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cDNA clone for human liver S-adenosylmethionine synthetase (liver-specific isoenzyme) was isolated from a cDNA library of human liver poly(A)+ RNA. The cDNA sequence encoded a polypeptide consisting of 395 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular mass of 43675 Da. Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequence of this protein with that of rat liver S-adenosylmethionine synthetase showed a high degree of similarity. The coding region of the human liver S-adenosylmethionine synthetase cDNA sequence was 89% identical at the nucleotide level and 95% identical at the amino acid level to the sequence for rat liver S-adenosylmethionine synthetase.  相似文献   

We previously reported the isolation of a cDNA encoding the liver-specific isozyme of rat S-adenosylmethionine synthetase from a lambda gt11 rat liver cDNA library. Using this cDNA as a probe, we have isolated and sequenced cDNA clones for the rat kidney S-adenosylmethionine synthetase (extrahepatic isoenzyme) from a lambda gt11 rat kidney cDNA library. The complete coding sequence of this enzyme mRNA was obtained from two overlapping cDNA clones. The amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNAs indicates that this enzyme contains 395 amino acids and has a molecular mass of 43,715 Da. The predicted amino acid sequence of this protein shares 85% similarity with that of rat liver S-adenosylmethionine synthetase. This result suggests that kidney and liver isoenzymes may have originated from a common ancestral gene. In addition, comparison of known S-adenosylmethionine synthetase sequences among different species also shows that these proteins have a high degree of similarity. The distribution of kidney- and liver-type S-adenosylmethionine synthetase mRNAs in kidney, liver, brain, and testis were examined by RNA blot hybridization analysis with probes specific for the respective mRNAs. A 3.4-kilobase (kb) mRNA species hybridizable with a probe for kidney S-adenosylmethionine synthetase was found in all tissues examined except for liver, while a 3.4-kb mRNA species hybridizable with a probe for liver S-adenosylmethionine synthetase was only present in the liver. The 3.4-kb kidney-type isozyme mRNA showed the same molecular size as the liver-type isozyme mRNA. Thus, kidney- and liver-type S-adenosylmethionine synthetase isozyme mRNAs were expressed in various tissues with different tissue specificities.  相似文献   

CR39 is a cholesterol-repressible rat liver cDNA previously isolated by differential hybridization (Clarke, C.F., Tanaka, R.D., Svenson, K., Wamsley, M., Fogelman, A.M., and Edwards, P.A. (1987) Mol. Cell. Biol. 7, 3138-3146). To precisely identify the function of CR39 a fusion protein was constructed that contained the amino-terminal region of the bacterial protein anthranilate synthetase fused to the full length CR39 polypeptide. Affinity purified antisera directed against the fusion protein inactivated rat liver cytosolic prenyltransferase activity in vitro. In addition, affinity purified antisera made to purified chicken prenyltransferase cross-reacted with the fusion protein containing CR39. Rat hepatic prenyltransferase activity and enzyme mass were quantitated in animals fed diets or drugs known to alter endogenous cholesterol biosynthesis. Rats fed a diet supplemented with cholestyramine and mevinolin showed a 3.5-fold increase in activity and a 5.0-fold increase in mass of cytosolic prenyltransferase. A diet supplemented with cholesterol resulted in approximately a 4.0-fold decrease in hepatic enzyme activity and a 10-fold decrease in enzyme mass. Under these same dietary regimens the mass of prenyltransferase in the testes remained unchanged. We conclude that CR39 encodes the prenyltransferase of cholesterol biosynthesis, farnesyl pyrophosphate synthetase. Furthermore, in the liver this enzyme shows coordinate regulation with two other enzymes, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase, in response to cholesterol feeding and hypocholesterolemic drugs.  相似文献   

cDNA clones for alpha-L-fucosidase were isolated from a rat liver lambda gt11 expression library by using both monospecific polyclonal antibodies against the affinity-purified enzyme and biotinylated rat liver fucosidase cDNA sequences as probes. The largest clone, lambda FC9, contained a 1522 bp full-length cDNA insert (FC9) that encoded the 434-amino acid-residue subunit (Mr 50439) of rat liver alpha-L-fucosidase. A putative signal peptide 28 amino acid residues in length preceded the sequence for the mature protein. In addition, FC9 specified for 11 nucleotide residues of 5' untranslated sequence, 78 nucleotide residues of 3' untranslated sequence and a poly(A) tail. The deduced amino acid sequence from FC9 in conjunction with the experimentally determined N-terminus of the mature enzyme suggested that rat liver fucosidase did not contain a pro-segment. However, there was the possibility of limited N-terminal processing (one to five amino acid residues) having occurred after removal of the predicted signal peptide. Amino acid sequences deduced from FC9 were co-linear with amino acid sequences measured at the N-terminus of purified fucosidase and on two of its CNBr-cleavage peptides. An unusual aspect of rat liver alpha-L-fucosidase protein structure obtained from the FC9 data was its high content of tryptophan (6%). The coding sequence from FC9 showed 82% sequence identity with that from a previously reported incomplete human fucosidase sequence [O'Brien, Willems, Fukushima, de Wet, Darby, DiCioccio, Fowler & Shows, (1987) Enzyme 38, 45-53].  相似文献   

