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Water and solute flows in the coupled system of xylem and phloem were modeled together with predictions for xylem and whole stem diameter changes. With the model we could produce water circulation between xylem and phloem as presented by the Münch hypothesis. Viscosity was modeled as an explicit function of solute concentration and this was found to vary the resistance of the phloem sap flow by many orders of magnitude in the possible physiological range of sap concentrations. Also, the sensitivity of the predicted phloem translocation to changes in the boundary conditions and parameters such as sugar loading, transpiration, and hydraulic conductivity were studied. The system was found to be quite sensitive to the sugar-loading rate, as too high sugar concentration, (approximately 7 MPa) would cause phloem translocation to be irreversibly hindered and soon totally blocked due to accumulation of sugar at the top of the phloem and the consequent rise in the viscosity of the phloem sap. Too low sugar loading rate, on the other hand, would not induce a sufficient axial water pressure gradient. The model also revealed the existence of Münch “counter flow”, i.e., xylem water flow in the absence of transpiration resulting from water circulation between the xylem and phloem. Modeled diameter changes of the stem were found to be compatible with actual stem diameter measurements from earlier studies. The diurnal diameter variation of the whole stem was approximately 0.1 mm of which the xylem constituted approximately one-third.  相似文献   

In recent years, increasing attention has been paid in exploring the role of direct plant defence, through the production of allelochemicals, on the performance of parasitoid wasps and their hosts. However, few studies have determined if parasitoids can detect differences in plant quality and thus preferentially attack hosts on which their progeny develop most successfully. In this study we examined the development and preference of two endoparasitoids, Diadegma semiclausum and Cotesia glomerata , developing in larvae of their respective hosts, Plutella xylostella and Pieris brassicae . In turn, these were reared on different wild populations of black mustard Brassica nigra originating in the Netherlands and Sicily (Italy), as well as single cultivated strains of B. nigra and brown mustard, B. juncea . Chemical analyses of foliar glucosinolates and volatile emissions by P. xylostella -damaged plants revealed large differences between B. nigra and B. juncea plants, with smaller differences among the B. nigra populations. The four mustard populations differentially affected development time and body mass of the herbivores and parasitoids. Contrasts among the means revealed significant differences mainly between B. nigra and B. juncea . Both parasitoids, however, preferred to alight on plants in which their progeny developed most successfully. In behavioural bioassays, D. semiclausum did not discriminate among the B. nigra populations and preferred to alight on B. juncea , which was the best plant population for parasitoid development. By contrast, C. glomerata females exhibited the lowest preference for Italian B. nigra populations, on which adult parasitoid size was the smallest. These results reveal that parasitoids can detect even small differences in plant quality presumably through their volatile blends and that plant preference and offspring performance in the two species are 'optimally synchronized'.  相似文献   

Summary Leaf gas exchange, transpiration, water potential and xylem water flow measurements were used in order to investigate the daily water balance of intact, naturally growing, adult Larix and Picea trees without major injury. The total daily water use of the tree was very similar when measured as xylem water flow at breast height or at the trunk top below the shade branches, or as canopy transpiration by a porometer or gas exchange chamber at different crown positions. The average canopy transpiration is about 12% lower than the transpiration of a single twig in the sun crown of Larix and Picea. Despite the similarity in daily total water flows there are larger differences in the actual daily course. Transpiration started 2 to 3 h earlier than the xylem water flow and decreased at noon before the maximum xylem water flow was reached, and stopped in the evening 2 to 3 h earlier than the water flow though the stem. The daily course of the xylem water flow was very similar at the trunk base and top below the lowest branches with shade needles. The difference in water efflux from the crown via transpiration and the water influx from the trunk is caused by the use of stored water. The specific capacitance of the crown wood was estimated to be 4.7 x 10-8 and 6.3 x 10-8 kg kg-1 Pa-1 and the total amount of available water storage was 17.8 and 8.7 kg, which is 24% and 14% of the total daily transpiration in Larix and Picea respectively. Very little water was used from the main tree trunk. With increasing transpiration and use of stored water from wood in the crown, the water potential in the foliage decreases. Plant water status recovers with the decrease of transpiration and the refilling of the water storage sites. The liquid flow conductance in the trunk was 0.45 x 10-9 and 0.36 x 10-9 mol m-2s-1 Pa-1 in Larix and Picea respectively. The role of stomata and their control by environmental and internal plant factors is discussed.  相似文献   

