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The UV254nm-sensitive, tumorigenic murine lymphoma cell line LY-R undergoes spontaneous conversion into a UV254nm-resistant, non-tumorigenic LY-S subline after prolonged culture in vitro. Here we describe that this conversion leads to distinct changes in several features of intranuclear ADP-ribose polymer metabolism, which may contribute to the altered processing of DNA damage in these cells. The UV254nm-resistant LY-S cells contain 3-fold higher levels of ADP-ribose polymers than LY-R cells. The initial catabolic rate of degradation of these polymers is more than 6-fold higher in LY-S cells. UV254nm irradiation raises the catabolic rates of ADP-ribose polymers in both cell lines. As a consequence, the polymer half-lives decrease from 15 min to 4 min in LY-S cells, and from 96 min to 19 min in LY-R cells. In addition, the rapidly turning over fraction of polymers is much larger in the UV254nm-resistant LY-S cells. These data suggest that the catabolism of poly(ADP-ribose) may be an important factor in the biological expression of DNA damage.  相似文献   

R L Wells  A Han 《Mutation research》1984,129(2):251-258
We have examined the response of Chinese hamster V79 cells to monochromatic light of selected wavelengths in the mid- to near-UV region, using cell survival and induction of mutants resistant to 6-thioguanine (6-TG) or ouabain (OUA) as end points. As the wavelength increased from 313 to 405 nm, the induction of mutants resistant to 6-TG and to OUA decreased to a greater degree than did cell survival. Cells resistant to OUA were induced with considerably lesser efficiency at wavelengths of 313 and 334 nm than cells resistant to 6-TG. No mutants resistant to either 6-TG or OUA were induced by 405-nm light, and no mutants resistant to OUA were induced by 365-nm light. Thus, cell killing and mutation induction have different action spectra, and furthermore, action spectra for mutation induction at the HGPRT and Na+/K+-ATPase loci are different from each other. These observations imply important differences in the cellular mechanisms, and/or lesions, for cell inactivation, induction of 6-TG and OUA resistance for V79 cells exposed to near-UV monochromatic light.  相似文献   

To study the effect of nucleotide excision repair on the spectrum of mutations induced in diploid human fibroblasts by UV light (wavelength, 254 nm), we synchronized repair-proficient cells and irradiated them when the HPRT gene was about to be replicated (early S phase) so that there would be no time for repair in that gene before replication, or in G1 phase 6 h prior to S, and determined the kinds and location of mutations in that gene. As a control, we also compared the spectra of mutations induced in synchronized populations of xeroderma pigmentosum cells (XP12BE cells, which are unable to excise UV-induced DNA damage). Among the 84 mutants sequenced, base substitutions predominated. Of the XP mutants from S or G1 and the repair-proficient mutants from S, approximately 62% were G.C----A.T. In the repair-proficient mutants from G1, 47% were. In mutants from the repair-proficient cells irradiated in S, 71% (10 of 14) of the premutagenic lesions were located in the transcribed strand; with mutants from such cells irradiated in G1, only 20% (3 of 15) were. In contrast, there was no statistically significant difference in the fraction of premutagenic lesions located in the transcribed strand of the XP12BE cells; approximately 75% (24 of 32) of the premutagenic lesions were located in that strand, i.e., 15 of 19 (79%) in the S-phase cells and 9 of 13 (69%) in the G1-phase cells. The switch in strand bias supports preferential nucleotide excision repair of UV-induced damage in the transcribed strand of the HPRT gene.  相似文献   

Transabdominal X-rays are a risk factor for childhood leukemia, and X-ray exposure of mouse fetuses has led to increases in both mutations and initiated tumors in offspring. However, fetal sensitivity and dose-response characteristics with regard to transplacental mutagenesis by X-rays have never been quantified. In the current experiment, pregnant Syrian hamsters at day 12 of gestation were irradiated with 300-kV X-rays. Twenty-four hours later, the fetuses were removed and their cells were allowed a 5 day expression time in culture. They were then seeded for colony formation and also for mutation selection by 6-thioguanine (6-TG). Mutation frequency was linear over the entire dose range, 10-600 R. The average induced 6-TG mutant frequency was 4.7 x 10(-7) per R. These results suggest that fetal cells are highly sensitive to induction of mutations by X-rays, and that a no-effect threshold is not likely. The 10 R dose caused a 25-fold increase in mutation frequency over the historical control, 45 x 10(-7) versus 1.8 x 10(-7), an increase per R of 2.5-fold. Increased risk of childhood cancer related to obstetrical transabdominal X-ray has also been estimated at 2.5-fold per R. Thus, our results are consistent with mutation contributing to this effect.  相似文献   

