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Control of chromosome condensation in the sea urchin egg   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Indirect immunofluorescence staining of cleaving sea urchin eggs with an antiserum against a tryptic fragment of dynein 1 (fragment 1A) from sea urchin sperm flagella suggested the presence of dynein in the cortex as well as in the mitotic apparatus. In the present study, we found that the Mg2+-ATPase activity of the isolated cortices from sea urchin eggs, which exhibited similar characteristics to those of flagellar dynein, was inhibited by 60–80% with the anti-fragment 1A serum. Faintly stained bands corresponding to the A-band (dynein 1) and the B-band of the sperm flagella was detected on sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the isolated cortices. Furthermore, the SDS-gel electrophoresis revealed the presence of a polypeptide band corresponding to dynein 1 in the antigen-antibody complex precipitated from the KCl-extract of the cortices with the antiserum.  相似文献   

Histones have been isolated from the nuclei of unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. The electrophoresis of these histones exhibits a pattern different from that of the sperm or embryo of the same species.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of microtubule polymerization have been found in extracts of unfertilized sea urchin eggs using neural tubulin polymerization assays without glycerol. The inhibitory activity is partially destroyed by boiling or by reduction and carboxymethylation and is nondialyzable. When chromatographed on DEAE-cellulose, the inhibitory activity is eluted over a broad NaCl gradient and is in association with several peaks. This partially purified inhibitor is not destroyed by incubation with RNase A. When the partially purified inhibitor is incubated with brain microtubule protein under conditions which support microtubule polymerization, both high molecular weight-microtubule associated proteins and tubulin appear to be digested when analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Proteolytic digestion as well as inhibition of microtubule polymerization depend upon similar concentrations of partially purified inhibitor present in the polymerization reaction. It appears as though at least part of the microtubule polymerization inhibitory activity present in unfertilized sea urchin eggs is due to this protease.  相似文献   

The synthesis and turnover kinetics of polysomal mRNA have been measured in sea urchin embryos. Polysomes were isolated from stages ranging between mesenchyme blastula and late gastrula Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos which had been exposed to exogenous 3H-guanosine. The amount of radioactivity incorporated into messenger and ribosomal RNAs was determined separately as a function of time, and the precursor pool specific activity was measured in the same embryos. Synthesis and decay rate constants were extracted from the data by a leastsquares procedure. Per embryo, the rate of mRNA synthesis was calculated to be about 0.13 pg min?1, while the rate of rRNA synthesis is about 0.022 pg min?1. The newly synthesized mRNA turns over with a half-time of 5.7 hr. The data support only a single decay rate for the mRNA, but small fractions of mRNA decaying at different rates cannot be excluded. Previous studies have shown that a minor fraction of the mRNA includes the least abundant, most highly diverse set of messages (“complex class” mRNAs). To determine whether mRNAs of the complex class are synthesized and degraded at similar rates, labeled mRNA was measured in hybrids formed in mRNA excess reactions with single copy DNA. These experiments showed that complex class mRNAs represent an approximately proportional amount of the new mRNA synthesis, and turn over at the same average rate as does the bulk of the mRNA. Most of the mRNAs in the embryo polysomes are newly synthesized, rather than maternal. This statement refers both to complex class mRNAs and to prevalent mRNAs. Considering the sequence homology between embryo and oocyte mRNAs shown earlier, these results indicate that many of the same structural genes active during oogenesis are being transcribed in embryos at these stages.  相似文献   

A 13-fold increase in carbonic anhydrase specific activity was found during the first 24 h in developing embryos of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Carbonic anhydrase activity was sensitive to inhibition by 10−4 M acetazolamide. Roles for carbonic anhydrase activity in intracellular pH regulation and spicule formation are discussed.  相似文献   

The species and stage specificities of membrane components active in promoting reaggregation of cells dissociated from embryos of the two Mediterranean sea urchin species Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula have been examined. Membrane proteins extracted with butanol either from purified membranes or from dissociated cells without significant reduction of viability promoted reaggregation of both the homologous and heterologous species. Extracts from plutei and blastulae were equally effective in promoting reaggregation of blastula cells. By contrast, Fab's prepared from IgG raised against these extracts or purified membranes are strictly species specific because they prevent reaggregation of cells and actively dissociate live embryos of only the homologous species. No corresponding stage specificity of the Fab was observed: Fab against extracts from blastula embryos also caused dissociation of plutei. Antigenic analysis of the extracts by the Ouchterlony test revealed the presence of components specific for each species as well as others common to both.  相似文献   

