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为探讨幽门螺杆菌感染胃组织后差异基因变化,深入分析参与疾病发生、发展的分子机制。从GEO(Gene Expression Omnibus)数据库下载幽门螺杆菌感染胃组织基因芯片数据(GSE5081),根据胃粘膜组织是否受损分组,分别比较幽门螺杆菌感染者与阴性对照组,获得差异基因并进行功能分析包括GO分析、信号通路分析,基因相互作用及基因共表达,得到重要核心基因,并通过实时定量PCR方法进行验证。结果表明:得到参与幽门螺杆菌感染后上调的44个主要基因,主要涉及的GO分析及信号通路包括免疫反应、炎症反应、抗原提呈、细胞因子通路、因子受体关联,细胞粘附分子等。研究发现核心基因CXCR4,CCL20,JAK3,TNFAIP2,PLEK,HLA-DMA,PTPRC,CXCL13,BCL2A1,并通过实时定量PCR的方法进行部分验证,CXCR4,CXCL5,CXCL2在幽门螺杆菌感染后的胃黏膜组织表达高于对照组。幽门螺杆菌感染后胃粘膜组织引起免疫反应,炎症反应,抗原提呈,因子受体关联,细胞粘附分子通路的激活。同时发现一些主要的趋化因子相关基因CXCR4,CXCL5,CXCL2,CCL20,CXCL1等,涉及增殖,炎症,免疫,凋亡基因JAK3,TNFAIP2,PLEK,HLA-DMA,PTPRC,BCL2A1等的表达上调,并实时定量PCR验证部分相关基因的表达。这些结果为从分子网络机制层面上认识幽门螺杆菌感染提供分析思路及基础。  相似文献   

幽门螺杆菌(helicobacter pylori,H.pylori,HP)感染是一个世界性问题。人类感染Hp可导致慢性胃炎、胃和十二指肠溃疡、消化性胃黏膜相关的淋巴样组织淋巴瘤和胃腺癌。根除幽门螺杆菌对胃肠疾病的转归和预防有着重要作用。但是由于抗茵药物的滥用,使得对幽门螺杆茵的治疗变得棘手。本文就Hp的致病机制、耐药性问题及治疗方法等的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

目的 通过分析幽门螺杆菌感染胃黏膜组织和胃癌细胞系后的差异基因变化,并在癌症基因组图谱(The Cancer Genome Atlas,TCGA)数据库和肿瘤基因芯片(Oncomine)数据库进行验证,探究幽门螺杆菌导致胃癌发生、发展的分子机制。 方法 分析基因表达汇编(Gene Expression Omnibus,GEO)数据库幽门螺杆菌感染相关芯片集GSE5081与GSE70394,绘制维恩图查找幽门螺杆菌感染后共同上调的差异基因。对共同上调的差异基因进行功能富集分析。通过TCGA和Oncomine数据库验证差异基因在胃癌中的表达。利用Kaplan Meier Plotter数据库和GEPIA数据库分析差异基因表达高低与胃癌患者预后是否存在相关性。 结果 通过差异基因筛选和维恩分析,两个芯片集共有21个共同上调差异基因。GO分析发现共同上调差异基因主要富集在对细菌来源分子的反应、趋化因子CXCR受体结合、中性粒细胞趋化作用等相关的基因功能上;KEGG通路主要富集在癌症通路、TNF信号通路、趋化因子信号通路等。STRING以及PPI数据库分析发现21个基因中PRDM1、IL10、NRP1、BIRC3、GNG13、CXCL1、CXCL2、CXCL3、CXCL8基因存在有网络关系,属于关键枢纽基因。通过TCGA和Oncomine数据库筛选及验证,发现在胃癌组织中NRP1、CXCL1、CXCL8 基因明显上调,结果差异有统计学意义(TCGA数据库中,三者P值均小于0.05,Oncomine数据库中,NRP1:t=4.607,P结论 不同的数据库均显示NRP1、CXCL1、CXCL8三个基因与幽门螺杆菌感染相关,同时在胃癌中高表达,并且NRP1的高表达与胃癌的不良预后相关,这些结果为进一步探究幽门螺杆菌导致胃癌发生、发展的分子机制提供了重要基础。  相似文献   

幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)被发现至今20多年来,治疗H.pylori感染的研究一直是热点。1999年海南会议提出了“我国对幽门螺杆菌若干问题的共识意见”.2000年欧洲H.Pylori研究协作组公布的Maastricht-2共识报告也具有重要指导意义。2003年于安徽桐城召开了中华全国H.声yzori共识会议,在此基础上专家们又达成了新的共识意见。所有的共识都认为胃黏膜相关淋巴组织(MALT)淋巴瘤、萎缩性胃炎、胃癌术后、胃癌患者一级亲属、消化性溃疡、功能性消化不良、  相似文献   

近年来 ,许多资料证明 ,幽门螺杆菌 (Helicobac terpylori,Hp)可引起B型胃炎、胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡等上消化道疾病 ,并可进一步发展成胃癌[1~ 5] ,也可能是引起MALT淋巴瘤的原因 ,现已被WHO列入第一级生物致癌原[7] 。Hp的感染率 ,在西方发达国家的人群中约为 50 % ,而在发展中国家的人群中为 80 % [8] ,这样高的人群感染率 ,若根除人体内Hp ,使用化学药物及抗菌素虽可奏效 ,但由于存在感染人群数目大 ,药物价格昂贵 ,加之药物副作用大及容易形成耐药菌株等问题 ,所以近年来国内外研究者更关心疫苗预防和…  相似文献   

目的 评价联合应用益生菌在标准四联疗法的不同阶段对幽门螺杆菌(H. pylori)感染补救治疗的疗效。方法 采用回顾性研究,收集首次根除失败因病情需要接受H.pylori补救根除治疗的患者共200例,随机分为4个治疗组,所有患者均采用标准四联疗法(每次服用埃索美拉唑钠肠溶片20 mg+枸橼酸铋钾220 mg+阿莫西林1 000 mg+呋喃唑酮100 mg)进行治疗。其中A组为单纯四联治疗,不加服金双歧;B组为四联治疗前2周服用金双歧2 000 mg/次;C组为标准四联治疗同时服用金双歧2 000 mg/次;D组为四联治疗结束后开始加用金双歧2 000 mg/次。疗程均为2周,所有患者均随访至少4周,记录其治疗期间发生的不良反应及症状。疗程结束4周后采用13C尿素呼气试验判断H. pylori是否根除。结果 A组、B组、C组和D组患者ITT分析的根除率分别为78.0%(38/50)、80.0%(40/50)、74.0%(37/50)和72.0%(36/50),差异无统计学意义(χ2=1.096,P=0.778);4组患者PP分析的根除率分别为81.3%(39/48)、85.1%(40/47)、78.7%(37/47)和78.3%(36/46),差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.891,P=0.828)。4组患者7 d、14 d不良反应发生率差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论 含呋喃唑酮、阿莫西林的标准四联疗法治疗H. pylori感染根除率较高(>80%),可作为首次根除治疗失败后的补救治疗方案,在补救治疗的不同时期加用益生菌并不能明显提高根除率,但能降低7 d、14 d治疗期间的不良反应发生率。  相似文献   

幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H. pylori)与慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡、胃癌及胃黏膜相关淋巴组织(MALT)淋巴瘤的发生发展密切相关。1994年幽门螺杆菌被世界卫生组织列为胃癌发生的I类致癌因子,胃癌发生与幽门螺杆菌感染密切相关,根除幽门螺杆菌可降低胃癌的发生率。中国是幽门螺杆菌高感染率国家,同时也是胃癌高发国家,幽门螺杆菌感染不仅是一个临床问题,更是一个公共卫生层面的健康管理大问题,因此本共识对我国幽门螺菌相关疾病防治具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨淮南地区幽门螺杆菌感染个体菌株基因多态性及其与感染结局的影响。方法:选取125例幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori,HP)感染的慢性胃炎、消化性溃疡患者,常规获取胃窦、胃体部粘膜,进行HP分离、培养,提取HP基因组DNA,采用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)指纹分析法检测菌株基因多态性;125例患者均给予质子泵抑制、H2受体拮抗剂、铋剂为基础的三联或四联疗法治疗,治疗后4~6周进行14C-尿素呼气试验评估Hp根除情况;获取HP根除失败患者的胃窦、胃体黏膜进行HP分离、培养、鉴定,并采用RAPD指纹分析法检测菌株来源,评估HP基因多态性对治疗结局的影响。结果:cagA、iceA1、iceA2、vacAs1、vacAm1、babA2阳性率分别为92.80%、36.00%、93.60%、93.60%、29.50%、53.50%,cagA、iceA2、vacAs阳性率均高于其他基因类型阳性率(P0.05或P0.01),其他基因类型阳性率比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。经治疗后HP根除率为86.4%(107/125),14.4%(18/125)根除失败;18例根除失败患者中,15例患者治疗前后的菌株具有相同的指纹图谱,证实为原菌株复发,其中cagA、iceA1、iceA2、vacAs1、vacAm1、babA2阳性率分别为93.33%、13.33%、86.67%、93.33%、6.67%、20.00%,cagA、iceA2、vacAs阳性率均高于其他基因类型阳性率(P0.05或P0.01)。结论:cagA+、vacAs+、iceA2+为淮南地区HP感染的优势基因型,该基因型易导致HP根除失败;未发现babA2与HP感染结局存在相关性。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探寻幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,Hp)铁摄取调节蛋白(ferric uptake regulator,Fur)基因单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)和进化分型与胃癌的相关性。方法:选取2011-2018年青岛市市立医院保存的150株Hp(胃癌来源59株和胃炎来源91株),运用聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction,PCR)方法扩增fur基因,并进行一代测序及SNP分析。通过NCBI数据库下载226株东亚亚群Hp菌株fur基因序列,应用MEGA 5.0软件分析SNP并构建fur基因Neighbour-Joining系统进化树,建立进化分型。结果:98.7 %(148/150)Hp菌株fur基因PCR扩增阳性。序列分析发现fur基因351位点存在碱基A→G的同义SNP(SNP A351G),胃癌来源的菌株中G等位基因的变异频率明显高于胃炎来源的菌株,差异有统计学意义(χ2=5.161,P=0.023);携带该等位基因的菌株发生胃癌风险明显升高(OR=2.4)。在东亚Hp fur基因的Neighbour-Joining系统进化树中,依据进化距离将东亚Hp菌株分为Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型两个亚型,fur基因进化Ⅰ型中的胃癌来源Hp菌株比例明显高于Ⅱ型,差异有统计学意义(χ2=41.8,P=9.9×10-11);感染furⅠ型Hp的患者发生胃癌的风险显著升高(OR=4.7)。结论:携带fur SNP A351G的Hp菌株导致胃癌发生风险显著升高,fur基因进化Ⅰ型与胃癌发生风险具有一定相关性。  相似文献   

目的:探索黄连素四联方案用于幽门螺杆菌感染根除失败患者补救治疗的有效性及安全性。方法:将经四联方案初次根除治疗失败并自愿接受补救治疗的130例患者按纳入顺序,以1:1的比例分配治疗,随机接受14天黄连素四联(埃索美拉唑20mg+胶体果胶铋200 mg+阿莫西林1000 mg,2/d+黄连素300 mg 3/d)或四环素四联(埃索美拉唑20 mg+胶体果胶铋200 mg+四环素750 mg+呋喃唑酮100 mg,2/d)方案的治疗。所有患者均于治疗14天及治疗结束至少28天后随诊,详细记录患者症状及不良反应情况。治疗结束至少28天后进行13C尿素呼气试验来判断幽门螺杆菌根除情况。结果:65例接受黄连素四联根除治疗,65例接受四环素四联方案治疗。两组分别有6例和4例患者因不良反应服药依从性小于80%,其余患者均完成了14天的治疗。黄连素组和四环素组的幽门螺杆菌根除率ITT分析分别为76.9%(50/65)和81.5%(53/65),P=0.520;PP分析分别为84.7%(50/59)和86.9%(53/61),P=0.739。黄连素组和四环素组不良事件总体发生率分别为49.2%和41.5%,P=0.370。结论:黄连素四联疗法用于幽门螺杆菌感染的二次根除治疗,根除率较高,未明显增加不良事件发生率,是有效及安全的补救治疗方案。  相似文献   

