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Pattern‐triggered immunity (PTI) is broad spectrum and manipulation of PTI is believed to represent an attractive way to engineer plants with broad‐spectrum disease resistance. PTI is activated upon perception of microbe‐associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) by pattern‐recognition receptors (PRRs). We have recently demonstrated that the L‐type lectin receptor kinase‐VI.2 (LecRK‐VI.2) positively regulates Arabidopsis thaliana PTI. Here we show through in vitro pull‐down, bimolecular fluorescence complementation and co‐immunoprecipitation analyses that LecRK‐VI.2 associates with the PRR FLS2. We also demonstrated that LecRK‐VI.2 from the cruciferous plant Arabidopsis remains functional after interfamily transfer to the Solanaceous plant Nicotiana benthamiana. Wild tobacco plants ectopically expressing LecRK‐VI.2 were indeed more resistant to virulent hemi‐biotrophic and necrotrophic bacteria, but not to the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea suggesting that, as with Arabidopsis, the LecRK‐VI.2 protective effect in N. benthamiana is bacteria specific. Ectopic expression of LecRK‐VI.2 in N. benthamiana primed PTI‐mediated reactive oxygen species production, mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) activity, callose deposition and gene expression upon treatment with the MAMP flagellin. Our findings identified LecRK‐VI.2 as a member of the FLS2 receptor complex and suggest that heterologous expression of components of PRR complexes can be used as tools to engineer plant disease resistance to bacteria.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae delivers a plethora of effector proteins into host cells to sabotage immune responses and modulate physiology to favor infection. The P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 effector HopF2 suppresses Arabidopsis innate immunity triggered by multiple microbe‐associated molecular patterns (MAMP) at the plasma membrane. We show here that HopF2 possesses distinct mechanisms for suppression of two branches of MAMP‐activated MAP kinase (MAPK) cascades. In addition to blocking MKK5 (MAPK kinase 5) activation in the MEKK1 (MAPK kinase kinase 1)/MEKKs–MKK4/5–MPK3/6 cascade, HopF2 targets additional component(s) upstream of MEKK1 in the MEKK1–MKK1/2–MPK4 cascade and the plasma membrane‐localized receptor‐like cytoplasmic kinase BIK1 and its homologs. We further show that HopF2 directly targets BAK1, a plasma membrane‐localized receptor‐like kinase that is involved in multiple MAMP signaling. The interaction between BAK1 and HopF2 and between two other P. syringae effectors, AvrPto and AvrPtoB, was confirmed in vivo and in vitro. Consistent with BAK1 as a physiological target of AvrPto, AvrPtoB and HopF2, the strong growth defects or lethality associated with ectopic expression of these effectors in wild‐type Arabidopsis transgenic plants were largely alleviated in bak1 mutant plants. Thus, our results provide genetic evidence to show that BAK1 is a physiological target of AvrPto, AvrPtoB and HopF2. Identification of BAK1 as an additional target of HopF2 virulence not only explains HopF2 suppression of multiple MAMP signaling at the plasma membrane, but also supports the notion that pathogen virulence effectors act through multiple targets in host cells.  相似文献   

Members of the MILDEW RESISTANCE LOCUS O (MLO) gene family confer susceptibility to powdery mildews in different plant species, and their existence therefore seems to be disadvantageous for the plant. We recognized that expression of the Arabidopsis MLO2 gene is induced after inoculation with the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae, promoted by salicylic acid (SA) signaling, and systemically enhanced in the foliage of plants exhibiting systemic acquired resistance (SAR). Importantly, distinct mlo2 mutant lines were unable to systemically increase resistance to bacterial infection after inoculation with P. syringae, indicating that the function of MLO2 is necessary for biologically induced SAR in Arabidopsis. Our data also suggest that the close homolog MLO6 has a supportive but less critical role in SAR. In contrast to SAR, basal resistance to bacterial infection was not affected in mlo2. Remarkably, SAR‐defective mlo2 mutants were still competent in systemically increasing the levels of the SAR‐activating metabolites pipecolic acid (Pip) and SA after inoculation, and to enhance SAR‐related gene expression in distal plant parts. Furthermore, although MLO2 was not required for SA‐ or Pip‐inducible defense gene expression, it was essential for the proper induction of disease resistance by both SAR signals. We conclude that MLO2 acts as a critical downstream component in the execution of SAR to bacterial infection, being required for the translation of elevated defense responses into disease resistance. Moreover, our data suggest a function for MLO2 in the activation of plant defense priming during challenge by P. syringae.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) that confer broad‐spectrum resistance (BSR), or resistance that is effective against multiple and diverse plant pathogens, have been elusive targets of crop breeding programmes. Multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) populations, with their diverse genetic composition and high levels of recombination, are potential resources for the identification of QTL for BSR. In this study, a rice MAGIC population was used to map QTL conferring BSR to two major rice diseases, bacterial leaf streak (BLS) and bacterial blight (BB), caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pathovars (pv.) oryzicola (Xoc) and oryzae (Xoo), respectively. Controlling these diseases is particularly important in sub‐Saharan Africa, where no sources of BSR are currently available in deployed varieties. The MAGIC founders and lines were genotyped by sequencing and phenotyped in the greenhouse and field by inoculation with multiple strains of Xoc and Xoo. A combination of genomewide association studies (GWAS) and interval mapping analyses revealed 11 BSR QTL, effective against both diseases, and three pathovar‐specific QTL. The most promising BSR QTL (qXO‐2‐1, qXO‐4‐1 and qXO‐11‐2) conferred resistance to more than nine Xoc and Xoo strains. GWAS detected 369 significant SNP markers with distinguishable phenotypic effects, allowing the identification of alleles conferring disease resistance and susceptibility. The BSR and susceptibility QTL will improve our understanding of the mechanisms of both resistance and susceptibility in the long term and will be immediately useful resources for rice breeding programmes.  相似文献   

