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Endostatin, a natural angiogenesis inhibitor, had been identified for years. It opened a new approach for cancer therapy. Sequence analysis revealed that endostatin is the NC1 domain (non-triple-helical domain) of collagen XVIII. In this report, the cDNA of NC1 domain of type VIII collagen (alpha 1) was cloned and expressed as soluble form in Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein was purified with Ni-NTA agarose column and named as vastatin. It inhibited the proliferation of bovine aortic endothelial (BAE) cell stimulated by basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in a dose-dependent manner. The ED(50) of vastatin was 0.6 microg/ml, while the ED(50) of endostatin was 0.5 microg/ml. Treatment of BAE cell with vastatin caused G(0)-G(1) arrest and cell apoptosis. It is interesting that sequence analysis showed that there was only about 12% amino acid sequence homology between vastatin and endostatin. The structure-function relationship of these angiogenesis molecules remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Collagen X is expressed specifically in the growth plate of long bones. Its C1q-like C-terminal NC1 domain forms a stable homotrimer and is crucial for collagen X assembly. Mutations in the NC1 domain cause Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia (SMCD). The crystal structure at 2.0 A resolution of the human collagen X NC1 domain reveals an intimate trimeric assembly strengthened by a buried cluster of calcium ions. Three strips of exposed aromatic residues on the surface of NC1 trimer are likely to be involved in the supramolecular assembly of collagen X. Most internal SMCD mutations probably prevent protein folding, whereas mutations of surface residues may affect the collagen X suprastructure in a dominant-negative manner.  相似文献   

Collagen with a molecular composition [α1(I)]3 has been identified in acetic acid extracts from lathyritic chick embryo tendons and calvaria. These molecules characteristically have greater solubility than Type I collagen at neutral pH and contain increased amounts of hydroxylysine residues. It is suggested that these molecules represent a separate gene product of embryonic cells which may be important in the process of maturation and development.  相似文献   

A bone- and cartilage-forming mouse tumor, induced by transforming salivary epithelial cells with polyoma virus, contained large quantities of collagen. Two types of collagen molecules were isolated which had different solubilities in salt. One was type I collagen with a chain composition [α1(I)]2 α2 and the other was an unusual form of type I collagen with a chain composition [α1(I)]3. This would appear to be the first in vivo demonstration of α1 type I trimer.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of mouse alpha 2(IV) collagen which is 1707 amino acids long. The primary structure includes a putative 28-residue signal peptide and contains three distinct domains: 1) the 7 S domain (residues 29-171), which contains 5 cysteine and 8 lysine residues, is involved in the cross-linking and assembly of four collagen IV molecules; 2) the triple-helical domain (residues 172-1480), which has 24 sequence interruptions in the Gly-X-Y repeat up to 24 residues in length; and 3) the NC1 domain (residues 1481-1707), which is involved in the end-to-end assembly of collagen IV and is the most highly conserved domain of the protein. Alignment of the primary structure of the alpha 2(IV) chain with that of the alpha 1(IV) chain reported in the accompanying paper (Muthukumaran, G., Blumberg, B., and Kurkinen, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 6310-6317) suggests that a heterotrimeric collagen IV molecule contains 26 imperfections in the triple-helical domain. The proposed alignment is consistent with the physical data on the length and flexibility of collagen IV.  相似文献   

We recently cloned and sequenced alpha 1 (VIII) collagen cDNAs and demonstrated that type VIII collagen is a short-chain collagen that contains both triple helical and carboxyl-terminal non-triple helical domains similar to those of type X collagen (Yamaguchi, N., Benya, P., van der Rest, M., and Ninomiya, Y. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 16022-16029). We report here on the structural organization of the gene encoding the rabbit alpha 1 (VIII) collagen chain. The alpha 1 (VIII) gene contains four exons, whose sizes are 69, 120, 331, and 2278 base pairs. The first and second exons encode only 5'-untranslated sequences, whereas the third exon codes for a very short (3 nucleotides) stretch of 5'-untranslated sequence, the signal peptide, and almost the entire amino-terminal non-triple helical (NC2) domain (109 1/3 codons). Interestingly, the last exon encodes the rest of the translated region, including 7 2/3 codons of the NC2 domains, the complete triple helical domain (COL1, 454 amino acid residues), the entire carboxyl-terminal non-triple helical domain (NC1, 173 amino acid residues), and the 3'-untranslated region. This exon-intron structure is in stark contrast to the multi-exon structure of the fibrillar collagen (types I, II, III, V, and XI) genes, but it is remarkably similar to that of the type X collagen gene (LuValle, P., Ninomiya, Y., Rosenblum, N. D., and Olsen, B. R. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 18278-18385). The data suggest that the alpha 1 (VIII) and the alpha 1 (X) genes belong to the same subclass within the collagen family and that they arose from a common evolutionary precursor.  相似文献   

