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The degree of conservation among phyla of early mechanisms that pattern the left–right (LR) axis is poorly understood. Larvae of sea urchins exhibit consistently oriented LR asymmetry. The main part of the adult rudiment is formed from the left coelomic sac of larvae, the left hydrocoel. Although this left preference is conserved among all echinoderm larvae, its mechanism is largely not understood. Using two marker genes, HpNot and HpFoxFQ-like, which are asymmetrically expressed during larval development of the sea urchin Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, we examined in this study the possibility that the recently discovered ion flux mechanism controls asymmetry in sea urchins as it does in several vertebrate species. Several ion-transporter inhibitors were screened for the ability to alter the expression of the asymmetric marker genes. Blockers of the H+/K+-ATPase (omeprazole, lansoprazole and SCH28080), as well as a calcium ionophore (A23187), significantly altered the normal sidedness of asymmetric gene expression. Exposure to omeprazole disrupted the consistent asymmetry of adult rudiment formation in larvae. Immuno-detection revealed that H+/K+-ATPase-like antigens in sea urchin embryos were present through blastula stage and exhibited a striking asymmetry being present in a single blastomere in 32-cell embryos. These results suggest that, as in vertebrates, endogenous spatially-regulated early transport of H+ and/or K+, and also of Ca2+, functions in the establishment of LR asymmetry in sea urchin development.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

The planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling pathway, principally understood from work in Drosophila, is now known to contribute to development in a broad swath of the animal kingdom, and its impairment leads to developmental malformations and diseases affecting humans. The ‘core’ mechanism underlying PCP signaling polarizes sheets of cells, aligning them in a head-to-tail fashion within the sheet. Cells use the resulting directional information to guide a wide variety of processes. One such process is lateralization, the determination of left–right asymmetry that guides the asymmetric morphology and placement of internal organs. Recent evidence extends the idea that PCP signaling underlies the earliest steps in lateralization and that PCP is invoked again during asymmetric morphogenesis of organs including the heart and gut.  相似文献   

Animals often show left–right (LR) asymmetry in their body structures. In some vertebrates, the mechanisms underlying LR symmetry breaking and the subsequent signals responsible for LR asymmetric development are well understood. However, in invertebrates, the molecular bases of these processes are largely unknown. Therefore, we have been studying the genetic pathway of LR asymmetric development in Drosophila. The embryonic gut is the first organ that shows directional LR asymmetry during Drosophila development. We performed a genetic screen to identify mutations affecting LR asymmetric development of the embryonic gut. From this screen, we isolated pebble (pbl), which encodes a homolog of a mammalian RhoGEF, Ect2. The laterality of the hindgut was randomized in embryos homozygous for a null mutant of pbl. Pbl is a multi-functional protein required for cytokinesis and the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in Drosophila. Consistent with Pbl’s role in cytokinesis, we found reduced numbers of cells in the hindgut epithelium in pbl homozygous embryos. The specific expression of pbl in the hindgut epithelium, but not in other tissues, rescued the LR defects and reduced cell number in embryonic pbl homozygotes. Embryos homozygous for string (stg), a mutant that reduces cell number through a different mechanism, also showed LR defects of the hindgut. However, the reduction in cell number in the pbl mutants was not accompanied by defects in the specification of hindgut epithelial tissues or their integrity. Based on these results, we speculate that the reduction in cell number may be one reason for the LR asymmetry defect of the pbl hindgut, although we cannot exclude contributions from other functions of Pbl, including regulation of the actin cytoskeleton through its RhoGEF activity.  相似文献   

Proliferation and migration of epidermal keratinocytes are essential for proper cutaneous wound closure after injury. αv integrins and several of their ligands—vitronectin, TGFβ and thrombospondin—are up-regulated in healing wounds. However, the role of αv integrins in wound re-epithelialization is unknown. Here, we show that genetic depletion or antibody-mediated blockade of pan-integrin αv, or the specific heterodimer αvβ6, in keratinocytes limited epidermal proliferation at the wound edge and prevented re-epithelialization of wounded human organotypic skin both in vivo and in vitro. While we did not observe a migration defect upon αv blockade in vivo, αv was necessary for keratinocyte migration over longer distances in organotypic skin. Integrin αv is required for local activation of latent TGFβ, and the wound healing defect in the setting of integrin αv loss was rescued by exogenous, active TGFβ, indicating that the αv-TGFβ signaling axis is a critical component of the normal epidermal wound healing program. As chronic wounds are associated with decreased TGFβ signaling, restoration of TGFβ activity may have therapeutic utility in some clinical settings.  相似文献   