A full length cDNA for acid phosphatase in rat liver lysosomes was isolated and sequenced. The predicted amino acid sequence comprises 423 residues (48,332 Da). A putative signal peptide of 30 residues is followed by the NH2-terminal sequence of lysosomal acid phosphatase (45,096 Da). The deduced NH2-terminal 18-residue sequence is identical with that determined directly for acid phosphatases purified from the rat liver lysosomal membranes. The primary structure deduced for acid phosphatase contains 9 potential N-glycosylation sites and a hydrophobic region which could function as a transmembrane domain. It exhibits 89% and 67% sequence similarities in amino acids and nucleic acids, respectively, to human lysosomal acid phosphatase. The amino acid sequence of the putative transmembrane segment shows a complete similarity to that of the human enzyme. Northern blot hybridization analysis identified a single species of acid phosphatase mRNA (2.2 kbp in length) in rat liver.  相似文献   

S-Adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) synthetase alpha and beta were purified to homogeneity, as judged by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis from rat liver. When the purified enzymes were applied onto Sephacryl S-200, each synthetase was eluted together with a tripolyphosphatase. The activities of these isozymes in synthesizing AdoMet and in hydrolyzing tripolyphosphate decreased in parallel with increasing amounts of rabbit anti-(beta-form) IgG. The activity of the beta-form isozyme was markedly stimulated by the addition of tripolyphosphate, whereas that of the alpha-form isozyme was inhibited. The tripolyphosphatase activity of both the alpha- and the beta-form was markedly stimulated by the addition of AdoMet. The tripolyphosphatases of each isozyme showed some other similar properties.  相似文献   

S-Adenosylmethionine decarboxylase was purified from bovine liver and digested with endopeptidase Lys-C; the resulting peptides were chromatographically separated. Peptides containing either methionine or tryptophan were subjected to sequence analysis. An oligonucleotide mixture of 48 sequences, which was 17 nucleotides in length, was synthesized based on one of these peptide sequences. This synthetic oligonucleotide mixture was labeled and used to screen a bovine cDNA library in phage lambda gt11. A clone was identified which contained a 1350-nucleotide insert. This insert contained nucleotide sequences coding for amino acid sequences of two of the peptides that were analyzed, thus proving that this cDNA clone codes for S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase. A subcloned fragment from the coding region of the cDNA was used as a probe to analyze the expression of this gene in mitogen-activated lymphocytes. Northern blots revealed two message species of 2.4 and 3.6 kilobases in length. Both mRNAs were coordinately expressed and were present in polysomes. The levels of these mRNAs increased approximately 4-fold by 9 h after activation of the cells. The magnitude of the increase in these messages is to be compared with an 8- to 10-fold increase in the rate of synthesis of the protein. The apparent increase in translational efficiency of this message upon lymphocyte activation was confirmed by analyzing polysomes from these cells. In resting lymphocytes, the average size of polysomes containing mRNA coding for S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase was 1.4 ribosomes per mRNA, and this value increased to 2.7 in stimulated cells. Thus, it appears that the increase in translational efficiency of this mRNA arises from an elevated rate of translational initiation, leading to more ribosomes per polysome encoding this particular message. This is not a general effect on the expression of all proteins, since there is no change in the translational efficiency of cytoplasmic actin upon activation of lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Rat liver S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) synthetase appears as high-M(r) (tetramer) and low-M(r) (dimer) forms. Both are inhibited in the presence of GSSG at pH 8. The calculated Ki values are 2.14 and 4.03 mM for the high- and low-M(r) forms, respectively. No effect on enzyme activity was observed in the presence of GSH, but modulation of inhibition by GSSG can be obtained by addition of GSH. At a total glutathione concentration (GSH + GSSG) of 10 mM, a KOX of 1.74 was calculated for the high-M(r) form, whereas this constant was 2.85 for the low-M(r) AdoMet synthetase. No incorporation of [35S]GSSG was observed in either of the enzyme forms, and inhibition of enzyme activity was correlated with dissociation of both AdoMet synthetases to a monomer. The data obtained in the presence of GSSG seem to suggest that oxidation leads to the formation of an intrasubunit disulfide. The possible regulation of AdoMet synthetase activity by the GSH/GSSG ratio is discussed, as well as its in vivo significance.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding rat liver aspartyl-tRNA synthetase was isolated by probing a lambda gt11 recombinant cDNA expression library with antibodies directed against the corresponding polypeptide from sheep liver. The 1930-base pairs-long cDNA insert allowed the expression in Escherichia coli of an active enzyme of mammalian origin. The nucleotide sequence of that cDNA, corresponding to the DRS1 gene, was determined. The open reading frame of DRS1 corresponds to a protein of Mr = 57,061, in good agreement with the previously determined molecular weight of the purified enzyme. The deduced amino acid sequence shows extensive homologies with that of yeast cytoplasmic aspartyl-tRNA synthetase, more than 50% of the residues being identical. In rat liver, aspartyl-tRNA synthetase occurs in two distinct forms: a dimeric enzyme and a component of a multienzyme complex comprising the nine aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases specific for arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glutamine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, and proline. The primary structure of the DRS1 gene product is discussed in relation to the occurrence of two distinct forms of that enzyme.  相似文献   