目的 了解儿童幽门螺杆菌(H. pylori)感染情况及其耐药性,为儿童H. pylori治疗提供参考信息。 方法 选取2017年1月至2018年10月(男性45例,女性41例)因上消化道不适症状于首都儿科研究所就诊的86名患儿为研究对象,所有患儿行胃镜检查,并使用快速尿素酶试验检测显示H. pylori阳性。入选患儿取胃黏膜样品,使用哥伦比亚琼脂液进行H. pylori培养,阳性培养菌株使用酶生化反应进行鉴定,采用E test法对分离出的H. pylori菌株进行药敏试验。 结果 共分离出H. pylori菌株17株,分离阳性率为19.8%(17/86),其中男性和女性患儿H. pylori阳性率分别为22.2%(10/45)和17.1%(7/41),差异无统计学意义(χ2=0.359,P=0.549)。分离出的17株H. pylori对甲硝唑耐药率最高(70.6%,12/17),其次为克拉霉素(35.3%,6/17)、阿莫西林(23.5%,4/17)、左氧氟沙星(17.6%,3/17)、利福平(11.8%,2/17)和四环素(5.9%,1/17)。其中H. pylori对甲硝唑+克拉霉素双重耐药率为11.8%(2/17);对甲硝唑+阿莫西林双重耐药率为11.8%(2/17);对甲硝唑+左氧氟沙星双重耐药率为5.9%(1/17)。还有1株H. pylori对甲硝唑+克拉霉素+阿莫西林三重耐药,三重耐药率为5.9%(1/17)。 结论 儿科门诊患儿H. pylori感染阳性率较低,其H. pylori菌株对甲硝唑、克拉霉素和阿莫西林耐药率较高,且观察到双重和多重耐药。应提前了解就诊患儿H. pylori感染情况,根据菌株耐药情况选择个体化疗法,以提高根治率,减少菌株耐药性。  相似文献   

Aim: To investigate a 1‐week once‐daily triple therapy with esomeprazole, moxifloxacin, and rifabutin for rescue therapy of Helicobacter pylori infection. Methods: Consecutive patients (n = 103) with at least one previous treatment failure and H. pylori infection resistant to both metronidazole and clarithromycin were treated with esomeprazole 40 mg, moxifloxacin 400 mg, and rifabutin 300 mg, given once daily for 7 days. Eradication was confirmed by histology and culture. CYP2C19 status was determined by polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism. Results: Intention‐to‐treat and per‐protocol eradication rates were 77.7% (68.4–85.3) and 83.3% (74.4–90.2). Five patients discontinued prematurely (4.8%). Eradication was achieved in 93.1% of poor/intermediate metabolizers and in 78.8% of homozygous extensive metabolizers (p = .14). Eradication rates in patients with one, two, three, and four or more previous failures were 78.3%, 89.6%, 68.6%, and 88.9%, respectively (p = .21). The regimen was effective in seven of nine patients who previously failed quadruple therapy. Post‐treatment resistance to moxifloxacin and rifabutin was detected in two (12.5%) and five (31%) patients after treatment failure. Conclusion: Once‐daily triple therapy with esomeprazole, moxifloxacin, and rifabutin is a promising, safe, and convenient regimen for rescue therapy of H. pylori infection that may serve as a valuable alternative to quadruple therapy, particularly for patients with intolerance to amoxicillin.  相似文献   

Introduction:  Chronic urticaria is thought to have numerous causative factors including a large variety of infectious conditions, food intake, and drugs. The impact of Helicobacter pylori infection has been studied with ambiguous results. The aim of this study was to investigate the course of chronic urticaria in H. pylori -positive patients undergoing eradication compared to H. pylori -negative urticaria patients.
Patients and Methods:  We included 74 urticaria patients with positive H. pylori breath test and 74 age- and sex-matched H. pylori -negative controls. All urticaria patients underwent an extensive diagnostic work-up to search for trigger foci. H. pylori -infected patients were submitted to eradication therapy. Mean follow-up time was 58 months.
Results:  Neither the prevalence of H. pylori nor the eradication therapy had an influence on the clinical course of chronic urticaria. In 81.1% of H. pylori -infected patients at least one additional infectious focus was found. Nevertheless, it could be shown that individuals that described any kind of symptom relief presented with higher serum IgE levels at diagnosis (198.1 vs 115.7 kU/L, p = .027) but this effect was independent of H. pylori infection.
Conclusions:  In conclusion there is no evidence that eradication of H. pylori improves the outcome in patients with chronic urticaria. The high rate of spontaneous remission and the coexisistance of multiple foci will always obscure the evaluation of any specific antimicrobial therapy.  相似文献   