Although microsatellite mutation rates generally increase with increasing length of the repeat tract, interruptions in a microsatellite may stabilize it. We have performed a direct analysis of the effect of microsatellite interruptions on mutation rate and spectrum in cultured mammalian cells. Two mononucleotide sequences (G17 and A17) and a dinucleotide [(CA)17] were compared with interrupted repeats of the same size and with sequences of 8 repeat units. MMR-deficient (MMR) cells were used for these studies to eliminate effects of this repair process. Mutation rates were determined by fluctuation analysis on cells containing a microsatellite sequence at the 5′ end of an antibiotic-resistance gene; the vector carrying this sequence was integrated in the genome of the cells. In general, interrupted sequences had lower mutation rates than perfect ones of the same size, but the magnitude of the difference was dependent upon the sequence of the interrupting base(s). Some interrupted repeats had mutation rates that were lower than those of perfect sequences of the same length but similar to those of half the length. This suggests that interrupting bases effectively divide microsatellites into smaller repeat runs with mutational characteristics different from those of the corresponding full-length microsatellite. We conclude that interruptions decrease microsatellite mutation rate and influence the spectrum of frameshift mutations. The sequence of the interrupting base(s) determines the magnitude of the effect on mutation rate.  相似文献   

Affinity maturation of the humoral immune response is based on the ability of immunoglobulin variable genes to undergo a process of rapid and extensive somatic mutation followed by antigenic selection for antibodies with higher affinity. While the behaviour of this somatic hypermutation phenomenon has been well characterized over the last 20 years, the molecular mechanism responsible for inserting mutations has remained shrouded. To better understand this mechanism, we studied the interplay between hypermutation and other DNA associated activities such as DNA repair. There was no effect on the frequency and pattern of hypermutation in mice deficient for nucleotide excision repair, base excision repair and ataxia-telangiectasia mutated gene repair of double strand breaks. However, variable genes from mice lacking some components of mismatch repair had an increased frequency of tandem mutations and had more mutations of G and C nucleotides. These results suggest that the DNA polymerase(s) involved in the hypermutation pathway produces a unique spectra of mutations, which is then altered by mismatch repair and antigenic selection. We, also describe the differential pattern of expression of some nuclear DNA polymerases in hypermutating versus non-hypermutating B lymphocytes. The rapidly dividing germinal centre B cells expressed DNA polymerases alpha, beta, delta, epsilon and zeta, whereas the resting non-germinal centre cells did not express polymerases alpha or epsilon at detectable levels, although they did express polymerases beta, delta and zeta. The lack of expression of polymerase epsilon in the non-germinal centre cells suggests that this enzyme has a critical role in chromosomal replication but does not participate in DNA repair in these cells.  相似文献   

The mutation in hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase gene and the induction of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) were comparatively studied treating Chinese hamster ovary cells with the mutagens ethylmethanesulphonate. N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, Mitomycin C and X-ray. All the agents exerted strong mutagenic effects and showed a dose-dependent relationship for the induction of SCEs.  相似文献   

A U.V.-sensitive, DNA repair-deficient mutant of Chinese hamster ovary cells was tested for its response to the lethal effects of X-irradiation and simulated solar light, and to the mutagenic actions of X-rays. A slight sensitivity to killing by X-rays and a greater sensitivity to solar light was observed relative to the wild-type CHO cells. More mutations were induced at a given dose of X-rays in the sensitive cell line than in the wild-type. These results are interpreted in terms of overlap in the repair processes which take place after U.V. damage in mammalian cells with those that take place after other types of radiation damage.  相似文献   