Polyamines are essential for cell growth and differentiation. In Xenopus early embryos, per embryo level of spermine is extremely low as compared with that of spermidine. To disclose the possible function of polyamines in Xenopus early embryos, we tested the effect of co-injection of spermine and spermidine on the functioning of exogenously microinjected in vitro-synthesized, ?β-catenin mRNA which is known to induce a secondary head after being microinjected into a ventral vegetal blastomere in 8-celled Xenopus embryos. Microinjection of ?β-catenin mRNA in fact induced a secondary axis with a secondary head, and co-injection of spermine or spermidine suppresses induction of the secondary head and secondary axis without drastic effects like induction of immediate cell death or execution of apoptosis at blastula stage. The inhibitory effects were dosage dependent, and at lower doses the inhibition was mainly on secondary head formation rather than on secondary axis formation. We performed similar experiments using GFP mRNA and confirmed that expression of GFP mRNA was also suppressed by co-injection of spermine. We mixed ?β-catenin mRNA with different amounts of spermine and performed electrophoresis on agarose gels, with a finding that the prior mixing greatly suppressed mRNA migration. These results suggest that an excess amount of spermine as well as spermidine exerts inhibitory effects on mRNA translation, and that the inhibition may be due to direct binding of polyamines to mRNA and a reduction of negative charges on mRNA molecules that might also induce the formation of cross link-like networks among mRNAs.  相似文献   

We have identified early embryo proteins related to the segmentation gene Krüppel by [35S]methionine pulse labelling and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Protein synthesis differences shared by homozygous embryos of two Krüppel alleles when compared to heterozygous and wild-type embryos are reported. The study was extended to syncytial blastoderm stages by pulse labelling and gel analysis of single embryos, using Krüppel-specific proteins from gastrula stages as molecular markers for identifying homozygous Krüppel embryos. Localized expression of interesting proteins was examined in embryo fragments. The earliest differences detected at nuclear migration stages showed unregulated synthesis in mutant embryos of two proteins that have stage specific synthesis in normal embryos. At the cellular blastoderm stage one protein was not synthesized and two proteins showed apparent shifts in isoelectric point in mutant embryos. Differences observed in older embryos included additional proteins with shifted isoelectric points and a number of qualitative and quantitative changes in protein synthesis. Five of the proteins with altered rates of synthesis in mutant embryos showed localized synthesis in normal embryos. The early effects observed are consistent with the hypothesis that the Krüppel product can be a negative or positive regulator of expression of other loci, while blastoderm and gastrula stage shifts in isoelectric point indicate that a secondary effect of Krüppel function may involve post-translational modification of proteins.  相似文献   

The oral–aboral axis of the sea urchin embryo is specified conditionally via a regulated feedback circuit involving the signaling gene nodal and its antagonist lefty. In normal development nodal activity becomes localized to the prospective oral side of the blastula stage embryo, a process that requires lefty. In embryos of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, a redox gradient established by asymmetrically distributed mitochondria provides an initial spatial input that positions the localized domain of nodal expression. This expression is perturbed by hypoxia, leading to development of radialized embryos lacking an oral–aboral axis. Here we show that this radialization is not caused by a failure to express nodal, but rather by a failure to localize nodal activity to one side of the embryo. This occurs even when embryos are removed from hypoxia at late cleavage stage when nodal is first expressed, indicating that the effect involves the initiation phase of nodal activity, rather than its positive feedback-driven amplification and maintenance. Quantitative fluorescence microscopy of MitoTracker Orange-labeled embryos expressing nodal-GFP reporter gene revealed that hypoxia abolishes the spatial correlation between mitochondrial distribution and nodal expression, suggesting that hypoxia eliminates the initial spatial bias in nodal activity normally established by the redox gradient. We propose that absent this bias, the initiation phase of nodal expression is spatially uniform, such that the ensuing Nodal-mediated community effect is not localized, and hence refractory to Lefty-mediated enforcement of localization.  相似文献   


Usually, an age-specific calibration of detectors used for in vivo monitoring of 131I thyroid radioactivity is not performed in practice. This study aimed to investigate the reduction in uncertainty that one can expect if an age-specific calibration is performed. For this, voxel and stylized computational phantoms of the thyroid, corresponding to children at different age groups, were used to simulate the calibration process of 131I detectors used for thyroid monitoring. SCK?CEN physical phantoms were also used for this purpose. Both analytical and Monte Carlo methods (MCNPX version 2.6.0) were used to estimate the counting efficiencies of the considered detectors. The results show that the uncertainties in the assessment of thyroid activity at a distance of 20 cm would be reduced from a range of?+8% to?+30%, to a range from ? 6% to?+15% when age-specific calibration was performed. Using a calibration based on thyroids of adults would result in an overestimation of the thyroid activity for children by up to 30% at a detector-neck distance of about 20 cm; a larger overestimation may be expected at closer distances. It is concluded that age-specific calibration of in vivo monitoring systems for the thyroid is important and has to be taken into consideration to improve the reliability of thyroid dose assessment for children.


