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Chen YC  Chen Y  Huang SH  Wang SM 《FEBS letters》2010,584(21):4442-4448
Adenosine (Ado), an endogenous nucleoside, can stimulate corticosterone synthesis in adrenal cells via the A2A/A2B adenosine receptors (ARs). This study evaluated the contribution of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms in Ado-induced steroidogenesis. The PKC inhibitor calphostin c blocked Ado-induced steroidogenesis, the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MEK)-extracellular signal-related regulated kinase (ERK)-cyclic AMP responsive element-binding protein cascade, and the mRNA expression of steroidogenic acute regulatory protein and CYP11B1. Further analyses revealed that PKCμ was indeed activated by Ado. Moreover, downregulation of PKCμ by small interfering RNA (siRNA) inhibited Ado-stimulated steroidogenesis and ERK phosphorylation. Finally, inhibition of either A2AAR or A2BAR led to the suppression of PKCμ phosphorylation. Together, these findings suggest that A2AR-PKCμ-MEK signaling mediates Ado-stimulated adrenal steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

Crystallins are very abundant structural proteins of the lens and are also expressed in other tissues. We have previously reported a spontaneous mutation in the rat βA3/A1-crystallin gene, termed Nuc1, which has a novel, complex, ocular phenotype. The current study was undertaken to compare the expression pattern of this gene during eye development in wild type and Nuc1 rats by in situ hybridization (ISH) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). βA3/A1-crystallin expression was first detected in the eyes of both wild type and Nuc1 rats at embryonic (E) day 12.5 in the posterior portion of the lens vesicle, and remained limited to the lens fibers throughout fetal life. After birth, βA3/A1-crystallin expression was also detected in the neural retina (specifically in the astrocytes and ganglion cells) and in the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE). This suggested that βA3/A1-crystallin is not only a structural protein of the lens, but has cellular function(s) in other ocular tissues. In summary, expression of βA3/A1-crystallin is controlled differentially in various eye tissues with lens being the site of greatest expression. Similar staining patterns, detected by ISH and IHC, in wild type and Nuc1 animals suggest that functional differences in the protein, rather than changes in mRNA/protein level of expression, likely account for developmental abnormalities in Nuc1.  相似文献   

Summary Two antisera, Y-10 and Y-18 were raised in rabbits against synthetic human -endorphin conjugated to bovine serum albumin and keyhole limpet haemocyanin respectively. Antiserum Y-10 has been shown by radioimmunoassay to be highly specific for human -endorphin with minimal or no cross-reactivity against other pituitary peptides whilst antiserum Y-18 crossreacted on an equimolar basis against -endorphin and -lipotropin. When used in the immunohistochemical procedure, both antisera specifically stained the corticotrophs in human anterior pituitary tissue. A similar effect was observed when antiserum Y-18 was applied to rat anterior pituitary tissue in the immunohistochemical procedure. Y-10 antiserum, on the other hand, stained not only rat corticotrophs but also somatotrophs. The somatotrophin staining could not be attributed to the enkephalins reported to be present in these cells.The non-specific -endorphin antiserum Y-18 was used to stain anterior pituitaries from dehydrated and adrenalectomized rats as well as rats of the Brattleboro strain. In tissues from the three experimental animals, cells that stained positively for -endorphin did not give a positive immunoreaction for ACTH and vice versa in some other sections. It is concluded that under the physiological conditions, formalin fixation of the tissue causes the proopiocortin molecule to be trapped in a conformation such that either ACTH or -endorphin-like determinants are available for reacting with the appropriate antiserum.This work was financed by the Medical Research Council of New Zealand, NIH Research Program Project Grant HD-12303 and by U.S.P.H.S. Grant NS-16304 from NIH. We thank Drs Guillemin, Bloom and Ling for samples of -endorphin and -endorphin antisera  相似文献   