This paper describes the DNA sequence analysis of 729 independent spontaneous lacI mutation This total is comprised of 478 novel mutations and 251 previously described events, and therefore should allow a more comprehensive view of spontaneous mutation in Escherichia coli. The spectrum is dominated by a hotspot (71% of all events). Mutations at this site consist of related addition and deletion events involving a number of repetitive sequences. Here we discuss how the frequency and proportion of these events vary in different DNA repair-deficient genetic backgrounds. The distribution of non-hotspot events includes base substitutions (38%), deletions (35%), frameshifts (14%), duplications (4%) and insertion elements (4%). G:C → A:T events dominate among base substitutions, while G:C → C:G events are the least common; the remaining types of base substitution are equally represented. Among deletions, a significant number do not display repeated sequences at their endpoints (26/72). However, almost all multiply recovered events (15/17) possess repeated sequences capable of accounting for the deletion endpoints. Similarily, over of all duplications recovered (5/7) display repeated endpoints. Single-base frameshifts are equally divided between A:T and G:C sites, in each case (−) 1 events occur 3-fold more frequently that (+)1 events. A comparative analysis of each mutational class recovered to lacI spectra available in a variety of DNA repair/metabolism-deficient strains is presented here in an attempt to assess possible contributions from chemical, physical and enzymic sources of damage.  相似文献   

Denver DR  Feinberg S  Estes S  Thomas WK  Lynch M 《Genetics》2005,170(1):107-113
Although it is clear that postreplicative DNA mismatch repair (MMR) plays a critical role in maintaining genomic stability in nearly all forms of life surveyed, much remains to be understood about the genome-wide impact of MMR on spontaneous mutation processes and the extent to which MMR-deficient mutation patterns vary among species. We analyzed spontaneous mutation processes across multiple genomic regions using two sets of mismatch repair-deficient (msh-2 and msh-6) Caenorhabditis elegans mutation-accumulation (MA) lines and compared our observations to mutation spectra in a set of wild-type (WT), repair-proficient C. elegans MA lines. Across most sequences surveyed in the MMR-deficient MA lines, mutation rates were approximately 100-fold higher than rates in the WT MA lines, although homopolymeric nucleotide-run (HP) loci composed of A:T base pairs mutated at an approximately 500-fold greater rate. In contrast to yeast and humans where mutation spectra vary substantially with respect to different specific MMR-deficient genotypes, mutation rates and patterns were overall highly similar between the msh-2 and msh-6 C. elegans MA lines. This, along with the apparent absence of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae MSH3 ortholog in the C. elegans genome, suggests that C. elegans MMR surveillance is carried out by a single Msh-2/Msh-6 heterodimer.  相似文献   

The survival of the wild-type parent and two mutant lines of Chinese hamster cells, known to be defective in DNA repair, has been determined as a function of exposure to gamma rays under aerobic and hypoxic conditions. When compared to the wild-type line, one of the mutants selected for sensitivity to ethyl methyl sulfonate (EMS), and known to be defective in the repair of DNA strand breaks, exhibits a markedly enhanced sensitivity to aerobic irradiation but a reduced enhancement to hypoxic irradiation and thus an enhanced oxygen enhancement ratio (OER). In contrast, the other line, known to be defective in the incision step of excision repair, exhibits the reverse pattern of sensitivity and hence a reduced OER. The results are compared to findings in bacterial mutants and cells obtained from ataxia telangiectasia (AT) patients and heterozygotes.  相似文献   

Type II DNA topoisomerases are ATP-dependent enzymes that catalyze alterations in DNA topology. These enzymes are important targets of a variety of anti-bacterial and anti-cancer agents. We identified a mutation in human topoisomerase II alpha, changing aspartic acid 48 to asparagine, that has the unique property of failing to transform yeast cells deficient in recombinational repair. In repair-proficient yeast strains, the Asp-48 --> Asn mutant can be expressed and complements a temperature-sensitive top2 mutation. Purified Asp-48 --> Asn Top2alpha has relaxation and decatenation activity similar to the wild type enzyme, but the purified protein exhibits several biochemical alterations compared with the wild type enzyme. The mutant enzyme binds both covalently closed and linear DNA with greater avidity than the wild type enzyme. hTop2alpha(Asp-48 --> Asn) also exhibited elevated levels of drug-independent cleavage compared with the wild type enzyme. The enzyme did not show altered sensitivity to bisdioxopiperazines nor did it form stable closed clamps in the absence of ATP, although the enzyme did form elevated levels of closed clamps in the presence of a non-hydrolyzable ATP analog compared with the wild type enzyme. We suggest that the lethality exhibited by the mutant is likely because of its enhanced drug-independent cleavage, and we propose that alterations in the ATP binding domain of the enzyme are capable of altering the interactions of the enzyme with DNA. This mutant enzyme also serves as a new model for understanding the action of drugs targeting topoisomerase II.  相似文献   

