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There is no direct evidence that predators exert apostatic selection (the systematic overpredation of commoner forms) on live, naturally polymorphic prey. This study tested whether captive song thrushes ( Turdus philomelos ) select apostatically when presented with dimorphic populations of yellow five-banded and yellow unhanded morphs of the snail Cepaea hortensis. Four thrushes were used. Two were presented with a 9: 1 ratio of five-bandeds to unbandeds and two were presented with 1:9 ratios. Each thrush was given four trials in succession. In each trial 30 snails were presented and the trial was stopped when 15 had been eaten. There were no differences in shell size between morphs or between eaten and uneaten snails of each morph. Three thrushes selected apostatically and one thrush exerted virtually no selection. Overall, there was statistically significant apostatic selection.  相似文献   

1.  Spatial variation in breeding performance is of critical importance in understanding the large-scale distribution and abundance of living species, and in understanding species conservation. We studied the large-scale spatial variation in reproductive output of two species of declining British bird, the song thrush Turdus philomelos and the blackbird Turdus merula .
2.  We developed a method to predict spatial variation in reproductive output. Brood size and nest failure rates during the incubation and nestling periods were related to environmental factors using generalized linear models. Predicted values obtained from these models were combined to give values of number of fledglings produced per nesting attempt for 10-km squares throughout Britain.
3.  We observed substantial spatial variation in reproductive output for both species; the component that varied most was nest failure rate during incubation. We were more successful in relating environmental factors to spatial variation in reproductive output for song thrush than for blackbird.
4.  Reproductive output in both species was affected mainly by factors that vary on a small spatial scale. Nest failure rate during incubation increased significantly where corvids were more abundant, suggesting a role for avian nest predators in determining spatial variation in reproductive output.
5.  Our approach can be extended readily to other species of birds, to other taxonomic groups and to finer spatial scales. Such models could be used to evaluate the implications of current and proposed wider countryside management for spatial variation in breeding performance. Evaluations based on breeding success as well as numbers are likely to be more robust than those based solely on abundance.  相似文献   

Much attention has been devoted to understanding the evolution of egg mimicry in avian brood parasites. The majority of studies have been based on human perception when scoring the mimicry of the parasitic egg. Surprisingly, there has been no detailed study on the recognition and sensitivity towards differently coloured parasitic eggs. We investigated effect of different colours of the experimental eggs measured by ultraviolet (UV)-visible reflectance spectrophotometry on rejection behaviour in the song thrush ( Turdus philomelos ). We carried out a set of experiments with four blue model eggs representing mimetic eggs, whereas six other colours represented nonmimetic eggs. Our results revealed that two colours originally designed as a mimetic were rejected at a high rate, whereas one group of the nonmimetic was accepted. A multiple regression model of absolute differences between song thrush and experimental eggs on rejection rate showed that the level of mimicry in the UV and green parts of the colour spectrum significantly influenced egg rejection in the song thrush. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed study showing that different colour perception by the birds can affect their responses towards the parasitic egg. These findings suggest that the combination of UV and visible ranges of the spectra plays a major role in the evolution of discrimination processes, as well as in the evolution of the mimicry of the parasitic egg.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 269–276.  相似文献   

Territory utilization of blackbirds and song thrushes is examined in relation to spatial and temporal changes in the distribution of prey. Pairs within a territory showed similar preferences for particular areas. There was considerable diurnal variation in foraging localities and overall the two species tended to concentrate their search effort in areas of high prey density. Rates of feeding attempts and feeding techniques also varied with time of day. Changes were similar in the two species. At high rates of feeding during the middle of the day the foraging range was more restricted than at other times. Over short time periods individuals searched non-randomly by avoiding recently exploited areas.  相似文献   

Versatility and continuity in the songs of thrushes Turdus spp.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S. A. INCE  P. J. B. SLATER 《Ibis》1985,127(3):355-364
A relationship between continuity and versatility was proposed by Hartshorne as a general feature of song organization in birds and argued to be linked to the avoidance of habituation (the monotony threshold principle). Thrushes of the genus Turdus vary greatly in song repertoire size, from the Redwing with a single song phrase to the Song Thrush which normally possesses well over 100 (Table 1), so that this group is well suited to looking for such a relationship. Recordings of 14 Turdus species were used to do so. Species in which successive songs do differ were indeed found to sing with shorter intervals between songs, though no equivalent relationship was found at the level of individual sound elements. There was a suggestion that species might fall into two contrasting groups without intermediates, one with continuous and highly varied songs and the other with discrete and simple songs. It is suggested that the relationship between continuity and versatility is a real phemomenon but that it is unlikely to be explained in the way that Hartshorne proposed. More likely is the hypothesis that continuous and varied songs have evolved primarily as mate attractants through sexual selection, while the principal role of discrete and simple songs is in communication between males.  相似文献   

