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Pathogenic Yersinia species (Y. enterocolitica, Y. pestis, and Y. pseudotuberculosis) make use of a virulence plasmid-encoded type three secretion system (TTSS) to inject effector proteins into host cells. Y. enterocolitica YscM1 (LcrQ in Y. pestis and Y. pseudotuberculosis) and its homologue YscM2 are regulatory components of the TTSS that are also secreted by this transport apparatus. YscM1 and YscM2 share 57% identity and are believed to be functionally equivalent. We have recombinantly expressed and purified YscM1 and YscM2 in Escherichia coli. After expression as glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusions purification to near homogeneity was achieved by glutathione-Sepharose affinity chromatography followed by PreScission protease treatment to cleave off GST and gel filtration on a Superdex 75 column. Such recombinant YscM1 and YscM2 bound efficiently to the specific chaperone SycH, indicating proper folding of the purified proteins. Gel filtration analyses revealed that both YscM1 and YscM2 formed homodimers. The YscM1 and YscM2 homodimers could be dissociated at high ionic strength, indicating that salt bridges essentially contribute to the dimerization. We further demonstrated that YscM1 and YscM2 are susceptible to thrombin cleavage.  相似文献   

All pathogenic Yersinia species (Y. enterocolitica, Y. pestis, and Y. pseudotuberculosis) share a type three secretion system (TTSS) that allows translocation of effector proteins into host cells. Yersinia enterocolitica SycH is a chaperone assisting the transport of the effector YopH and two regulatory components of the TTSS, YscM1 and YscM2. We have recombinantly expressed SycH in Escherichia coli. Purification of tag-free SycH to near homogeneity was achieved by combining ammonium sulfate precipitation, anion exchange chromatography, and gel filtration. Functionality of purified SycH was proven by demonstrating binding to YopH. SycH crystals were grown that diffracted to 2.94A resolution. Preliminary crystallographic data and biochemical findings suggest that SycH forms homotetramers. SycH may therefore represent a novel class of TTSS chaperones. In addition, we found that YopH was enzymatically active in the presence of SycH. This implies that the function of the secretion chaperone SycH is not to keep YopH in a globally unfolded state prior to secretion.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species use a type III secretion (TTS) system to deliver a number of cytotoxic effector proteins directly into the mammalian host cell. To ensure effective translocation, several such effector proteins transiently bind to specific chaperones in the bacterial cytoplasm. Correspondingly, SycT is the chaperone of YopT, a cysteine protease that cleaves the membrane-anchor of Rho-GTPases in the host. We have analyzed the complex between YopT and SycT and determined the structure of SycT in three crystal forms. Biochemical studies indicate a stoichometric effector/chaperone ratio of 1:2 and the chaperone-binding site contains at least residues 52-103 of YopT. The crystal structures reveal a SycT homodimer with an overall fold similar to that of other TTS effector chaperones. In contrast to the canonical five-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet flanked by three alpha-helices, SycT lacks the dimerization alpha-helix and has an additional beta-strand capable of undergoing a conformational change. The dimer interface consists of two beta-strands and the connecting loops. Two hydrophobic patches involved in effector binding in other TTS effector chaperones are also found in SycT. The structural similarity of SycT to other chaperones and the spatial conservation of effector-binding sites support the idea that TTS effector chaperones form a single functional and structural group.  相似文献   

Several Gram-negative pathogens deploy type III secretion systems (TTSSs) as molecular syringes to inject effector proteins into host cells. Prior to secretion, some of these effectors are accompanied by specific type III secretion chaperones. The Yersinia enterocolitica TTSS chaperone SycT escorts the effector YopT, a cysteine protease that inactivates the small GTPase RhoA of targeted host cells. We solved the crystal structure of SycT at 2.5 angstroms resolution. Despite limited sequence similarity among TTSS chaperones, the SycT structure revealed a global fold similar to that exhibited by other structurally solved TTSS chaperones. The dimerization domain of SycT, however, differed from that of all other known TTSS chaperone structures. Thus, the dimerization domain of TTSS chaperones does not likely serve as a general recognition pattern for downstream processing of effector/chaperone complexes. Yersinia Yop effectors are bound to their specific Syc chaperones close to the Yop N termini, distinct from their catalytic domains. Here, we showed that the catalytically inactive YopT(C139S) is reduced in its ability to bind SycT, suggesting an ancillary interaction between YopT and SycT. This interaction could maintain the protease inactive prior to secretion or could influence the secretion competence and folding of YopT.  相似文献   

