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《Insect Biochemistry》1990,20(6):573-583
Epidermal RNA isolated from different anatomical regions and metamorphic stages of Hyalophora cecropia was translated in vitro with commercial wheat germ and rabbit reticulocyte systems. The translation products were analyzed by 2D gel electrophoresis. The two systems yielded identical products if canine microsomal membranes were added to remove signal peptides from the reticulocyte products. The endogenous processing by the wheat germ extract occurred even in the presence of protease inhibitors. Some of the processed translation products co-migrated with unlabeled cuticular protein standards. All of the major cuticular proteins could be identified, but only when translations were carried out with RNA from epidermis underlying cuticle containing these proteins. Hence, cuticular protein distribution is due to differential synthesis and not to differential extractability. For larval abdominal RNA, most of the major translation products did not co-migrate with known larval cuticular proteins or with proteins synthesized and retained by the epidermis. These unknown products were lower in apparent molecular weight than the cuticular proteins. Their identity remains unknown; they may be premature translation products, but altering translation conditions did not reduce their abundance.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1989,19(1):41-46
The amino-terminal amino acid sequences for seven cuticular proteins from Hyalophora cecropia are reported. Proteins were purified by blotting two dimensional acrylamide gels onto acid-etched glass fiber filters, and the proteins were sequenced without further elution. The sequences of the serine-rich proteins from rigid cuticles revealed a new family of cuticular proteins, with features reminiscent of the amino-termini of certain vertebrate neurofilament proteins, members of the intermediate filament protein family which includes keratins. The proteins from flexible cuticles showed sequence similarity to proteins previously sequenced for Drosophila, Manduca and Sarcophaga. Proteins with identical electrophoretic mobility from two different metamorphic stages or from two anatomical regions within a single stage had identical amino-terminal sequences.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(3):485-492
The cuticular proteins from different anatomical regions and metamorphic stages of Hyalophora cecropia were analyzed with polyclonal antibodies raised against cuticular protein extracts from each stage. Western blots of 2D gels coupled with detection of antibody-antigen binding with avidin-biotinylated-horseradish peroxidase complexes (ABC method) proved to be extremely sensitive. Reactions of polyclonal antisera with blots of extracts of different cuticular regions revealed the following: (1) glycosylated cuticular proteins were highly antigenic; (2) there was less cross-reaction between rigid and flexible cuticles from the same metamorphic stage than among cuticles with similar mechanical properties from different stages; (3) proteins with identical molecular weights and isoelectric points were antigenically indistinguishable.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1987,17(3):457-468
The soluble cuticular proteins of defined anatomical regions from different metamorphic stages of the giant silkmoth, Hyalophora cecropia, were characterized by two dimensional electrophoresis. As urea concentrations in 2D gels were increased, some of the cuticular proteins from the larval dorsal abdomen decreased in mobility relative to the molecular weight standards. This decrease was also influenced by the pH and ionic strength of the resolving gel. Clustering of proteins into groups, whose members showed similar behavior under different electrophoretic conditions, was indicative of membership in multigene families. By such criteria, common families were found in cuticles with similar mechanical properties from different metamorphic stages, yet there was evidence that different members of a single family were independently regulated.  相似文献   

《Insect Biochemistry》1989,19(7):629-637
Prophenoloxidase (PPO) has been purified to homogeniety from hemolymph of Hyalophora cecropia. There are two forms of the enzyme with identical molecular weights (76 kDa). Four proteins directly involved in the activation of PPO have also been purified from the hemolymph. Active phenoloxidase is elicited by the addition of factor C1 and a serine protease (SPII), which alone cannot activate PPO. Purified SPII contains two proteins with Mr 43 and 53 kDa, the larger molecule may represent the unactivated enzyme. An inhibitor of the SPII catalyzed activation of PPO has been isolated. In addition a protein presumed to be dopa quinone imine conversion factor has been purified.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is the most common inherited cause of kidney failure and affects up to 12 million people worldwide. Germline mutations in two genes, PKD1 or PKD2, account for almost all patients with ADPKD. The ADPKD proteins, polycystin-1 (PC1) and polycystin-2 (PC2), are regulated by post-translational modifications (PTM), with phosphorylation, glycosylation and proteolytic cleavage being the best described changes. A few PTMs have been shown to regulate polycystin trafficking, signalling, localisation or stability and thus their physiological function. A key challenge for the future will be to elucidate the functional significance of all the individual PTMs reported to date. Finally, it is possible that site-specific mutations that disrupt PTM could contribute to cystogenesis although in the majority of cases, confirmatory evidence is awaited.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications of poliovirus proteins   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The post-translational modifications of poliovirus proteins have been investigated by analysis of glycosylation, sulphation, phosphorylation and acylation of the proteins made in the infected HeLa cells. No glycosylation or sulphation of proteins specific for virus-infected cells was apparent. A number of changes in the pattern of phosphorylated proteins took place. The specific myristylation of the structural protein VP4 and its precursors was clearly apparent. Acylation of viral proteins with oleic or palmitic acid was not detected. Myristylation took place in the presence of the protease inhibitor ZnCl2, but not in the presence of inhibitors of translation, such as cycloneximide and anysomycin.  相似文献   