Summary A complementary DNA (cDNA) clone - cA2-47 - corresponding to a new 2-adrenergic receptor subtype has been isolated from a rat brain cDNA library and used as a hybridization probe to scrutinize the 2-receptor poly(A+) RNAs in rat brain, heart and adrenal gland. Hybridization of the 5 half of the coding region of this cDNA at 37°C to rat brain poly(A+) RNA revealed a single band at 5.8 kb as the size of its corresponding mRNA. Under identical hybridization conditions, a human platelet 2-receptor genomic probe failed to hybridize to any rat brain mRNAs.Under lower stringency conditions, hybridization of the full-length cDNA, cA2-47, to selected rat tissue poly(A+) RNA showed the presence of four different sized mRNAs in brain and three in both heart and adrenal gland. Messages of 1.3 kb and 2.1 kb were common in all three tissues (although the band at 2.1 kb was slightly higher in the heart and adrenal gland). A 5.8 kb mRNA was unique to the brain and a slightly higher band at 6.0 kb was consistently present in heart and adrenal gland but was absent in the brain. A fourth message at 3.4 kb was found predominantly in the brain and was either absent or present at very low levels in the other tissues examined. Under the same conditions, a human platelet 2-receptor probe hybridized to similar sized messages of 2.1 and 5.8 kb in rat brain and 2.2 and 6.0 kb in rat heart and adrenal gland. This probe, however, failed to detect the abundant 1.3 kb mRNA common to all tissues or the 3.4 kb message in rat brain. The extent of homology of these messages with cA2-47 is not confined to limited regions of the cDNA since similar hybridization patterns were observed using either 5-noncoding or 5-coding regions of the probe.These results provide the first direct evidence of a surprisingly large range of mRNA sizes for members of the 2-receptor family in brain, heart, and adrenal gland. The unique nature of certain members of the family in each of the tissues examined raises the curious possibility that these members might contribute to some of the individualized functions of the brain, cardiovasculature and adrenal gland.  相似文献   

The activity of 3beta-hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase (EC in the mitochondrial fraction of rat adrenal homogenates was approx. 31% of the total activity recovered after differential centrifugation and washing of the particulate fractions. Some 45% of the total activity was found in the microsomal fraction. The activity was assayed by a radioisotopic method devised in this laboratory for the purpose of studying small quantities of tissue and cell fractions. Satisfactory separation of the two fractions was demonstrated by electron microscopy of the pellets and by comparative recoveries of RNA, steroid 21-hydroxylase and cytochrome c oxidase in the various compartments. Analyses of the kinetics of the enzyme activity in the two fractions revealed no significant differences in apparent K(m) for pregnenolone, dehydroepiandrosterone or NAD(+), but demonstrated a distinct difference in the K(m) for NADP(+). pH optima and susceptibility to cyanoketone inhibition were similar in both fractions.  相似文献   

Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) supplementation has been tested as prophylaxis against gestational disorders associated with oxidative damage. However, recent evidence showing that high maternal α-tocopherol intake can adversely affect offspring development raises concerns on the safety of vitamin E extradosages during pregnancy. Besides acting as an antioxidant, α-tocopherol depresses cell proliferation and modulates cell signaling through inhibiting protein kinase C (PKC), a kinase that is deeply involved in neural maturation and plasticity. Possible effects of α-tocopherol loads in the maturing brain, where PKC dysregulation is associated to developmental dysfunctions, are poorly known. Here, supranutritional doses of α-tocopherol were fed to pregnant and lactating dams to evaluate the effects on PKC signaling and morphofunctional maturation in offspring hippocampus. Results showed that maternal supplementation potentiates hippocampal α-tocopherol incorporation in offspring and leads to marked decrease of PKC phosphorylation throughout postnatal maturation, accompanied by reduced phosphorylation of growth-associated protein-43 and myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate, two PKC substrates involved in neural development and plasticity. Although processes of neuronal maturation, synapse formation and targeting appeared unaffected, offspring of supplemented mothers displayed a marked reduction of long-term synaptic plasticity in juvenile hippocampus. Interestingly, this impairment persisted in adulthood, when a deficit in hippocampus-dependent, long-lasting spatial memory was also revealed. In conclusion, maternal supplementation with elevated doses of α-tocopherol can influence cell signaling and synaptic plasticity in developing hippocampus and promotes permanent adverse effects in adult offspring. The present results emphasize the need to evaluate the safety of supranutritional maternal intake of α-tocopherol in humans.  相似文献   