S-adenosylmethionine synthetase (AdoMet synthetase) is responsible for the synthesis of the major methyl donor S-adenosylmethionine. The AdoMet synthetase gene was identified by subtractive suppressive hybridization as being expressed at higher levels in the liver of rats continuously exposed to growth hormone (GH) than in rats intermittently exposed to the hormone. Further studies on the regulation of AdoMet synthetase showed that the activity and mRNA levels were higher in female than in male rats. Hypophysectomy increased AdoMet synthetase mRNA in both male and female rats. Combined thyroxine and cortisol treatment of hypophysectomized rats had no effect on AdoMet synthetase mRNA levels. Two daily injections of GH for 7 days, mimicking the male secretory pattern of GH, decreased AdoMet synthetase activity and mRNA levels. A continuous infusion of GH, mimicking the female secretory pattern of GH, had small or no effects on AdoMet synthetase activity and decreased the mRNA levels to a lesser degree than two daily injections. It is concluded that the lower AdoMet synthetase activity in male rats is due to an inhibitory effect of the male characteristic pulsatile secretory pattern of GH on AdoMet synthetase mRNA expression.  相似文献   

We have isolated a cDNA encoding an endoplasmic reticulum alpha-mannosidase, an asparagine-linked oligosaccharide processing enzyme, from a rat liver lambda gt11 library. Two degenerate oligonucleotides, based on amino acid sequence data from the purified enzyme, were used as primers in the polymerase chain reaction with liver cDNA as a template to generate an unambiguous cDNA probe. The cDNA fragment (524 base pair) obtained was then used to isolate cDNA clones by hybridization. We isolated two overlapping clones which were used to construct a full-length cDNA of 3392 base pairs. A single open reading frame of 1040 amino acids encodes a protein with a molecular mass of 116 kilodaltons containing the six known peptide sequences. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed no classical signal sequence or membrane-spanning domain. The alpha-mannosidase encoding cDNA can be expressed transiently in COS cells using the mammalian expression vector pXM, causing a 400-fold increase in alpha-mannosidase activity as well as a dramatic increase in immunoreactive polypeptide. The rat liver endoplasmic reticulum alpha-mannosidase bears striking homology to the vacuolar alpha-mannosidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding rat cationic trypsinogen   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A cDNA encoding rat cationic trypsinogen has been isolated by immunoscreening from a rat pancreas cDNA library. The protein encoded by this cDNA is highly basic and contains all of the structural features observed in trypsinogens. The amino acid sequence of rat cationic trypsinogen is 75% and 77% homologous to the two anionic rat trypsinogens. The homology of rat cationic trypsinogen to these anionic trypsinogens is lower than its homology to other mammalian cationic trypsinogens, suggesting that anionic and cationic trypsins probably diverged prior to the divergence of rodents and ungulates. The most unusual feature of this trypsinogen is the presence of an activation peptide containing five aspartic acid residues, in contrast to all other reported trypsinogen activation peptides which contain four acidic amino acid residues. Comparisons of cationic and anionic trypsins reveal that the majority of the charge changes occur in the C-terminal portion of the protein, which forms the substrate binding site. Several regions of conserved charge differences between cationic and anionic trypsins have been identified in this region, which may influence the rate of hydrolysis of protein substrates.  相似文献   