The AvrE superfamily of type III effectors (T3Es) is widespread among type III‐dependent phytobacteria and plays a crucial role during bacterial pathogenesis. Members of the AvrE superfamily are vertically inherited core effectors, indicating an ancestral acquisition of these effectors in bacterial plant pathogens. AvrE‐T3Es contribute significantly to virulence by suppressing pathogen‐associated molecular pattern (PAMP)‐triggered immunity. They inhibit salicylic acid‐mediated plant defences, interfere with vesicular trafficking and promote bacterial growth in planta. AvrE‐T3Es elicit cell death in both host and non‐host plants independent of any known plant resistance protein, suggesting an original interaction with the plant immune system. Recent studies in yeast have indicated that they activate protein phosphatase 2A and inhibit serine palmitoyl transferase, the first enzyme of the sphingolipid biosynthesis pathway. In this review, we describe the current picture that has emerged from studies of the different members of this fascinating large family.  相似文献   

Banana Xanthomonas wilt (BXW), caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum (Xcm), is the most devastating disease of banana in east and central Africa. The spread of BXW threatens the livelihood of millions of African farmers who depend on banana for food security and income. There are no commercial chemicals, biocontrol agents or resistant cultivars available to control BXW. Here, we take advantage of the robust resistance conferred by the rice pattern‐recognition receptor (PRR), XA21, to the rice pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). We identified a set of genes required for activation of Xa21‐mediated immunity (rax) that were conserved in both Xoo and Xcm. Based on the conservation, we hypothesized that intergeneric transfer of Xa21 would confer resistance to Xcm. We evaluated 25 transgenic lines of the banana cultivar ‘Gonja manjaya’ (AAB) using a rapid bioassay and 12 transgenic lines in the glasshouse for resistance against Xcm. About 50% of the transgenic lines showed complete resistance to Xcm in both assays. In contrast, all of the nontransgenic control plants showed severe symptoms that progressed to complete wilting. These results indicate that the constitutive expression of the rice Xa21 gene in banana results in enhanced resistance against Xcm. Furthermore, this work demonstrates the feasibility of PRR gene transfer between monocotyledonous species and provides a valuable new tool for controlling the BXW pandemic of banana, a staple food for 100 million people in east Africa.  相似文献   

The extensively studied Arabidopsis phytoalexin deficient 4 (AtPAD4) gene plays an important role in Arabidopsis disease resistance; however, the function of its sequence ortholog in rice is unknown. Here, we show that rice OsPAD4 appears not to be the functional ortholog of AtPAD4 in host‐pathogen interactions, and that the OsPAD4 encodes a plasma membrane protein but that AtPAD4 encodes a cytoplasmic and nuclear protein. Suppression of OsPAD4 by RNA interference (RNAi) increased rice susceptibility to the biotrophic pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo), which causes bacteria blight disease in local tissue. OsPAD4‐RNAi plants also show compromised wound‐induced systemic resistance to Xoo. The increased susceptibility to Xoo was associated with reduced accumulation of jasmonic acid (JA) and phytoalexin momilactone A (MOA). Exogenous application of JA complemented the phenotype of OsPAD4‐RNAi plants in response to Xoo. The following results suggest that OsPAD4 functions differently than AtPAD4 in response to pathogen infection. First, OsPAD4 plays an important role in wound‐induced systemic resistance, whereas AtPAD4 mediates systemic acquired resistance. Second, OsPAD4‐involved defense signaling against Xoo is JA‐dependent, but AtPAD4‐involved defense signaling against biotrophic pathogens is salicylic acid‐dependent. Finally, OsPAD4 is required for the accumulation of terpenoid‐type phytoalexin MOA in rice‐bacterium interactions, but AtPAD4‐mediated resistance is associated with the accumulation of indole‐type phytoalexin camalexin.  相似文献   

