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Enamel has been stripped from primate teeth (especially humans and ceboids) with special reference to the comparative form of the hypocone. Dentally reduced species show variable developments not always expected of a hypothetical ontogenetically prior stage.  相似文献   

We here review the evolution of invasive placentation in primates towards the deep penetration of the endometrium and its arteries in hominoids. The strepsirrhine primates (lemurs and lorises) have non-invasive, epitheliochorial placentation, although this is thought to be derived from a more invasive type. In haplorhine primates, there is differentiation of trophoblast at the blastocyst stage into syncytial and cellular trophoblast. Implantation involves syncytiotrophoblast that first removes the uterine epithelium then consolidates at the basal lamina before continuing into the stroma. In later stages of pregnancy, especially in Old World monkeys and apes, cytotrophoblast plays a greater role in the invasive process. Columns of trophoblast cells advance to the base of the implantation site where they spread out to form a cytotrophoblastic shell. In addition, cytotrophoblasts advance into the lumen of the spiral arteries. They are responsible for remodelling these vessels to form wide, low-resistance conduits. In human and great apes, there is additional invasion of the endometrium and its vessels by trophoblasts originating from the base of the anchoring villi. Deep trophoblast invasion that extends remodelling of the spiral arteries to segments in the inner myometrium evolved in the common ancestor of gorilla, chimp and human.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize faces is an important socio-cognitive skill that is associated with a number of cognitive specializations in humans. While numerous studies have examined the presence of these specializations in non-human primates, species where face recognition would confer distinct advantages in social situations, results have been mixed. The majority of studies in chimpanzees support homologous face-processing mechanisms with humans, but results from monkey studies appear largely dependent on the type of testing methods used. Studies that employ passive viewing paradigms, like the visual paired comparison task, report evidence of similarities between monkeys and humans, but tasks that use more stringent, operant response tasks, like the matching-to-sample task, often report species differences. Moreover, the data suggest that monkeys may be less sensitive than chimpanzees and humans to the precise spacing of facial features, in addition to the surface-based cues reflected in those features, information that is critical for the representation of individual identity. The aim of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the available data from face-processing tasks in non-human primates with the goal of understanding the evolution of this complex cognitive skill.  相似文献   

The goals of this review are to classify the patterns of copulatory behavior displayed by various species of primates, to compare them to the patterns of nonprimate mammalian species, and to search for correlates of the various patterns. Copulatory patterns are classified in relation to the presence or absence of four defining attributes: a lock, thrusting during intromissions, multiple intromissions, and multiple ejaculations. Literature on copulation in 67 primate species is reviewed, and a tentative classification is proposed for 33 primate species. Although neither social organization nor genital morphology provides a fully satisfactory relationship, there are indications that variations in copulatory behavior are related to variations in genital morphology.  相似文献   

Reports of adoption in nonhuman primates are reviewed, including spontaneous adoptions of orphans or infants whose mothers have been removed from the group, temporary adoptions of offspring of sick mothers, adoptions arising out of kidnapping, and adoptions resulting from manipulations involving presenting infants to adults. Adoptive behavioral patterns resemble nonadoptive alloparental patterns. The literature indicates certain trends: adult females, especially if lactating or in the late stages of pregnancy, are most likely to adopt neonates. Older infants are more likely to be adopted by juveniles or by adult males. Weaned or weanable orphans that get adopted have reasonable chances of survival, while orphans still reliant on milk are unlikely to survive. An infant adopted by an adult female will develop socially as a member of the female’s matriline. Adoptions involving closely related individuals are consistent with kin-selection theory. Others appear to reflect “reproductive error” arising out of an attraction to young infants. Yet other cases might reflect reciprocal altruism. Continued documentation of cases of adoption will yield more data on costs and benefits and on whether rates and forms of adoption, such as alloparental behavior, vary systematically with social systems.  相似文献   

性打搅行为是指非人灵长类社群内非交配个体对正在发生性行为个体的干扰行为,该行为在非人灵长类中普遍存在,通过综述目前已知的36种非灵长类的性打搅行为的报道,探讨性打搅行为的功能和意义。性打搅行为具有更高度的种间和种内差异,种间的性打搅的方式不同、同时受到社会结构和婚配制度的影响;在种内受到性别、年龄、等级等因素的影响。结合川金丝猴性打搅的研究结果,从性打搅的类型、被打搅的反应、性打搅的功能以及相关假说等方面入手,对非人灵长类性打搅行为进行系统总结,旨在为我国相关领域的研究提供参考,为生殖行为学研究者启发思路,推动本领域的发展。  相似文献   

