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ZnuA is the soluble component of the high-affinity ZnuABC zinc transporter belonging to the ATP-binding cassette-type periplasmic Zn-binding proteins. The zinc transporter ZnuABC is composed by three proteins: ZnuB, the membrane permease, ZnuC, the ATPase component and ZnuA, the soluble periplasmic metal-binding protein which captures Zn and delivers it to ZnuB.The ZnuA protein contains a charged flexible loop, rich in histidines and acidic residues, showing significant species-specific differences. Various studies have established that this loop contributes to the formation of a secondary zinc binding site, which has been proposed to be important in the acquisition of periplasmic Zn for its delivery to ZnuB or for regulation of zinc uptake. Due to its high mobility the structure of the histidine-rich loop has never been solved by X-ray diffraction studies. In this paper, through a combined use of molecular modeling, mutagenesis and fluorescence spectroscopy, we confirm the presence of two zinc binding sites characterized by different affinities for the metal ion and show that the flexibility of the loop is modulated by the binding of the zinc ions to the protein. The data obtained by fluorescence spectroscopy have then be used to validate a 3D model including the unsolved histidine-rich loop.  相似文献   

We have investigated the availability of zinc in the periplasmic space of Escherichia coli using a mutant Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase whose dimerization is triggered by zinc binding. This mutant enzyme accumulates in the monomeric form when wild type cells are grown in minimal medium, but assembles in the dimeric form when it is produced in the same medium by a mutant strain lacking the periplasmic zinc metallochaperone ZnuA. These results indicate that periplasmic zinc-containing proteins compete for metal binding when bacteria grow in environments where this element is present in traces. The effective ZnuA ability to sequester the available zinc ions from the periplasm suggests that zinc-containing cytoplasmic proteins are more important for bacterial viability than the periplasmic ones.  相似文献   

Bacterial ATP-binding cassette transport systems for high-affinity uptake of zinc and manganese use a cluster 9 solute-binding protein. Structures of four cluster 9 transport proteins have been determined previously. However, the structural determinants for discrimination between zinc and manganese remain under discussion. To further investigate the variability of metal binding sites in bacterial transporters, we have determined the structure of the zinc-bound transport protein ZnuA from Escherichia coli to 1.75 A resolution. The overall structure of ZnuA is similar to other solute-binding transporters. A scaffolding alpha-helix forms the backbone for two structurally related globular domains. The metal-binding site is located at the domain interface. The bound zinc ion is coordinated by three histidine residues (His78, His161 and His225) and one glutamate residue (Glu77). The functional role of Glu77 for metal binding is unexpected, because this residue is not conserved in previously determined structures of zinc and manganese-specific transport proteins. The observed metal coordination by four protein residues differs significantly from the zinc-binding site in the ZnuA transporter from Synechocystis 6803, which binds zinc via three histidine residues. In addition, the E. coli ZnuA structure reveals the presence of a disulfide bond in the C-terminal globular domain that is not present in previously determined cluster 9 transport protein structures.  相似文献   

胆固醇流出调节蛋白与胆固醇逆向转运   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Fang DZ  Liu BW 《生理科学进展》2000,31(4):331-333
高密度脂蛋白(HDL)能从外周细胞摄取我余胆固醇并运输至肝脏排出,防止其在血管壁沉积。外周细胞内胆固醇流向HDL的机制一直是人们积极探索但尚未弄清的问题。新近发表在《Nature Genetics》上的三篇论文在这个环节上取得了重大突破,他们通过对Tangier病的研究,发现由ATP-binding-cassette transporter 1基因编码的胆固醇流出调节蛋白(cholesterol-  相似文献   



In Gram-negative bacteria the ZnuABC transporter ensures adequate zinc import in Zn(II)-poor environments, like those encountered by pathogens within the infected host. Recently, the metal-binding protein ZinT was suggested to operate as an accessory component of ZnuABC in periplasmic zinc recruitment. Since ZinT is known to form a ZinT–ZnuA complex in the presence of Zn(II) it was proposed to transfer Zn(II) to ZnuA. The present work was undertaken to test this claim.


