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The major characteristic of cell death by apoptosis is the loss of nuclear DNA integrity by endonucleases, resulting in the formation of small DNA fragments. The application of confocal imaging to in vivo monitoring of dynamic cellular events, like apoptosis, within internal organs and tissues has been limited by the accessibility to these sites. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to test the feasibility of fibered confocal fluorescence microscopy (FCFM) to image in situ apoptotic DNA fragmentation in surgically exteriorized sheep corpus luteum in the living animal. Following intra-luteal administration of a fluorescent DNA-staining dye, YO-PRO-1, DNA cleavage within nuclei of apoptotic cells was serially imaged at the single-cell level by FCFM. This imaging technology is sufficiently simple and rapid to allow time series in situ detection and visualization of cells undergoing apoptosis in the intact animal. Combined with endoscope, this approach can be used for minimally invasive detection of fluorescent signals and visualization of cellular events within internal organs and tissues and thereby provides the opportunity to study biological processes in the natural physiological environment of the cell in living animals.  相似文献   

Confocal Raman spectroscopy is a noninvasive alternative to established cell imaging methods because it does not require chemical fixation, the use of fluorescent markers, or genetic engineering. In particular, single live-cell, high-resolution imaging by confocal Raman microscopy is desirable because it allows further experiments concerning the individually investigated cells. However, to derive meaningful images from the spectroscopic data, one must identify cell components within the dataset. Using immunofluorescence images as a reference, we derive Raman spectral signatures by means of information measures to identify cell components such as the nucleus, the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, and mitochondria. The extracted signatures allow us to generate representations equivalent to conventional (immuno)fluorescence images with more than three cell components at a time, exploiting the Raman spectral information alone.  相似文献   

Confocal Raman microscopy was used to illustrate changes of molecular composition in secondary plant cell wall tissues of poplar (Populus nigra x Populus deltoids) wood. Two-dimensional spectral maps were acquired and chemical images calculated by integrating the intensity of characteristic spectral bands. This enabled direct visualization of the spatial variation of the lignin content without any chemical treatment or staining of the cell wall. A small (0.5 microm) lignified border toward the lumen was observed in the gelatinous layer of poplar tension wood. The variable orientation of the cellulose was also characterized, leading to visualization of the S1 layer with dimensions smaller than 0.5 mum. Scanning Raman microscopy was thus shown to be a powerful, nondestructive tool for imaging changes in molecular cell wall organization with high spatial resolution.  相似文献   

Hydrohalite, a crystalline rock salt hydrate, (NaCl·2H2O), can form in cryopreservation samples under certain circumstances changing the local chemical environment of the preserved cells. Evidence of this crystalline phase was recently found by microspectroscopy measurements, and believed to form exclusively extracellular. We have studied the spatial distribution of hydrohalite in frozen mouse fibroblast cell samples by means of confocal Raman scanning microscopy (CRM). Hydrohalite has a unique Raman spectrum with several bands in the high frequency tail of the OH-stretching band which can be used for unambiguous identification. Hydrohalite can only form through eutectic crystallization in saline solutions without any cryoprotective agents and the spatial distribution thus gives a more detailed view on this crystallization process. This is important since eutectic crystallization has been empirically correlated to cell death, but the exact injury mechanism is unclear. By the means of colocalization of Raman bands we show that hydrohalite can indeed form intracellularly and is not a strictly extracellular phenomenon. We furthermore found that intracellular ice and intracellular hydrohalite very often coincide. Finally we show that the addition of 0.5 wt.% dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) inhibits formation of hydrohalite. This study shows how Raman microscopy and successive analysis can be employed non-invasively within cryobiology to give additional chemical and structural information compared to conventional imaging techniques.  相似文献   



The distribution of chromatin-associated proteins plays a key role in directing nuclear function. Previously, we developed an image-based method to quantify the nuclear distributions of proteins and showed that these distributions depended on the phenotype of human mammary epithelial cells. Here we describe a method that creates a hierarchical tree of the given cell phenotypes and calculates the statistical significance between them, based on the clustering analysis of nuclear protein distributions.


Nuclear distributions of nuclear mitotic apparatus protein were previously obtained for non-neoplastic S1 and malignant T4-2 human mammary epithelial cells cultured for up to 12 days. Cell phenotype was defined as S1 or T4-2 and the number of days in cultured. A probabilistic ensemble approach was used to define a set of consensus clusters from the results of multiple traditional cluster analysis techniques applied to the nuclear distribution data. Cluster histograms were constructed to show how cells in any one phenotype were distributed across the consensus clusters. Grouping various phenotypes allowed us to build phenotype trees and calculate the statistical difference between each group. The results showed that non-neoplastic S1 cells could be distinguished from malignant T4-2 cells with 94.19% accuracy; that proliferating S1 cells could be distinguished from differentiated S1 cells with 92.86% accuracy; and showed no significant difference between the various phenotypes of T4-2 cells corresponding to increasing tumor sizes.


