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A coalescent dual process for a multi-type Moran model with genic selection is derived using a generator approach. This leads to an expansion of the transition functions in the Moran model and the Wright–Fisher diffusion process limit in terms of the transition functions for the coalescent dual. A graphical representation of the Moran model (in the spirit of Harris) identifies the dual as a strong dual process following typed lines backwards in time. An application is made to the harmonic measure problem of finding the joint probability distribution of the time to the first loss of an allele from the population and the distribution of the surviving alleles at the time of loss. Our dual process mirrors the Ancestral Selection Graph of [Krone, S. M., Neuhauser, C., 1997. Ancestral processes with selection. Theoret. Popul. Biol. 51, 210–237; Neuhauser, C., Krone, S. M., 1997. The genealogy of samples in models with selection. Genetics 145, 519–534], which allows one to reconstruct the genealogy of a random sample from a population subject to genic selection. In our setting, we follow [Stephens, M., Donnelly, P., 2002. Ancestral inference in population genetics models with selection. Aust. N. Z. J. Stat. 45, 395–430] in assuming that the types of individuals in the sample are known. There are also close links to [Fearnhead, P., 2002. The common ancestor at a nonneutral locus. J. Appl. Probab. 39, 38–54]. However, our methods and applications are quite different. This work can also be thought of as extending a dual process construction in a Wright–Fisher diffusion in [Barbour, A.D., Ethier, S.N., Griffiths, R.C., 2000. A transition function expansion for a diffusion model with selection. Ann. Appl. Probab. 10, 123–162]. The application to the harmonic measure problem extends a construction provided in the setting of a neutral diffusion process model in [Ethier, S.N., Griffiths, R.C., 1991. Harmonic measure for random genetic drift. In: Pinsky, M.A. (Ed.), Diffusion Processes and Related Problems in Analysis, vol. 1. In: Progress in Probability Series, vol. 22, Birkhäuser, Boston, pp. 73–81].  相似文献   

The genealogical structure of neutral populations in which reproductive success is highly-skewed has been the subject of many recent studies. Here we derive a coalescent dual process for a related class of continuous-time Moran models with viability selection. In these models, individuals can give birth to multiple offspring whose survival depends on both the parental genotype and the brood size. This extends the dual process construction for a multi-type Moran model with genic selection described in Etheridge and Griffiths (2009). We show that in the limit of infinite population size the non-neutral Moran models converge to a Markov jump process which we call the Λ-Fleming-Viot process with viability selection and we derive a coalescent dual for this process directly from the generator and as a limit from the Moran models. The dual is a branching-coalescing process similar to the Ancestral Selection Graph which follows the typed ancestry of genes backwards in time with real and virtual lineages. As an application, the transition functions of the non-neutral Moran and Λ-coalescent models are expressed as mixtures of the transition functions of the dual process.  相似文献   

Using properties of moment stationarity we develop exact expressions for the mean and covariance of allele frequencies at a single locus for a set of populations subject to drift, mutation, and migration. Some general results can be obtained even for arbitrary mutation and migration matrices, for example: (1) Under quite general conditions, the mean vector depends only on mutation rates, not on migration rates or the number of populations. (2) Allele frequencies covary among all pairs of populations connected by migration. As a result, the drift, mutation, migration process is not ergodic when any finite number of populations is exchanging genes. In addition, we provide closed-form expressions for the mean and covariance of allele frequencies in Wright's finite-island model of migration under several simple models of mutation, and we show that the correlation in allele frequencies among populations can be very large for realistic rates of mutation unless an enormous number of populations are exchanging genes. As a result, the traditional diffusion approximation provides a poor approximation of the stationary distribution of allele frequencies among populations. Finally, we discuss some implications of our results for measures of population structure based on Wright's F-statistics.  相似文献   

Many bacterial populations harbour substantial numbers of hypermutable bacteria, in spite of hypermutation being associated with deleterious mutations. One reason for the persistence of hypermutators is the provision of novel mutations, enabling rapid adaptation to continually changing environments, for example coevolving virulent parasites. However, hypermutation also increases the rate at which intraspecific parasites (social cheats) are generated. Interspecific and intraspecific parasitism are therefore likely to impose conflicting selection pressure on mutation rate. Here, we combine theory and experiments to investigate how simultaneous selection from inter- and intraspecific parasitism affects the evolution of bacterial mutation rates in the plant-colonizing bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens. Both our theoretical and experimental results suggest that phage presence increases and selection for public goods cooperation (the production of iron-scavenging siderophores) decreases selection for mutator bacteria. Moreover, phages imposed a much greater growth cost than social cheating, and when both selection pressures were imposed simultaneously, selection for cooperation did not affect mutation rate evolution. Given the ubiquity of infectious phages in the natural environment and clinical infections, our results suggest that phages are likely to be more important than social interactions in determining mutation rate evolution.  相似文献   