While a goal of many field primatologists is to observe subjects in as undisturbed a setting as possible, it is often necessary to anesthetize animals for any of a variety of reasons. In this paper, we review techniques for anesthetizing wild primates, based on our experience with more than a thousand such procedures carried out on baboons in East Africa. We consider the following: 1) rationales for anesthetizing a wild primate; 2) systems for the delivery of anesthetic and choice of anesthetic; 3) the darting process itself and issues relevant to the period between darting and the safe removal of the animal; 4) handling of an anesthetized primate; 5) medical complications associated with darting; 6) when to reanesthetize an animal; 7) the process of recovery from anesthesia and release of an awake animal; 8) safety issues for humans. The range of information that can be obtained through field anesthetizations, when carried out successfully, as well as the potential benefit for the animals involved, can be enormous. However, this process is not trivial from the standpoint of the dangers involved to both the subjects and to humans and because of the potential disruption of social behavior to the group. As such, anesthetizations in the field should not be carried out without a strong rationale and without a tremendous priority given to the safety and care of all involved. Am. J. Primatol. 44:155–167, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Episodic memory in primates.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Episodic memory refers to a system of memory with the capacity to recollect specific events from an individual's life. Some psychologists have suggested that episodic memory is a uniquely human phenomenon. We challenge that idea and present evidence that great apes and other primates may possess episodic-like memory. We review criteria developed to assess episodic-like memory in nonhumans, and how they apply to primates. In particular, we discuss the criteria of Clayton et al. [2001], who stated that episodic-like memory is based on the retrieval of multiple and integrated components of an event. We then review eight studies examining memory in great apes and apply the Clayton et al. criteria to each of them. We summarize the evidence that is compatible with the existence of episodic-like memory, although none of the data completely satisfy the Clayton et al. criteria. Morover, feelings of pastness and feelings of confidence, which mark episodic memory in humans, have not been empirically addressed in nonhuman primates. Future studies should be directed at these aspects of memory in primates. We speculate on the functional significance of episodic memory in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict is increasingly recognized as a major force for evolutionary change and holds great potential for delineating variation in primate behavior and morphology. The goals of this review are to highlight the rapidly rising field of sexual conflict and the ongoing shift in our understanding of interactions between the sexes. We discuss the evidence for sexual conflict within the Order Primates, and assess how studies of primates have illuminated and can continue to increase our understanding of sexual conflict and sexual selection. Finally, we introduce a framework for understanding the behavioral, anatomical, and genetic expression of sexual conflict across primate mating systems and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting allows the simultaneous detection of a large number of hypervariable loci consisting of highly polymorphic tandem repeat units that are extensively dispersed in the genome. With the 33.6 human minisatellite probe, hypervariable fragments were detected, for the first time, in the genome of three different species of wild-caught neotropical primates: Aotus infulatus, Aotus azarae, and Cebus apella. As in the human, these species were highly polymorphic, showing distinctive, individual-specific patterns. Estimates of relatedness within each group were calculated from interspecific comparisons based on the number of shared fragments between individuals. This work shows that the 33.6 human minisatellite probe can be very useful for increasing our understanding of population dynamics and behavior of these species in their natural habitat. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to determine if florfenicol, an antimicrobial agent structurally similar to chloramphenicol, could be used as an effective broad spectrum antibiotic for the treatment of bacterial infections in primates. Florfenicol was developed as an injectable antibiotic for use in cattle on an every other day dosing schedule. Its broad spectrum activity, long duration of action following i.m. administration, and its safety as compared with chloramphenicol made it an attractive antibiotic for use in non-human primates. Previous studies had shown that florfenicol is effective against common primate pathogens such as Salmonella, Klebsiella, Escherichia coli, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus spp., and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. We performed experiments on a total of 15 macaques. The animals were given florfenicol at 50 mg/kg i.m. and blood samples taken at various time points. Serum was evaluated for florfenicol absorption. Necropsies were also performed to determine if major organs were affected and to determine the effects of i.m. injection of florfenicol. We determined that florfenicol given every 48 hours in rhesus macaques results in blood levels that were acceptable for therapeutic use. The effect on muscle tissue of i.m. injection was similar to ketamine and normal saline. There were no gross lesions observed and no changes with tissues submitted for histology. Our work shows that with further studies, florfenicol may be useful when injectable antibiotic therapy is required in non-human primates.  相似文献   

