and mixed bacterial flora in environmental samples. The results of this study showed that the fluorescence signals generated in samples using specific substrate molecules can be utilized to develop a bio-sensing platform for the detection of E. coli in drinking water. Furthermore, this system can be applied independently or in conjunction with other methods as a part of an array of biochemical assays in order to reliably detect E. coli in water.  相似文献   

A spontaneous dark variant of the luminous bacterium Photobacterium leiognathi was isolated. The reversion frequency of this variant to genetic-hereditary luminescent cells is greatly increased by nanogram quantities of different base-substitution and frameshift agents. This makes it possible to detect mutagenic compounds at concentrations 100 times lower than that detected by the Ames Test. Curing agents, such as acridine dyes, ethidium bromide and sodium dodecyl sulfate, are also very active in the reversion of this dark variant to the luminous state, but fail to revert it to a genetic-hereditary luminescent type. The nature of the primary mutation in the dark variant, and the potential use of this luminescence system for detecting different classes of carcinogenic chemical, are discussed.  相似文献   

Traditional cultivation-dependent tests for coliform bacteria in food and drinking water take 18–24 h to complete. Bioluminescence-based enzyme assays can potentially reduce analysis time for indicator bacteria such as coliforms. In the present study, we developed a simple presence/absence (P/A) bioluminescence procedure for rapid detection of coliform bacteria in groundwater-based drinking water. The bioluminescence procedure targeting β-d-galactosidase activity in coliform bacteria was based on hydrolysis of 6-O-β-galactopyranosyl-luciferin. Bacteria immobilized on membrane filters were enriched for 6–8 h in selective media containing isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG) to induce β-d-galactosidase activity in coliform bacteria. The equivalent of approximately 300 E. coli cells was required for bioluminescence detection of β-d-galactosidase activity. In comparison, PCR based detection of E. coli in drinking water required approximately 30 target cells. Analysis of contaminated drinking water samples showed comparable results for coliform bacteria using traditional multiple-tube fermentation, Colilert-18, and the bioluminescence procedure. Aeromonas hydrophila or indigenous groundwater bacteria did not interfere with the procedure. The bioluminescence procedure can be combined with commercial substrates such as Fluorocult or Colilert-18, and will allow the detection of one coliform in 100 ml drinking water within one working day. The results suggest the bioluminescence assays targeting β-d-galactosidase activity may be used for or for early warning screening of drinking water and/or rapid identification of contaminated drinking water wells.  相似文献   

A sandwich format immunochromatographic assay for detecting foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) serotypes was developed. In this rapid test, affinity purified polyclonal antibodies from Guinea pigs which were immunized with sucking-mouse adapted FMD virus (A/AV88(L) strain) were conjugated to colloidal gold beads and used as the capture antibody, and affinity purified polyclonal antibodies from rabbits which were immunized with cell-culture adapted FMD virus (A/CHA/09 strain) were used as detector antibody. On the nitrocellulose membrane of the immunochromatographic strip, the capture antibody was laid on a sample pad, the detector antibody was printed at the test line(T) and goat anti-guinea pigs IgG antibodies were immobilized to the control line(C). The lower detection limit of the test for a FMDV 146S antigen is 11.7ng/ml as determined in serial tests after the strip device was assembled and the assay condition optimization. No cross reactions were found with FMDV serotype C, Swine vesicular disease (SVD), Vesicular stomatiti svirus (VSV) and vesicular exanthema of swine virus (VES) viral antigens with this rapid test. Clinically, the diagnostic sensitivity of this test for FMDV serotypes A was 88.7% which is as same as an indirect-sandwich ELISA. The specificity of this strip test was 98.2% and is comparable to the 98.7% obtained with indirect-sandwich ELISA. This rapid strip test is simple, easy and fast for clinical testing on field sites; no special instruments and skills are required, and the result can be obtained within 15 min. To our knowledge, this is the first rapid immunochromatogarpic assay for serotype A of FMDV.  相似文献   

Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) is critical for the assembly and secretion of apolipoprotein B (apoB) lipoproteins. Its activity is classically measured by incubating purified MTP or cellular homogenates with donor vesicles containing radiolabeled lipids, precipitating the donor vesicles, and measuring the radioactivity transferred to acceptor vesicles. Here, we describe a simple, rapid, and sensitive fluorescence assay for MTP. In this assay, purified MTP or cellular homogenates are incubated with small unilamellar donor vesicles containing quenched fluorescent lipids (triacylglycerols, cholesteryl esters, and phospholipids) and different types of acceptor vesicles made up of phosphatidylcholine or phosphatidylcholine and triacylglycerols. Increases in fluorescence attributable to MTP-mediated lipid transfer are measured after 30 min. MTP's lipid transfer activity could be assayed using apoB lipoproteins but not with high density lipoproteins as acceptors. The assay was used to measure MTP activity in cell and tissue homogenates. Furthermore, the assay was useful in studying the inhibition of the cellular as well as purified MTP by its antagonists. This new method is amenable to automation and can be easily adopted for large-scale, high-throughput screening.  相似文献   

