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Consideration of nitrogen fixation adds a positive nonlinear feedback to plankton ecosystem models. We investigate the consequences of this feedback for secondary phytoplankton blooms and the response of phytoplankton dynamics to physical forcing. The dynamics of phytoplankton, Trichodesmium (the nitrogen fixer), and nutrients is modeled with a system of three differential equations. The model includes two types of nonlinear interactions: the competition of phytoplankton and Trichodesmium for light, and the positive feedback resulting from Trichodesmium recycling. A typical simulation of the model in time, with forcing by a varying mixed-layer depth, reveals a clear successional sequence including a secondary or ‘echo’ bloom of the phytoplankton. We explain this sequence of events through the stability analysis of three different steady states of the model. Our analysis shows the existence of a critical biological parameter, the ratio of normalized growth rates, determining the occurrence of ‘echo’ blooms and the specific sequence of events following a physical perturbation. The interplay of positive and negative feedbacks appears essential to the timing and the type of events following such a perturbation.  相似文献   

Plant defences can reduce herbivore fitness and may promote cycles in some herbivore populations. In this study, we model the interaction between plant defences and herbivores and include seasonal forcing, a ubiquitous environmental influence in natural systems. We compare the impacts of two different seasonal mechanisms on the dynamics of the herbivore–plant defence system. The first mechanism involves a fixed breeding season length and a variable birth rate within the breeding season; the second involves a variable breeding season length and a fixed birth rate within the breeding season. When parameterised for a specific cyclic system, namely field voles and silica, our model predicts that a variable season length gives multi-year cycles for a larger region in parameter space than a variable birth rate. Our results highlight the complexity of the dynamical effects of seasonal forcing and that these effects are strongly dependent on the type of seasonal mechanism.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) treatments presently rely on analgesics, which manage pain but fail to restore imbalances between catabolic and anabolic processes that underlie OA pathogenesis. Recently, biologic (biotherapeutic) drugs, which alter the activity of catabolic agents such as nitric oxide and inflammatory cytokines in ways, allowing tissue regeneration, were evaluated for efficacy in OA treatment. These studies failed to demonstrate dramatic abatement of OA symptoms by these drugs, but suggested strategies by which biologic agents might be used to treat OA. The present review summarizes current understanding of OA pathogenesis and evolving treatments. Preliminary evaluations of a novel biotherapeutic strategy are presented here. Twenty OA patients receiving sour topical cherry seed extract (SCE), an inducer of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), a major physiological protectant against oxidative stress exhibited significantly decreased joint pain and activation of CD4+ T cells expressing inflammatory cytokines (p < 0.05), significantly decreased peripheral blood C-reactive protein (CRP), and increased leukocyte HO-1 (p < 0.05) in comparison with ten placebo-treated patients. SCE inhibits joint-damaging inflammatory mediator production. This agent therefore meets the main criterion for classification as a “biotherapeutic,” or “biologic” agent. The negligible toxicity and low cost of such materials make them promising contributors to OA treatment, sustainable within resource limitations of a wide range of patients.  相似文献   

We compared the location of anuran site records with the protected area network of Australia. We determined how many sites fell within protected areas (PAs) and assessed whether the available distribution of record sites matched that which could be expected by random chance. We also determined the number of PAs that each species was located in and how many were larger (>1,000 ha) PAs. A total of 25,961 from 96,947 record sites (26.78%) for 211 anuran species fell within 1 of 7,416 International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) criteria “reserves” that protect 7,689,024 ha (10.54%) of mainland Australia. One hundred and sixty-nine species represented by >30 records had a mean 30.05% of record sites within PAs, with 36 species having >45% of record sites in PAs and 18 species <10% of record sites within PAs. Highly “reserved” species are typically montane, prefer rainforest, and have small distributional ranges. Poorly “reserved” species either occur in northern Australia or within highly productive and poorly protected agricultural lands of eastern and western Australia. Several species from coastal eastern Australia have relatively high proportions of record sites within PAs (e.g., Litoria olongburensis and Uperoleia tyleri), even though they are generally believed to be threatened by habitat loss. The number of records available for each species was related to the area of occupancy and the length of calling season, but not to the relative frequency of calling activity. The number of record sites in reserves was greater than expected by chance and most species of frogs are found in many reserves. Species dependent on native vegetation that are prevalent in agricultural areas represent the most pressing issue, as there is already low reservation of such habitats and the remaining native vegetation continues to be cleared.  相似文献   



A cascading utilization of resources is encouraged especially by legislative bodies. However, only few consecutive assessments of the environmental impacts of cascading are available. This study provides answers to the following questions for using recovered wood as a secondary resource: (1) Does cascading decrease impacts on the environment compared to the use of primary wood resources? (2) What aspects of the cascading system are decisive for the life cycle assessment (LCA) results?


