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Reproductive success is a critical component of individual fitness, and also an important determinant of growth rates of populations characterized by early maturity and high fecundity. We used radiotelemetry data collected during 2003–2008 to estimate reproductive parameters in a declining northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) population in South Florida, and to test hypotheses regarding factors influencing these parameters. The overall clutch size was 12.10 ± 0.22, but females laid more eggs in their first clutch (12.43 ± 0.24) than in subsequent clutches (10.19 ± 0.53) within a nesting season. Daily nest survival was higher for first (0.966 ± 0.003) than subsequent nests (0.936 ± 0.011). Hatchability (proportion of laid eggs that hatched conditional upon nest survival to hatching) was 0.853 ± 0.008, but was higher for nests incubated by females (0.873 ± 0.009) than those incubated by males (0.798 ± 0.018). The proportion of individuals attempting a second nest was 0.112 ± 0.024 and 0.281 ± 0.040 when the first nest was successful and failed, respectively. Hatchability was lower when the nesting habitat was burned the previous winter. We found no evidence that food strip density (a management practice to provide supplemental food) influenced any of the reproductive parameters. Mean summer temperature affected hatchability, nest survival, and proportion of nests incubated by males. Overall, the reproductive output in our study population was lower than that reported for most other bobwhite populations, indicating that low reproductive performance may have contributed to bobwhite population declines in our study site. These results suggest that current management practices, particularly those related to habitat and harvest management, need careful evaluation.  相似文献   

During 2004 and 2005, we monitored breeding season survival, home range, habitat use, density, and reproduction of northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) in the peninsular region of Florida, USA. We radio-tagged 81 birds across a 20-km2 cattle ranch consisting predominately of rotationally grazed pastureland. Birds were radio-tracked three to five times per week until mortality or the transition to nonbreeding season. We found no difference in home range size among the sexes, ages, or their interaction. Mean home range size pooled for years, sexes, and age class was 56.28 ha (±7.87 SE). Home ranges of bobwhites were not distributed among habitats randomly (second order: Λ?=?0.10; 7, 35 df; P?=?0.002). In addition, bobwhites did not use the habitats within their home range at random (third order: Λ?=?0.14, 5, 35 df; P?=?0.02). Estimated seasonal survival was 0.28 (±0.12 SE) and was best explained by the time-dependent model. Reproductive metrics indicated adequate reproduction and values consistent with the bobwhite literature. Bobwhite density (birds per hectare) in 2004 was 0.52 (±0.54 95 % confidence interval [CI]) and 0.75 (±0.51 95 % CI) for 2005. These results suggest that pastureland landscapes managed with rotational grazing can support bobwhite populations, albeit at low densities. More conservation attention should be directed towards improving these systems for bobwhite restoration.  相似文献   