随着经济发展及生活水平的提高,以亲近自然为主要目的的生态旅游正成为公众的主要休闲方式.作为人类的近亲,非人灵长类动物在吸引游客方面具有天然的亲和力,因此很多保护区及旅游景区正逐渐把“猴园”、“猴谷”及“猴岛”等作为招揽游客的平台.野外观猴能够提高公众的野生动物保护意识,但同时也给动物带来了负面影响.该文综述旅游活动对动物行为模式、繁殖和健康状况等的影响,并对减少不利影响的措施进行归纳总结,为开展非人灵长类动物观赏旅游提供参考.  相似文献   

Although the morphology of the tibial plateau in primates has received very little attention in the literature, it does exhibit features of phylogenetic and functional interest. This paper describes the morphology of the tibial plateau (particularly the intercondylar region) in extant and fossil primates, and in three mammalian outgroups: the pen-tailed tree shrew (Ptilocercus), tree shrew (Tupaia), and flying lemur or dermopteran (Cynocephalus). Extant and fossil strepsirrhine primates exhibit an eminence with a single spine, which contrasts with the intercondylar morphology of haplorhine primates. Most extant platyrrhines, all catarrhine primates (including humans), and some fossil haplorhines possess an eminence with two spines (medial and lateral) connected by a ridge of bone that intersects the intercondylar groove. Tarsius and callitrichines possess an eminence with a reduced medial spine that superficially resembles that of strepsirrhine primates. Dermopterans also exhibit a morphology similar to that of strepsirrhines. In Scandentia, the intercondylar morphology of Tupaia is similar to that of rodents, whereas Ptilocercus resembles tarsiers and callitrichines. We hypothesize that proximal tibiae with either a single spine or reduced medial spine morphology facilitate a greater degree of knee rotation about the eminence relative to the double-spine condition, and are likely associated with more frequent adoption of vertical body positions. In contrast, a double-spine eminence limits knee rotation and is probably associated with greater use of horizontal supports. Although the polarity is complicated by the unknown phylogenetic status of likely sister taxa, it seems most probable that the single-spine morphology is a derived feature of strepsirrhines.  相似文献   

The length and extent of the odontoblast cell process in dentine has been the subject of controversy for many years. Here an immunofluorescence technique has been applied at the light microscope level to rat coronal dentine to localize the intracellular components actin and tubulin. Adult rats were perfused with periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde fixative, teeth were extracted, the molar crowns were demineralized, dehydrated, wax embedded, and 6 micron sections were prepared. The sections were postfixed in -20 degrees C acetone and then incubated with affinity-purified rabbit anti-actin or anti-tubulin antibodies, followed by fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin. Intratubular immunofluorescence labeling for tubulin extended to the dentinoenamel junction, whereas labeling for actin, although extending to the dentinoenamel junction, was more prominent in the pulpal third of the rat dentine. Areas in which odontoblast processes are known not to occur, i.e., the atubular dentine, were not labeled by either antibody. The presence of actin- and tubulin-containing structures extending to the dentinoenamel junction is consistent with the hypothesis that the odontoblast process traverses the dentine for up to 3-4 mm, all the way to the dentinoenamel junction. Furthermore, the different staining patterns for actin-containing microfilaments as compared to tubulin-containing microtubules suggest that these two filamentous systems may have different roles in the function of the odontoblast process.  相似文献   

Abstract: Twenty-six gastrointestinal tumors were observed in twenty-three nonhuman primates during routine necropsies at the German Primate Center, Göttingen. The majority (15 cases) were colorectal mucoid adenocarcinomas in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus), which in two animals were associated with gastric adenomas. Three cases of small intestinal mucoid adenocarcinomas occurred in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). One colonic leiomyoma was observed in a dwarf galago (Galagoides demidovii) and another one in a cotton top tamarin. Singular findings were a tubular adeno-carcinoma of the ileo-caecal valve in a saddle-backed tamarin (Saguinus fuscicollis) and a lymphosarcoma of jejunum, ileum, and colon in another saddle-backed tamarin. Multiple tubular adeno-carcinomas of the colonic diverticles occurred in an aged rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta). The findings are discussed in comparison to the situation in man.  相似文献   

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