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Progesterone appears to be the physiological inducer of the resumption of the meiotic divisions in amphibian oocytes. Within minutes following exposure to progesterone there is a release of Ca2+ and a transient rise in [cAMP]i followed by a fall in [cAMP]i and rise in [cGMP]i over the next 1–3 h. Agents that induce a fall in [cAMP]i induce meiosis whereas those that prevent the fall and/or elevate [cAMP]i block meiosis. A comparison of the conversion of injected [3H]-ATP to [3H]-cAMP and rate of hydrolysis of injected [3H]-cAMP following exposure to meiotic agonists and antagonists indicates that adenylate cyclase and not phosphodiesterase is the rate-limiting step in regulating [cAMP]i in the oocyte. These findings are consistent with a model in which progesterone initiates the resumption of the meiotic divisions by down-regulation of membrane adenylate cyclase via Ca2+ release from specific membrane sites and that a translocation of Ca2+ produces a coordinate activation of guanylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Summary Progesterone initiates the resumption of the meiotic divisions in the amphibian oocyte. Depolarization of theRana pipiens oocyte plasma membrane begins 6–10 hr after exposure to progesterone (1–2 hr before nuclear breakdown). The oocyte cytoplasm becomes essentially isopotential with the medium by the end of the first meiotic division (20–22 hr). Voltage-clamp studies indicate that the depolarization coincides with the disappearance of an electrogenic Na+, K+-pump, and other electrophysiological studies indicate a decrease in both K+ and Cl conductances of the oocyte plasma membrane. Measurement of [3H]-ouabain binding to the plasma-vitelline membrane complex indicates that there are high-affinity (K d-4.2×10–8 m), K+-sensitive ouabain-binding sites on the unstimulated (prophase-arrest) oocyte and that ouabain binding virtually disappears during membrane depolarization. [3H]-Leucine incorporation into the plasma-vitelline membrane complex increased ninefold during depolarization with no significant change in uptake or incorporation into cytoplasmic proteins or acid soluble pool(s). This together with previous findings suggests that progesterone acts at a translational level to produce a cytoplasmic factor(s) that down-regulates the membrane Na+, K+-ATPase and alters the ion permeability and transport properties of both nuclear and plasma membranes.  相似文献   

The effects of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and cyclic GMP (cGMP) on dihydropyridine sensitive Ca2+ channels were investigated under voltage-clamp in defolliculated Pleurodeles oocytes. Intracellular injection of cAMP or extracellular application of the permeable cAMP analogue (8-Bromo cAMP, 8Br-cAMP) decreased the Ba current (IBa). This effect on IBa was blocked by the injection of protein kinase A inhibitor. Similar results were found upon internal application of the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A. In contrast, the injection of cGMP or perfusion of 8Br-cGMP increased IBa amplitude. The increase of IBa by 8Br-cGMP was blocked by the injection of the selective inhibitor of protein kinase G (KT5823).These results support the hypothesis that the basal Ba current amplitude of Pleurodeles oocytes is under the control of Protein Kinases A (PKA) and G (PKG) activity.This regulation of Ca2+ channels by the second messengers, and particularly by cAMP may reflect an important step in the maturation processus of Pleurodeles oocytes.  相似文献   

The uptake and efflux of 22Na and 42K were studied in denuded Rana pipiens oocytes following progesterone induction of the resumption of meiotic maturation. Coincident with the breakdown of the large nucleus, or germinal vesicle, there is a virtual disappearance of K+ permeability of the oocyte plasma membrane. Only about 1–2% of the total [K+]i is exchanged by completion of nuclear breakdown (8–10 hr) and accounts for the finding that there is no detectable change in total [K+]i during the first meiotic division (20–24 hr). In the case of Na+, influx, exchange, and efflux kinetics were unchanged during the first meiotic division, with 20 and 35% of the total oocyte Na+ exchanging by the completion of nuclear breakdown and first meiotic division, respectively. Removal of Na+ from the incubation medium produced and earlier nuclear breakdown, whereas a K-free medium delayed breakdown. There was no effect of 10 μm/ml tetrodotoxin or 10?5M strophanthidin on the time course of nuclear breakdown. Thus one action of progesterone appears to be a selective turning off of “K channels” in the oocyte plasma membrane. The disappearance of K selectivity of the oocyte plasma membrane coincides with plasma membrane depolarization, as well as nuclear swelling and breakdown.  相似文献   