While there is considerable evidence that the ovarian hormone estradiol reduces food intake in female rats, it is unclear which estrogen receptor (ER) subtype, ERα or ERβ, mediates this effect. While several studies have demonstrated that activation of ERα, but not ERβ, is sufficient to reduce food intake in ovariectomized (OVX) rats, there are limited data regarding which receptor subtype is necessary. Here we used the selective ERα and ERß antagonists, MPrP and PHTPP, respectively, to investigate this question. We found that antagonism of ERα, but not ERβ, prevented the decrease in food intake following acute administration of estradiol in OVX rats. In addition, antagonism of ERα prevented the estrous-related, phasic reduction in food intake that occurs in response to the rise in circulating levels of estradiol in cycling rats. We conclude that activation of ERα is necessary for the anorexigenic effects of exogenous and endogenous estradiol in female rats.  相似文献   

Asymmetric fluid flow in the node and Nodal signaling in the left lateral plate mesoderm (LPM) drive left–right patterning of the mammalian body plan. However, the mechanisms linking fluid flow to asymmetric gene expression in the LPM remain unclear. Here we show that the small GTPase Rab23, known for its role in Hedgehog signaling, plays a separate role in Nodal signaling and left–right patterning in the mouse embryo. Rab23 is not required for initial symmetry breaking in the node, but it is required for expression of Nodal and Nodal target genes in the LPM. Microinjection of Nodal protein and transfection of Nodal cDNA in the embryo indicate that Rab23 is required for the production of functional Nodal signals, rather than the response to them. Using gain- and loss-of function approaches, we show that Rab23 plays a similar role in zebrafish, where it is required in the teleost equivalent of the mouse node, Kupffer?s vesicle. Collectively, these data suggest that Rab23 is an essential component of the mechanism that transmits asymmetric patterning information from the node to the LPM.  相似文献   

The establishment of left–right (L-R) asymmetry in vertebrates is dependent on the sensory and motile functions of cilia during embryogenesis. Mutations in CCDC11 disrupt L-R asymmetry and cause congenital heart disease in humans, yet the molecular and cellular functions of the protein remain unknown. Here we demonstrate that Ccdc11 is a novel component of centriolar satellites—cytoplasmic granules that serve as recruitment sites for proteins destined for the centrosome and cilium. Ccdc11 interacts with core components of satellites, and its loss disrupts the subcellular organization of satellite proteins and perturbs primary cilium assembly. Ccdc11 colocalizes with satellite proteins in human multiciliated tracheal epithelia, and its loss inhibits motile ciliogenesis. Similarly, depletion of CCDC11 in Xenopus embryos causes defective assembly and motility of cilia in multiciliated epidermal cells. To determine the role of CCDC11 during vertebrate development, we generated mutant alleles in zebrafish. Loss of CCDC11 leads to defective ciliogenesis in the pronephros and within the Kupffer’s vesicle and results in aberrant L-R axis determination. Our results highlight a critical role for Ccdc11 in the assembly and function of motile cilia and implicate centriolar satellite–associated proteins as a new class of proteins in the pathology of L-R patterning and congenital heart disease.  相似文献   

In addition to β-cells, pancreatic islets contain α- and δ-cells, which respectively produce glucagon and somatostatin. The reprogramming of these two endocrine cell types into insulin producers, as observed after a massive β-cell ablation in mice, may help restoring a functional β-cell mass in type 1 diabetes. Yet, the spontaneous α-to-β and δ-to-β conversion processes are relatively inefficient in adult animals and the underlying epigenetic mechanisms remain unclear. Several studies indicate that the conserved chromatin modifiers DNA methyltransferase 1 (Dnmt1) and Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (Ezh2) are important for pancreas development and restrict islet cell plasticity. Here, to investigate the role of these two enzymes in α- and δ-cell development and fate maintenance, we genetically inactivated them in each of these two cell types. We found that loss of Dnmt1 does not enhance the conversion of α- or δ-cells toward a β-like fate. In addition, while Dnmt1 was dispensable for the development of these two cell types, we noticed a gradual loss of α-, but not δ-cells in adult mice. Finally, we found that Ezh2 inactivation does not enhance α-cell plasticity, and, contrary to what is observed in β-cells, does not impair α-cell proliferation. Our results indicate that both Dnmt1 and Ezh2 play distinct roles in the different islet cell types.  相似文献   

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