Transitions from fresh to saline habitats are restricted to a handful of insect lineages, as the colonization of saline waters requires specialized mechanisms to deal with osmotic stress. Previous studies have suggested that tolerance to salinity and desiccation could be mechanistically and evolutionarily linked, but the temporal sequence of these adaptations is not well established for individual lineages. We combined molecular, physiological and ecological data to explore the evolution of desiccation resistance, hyporegulation ability (i.e., the ability to osmoregulate in hyperosmotic media) and habitat transitions in the water beetle genus Enochrus subgenus Lumetus (Hydrophilidae). We tested whether enhanced desiccation resistance evolved before increases in hyporegulation ability or vice versa, or whether the two mechanisms evolved in parallel. The most recent ancestor of Lumetus was inferred to have high desiccation resistance and moderate hyporegulation ability. There were repeated shifts between habitats with differing levels of salinity in the radiation of the group, those to the most saline habitats generally occurring more rapidly than those to less saline ones. Significant and accelerated changes in hyporegulation ability evolved in parallel with smaller and more progressive increases in desiccation resistance across the phylogeny, associated with the colonization of meso‐ and hypersaline waters during global aridification events. All species with high hyporegulation ability were also desiccation‐resistant, but not vice versa. Overall, results are consistent with the hypothesis that desiccation resistance mechanisms evolved first and provided the physiological basis for the development of hyporegulation ability, allowing these insects to colonize and diversify across meso‐ and hypersaline habitats.  相似文献   

Summary CO2 assimilation in relation to light intensity and the relationship between leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and CO2 assimilation in 14 species of ecologically important Zimbabwean trees were examined. Eight of the species are members of the Fabaceae (Leguminosae). In the majority of Zimbabwean climax woodlands, the dominant trees are non-nodulating members of the sub-family Caesalpinioideae. The species examined have higher light saturation points (>700 mol m–2 s–1) than woody species from temperate areas; one species, Acacia nigrescens, did not reach saturation at photon fluxes greater than 1500 mol m–2 sec–1. Higher leaf nitrogen content was found to correlate positively with higher CO2 assimilation rates (r=0.85; P0.0003); there was no correlation between leaf phosphorus content and CO2 uptake rates. There were no significant differences between sites in terms of leaf nitrogen or phosphorus content, but the mean photosynthetic rate at one of the sites (Chizedzi) was lower. Taxa from the nodulating legumes were found to have higher leaf nitrogen contents (309.1±SD 22 mmol m–2) than those of the non-nodulating species (239±33); the lowest nitrogen contents were found in nonleguminous trees (179±42), with the exception of Ziziphus mucronata. This species may form an association with an N2-fixing actinomycete.  相似文献   

Abstract Analysis of nodule inputs via the phloem and outputs via the xylem leads to the conclusion that water fluxes along those conduits alone would give a xylem sap osmolality in excess of that of sieve tubes and would thus plasmolyse the latter unless N2 fixation involved a very high respiratory consumption of organic C entering in the phloem, or there is significant water influx from soil through the nodule surface. Whether N2 fixation by attached nodules not in contact with an external water supply is energetically inefficient (and hence also, at a whole plant level, inefficient in terms of water-use) is as yet untested. However, the hypothesis which we prefer involves the shortfall in water entry via the phloem being made up the parenchymatic water flux from the root to the nodule.  相似文献   

Leaf longevity and nutrient resorption efficiency are important strategies to conserve plant nutrients. Theory suggests a negative relationship between them and also proposes that high concentration of phenolics in long‐lived leaves may reduce nutrient resorption. In order to provide new evidence on these relationships, we explored whether N‐resorption efficiency is related to leaf longevity, secondary compounds and other leaf traits in coexisting plant species of different life forms in the arid Patagonian Monte, Argentina. We assessed N‐resorption efficiency, green leaf traits (leaf mass per area (LMA), leaf longevity and lignin, total soluble phenolics and N concentrations) and N concentration in senescent leaves of 12 species of different life forms (evergreen shrubs, deciduous shrubs and perennial grasses) with contrasting leaf traits. We found that leaf longevity was positively correlated to LMA and lignin, and negatively correlated to N concentration in green leaves. N concentrations both in green and senescent leaves were positively related. N‐resorption efficiency was not associated with the concentration of secondary compounds (total soluble phenolics and lignin) but it was negatively related to LMA and leaf longevity and positively related to N concentration in green leaves. Furthermore, leaf traits overlapped among life forms highlighting that life forms are not a good indicator of the functional properties (at least in relation to nutrient conservation) of species. In conclusion, our findings indicated that differences in N‐resorption efficiency among coexisting species were more related to N concentration in green leaves, leaf lifespan and LMA than to the presence of secondary compounds at least those assessed in our study (soluble phenolics and lignin). Accordingly, N‐resorption efficiency seems to be modulated, at least in part, by the productivity–persistence trade‐off.  相似文献   