ZinT and its structural relationship with ZnuA have been characterized by multiple biophysical techniques (X-ray crystallography, SAXS, analytical ultracentrifugation, fluorescence spectroscopy).


The metal-free and metal-bound crystal structures of Salmonella enterica ZinT show one Zn(II) binding site and limited structural changes upon metal removal. Spectroscopic titrations with Zn(II) yield a KD value of 22 ± 2 nM for ZinT, while those with ZnuA point to one high affinity (KD < 20 nM) and one low affinity Zn(II) binding site (KD in the micromolar range). Sedimentation velocity experiments established that Zn(II)-bound ZinT interacts with ZnuA, whereas apo-ZinT does not. The model of the ZinT–ZnuA complex derived from small angle X-ray scattering experiments points to a disposition that favors metal transfer as the metal binding cavities of the two proteins face each other.


ZinT acts as a Zn(II)-buffering protein that delivers Zn(II) to ZnuA.

General significance

Knowledge of the ZinT–ZnuA relationship is crucial for understanding bacterial Zn(II) uptake.  相似文献   

1. In the last two decades, vast numbers of studies on the zinc nutriture of animals and man have been made. However, the biochemical and physiological events in controlling zinc nutrition are still poorly understood. This report concerns the progress made toward understanding the intestinal zinc absorption and secretion mechanisms. 2. Evidence is accumulating that zinc absorption is a facilitated diffusion while zinc secretion is an active transport. 3. It is known that a low molecular weight zinc-binding ligand (LMW-ZBL) is a key regulator of intestinal zinc absorption, possibly a carrier molecule across the intestinal mucosal cells. Some high molecular weight zinc-binding ligands also appear to be involved in regulating intestinal zinc transport. 4. The identity of the LMW-ZBL is a matter of controversy and its specific role in regulating intestinal zinc transport is not well defined. 5. According to the available literature, no systemic investigations have been made to elucidate the intestinal zinc transport mechanisms, and much more information is needed to fully understand them.  相似文献   

The role for zinc in replication protein A   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Heterotrimeric human single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-binding protein, replication protein A (RPA), is a central player in DNA replication, recombination, and repair. The C terminus of the largest subunit, RPA70, contains a putative zinc-binding motif and is implicated in complex formation with two smaller subunits, RPA14 and RPA32. The C-terminal domain of RPA70 (RPA70-CTD) was characterized using proteolysis and x-ray fluorescence emission spectroscopy. The proteolytic core of this domain comprised amino acids 432-616. X-ray fluorescence spectra revealed that RPA70-CTD possesses a coordinated Zn(II). The trimeric complex of RPA70-CTD, the ssDNA-binding domain of RPA32 (amino acids 43-171), and RPA14 had strong DNA binding activity. When properly coordinated with zinc, the trimer's affinity to ssDNA was only 3-10-fold less than that of the ssDNA-binding domain in the middle of RPA70. However, the DNA-binding activity of the trimer was dramatically reduced in the presence of chelating agents. Our data indicate that (i) Zn(II) is essential to stabilize the tertiary structure of RPA70-CTD; (ii) RPA70-CTD possesses DNA-binding activity, which is modulated by Zn(II); and (iii) ssDNA binding by the trimer is a synergistic effect generated by the RPA70-CTD and RPA32.  相似文献   

