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The three-dimensional structures of Delta5-3-ketosteroid isomerases from two different bacterial species have been determined. The structures reveal an unusually apolar active site, in which each of several competitive inhibitors of the enzyme are held by two hydrogen bonds with the general acids Tyr14 and Asp99, and by hydrophobic interactions. The hydrogen bond between the Tyr14 hydroxyl and the C3 oxyanion of a transition-state analog is a low-barrier hydrogen bond, as indicated by a highly deshielded nuclear magnetic resonance. Structural and other biochemical studies have enabled the proposal of a detailed catalytic mechanism for Delta5-3-ketosteroid isomerase and provided a major thrust towards understanding the mechanism not only in chemical terms but also in energetics terms.  相似文献   

Conclusive in vivo evidence regarding the enzyme responsible for steroid hormone 5beta-reduction has not been obtained, although studies have suggested it may be the same enzyme as that utilized for cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic bile-acid synthesis. We have recorded the steroid metabolome of a patient with a defect in the "bile-acid" 5beta-reductase (AKR1D1) and from this confirm that this enzyme is additionally responsible for steroid hormone metabolism. The 13-year old patient has been investigated since infancy because of a cholestasis phenotype caused by bile-acid insufficiency. Several years ago it was shown that she had a 662C>T missense mutation in AKR1D1 causing a Pro198Leu substitution. It was found that the patient had an almost total absence of 5beta-reduced metabolites of corticosteroids and severely reduced production of 5beta-reduced metabolites of other steroids. The patient is healthy in spite of her earlier hepatic failure and is on no treatment. All her vital signs were normal, as were results of many biochemical analyses. She had normal pubertal changes and experiences regular menstrual cycles. There was no evidence for any clinical condition that could be attributed to attenuated ability to metabolize steroids in normal fashion. Both parents were heterozygous for the mutation but the steroid excretion was entirely normal, although an older female sibling showed definitive evidence for attenuated 5beta-reduction of cortisol. A younger brother had a normal steroid metabolome. The sibling genotypes were not available.  相似文献   

We have determined the primary structure of a delta 5-3-oxosteroid isomerase from Pseudomonas putida biotype B. The enzyme is a dimeric protein of two identical subunits, each consisting of a polypeptide chain of 131 residues and a Mr = 14,536. The intact S-carboxymethyl protein was sequenced from the NH2 terminus using standard automated Edman degradation and automated Edman degradation using fluorescamine treatment at known prolines to suppress background. The isomerase was fragmented using CNBr, trypsin, iodosobenzoic acid, and acid cleavage at aspartyl-prolyl peptide bonds. The peptides resulting from each fragmentation were separated by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and sequenced by automated Edman degradation. The full sequence was deduced by the overlapping of the various peptides. A search for homologous proteins was performed. Only the oxosteroid isomerase from Pseudomonas testosteroni, an expected homology, was found to be similar. Comparison of the two proteins shows that the region of strongest homology is the region containing the aspartic acid at which steroidal affinity and photoaffinity reagents have been shown to react in the P. testosteroni isomerase. The P. putida isomerase contains 3 cysteines and 2 tryptophans, whereas the P. testosteroni isomerase lacks these amino acids. The two proteins are not highly conserved.  相似文献   

The present paper describes a theoretical approach to the catalytic reaction mechanism involved in the conversion of 5-androstene-3,17-dione to 4-androstene-3,17-dione. The model incorporates the side chains of the residues tyrosine (Tyr(14)), aspartate (Asp(38)) and aspartic acid (Asp(99)) of the enzyme Delta(5)-3-ketosteroid isomerase (KSI; EC The reaction involves two steps: first, Asp(38) acts as a base, abstracting the 4beta-H atom (proton) from C-4 of the steroid to form a dienolate as the intermediate; next, the intermediate is reketonized by proton transfer to the 6beta-position. Each step goes through its own transition state. Functional groups of the Tyr(14) and Asp(99) side chains act as hydrogen bond donors to the O1 atom of the steroid, providing stability along the reaction coordinate. Calculations were assessed at high level Hartree-Fock theory, using the 6-31G(*) basis set and the most important physicochemical properties involved in each step of the reaction, such as total energy, hardness, and dipole moment. Likewise, to explain the mechanism of reaction, highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), atomic orbital contributions to frontier orbitals formation, encoded electrostatic potentials, and atomic charges were used. Energy minima and transition state geometries were confirmed by vibrational frequency analysis. The mechanism described herein accounts for all of the properties, as well as the flow of atomic charges, explaining both catalytic mechanism and proficiency of KSI.  相似文献   