We conducted full LCAs for cascading utilization options of waste wood and compared the results to functionally equivalent products from primary wood, thereby focusing on the direct effects cascading has on the environmental impacts of the systems. In order to compare waste wood cascading to the use of primary wood with LCA, a functional equivalence of the systems has to be achieved. We applied a system expansion approach, considering different options for providing the additionally needed energy for the cascading system.

Results and discussion

We found that the cascading systems create fewer environmental impacts than the primary wood systems, if system expansion is based on wood energy. The most noticeable advantages were detected for the impact categories of land transformation and occupation and the demand of primary energy from renewable sources. The results of the sensitivity analyses indicate that the advantage of the cascading system is robust against the majority of considered factors. Efficiency and the method of incineration at the end of life do influence the results.


To maximize the benefits and minimize the associated environmental impacts, cascading proves to be a preferable option of utilizing untreated waste wood.  相似文献   

A number of finite element analyses (FEAs) for the dental implant were performed without regard for preload and with all interfaces ‘fixed-bonded’. The purpose of this study was comparing the stress distributions between the conventional FEA model with all contacting interfaces ‘fixed-bonded’ (bonded model) and the model with the interfaces of the components in ‘contact’ with friction simulated as a preloaded implant (contact model). We further verified the accuracy of the result of the FEA using model experiment. In the contact model, the stress was more widely distributed than in the bonded model. From the model study, the preload induced by screw tightening generated strain at the peri-implant bone, even before the application of external force. As a result, the bonded model could not reproduce the mechanical phenomena, whereas the contact model is considered to be appropriate for analysing mechanical problems.  相似文献   

Following a strategy similar to that used in baker’s yeast (Herrgård et al. Nat Biotechnol 26:1155–1160, 2008). A consensus yeast metabolic network obtained from a community approach to systems biology (Herrgård et al. 2008; Dobson et al. BMC Syst Biol 4:145, 2010). Further developments towards a genome-scale metabolic model of yeast (Dobson et al. 2010; Heavner et al. BMC Syst Biol 6:55, 2012). Yeast 5—an expanded reconstruction of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolic network (Heavner et al. 2012) and in Salmonella typhimurium (Thiele et al. BMC Syst Biol 5:8, 2011). A community effort towards a knowledge-base and mathematical model of the human pathogen Salmonella typhimurium LT2 (Thiele et al. 2011), a recent paper (Thiele et al. Nat Biotechnol 31:419–425, 2013). A community-driven global reconstruction of human metabolism (Thiele et al. 2013) described a much improved ‘community consensus’ reconstruction of the human metabolic network, called Recon 2, and the authors (that include the present ones) have made it freely available via a database at http://humanmetabolism.org/ and in SBML format at Biomodels (http://identifiers.org/biomodels.db/MODEL1109130000). This short analysis summarises the main findings, and suggests some approaches that will be able to exploit the availability of this model to advantage.  相似文献   

Advances in treatment of childhood leukaemia has led to vastly improved survival rates, however some subtypes such as those characterised by MLL gene rearrangement (MLL-r), especially in infants, continue to have high relapse rates and poor survival. Natural history and molecular studies indicate that infant acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) originates in utero, is distinct from childhood ALL, and most cases are caused by MLL-r resulting in an oncogenic MLL fusion protein. Unlike childhood ALL, only a very small number of additional mutations are present in infant ALL, indicating that MLL-r alone may be sufficient to give rise to this rapid onset, aggressive leukaemia in an appropriate fetal cell context. Despite modifications in treatment approaches, the outcome of MLL-r infant ALL has remained dismal and a clear understanding of the underlying biology of the disease is required in order to develop appropriate disease models and more effective therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Honeybees navigate to a food source using a sky-based compass to determine their travel direction, and an odometer to register how far they have travelled. The past 20 years have seen a renewed interest in understanding the nature of the odometer. Early work, pioneered by von Frisch and colleagues, hypothesized that travel distance is measured in terms of the energy that is consumed during the journey. More recent studies suggest that visual cues play a role as well. Specifically, bees appear to gauge travel distance by sensing the extent to which the image of the environment moves in the eye during the journey from the hive to the food source. Most of the evidence indicates that travel distance is measured during the outbound journey. Accumulation of odometric errors is restricted by resetting the odometer every time a prominent landmark is passed. When making detours around large obstacles, the odometer registers the total distance of the path that is flown to the destination, and not the “bee-line” distance. Finally, recent studies are revealing that bees can perform odometry in three dimensions.  相似文献   

