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中国猕猴的分类及分布   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:36  
本文根据外部形态、头骨特征及地理分布,对猕猴(Macaca mulatta)在中国的亚种分类进行了重新整理。结果表明M.m.mulatta、M.m.breuvcaudus、M.m.lasiotis、M.m.littoralis和M.m.uestita均为有效亚种,M.m.tcheliensis可能也是一有效亚种。  相似文献   

成年太行山猕猴(Macaca mulatta tcheliensis)肩关节变量的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本项研究对成年太行山猕猴肩关节变量进行了测量和统计,作了异速生长分析,并对太行山猕猴(M.mulatta tcheliensis)、滇南猕猴(M.mulatta mulatta)、川西猕猴(M.mulatta lasiotis)、湘鄂猕猴(M.mulatta littoralis)肩关节变量进行了比较和聚类分析。与上述3个亚种相比,太行山猕猴较短的肩胛骨、较小的锁肱指数、较大的三角肌止点指数和较小的摆荡指数,表明太行山猕猴肩关节形态结构更适应于地面上的活动,说明其在地面上活动较多,在树上活动较少。  相似文献   

云南赤麂的亚种分类记述(英文)   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
赤麂(Muntiacus muntjak)又名印度麂或吠鹿,广泛分布于亚洲南部的热带和亚热带地区,为麂属中数量最多,分布最广的一种。同时又是具有较高经济价值的毛皮兽。迄今,本种已记载过15个亚种,其中7个分布于中国大陆(Ellerman和Morrison-Scott,1951),8个见于东南亚诸岛(Chasen,1940)。近来,本文作者之一的Groves和他的同事Grubb又将这15个亚种归并为8个(论文已交付出版)。 关于云南赤麂的亚种问题以往很少深入研究,仅在部份区系分类报告中有过简要记载。但因各学者所获标本有限(或者仅得少数皮张),而将云南及整个中国大陆的赤麂 (Muntiacus muntjak)统统归入了M.m.vginalis亚种。事实上,真正的M.m.vaginalis仅局限于尼泊尔,锡金,印度东北部,缅甸西部的阿拉刚(Arakan)和中国的西藏东南部(Grubb和Groves,待发表)。 笔者查看了采自云南各地的60余号赤麂标本,经与已知亚种的外部形态、头骨特征和主要性状差异系数值的比较(表3)发现:云南的赤麂不仅与M.m.vaginalis,海南亚种M.m.nigripes以及邻国的其它亚种(如M.m.curvostylis和M.m.annamensis等)明显有别,而且与中国的四川、贵州和广西等省的标本差异亦颇大。就说云南南北(约为22°20`N.以南;23°10`N.以北)两地标本的差异也十分显著(两地之间有一狭窄的过渡地带,发  相似文献   

猕猴MHC-DPB1基因外显子2多态性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
猕猴(Macaca mulatta)是最理想的医学实验灵长类动物, 且为国家二级保护动物。为了解中国猕猴主要组织相容复合体(Major histocompatibility complex, MHC)基因的遗传多态性背景, 为它们在生物医学研究中的应用及其遗传资源的保护提供一定的科学依据, 文章采用变性梯度凝胶电泳(Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, DGGE)和克隆测序技术分析了106个四川野生猕猴MHC-DPB1基因的exon 2, 共检测到21个Mamu-DPB1等位基因, 其中有15个为本研究中首次发现的新等位基因; 从整个大的猕猴群体(106个个体)来看, 等位基因频率最高的是Mamu-DPB1*30(0.1120); 单独从不同地理群体来看, 最高等位基因频率分别为: 小金-DPB1*30 (0.1120), 黑水-DPB1*04 (0.1702), 巴中-DPB1*32 (0.1613), 汉源-DPB1*30(0.1120), 九龙-DPB1*04(0.1139); 氨基酸序列比对发现, 猕猴Mamu-DPB1等位基因编码的氨基酸序列中, 有12个氨基酸残基变异位点表现出物种特异性, 其中有9个位于新发现的15个Mamu-DPB1等位基因氨基酸序列中; 不同物种来源的DPB1等位基因系统发生树表明, 猕猴与其近缘物种食蟹猴(Macaca fascicularis)的DPB1等位基因间存在着跨种多态(Trans-species polymorphism)现象。研究还表明, MHC-DPB1等位基因在中国猕猴群体和先前为主要研究对象的印度猕猴群体间具有较大的差异。  相似文献   