Amino acid and cDNA sequences of lysozyme from Hyalophora cecropia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The amino acid and cDNA sequences of lysozyme from the giant silk moth Hyalophora cecropia have been determined. This enzyme is one of several immune proteins produced by the diapausing pupae after injection of bacteria. Cecropia lysozyme is composed of 120 amino acids, has a mol. wt. of 13.8 kd and shows great similarity with vertebrate lysozymes of the chicken type. The amino acid residues responsible for the catalytic activity and for the binding of substrate are essentially conserved. Three allelic variants of the Cecropia enzyme are identified. A comparison of the chicken and the Cecropia lysozymes shows that there is a 40% identity at both the amino acid and the nucleotide level. Some evolutionary aspects of the sequence data are discussed.  相似文献   

Six closely related antibacterial proteins, attacins A-F, were isolated from the hemolymph of immunized pupae of the Cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia. Chromatofocusing separated attacins A-F, with isoelectric points between 5.7 and 8.3. Immunological experiments show that the attacins constitute antibacterially active forms of the previously isolated inducible immune protein P5. Their mol. wts., 20-23 K, are similar to that of protein P5, but significantly lower than 28 K found for preP5 synthesized in vitro (see accompanying paper). The six attacins can be divided into two groups according to their amino acid composition and amino-terminal sequences, attacins A-D constitute a basic group and attacins E and F an acidic one. Within each group the forms are very similar. The attacins efficiently killed Escherichia coli and two other Gram-negative bacteria isolated from the gut of a silk worm but they did not act on other Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria tested. Only growing cells of E. coli were attacked; cells suspended in phosphate buffer were inert. Besides the cecropins and lysozyme, the attacins represent a third class of antibacterial proteins in the humoral immune system of H. cecropia.  相似文献   

Fat body cells of silkmoth pupae (Hyalophora cecropia ) contain granules, showing a less dense outer zone and a denser, often crystalline, inner portion appear after cocoon spinning and increase until the larval-pupal ecdysis; more granules are formed in females than in males. Urate granules, appearing fibrous in internal structure, first form about the same time, but their accumulation is more gradual, and continues in the pupa. Both types have been isolated by centrifugation. Protein granules dissolve in buffers to yield proteins 1 and 2, with distinct electrophoretic and antigenic properties. These proteins have been isolated individually from pupal fat body extracts by using their different thermal stabilities in phosphate buffer containing MgCl2 and (NH4)2SO4, respectively, and purification was completed by gel chromatography. Protein 1 has a molecular weight of 480,000 and a subunit of 85,000 daltons, while protein 2 gives values of 530,000 and 89,000, respectively. Their amino acid compositions are similar but distinct. Proteins 1 and 2 accumulate in the hemolymph, beginning 3 days before spinning, reach maximal levels at spinning, and then decline in the hemolymph while granules are formed in the fat body, although the total hemolymph protein concentration does not decline at this time. It is concluded that the fat body of the late, feeding larva synthesizes two related "storage proteins" and secretes them in partially crystalline granules as protein reserves for metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The majority of protein-based biopharmaceuticals approved or in clinical trials bear some form of post-translational modification (PTM), which can profoundly affect protein properties relevant to their therapeutic application. Whereas glycosylation represents the most common modification, additional PTMs, including carboxylation, hydroxylation, sulfation and amidation, are characteristic of some products. The relationship between structure and function is understood for many PTMs but remains incomplete for others, particularly in the case of complex PTMs, such as glycosylation. A better understanding of such structural-functional relationships will facilitate the development of second-generation products displaying a PTM profile engineered to optimize therapeutic usefulness.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial outer membrane surrounds the entire organelle. It is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins either embedded into or anchored to the bilayer and mediates the interactions between mitochondria and the rest of the cell. Most of the proteins present in the mitochondrial outer membrane are highly hydrophobic with one or more transmembrane segments. These proteins in conjunction with proteins localized in the inner membrane catalyse energy exchange reactions, the flux of small molecules such as ions, the activation and uptake of long chain fatty acids, import of proteins into the mitochondria, and elimination of biogenic amines among others. In addition, some outer membrane proteins serve as docking sites for non-resident enzymes such as hexokinase and other kinases of signal transduction. All these processes require an intact outer membrane and are highly regulated. One level of regulation with physiological/pathophysiological relevance involves post-translational modification of outer membrane proteins, either by phosphorylation, acetylation or other type of reversible covalent modification. Post-translational modification such as nitration and carbonylation becomes significant under disease states that are associated with increased oxidative stress, i.e. inflammation and ischemia. This review examines the different post-translational modifications of mitochondrial outer membrane proteins and discusses the physiological relevance of these modifications.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(1):16-28

