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Gosling  E. M.  Wilson  I. F.  Andrews  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,378(1-3):21-25
Littorina tenebrosa is a small fragile-shelled periwinkle which lives on permanently submerged algae in coastal lagoons and non-tidal brackish pools. This periwinkle is a member of the rough periwinkle group which also comprises Littorina saxatilis, L. arcana, L. compressa and L. neglecta and is most closely related to L. saxatilis although its exact systematic status is in some doubt. Based on its unique ecology many believe L. tenebrosa to be a valid species. However, shell morphometric and allozyme analyses on Scottish and Swedish populations of L. tenebrosa and L. saxatilis have indicated that the two periwinkles are virtually identical. Preliminary results on five allozyme loci (AAT-1, GPI, PGM-1, PGM-2 and PNP) in samples of L. tenebrosa and L. saxatilis from Golam Head, Lettermullen, and other locations on the west coast of Ireland show L. tenebrosa to be genetically differentiated from L. saxatilis At Golam Head, where opportunities for gene flow occur between the two taxa, L. tenebrosa is as genetically differentiated from local L. saxatilis as it is from L. saxatilis from more geographically distant locations.  相似文献   

Postembryonic development of nine species of Niphargus (Crustacea: Amphipoda) was studied, with spine development and shifts in allometric growth being combined in developmental sequences that were compared across species. The developmental sequences show high diversity with respect to the position of individual events in the sequence, as well as a high frequency of events being inapplicable in some species. Within Niphargus, the highest degree of independence between events occurs mainly in early mid-aged instars, where the shifts in position are both the largest in magnitude and also the most frequent in occurrence. Constructive troglomorphic features of subterranean species were inferred to develop more because of accelerated growth rather than a delayed offset of growth. Shifts in both relative timing and growth rate appeared to have played a role in the evolution of sexually dimorphic elongated appendages. Growth patterns differed greatly between species for individual sexually dimorphic and troglomorphic traits, hinting at their possible independent origin. The independence between developmental events that was generally apparent might indicate the existence of an important genetic basis for the extreme intrageneric morphological variation arising from numerous highly variable body parts being combined in a ‘mosaic’ manner. Moreover, we suggest that the overall diversity of the genus might actually be underestimated in light of possible convergent features accompanied by ‘cryptic’ speciation. We conclude that both sequential and growth heterochrony appear to have played a key role in the evolution of Niphargus, the most diverse genus of freshwater amphipods. A preliminary list of heterochronic characters is provided.  相似文献   

Symplocos saxatilis from Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, is newly described and illustrated on the basis of field and herbarium studies. It appears to be restricted to “campo rupestre” (rocky field) habitats. This new species is characterized by its 1- to 3-flowered pedunculate inflorescence, 11 to 14 staminodes of the pistillate flowers, and 0.7–1.5 mm thick endocarp.  相似文献   

Plant clades may exhibit little or wide morphological variation as a result of (1) the retention of ancestral characteristics or phylogenetic signal, (2) character displacement, or (3) random phenotypic drift or convergence. Understanding the taxonomy and systematics of many plant lineages has been challenging due to continuous intra‐ and interspecific morphological variation. To assess which evolutionary hypothesis could explain the morphological diversity in the genus Geonoma (Arecaceae), we performed a Mantel test between phylogenetic and morphological distances of 54 taxa, and tested for phylogenetic signal using Blomberg's K‐statistic on continuous variables, and a randomization of character states. To obtain a phylogenetic (patristic) distance matrix for Geonoma, we constructed a molecular phylogeny of tribe Geonomateae using three nuclear DNA regions. A positive relationship between the patristic and a 26‐discrete‐character distance matrix (R2 = 0.55, P < 0.001) supported the phylogenetic signal hypothesis. The randomization test showed that signal was present in 16 characters. No relationship was evident using a 17‐quantitative‐variable distance matrix (R2 = 0.07, P = 0.13), supporting the random drift hypothesis or convergence, and all 17 K‐values were close to 0, suggesting less phylogenetic signal than under the Brownian model. If most morphological variables traditionally used to classify Geonoma evolved randomly or convergently, it might explain Geonoma's challenging taxonomy. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 106 , 528–539.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Previous molecular phylogenetic studies disagree with the informal generic-level taxonomic groups based on morphology. In this study morphological characters in the caesalpinioid clade Detarieae are evaluated within a phylogenetic framework as a means of better understanding phylogenetic relationships and morphological evolution.


Morphological characters were observed and scored for representative species of Detarieae focusing on the resin-producing genera. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out with morphological characters alone and then combined with DNA sequences.

Key Results

Despite a high level of homoplasy, morphological data support several clades corresponding to those recovered in molecular phylogenetic analyses. The more strongly supported clades are each defined by at least one morphological synapomorphy. Several characters (e.g. apetaly) previously used to define informal generic groups evolved several times independently, leading to the differences observed with the molecular phylogenetic analyses. Although floral evolution is complex in Detarieae some patterns are recovered.