Chitin, a major component of fungal cell walls, is a well‐known pathogen‐associated molecular pattern (PAMP) that triggers defense responses in several mammal and plant species. Here, we show that two chitooligosaccharides, chitin and chitosan, act as PAMPs in grapevine (Vitis vinifera) as they elicit immune signalling events, defense gene expression and resistance against fungal diseases. To identify their cognate receptors, the grapevine family of LysM receptor kinases (LysM‐RKs) was annotated and their gene expression profiles were characterized. Phylogenetic analysis clearly distinguished three V. vinifera LysM‐RKs (VvLYKs) located in the same clade as the Arabidopsis CHITIN ELICITOR RECEPTOR KINASE1 (AtCERK1), which mediates chitin‐induced immune responses. The Arabidopsis mutant Atcerk1, impaired in chitin perception, was transformed with these three putative orthologous genes encoding VvLYK1‐1, ‐2, or ‐3 to determine if they would complement the loss of AtCERK1 function. Our results provide evidence that VvLYK1‐1 and VvLYK1‐2, but not VvLYK1‐3, functionally complement the Atcerk1 mutant by restoring chitooligosaccharide‐induced MAPK activation and immune gene expression. Moreover, expression of VvLYK1‐1 in Atcerk1 restored penetration resistance to the non‐adapted grapevine powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator). On the whole, our results indicate that the grapevine VvLYK1‐1 and VvLYK1‐2 participate in chitin‐ and chitosan‐triggered immunity and that VvLYK1‐1 plays an important role in basal resistance against E. necator.  相似文献   

The tyrosine‐sulfated peptides PSKα and PSY1 bind to specific leucine‐rich repeat surface receptor kinases and control cell proliferation in plants. In a reverse genetic screen, we identified the phytosulfokine (PSK) receptor PSKR1 as an important component of plant defense. Multiple independent loss‐of‐function mutants in PSKR1 are more resistant to biotrophic bacteria, show enhanced pathogen‐associated molecular pattern responses and less lesion formation after infection with the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. By contrast, pskr1 mutants are more susceptible to necrotrophic fungal infection with Alternaria brassicicola, show more lesion formation and fungal growth which is not observed on wild‐type plants. The antagonistic effect on biotrophic and necrotrophic pathogen resistance is reflected by enhanced salicylate and reduced jasmonate responses in the mutants, suggesting that PSKR1 suppresses salicylate‐dependent defense responses. Detailed analysis of single and multiple mutations in the three paralogous genes PSKR1, ‐2 and PSY1‐receptor (PSY1R) determined that PSKR1 and PSY1R, but not PSKR2, have a partially redundant effect on plant immunity. In animals and plants, peptide sulfation is catalyzed by a tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase (TPST). Mutants lacking TPST show increased resistance to bacterial infection and increased susceptibility to fungal infection, mimicking the triple receptor mutant phenotypes. Feeding experiments with PSKα in tpst‐1 mutants partially restore the defense‐related phenotypes, indicating that perception of the PSKα peptide has a direct effect on plant defense. These results suggest that the PSKR subfamily integrates growth‐promoting and defense signals mediated by sulfated peptides and modulates cellular plasticity to allow flexible adjustment to environmental changes.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis downy mildew resistant 6 (dmr6) mutants have lost their susceptibility to the downy mildew Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis. Here we show that dmr6 is also resistant to the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae and the oomycete Phytophthora capsici. Resistance is accompanied by enhanced defense gene expression and elevated salicylic acid levels. The suppressive effect of the DMR6 oxygenase was confirmed in transgenic Arabidopsis lines overexpressing DMR6 that show enhanced susceptibility to Harabidopsidis, Pcapsici, and Psyringae. Phylogenetic analysis of the superfamily of 2‐oxoglutarate Fe(II)‐dependent oxygenases revealed a subgroup of DMR6‐LIKE OXYGENASEs (DLOs). Within Arabidopsis, DMR6 is most closely related to DLO1 and DLO2. Overexpression of DLO1 and DLO2 in the dmr6 mutant restored the susceptibility to downy mildew indicating that DLOs negatively affect defense, similar to DMR6. DLO1, but not DLO2, is co‐expressed with DMR6, showing strong activation during pathogen attack and following salicylic acid treatment. DMR6 and DLO1 differ in their spatial expression pattern in downy mildew‐infected Arabidopsis leaves; DMR6 is mostly expressed in cells that are in contact with hyphae and haustoria of Harabidopsidis, while DLO1 is expressed mainly in the vascular tissues near infection sites. Strikingly, the dmr6‐3_dlo1 double mutant, that is completely resistant to Harabidopsidis, showed a strong growth reduction that was associated with high levels of salicylic acid. We conclude that DMR6 and DLO1 redundantly suppress plant immunity, but also have distinct activities based on their differential localization of expression.  相似文献   