This work presents a cluster analysis method that can identify significant cell phenotypes, based on the nuclear distribution of specific proteins, with high accuracy.

A method using confocal Raman microspectroscopy for the detection of cellular proteins in single intact cells was developed. Two approaches were used to improve the detection of these cellular components. First, compounds with high Raman scattering were investigated for potential use as Raman labels. Raman labels were conjugated to either biomolecules or biotin and used as markers in the detection of cellular enzymes and receptors. Second, silver colloids were used to increase the surface-enhanced Raman scatter (SERS) of these Raman labels. Cresyl violet and dimethylaminoazobenzene are Raman labels that provide very sensitive SERS detection by a confocal Raman microscope with a HeNe laser at wavelength of 632.8 nm. The detection of 12-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase-1 in single bovine coronary artery endothelial cells and the binding of angiotensin II to its receptors in zona glomerulosa cells was demonstrated.  相似文献   

We have employed FITC--albumin as the protein template molecule in an aqueous phase molecular imprinted polymer (HydroMIP) strategy. For the first time, the use of a fluorescently labeled template is reported, with subsequent characterization of the smart material to show that the HydroMIP possesses a significant molecular memory in comparison to that of the nonimprinted control polymer (HydroNIP). The imaging of the FITC--albumin imprinted HydroMIP using confocal microscopy is described, with the in situ removal of the imprinted protein displayed in terms of observed changes in the fluorescence of the imprinted polymer, both before and after template elution (using a 10% SDS/10% AcOH (w/v) solution). We also report the imaging of a bovine hemoglobin (BHb) imprinted HydroMIP using two-photon confocal microscopy and describe the effects of template elution upon protein autofluorescence. The findings further contribute to the understanding of aqueous phase molecular imprinting protocols and document the use of fluorescence as a useful tool in template labeling/detection and novel imaging strategies.  相似文献   

In vivo confocal Raman spectroscopy is a noninvasive optical method to obtain detailed information about the molecular composition of the skin with high spatial resolution. In vivo confocal scanning laser microscopy is an imaging modality that provides optical sections of the skin without physically dissecting the tissue. A combination of both techniques in a single instrument is described. This combination allows the skin morphology to be visualized and (subsurface) structures in the skin to be targeted for Raman measurements. Novel results are presented that show detailed in vivo concentration profiles of water and of natural moisturizing factor for the stratum corneum that are directly related to the skin architecture by in vivo cross-sectional images of the skin. Targeting of skin structures is demonstrated by recording in vivo Raman spectra of sweat ducts and sebaceous glands in situ. In vivo measurements on dermal capillaries yielded high-quality Raman spectra of blood in a completely noninvasive manner. From the results of this exploratory study we conclude that the technique presented has great potential for fundamental skin research, pharmacology (percutaneous transport), clinical dermatology, and cosmetic research, as well as for noninvasive analysis of blood analytes, including glucose.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Of the few vital DNA and RNA probes, the SYTO dyes are the most specific for nucleic acids. However, they show no spectral contrast upon DNA or RNA binding. We show that fluorescence lifetime imaging using two-photon excitation of SYTO13 allows differential and simultaneous imaging of DNA and RNA in living cells, as well as sequential and repetitive assessment of staining patterns. METHODS: Two-photon imaging of SYTO13 is combined with lifetime contrast, using time-gated detection. We focus on distinguishing DNA and RNA in healthy and apoptotic Chinese hamster ovary cells. RESULTS: In healthy cells, SYTO13 has a fluorescence lifetime of 3.4 +/- 0.2 ns when associated with nuclear DNA. Bound to RNA, its lifetime is 4.1 +/- 0.1 ns. After induction of apoptosis, clusters of SYTO13 with fluorescence lifetime of 3.4 +/- 0.2 ns become apparent in the cytoplasm. They are identified as mitochondrial DNA on the basis of colocalization experiments with the DNA-specific dye, DRAQ5, and the mitochondrial-specific dye, CMXRos. Upon progression of apoptosis, the lifetime of SYTO13 attached to DNA shortens significantly, which is indicative of changes in the molecular environment of the dye. CONCLUSIONS: We have characterized SYTO13 as a vital lifetime probe, allowing repetitive and differential imaging of DNA and RNA.  相似文献   