ZnuA is the periplasmic Zn2+-binding protein associated with the high-affinity ATP-binding cassette ZnuABC transporter from Escherichia coli. Although several structures of ZnuA and its homologs have been determined, details regarding metal ion stoichiometry, affinity, and specificity as well as the mechanism of metal uptake and transfer remain unclear. The crystal structures of E. coli ZnuA (Eco-ZnuA) in the apo, Zn2+-bound, and Co2+-bound forms have been determined. ZnZnuA binds at least two metal ions. The first, observed previously in other structures, is coordinated tetrahedrally by Glu59, His60, His143, and His207. Replacement of Zn2+ with Co2+ results in almost identical coordination geometry at this site. The second metal binding site involves His224 and several yet to be identified residues from the His-rich loop that is unique to Zn2+ periplasmic metal binding receptors. Electron paramagnetic resonance and X-ray absorption spectroscopic data on CoZnuA provide additional insight into possible residues involved in this second site. The second site is also detected by metal analysis and circular dichroism (CD) titrations. Eco-ZnuA binds Zn2+ (estimated K d < 20 nM), Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Cu+, and Cd2+, but not Mn2+. Finally, conformational changes upon metal binding observed in the crystal structures together with fluorescence and CD data indicate that only Zn2+ substantially stabilizes ZnuA and might facilitate recognition of ZnuB and subsequent metal transfer. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   



Automatic semantic role labeling (SRL) is a natural language processing (NLP) technique that maps sentences to semantic representations. This technique has been widely studied in the recent years, but mostly with data in newswire domains. Here, we report on a SRL model for identifying the semantic roles of biomedical predicates describing protein transport in GeneRIFs – manually curated sentences focusing on gene functions. To avoid the computational cost of syntactic parsing, and because the boundaries of our protein transport roles often did not match up with syntactic phrase boundaries, we approached this problem with a word-chunking paradigm and trained support vector machine classifiers to classify words as being at the beginning, inside or outside of a protein transport role.  相似文献   

Lamins are major structural proteins of the nucleus and are essential for nuclear integrity and organization of nuclear functions. Mutations in the human lamin genes lead to highly degenerative genetic diseases that affect a number of different tissues such as muscle, adipose or neuronal tissues, or cause premature ageing syndromes. New findings on the role of lamins in cellular signalling pathways, as well as in ubiquitin-mediated proteasomal degradation, have given important insights into possible mechanisms of pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are key elements of malaria control programs in endemic areas. A major step forward in recent years has been the production and use of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) in settings where microscopy is impracticable. Many current RDTs target the Plasmodium falciparum histidine-rich protein 2 (PfHRP2) released in the plasma of infected individuals. These RDTs have had an indisputably positive effect on malaria management, but still present several limitations, including the poor characterization of the commercial monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) used for PfHRP2 detection, variable sensitivity and specificity and high costs. RDT use is further limited by impaired stability caused by temperature fluctuations during transport and uncontrolled storage in field-based facilities. To circumvent such drawbacks, an alternative could be the development of well-characterized, stabilized recombinant antibodies, with high binding affinity and specificity. Here, we report the characterization of the cDNA sequences encoding the Fab fragment of F1110 and F1546, two novel anti-PfHRP2 mAbs. FabF1546 was produced in the Escherichia coli periplasm. Its properties of binding to the parasite and to a recombinant PfHRP-2 antigen were similar to those of the parental mAb. As the affinity and stability of recombinant antibodies can be improved by protein engineering, our results open a novel approach for the development of an improved RDT for malaria diagnosis.Key words: Plasmodium falciparum, malaria, histidine-rich protein, monoclonal antibodies, recombinant Fab, rapid diagnostic test  相似文献   

Loss of the lysosomal chloride transport protein ClC-7 leads to complex phenotypes in mice and man, including osteopetrosis, accumulation of lysosomal storage material and neurodegeneration. Using novel tissue-specific ClC-7 knockout mice, we have shown that upon loss of ClC-7, lysosomal degradation of endocytosed protein is slowed down and accumulation of autophagosomes occurs.  相似文献   

The L-proline transport system of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is shown to be specifically inactivated upon incubation of intact yeast cells with the histidine modifier diethylpyrocarbonate. The extent of inactivation is half-maximum at 0.5 mM diethylpyrocarbonate for an incubation of 2 min at 30 degrees C and pH 6.0. Under the same conditions, the time dependence of inactivation is monophasic with the second-order rate constant of 5.5 M-1 X s-1 and the maximum rate Jmax of L-proline transport is lowered by about 50%, while the KT value remains unchanged. Moreover, L-proline afforded significant protection against diethylpyrocarbonate inactivation. The complete reactivation of a partially inactivated L-proline transport system by neutral hydroxylamine and the elimination of the possibility that the modification of other amino acid residues are responsible for the inactivation, suggested that the transport protein inactivation occurs solely by a modification of histidine residues.  相似文献   