We investigated two mortality events in wintering and migrating Song Thrushes (Turdus philomelos) in Catalonia, northeastern Spain in 2009 and 2010. Both episodes occurred in late February to mid-March during the spring migration. Salmonellosis produced by the serotype Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype Hessarek (S. Hessarek) was identified as the cause of death in both episodes. Poor body condition, marked splenomegaly, and microscopic disseminated intravascular coagulation with numerous intravascular and tissular bacteria were the most consistent findings. Macro-restriction profiling by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) using XbaI was performed for epidemiologic typing of the S. Hessarek isolates. Two clusters were discernible, that are possibly related, with a similarity of 82.8%. Analysis comparing pectoral muscle and subcutaneous fat scores from the Song Thrushes that died from S. Hessarek with those from healthy Song Thrushes from nearby areas during 2009 and 2010 suggest that poor body condition was associated with the S. Hessarek infection.  相似文献   

The thickness of eggshells of four species of thrush, Turdus spp., was estimated by an index based on the mass and linear dimensions of blown eggs in museum collections from Britain. Shell thickness was also measured directly for two species and was highly correlated with the index. Widespread declines in eggshell thickness since the nineteenth century were found in all species. There have been no previous reports of trends in eggshell thickness of this long duration and large spatial scale. The cause of the declines is unknown, but, for three of the four species, eggshell thinning began before the introduction of the organochlorine pesticide DDT, which caused eggshell thinning in predatory and fish-eating birds from 1947 onwards. The effect of acid deposition on the availability of calcium-rich prey is a plausible explanation.  相似文献   

We review current knowledge of demographic mechanisms and environmental factors implicated in the population decline of Song Thrushes Turdus philomelos in rural Britain since the mid-1970s, and present new analyses of regional variation in population changes. Increased mortality during the first year of life (from fledging to recruitment) is highlighted as a potential demographic mechanism having driven the population decline, while Song Thrushes in a rapidly declining farmland population were making too few nesting attempts to sustain local numbers. Breeding Song Thrushes are strongly associated with non-cropped habitats such as woodland edge, field boundaries, gardens and scrub; they make substantial use of grassland, but avoid cereals when foraging. Earthworms constitute a key component of Song Thrush diet and the availability of this prey is strongly influenced by moisture levels in surface soils. Several lines of evidence suggest that dry surface soils during summer are deleterious to the productivity and survival of Song Thrushes, and regional variation in the rates of population change in Britain during 1970–86 was negatively correlated with the extent of under-field drainage on farmland (the main function of which is to promote the drying of surface soils). Increasing dryness of agricultural soils and the loss of grassland from eastern arable counties have probably both contributed to the declines of rural Song Thrushes in Britain. Loss of hedgerows and scrub, and the degradation of woodland may also have contributed to population declines but the role of predators remains unclear. Recovery of rural Song Thrush populations requires challenging new policy initiatives that should aim to restore nesting cover (scrub and woodland understorey), grazed grassland in arable-dominated areas and damper soils in summer.  相似文献   

As outlined in the trade-off hypothesis of testosterone (T) secretion, fluctuations in T during the breeding season might reflect how males allocate their time and energy to competitive behaviors for mates and territories, associated with high T levels, and parental activities, associated with low T levels. In the present study, great tit, Parus major, males were implanted with T-filled or empty silastic capsules at the start of the breeding season and the behavior of these two male categories was compared during the entire breeding season. As a measure of competitive behavior we looked at song behavior and territorial responsiveness to a male decoy, during the three main stages of the breeding period (the egg-laying, incubation, and nestling stages). As a measure of parental care we looked at feeding behavior during the nestling stage. Our results only partly supported the trade-off hypothesis. T implants increased plasma androgen levels and enhanced spontaneous song activity and the production of aggressive vocalizations in response to a decoy. However, our results suggest that the degree of physical aggression might be less than fully coupled with T. First, approach to the decoy was not affected by the treatment. Second, although T levels are known to vary from high during egg laying to low while feeding young, control and T-treated males spent similar amounts of time close to the decoy in the three breeding stages. Our results thus suggest that vocal and physical aggression might be regulated differently in the great tit. Furthermore, in contrast with most other studies on temperate bird species but in agreement with a previous study on the great tit, T treatment did not affect male feeding rates. As the dose of T we used was lower than that typically used in other studies, we cannot at present completely exclude the possibility that the latter result reflects this lower dose of T rather than the species used.  相似文献   

