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The cell nucleus is a complex and highly dynamic environment with many functionally specialized regions of substructure that form and maintain themselves in the absence of membranes. Relatively little is known about the basic physical properties of the nuclear interior or how domains within the nucleus are structurally and functionally organized and interrelated. Here, we summarize recent data that shed light on the structural and functional properties of three prominent subnuclear organelles--nucleoli, Cajal bodies (CBs) and speckles. We discuss how these findings impact our understanding of the guiding principles of nuclear organization and various types of human disease.  相似文献   

The regulation of gene expression is mediated by interactions between chromatin and protein complexes. The importance of where and when these interactions take place in the nucleus is currently a subject of intense investigation. Increasing evidence indicates that gene activation or silencing is often associated with repositioning of the locus relative to nuclear compartments and other genomic loci. At the same time, however, structural constraints impose limits on chromatin mobility. Understanding how the dynamic nature of the positioning of genetic material in the nuclear space and the higher-order architecture of the nucleus are integrated is therefore essential to our overall understanding of gene regulation.  相似文献   

Genomes,proteomes, and dynamic networks in the cell nucleus   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3  

Intermediate filaments are cytoskeletal polymers encoded by a large family of differentially expressed genes that provide crucial structural support in the cytoplasm and nucleus of higher eukaryotes. Perturbation of their function accounts for several genetically determined diseases in which fragile cells cannot sustain mechanical and non-mechanical stresses. Recent studies shed light on how this structural support is modulated to meet the changing needs of cells, and reveal a novel role whereby intermediate filaments influence cell growth and death through dynamic interactions with non-structural proteins.  相似文献   

Investigations over many decades have revealed that nucleoids of higher plant plastids are highly dynamic with regard to their number, their structural organization and protein composition. Membrane attachment and environmental cues seem to determine the activity and functionality of the nucleoids and point to a highly regulated structure–function relationship. The heterogeneous composition and the many functions that are seemingly associated with the plastid nucleoids could be related to the high number of chromosomes per plastid. Recent proteomic studies have brought novel nucleoid-associated proteins into the spotlight and indicated that plastid nucleoids are an evolutionary hybrid possessing prokaryotic nucleoid features and eukaryotic (nuclear) chromatin components, several of which are dually targeted to the nucleus and chloroplasts. Future studies need to unravel if and how plastid–nucleus communication depends on nucleoid structure and plastid gene expression.  相似文献   

In living cells, a fluctuating torque is exerted on the nuclear surface but the origin of the torque is unclear. In this study, we found that the nuclear rotation angle is directionally persistent on a time scale of tens of minutes, but rotationally diffusive on longer time scales. Rotation required the activity of the microtubule motor dynein. We formulated a model based on microtubules undergoing dynamic instability, with tensional forces between a stationary centrosome and the nuclear surface mediated by dynein. Model simulations suggest that the persistence in rotation angle is due to the transient asymmetric configuration of microtubules exerting a net torque in one direction until the configuration is again randomized by dynamic instability. The model predicts that the rotational magnitude must depend on the distance between the nucleus and the centrosome. To test this prediction, rotation was quantified in patterned cells in which the cell's centrosome was close to the projected nuclear centroid. Consistent with the prediction, the angular displacement was found to decrease in these cells relative to unpatterned cells. This work provides the first mechanistic explanation for how nuclear dynein interactions with discrete microtubules emanating from a stationary centrosome cause rotational torque on the nucleus.  相似文献   

The intervertebral disc functions over a range of dynamic loading regimes including axial loads applied across a spectrum of frequencies at varying compressive loads. Biochemical changes occurring in early degeneration, including reduced nucleus pulposus glycosaminoglycan content, may alter disc mechanical behavior and thus may contribute to the progression of degeneration. The objective of this study was to determine disc dynamic viscoelastic properties under several equilibrium loads and loading frequencies, and further, to determine how reduced nucleus glycosaminoglycan content alters dynamic mechanics. We hypothesized that (1) dynamic stiffness would be elevated with increasing equilibrium load and increasing frequency, (2) the disc would behave more elastically at higher frequencies, and finally, (3) dynamic stiffness would be reduced at low equilibrium loads under all frequencies due to nucleus glycosaminoglycan loss. We mechanically tested control and chondroitinase ABC injected rat lumbar motion segments at several equilibrium loads using oscillatory loading at frequencies ranging from 0.05 to 5 Hz. The rat lumbar disc behaved non-linearly with higher dynamic stiffness at elevated compressive loads irrespective of frequency. Phase angle was not affected by equilibrium load, although it decreased as frequency was increased. Reduced glycosaminoglycan decreased dynamic stiffness at low loads but not at high equilibrium loads and led to increased phase angle at all loads and frequencies. The findings of this study demonstrate the effect of equilibrium load and loading frequencies on dynamic disc mechanics and indicate possible mechanical mechanisms through which disc degeneration can progress.  相似文献   