太行山猕猴研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
猕猴广泛分布于从阿富汗到泰国和中国南部的亚洲地区.分布于中国的猕猴有6个亚种.太行山猕猴为猕猴华北亚种Macaca mulatta tcheliensis,系中国所特有,目前仅分布于河南、山西两省交界的太行山和中条山南端地区,为世界野生猕猴分布最北的种群.自20世纪80年代初期开始,学者们在数量与分布、形态学(包括普通形态学、骨骼系统形态学)、生态学、微观生物学、疾病、实验技术等方面,对太行山猕猴展开了研究.本文对已有的研究成果进行了综述,并提出了今后亟待开展的研究工作,以期能有助于对这一珍稀物种的有效保护.  相似文献   

中国红原鸡和泰国红原鸡遗传多样性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用29个微卫星DNA标记对来自中国的红原鸡Gallus gallus spadiceus亚种和来自泰国的红原鸡Gallus gallus gallus亚种进行遗传多样性分析, 评估亚种内的遗传变异和亚种间的遗传分化, 结果表明: 共检测到168个等位基因, 每个位点的等位基因数从2到13不等, 所有位点平均的期望杂合度和PIC值分别为0.5780和0.53。中国和泰国红原鸡29个微卫星位点平均有效等位基因数分别为3.79和4.79, 平均基因杂合度为0.5379和0.6385, 两个红原鸡亚种均表现出较高的群体杂合度和丰富的遗传多样性。群体分化系数为19.4%(P<0.01), 两个红原鸡亚种间的Reynolds’遗传距离和Nm值分别为0.157和1.040。由此可见, Gallus gallus spadiceus亚种和Gallus gallus gallus亚种群体具有不同的群体遗传结构, 群体之间存在明显的遗传分化, 并不能将其认定为是同一亚种, 这也为中国家鸡具有独立的起源提供了一定的佐证。  相似文献   

我们比较了芦 (Emberizaschoeniclus)两个亚种组 ,即北部的薄喙亚种组和南部的厚喙亚种组的 10个种群中的文化、遗传和形态变异。使用了四个不同的变异标记物 ,其中两个用来测量文化分化 ,一个用来测量遗传分化 ,即微卫星等位基因的频次 ,一个用来测量种群的形态分化 ,即喙的高度。将遗传分化作为进化时间的尺度 ,我们计算了亚种组间和组内分化指标与所估计的进化率之间的相关性 ,发现只有文化定量指标和遗传分化与种群的形态分化相关 ,而两个文化分化指标之间没有关系 ,文化分化与遗传分化之间也没有关系。使用文化 -定量分化指标 ,发现亚种组间的文化进化率高于亚种内的文化进化率 ,提示鸣唱在防止杂交方面只有微弱的、也许是次要的作用。鸣唱定量特征的变异与微卫星频次相同 ,实际上在自然界中更可能是遗传决定的 ,这可以解释由于分析两个文化变异指标所得出的结果的不一致性。鸣唱的声学特性可能由于栖息地的差异或形态上的限制而发生了演变 ,而文化传播单位 (Meme)的特性可能由于学习鸣唱和文化传播而受到了影响  相似文献   

对中国大陆地区分布的野猪亚种分类尚存在争议.本研究通过对野猪11个微卫星位点的变异分析,探讨了中国大陆地区野猪的遗传结构,以期对野猪亚种分类问题有所启迪.对野猪华北、华南和东北种群的分析表明,各种群基因库中都维持了较高的遗传变异水平.基于遗传距离构建的系统树分析发现,研究中所涉及的所有亚种在系统树中混杂,没有任何亚种在其中构成显著的支系.基于微卫星变异的FCA分析不能区分华南、华北、东北三个种群.基于Fst检验的遗传差异分析发现,长江两侧的华南、华北种群之间的遗传差异较小(Fst=0.014),表明长江两侧的野猪可能存在着较高水平的基因流,长江并非是一个有效的空间隔离;东北地区野猪和华北、华南地区野猪之间的遗传差异相对较大(Fst=0.040、0.042),东北野猪可以作为独立的亚种S.s.ussuricus.  相似文献   