Bamboos native to temperate East Asian coniferous forests arrive with increasing frequency in the United States as horticultural imports, and some are becoming naturalized locally. Given the strong floristic and physiognomic similarities between East Asian and western North American coniferous forests, we asked whether these introduced bamboos could tolerate the varied light regimes within coniferous forests in their new range. Seven temperate Asian bamboos and one North American bamboo (Arundinaria gigantea) were grown within shade structures in an experimental garden; these structures reduced ambient light to three light levels (50, 70, 90 % shade) that occur routinely within coniferous forests in the Pacific Northwest. Species’ responses under these light levels were measured by their light response curves to photosynthesis, resource allocation to light or carbon harvesting centers inferred by CO2 response curves, and shifts amongst forms of leaf Chlorophyll. Bashania fargesii has lower chlorophyll content and photosynthetic rates under high shade (90 %) relative to other Asian species and to B. fargesii grown in 50 and 70 % shade. Bashania fargesii, Sasa kurilensis and A. gigantea also displayed lower photosynthetic rates under 90 % shade compared to plants grown in 50 and 70 % shade and lower electron transport capacity under 70 and 90 % shade compared to plants grown in 50 % shade. In contrast, Pleioblastus chino, Pleioblastus distichus, Pseudosasa japonica, Sasa palmata and Sasaella ramosa display strong tolerance of low light. Our results indicate these five Asian bamboos (and others yet to be introduced) could skirt a major environmental barrier to new species establishment in these North American forests. Measuring a species’ light response curve offers a reliable, rapid means to assess an immigrant species’ potential to tolerate forests’ varied light regimes.  相似文献   

Desiccation tolerance (DT) is the ability to tolerate dehydration to levels below 0.1 g(H2O) g?1(dry mass) and subsequent rehydration without lethal damage. Here, it is proposed that Leucaena leucocephala, a tree species, has potential to be model tolerant species in seed research. Using flow cytometry and transmission electron microscopy, cytological changes related to loss of DT in Leucaena primary roots were followed during germination. Leucaena seeds lost their DT at the end of germination and this coincided with an increase in cellular 4C DNA content. A negative correlation between the 8C DNA content and the capacity of germinating Leucaena seeds to tolerate desiccation was also observed. Apparently, the seeds of Leucaena underwent extra cycles of endoreduplication and accumulated a high content of DNA — an event not previously linked to DT. The ultrastructural damage imposed by drying overcame Leucaena primary root cell resilience and their ability to resume normal growth. Nuclear DNA content may be used as indicator of progress of germination and loss of DT in Leucaena.  相似文献   

Aim It has been proposed that, in tropical savannas, trees deploy their leaves earlier in the growing season and grasses deploy their leaves later. This hypothesis implies a mechanism that facilitates the coexistence of trees and grasses in savannas. If true, this hypothesis would also allow algorithms to use differences in the phenological timing of grass and tree leaves to partition the relative contribution of grasses and trees to net primary production. In this study we examine whether a temporal niche separation between grasses and trees exists in savanna. Location A semi‐arid, subtropical savanna, Kruger National Park, South Africa. Methods We use a multi‐spectral camera to track through an entire growing season the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) of individual canopies of grasses and trees at eight sites arranged along a precipitation and temperature gradient. Results Among trees, we identified two distinct phenological syndromes: an early flushing syndrome and a late‐flushing syndrome. Leaf flush in the tree strategies appears to pre‐empt rainfall, whereas grass leaf flush follows the rain. The growing season of trees is 20 (late‐flushing trees) to 27 (early flushing trees) days longer than that of the grasses. Main conclusions We show that grasses and trees have different leaf deployment strategies. Trees deployed leaves at lower temperatures than grasses and retained them for longer at the end of the growing season. The timing of the increase in NDVI is, however, similar between grasses and late‐flushing trees and this complicates the separation of grass and tree signals from multi‐spectral satellite imagery.  相似文献   