The thermotolerance of a species or of an ecotype is important for determining its habitat range and vigour, and considerable research has focused on identifying underlying physiological, biochemical and genetic bases of thermotolerance traits. Rates of protein synthesis in tissues when organisms experience a sudden heat stress as occurs on rare hot days may be important to avoid heat-induced paralysis and to survive. While natural variation in Drosophila melanogaster thermotolerance has been associated with heat-shock gene expression, little attention has been given to examining the thermo-protective role of protein synthesis generally. Using two independently derived sets of single-pair mating lines, we characterised variation in rates of protein synthesis in dissected ovarian tissues, both before and after a heat shock applied at different severities in the two sets. In both sets of lines heat-shocked protein synthesis rates were negatively associated with the increase in heat knockdown tolerance after hardening. These associations occurred in a different sex in each set. Variation in rates of Hsp70 synthesis failed to associate with levels of heat tolerance or general protein synthesis. Our results suggest heritable variation in the rate of protein synthesis following heat stress, independently of Hsp70 variation, contributes to heat tolerance variation in this species.  相似文献   

What selective processes underlie the evolution of parasites and their hosts? Arms-race models propose that new host-resistance mutations or parasite counter-adaptations arise and sweep to fixation. Frequency-dependent models propose that selection favours pathogens adapted to the most common host genotypes, conferring an advantage to rare host genotypes. Distinguishing between these models is empirically difficult. The maintenance of disease-resistance polymorphisms has been studied in detail in plants, but less so in animals, and rarely in natural populations. We have made a detailed study of genetic variation in host resistance in a natural animal population, Drosophila melanogaster, and its natural pathogen, the sigma virus. We confirm previous findings that a single (albeit complex) mutation in the gene ref(2)P confers resistance against sigma and show that this mutation has increased in frequency under positive selection. Previous studies suggested that ref(2)P polymorphism reflects the progress of a very recent selective sweep, and that in Europe during the 1980s, this was followed by a sweep of a sigma virus strain able to infect flies carrying this mutation. We find that the ref(2)P resistance mutation is considerably older than the recent spread of this viral strain and suggest that—possibly because it is recessive—the initial spread of the resistance mutation was very slow.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of ancestry, chance, and past and ongoing election to variation in one adaptive (larval feeding rate) and one seemingly nonadaptive (pupation height) trait were determined in populations ofDrosophila melanogaster adapting to either low or high larval densities in the laboratory. Larval feeding rates increased rapidly in response to high density, and the effects of ancestry, past selection and chance were ameliorated by ongoing selection within 15–20 generations. Similarly, in populations previously kept at high larval density, and then switched to low larval density, the decline of larval feeding rate to ancestral levels was rapid (15-20 generations) and complete, providing support for a previously stated hypothesis regarding the costs of faster feeding inDrosophila larvae. Variation among individuals was the major contributor to variation in pupation height, a trait that would superficially appear to be nonadaptive in the environmental context of the populations used in this study because it did not diverge between sets of populations kept at low versus high larval density for many generations. However, the degree of divergence among populations (FST) for pupation height was significantly less than expected for a selectively neutral trait, and we integrate results from previous studies to suggest that the variation for pupation height among populations is constrained by stabilizing selection, with a flat, plateau-like fitness function that, consequently, allows for substantial phenotypic variation within populations. Our results support the view that the genetic imprints of history (ancestry and past selection) in outbreeding sexual populations are typically likely to be transient in the face of ongoing selection and recombination. The results also illustrate the heuristic point that different forms of selection-for example directional versus stabilizing selection—acting on a trait in different populations may often not be due to differently shaped fitness functions, but rather due to differences in how the fitness function maps onto the actual distribution of phenotypes in a given population. We discuss these results in the light of previous work on reverse evolution, and the role of ancestry, chance, and past and ongoing selection in adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Geographic distributions of most temperate marine fishes are affected by postglacial recolonisation events, which have left complex genetic imprints on populations of marine species. This study investigated population structure and demographic history of European sprat (Sprattus sprattus L.) by combining inference from both mtDNA and microsatellite genetic markers throughout the species' distribution. We compared effects from genetic drift and mutation for both genetic markers in shaping genetic differentiation across four transition zones. Microsatellite markers revealed significant isolation by distance and a complex population structure across the species' distribution (overall θ(ST)=0.038, P<0.01). Across transition zones markers indicated larger effects of genetic drift over mutations in the northern distribution of sprat contrasting a stronger relative impact of mutation in the species' southern distribution in the Mediterranean region. These results were interpreted to reflect more recent divergence times between northern populations in accordance with previous findings. This study demonstrates the usefulness of comparing inference from different markers and estimators of divergence for phylogeographic and population genetic studies in species with weak genetic structure, as is the case in many marine species.  相似文献   