Song thrushes fed on populations of bread-stuffedCepaea shells. The results indicate that experience influences the selective behaviour of thrushes for both shell colour and shell size. Such behaviour could lead to frequency dependent selection in natural populations. Within the ranges of size and colour offered, thrushes learned from a colour rather than a size experience when both were varied simultaneously.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the thrushes (Aves: Turdus) has been difficult to reconstruct due to short internal branches and lack of node support for certain parts of the tree. Reconstructing the biogeographic history of this group is further complicated by the fact that current implementations of biogeographic methods, such as dispersal-vicariance analysis (DIVA; Ronquist, 1997), require a fully resolved tree. Here, we apply a Bayesian approach to dispersal-vicariance analysis that accounts for phylogenetic uncertainty and allows a more accurate analysis of the biogeographic history of lineages. Specifically, ancestral area reconstructions can be presented as marginal distributions, thus displaying the underlying topological uncertainty. Moreover, if there are multiple optimal solutions for a single node on a certain tree, integrating over the posterior distribution of trees often reveals a preference for a narrower set of solutions. We find that despite the uncertainty in tree topology, ancestral area reconstructions indicate that the Turdus clade originated in the eastern Palearctic during the Late Miocene. This was followed by an early dispersal to Africa from where a worldwide radiation took place. The uncertainty in tree topology and short branch lengths seems to indicate that this radiation took place within a limited time span during the Late Pliocene. The results support the role of Africa as a probable source area for intercontinental dispersals as suggested for other passerine groups, including basal diversification within the songbird tree.  相似文献   

正2013年3月31日,在江苏省南京市老山九峰寺附近(118°89'21E,31°32'75N)发现1只在林间地面活动的鸫类,并拍摄照片(图1a)。所拍摄的个体上体灰褐色,眉纹、颈侧、喉及胸为红褐色,腹部和尾下覆羽为白色,根据相关资料(约翰·马敬能等2000)鉴定为赤颈鸫(Turdus ruficollis)雄性个体。2015年11月11日再次于南京老山发现赤颈鸫。  相似文献   

The avian genus Turdus is one of the most speciose and widespread of passerine genera. We investigated phylogenetic relationships within this genus using mitochondrial DNA sequence data from the ND3, ND2 and cytochrome b genes. Our sampling of Turdus included 60 of the 65 extant species currently recognized, as well as all four species from three genera previously shown to fall inside Turdus (Platycichla, Nesocichla, and Cichlherminia). Phylogenetic trees based on maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony algorithms were congruent. Most of the Turdus taxa sampled fall into one of four clades: an African clade, a Central American-Caribbean clade, a largely South American clade, and a Eurasian clade. Still other taxa are placed either at the base of Turdus, or as links between clades. In no instance is any continent reciprocally monophyletic for the species distributed on it. A general lack of nodal support near the base of the phylogeny seems related to a rapid intercontinental establishment of the major clades within Turdus very early in the history of the genus. The monotypic genus Psophocichla is distantly related to, but clearly the sister of, Turdus rather than a constituent member of it.  相似文献   