Objective: CYP2C19 polymorphisms have been inconsistently reported to associate with the efficacy of proton pump inhibitor (PPI)‐based triple therapies for eradicating Helicobacter pylori infection. The aim of this meta‐analysis was to determine whether CYP2C19 polymorphism affect H. pylori eradication rates obtained with first‐line PPI‐based triple therapies. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted up to July 2007 using Medline, PubMed, EMBase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), ISI Web of Science, CNKI (Chinese), and Wanfang (Chinese) digital database. MeSH terms and keywords included proton pump inhibitor, omeprazole, lansoprazole, rabeprazole, pantoprazole, or esomeprazole, cytochromeP4502C19 or CYP2C19, and Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori. Twenty articles met the inclusion criteria, and were included in the meta‐analysis by using Review Manager 4.2.8. Results: Eradication rates were significantly different between poor metabolizers (PM) and heterozygous extensive metabolizers (HetEM) (odds ratio (OR) = 1.73, p = .002) and between PM and homozygous extensive metabolizers (HomEM) (OR = 2.79, p < .0001). Moreover, eradication rates were also significant difference between HetEM and HomEM (OR = 2.00, p < .0001). Triple omeprazole and lansoprazole therapies achieved higher H. pylori eradication rates in PM than in HomEM (OR = 4.28, p = .0005 for omeprazole and OR = 3.06, p = .001 for lansoprazole), and higher in HetEM than those in HomEM (OR = 3.22, p < .0001 for omeprazole and OR = 1.95, p = .040 for lansoprazole). Rabeprazole therapies had no significant effect on H. pylori eradication rates (between PM and HomEM, OR = 1.35, p = .610 and between HetEM and HomEM, OR = 1.57, p = .190). No significant difference in H. pylori eradication rates between PM and HetEM was observed in the three individual PPI therapies. Conclusion: The efficacy of omeprazole‐ and lansoprazole‐based first‐line triple therapies at the standard doses is dependent on CYP2C19 genotype status, which appears not to affect the efficacy of the regimens including rabeprazole.  相似文献   

Background:  The eradication rate of first-line Helicobacter pylori treatment is only 70–85% and has been decreasing due to the increase in antibiotic resistance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of bismuth-containing quadruple therapy as second-line treatment for H. pylori infection based on treatment duration.
Methods:  We prospectively enrolled 227 patients that were found to have persistent H. pylori infection after first-line proton-pump inhibitor-clarithromycin-amoxicillin triple therapy. Patients were randomized to 1-week (112 patients) and 2-week (115 patients) quadruple therapy with tripotassium dicitrate bismuthate 300 mg q.i.d., meteronidazole 500 mg t.i.d., and tetracycline 500 mg q.i.d. and esomeprazole 20 mg b.i.d. The eradication rate, drug compliance, and adverse events were compared based on treatment duration.
Results:  The eradication rates were 72/112 (64.3%, 95% CI: 0.504–0.830) and 71/92 (77.2%, 0.440–0.749) with 1-week group, and 95/115 (82.6%, 1.165–2.449) an 88/94 (93.6%, 1.213–5.113) with 2-week group by intention-to-treat therapy ( p  = .002) and per-protocol analysis ( p  = .001), respectively. The adverse events increased as the treatment durations increased from 7 to 14 days (20.0 and 42.5%, respectively, p  < .001). However, there was no significant difference in the patient compliance or the rate of major adverse events between the 1- and 2-week groups (6.3 and 12.5%, respectively, p  = .133).
Conclusion:  Two-week bismuth-containing quadruple therapy was more effective than the 1-week treatment, and should be considered for second-line treatment in Korea.  相似文献   

Detection of free and plankton-associated Helicobacter pylori in seawater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIMS: To detect both free and plankton-associated Helicobacter pylori in seawater samples collected on the Italian coast of the Adriatic Sea using a nested-PCR. METHODS AND RESULTS: Dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity and chlorophyll 'a' were the parameters recorded together with the characterization of zooplanktonic organisms. Plankton-associated H. pylori DNA was searched for in water samples filtered through 200 and 64 microm nylon nets whereas free bacteria were retained with the subsequent filtration through 0.22 microm pore-size membranes. Nested-PCR using primers for the glmM (ureC) gene was performed to reveal the presence of H. pylori. The DNA sequencing of amplified products confirmed the specificity of the assay. The sensitivity of the nested-PCR assay for H. pylori detection was 62 CFU per 100 ml in spiked water samples. Helicobacter pylori either free or bound to planktonic organisms was found in seven of 12 monthly samples. In particular, free bacteria were detected during the summer sampling and in November, December and March associated to planktonic cells. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of free and plankton-associated H. pylori in seawater suggests that it can be a significant reservoir and a potential route of transmission for the microorganism. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Our study seems to provide a promising background to define new and effective strategies for surveillance of this human pathogen.  相似文献   

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