Membrane potential of the unfertilized sea urchin egg   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The membrane potential, specific resistance, and potassium selectivity of the unfertilized Strongylocentrotus purpuratus egg were determined by two independent methods: tracer flux and microelectrode. The potassium influx was 0.50 ± 0.2 pmole/cm2· sec, which was greater than the sodium, chloride, and calcium influxes by factors of 4, 7, and 75, respectively. By means of the constant-field equations, the flux data were used to calculate membrane potential (?70 mV) and specific resistance (420 kΩ · cm2). The effect of the external potassium concentration on the sodium influx was determined and the results closely fit the result expected if the membrane behaved as a potassium electrode. Microelectrode measurements of the potential and resistance were ?75 ± 3 mV and 380 ± kΩ · cm2.  相似文献   

Jelly coat, a multicomponent extracellular matrix surrounding the sea urchin egg, induces the acrosome reaction in sperm. The jelly coats of the four species studied, Arbacia punctulata, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis, and Lytechinus variegatus, were found to be very similar in chemical composition. A sialoprotein (approximately 20% of the mass of the jelly coat) and a fucose sulfate polysaccharide (approximately 80%) are the major macromolecular components of the jelly coat. The acrosome reaction inducing capacity resides solely in the fucose sulfate polysaccharide. Induction of the acrosome reaction ranges from highly species specific to nonspecific. Thus, A. punctulata and S. drobachiensis sperm are induced to undergo the acrosome reaction only with their homologous jelly coat, while S. purpuratus sperm react equally well with homologous or L. variegatus jelly coat, but not with A. punctulata jelly coat. L. variegatus sperm seem to be relatively nonspecific in response. Species-specific induction of the acrosome reaction resides solely in the fucose sulfate polysaccharide, suggesting that there must be structural differences in this polysaccharide in the various species. Therefore, in some species, fertilization appears to involve sperm-egg recognition at the level of the jelly coat as well as at the level of sperm-egg receptors.  相似文献   

The chromatin proteins of different embryonic stages, ranging from 16 cell to gastrula, of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were labeled, in vivo, with 14C and were labeled, in vitro, with 3H. The proteins thus labeled were separated by high resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis. The extent of possible cytoplasmic contamination has been examined with reconstruction experiments. Gastrula chromatin contains over 200 separable nonhistone proteins, and about 90% of them are also detected at the 60-cell stage; cleavage stages have over all protein gel patterns displaying numerous differences with the pattern shown by chromatin from later stages. Differences in the proportion of histone to nonhistone proteins that are synthesized are observable at the different embryonic stages, with histones predominating in midcleavage. About half of the nonhistone proteins of the developing embryo that can be labeled with 3H, in vitro, are not labeled with 14C, in vivo, and hence, must originate from a reservoir of nonhistone proteins assembled during oogenesis.  相似文献   

When the surface of sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) sperm is radioiodinated, 75% of the protein-incorporated radioactivity is associated with two glycoproteins of Mr 84,000 (84K) 64,000 (64K) (Lopo and Vacquier 1980). Antibodies were prepared against these two components by separating a Triton X-100 extract of sperm on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, cutting out the band containing the glycoprotein and injecting the homogenized gel into rabbits. Both anti-84K and anti-64K sera agglutinate sperm. Light and EM immunoperoxidase localization show both antigens are distributed over the entire sperm surface. By the immunoperoxidase technique there is some degree of cross-reactivity of both antisera with sperm of other Strongylocentrotus species, but not with those of other genera. Living sperm incubated with anti-84K Fab fragments are completely inhibited from undergoing the egg jelly-induced acrosome reaction and fertilizing eggs. Anti-64K Fab fragments have no effect on the ability of the sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction or fertilize eggs. Sperm incubated in anti-84K or anti-64K Fab fragments undergo the acrosome reaction in response to the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, or when the extracellular pH is increased to 9.2 with NH4OH, indicating that the inhibition of the egg jelly-induced acrosome reaction results from the binding of the anti-84K Fab to an external molecule involved in the initiation or propagation of the acrosome reaction. The 84K glycoprotein is the first sperm surface component identified that might have a role in the induction of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