A strain of Chinese hamster ovary cells that is deficient in nucleotide excision repair, strain UV5, was compared with the normal parental CHO cells in terms of cytotoxicity and mutagenesis after exposure to several chemical carcinogens that are known to produce bulky, covalent adducts in DNA. Induced mutations were measured at the hprt locus using thioguanine resistance and at the aprt locus using azaadenine resistance. The compounds tested that required metabolic activation (using rat or hamster microsomal fractions) were 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene, 3-methylcholanthrene, benzo(a)pyrene, aflatoxin B1, 2-acetylaminofluorene, and 2-naphthylamine. The direct-acting compounds (+/-)-r-7,t-8-dihydroxy-t-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo(a)pyrene, N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene, and N-OH-2-naphthylamine were also studied. For all compounds except 2-naphthylamine and its active metabolite, the repair-deficient cells were significantly more sensitive to killing than the normal CHO cells. Mutation induction at both loci was also more efficient in UV5 cells in each instance where enhanced cytotoxicity was observed. By using tritium-labeled N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene, normal and mutant cells were shown to bind mutagen to their nuclear DNA with similar efficiency, and a greater amount of adduct removal occurred in the normal cells. From this study it is concluded that the use of excision repair-deficient CHO cells provides enhanced sensitivity for detecting mutagenesis and that a positive differential cytotoxicity response gives an indication of repairable, potentially lethal genetic damage.  相似文献   

D A Spandidos  L Siminovitch 《Cell》1978,13(4):651-662
The frequencies of transformations of primary human and Chinese hamster fibroblasts have been compared with the spontaneous and induced frequencies of mutation for resistance to thioguanine and ouabain, and for ability to use fructose, using the carcinogens benzo (alpha) pyrene and urethane. Whereas the rates and frequencies of mutation were similar in the two cell systems, transformations to morphologically altered cells was observed only in hamster cells. The frequency of this latter transformation event in hamster cells was abour 10(3) greater than the frequencies of mutation in these cells. The morphologically altered cells formed in the above transformation process cannot grow in agar (aga-) and do not produce tumors when injected into animals. The frequency of transition of these latter cells to aga+ cells which produce tumors in animals is similar to the mutation-like events.  相似文献   

The ploidy dependence of the induced frequency of a phenotype can be used to determine the dominant or recessive nature of a somatic mutation to a given trait. To demonstrate this we induced mutations in diploid and spontaneously occurring tetraploid clones of Syrian hamster embryo cells by treatment with EMS (1.2 mg/ml, 4 h). Mutagenized cells were assayed for the recessive mutation to 6-thioguanine resistance (5 μg/ml) and the dominant mutation to ouabain resistance (1.2 mM). The frequency of induction of the dominant mutation was equal in the diploid and tetraploid clones (2.3 × 10?4). The frequency of induction of the recessive mutation was greatly reduced in the tetraploid clone relative to the diploid clone (1.8 × 10?4 vs. 1.2 × 10?3).6TGr mutant subclones from the tetraploid clone remain nearly tetraploid, or even increase in ploidy, but show a reduction in the number of X chromosomes from two to one, or in some cases none (based on chromosome morphology). The principle of ploidy dependence is now being used to study the induction of phenotypes related to neoplastic transformation.  相似文献   

The interaction between ultraviolet light and tetracycline in producing cell killing and mutation has been studied in V79 Chinese hamster cells. It has been established that these agents act independently of each other. Cycloheximide altered the response to tetracycline in the fractionation experiment: when cycloheximide was not present, fractionation of TC treatment resulted in a higher mutation yield but no change in survival level; in the presence of cycloheximide, however, mutation was greatly reduced but survival increased. The results were taken to indicate that for tetracycline action to take place, de novo protein synthesis during tetracycline treatment was necessary. Caffeine had no influence on tetracycline-induced lethality or mutagenicity. This observation was considered to suggest that tetracycline did not affect cellular repair processes.  相似文献   

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