A new shotgun proteomics approach was employed to identify degraded proteins. Jurkat T-cells were induced to undergo apoptosis by Fas (CD95/Apo-1) stimulation. The proteins were separated by large (30 cm) sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and identified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry after digestion of 100 gel slices with trypsin. The molecular masses of the individual gel slices were calculated through the known theoretical masses of the identified proteins. Proteins were defined as degradation candidates if either the empirical determined molecular mass was at most 80% of the theoretical value, or if proteins were identified in clearly different gel slices. In this manner, the degradation of 11 already identified apoptosis-modified proteins was confirmed and nine until now unknown degradation candidate proteins identified. Degradation during apoptosis must be verified by additional techniques such as in vitro caspase assays as shown for nucleolin and Rho GDI 2. The results presented confirm the suitability of a shotgun approach for the identification of putative protease targets.  相似文献   

The caspase-activated DNase (CAD) is the primary nuclease responsible for oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation during apoptosis. The DNA fragmentation factor (DFF) is composed of the 40-kDa CAD (DFF40) in complex with its cognate 45-kDa inhibitor (inhibitor of CAD: ICAD or DFF45). The association of ICAD with CAD not only inhibits the DNase activity but is also essential for the co-translational folding of CAD. Activation of CAD requires caspase-3-dependent proteolysis of ICAD. The tertiary structures of neither the inactive nor the activated DFF have been conclusively established. Whereas the inactive DFF is thought to consist of the CAD/ICAD heterodimer, activated CAD has been isolated as a large (>MDa) multimer, as well as a monomer. To establish the subunit stoichiometry of DFF and some of its structural determinants in normal and apoptotic cells, we utilized size-exclusion chromatography in combination with co-immunoprecipitation and mutagenesis techniques. Both endogenous and heterologously expressed DFF have an apparent molecular mass of 160-190 kDa and contain 2 CAD and 2 ICAD molecules (CAD/ICAD)2 in HeLa cells. Although the N-terminal (CIDE-N) domain of CAD is not required for ICAD binding, it is necessary but not sufficient for ICAD homodimerization in the DFF. In contrast, the CIDE-N domain of ICAD is required for CAD/ICAD association. Using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET), dimerization of ICAD in DFF was confirmed in live cells. In apoptotic cells, endogenous and exogenous CAD forms limited oligomers, representing the active nuclease. A model is proposed for the rearrangement of the DFF subunit stoichiometry in cells undergoing programmed cell death.  相似文献   

Confocal fluorescence microscopy enables visualisation and quantitation of fluorescent probes at high resolution deep within intact tissues, with minimal disturbance both of cell–cell interactions and the mechanical, ionic and physiological effects of the extracellular matrix. We illustrate the principles of multiple-parameter 3-D (x,y,z) imaging using reconstruction of nuclear channels in mammalian cells. Repeated sampling in time generates 4-D (x,y,z,t) images which can be used to follow dynamic changes, such as blue-light-dependent chloroplast re-orientation, in intact tissues. Quantitative measurements from multi-dimensional images require calibration of the spatial dimensions of the image and the fluorescence intensity response. This must be determined throughout the volume, which must be sampled to correct for geometric distortion as well as photometric errors arising from the complete optical system, including the specimen. The effects of specimen calibration are illustrated for morphological analysis of stomatal closing responses to abscisic acid in Commelina from 4-D images. Calibrated 4-D imaging allows direct volume measurements and we have followed volume regulation of chondrocytes in cartilage explants during osmotic perturbation. In intact cartilage, unlike in isolated cells, the chondrocytes exhibit volume regulatory mechanisms. In other cases, the fluorescence intensity of the probe may be related to a physiological parameter of interest and changes in its distribution within the cell. Optical sectioning permits discrimination of signal in separate compartments within the cell and can be used to follow transport events between different organelles. We illustrate 3-D (x,y,t) measurements of vacuolar glutathione conjugate pump activity in intact roots of Arabidopsis by following the sequestration of a fluorescent conjugate between glutathione and monochlorobimane. Dynamic measurements of protein localisation are now possible following the introduction of chimeric fusion proteins with green fluorescent protein (GFP) from Aequoria victoria. We have analysed the disposition of heterochromatin in nuclei of living Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells expressing a chimeric construct between Swi6 and GFP. Heterochromatin dynamics can be followed throughout mitosis in 4-D (x,y,z,t) images. Statistical analysis of the fluorescence histograms from each nucleus over time provides quantitative support for aggregation and dispersion of Swi6-GFP clusters during mitosis, rather than dissociation of Swi6 from the heterochromatin. A wide range of single-wavelength and ratio probes are available for imaging different ion activities. We compare 3-D (x,y,t) measurements of ion activities made using single-wavelength (Fluo-3 for calcium) and ratio (BCECF for pH) measurements, using stomatal responses in Vicia faba to peptides from the auxin-binding protein of maize and tip growth in pollen tubes of Lilium longiflorum as examples. Ratioing techniques have many advantages for quantitative fluorescence measurements and we conclude with a discussion of techniques to develop ratioing of single-wavelength probes against alternative references, such as DNA, protein or cell wall material.Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy has been used to identify and locate beta-carotene within individual living luteal cells. The cells were either freshly prepared or cultured; the latter was incubated in the presence or absence of beta-carotene in the form of enriched bovine high-density lipoprotein. Luteal cells were investigated using several Raman spectroscopic and imaging techniques. These techniques did not give accurate concentration levels of beta-carotene within parts of the cell but illustrated the distribution of the molecule. Freshly prepared luteal cells were found to contain an appreciable concentration of beta-carotene. Over a period of several days, the concentration gradually reduced to a nearly undetectable level; similar results were found for cells cultured in the absence of the beta-carotene. For cells cultured in the presence of beta-carotene, the molecular concentration was maintained for as long as 2 weeks. The Raman spectra of fragmented cells showed that the beta-carotene is predominantly localised in the lipid-rich cell components, with the concentration highest in the microsomal fraction. The Raman imaging techniques revealed that beta-carotene was spread over the entire volume of the luteal cells with higher levels occurring at distinct sites, including the surface.  相似文献   