Progesterone acts at the surface of the amphibian oocyte to induce resumption of the meiotic divisions. Progesterone binding leads to a transient dose-dependent decrease in the fluidity (increase in order parameter) of the Rana oocyte plasma membrane, which was detected by electron spin resonance in isolated plasma membranes using either 5- or 16-DOXYL stearic acid probes. The 5-DOXYL probe, which inserts into the membrane with the spin label nearest the surface, showed an increase in the order parameter within minutes, a maximum change by 2 h, and a return to control levels by 6 h. The order parameter for the 16-DOXYL probe, which reflects the fluidity deeper within the plasma membrane, increased slowly and remained elevated during the first meiotic division. RU 38486, a synthetic steroid that blocks progesterone receptors, prevents progesterone-induced fluidity changes. These findings indicate that the binding of progesterone to its receptor changes the oocyte plasma membrane structure resulting in a differential decrease in mobility near the membrane surface compared to that deeper in the membrane.  相似文献   

Progesterone is the physiological stimulus that acts at the amphibian oocyte plasma membrane to induce the meiotic divisions. Rana oocytes were preincubated with [3H]-arachidonic acid, [3H]-methionine and/or [14C]choline. Total and plasma membrane phospholipids were monitored during the first 2 h after induction with progesterone. A transient increase in methylation of phosphatidylethanolamine during the first 10 minutes coincided with an increased Ca2+ efflux and was followed by increased arachidonic acid incorporation into phosphatidylcholine during a period of increasing membrane conductance. The labeled phospholipids disappeared sequentially 5-90 min after the hormone stimulus, suggesting that activation of phospholipases A2 and/or C occur as part of a cascade of membrane events.  相似文献   

The denuded Rana pipiens oocyte depolarizes from 80–90 mV inside negative to 3–5 mV? inside positive during progesterone-induced meiotic maturation, apparently due to decreased K+ permeability. Depolarization is dependent upon protein synthesis and coincides with breakdown of the oocyte nucleus, but occurs even in the absence of the nucleus, suggesting cytoplasmic regulation of cation selectivity of the oocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in protein synthesis, protein phosphorylation and lipid phosphorylation in the amphibian oocyte plasma membrane have been correlated with electrical changes following steroid induction of the completion of the first meiotic division. The oocyte first depolarizes from about –60 mV (inside negative) to about –25 mV 1 to 2 hr before breakdown of the large nucleus followed by a further depolarization beginning 3 to 6 hr after nuclear breakdown. The initial depolarization is associated with appearance of previously described cycloheximide-sensitive cytoplasmic factor(s) which induce both nuclear breakdown and plasma membrane depolarization. We found a similar ED50 (0.4 m) for cycloheximide inhibition of nuclear breakdown, membrane depolarization, and [3H]-leucine incorporation. Emetine (1nm to 1mm) was inactive. The period of cycloheximide sensitivity (first 5 hr) is essentially the same for plasma membrane depolarization phase following nuclear breakdown is associated with a marked increase in the rate of [3H]-leucine and [32PO4] incorporation into membrane protein and lipid. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of membrane protein and lipoprotein indicated that a major newly synthesized membrane component is proteolipid. An increase in [32PO4] incorporation into membrane phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine (with a decrease in phosphatidylcholine [32PO4] begins during the second depolarization phase and coincides with the appearance of excitability in the oocyte plasma membrane. In toto, the bulk of the biochemical changes (proteins, phosphoproteins, proteolipids, phospholipids) appear to be associated with plasma membrane components and coincide with stepwise changes in membrane permeability to specific ions (e.g. Cl).  相似文献   