Strains of Drosophila melanogaster homozygous for either the Adh F or the Adh S allele were kept on food supplemented with ethanol for 20 generations. These strains (FE and SE) were tested for tolerance to ethanol and compared with control strains (FN and SN). The E strains showed increased tolerance to ethanol both in the adult and in the juvenile life stages. In adults the increase in tolerance was not accompanied by an increase in overall ADH activity. However, there were changes in the distribution of ADH over the body parts. Flies of the FE strain possessed significantly more ADH in the abdomen, compared with FN. Another set of FN and SN populations were started both on standard food and on ethanol food with reduced yeast concentrations. After 9 months ADH activities were determined in flies from these populations which had been placed on three different media: the food the populations had been kept on, regular food and regular food supplemented with ethanol. The phenotypic effects of yeast reduction on ADH activity were considerably, but longterm genetic effects were limited.  相似文献   

L M Cook  I J Saccheri 《Heredity》2013,110(3):207-212
From the outset multiple causes have been suggested for changes in melanic gene frequency in the peppered moth Biston betularia and other industrial melanic moths. These have included higher intrinsic fitness of melanic forms and selective predation for camouflage. The possible existence and origin of heterozygote advantage has been debated. From the 1950s, as a result of experimental evidence, selective predation became the favoured explanation and is undoubtedly the major factor driving the frequency change. However, modelling and monitoring of declining melanic frequencies since the 1970s indicate either that migration rates are much higher than existing direct estimates suggested or else, or in addition, non-visual selection has a role. Recent molecular work on genetics has revealed that the melanic (carbonaria) allele had a single origin in Britain, and that the locus is orthologous to a major wing patterning locus in Heliconius butterflies. New methods of analysis should supply further information on the melanic system and on migration that will complete our understanding of this important example of rapid evolution.  相似文献   

The maternal segmentation coordinate gene bicoid plays a significant role during Drosophila embryogenesis. The gradient of Bicoid, the protein encoded by this gene, determines most aspects of head and thorax development. This paper seeks to explore the applicability of a variety of signal processing techniques at extracting bicoid expression signal, and whether these methods can outperform the current model. We evaluate the use of six different powerful and widely-used models representing both parametric and nonparametric signal processing techniques to determine the most efficient method for signal extraction in bicoid. The results are evaluated using both real and simulated data. Our findings show that the Singular Spectrum Analysis technique proposed in this paper outperforms the synthesis diffusion degradation model for filtering the noisy protein profile of bicoid whilst the exponential smoothing technique was found to be the next best alternative followed by the autoregressive integrated moving average.  相似文献   

Many flowering plant species exhibit a variety of distinct sexual morphs, the two most common cases being the co-occurrence of females and males (dioecy) or the co-occurrence of hermaphrodites and females (gynodioecy). In this study, we compared DNA sequence variability of the three genomes (nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplastic) of a gynodioecious species, Silene nutans, with that of a closely related dioecious species, Silene otites. In the light of theoretical models, we expect cytoplasmic diversity to differ between the two species due to the selective dynamics that acts on cytoplasmic genomes in gynodioecious species: under an epidemic scenario, the gynodioecious species is expected to exhibit lower cytoplasmic diversity than the dioecious species, while the opposite is expected in the case of balancing selection maintaining sterility cytoplasms in the gynodioecious species. We found no difference between the species for nuclear gene diversity, but, for the cytoplasmic loci, the gynodioecious S. nutans had more haplotypes, and higher nucleotide diversity, than the dioecious relative, S. otites, even though the latter has a relatively high rate of mitochondrial synonymous substitutions, and therefore presumably a higher mutation rate. Therefore, as the mitochondrial mutation rate cannot account for the higher cytoplasmic diversity found in S. nutans, our findings support the hypothesis that gynodioecy in S. nutans has been maintained by balancing selection rather than by epidemic-like dynamics.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that chromosomes contain a giant filamentous protein, which we identified as titin, a component of muscle sarcomeres. Here, we report the sequence of the entire titin gene in Drosophila melanogaster, D-Titin, and show that it encodes a two-megadalton protein with significant colinear homology to the NH(2)-terminal half of vertebrate titin. Mutations in D-Titin cause chromosome undercondensation, chromosome breakage, loss of diploidy, and premature sister chromatid separation. Additionally, D-Titin mutants have defects in myoblast fusion and muscle organization. The phenotypes of the D-Titin mutants suggest parallel roles for titin in both muscle and chromosome structure and elasticity, and provide new insight into chromosome structure.  相似文献   