New informal taxonomic groupings are proposed based on the present findings. Floral evolution in the diverse Detarieae clade is characterized by a repeated tendency toward zygomorphy through the reduction of lateral petals and toward complete loss of petals.Key words: Caesalpinioideae, Detarieae, floral evolution, Leguminosae, morphology, phylogeny, resins, taxonomy  相似文献   

Free-floating Ulva L. biomass in the eutrophic brackish ‘Veerse Meer’ lagoon (southwest Netherlands) consists of four morphologically identified species: U. curvata (Kützing) De Toni, U. lactuca L., U. rigida C. Agardh and U. scandinavica Bliding. U. curvata could be recognized easily because of the characteristic central cavity in the holdfast of the attached plants, the arrangement of cells in rows and the single pyrenoid in each cell. U. rigida was distinguished by the thick thallus and the large number of pyrenoids. The Veerse Meer isolate, however, was slightly different from the isolate from the Oosterschelde estuary (the Netherlands). U. lactuca and U. scandinavica showed a high degree of overlap in thallus thickness and cell size, but U. scandinavica usually possessed more pyrenoids. However, doubts have frequently been expressed about the use of some morphological characters in Ulva taxonomy. To determine the validity of such characters in the identification of Ulva species, the morphological variation within and between morphological species was recorded and a molecular data set generated. To detect possible ecophysiological differences between species, optimum temperatures and salinities for growth were determined experimentally. The sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) and flanking regions of U. lactuca, U. rigida and U. scandinavica from the Veerse Meer were all identical, but differed from that of U. rigida from the Oosterschelde estuary. Ulva species from the Veerse Meer were most closely related to U. armoricana and U. rigida from Brittany (2.9% and 3.5% divergence respectively); the difference between U. rigida from the Veerse Meer and from the Oosterschelde estuary was 7.5%. Rooted trees, based on a comparison of these sequences with sequences of other Ulva and Enteromorpha species obtained from the literature, using Monostroma arcticum as outgroup, suggested that Ulva is paraphyletic with respect to Enteromorpha. The optimum temperature for growth of U. curvata was 25?°C; for all other species it was 10?°C. The optimum salinity for growth was 30?°C for all isolates. It is concluded that U. lactuca, U rigida and U. scandinavica from the Veerse Meer are all members of one highly polymorphic species.  相似文献   

Experiments, some in vitro and some in vivo, with glucose-U-14C, acetate-U-14C, succinate-1,4-14C, pyruvate-U-14C and citrate-1,5-14C indicate that the digestive gland of Littorina saxatilis rudis and the daughter sporocysts of Microphallus similis aerobically catabolise glucose via an EMP pathway, a TCA cycle, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylation and malate decarboxylation. The host and parasite have similar transamination and synthetic reactions and alanine as a major carbohydrate excretory product. Oxidative metabolism appears to be less efficient in the parasite than in the host.  相似文献   

Rapid speciation events, with taxa generated over a short time period, are among the most investigated biological phenomena. However, molecular systematics often reveals contradictory results compared with morphological/phenotypical diagnoses of species under scenarios of recent and rapid diversification. In this study, we used molecular data from an average of over 29 000 loci per sample from RADseq to reconstruct the diversification history and delimit the species boundary in a short-winged grasshopper species complex (Melanoplus scudderi group), where Pleistocene diversification has been hypothesized to generate more than 20 putative species with distinct male genitalic shapes. We found that, based on a maximum likelihood molecular phylogeny, each morphological species indeed forms a monophyletic group, contrary to the result from a previous mitochondrial DNA sequence study. By dating the diversification events, the species complex is estimated to have diversified during the Late Pleistocene, supporting the recent radiation hypothesis. Furthermore, coalescent-based species delimitation analyses provide quantitative support for independent genetic lineages, which corresponds to the morphologically defined species. Our results also showed that male genitalic shape may not be predicted by evolutionary distance among species, not only indicating that this trait is labile, but also implying that selection may play a role in character divergence. Additionally, our findings suggest that the rapid speciation events in this flightless grasshopper complex might be primarily associated with the fragmentation of their grassland habitats during the Late Pleistocene. Collectively, our study highlights the importance of integrating multiple sources of information to delineate species, especially for a species complex that diversified rapidly, and whose divergence may be linked to ecological processes that create geographic isolation (i.e. fragmented habitats), as well as selection acting on characters with direct consequences for reproductive isolation (i.e. genitalic divergence).  相似文献   