Summary The mammalian pineal gland contains pinealocytes, interstitial glial cells, perivascular macrophages, neurons and neuron-like cells. The neuronal identity of neurons and neuron-like cells was an enigma. α-Internexin and peripherin are specific neuronal intermediate filament proteins and are expressed differentially in the CNS and PNS. We investigated the development of immunoreactivity and expression patterns of mRNAs for α-internexin and peripherin in the mouse pineal gland to determine the neuronal identity of these cells. Both α-internexin- and peripherin-immunoreactive cells were readily visualized only after birth. Both proteins were at the highest level on the postnatal day 7 (P7), rapidly declined at P14, and obtained their adult level at P21. Both protein and mRNA of α-internexin are expressed in some cells and nerve processes, but not all, of adult mouse pineal gland. Less number of peripherin immunoreactive or RNA-expressing cells and nerve processes were identified. Accumulations of α-internexin and peripherin proteins were also found in the cells from the aged pineal gland (P360). We concluded that some cells in the developing mouse pineal gland may differentiated into neurons and neuron-like cells expressing both α-internexin and/or peripherin only postnatally, and these cells possess dual properties of CNS and PNS neurons in nature. We suggested that they may act as interneurons between the pinealocyte and the distal neurons innervating the pinealocytes, or form a local circuitry with pinealocytes to play a role of paracrine regulatory function on the pinealocytes.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of γ-MSH was studied in human and rat hypothalamus by peroxidase-labeled antibody method both at light and electron microscopic levels. Human and rat hypothalamus contained immunoreactive γ-MSH neurons and varicose nerve fibers. The distribution of γ-MSH-positive nerve fibers was similar to that of β-endorphin previously reported. By our “re-staining method,” γ-MSH and ACTH were localized in the same neurons and nerve fibers. In the rat, the immunologic staining of γ-MSH in hypothalamic neurons and nerve fibers was not diminished after hypophysectomy. These findings strongly suggest the possibility of actual precursor production in the hypothalamus which is similar to that in the anterior pituitary. The presence of γ-MSH at the synapse-like structure of the nerve terminal may indicate that γ-MSH could function as a neurotransmitter or a neuromodulator.  相似文献   

α-neo-endorphin-like immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the nerve fibers and Herring's bodies in the posterior lobe of rat pituitary glands by an indirect immunoperoxidase method using α-neo-endorphin-antiserum. The number of α-neo-endorphin positive fibers and Herring's bodies did not decrease in the sections in which α-neo-endorphin-antisera pretreated with oxytocin, ADH and leu-enkephalin were used as primary antisera. In view of the reports that met-enkephalin, leu-enkephalin and dynorphin were present in the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, this finding suggested that there were four kinds of opiate-like peptides in the posterior lobes of the pituitary gland. Furthermore, by staining alternately 3he serial sections of the rat pituitary glands with ADH and α-neo-endorphin-antisera, it was revealed that α-neo-endorphin-positive Herring's bodies were identical to a large number of ADH positive Herring's bodies. This finding, together with the observation that morphine injection caused ADH release, suggested that α-neo-endorphin may play an important role in the regulation of ADH release.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) is known to be involved in the regulation of exocytosis in different cell lines and tissues. Experiments were designed to determine whether the Harderian gland of CD-1 mouse produces PKC isoenzymes and whether the expression of the isoforms changes during pregnancy. The presence of the isoenzymes was assessed by immunoblotting experiments using extract of total Harderian gland and polyclonal antisera specific for nine different PKC isoforms. Antisera giving a positive staining on Western blots were subsequently used for immunohistochemical investigation using a secondary antibody conjugated to alkaline phosphatase. Immunoblotting experiments revealed that the Harderian gland from female mouse expresses PKC isoforms-,-,- and-. These isoforms were also detected in the Harderian gland from 13-day pregnant mouse; however, striking quantitative changes were seen concerning the - and -isoforms. The 80-kDa native form of PKC- almost doubled in the pregnant mouse in comparison with normal female mouse whereas the amount of 50-kDa catalytic domain did not change. Protein kinase C- appeared as a 92- to 93-kDa form and a 67-kDa form. While the 92- to 93-kDa protein was expressed to a similar extent in both types of mouse, the 67-kDa form was more abundant inthe Harderian gland from normal female mouse. These data were corroborated by immunohistochemical experiments and showing a diffuse and granular staining of the adenomeres. These observations demonstrate for the first time (to our knowledge) that the mouse Harderian gland produces several PKC isoenzymes that could be involved in the regulation of exocytosis and/or other functions. Moreover, the expression of the - and -isoforms could be regulated by sexual hormones, as suggested by the differential abundance of these two proteins in the gland of pregnant mouse compared with normal female mouse.  相似文献   

Regucalcin is involved in maintenance of calcium homeostasis due to the activation of Ca2+ pumping enzymes in the plasma membrane. It has a suppressive effect in cell proliferation, DNA and RNA synthesis, and may be associated with the abnormal cell division on tumor tissues. On the other hand both estrogens and Ca2+ are implicated in breast and prostate cancer but there are no studies focused on the expression of regucalcin in rat mammary gland or prostate. Furthermore, it is known that the expression of regucalcin in rat liver and kidney is regulated by 17β-estradiol (E2). The aim of this study is to analyze if regucalcin is expressed in rat mammary gland and prostate and if it is regulated by E2 in these tissues. We demonstrated for the first time that regucalcin mRNA and protein are present in rat mammary gland and prostate by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, respectively. Furthermore, we show by Real-time PCR that E2 down-regulates regucalcin expression in rat mammary gland and prostate.  相似文献   