Sialic acid (N-acetylneuraminic acid), a 9-carbon monosaccharide, has been widely studied in immunology, oncology and neurology. However, the effects of sialic acid on organ and intestinal development, liver function and gut microbiota were rarely studied. In this study, we found that oral sialic acid tended to increase the relative weight of liver and decreased the serum aspartate aminotransferase (GPT) activity. In addition, sialic acid treatment markedly reduced gut villus length, depth, the ratio of villus length/depth (L/D), areas, width and the number of goblet cells. Furthermore, gut microbes were changed in response to oral sialic acid, such as Staphylococcus lentus, Corynebacterium stationis, Corynebacterium urealyticum, Jeotgalibaca sp_PTS2502, Ignatzschineria indica, Sporosarcina pasteurii, Sporosarcina sp_HW10C2, Facklamia tabacinasalis, Oblitimonas alkaliphila, Erysipelatoclostridium ramosum, Blautia sp_YL58, Bacteroids thetaiotaomicron, Morganella morganii, Clostridioides difficile, Helicobacter tryphlonius, Clostridium sp_Clone47, Alistipes finegoldii, [pseudomonas]_geniculata and Pseudomonas parafulva at the species level. In conclusion, oral sialic acid altered the intestinal pathological state and microbial compositions, and the effect of sialic acid on host health should be further studied.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Temperature and food availability are limiting factors for the establishment of tropical insects in temperate countries. In the alien pest beetle, Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), starvation and temperature have a significant impact on metabolic rate with oxygen consumption ranging from 0.5 µmol/g fresh mass (FM)/h at 12 °C to 3.4 µmol/g FM/h at 24 °C. At 12 °C, oxygen consumption decreased continuously during an entire period of starvation. However, at 16, 20 and 24 °C, beetles display a marked hyperactivity that leads to an increase in the oxygen consumption level during the first week of starvation, followed by a steep decrease until the end of the starvation period. Oxygen consumption either does not decline in fed beetles (observed at higher temperatures) or declines at a much shallower rate than in starved beetles (observed at cooler temperatures). During the first week of refeeding, Oxygen consumption rose steeply at 16, 20 and 24 °C before levelling off to the initial value ( t 0). At 12 °C, no compensation process was observed during recovery. This study reveals that an important threshold in the biology of A. diaperinus lies between 12 and 16 °C, leading to the onset of reduced locomotor activity and the promotion of survival to the detriment of reproduction. This 'sit and wait' behaviour is proposed as an adaptive strategy (i.e. inactivity and lower oxygen consumption coupled with low energetic requirements and high recovery abilities). Such behaviour and the observed hyperactivity were rarely described in insects before the present study. Together, the previous and present results suggest that A. diaperinus populations are likely maintained in temperate regions by immigration from warmer situations.  相似文献   

Parents are expected to invest more in young that provide the greatest fitness returns. The cues that parents use to allocate resources between their offspring have received much recent attention. In birds, parents may use begging intensity, position in the nest or nestling size as cues to provision the most competitive young or those most likely to survive. It may also benefit parents to invest in young differentially by sex or relatedness if the fitness returns of sons and daughters differ or broods are sired by multiple males. We examined the allocation of food to tree swallow, Tachycineta bicolor, nestlings in relation to their begging behaviour, size, sex and paternity. Provisioning by parents was not related to nestling size, sex or paternity. The begging behaviour of nestlings did not differ with respect to sex or paternity. Both parents were more likely to feed nestlings that begged first or were closer to the nest entrance, suggesting that parents allocate food resources in response to cues that nestlings control. As a consequence, brood reduction was facilitated by biased provisioning within the brood in addition to the nestling size hierarchies created by hatching asynchrony. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

We examined the effects of song tutoring on adult song preferences, volume of song-control brain regions, and activity of auditory brain regions in female house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus). Hand-reared females were tutored with local songs, foreign songs, or no song. We then examined adult song preferences, determined the Nissl-defined volume of the song-control nuclei HVc, Area X, and RA, and compared the number of cells immunoreactive for Zenk protein in the auditory regions NCM and cmHV, following playback of songs heard early in life (Tutor/Playback Match) versus not heard (Tutor/Playback Nonmatch). All hand-reared birds exhibited preferences for locally recorded song over foreign or heterospecific song. We found no difference in the volume of song-control nuclei among the three groups. As well, we found no difference in the number of Zenk immunoreactive cells in NCM and cmHV between females in the Tutor/Playback Match group and females in the Tutor/Playback Nonmatch group. Isolate-reared birds showed greater Zenk immunoreactivity following song playback than either tutored group. Thus, early auditory experience may not play a role in adult geographic song preferences, suggesting that genetic factors can lead to preferences for songs of local dialects. Song tutoring did not influence the size of song-control regions nor Zenk induction levels following song playback, suggesting that early experience with particular songs does not influence Zenk expression. However, overall greater activation in isolate females in auditory areas suggests that exposure to song early in life may increase the selectivity of Zenk activation to song playback in auditory areas.  相似文献   

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