In the equilibrium unfolding process of Delta(5)-3-ketosteroid isomerase from Pseudomonas testosteroni by urea, it was observed that the enzyme stability increases by 2.5 kcal/mol in the presence of 5% trifluoroethanol (TFE). To elucidate the increased enzyme stability by TFE, the backbone dynamics of Delta(5)-3-ketosteroid isomerase were studied in the presence and absence of 5% TFE by (15)N NMR relaxation measurements, and the motional parameters (S(2), tau(e), and R(ex)) were extracted from the relaxation data using the model-free formalism. The presence of 5% TFE causes little change or a slight increase in the order parameters (S(2)) for a number of residues, which are located mainly in the dimer interface region. However, the majority of the residues exhibit reduced order parameters in the presence of 5% TFE, indicating that high frequency (pico- to nanosecond) motions are generally enhanced by TFE. The results suggest that the entropy can be an important factor for the enzyme stability, and the increase in entropy by TFE is partially responsible for the increased stability of Delta(5)-3-ketosteroid isomerase.  相似文献   

We have studied the accumulation of dibenzyldimethyl-ammonium ion (DDA+) by respiring membrane vesicles of Escherichia coli, as an index of the generation of an electrical gradient during respiration. Nonrespiring vesicles accumulated DDA+ when K+ efflux was induced by valinomycin or monactin. By various criteria this was shown to be the exchange of one cation for another, independent of metabolism and coupled entirely by electrical forces. Uptake of DDA+ by respiring vesicles was inhibited by ionophores that translocate electrical charge and by reagents that block the respiratory chain. Oxamate and p-chloromercuribenzoate inhibited accumulation of DDA+ but did not dissipate a preformed pool; the reason appears to be that these reagents are less inhibitory to transport after lactate oxidation has begun than they are in resting vesicles. Uptake does not appear to involve a biological carrier, but requires trace amounts of a lipid-soluble anion such as tetraphenylboron, which has a catalytic role in DDA+ translocation. Respiring K+ vesicles accumulated substantially less DDA+ than did Na+ vesicles. Na+ was expelled from the vesicles concurrently with DDA+ uptake, whereas Rb+ and K+ were not. Thus, DDA+ uptake may be limited in the latter case by the availability of anionic groups. This explanation was supported by the finding that the addition of nigericin doubled the capacity of K+ vesicles to take up DDA+, presumably by providing a route for K+ to exit in exchange for H+. Parallel experiments on the valinomycin-dependent accumulation of Rb+ by respiring vesicles indicate that this process is analogous to the uptake of DDA+. Ionophores that elicit electrogenic K+ movement also induced respiration-linked transport. Proton-conducting ionophores and several inhibitors of respiration blocked Rb+ uptake and dissipated a preformed gradient. Preincubation of the vesicles with oxamate or p-chloromrecuribenzoate inhibited Rb+ uptake, but their addition to respiring vesicles again did not cause efflux. Rb+ and DDA+ be, but their addition to respiring vesicles again did not cause efflux. Rb+ and DDA+ compete for uptake when present simultaneously. We conclude that the accumulation of both DDA+ and Rb+ occurs in response to an electrical gradient, vesicle interior negative, produced by respiration.  相似文献   

Alkaline-earth ions (Mg2+, Ca2+ and Sr2+) have two specific effects on the kinetic parameters of the beef adrenal 3-oxosteroid delta4-delta5-isomerase activity in the microsomes and in the particles obtained after disrupting the membrane structure by action of 1 M MgCl2. On the microsomal enzyme, a 2-fold increase of V is observed with the three cations under study. The small difference in the effect of the three ions could be related to their hydration energy. It is suggested that the interaction of the ion with water is the determinant step of the activation mechanism and not the fixation of the ion on the enzyme or on some others possible binding sites in this system. With the enzyme in the proteolipidic particles, the use of EDTA as a chelating agent for the cations present in the enzymatic assay, allows the characterization of two effects: at low concentration of EDTA, an increase of Km is observed and at higher concentration (2 mM), V is decreased. A subsequent addition of Mg2+ leads to an activation in two steps: V is increased in the first step without change in Km, the second step consists of a decrease of Km without any change in V. A relation between the structural perturbations induced by the ions (Gallay, J., Vincent, M. and Alfsen, A. (1975) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 397, 489-500) and their kinetic effect on the enzymatic reaction is established.  相似文献   

Gel chromatography and ultracentrifugation studies show that delta5-3-ketosteroid isomerase of Pseudomonas testosteroni a dimer with a molecular weight of 26,800 at concentrations below 1 mg per ml, undergoes reversible, concentration-dependent association at higher enzyme concentrations. In the concentration range between 0.04 and 15.6 mg per ml, apparent molecular radii of 23 A to 36 A and molecular weights of 26,000 to 69,000 were observed. The latter value represents the weight average molecular weight of two or more ploymerization species in rapid equilibrium, rather than a discrete polymeric form of the enzyme. The isomerase dimer has been found to be unusually stable to dissociation upon dilution, even at concentrations in the nanogram per ml range. Evidence is presented which suggests that the enzyme is present as a dimer in P. testosteroni cells and that this is a catalytically active species. The isomerase monomer has been obtained and its molecular weight studied by gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. A new determination of the extinction coefficient of the isomerase gives the value of 0.336 for the absorbance at 280 nm in a 1-cm light path of a solution containing 1 mg of the isomerase per ml.  相似文献   

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