Dynamic assembly and disassembly of actin proteins play a key role in the cytoskeleton, but the cellular functions of actin are not only restricted to the cytoplasmic compartment. Recent studies have shown that actin spatiotemporally changes its polymerized state in the nucleus as well and such dynamic nature of actin is relevant to key nuclear events including gene expression, DNA damage response and chromatin organization. In this review, we highlight emerging roles of actin in the nuclear compartment especially in the context of embryonic development and cellular differentiation. We first explain how the actin nucleoskeleton can be formed and function in cells. Notably, nuclear actin dynamics are greatly altered when cell fates change, such as after fertilization and T cell differentiation. We discuss how the dynamic actin nucleoskeleton contributes to accomplishing developmental programs.  相似文献   

Due to the biological importance of sodium and its relative scarcity within many natural environments, ‘salt appetite’ has evolved whereby dietary salt is highly sought after and palatable when tasted. In addition to peripheral responses, salt depletion is detected within the brain via circumventricular organs and 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (HSD2) neurons to increase salt appetite. Salt appetite is comprised of two main components. One component is the incentive salience or motivation for salt (i.e. how much salt is ‘wanted’). Incentive salience is dynamic and largely depends on internal homeostatic conditions in combination with the detection of relevant cues. It involves the mesolimbic system and structures such as the central amygdala, and opioid signalling within these regions can increase salt intake in rodents. A second key feature is the hedonic palatability of salt (i.e. how much it is ‘liked’) when it is tasted. After detection on the tongue, gustatory information passes through the brainstem nucleus of the solitary tract and thalamus, before being consciously detected within the gustatory cerebral cortex. The positive or negative hedonic value of this stimulus is also dynamic, and is encoded by a network including the nucleus accumbens, ventral pallidum, and lateral parabrachial nucleus. Opioid signalling within these areas can alter salt intake, and ‘liking’. The overconsumption of dietary salt likely contributes to hypertension and associated diseases, and hence further characterising the role played by opioid signalling has important implications for human health.  相似文献   

Progress in cellular biology based on fluorescent microscopy techniques, shows that the spatial organization of the nucleus is dynamic. This dynamic is very complex and involves a multitude of phenomena that occur on very different time and size scales. Using an original light scattering experimental device, we investigated the global internal dynamics of the nucleus of a living cell according to the phases of the cell cycle. This dynamic presents two different and independent kinds of relaxation that are well separated in time and specific to the phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Self-organization of cellular structures is an emerging principle underlying cellular architecture. Properties of dynamic microtubules and microtubule-binding proteins contribute to the self-assembly of structures such as microtubule asters. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, longitudinal arrays of cytoplasmic microtubule bundles regulate cell polarity and nuclear positioning. These bundles are thought to be organized from the nucleus at multiple interphase microtubule organizing centres (iMTOCs). Here, we find that microtubule bundles assemble even in cells that lack a nucleus. These bundles have normal organization, dynamics and orientation, and exhibit anti-parallel overlaps in the middle of the cell. The mechanisms that are responsible for formation of these microtubule bundles include cytoplasmic microtubule nucleation, microtubule release from the equatorial MTOC (eMTOC), and the dynamic fusion and splitting of microtubule bundles. Bundle formation and organization are dependent on mto1p (gamma-TUC associated protein), ase1p (PRC1), klp2p (kinesin-14) and tip1p (CLIP-170). Positioning of nuclear fragments and polarity factors by these microtubules illustrates how self-organization of these bundles contributes to establishing global spatial order.  相似文献   

Mammalian chromosomes are organized at different length scales within the cell nucleus. Topologically Associating Domains (TADs) are structural units of 3D genome organization with functions in gene regulation, DNA replication, recombination and repair. Whereas TADs were initially interpreted as insulated domains, recent studies are revealing that these domains should be interpreted as dynamic collections of actively extruding loops. This process of loop extrusion is subsequently blocked at dedicated TAD boundaries, thereby promoting intra-domain interactions over their surroundings. In this review, we discuss how mammalian TAD structure can emerge from this dynamic process and we discuss recent evidence that TAD boundaries can have regulatory functions.  相似文献   