Plant resistance genes (R genes) harbor tremendous allelic diversity, constituting a robust immune system effective against microbial pathogens. Nevertheless, few functional R genes have been identified for even the best‐studied pathosystems. Does this limited repertoire reflect specificity, with most R genes having been defeated by former pests, or do plants harbor a rich diversity of functional R genes, the composite behavior of which is yet to be characterized? Here, we survey 332 NBS‐LRR genes cloned from five resistant Oryza sativa (rice) cultivars for their ability to confer recognition of 12 rice blast isolates when transformed into susceptible cultivars. Our survey reveals that 48.5% of the 132 NBS‐LRR loci tested contain functional rice blast R genes, with most R genes deriving from multi‐copy clades containing especially diversified loci. Each R gene recognized, on average, 2.42 of the 12 isolates screened. The abundant R genes identified in resistant genomes provide extraordinary redundancy in the ability of host genotypes to recognize particular isolates. If the same is true for other pathogens, many extant NBS‐LRR genes retain functionality. Our success at identifying rice blast R genes also validates a highly efficient cloning and screening strategy.  相似文献   

Effector‐triggered immunity (ETI) to host‐adapted pathogens is associated with rapid cell death at the infection site. The plant‐pathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas euvesicatoria (Xcv) interferes with plant cellular processes by injecting effector proteins into host cells through the type III secretion system. Here, we show that the Xcv effector XopQ suppresses cell death induced by components of the ETI‐associated MAP kinase cascade MAPKKKα MEK2/SIPK and by several R/avr gene pairs. Inactivation of xopQ by insertional mutagenesis revealed that this effector inhibits ETI‐associated cell death induced by avirulent Xcv in resistant pepper (Capsicum annuum), and enhances bacterial growth in resistant pepper and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Using protein–protein interaction studies in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and in planta, we identified the tomato 14–3–3 isoform SlTFT4 and homologs from other plant species as XopQ interactors. A mutation in the putative 14–3–3 binding site of XopQ impaired interaction of the effector with CaTFT4 in yeast and its virulence function in planta. Consistent with a role in ETI, TFT4 mRNA abundance increased during the incompatible interaction of tomato and pepper with Xcv. Silencing of NbTFT4 in Nicotiana benthamiana significantly reduced cell death induced by MAPKKKα. In addition, silencing of CaTFT4 in pepper delayed the appearance of ETI‐associated cell death and enhanced growth of virulent and avirulent Xcv, demonstrating the requirement of TFT4 for plant immunity to Xcv. Our results suggest that the XopQ virulence function is to suppress ETI and immunity‐associated cell death by interacting with TFT4, which is an important component of ETI and a bona fide target of XopQ.  相似文献   

The internalization of some oomycete and fungal pathogen effectors into host plant cells has been reported to be blocked by proteins that bind to the effectors' cell entry receptor, phosphatidylinositol‐3‐phosphate (PI3P). This finding suggested a novel strategy for disease control by engineering plants to secrete PI3P‐binding proteins. In this study, we tested this strategy using the chocolate tree Theobroma cacao. Transient expression and secretion of four different PI3P‐binding proteins in detached leaves of T. cacao greatly reduced infection by two oomycete pathogens, Phytophthora tropicalis and Phytophthora palmivora, which cause black pod disease. Lesion size and pathogen growth were reduced by up to 85%. Resistance was not conferred by proteins lacking a secretory leader, by proteins with mutations in their PI3P‐binding site, or by a secreted PI4P‐binding protein. Stably transformed, transgenic T. cacao plants expressing two different PI3P‐binding proteins showed substantially enhanced resistance to both P. tropicalis and P. palmivora, as well as to the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum theobromicola. These results demonstrate that secretion of PI3P‐binding proteins is an effective way to increase disease resistance in T. cacao, and potentially in other plants, against a broad spectrum of pathogens.  相似文献   

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