Yersinia species pathogenic to human benefit from a protein transport machinery, a type three secretion system (T3SS), which enables the bacteria to inject effector proteins into host cells. Several of the transport substrates of the Yersinia T3SS, called Yops (Yersinia outer proteins), are assisted by specific chaperones (Syc for specific Yop chaperone) prior to transport. Yersinia enterocolitica SycD (LcrH in Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis) is a chaperone dedicated to the assistance of the translocator proteins YopB and YopD, which are assumed to form a pore in the host cell membrane. In an attempt to make SycD amenable to structural investigations we recombinantly expressed SycD with a hexahistidine tag in Escherichia coli. Combining immobilized nickel affinity chromatography and gel filtration we obtained purified SycD with an exceptional yield of 120mg per liter of culture and homogeneity above 95%. Analytical gel filtration and cross-linking experiments revealed the formation of homodimers in solution. Secondary structure analysis based on circular dichroism suggests that SycD is mainly composed of alpha-helical elements. To prove functionality of purified SycD previously suggested interactions of SycD with Yop secretion protein M2 (YscM2), and low calcium response protein V (LcrV), respectively, were reinvestigated.  相似文献   

Many Gram-negative bacteria use a type III secretion (T3S) system to directly inject effector molecules into eucaryotic cells in order to establish a symbiotic or pathogenic relationship with their host. The translocation of many T3S proteins requires specialized chaperones from the bacterial cytosol. SycD belongs to a class of T3S chaperones that assists the secretion of pore-forming translocators and, specifically chaperones the translocators YopB and YopD from enteropathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica. In addition, SycD is involved in the regulation of virulence factor biosynthesis and secretion. In this study, we present two crystal structures of Y. enterocolitica SycD at 1.95 and 2.6 Å resolution, the first experimental structures of a T3S class II chaperone specific for translocators. The fold of SycD is entirely α-helical and reveals three tetratricopeptide repeat-like motifs that had been predicted from amino acid sequence. In both structures, SycD forms dimers utilizing residues from the first tetratricopeptide repeat motif. Using site-directed mutagenesis and size exclusion chromatography, we verified that SycD forms head-to-head homodimers in solution. Although in both structures, dimerization largely depends on the same residues, the two assemblies represent alternative dimers that exhibit different monomer orientations and overall shape. In these two distinct head-to-head dimers, both the concave and the convex surface of each monomer are accessible for interactions with the SycD binding partners YopB and YopD. A SycD variant carrying two point mutations in the dimerization interface is properly folded but defective in dimerization. Expression of this stable SycD monomer in Yersinia does not rescue the phenotype of a sycD null mutant, suggesting a physiological relevance of the dimerization interface.  相似文献   

Binding of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains to type I, II, and IV collagens has been studied. Wild-type strains which harbored the 40- to 50-megadalton virulence plasmid specifically bound all three types of collagen. Curing of the virulence plasmid or Tn5 insertion in the yopA gene encoding the temperature-inducible outer membrane protein YOP1 abolished the binding of all three collagen types to Y. enterocolitica and type I and II collagens to Y. pseudotuberculosis. Full binding capacity was restored by introduction of the yopA gene into nonbinding Yersinia strains. Binding of type I, II, and IV collagens was expressed in Escherichia coli constructs harboring the yopA gene of either Y. enterocolitica or Y. pseudotuberculosis. The interaction of bacterial cells with type I collagen could be blocked by nonradiolabeled native collagens or denatured collagen but not with other serum and connective-tissue proteins. Unlabeled collagen could not displace bound radiolabeled collagen. The binding was inhibited by YOP1-specific polyclonal antibodies, in contrast to normal rabbit serum. The interaction was rapid and was quite resistant to heat treatment, to proteolytic enzymes, to various pHs in both acidic and alkaline ranges, and to the chaotropic agent urea. We propose that this newly identified interaction may be involved both in the first steps of the pathogenesis and in the complications of Yersinia infections affecting connective tissue.  相似文献   