Nicotianamine: mediator of transport of iron and heavy metals in the phloem?   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Recent work has demonstrated that minerals in plants are circulated between root and shoot. This occurs during the whole life time and renders possible response to changing environmental conditions. This mineral circulation occurs through intensive solute exchange between xylem and phloem in roots, stems, and leaves. The transport form of heavy metals such as iron, manganes, zinc and copper in the phloem, whether ionic or chelated, is unclear in most cases.
The unusual amino acid nicotianamine (NA) is ubiquitous throughout the plant kingdom. It is a chelator of several divalent transition metals. Its physiological role was investigated with the tomato mutant chloronerva, the only known NA-free multicellular plant. The mutant also exhibits disturbances of its iron metabolism and that of other heavy metals. This leads, among others, to a typical intercostal chlorosis and progressive iron accumulation in the leaves. From the heavy metal chelating properties of NA and from the phenotype of the mutant chloronerva it is concluded that NA is needed for normal distribution of heavy metals in young growing tissues fed via the phloem. This function could be fulfilled by mediating phloem loading or unloading of heavy metals as well as by preventing their precipitation in the alkaline phloem sap. An attempt is made to explain the chloronerva phenotype in the light of the phloem transport hypothesis of chelated iron.  相似文献   

In the last decades, plant resistance to drought conditions has been studied intensively both at whole-tree level and at tissue level. These studies have highlighted the role of xylem cavitation in the global resistance of plants to drought. In this paper, we investigate the coordination among several symplastic variables during intense drought conditions and its relationship to resistance to xylem cavitation. We selected 2-year-old seedlings of Pistacia lentiscus L. and Quercus coccifera L., two Mediterranean drought-resistant species with differences in both xylem vulnerability to cavitation and survival rates under field conditions. Drought provoked large decreases in photosynthetic rates and predawn Fv/Fm ratios, as well as less marked decreases in actual PSII efficiency (due to decreases in both intrinsic PSII efficiency and photochemical quenching). Photosynthetic pigment composition remained fairly unchanged down to water potentials of −8 MPa, despite inter-conversions within the xanthophyll cycle in both species. Cell membrane injury and proline accumulation followed similar patterns, and were much more intense in P. lentiscus than in Q. coccifera. Comparisons between variables revealed that both species: (i) followed a drought avoidance strategy, (ii) were very resistant to drought conditions at symplastic level, and (iii) showed an overall good relationship between apoplast (xylem cavitation) and symplast resistance (membrane stability, PSII functionality, proline accumulation and pigment composition). Differences between species in functional symplastic and apoplastic characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

We have compared structures of 78 proteins determined by both NMR and X-ray methods. It is shown that X-ray and NMR structures of the same protein have more differences than various X-ray structures obtained for the protein, and even more than various NMR structures of the protein. X-ray and NMR structures of 18 of these 78 proteins have obvious large-scale structural differences that seem to reflect a difference of crystal and solution structures. The other 60 pairs of structures have only small-scale differences comparable with differences between various X-ray or various NMR structures of a protein; we have analyzed these structures more attentively. One of the main differences between NMR and X-ray structures concerns the number of contacts per residue: (1) NMR structures presented in PDB have more contacts than X-ray structures at distances below 3.0 A and 4.5-6.5 A, and fewer contacts at distances of 3.0-4.5 A and 6.5-8.0 A; (2) this difference in the number of contacts is greater for internal residues than for external ones, and it is larger for beta-containing proteins than for all-alpha proteins. Another significant difference is that the main-chain hydrogen bonds identified in X-ray and NMR structures often differ. Their correlation is 69% only. However, analogous difference is found for refined and rerefined NMR structures, allowing us to suggest that the observed difference in interresidue contacts of X-ray and NMR structures of the same proteins is due mainly to a difference in mathematical treatment of experimental results.  相似文献   

Does the photosynthetic light‐acclimation need change in leaf anatomy?   总被引:23,自引:3,他引:20  
There is a strong correlation between leaf thickness and the light‐saturated rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area (Pmax). However, when leaves are exposed to higher light intensities after maturation, Pmax often increases without increasing leaf thickness. To elucidate the mechanism with which mature leaves increase Pmax, the change in anatomical and physiological characteristics of mature leaves of Chenopodium album, which was transferred from low to high light condition, were examined. When compared with leaves subjected to low light continuously (LL leaves), the leaves transferred from low to high light (LH leaves) significantly increased Pmax. The transfer also increased the area of chloroplasts facing the intercellular space (Sc) and maintained a strong correlation between Pmax and Sc. The mesophyll cells of LL leaves had open spaces along cell walls where chloroplasts were absent, which enabled the leaves to increase Pmax when they were exposed to high light (LH). However, the LH leaves were not thick enough to allow further increase in Pmax to the level in HH leaves. Thus leaf thickness determines an upper limit of Pmax of leaves subjected to a change from low to high light conditions. Shade leaves would only increase Pmax when they have open space to accommodate chloroplasts which elongate after light conditions improve.  相似文献   

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