This report examines in detail the metabolism of the cyclin protein B1 during meiotic maturation and following the activation of mature mouse oocytes using immunoprecipitation of the radiolabelled protein. The net synthesis of cyclin B increases progressively during meiotic maturation, reaching its maximum levels at least 1 h before oocytes exit into metaphase of meiosis II (MII). This increase correlates with the rise in cdc2 kinase activity reported previously and suggests an association between the length of the first meiotic M phase (MI) and the net synthesis of cyclin B, that seems to regulate the time required for the cdc2 kinase to reach its maximum activity. Moreover, no marked degradation of cyclin B was observed before the MI to MII transition and that which occurs does so independently of the presence of microtubules, which are essential for cyclin degradation during metaphase II arrest and exit of oocytes into interphase of the first mitotic cell cycle. Cyclin B is degraded rapidly during the transitions MI to MII, MII to the first mitotic interphase and MII to an abortive third metaphase state (MIII). However, whilst its degradation was incomplete during the MI to MII transition, virtually no cyclin B protein was detected following both the MII to interphase and MII to MIII transitions. Thus, the decision of oocytes to exit into MIII, or interphase is not controlled at the level of cyclin B degradation. Lastly, in aging, non-activated oocytes, the net synthesis of cyclin B declines. Whereas, in activated eggs cultured in parallel although the rate of net synthesis declines initially, it is effectively ‘rescued’ being two-fold greater than in non-activated oocytes of an equivalent age. This gradual fall in the net synthesis of cyclin B observed in aging oocytes may contribute to the increasing ease with which they become activated, compared to recently ovulated oocytes.  相似文献   

Addition of calcium ionophore A23187 or dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dBcAMP) to carrot (Daucus carota L.) cell culture induced the production of 6-methoxymellein, a phytoalexin of carrot, in a dose-dependent manner. Several reagents known to suppress the cytoplasmic calcium concentration appreciably inhibited elicitor-promoted phytoalexin production in carrot cells. The addition of elicitor to the carrot culture caused a rapid increase in the intracellular level of cyclic AMP. Treatments of the cells with theophylline or cholera toxin stimulated the biosynthesis of 6-methoxymellein even in the absence of elicitor. These observations suggested that Ca2+ and cyclic AMP participate as second messengers in the regulation of 6-methoxymellein production in cultured carrot cells. Addition of verapamil to carrot cell culture markedly inhibited 6-methoxymellein production when it was added within 30 min after elicitor-treatment of the cells, but no inhibitory effect was observed after 60 min. The results suggest that these messengers function in an early stage of the elicitation process. Carrot cells which were previously treated with verapamil accumulated only small amounts of 6-methoxymellein following the addition of dBcAMP. In contrast, cells incubated initially with dBcAMP accumulated the phytoalexin at levels comparable to the control when verapamil was added to the culture.  相似文献   

Fully grown mammalian oocytes maintain a prophase I germinal-vesicle stage arrest in the ovary for extended periods before a luteinizing hormone surge induces entry into the first meiotic division. Cdh1 is an activator of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) and APCcdh1 is normally restricted to late M to early G1 phases of the cell cycle. Here, we find that APCcdh1 is active in mouse oocytes and is necessary to maintain prophase arrest.  相似文献   

In the presence of 7 mM glucose, dibutyryl cyclic AMP induced electrical activity in otherwise silent mouse pancreatic B cells. This activity was blocked by cobalt or D600, two inhibitors of Ca2+ influx. Under similar conditions, dibutyryl cyclic AMP stimulated 45Ca2+ influx (5-min uptake) in islet cells; this effect was abolished by cobalt and partially inhibited by D600. The nucleotide also accelerated 86Rb+ efflux from preloaded islets, did not modify glucose utilization and markedly increased insulin release. Its effects on release were inhibited by cobalt, but not by D600. These results show that insulin release can occur without electrical activity in B cells and suggest that cyclic AMP not only mobilizes intracellular Ca, but also facilitates Ca2+ influx in insulin secreting cells.  相似文献   