A. J. Buchala  H. Meier 《Planta》1973,111(3):245-252
Summary The changes in the levels of various -glucan hydrolase activities in the second internode of the stem of the developing oat plant have been examined. Concurrent changes in the non-cellulosic -glucans contained in the corresponding total hemicelluloses were also studied. Possible relationships between the observed changes and the growth and development of the plant tissue are discussed.  相似文献   



Sex steroid hormone receptors have been identified in the adrenal gland of rat, sheep and rhesus monkey, indicating a direct effect of sex steroids on adrenal gland function.  相似文献   

Vitamin A metabolites are potent teratogens in a wide variety of species, including man. Transforming growth factor betas (TGF-s) are involved in several mammalian prenatal developmental processes. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of exogenous and excessive all-trans retinoic acid on TGF2 expression in the developing cerebral cortex of the rat. Many of the malformations including exencephaly, exophtalmus, abdominal wall defects, extremity reduction defects observed in this study were dependent on the time of administration of retinoic acid. TGF-2 was diversely expressed, as revealed immunohistochemically, in the cerebral cortex and plexus choroideus. The diversity depended on the gestational day and the was affected by the administration of retinoic acid. In the 15-day-old fetus from mothers who had been fed by gavage a single dose of 60mg/kg body weight of all-trans retinoic acid on the 8th day of gestation, TGF-2 immunoreactivity in the brain was decreased. However, by the 18th day of gestation, TGF-2 expression increased. The expression of TGF-2 in fetuses whose mothers had been given all-trans retinoic acid after the neurulation period (on day 12 of gestation) was generally similar to that in a control group. We conclude that all-trans retinoic acid leads to severe congenital malformations if administered before neurulation whereas if given after neurulation, it is not so teratogenic. Further, retinoic acid has a variable effect on the expression of TGF-2.  相似文献   

Schober  Andreas  Arumäe  Urmas  Saarma  Mart  Unsicker  Klaus 《Brain Cell Biology》2000,29(3):209-213
Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), an important factor for developing and lesioned pre- and postganglionic sympathetic neurons, and its congeners signal through a receptor complex consisting of the tyrosine kinase c-Ret and a lipid-anchored α receptor (GFRα-1-4). Using in situ hybridization we show now that the mRNA for GFRα-2 is abundant in the adult rat adrenal medulla and its chromaffin cells. Coexpression of c-Ret and GFRα-1 mRNA's is restricted to a scarce subpopulation of medullary sympathetic neurons. Both GFRα-1 and GFRα-2 mRNA's are associated with preganglionic nerve trunks in the adrenal cortex. It is conceivable therefore that GDNF and related factors may activate chromaffin and preganglionic Schwann cells through a GFR-α receptor in absence of c-Ret.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C isoforms in the enteric nervous system   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
C kinases (PKCs) are a family of enzymes essential for the transduction of signals in a diverse range of cell types, including neurons. The different isoforms vary in their activation requirements. Therefore, cell-specific expression of different isoforms has implications for PKC-mediated control of organ function. This study has investigated the types and distributions of PKC isoforms in the small intestine of the guinea-pig, with particular emphasis on their localisation in myenteric neurons, using immunohistochemistry and western blotting techniques. Three PKC isoforms, , and , were detected in the calbindin-immunoreactive subset of intrinsic primary afferent neurons, but not in other myenteric neurons. Both and immunoreactivities were also located in interstitial cells of Cajal. In contrast to these isoforms, immunoreactivity for PKCs and was present in all myenteric neurons of the ileum. PKC immunoreactivity was detected primarily in the glial network, as shown through double labelling with antibodies to the glial filament protein, S100b. Myenteric neurons were also weakly immunoreactive for this isoform. PKC immunoreactivity was very highly expressed in smooth muscle, but was largely absent from neurons. Immunoreactivity for RACK1, a binding protein for PKC, was detected in both calbindin-immunoreactive neurons and in smooth muscle cells. This study indicates a selective distribution of PKC isoforms to specific cell types. Isoform-specific activity of these enzymes could provide a means through which targeted modulation of intestinal function is achieved.  相似文献   

Summary The subcellular locilazations of tryrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine--hydroxylase (DBH) and phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT) in the adrenal glands of the frog and rat have been examined by a peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method. TH was localized in the ground substance of the adrenaline-containing cells and noradrenaline-containing cells, but not in the nucleus or in the mitochondria. TH was also located on the outside of the membrane of the chromaffin granules. DBH was observed only inside the granules. PNMT was found not only in the ground substance but also on the membrane of some adrenaline-containing granules. Cortical lipid cells of the frog adrenals did not show TH-, DBH-, and PNMT-reactions. The negative reactions to TH-, DBH-, and PNMT-antiserum exhibited by the summer cells of the frog adrenals prove that they belong to the cortical cells.  相似文献   

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