Resprouting of trees and shrubs in forest-grassland ecotones is a key process to understand the dynamics of these systems under different disturbance regimes. This study integrates resprouting of grassland shrubs and pioneer forest trees (??gullivers??), burned in subtropical lowland grassland and cut in temperate highland grassland of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Per grassland site, 20 individuals each of 1?C2 grassland shrub species (Asteraceae) and two forest tree species (Myrsinaceae, Myrtaceae) were tagged, and post-disturbance survival and growth monitored for 1?year at 2?C4?month intervals. Differences in resprouting vigour (summed-up basal area of resprouted shoots per pre-disturbance summed-up area of basal stems), and in density and allometry of resprouted shoots (allocation mode) were compared between tree and shrub species by linear mixed effects modelling and multiple comparisons, using the Tukey test. All grassland shrub individuals resprouted and regained 73?C142?% (species average) of pre-disturbance basal area within one year, as opposed to 14?C24?% in trees. All Myrtaceae ??gullivers?? resprouted, but up to two-thirds of Myrsine individuals did not survive disturbance. Tree species tended to produce either many slender or few stout shoots, while shrub species were intermediate between these extremes. Forest trees regained 22?C46?% of pre-disturbance height, independent of allocation mode, and grassland shrubs up to 73?%. This suggests that grassland fires allow grassland shrubs but not forest trees to persist and to grow to reproductive size. Differing sprout allocation modes may reflect allometric constraints rather than strategies to outgrow the fire-prone grass matrix.  相似文献   

Controlled fermentation of maize was carried out using six strains of Lactobacillus fermentum and one strain of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, isolated from traditionally fermented maize dough as starter cultures for inoculum enrichement. The fermentations were monitored by pH, acidity, microbiological analysis and taste panel evaluation of two products, kenkey and koko, prepared from the fermented doughs. The strains of L. fermentum used as starter culture dominated the microflora during fermentation and in most inoculated doughs the required pH was attained by 24 h instead of 48 h of dough fermentation. Higher contents of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts were observed in inoculated doughs at the initial stages of fermentation but the spontaneously fermented doughs attained similar lactic acid bacteria and yeasts counts by 24 h of dough fermentation. The organoleptic quality of kenkey and koko prepared from doughs fermented with starter culture for 48 h was not significantly different from the traditional products. Kenkey prepared from doughs fermented for 24 h with starter culture were found to be unacceptable by the taste panel although similarly produced koko was acceptable.The authors are with the Food Research Institute, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, P.O Box M 20. Accra, Ghana.  相似文献   

《Ecological Complexity》2007,4(1-2):26-33
In plankton ecology, it is a fundamental question as to how a large number of competing phytoplankton species coexist in marine ecosystems under a seemingly-limited variety of resources. This ever-green question was first proposed by Hutchinson [Hutchinson, G.E., 1961. The paradox of the plankton. Am. Nat. 95, 137–145] as ‘the paradox of the plankton’. Starting from Hutchinson [Hutchinson, G.E., 1961. The paradox of the plankton. Am. Nat. 95, 137–145], over more than four decades several investigators have put forward varieties of mechanisms for the extreme diversity of phytoplankton species. In this article, within the boundary of our knowledge, we review the literature of the proposed solutions and give a brief overview of the mechanisms proposed so far. The proposed mechanisms that we discuss mainly include spatial and temporal heterogeneity in physical and biological environment, externally imposed or self-generated spatial segregation, horizontal mesoscale turbulence of ocean characterized by coherent vortices, oscillation and chaos generated by several internal and external causes, stable coexistence and compensatory dynamics under fluctuating temperature in resource competition, and finally the role of toxin-producing phytoplankton in maintaining the coexistence and biodiversity of the overall plankton population that we have proposed recently. We find that, although the different mechanisms proposed so far is potentially applicable to specific ecosystems, a universally accepted theory for explaining plankton diversity in natural waters is still an unachieved goal.  相似文献   

This paper examines claims made about the role of ‘expert knowledge’ in analysing the language of individuals seeking asylum in the UK. I treat policy as a type of power and seek to understand how this policy uses the language of science to further the British government's stated interest to provide ‘secure borders’ and a ‘safe haven’ for refugees. I look at how the Home Office defines, shapes and implements the policy, and at how the policy has influenced judicial decisions. In short I unmask UKBA's claim that it relies upon expert, scientific knowledge to assess asylum claims.  相似文献   