Northern bobwhite, Colinus virginianus, form social units, called coveys, during the nonbreeding season (approximately September-April). Because the evolutionary advantage of this behaviour is generally unknown, we used controlled group size manipulations within an aviary to investigate whether group size influences (1) the time that the covey spends feeding, (2) the percentage of the covey that is vigilant, (3) the overall vigilance of the group and (4) the time to predator detection. We found that increasing group size increased the time that coveys spent in an exposed feeding area, reduced individual vigilance, improved group vigilance and decreased the time to detection of a potential predator. Additionally, we used experimental reductions of wild northern bobwhite coveys to test whether groups size influences (1) individual and covey survival, (2) daily movement in maintaining covey size and (3) mass change. We conducted field research on 12 independent 259-ha study areas (6 control plots and 6 treatments, where 60% of the population was removed) in east-central Kansas, U.S.A. between 9 November and 31 January, 1997-2000. We radio-marked 386 radiocollared individuals that comprised 137 groups on the study areas. Covey size did not differ between or within years or treatments (X±SE: 10.98±0.22 individuals). Our results indicate that a stable group size existed between 1 and 22 individuals, with 11 being an optimal group size. Small coveys (1-7 individuals) had lower group persistence and individual survival, and used increased movement to create or join larger groups where survival was higher. Large groups (15-22) had lower individual survival, increased group movement and individual mass loss. Density-dependent feedbacks (e.g. lower survival and increased competition) may have lowered larger coveys to a stable size. Our results suggest the regulation of an optimal covey size of 11 was promoted by high group persistence, low group movement, improved feeding efficiency, improved individual predator detection and improved individual survival. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Thirty-five Florida panthers (Puma concolor coryi [Bangs, 1899]) collected from six counties in southern Florida between 1978 and 2003 were examined at necropsy for gastrointestinal helminths. The panthers were placed into two groups: 1) treated with anthelmintics (n = 17), and 2) untreated (n = 18). Nine species of helminths (one trematode, six nematodes, and two cestodes) were identified in the untreated panthers. The most prevalent helminths were Alaria marcianae (LaRue, 1917) (100%), Spirometra mansonoides (Mueller, 1935) (91%), and Ancylostoma pluridentatum (Alessandrini, 1905) (89%). Ancylostoma caninum (Ercolani, 1859) is reported from the Florida panther for the first time. The intensities of helminths with prevalences >10% did not differ between untreated panthers collected in 1978-1983 and 1996-2003. Treated panthers had helminth faunas similar to those of untreated panthers. The current anthelmintic treatment being used reduced the intensity of both A. marcianae and A. pluridentatum in panthers < or =6 mo posttreatment (PT); however, treated panthers between 6 and 9 mo PT, and >9 mo PT were similar to untreated panthers. Treatment was less effective on S. mansonoides and Taenia omissa Lühe, 1910. Treated panthers had slightly lower intensities of S. mansonoides at < or =6 mo PT; however, between 6 and 9 mo PT and >9 mo PT they had significantly higher intensities than untreated panthers. At all periods PT, the intensity of T. omissa for the treated panthers was similar to that of untreated panthers. We suggest that Mesocestoides sp. may not be present in the Florida panther population as reported earlier by Forrester et al. (1985), due to parasite misidentification by those authors.  相似文献   

Continual population declines in northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) have prompted the use of population restoration techniques in conjunction with habitat management to restore their populations. We tested the site familiarity hypothesis to determine if translocation to new environments affected offspring survival and growth rates of bobwhites. We used bobwhites from north Florida and translocated them to a study site in Brunswick County, North Carolina, USA, and monitored birds during April−October 2016 and April−October 2017. We used the corral capture method and modified-suture technique to capture and radio-tag chicks to evaluate offspring growth and survival rates of resident and translocated bobwhites. Offspring survival varied by year and age. We did not find any difference in offspring survival rates of resident and translocated individuals, lending no support to the site familiarity hypothesis with regards to survival. Offspring of resident bobwhites did not grow at a faster rate than offspring of translocated bobwhites, indicating a lack of support for the site familiarity hypothesis in terms of physiological development. Survival, however, is a more important metric for determining post-translocation population dynamics, and our results indicated that translocated bobwhites can reproduce and raise offspring similar to resident counterparts, but both had low survival. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

A northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) was observed with partial paralysis on 3 March 1997 and found dead on 8 March 1997 on Di-Lane Plantation Wildlife Management Area (Burke County, Georgia, USA). The juvenile male was necropsied by the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study (Athens, Georgia) and diagnosed with lead toxicosis. The bobwhite had liver tissue lead levels of 399 parts per million wet weight and two worn 1-mm diameter lead shot pellets were found in the gizzard.  相似文献   