Ancient rapid divergence events, such as those that took place during the Mesozoic, are pervasive in evolution and represent a major challenge to phylogenetic biologists. The number of molecular phylogenetic studies in which rapid divergence has been invoked to account for poor phylogenetic resolution has steadily increased over the past few years. In this study, rapid divergence events are again hypothesized to have taken place, this time within the two major tribes of Simuliidae, Prosimuliini and Simuliini. This inference is based upon the failure of portions of 28S rDNA, EF-1alpha, DDC, PEPCK, and 12S rDNA to adequately reconstruct relationships among their constituent genera and the presence of short internal and long terminal nodes within both tribes for all character partitions of these genes. Sequence divergence, other than synonymous variation within coding genes, was low among genera and node support weak, except largely for those joining morphologically similar taxa previously recognized as closely related. Strong attraction between a long terminal node (Austrosimulium Tonnoir) and a long internal node (Simuliini), is hypothesized to be the reason for strong support for the placement of Austrosimulium as the basal-most lineage in this tribe. In spite of these problems, a preferred tree intended to be a reasonable estimate of simuliid phylogeny is tentatively presented. Based upon the considerable genomic sampling conducted in this and previous studies, it is clear that new types of genes are needed to more adequately resolve rapid divergence phenomena. The CAD and GART loci, currently under development as phylogenetic markers by the author, show greater promise for resolving simuliid relationships than do any of the genes examined herein.  相似文献   

Abstract Cenchrus ciliaris L. (buffel grass) (Poaceae) is recognized as one of Australia's most serious environmental weeds. This introduced grass has been associated with loss of native species and alteration of fire regimes. However, it is also highly valued as a pasture species for arid and semiarid zones and its weed status is highly controversial. Quantitative studies are needed to determine its ecological effects. The relationship between C. ciliaris and herbaceous species richness was investigated in two studies at a range of scales up to 64 m2 in open woodlands in the Dalrymple Shire, north‐eastern Queensland. In the first study, the herbaceous species composition of sites with and without C. ciliaris were compared. Cenchrus ciliaris‐dominated sites had fewer herbaceous species than non‐C. ciliaris sites at all scales investigated and this pattern was found for the major plant groups (perennial grasses, legumes and other forbs) present. In the second study, the relationship between varying levels of C. ciliaris biomass and species richness was investigated. The relationship between varying levels of a dominant native grass, Bothriochloa ewartiana (Domin) C.E. Hubb. (Poaceae), and species richness was also determined for comparison with the C. ciliaris biomass‐richness relationship. In this study, species richness was negatively associated with increasing C. ciliaris biomass at some scales and it appeared that C. ciliaris had a greater effect on richness than B. ewartiana. The negative association between C. ciliaris and species richness is consistent with the view that invasion by C. ciliaris poses a threat to biodiversity. However, the precise cause of the relationship has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

Four populations of Astyanax hastatus Myers 1928 from the Guapimirim River basin (Rio de Janeiro State) were analyzed and three distinct cytotypes identified. These cytotypes presented 2n = 50 chromosomes, with 4M+8SM+10ST+28A (Cytotype A), 8M+10SM+14ST+18A (Cytotype B), 6M+8SM+4ST+32A (Cytotype C) and scanty heterochromatin, mainly located throughout pericentromeric regions of several chromosomal pairs. No homologies with the As-51 satellite DNA were observed in the three cytotypes, although all of them presented multiple 18S rDNA sites, as detected by both silver nitrate staining and FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization). The application of the term "species complex" in Astyanax is discussed from a cytotaxonomic viewpoint.  相似文献   

Plant species abundance is partly determined by reproductive success and the factors that limit this success. We studied the flowering phenology, breeding systems and florivory in a community of seven epiphytic Tillandsia spp. in a tropical dry forest in central Mexico. Flowering periods were distributed throughout the year, and corolla sizes suggested that most species share pollinators. The most common breeding system was self‐incompatibility (Tillandsia achyrostachys, T. caput‐medusae and T. hubertiana), T. lydiae was infertile, T. circinnatioides was partially self‐compatible and T. recurvata and T. schiedeana were self‐compatible with high autonomous self‐pollination. Floral morphology suggests that delayed selfing occurs in the autonomous self‐pollinated species, and separation between stigma and stamens could result in self‐pollination in the remaining species being avoided. Less than 5% of the inflorescences in the most abundant species (T. recurvata) suffered damage by florivores, but > 40% of inflorescences were damaged in the other species. In damaged inflorescences, fruit set decreased by up to 89%. Our data show that the dominant species (T. recurvata) is autogamous and its reproductive success is slightly reduced by resource constraints and florivory. In the less abundant species, resource limitation and florivory dramatically reduced reproductive success, but the strength of these limiting factors is season dependent. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 50–65.  相似文献   

Wm. Wayt Thomas 《Brittonia》1984,36(3):244-247
A new species,Simaba cavalcantei, is described and illustrated. It is considered to be intermediate between sectionsGrandiflorae andFloribundae and is distinguished from potentially sympatric species in a key to the species occurring north of the Amazon River.  相似文献   