Extensive experimental work on the effects of penetrating annular injuries indicated that large injuries impact axial compressive properties of small animal intervertebral discs, yet there is some disagreement regarding the sensitivity of mechanical tests to small injury sizes. In order to understand the mechanism of injury size sensitivity, this study proposed a simple one dimensional model coupling elastic deformations in the annulus with fluid flow into and out of the nucleus through both porous boundaries and through a penetrating annular injury. The model was evaluated numerically in dynamic compression with parameters obtained by fitting the solution to experimental stress-relaxation data. The model predicted low sensitivity of mechanical changes to injury diameter at both small and large sizes (as measured by low and high ratios of injury diameter to annulus thickness), with a narrow range of high sensitivity in between. The size at which axial mechanics were most sensitive to injury size (i.e., critical injury size) increased with loading frequency. This study provides a quantitative hypothetical model of how penetrating annulus fibrosus injuries in discs with a gelatinous nucleus pulposus may alter disc mechanics by changing nucleus pulposus fluid pressurization through introduction of a new fluid transport pathway though the annulus. This model also explains how puncture-induced biomechanical changes depend on both injury size and test protocol.  相似文献   

The effect of the nucleus on the cell mechanical behavior was investigated based on the dynamic indentation response of cells under a spherical tip. A “two-component” cell model (including cytoplasm and nucleus) is used, and the dynamic indentation behavior is studied by a semiempirical method, which is established based on fitting the numerical simulation results of the quasi-static indentation response of cells. We found that the “routine analysis” (based on the Hertz’s contact solution of homogeneous model) significantly overestimated the nucleus effect on the overall cell indentation response due to the effects of the Hertz contact radius and the substrate stiffening. These effects are significantly stronger in the “two-component” cell model than in the homogeneous model. The inaccuracy created by the “routine analysis” slightly increases with the modulus ratio of nucleus to cytoplasm and the volume fraction of nucleus. Finally, the error sensitivity to the geometrical parameters used in the model is discussed, which shows the indentation analysis is not very sensitive to these parameters, and the reasonable assumptions for these parameters are effective. This systematic analysis can provide a useful guideline to understanding the mechanical behavior of cells and nuclei.  相似文献   

Microtubules are dynamic polymers that play fundamental roles in all eukaryotes. Despite their importance, how new microtubules form is poorly understood. Textbooks have focused on variations of a nucleation–elongation mechanism in which monomers rapidly equilibrate with an unstable oligomer (nucleus) that limits the rate of polymer formation; once formed, the polymer then elongates efficiently from this nucleus by monomer addition. Such models faithfully describe actin assembly, but they fail to account for how more complex polymers like hollow microtubules assemble. Here, we articulate a new model for microtubule formation that has three key features: (1) microtubules initiate via rectangular, sheet-like structures that grow faster the larger they become; (2) the dominant pathway proceeds via accretion, the stepwise addition of longitudinal or lateral layers; and (3) a “straightening penalty” to account for the energetic cost of tubulin’s curved-to-straight conformational transition. This model can quantitatively fit experimental assembly data, providing new insights into biochemical determinants and assembly pathways for microtubule nucleation.  相似文献   

Chromatin structure and phaseolin gene regulation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Molecular motors transport the axis-determining mRNAs oskar, bicoid and gurken along microtubules (MTs) in the Drosophila oocyte. However, it remains unclear how the underlying MT network is organized and how this transport takes place. We have identified a centriole-containing centrosome close to the oocyte nucleus. Remarkably, the centrosomal components, gamma-tubulin and Drosophila pericentrin-like protein also strongly accumulate at the periphery of this nucleus. MT polymerization after cold-induced disassembly in wild type and in gurken mutants suggests that in the oocyte the centrosome-nucleus complex is an active center of MT polymerization. We further report that the MT network comprises two perpendicular MT subsets that undergo dynamic rearrangements during oogenesis. This MT reorganization parallels the successive steps in localization of gurken and oskar mRNAs. We propose that in addition to a highly polarized microtubule scaffold specified by the cortex oocyte, the repositioning of the nucleus and its tightly associated centrosome could control MT reorganization and, hence, oocyte polarization.  相似文献   

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