Precursor molecules for Escherichia coli tRNAs that accumulated in a temperature-sensitive mutant defective in tRNA synthesis (TS709) were investigated. More than 20 precursors were purified by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The purified molecules were analyzed by RNA fingerprint analysis and/or in vitro processing after treatment with E. coli cell-free extracts. The molecular sizes of most of the precursors identified were in the range of 4 to 5 S RNAs, although several larger ones were also detected. Fingerprint analysis revealed that the precursors generally differ from the corresponding mature tRNAs in the 5′ termini, having extra nucleotides. Thus, the genetic block in TS709 was shown to affect the trimming of the 5′ side of tRNA by impairing the function of RNAase P. Although this mutant had been isolated as a conditional mutant defective in the synthesis of su+ 3 tRNA1Tyr, the synthesis of many tRNA species was affected at high temperature. On the basis of their mode of maturation in vivo, the precursor molecules were discussed as intermediates in tRNA biosynthesis in E. coli. Accumulation of these intermediates was accounted for as a common feature of E. coli mutants defective in RNAase P function.  相似文献   

The average conformation of GpU and UpG in neutral aqueous solutions has been investigated by proton chemical shifts and coupling measurements as well as T1 relaxation time experiments. The proportion of the N and S pseudorotational conformers of the ribose ring has been derived from the vicinal coupling constants. The relaxation data provide information about the syn--anti equilibrium of the orientation of the base about the glycosidic bond. This orientation is predominantly syn for the Guo base in both dinucleoside phosphates, that of Urd is anti in the case of GpU and shows an almost equivalent syn and anti character for UpG.  相似文献   

The fertilized sea urchin egg is invested by the hyaline layer, a thick extracellular coat which is necessary for normal development. On the basis of ultrastructural studies and the fact that hyalin is released during the time of the cortical reaction, it has been generally accepted that hyalin is derived from the cortical granules. However, this has never been proven definitely, and recently, it has been reported that hyalin is a membrane and/or cell surface protein. To determine where hyalin is stored, we carried out an ultrastructural immunocytochemical localization of hyalin in the unfertilized egg. Hyalin purified from isolated hyaline layers was used to immunize rabbits. Antisera so obtained were shown to be hyalin specific following absorption with a combination of sea urchin proteins. Immunocytochemical localizations were carried out on sections of Epon-embedded material using protein A-coated gold particles as an antibody marker. Our results demonstrate that, prior to fertilization, hyalin is stored in the homogeneous component of the cortical granule in Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Labeling of small cortical vesicles in both unfertilized and fertilized eggs, suggests that these vesicles may contain a secondary reservoir of hyalin.  相似文献   

At the end of the exponential growth phase, the enzyme UDP-glueose pyrophosphorylase is present in the vegetative cells of Dictyostelium discoideum NC4 (haploid) at a low level (about 0.05% of total protein). During the initial stages of fruiting body construction, while the cells are entering into multicellular aggregates, the enzyme level remains constant, but increases dramatically thereafter reaching a peak (about 0.5% of total protein) at the end of fruiting body construction, and then partially decreasing. Previous studies have shown that both the accumulation and disappearance are keyed to the flow of morphogenetic events.In this study, cells were labeled with amino acids for different periods throughout the sequence. The enzyme was quantitatively immune-precipitated from crude cell extracts, the precipitate was washed and redissolved, and the enzyme protein separated by acrylamide gel electrophoresis in order to estimate the differential incorporation ratio, i.e. disintsmin in enzyme protein per 108 cellsdisintsmin in total protein per 108 cells × 100 for each labeling period. During the initial stages, when the enzyme level remained relatively constant, this ratio was about 0.03 to 0.04%. As the enzyme began to accumulate it rose progressively, attaining levels of 0.6 to 0.8% toward the end of fruiting body construction before declining. The data are not consistent with the theory of Gustafson and Wright (1973) that differential turnover controls the level of this enzyme during the development of D. discoideum. They are consistent with the conclusion that directed changes in the differential rate of synthesis of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase is the controlling element.The estimates of enzyme content are based on a value for the specific enzyme activity of 100,000 units/mg enzyme, which had been determined previously using samples of the enzyme purified to apparent physical homogeneity. This figure has been confirmed in the present study by quantitative immuneprecipitation of the enzyme from crude extracts of homogeneously labeled cells. The method can be generally used to determine if a specific biological activity estimate obtained with a purified protein is consistent with its activity when measured before or during purification.  相似文献   