A new species of Megischus Brullé from China, Megischus aplicatussp. n.,is described and illustrated. A key to the Chinese species of Megischus is added. The holotype is deposited in the Parasitic Hymenoptera Collection of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou.  相似文献   

Floral phenotypic traits are expected to reflect evolutionary changes and are used as a reliable basis for species delimitation. However, when traits overlap among populations of newly emerging species, this confounds identification of evolutionarily distinct lineages and reduces taxonomic stability. In this study, we quantified variation in ten floral traits and plastid DNA sequences across 26 populations of Platanthera dilatata (Orchidaceae) in North America to determine geographic structure among populations and to evaluate support for three varieties recognized in the current taxonomy. k-means clustering analysis, in the absence of a priori designation of groups, indicated two morphologically distinct groups. Spur length was the most distinctive character between groups. The group containing larger flowers with longer spurs corresponds to the var. leucostachys and most samples in this group are from western North America. The vars. albiflora and dilatata could not be distinguished within the second group, which exhibited flowers with short to intermediate spurs and include samples from eastern and western North America. Morphological variation in P. dilatata may reflect pollinator-mediated selection, particularly in spur length, which is known to vary in association with pollinators across Platanthera. Significant genetic divergence was observed between the two groups (F ST = 0.15; P ≤ 0.001), but we did not find corresponding phylogenetic structure, which may reflect recent divergence and retention of ancestral polymorphisms. Based on these results, we suggest preserving the current intraspecific taxonomy until further studies determine the origin of floral variation and the extent of gene flow between morphologically divergent populations.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The heterocarpic species Atriplex tatarica produces two types of seeds. In this study, how basic population genetic parameters correlate with seed germinability under various experimental conditions was tested.


Population genetic diversity was ascertained in eight populations of A. tatarica by assessing patterns of variation at nine allozyme loci. Germinability of both seed types from all sampled populations was determined by a common laboratory experiment under different salinity levels. Basic population genetic parameters, i.e. percentage of polymorphic loci, average number of alleles per locus and observed heterozygosity were correlated with observed population germination characteristics.

Key Results

Atriplex tatarica possesses a remarkable heterocarpy, i.e. one type of seed is non-dormant and the other shows different dormancy levels in relation to experimental conditions. Significant negative correlations have been detected between germination of both seed types and the coefficient of inbreeding, and a significant negative correlation between germination of dormant seeds and other population genetic parameters, i.e. percentage of polymorphic loci and average number of alleles per polymorphic locus. Moreover, populations from the region characterized by a shorter growing season manifested higher germinability, i.e. had lower dormancy, than those from the lower-latitude one.


In general, germination of non-dormant seeds is probably not under strong genetic control. Hence, they germinate as soon as conditions are favourable, thus ensuring survival in the short term, but populations risk local extinction if conditions become adverse (i.e. a high-risk strategy). In contrast, germination of the dormant type of seeds is under stronger genetic control and is significantly correlated with basic population genetic parameters. These seeds ensure long-term reproduction and survival in the field by protracted germination, albeit in low quantities (i.e. A. tatarica also adopts a low-risk strategy).Key words: Amaranthaceae, Atriplex, inbreeding depression, population genetics, seed dimorphism  相似文献   

Some representatives of the bivalve family Sphaeriidae are assumed to be polyploid. In this study, 11 sphaeriid species (nine of the genus Pisidium, one of Musculium, and one of Sphaerium) inhabiting central Europe were studied karyologically, 10 of them for the first time. Analysis revealed high chromosome numbers (from 140 to 240). To elucidate the origin of high chromosome numbers, DNA contents were measured by flow cytometry in 5 of the studied species and, for comparison, in S. corneum and S. nucleus, which are known to be diploid (2n=30). Species with high chromosome counts yielded very similar DNA contents that are not higher than in the related species with low diploid numbers. This finding contradicts a possible origin of these species by recent polyploidization or hybridization of related species. Chromosome complements of the investigated species with high chromosome numbers differ from those with low 2n in their small chromosome size and the high proportion of subtelo- or acrocentric chromosomes. This indicates their possible origin either by an ancient polyplodization event followed by chromosomal rearrangements or by multiple chromosome fissions.  相似文献   

Sheng ML  Broad GR  Sun SP 《ZooKeys》2011,(141):53-64
Three species of Ateleute Förster 1869 belonging to the tribe Cryptini of the subfamily Cryptinae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae), collected from Jiangxi Province, China, are reported, of which two are new for science: Ateleute ferruginea Sheng, Broad & Sun, sp. n. and AAteleute zixiensis Sheng, Broad & Sun, sp. n. One, AAteleute densistriata (Uchida, 1955), was previously known from China and Japan. A key to the species of genus Ateleute known in the Oriental Region is provided.  相似文献   

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