The purification, cloning, and complete cDNA-derived sequence of a 17-kDa protein of Dictyostelium discoideum are described. This protein binds to F-actin in a pH-dependent and saturable manner. It induces actin polymerization in the absence of Mg2+ or K+, and is enriched in the submembranous region of the amoeboid cells as indicated by immunofluorescence labeling of cryosections. The mRNA as well as the protein are present throughout growth and all stages of development. The protein is detected in both soluble and particulate fractions of the cells. From a plasma membrane-enriched fraction, minor amounts of the protein are stepwise solubilized with 1.5 M KCl, 0.1 M NaOH, and Triton X-100, but most of the protein is only solubilized with 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate. As judged by the apparent molecular mass in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels, immunological cross-reactivity, and two-dimensional electrophoresis, the 17-kDa proteins from the soluble and particulate fraction resemble each other. The cDNA sequence does not reveal any signal peptide, trans-membrane region, or N-glycosylation site. Southern blots hybridized with a cDNA probe that spans the entire coding region show that the 17-kDa protein is encoded by a single gene. The most characteristic feature of the protein is its high content of 31 histidine residues out of 118 amino acids. We designate this protein as hisactophilin and suggest that this histidine-rich protein responds in its actin-binding activity to changes in cellular pH upon chemotactic signal reception.  相似文献   

Impaired sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca release has been suggested to contribute to the depressed cardiac function in heart failure. The release of Ca from the SR may be regulated by the ryanodine receptor, triadin, junctin, calsequestrin, and a histidine-rich, Ca-binding protein (HRC). We observed that the levels of HRC were reduced in animal models and human heart failure. To gain insight into the physiological function of HRC, we infected adult rat cardiac myocytes with a recombinant adenovirus that contains the full-length mouse HRC cDNA. Overexpression (1.7-fold) of HRC in adult rat cardiomyocytes was associated with increased SR Ca load (28%) but decreased SR Ca-induced Ca release (37%), resulting in impaired Ca cycling and depressed fractional shortening (36%) as well as depressed rates of shortening (38%) and relengthening (33%). Furthermore, the depressed basal contractile and Ca kinetic parameters in the HRC-infected myocytes remained significantly depressed even after maximal isoproterenol stimulation. Interestingly, HRC overexpresssion was accompanied by increased protein levels of junctin (1.4-fold) and triadin (1.8-fold), whereas the protein levels of ryanodine receptor, calsequestrin, phospholamban, and sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase remained unaltered. Collectively, these data indicate that alterations in expression levels of HRC are associated with impaired cardiac SR Ca homeostasis and contractile function.  相似文献   

The P1B-type heavy metal ATPases (HMAs) are diverse in terms of tissue distribution, subcellular localization, and metal specificity. Functional studies of HMAs have shown that these transporters can be divided into two subgroups based on their metal-substrate specificity: a copper (Cu)/silver (Ag) group and a zinc (Zn)/cobalt (Co)/cadmium (Cd)/lead (Pb) group. Studies on Arabidopsis thaliana and metal hyperaccumulator plants indicate that HMAs play an important role in the translocation or detoxification of Zn and Cd in plants. Rice possesses nine HMA genes, of which OsHMA1–OsHMA3 belong to the Zn/Co/Cd/Pb subgroup. OsHMA2 plays an important role in root-to-shoot translocation of Zn and Cd, and participates in Zn and Cd transport to developing seeds in rice. OsHMA3 transports Cd and plays a role in the sequestration of Cd into vacuoles in root cells. Modification of the expression of these genes might be an effective approach for reducing the Cd concentration in rice grains.  相似文献   

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