湘鄂与闽粤猕猴颅骨的多变量分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
本文是中国猕猴湖南-湖北和广东-福建种群颅骨的多变量分析,结果表明,二者的面宽和颅肌的形态结构除有明显的性二型外,还存在较大的差异。湖南-湖北种群的颅骨结构相对大于福建广东种群。它们与云南南部和海南岛猕猴颅骨的判别分别结果表明,由于地理和生态隔离,四者雌雄两性颅骨的形态结构均有较大的差异,达到种群间的显著差异水平,分别应属不同的亚种。  相似文献   

海南坡鹿的起源、进化及保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坡鹿是世界濒危物种,三个亚种分布在东南亚大陆,仅海南坡鹿种群分布在中国海南岛.2003年,国际社会的专家和学者提出了将海南坡鹿引入泰国亚种原分布区,重建已经绝灭野生种群的建议.在此种情况下,明确海南坡鹿的起源、与其它亚种间的系统发生关系、以及遗传多样性水平对有效保护坡鹿具有重要意义.本研究以线粒体DNA D-loop区490 bp基因片段为分子标记,比较分析了海南坡鹿、泰国亚种和缅甸亚种共35个样本的序列差异.我们所测的样本中,总共发现4种单倍型.所有21个海南坡鹿样品共享1种单倍型.利用最大似然法(ML)、最大简约法(MP)、邻接法(NJ)和贝叶斯法(Bayesian)构建的系统进化树表明海南坡鹿种群与泰国亚种的关系较近.但是,二者也发生一定程度的遗传分化.海南坡鹿与泰国亚种的遗传距离均值为0.026.我们推测海南坡鹿可能是在更新世冰期(69万年前)通过陆桥由东南亚大陆迁入中国海南岛.我们的结论说明海南坡鹿的遗传多样性很低,并且已独立进化很长时间.因此,我们不支持将海南坡鹿引入泰国亚种的原分布区,重建已经绝灭的野生种群的设想和建议.我们建议将海南坡鹿与泰国亚种分别作为两个独立的进化显著单元(ESUs)进行管理.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA, purified from 36 samples of 23 local populations which are widely distributed in Vietnam, Burma, and 10 provinces of China, has been analyzed to model the phylogeny of rhesus monkeys. The 20 local populations of China may represent nearly all major populations in China. Using 20 restriction endonucleases of 6-bp recognition, we observed a total of 50–61 sites in the various samples. By combining the cleavage patterns for each enzyme, the 36 samples were classified into 23 restriction types, each of which was found exclusively in the respective population from which samples were obtained. By combining the earlier study of Indian rheusus monkeys, phylogenetic trees, which have been constructed on the basis of genetic distance, indicate that rhesus monkeys in China, Vietnam, India, and Burma can be divided into seven groups. Integrating morphological and geographical data, we suggest that rhesus monkeys in China, Vietnam, and Burma may be classified into six subspecies—M. m. mulatta, M. m. brevicaudus, M. m. lasiotis, M. m. littoralis, M. m. vestita, and M. m. tcheliensis-and rhesus monkeys in India may be another valid subspecies.M. m. tcheliensis is the most endangered subspecies in China. Divergence among subspecies may have begun 0.9–1.6 Ma. The radiation of rhesus monkeys in China may have spread from the southwest toward the east. The taxonomic status of the Hainan monkey and the Taiwan monkey require further investigation.  相似文献   

中国滇、川、湘鄂猕猴(Macaca mulatta)肩胛骨的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
本文是中国滇、川、湘鄂猕猴肩胛骨和肩关节形态结构对环境适应性的比较研究结果。多变量分析结果表明,肩胛冈长、肩峰长、关节盂仰角和三角肌止点对猕猴种下分类有重要作用。川西猕猴较大的体重和体型明显不同于湘鄂(华中)和滇南猕猴,表现出更多的地上四足型运动的适应特征。华中和滇南猕猴具有更相似的肩胛骨形态结构,且有更多的树上活动。  相似文献   