Rapid, quantitative detection of tumor markers with high sensitivity and specificity is critical to clinical diagnosis and treatment of cancer. We describe here a novel portable fluorescent biosensor that integrates quantum dot (QD) with an immunochromatography test strip (ICTS) and a home-made test strip reader for detection of tumor markers in human serum. Alpha fetoprotein (AFP), which is valuable for diagnosis of primary hepatic carcinoma, is used as a model tumor marker to demonstrate the performance of the proposed immunosensor. The principle of this sensor is on the basis of a sandwich immunoreaction that was performed on an ICTS. The fluorescence intensity of captured QD labels on the test line and control line served as signals was determined by the home-made test strip reader. The strong luminescence and robust photostability of QDs combined with the promising advantages of an ICTS and sensitive detection with the test strip reader result in good performance. Under optimal conditions, this biosensor is capable of detecting as low as 1 ng/mL AFP standard analyte in 10 min with only 50 μL sample volume. Furthermore, 1000 clinical human serum samples were tested by both the QD-based ICTS and a commercial electrochemiluminescence immunoassay AFP kit simultaneously to estimate the sensitivity, specificity and concordance of the assays. Results showed high consistency except for 24 false positive cases (false positive rate 3.92%) and 17 false negative cases (false negative rate 4.38%); the error rate was 4.10% in all. This demonstrates that the QD-based ICTS is capable of rapid, sensitive, and quantitative detection of AFP and shows a great promise for point-of-care testing of other tumor markers.  相似文献   

Three primers from 16S rRNA were successfully assayed simultaneously in one reaction for sensitive detection of Ralstonia solanacearum in watercourses. The protocol is a modification of the Co-operational polymerase chain reaction (Co-PCR), which allows the simultaneous and co-operational action of the primers. It specifically amplified R. solanacearum strains belonging to biovars 1, 2 and 4. No products were obtained from any of the 162 unidentified isolates from river water. The sensitivity of the assay was <1 cfu/ml as determined by analysis of heat-treated water samples spiked with R. solanacearum, also containing indigenous microbiota up to 10(5) cfu/ml. The developed Co-PCR assay was more sensitive than other standard PCR assays in the analysis of 51 Spanish environmental water samples. Namely 31.3% of the samples were positive using the newly developed assay, whereas 13.7% or less positive samples were found with the other protocols. The Co-PCR improves the detection sensitivity of R. solanacearum and provides an important tool for its routine detection from environmental water samples and for epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive and specific assay method was developed for the detection of viable Escherichia coli as an indicator organism in water, using nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA) and electrochemiluminescence (ECL) analysis. Viable E. coli were identified via a 200-nt-long target sequence from mRNA (clpB) coding for a heat shock protein. In the detection assay, a heat shock was applied to the cells prior to disruption to induce the synthesis of clpB mRNA and the mRNA was extracted, purified, and finally amplified using NASBA. The amplified mRNA was quantified with an ECL detection system after hybridization with specific DNA probes. Several disruption methods were investigated to maximize total RNA extracted from viable cells. Optimization was also carried out regarding the design of NASBA primer pairs and detection probes, as well as reaction and detection conditions. Finally, the assay was tested regarding sensitivity and specificity. Analysis of samples revealed that as few as 40 E. coli cells/mL can be detected, with no false positive signals resulting from other microorganisms or nonviable E. coli cells. Also, it was shown that a quantification of E. coli cells was possible with our assay method.  相似文献   

The lack of small animal models for the evaluation of anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) agents hampers drug development. Here, we describe the establishment of a simple and rapid evaluation system in a rat model without animal infection facilities. After intraperitoneal administration of test drugs to rats, antiviral activity in the sera was examined by the MAGI assay. Recently developed inhibitors for HIV-1 entry, two CXCR4 antagonists, TF14016 and FC131, and four fusion inhibitors, T-20, T-20EK, SC29EK, and TRI-1144, were evaluated using HIV-1(IIIB) and HIV-1(BaL) as representative CXCR4- and CCR5-tropic HIV-1 strains, respectively. CXCR4 antagonists were shown to only possess anti-HIV-1(IIIB) activity, whereas fusion inhibitors showed both anti-HIV-1(IIIB) and anti-HIV-1(BaL) activities in rat sera. These results indicate that test drugs were successfully processed into the rat sera and could be detected by the MAGI assay. In this system, TRI-1144 showed the most potent and sustained antiviral activity. Sera from animals not administered drugs showed substantial anti-HIV-1 activity, indicating that relatively high dose or activity of the test drugs might be needed. In conclusion, the novel rat system established here, "phenotypic drug evaluation", may be applicable for the evaluation of various antiviral drugs in vivo.  相似文献   

Mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and rabbit polyclonal antibody (PAb) against Vibrio harveyi were generated from immunization of mice and rabbits with highly virulent isolate of V. harveyi. Two MAbs specific to virulent isolates of V. harveyi were obtained and one of them (VH4) was selected to conjugate with colloidal gold as the detector antibody was laid on a sample pad. Rabbit polyclonal antibody was used as the capture antibody at the test line (T) and goat anti-mouse IgG antibody (GAM) was used as the capture antibody at the control line (C) of nitrocellulose strip. The ready-to-use strip was held in a plastic case and then stored in a desiccated plastic bag. A sample volume of 100 μl of bacterial suspension from various sources mixed with application buffer was applied to the sample chamber at one end of the strip and allowed to flow by chromatography through the nitrocellulose membrane to the other end. In test samples containing virulent isolates of V. harveyi, the bacteria would bind to the monoclonal antibody conjugated with colloidal gold and the resulting complex would be captured by the antibodies at the test line to give a reddish-purple band. Any unbound monoclonal antibody conjugated with colloidal gold moved across the test line would be captured by the GAM and form a band at the control line (C). In sample without V. harveyi or with V. harveyi below the limit (< 106 CFU/ml) of detection for the kit, only the control line band was observed. If the test sample was pre-enriched in tryptic soy broth (TSB) for 6 h before application to the strip, the sensitivity would increase to 1–10 CFU/ml which is comparable to that of PCR. This method could be used to detect pathogenic isolates of V. harveyi in pond water or infected shrimp in order to monitor and to reduce the risk of V. harveyi outbreak in the shrimp culture. The beneficial features of this kit are that simple, convenient and quick results (within 15 min) can be obtained without the requirement of sophisticated tools or special equipments and skills.  相似文献   

Mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and rabbit polyclonal antibody (PAb) against Vibrio harveyi were generated from immunization of mice and rabbits with highly virulent isolate of V. harveyi. Two MAbs specific to virulent isolates of V. harveyi were obtained and one of them (VH4) was selected to conjugate with colloidal gold as the detector antibody was laid on a sample pad. Rabbit polyclonal antibody was used as the capture antibody at the test line (T) and goat anti-mouse IgG antibody (GAM) was used as the capture antibody at the control line (C) of nitrocellulose strip. The ready-to-use strip was held in a plastic case and then stored in a desiccated plastic bag. A sample volume of 100 microl of bacterial suspension from various sources mixed with application buffer was applied to the sample chamber at one end of the strip and allowed to flow by chromatography through the nitrocellulose membrane to the other end. In test samples containing virulent isolates of V. harveyi, the bacteria would bind to the monoclonal antibody conjugated with colloidal gold and the resulting complex would be captured by the antibodies at the test line to give a reddish-purple band. Any unbound monoclonal antibody conjugated with colloidal gold moved across the test line would be captured by the GAM and form a band at the control line (C). In sample without V. harveyi or with V. harveyi below the limit (<10(6) CFU/ml) of detection for the kit, only the control line band was observed. If the test sample was pre-enriched in tryptic soy broth (TSB) for 6 h before application to the strip, the sensitivity would increase to 1-10 CFU/ml which is comparable to that of PCR. This method could be used to detect pathogenic isolates of V. harveyi in pond water or infected shrimp in order to monitor and to reduce the risk of V. harveyi outbreak in the shrimp culture. The beneficial features of this kit are that simple, convenient and quick results (within 15 min) can be obtained without the requirement of sophisticated tools or special equipments and skills.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive and specific RNA biosensor was developed for the rapid detection of viable Escherichia coli as an indicator organism in water. The biosensor is coupled with protocols developed earlier for the extraction and amplification of mRNA molecules from E. coli [Anal. Biochem. 303 (2002) 186]. However, in contrast to earlier detection methods, the biosensor allows the rapid detection and quantification of E. coli mRNA in only 15-20 min. In addition, the biosensor is portable, inexpensive and very easy to use, which makes it an ideal detection system for field applications. Viable E. coli are identified and quantified via a 200 nt-long target sequence from mRNA (clpB) coding for a heat shock protein. For sample preparation, a heat shock is applied to the cells prior to disruption. Then, mRNA is extracted, purified and finally amplified using the isothermal amplification technique Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA). The amplified RNA is then quantified with the biosensor. The biosensor is a membrane-based DNA/RNA hybridization system using liposome amplification. The various biosensor components such as DNA probe sequences and concentration, buffers, incubation times have been optimized, and using a synthetic target sequence, a detection limit of 5 fmol per sample was determined. An excellent correlation to a much more elaborate and expensive laboratory based detection system was demonstrated, which can detect as few as 40 E. coli cfu/ml. Finally, the assay was tested regarding its specificity; no false positive signals were obtained from other microorganisms or from nonviable E. coli cells.  相似文献   

The paper presents a proposition for detection of linkage of genes responsible for metrical traits. Taking into account the expected means for early generations (F(1), F(2), F(3)) and a population of homozygous lines (in this case doubled haploid lines, DH derived from a cross between two homozygous parents) as well as estimators of genetic parameters m, [d], [i], [h] and [l], the expected values for these parameters in the presence of linkage have been formulated. It was found that when there is no linkage, the expression F(1) - 6F(2) + 8F(3) - 3DH(mean) is equal to zero. Thus, an experiment covering DH lines and F(1), F(2), F(3) hybrids makes it possible to obtain, beside information of interest, also information on presence or absence of linkage.  相似文献   

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