S-Adenosylmethionine synthetase exists in at least two distinct forms, alpha- and beta-forms, in adult liver. The beta-form was purified to homogeneity from the soluble fraction of rat liver with a yield of about 10%. An antiserum directed against the purified beta-form from rat liver was prepared by injecting the purified enzyme into a rabbit. Ouchterlony double diffusion analysis and immunochemical titrations revealed that the isozymes, alpha- and beta-forms, are identical. Thus, the alpha-form was isolated from rat liver as a single protein using immunoaffinity chromatography against the beta-form. The molecular weights of the beta- and alpha-forms were determined to be 48,000 each by sodium dodecyl sulfate disc gel electrophoresis, and about 100,000, and 200,000, respectively, by Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration. These results indicate that the beta-form consisted of two subunits of 48,000 daltons and the alpha-form of four subunits of 48,000 daltons. The sedimentation coefficient was calculated to be 5.5S for the beta-form and 8.0S for the alpha-form.  相似文献   

We isolated and sequenced LGP 96, a cDNA clone corresponding to the entire coding sequence of the rat liver lysosomal membrane sialoglycoprotein with an apparent Mr of 96 K, LGP 96. The deduced amino acid sequence indicates that LGP 96 consists of 411 amino acid residues (Mr 45,163) and the 26 NH2-terminal residues presumably constitute a cleavable signal peptide. The major portion of LGP 96 resides on the luminal side of the lysosome and bears a large number of N-linked heavily sialylated complex type carbohydrate chains, giving the mature molecule of 96 kDa. The protein has 17 potential N-glycosylation sites and 32.1 and 65.3% sequence similarities in amino acid to LGP 107 and human lamp-2, respectively. The glycosylation sites are clustered into two domains separated by a hinge-like structure enriched with proline and threonine. LGP 96 possesses one putative transmembrane domain consisting of 24 hydrophobic amino acids near the COOH-terminus and contains a short cytoplasmic segment constituting 12 amino acid residues at the COOH-terminal end. Comparison of LGP 96 and recently cloned lysosomal membrane glycoprotein sequences reveals strong similarity in the putative transmembrane domain and cytoplasmic tail. It is very likely that these portions are important for the targeting of molecules to lysosomes. A comparison of LGP 96 and LGP 107 showed numerous structural similarities.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of a cDNA clone encoding rat 5-lipoxygenase   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A full-length cDNA clone encoding 5-lipoxygenase, a key enzyme in the formation of leukotrienes, was isolated from a rat basophilic leukemia cell lambda gt11 cDNA library. The 2.5-kilobase (kb) cDNA insert, whose identity was confirmed by hybrid-select translation and DNA sequence analysis, has a 2.0-kb open reading frame encoding a protein of Mr approximately 77,600 and includes 60 base pairs of 5'-untranslated region and 0.4 kb of 3'-untranslated region to the polyadenylation signal. The deduced amino acid sequence shows significant homology with published sequences for the rabbit reticulocyte lipoxygenase and soybean lipoxygenase-1; it also contains sequences similar to a consensus sequence found in several calcium-dependent membrane-binding proteins. The cDNA recognizes a 2.6-kb mRNA species which is detected in all tissues but is particularly abundant in RNA from lung.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli metK mutant, designated metK110, was isolated among spontaneous ethionine-resistant organisms selected at 42 degrees C. The S-adenosylmethionine synthetase activity of this mutant was present at lower levels than in the corresponding wild-type strain and was more labile than the wild-type enzyme when heated or dialyzed. A mixture of mutant and wild-type enzyme preparations had an activity equal to the sum of the component activities. These facts strongly suggest that the mutated gene in this strain is the structural gene for this enzyme. Genetic mapping experiments placed the metK110 mutation near or at the site of other known metK mutants (i.e., 63 min), confirming its designation as a metK mutant. A revised gene order has been established for this region, i.e., metC glc speC metK speB serA.  相似文献   

Isolation of the mRNA encoding rat liver catechol-O-methyltransferase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A highly specific, well characterized rabbit antiserum to purified rat liver catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT; EC and the procedure of polysome immunoadsorption have been used to isolate a messenger RNA which encodes a single polypeptide when translated in vitro. Western blotting and immune fixation have shown multiple active forms of the enzyme to exist; a major, soluble one with MW of 23,000 and pI of 5.2 and another, membrane-bound one with MW of 26,000 and a pI of 6.2 (1). When translated in vitro, the purified message synthesizes a protein of molecular weight (MW) 23,000 and pI 5.2, values in agreement with those for purified enzyme reported by other investigators (2,3). Only the soluble form is seen after in vitro translation; the other immunoreactive proteins possibly arise due to post-translational modifications which do not occur in the lysate; or perhaps another mRNA exists. Cloning of the COMT cDNA will resolve this issue and should be feasible in light of our data indicating that the mRNA isolated here represents 0.46% of total rat liver polyadenylated message.  相似文献   

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