The process of resumption of the first meiotic division (RMI) in mammalian oocytes includes germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), spindle formation during first metaphase (MI), segregation of homologous chromosomes, extrusion of the first polar body (PBI) and an arrest at metaphase of the second meiotic division (MII). Previous studies suggest a role for Fyn, a non-receptor Src family tyrosine kinase, in the exit from MII arrest. In the current study we characterized the involvement of Fyn in RMI. Western blot analysis demonstrated a significant, proteasome independent, degradation of Fyn during GVBD. Immunostaining of fixed oocytes and confocal imaging of live oocytes microinjected with Fyn complementary RNA (cRNA) demonstrated Fyn localization to the oocyte cortex and to the spindle poles. Fyn was recruited during telophase to the cortical area surrounding the midzone of the spindle and was then translocated to the contractile ring during extrusion of PBI. GVBD, exit from MI and PBI extrusion were inhibited in oocytes exposed to the chemical inhibitor SU6656 or microinjected with dominant negative Fyn cRNA. None of the microinjected oocytes showed misaligned or lagging chromosomes during chromosomes segregation and the spindle migration and anchoring were not affected. However, the extruded PBI was of large size. Altogether, a role for Fyn in regulating several key pathways during the first meiotic division in mammalian oocytes is suggested, particularly at the GV and metaphase checkpoints and in signaling the ingression of the cleavage furrow.  相似文献   

Insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), and epidermal growth factor (EGF) induce formation of ruffling membranes [T. Kadowaki et al. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 16,141-16,147] and stimulate the fluid-phase endocytosis and exocytosis [Y. Miyata et al. (1988) Exp. Cell Res. 178, 73-83] in human epidermoid carcinoma KB cells. An increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration by treatment with A23187, a calcium ionophore, or an increase in intracellular cAMP level by treatment with dibutyryl cAMP or forskolin almost completely inhibited the insulin-, IGF-I-, or EGF-induced formation of ruffling membranes. Increases in Ca2+ or cAMP concentration also inhibited almost completely the stimulation of fluid-phase endocytosis and exocytosis elicited by these growth factors. These results suggest that the growth factor-induced ruffling membrane formation and the stimulation of fluid-phase endocytosis and exocytosis have a common regulatory mechanism involving intracellular concentrations of Ca2+ and cAMP. 125I-EGF binding assays and immunoprecipitation experiments with anti-phosphotyrosine antibody revealed that treatment of KB cells with A23187, dibutyryl cAMP, or forskolin did not inhibit the EGF binding to the cells nor subsequent tyrosine autophosphorylation of its receptors. These results indicate that Ca2+- and/or cAMP-sensitive intracellular reactions exist downstream from the receptor kinase activation in the process of these early cellular responses.  相似文献   

By using the whole cell voltage-clamptechnique, we studied changes in plasma membrane permeability atdifferent meiotic stages of bovine oocytes. Follicular oocytes werematured in vitro and activated by Ca2+ ionophore. Oocytesat germinal vesicle (GV), germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), metaphaseI (MI), metaphase II (MII), and meiosis exit were used forelectrophysiological recording. By clamping the oocytes at 30 mV, wefound that the L-type voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels wereactive at the GV stage and that their activity decreased after the GVBDstage. Furthermore, the resting potential decreased from the GV to theMI stage and increased again at MII. A significant decrease of thesteady-state conductance occurred from the GV to the MI stage, followedby a sharp increase at the MII stage. With the addition of organicL-type Ca2+ channel blockers (nifedipine and verapamil), weinhibited the Ca2+ currents. However, only in the case ofverapamil was there a decrease of in vitro maturation efficiency. Ourresults suggest that, in addition to the cumulus-oocyte junctions, theplasma membrane channels provide another mode of Ca2+ entryinto bovine oocytes during meiosis.


Bovine oocytes aspirated from small follicles were cultured for various time periods. Subsequently, the oocytes were fixed and stained with Giemsa and analyzed for their chromosome configuration. The appearance of the various chromosome configurations and their time sequence were documented. The influence of the presence or absence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) during culture was studied. No difference was found in the proportion of oocytes completing meiotic maturation in the presence or absence of FSH. On average, 75% of the oocytes reached metaphase II after 20 h. FSH showed two main effects: 1) all the cumulus oocyte complexes incubated longer than 10 h in the presence of FSH showed cumulus expansion, and 2) the time period required for chromosome condensation was prolonged for 3 h in the presence of FSH. However, the time sequence in vitro in the presence as well as in the absence of FSH paralleled the time sequence found in vivo, where variations of several hours have been reported. The delay in chromosome condensation in the presence of FSH was assumed to be due to a transient increase in cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate in the cumulus oocyte complexes. As demonstrated for FSH, the described culture system allowed the study of individual factors for their influence on meiotic maturation of bovine oocytes.  相似文献   

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