中国桔小实蝇种群的微卫星多态性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李伟丰  杨朗  唐侃  曾玲  梁广文 《昆虫学报》2007,50(12):1255-1262
为了研究桔小实蝇种群的遗传结构,本文采用微卫星分子标记技术,对中国南方9省区、越南和泰国的11个桔小实蝇地理种群共224个个体的遗传多样性水平及种群遗传结构进行了研究。用9对微卫星引物共检测到48个等位基因, 平均每个微卫星位点的等位基因数为5.33个。GENEPOP分析结果表明:11个桔小实蝇种群在9个微卫星位点上的多态位点百分率平均为94.45%。种群的Nei's基因多样性指数平均为0.4371,Shannon信息指数平均为0.7870,表明桔小实蝇种群具有非常丰富的遗传多样性。Nei's遗传多样性分析发现,各地理种群间产生了一定程度的遗传分化,种群间平均遗传分化系数Fst=0.2370。种群间一定程度的遗传分化可能是由地理隔离和基因流障碍(Nem = 0.8049)所引起。UPGMA聚类分析可知, 中国的桔小实蝇地理种群可分为华南支和西南支两大分支,华南分支包括福建、台湾、广东和海南4个种群,西南分支包括四川、云南、广西、贵州和湖南5个种群。由此推测, 中国桔小实蝇种群结构的形成与演变是在地理演化与经贸交流加强这两种因素的影响下不断进行的动态过程。  相似文献   

Molecular genetic approaches typically detect recombination in microbes regardless of assumed asexuality. However, genetic data have shown the AIDS-associated pathogen Penicillium marneffei to have extensive spatial genetic structure at local and regional scales, and although there has been some genetic evidence that a sexual cycle is possible, this haploid fungus is thought to be genetically, as well as morphologically, asexual in nature because of its highly clonal population structure. Here we use comparative genomics, experimental mixed-genotype infections, and population genetic data to elucidate the role of recombination in natural populations of P. marneffei. Genome wide comparisons reveal that all the genes required for meiosis are present in P. marneffei, mating type genes are arranged in a similar manner to that found in other heterothallic fungi, and there is evidence of a putatively meiosis-specific mutational process. Experiments suggest that recombination between isolates of compatible mating types may occur during mammal infection. Population genetic data from 34 isolates from bamboo rats in India, Thailand and Vietnam, and 273 isolates from humans in China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam show that recombination is most likely to occur across spatially and genetically limited distances in natural populations resulting in highly clonal population structure yet sexually reproducing populations. Predicted distributions of three different spatial genetic clusters within P. marneffei overlap with three different bamboo rat host distributions suggesting that recombination within hosts may act to maintain population barriers within P. marneffei.  相似文献   

The human population history in Southeast Asia was shaped by numerous migrations and population expansions. Their reconstruction based on archaeological, linguistic or human genetic data is often hampered by the limited number of informative polymorphisms in classical human genetic markers, such as the hypervariable regions of the mitochondrial DNA. Here, we analyse housekeeping gene sequences of the human stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori from various countries in Southeast Asia and we provide evidence that H. pylori accompanied at least three ancient human migrations into this area: i) a migration from India introducing hpEurope bacteria into Thailand, Cambodia and Malaysia; ii) a migration of the ancestors of Austro-Asiatic speaking people into Vietnam and Cambodia carrying hspEAsia bacteria; and iii) a migration of the ancestors of the Thai people from Southern China into Thailand carrying H. pylori of population hpAsia2. Moreover, the H. pylori sequences reflect iv) the migrations of Chinese to Thailand and Malaysia within the last 200 years spreading hspEasia strains, and v) migrations of Indians to Malaysia within the last 200 years distributing both hpAsia2 and hpEurope bacteria. The distribution of the bacterial populations seems to strongly influence the incidence of gastric cancer as countries with predominantly hspEAsia isolates exhibit a high incidence of gastric cancer while the incidence is low in countries with a high proportion of hpAsia2 or hpEurope strains. In the future, the host range expansion of hpEurope strains among Asian populations, combined with human motility, may have a significant impact on gastric cancer incidence in Asia.  相似文献   