The substance which seems to be responsible for the sperm-binding at fertilization was successfully purified from unfertilized eggs of the sea urchin, Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus. It completely cancelled the fertilizing capacity only of homologous sperm without reducing their motility. The antiserum against this substance made only homologous eggs incapable of binding sperm. The methods employed for purification were (1) extraction by urea, (2) fractionation by calcium acetate, (3) salting-out by ammonium sulfate, (4) gel filtration and (5) ion-exchange chromatography. This substance was electrophoresed on cellulose-acetate strip as a single band which was stained with Amido Black, and could not be split by 6 M guanidine hydrochloride.  相似文献   

Extraction of sea urchin eggs and embryos with Triton X-100 generated a cytoskeletal framework (CSK) composed of a cortical filamentous network and an internal system of filaments associated with ribosomes. The CSK contained only 10-20% of the cellular protein, RNA, and lipid. A specific subset of proteins was enriched in the CSK. Several lines of evidence suggest that mRNA is a component of the CSK of both eggs and embryos. First, the CSK contained poly(A) sequences which hybridized with [3H]poly(U). Second, the CSK contained polyribosomes. Finally, RNA extracted from the CSK showed translational activity in an in vitro system. The nonhistone messages present in the CSK were qualitatively similar to those solubilized by detergent, as determined by separation on polyacrylamide gels of the products of in vitro translation. In the unfertilized egg, most mRNA was present as nonpolyribosomal messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes which, along with monoribosomes, were efficiently extracted by Triton X-100. The converse was found in blastulae, as most of the mRNA was present as polyribosomes associated with the CSK, although monoribosomes were still efficiently extracted by detergent. These results indicate a correlation between the activation of protein synthesis in eggs and the association of polyribosomes with the CSK.  相似文献   

Sperm binding to an egg model composed of agarose beads   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A sperm-binding factor of the eggs of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus or Anthocidaris crassispina, was coupled to agarose beads. Upon contact with these beads, the spermatozoa exhibited an acrosome reaction and bound to them. No binding occurred to BSA-coupled beads or to beads missing active groups. When coupled beads were pretreated with a sperm factor, which is the probable counterpart to the sperm-binding factor, they could no longer bind sperm. Reciprocal cross-binding between the above two species was not successful, but H. pulcherrimus sperm became capable of binding to A. crassispina beads if they first underwent acrosome reaction in egg water. Sperm of two of seven other echinoderms examined was able to bind to the coupled beads.  相似文献   

Two methods were used to radioiodinate sea urchin sperm: lactoperoxidase-glucose oxidase and Iodo-Gen. Following iodination the sperm are viable, they undergo the acrosome reaction, and they fertilize eggs. Of the radioactivity associated with the labeled sperm, 28–50% is presumed to be free 125I?, 37–47% is incorporated in lipid, and 8–15% is in trypsin-digestible material believed to be protein. Digestion of the labeled, living sperm with trypsin removes 95.6–99.5% of the macromolecular label (the cells are alive after digestion) suggesting that almost all the protein label is on the external surface of the cell. Thin-layer chromatography of the lipid fraction shows that the major membrane phospholipids and cholesterol are labeled. SDS-PAGE analysis shows the protein-incorporated 125I is distributed among four glycoproteins of >250K, 84K, 64K, and 52K dalton apparent molecular weight. Twenty-eight percent of the total protein (trypsin-digestible) label is in the 84K component and 46% in the 64K band. Although both molecules contain much of the label, they are relatively minor components of the TX-100 extract of sperm. The methods outlined will be useful in determining the role of sperm surface components in fertilization.  相似文献   

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