Density dependence influences northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) reproduction and overwinter mortality. However, the functional forms of these density-dependent relationships or the factors that influence them during the annual life cycle events of this bird are not clear. We used a systems analysis approach with a compartment model based on difference equations (Δt = 3 months) for bobwhites in South Texas to simulate population behavior using 16 different functional forms of density-dependent production and overwinter mortality. During the reproductive season, a weak linear density-dependent relationship resulted in the longest population persistence (up to 100.0 yr), whereas a reverse-sigmoid density-dependent relationship had the worst population persistence (2.5–3.5 yr). Regarding overwinter mortality, a sigmoid or weak linear density-dependent relationship and a weak linear or no density-dependent reproduction relationship had the longest population persistence (87.5–100.0 yr). Weak linear density-dependent reproduction with either sigmoid or weak linear overwinter mortality produced stable fall population trends. Our results indicated that density dependence may have a greater influence on overwinter survival of bobwhites than previously thought. Inclusion of density-dependent functional relationships that represent both density-dependent reproduction and overwinter mortality, were critical for our simulation model to function properly. Therefore, integrating density-dependent relationships for both reproductive and overwinter periods of the annual cycle of bobwhite life history events is essential for conducting realistic bobwhite population simulation analyses that can be used to test different management scenarios in an integrated and interdisciplinary manner. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Quantification and understanding of demographic variation across intra- and inter-annual temporal scales can benefit from the development of theoretical models of evolution and applied conservation of species. We used long-term survey data for northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus) collected at the northern and southern extent of its geographic range to develop matrix population models which would allow investigation of intra- and inter-annual patterns in bobwhite population dynamics. We first evaluated intra-annual patterns in the importance of a seasonal demographic rate to asymptotic population growth rate with prospective perturbation analysis (elasticity analysis). We then conducted retrospective analysis (life table response experiments) of inter-annual patterns in the contribution of observed changes in demography to the observed change in population growth rate. Survival in the earliest age class during the nonbreeding season had the greatest potential influence in both the northern and southern populations. Examination of inter-annual variation in demography indicated that variation in nonbreeding season survival in the earliest age class contributed the most to observed changes in population growth rate in the northern population. In contrast, changes in fertility in the earliest age class in the southern population had the greatest influence on changes in population growth rate. Prospective elasticity analyses highlight the similarities in bobwhite demography throughout different parts of its geographic range, while retrospective life table response experiments revealed important patterns in the temporal differences of bobwhite life history at the northern and southern extent of its geographic range.  相似文献   

Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus chicks require ample invertebrates for growth and feather development. Early successional or resprouting vegetation provides invertebrates for chicks but may not provide other resources such as roosting and loafing cover that is typically provided by later successional stages. Thus, management for bobwhites provides multiple seral stages in close proximity but the effects of landscape interspersion have not been tested for bobwhite broods. During a 2-year study, we explored the effects of landscape complementation and food availability on growth and survival of bobwhite chicks. We found growth of chicks to be negatively related to home range size which was negatively correlated to the amount of area burned. We also found survival of chicks to be positively related to the amount of burned area (i.e., foraging area) within brood home ranges. To maximize the growth and survival of bobwhite chicks, it would be necessary to increase access to foraging areas while decreasing the size of brood home ranges. Access to foraging areas can be created through frequent prescribed fire at small spatial scales.  相似文献   

A survey in Kansas compared the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths and protozoa in 2 raccoon (Procyon lotor) populations; a population in a typical rural setting and a relatively undisturbed population on a military reservation. Gastrointestinal tracts of 128 raccoons were examined. Freeze storage of alimentary tracts prevented collection of data on trematode prevalence. Helminth infections other than trematodes included 1 acanthocephalan, 2 cestodes, and 3 nematodes. Helminths were found in all raccoons from the population on the military installation and 96% of those from the rural population. Prevalence of helminths was generally greater in raccoons from the population living in the rural setting. Eimeria spp. and Sarcocystis sp. were also found, whereas Giardia spp. and Cryptosporidium parvum were not.  相似文献   

Over the past 40 years, Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations have declined range-wide. The Mid-Atlantic once held the highest densities in the country and now shows some of the worst declines. Although population parameters have been quantified throughout most of the bobwhite range, Mid-Atlantic populations have been largely unstudied. To better quantify the dynamics of this declining system, we sought to not only gather annual data on home range, movement, and habitat selection, but also examine how some of these metrics might impact survival. We captured and radio-tracked 154 bobwhites between May 2006 and April 2008 on a 125 km2 area of Cumberland County, New Jersey, USA. Seasonal daily movement ranged from 146 m to 158 m but several extreme movements were notable. Across seasons, grassland habitat was used in greater proportion to its availability, shrub-scrub and agriculture habitats were used equally with their availability and forests and other habitats were used less than their availability. Differences in second-order selection occurred between seasons with lower use of shrub-scrub and forest habitats and higher use of other habitat in breeding seasons. Pooled breeding season survival was 0.343, nonbreeding season survival was 0.183, and annual survival was 0.063. Although mortality was dominated by avian predators, house cat mortalities were noteworthy. Cox proportional hazard analysis revealed that risk of breeding season mortality risk was increased by longer daily movement, lower grassland use, and higher forest and other use. During the nonbreeding season, risk of mortality increased with shorter daily movement and proximity to occupied buildings and barns. This information could inform management decisions in the greater Mid-Atlantic as well as other areas of their range where they exist at very low abundances. © 2010 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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