为了揭示中国岩羊不同地理种群的遗传差异,探讨岩羊亚种分化的分子机制,采用中国岩羊不同地理种群的细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因的全序列,分析了碱基变异情况、遗传距离以及核苷酸序列差异。用最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建分子系统树并对获得的拓扑结构进行分析。结果发现,西藏亚种与四川亚种Cyt b基因平均序列差异为4.2%(±0.007),处于偶蹄目亚种的序列差异范围内,支持了目前对岩羊西藏亚种的分类地位。四川亚种内部各地理种群之间的遗传距离(0.033±0.0 111)与它们分别到西藏种群的遗传距离(0.042±0.007)差异不显著(t=1.824,P=0.084),说明四川亚种内部各地理种群间已经发生较显著的遗传分化。其中,四川、甘肃和青海种群亲缘关系较近,并与四川亚种内部的其它种群已产生了显著的遗传分化。因此认为四川亚种内部各地理种群的种下分化需要深入研究。  相似文献   

Abstract Monochamus alternatus (Hope) specimens were collected from nine geographical populations in China, where the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner et Buhrer) was present. There were seven populations in southwestern China in Yunnan Province (Ruili, Wanding, Lianghe, Pu’er, Huaning, Stone Forest and Yongsheng), one in central China in Hubei Province (Wuhan), and one in eastern China in Zhejiang Province (Hangzhou). Twenty-two polymorphic sites were recognized and 18 haplotypes were established by analyzing a 565 bp gene fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II (CO II). Kimura two-parameter distances demonstrated that M. alternatus populations in Ruili, Wanding and Lianghe (in southwestern Yunnan) differed from the other four Yunnan populations but were similar to the Zhejiang population. No close relationship was found between the M. alternatus populations in Yunnan and Hubei. Phylogenetic reconstruction established a neighbor-joining (NJ) tree, which divided haplotypes of southwestern Yunnan and the rest of Yunnan into different clades with considerable bootstrapping values. Analysis of molecular variance and spatial analysis of molecular variance also suggested significant genetic differentiation between M. alternatus populations in southwestern Yunnan and the rest of Yunnan. Our research suggests that non-local populations of M. alternates, possibly from eastern China, have become established in southwestern Yunnan.  相似文献   

We collected several individuals of the Slaty-bellied Tesia Tesia olivea in the temperate rain forest of the sub-Himalayan region of northeastern Burma/Myanmar in February/March 2004 and March 2006. Subsequent comparison of these with T. olivea from northeastern India and northern Thailand revealed that while our northeastern Burma/Myanmar birds were similar to those from northeastern India, specimens of both populations were distinctly different from T. olivea from Chiang Mai Province of northern Thailand and northern Vietnam. Herein, we designate the latter populations as members of a new subspecies of T. olivea based on analyses of variations in morphometric characters, plumage, song, and mitochondrial (mt)DNA sequence.  相似文献   

Abstract The melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae), has been the subject of worldwide quarantine and management efforts due to its widespread agricultural impact and potential for rapid range expansion. From its presumed native distribution in India, this species has spread throughout the hot‐humid regions of the world. We provide information that reveals population structure, invasion history and population connectivity from 23 locations covering nine countries based on DNA sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene. Forty‐two polymorphic sites were described among 38 haplotypes. The most common haplotype, H1, was observed in 73% of the samples distributed among all populations. Highest genetic diversity was seen within populations, and no isolation‐by‐distance was detected. The western regions (Nepal, Bangladesh, Thailand, Burma and China‐west) showed higher haplotype diversity than eastern regions (China‐east). China‐Yunnan showed highest levels of genetic diversity in China. Haplotype diversity decreased with longitude from west to east. Together, these analyses suggest that B. cucurbitae has expanded from west to east within a limited geographic scale and recently invaded China through Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

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