The mitochondrial outer membrane surrounds the entire organelle. It is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins either embedded into or anchored to the bilayer and mediates the interactions between mitochondria and the rest of the cell. Most of the proteins present in the mitochondrial outer membrane are highly hydrophobic with one or more transmembrane segments. These proteins in conjunction with proteins localized in the inner membrane catalyse energy exchange reactions, the flux of small molecules such as ions, the activation and uptake of long chain fatty acids, import of proteins into the mitochondria, and elimination of biogenic amines among others. In addition, some outer membrane proteins serve as docking sites for non-resident enzymes such as hexokinase and other kinases of signal transduction. All these processes require an intact outer membrane and are highly regulated. One level of regulation with physiological/pathophysiological relevance involves post-translational modification of outer membrane proteins, either by phosphorylation, acetylation or other type of reversible covalent modification. Post-translational modification such as nitration and carbonylation becomes significant under disease states that are associated with increased oxidative stress, i.e. inflammation and ischemia. This review examines the different post-translational modifications of mitochondrial outer membrane proteins and discusses the physiological relevance of these modifications.  相似文献   

Protein monoaminylation is a biochemical process through which biogenic monoamines (e.g., serotonin, dopamine, histamine, etc.) are covalently bonded to certain protein substrates via Transglutaminase 2, an enzyme that catalyzes the transamidation of primary amines to the γ-carboxamides of glutamine residues. Since their initial discovery, these unusual post-translational modifications have been implicated in a wide variety of biological processes, ranging from protein coagulation to platelet activation and G-protein signaling. More recently, histone proteins – specifically histone H3 at glutamine 5 (H3Q5) – have been added to the growing list of monoaminyl substrates in vivo, with H3Q5 monoaminylation demonstrated to regulate permissive gene expression in cells. Such phenomena have further been shown to contribute critically to various aspects of (mal)adaptive neuronal plasticity and behavior. In this short review, we examine the evolution of our understanding of protein monoaminylation events, highlighting recent advances in the elucidation of their roles as important chromatin regulators.  相似文献   

Structure and expression of the attacin genes in Hyalophora cecropia   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
To study the regulation of the immune genes in insects, we have cloned and sequenced the attacin gene locus of the giant silk moth Hyalophora cecropia. The locus contains one acidic and one basic attacin gene as well as two pseudogenes, which are remnants of basic attacin genes. A small insertion element was found within the locus. The two functional attacin genes are transcribed in opposite directions and have two introns inserted at homologous positions. A common sequence, GGGGATTCCT, is found at nucleotide position -48 in the acidic gene and at nucleotide position -58 in the basic gene. Interestingly, this decanucleotide is similar to the consensus of the NF-k B-binding site. Expression studies revealed that both attacins are strongly induced by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, lipopolysaccharide and bacteria. However, only the acidic attacin gene showed a clear response to injury.  相似文献   

Incorporation of tritiated leucine into blood and cuticular proteins of male Hyalophora cecropia was monitored during the final third of pharate adult development. We found no changes in specific activity of the total blood proteins, but there were conspicuous alterations in the banding pattern obtained by acrylamide gel electrophoresis. The specific activity of the cuticular protein extract decreased with age, but the cause of this decline is not obvious. These final stages of exocuticle formation do not involve the appearance or synthesis of new blood or cuticular proteins.  相似文献   

Post-translational modifications of p21rho proteins.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Post-translational modifications of the ras proteins, which are required for plasma membrane localization and biological function of the proteins, have been shown to include prenylation and carboxymethylation at the carboxyl terminal cysteine residue of the cysteine-aliphatic amino acid-aliphatic amino acid-any amino acid (CAAX) box. In addition, p21Ha-ras and p21N-ras, but not p21K-ras (B), are palmitoylated. The three mammalian rho proteins (A, B, and C) are also members of the ras superfamily but have distinct biological activities and different intracellular distributions from p21ras. Analysis showed all three rho proteins are modified by a COOH-terminal carboxymethylation similar to p21ras, whereas p21rhoC labeled with [3H]mevalonic acid in vivo revealed the presence of a C20 prenoid, similar to that already described for p21rhoA. However, in vivo and in vitro studies of p21rhoB showed this protein to be modified by both C15 and C20 prenoids. Mutation of C193 in the CAAX box abolished prenylation, whereas mutation of the adjacent C192 resulted in a significant reduction in the amount of the C20, but not C15 prenoid, recovered from p21rhoB. In vivo labeling studies with [3H]palmitic acid and mutational analysis showed that both cysteine residues at 189 and 192 upstream of the CAAX box in p21rhoB are sites for palmitoylation. We conclude that there are different populations of post-translationally modified p21rhoB in the cell and that the sequence specificity for geranylgeranyl- and farnesyltransferases may be more complicated than previously proposed.  相似文献   

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