Summary Six replicate lines of Drosophila melanogaster, which had been selected for increased abdominal bristle number for more than 85 generations, were assayed by hierarchical analysis of variance and offspring on parent regression immediately after selection ceased, and by single-generation realised heritability after more than 25 generations of subsequent relaxed selection.Half-sib estimates of heritability in 5 lines were as high as in the base population and much higher than observed genetic gains would suggest, excluding lack of sufficient additive genetic variance as a cause of ineffective selection in these lines. Also, there was considerable diversity among the six lines in composition of phenotypic variability: in addition to differences in the additive genetic component, one or more of the components due to dominance, epistasis, sex-linkage or genotype-environment interaction appeared to be important in different lines.Even after relaxed selection, single-generation realised heritabilities in four lines were as high as in the base population. As a large proportion of total genetic gain must have been made by fixation of favourable alleles, the compensatory increase of genetic variability has been sought in a genetic model involving genes at low initial frequencies, enhancement of gene effects during selection and/or new mutations.  相似文献   

We investigated the fatty acid compositions of phospholipids in Drosophila melanogaster lines showing rapid (CR), intermediate (CTL), or slow (CS) recovery from chill coma, which were established by artificial selection or by free recombination without selection. Compared to CTL, CS showed a low composition of dienoic acids and a small number of double bonds in the fatty acids. The ratio of unsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids (UFAs/SFAs) was significantly lower in CS than in CTL. CR had higher monoenoic acid composition and lower dienoic acid composition than CTL. In addition, the amount of SFAs was lower and therefore the UFAs/SFAs ratio considerably higher in CR than in CTL. These changes in phospholipid fatty acids probably contributed to losing and maintaining the homeoviscosity of the cellular membranes in CS and CR, respectively, at low temperature and therefore produced their distinct phenotypes in recovery from chill coma.  相似文献   

The completion of the Drosophila genome sequencing project [Science 287 (2000) 2185] has reconfirmed the fruit fly as a model organism to study human disease. Comparison studies have shown that two thirds of genes implicated in human cancers have counterparts in the fly [Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 11 (2001) 274; J. Cell Biol. 150 (2000) F23], including the tumour suppressor, p53. The suitability of the fruit fly to study the function of the tumour suppressor p53 is further exemplified by the lack of p53 family members within the fly genome, i.e., no homologues to p63 and p73 have been identified. Hence, there is no redundancy between family members greatly facilitating the analysis of p53 function. In addition, studying p53 in Drosophila provides an opportunity to learn about the evolution of tumour suppressors. Here, we will discuss what is known about Drosophila p53 in relation to human p53.  相似文献   

Summary The maintenance of reproductive fitness in lines subjected to artificial selection is one of the major problems in animal breeding. The decline in reproductive performance has neither been predictable from heritabilities and genetic correlations, nor have conventional selection indices been adequate to avoid the problem. Gowe (1983) has suggested that the heritabilities of reproductive traits are non-linear, with heritabilities being higher on the lower fitness side. Consequently, he has predicted that culling on reproductive fitness in artificial selection lines will be effective in preventing the usual declines in fitness. An experimental evaluation of Gowe's prediction has been carried out by comparing fitnesses of replicated lines of three treatments: selection for increased inebriation time without culling on fitness (HO), selection for inebriation time with culling of 20% (4/20) of selected females on reproductive fitness (HS), and unselected controls (C). Response to selection for inebriation time in the two selection treatments was similar. After 25 generations, the competitive index, a measure of reproductive fitness, was significantly lower in the HO treatment than the HS treatment, while the HS treatment did not differ from the control lines or the base population. These results demonstrate for the first time that culling on reproductive fitness in selection lines can be used to prevent the usual decline in reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Studies of mating preferences have largely neglected the potential effects of individuals encountering their previous mates (‘directly sexually familiar’), or new mates that share similarities to previous mates, e.g. from the same family and/or environment (‘phenotypically sexually familiar’). Here, we show that male and female Drosophila melanogaster respond to the direct and phenotypic sexual familiarity of potential mates in fundamentally different ways. We exposed a single focal male or female to two potential partners. In the first experiment, one potential partner was novel (not previously encountered) and one was directly familiar (their previous mate); in the second experiment, one potential partner was novel (unrelated, and from a different environment from the previous mate) and one was phenotypically familiar (from the same family and rearing environment as the previous mate). We found that males preferentially courted novel females over directly or phenotypically familiar females. By contrast, females displayed a weak preference for directly and phenotypically familiar males over novel males. Sex-specific responses to the familiarity of potential mates were significantly weaker or absent in Orco1 mutants, which lack a co-receptor essential for olfaction, indicating a role for olfactory cues in mate choice over novelty. Collectively, our results show that direct and phenotypic sexual familiarity is detected through olfactory cues and play an important role in sex-specific sexual behaviour.  相似文献   

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