Yersinia pseudotuberculosis is an enteropathogenic bacteria that disrupts the intestinal barrier and invades its host through gut-associated lymphoid tissue and Peyer's patches (PP). We show that the Y.?pseudotuberculosis effector YopJ induces intestinal barrier dysfunction by subverting signaling of the innate immune receptor Nod2, a phenotype that can be reversed by pretreating with the Nod2 ligand muramyl-dipeptide. YopJ, but not the catalytically inactive mutant YopJ(C172A), acetylates critical sites in the activation loops of the RICK and TAK1 kinases, which are central mediators of Nod2 signaling, and decreases the affinity of Nod2 for RICK. Concomitantly, Nod2 interacts with and activates caspase-1, resulting in increased levels of IL-1β. Finally, IL-1β within PP plays an essential role in inducing intestinal barrier dysfunction. Thus, YopJ alters intestinal permeability and promotes the dissemination of Yersinia as well as commensal bacteria by exploiting the mucosal inflammatory response.  相似文献   

The profile of lymphokines secreted by 14 T cell clones and 24 T cell lines reactive with Yersinia Ag isolated from the synovial fluid cells of two HLA-B27+ patients with Yersinia-triggered reactive arthritis was characterized. In response to Ag-specific or -nonspecific stimulation, all of the Yersinia-reactive T cell clones and lines had a pattern of lymphokine secretion resembling that of murine (Th1) cells. A total of 50% of T cell lines and clones randomly isolated from a reactive arthritis patient, without prior in vitro stimulation with Yersinia Ag, also exhibited a Th1-like profile of cytokine secretion upon nonspecific activation. This indicates that the selective expansion of this subset of T cells had already occurred in vivo. The possibility that the predominance of Th1-like T cells was an artefact generated by the T cell cloning procedure was excluded; 50% of the randomly isolated T cell clones and lines produced IL-4, IL-5, or both cytokines upon nonspecific activation. These results indicate that Yersinia Ag selectively activate a Th1-like subset of T cells in patients with Yersinia-triggered reactive arthritis. Accumulation of such cells in the synovial tissue of patients with reactive arthritis may play a key role in the pathogenesis of this disease.  相似文献   

The effects of hyperosmotic stress on expression of plasmid coded Yop and Yad A proteins--virulence factors of Y.enterocolitica serotype 0:9 were characterized. When cells were shifted to high osmolarity and cultured at 37 degrees C in medium without Ca2+ the production of Yops was inhibited. In contrast, the amount of Yad A protein was unaffected. Addition of glycine betaine to this culture alleviated the effect of high osmolarity. It was also found that hyperosmotic stress causes increased negative supercoiling of DNA in Y. enterocolitica 0:9. Changes in DNA supercoiling coincided with expression of Yop proteins. These results suggest that in high osmolarity the expression of yop genes may be regulated by DNA supercoiling.  相似文献   

Yersinia enterocolitica strains of biotype 1A lack the known virulence determinants of strains in other categories, including the Yersinia virulence plasmid (pYV), and several chromosomal markers of pathogenicity. For this reason, and also because Y. enterocolitica strains of biotype 1A are frequently isolated from the environment or asymptomatic individuals, these bacteria are often assumed to be avirulent. On the other hand, there is a considerable body of clinical, epidemiological and experimental evidence to indicate that at least some strains of Y. enterocolitica biotype 1A are able to cause gastrointestinal symptoms which resemble those caused by pYV-bearing strains. The availability of a number of experimental systems, including cell culture and animal models of infection, provides an opportunity to identify and characterise the essential virulence determinants of biotype 1A strains.  相似文献   

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