Antibiotics have a strong killing effect on bacteria and are the first choice for the prevention and treatment of bacterial infectious diseases. Therefore, they have been widely used in the medical field, animal husbandry and planting industry. However, with the massive use of antibiotics, more and more antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) have emerged. Because human intestines are rich in nutrients, have suitable temperature, and are high in bacterial abundance, they can easily become a hotbed for the spread of ARB and antibiotic-resistant genes (ARGs). When opportunistic pathogenic bacteria in the intestine acquire ARGs, the infectious diseases caused by such opportunistic pathogens will become more difficult to treat, or even impossible to cure. Therefore, ARB in the human intestine are like a ‘time bomb’. In this review, we discuss the sources of intestinal ARB and the transmission routes of ARGs in the human intestine from the perspective of One Health. Further, we describe various methods to prevent the emergence of ARB and inhibit the spread of ARGs in the human intestine. Finally, we may be able to overcome ARB in the human intestine using an interdisciplinary ‘One Health’ approach.  相似文献   

Parasitic protists are a major cause of diarrhoeal illnesses in humans globally. Collectively, enteric pathogens exceed all other forms of infectious disease, in terms of their estimated global prevalence and socioeconomic impact. They have a disproportionately high impact on children in impoverished communities, leading to acute (diarrhoea, vomiting, dehydration and death) and chronic disease (malabsorption, malnutrition, physical and cognitive stunting and predisposition to chronic, non-communicable disease) consequences. However, historically, investment in research and disease control measures has been disproportionately poor, leading to their current classification as neglected pathogens. A sound understanding of their biology is essential in underpinning detection, treatment and control efforts. One major tool in rapidly improving our knowledge of these parasites is the use of biological systems, including ‘omic’ technologies. In recent years, these tools have shown significant success when applied to enteric protists. This review summarises much of this knowledge and highlights the significant remaining knowledge gaps. A major focus of the present review was to provide a perspective on a way forward to address these gaps using advanced biotechnologies.  相似文献   

The influence of nodal rooting on branching was studied in three evolutionarily and morphologically diverse species of prostrate clonal herbs: Tradescantia fluminensis (a monocotyledonous extreme ‘phalanx’ species), Calystegia silvatica (a dicotyledonous extreme ‘guerrilla’ species) and Trifolium repens (a dicotyledonous intermediate species). In all three, branch development from axillary buds is regulated by a positive signal produced by roots together with inhibitory influences from both pre-existing branches and shoot apical buds (apical dominance). Responses to nodal roots are cumulative and increased root activity leads to more vigorous bud outgrowth. In the absence of nodal roots, a single basal root system is unable to maintain continued extension growth of the shoot. We suggest that as individual nodal roots and stem internodes are both short-lived in these nodally-rooting clonal species, the plants’ investment in them is minimal. Thus, in contrast to perennial species lacking nodal roots, individual root systems in prostrate clonal herbs are small and stems have little secondary thickening and development of long-distance transport tissues. Hence the decline in extension growth of the shoot in the absence of nodal roots could be linked to the weak development of long-distance transport tissues in their relatively thin horizontal stems and to resource sharing between primary stems and lateral branches (as suggested by the greater retardation of primary stem growth in the more profusely branched ‘phalanx’ species (Trifolium and Tradescantia) than in the weakly branched ‘guerrilla’ species, Calystegia). These findings are consistent with the view that the long-term persistence of genotypes of nodally-rooting prostrate species is dependent upon them encountering the moist conditions required to facilitate the continual development of new young nodal root systems.  相似文献   

Basing his analysis on Kroeber's ‘The superorganic’ (1917 Kroeber, A. L. 1917. The superorganic.. American Anthropologist, 19: 163213. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]) and ‘Eighteen professions’ (1915 Kroeber, A. L. 1915. Eighteen professions.. American Anthropologist, 17: 28388. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]), Derek Freeman has put forward the notion of a ‘Boasian paradigm’, whereby Kroeber is alleged to have perpetuated the biology/culture split suggested by Boas. I argue, instead, that there is a strong innatist element in Kroeber's writings throughout his long career; and that the articles noted above need to be placed in the social and intellectual contexts of their time, particularly the encroachment of the eugenics movement on social theory and its application to immigration restriction.  相似文献   

Summary DNa has been extracted from hamster-human and mouse-human hybrid cell lines, restricted with EcoRI, and hybridised to a probe for the H subunit of human ferritin, pDBR2. Sequences highly homologous to this probe have been found on at least eight human chromosomes: 1, 2, 3, 6p216cen, 11, 14, 20, and Xq23–25Xqter. Only the gene on chromosome 11 appears to be expressed in these hybrids Southern blotting of DNA from somatic cell hybrids containing different subsets of human chromosomes. The study shows that H subunit sequences are found on at least nine different chromosomes.  相似文献   

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