Cleavage of cellular chromatin at internucleosomal sites is a characteristic change of DNA integrity in cells undergoing apoptosis. We have developed an assay for quantitation of internucleosomal DNA fragmentation in apoptotic cells. This technique involves purification of cellular DNA, dephosphorylation of the DNA ends, labeling of DNA with 32P at the 5'-end, gel electrophoresis through agarose, and quantitation of the radioactivity in DNA bands. This assay, which is about 1000- to 2000-fold more sensitive than visualization of DNA bands by ethidium staining, allows the detection of DNA fragments at picogram levels. A method for quantitatively determining the number of fragmented DNA strands is also described. Application of this new assay to evaluate the time course of internucleosomal DNA fragmentation was demonstrated in apoptotic cells induced by an anticancer nucleoside analogue.  相似文献   

Microscopy has become an essential tool for cellular protein investigations. The development of new fluorescent markers such as green fluorescent proteins generated substantial opportunities to monitor protein-protein interactions qualitatively and quantitatively using advanced fluorescence microscope techniques including wide-field, confocal, multiphoton, spectral imaging, lifetime, and correlation spectroscopy. The specific aims of the investigation of protein dynamics in live specimens dictate the selection of the microscope methodology. In this article confocal and spectral imaging methods to monitor the dimerization of alpha enhancer binding protein (C/EBPalpha) in the pituitary GHFT1-5 living cell nucleus have been described. Also outline are issues involved in protein imaging using light microscopy techniques and the advantages of lifetime imaging of protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

Li L  Wang H  Cheng JX 《Biophysical journal》2005,89(5):3480-3490
We demonstrate quantitative vibrational imaging of specific lipid molecules in single bilayers using laser-scanning coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy with a lateral resolution of 0.25 mum. A lipid is spectrally separated from other molecules by using deuterated acyl chains that provide a large CARS signal from the symmetric CD(2) stretch vibration around 2100 cm(-1). Our temperature control experiments show that d62-DPPC has similar bilayer phase segregation property as DPPC when mixing with DOPC. By using epi-detection and optimizing excitation and detection conditions, we are able to generate a clear vibrational contrast from d62-DPPC of 10% molar fraction in a single bilayer of DPPC/d62-DPPC mixture. We have developed and experimentally verified an image analysis model that can derive the relative molecular concentration from the difference of the two CARS intensities measured at the peak and dip frequencies of a CARS band. With the above strategies, we have measured the molar density of d62-DPPC in the coexisting domains inside the DOPC/d62-DPPC (1:1) supported bilayers incorporated with 0-40% cholesterol. The observed interesting changes of phospholipid organization upon addition of cholesterol to the bilayer are discussed.  相似文献   

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