Chicken alpha1(V) collagen cDNAs have been cloned by a variety of methods and positively identified. We present here the entire translated sequence of the chick polypeptide and compare selected regions to other collagen chains in the type V/XI family.  相似文献   

P S Kaytes  N Y Theriault  G Vogeli 《Gene》1987,54(1):141-146
Many promoter-fusion vectors contain an intact beta-lactamase (BLA) gene (bla) to allow measurement of BLA activity as an internal control for plasmid copy number. This approach rests on the assumption that bla is constitutively expressed. To use such vectors for comparison of promoter activity at different growth rates it was necessary to confirm that this is the case under all physiological conditions. The relationship between plasmid copy number and BLA activity at different steady-state growth rates in Escherichia coli HB101 transformed with a ColE1-type plasmid (pBR325) was examined. Both BLA activity and plasmid copy number decreased in a parallel fashion as growth rate increased. This finding was tested further by measuring the growth-rate-regulated expression of the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene under the control of the rrnB P1 promoter in a plasmid pKK231-1 fusion. The results indicate that BLA activity is a reliable indicator of copy number at a wide range of growth rates and that CAT/BLA ratios can be employed as a valid measure of promoter-specific activity in such plasmid fusions under these different physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Type VIII collagen is a major component of Descemet's membrane, the specialized basement membrane of corneal endothelial cells. Sequence analysis of a cDNA isolated from a library made with mRNA from rabbit corneal endothelial cells has indicated that type VIII molecules contain a polypeptide chain, alpha 1(VIII), consisting of a short triple-helical domain of 454 amino acid residues flanked by non-triple-helical domains of 117 and 173 amino acid residues at the amino and carboxyl ends, respectively (Yamaguchi, N., Benya, P. D., van der Rest, M., and Ninomiya, Y. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 16022-16029). The sequence of alpha 1(VIII) is strikingly similar to that of alpha 1(X) collagen, a product of hypertrophic chondrocytes. Also, characterization of the alpha 1(VIII) and alpha 1(X) collagen genes has shown that they are quite similar in their exon organization. It has been concluded, therefore, that they are homologous members of a distinct subclass of collagen genes (Yamaguchi, N., Mayne, R., and Ninomiya, Y. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 4508-4513). We have given this subclass the name short chain collagens because of the relatively small size of the triple-helical domain. In the present study, we report on the identification and characterization of a collagen gene encoding a polypeptide which is co-expressed with the alpha 1(VIII) chain in corneal endothelial cells. This collagen chain contains a triple-helical and a carboxyl non-triple-helical domain encoded by a single, large exon both in mice and humans. We conclude, therefore, that the genes encodes a novel member of the short chain collagen family, and we have given this chain the designation alpha 2(VIII) collagen. By in situ hybridization we demonstrate that the alpha 2(VIII) gene is located in the p32.3-p34.3 region of the short arm of chromosome 1.  相似文献   

Analysis of the collagen alpha 1(I) promoter.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文

Complete primary structure of human collagen alpha 1 (V) chain   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Several cDNA clones, encoding prepropeptide of human collagen alpha 1(V) chain, have been isolated. The prepropeptide (1838 amino acids length) of the alpha 1(V) chain was composed of a putative signal peptide, a large NH2-terminal noncollagenous region, a main collagenous region, and a COOH-terminal noncollagenous region. The signal peptide contained many leucine residues. The NH2-terminal noncollagenous region was much larger than those of the other collagens and had a region homologous to the COOH-terminal domain of laminin A chain, but it did not contain a cysteine-rich region that was maintained in the region of the other collagens. This region also contained probable tyrosine sulfation sites, and short collagenous sequences that were interrupted by three noncollagenous segments. The main collagenous region of the alpha 1(V) chain consisted of 338 repeats of Gly-X-Y-triplet. This region had a high degree (82%) of homology with the amino acids of the collagen alpha 1(XI) chain. The COOH-terminal noncollagenous region resembled that of the alpha 1(XI) chain, too, and 8 residues of cysteine that were important for the formation of the triple helix structure of collagens were observed. These results suggest that the alpha 1(V) chain belongs to the fibrillar collagen relative to the alpha 1(XI) chain, but codon usage of the alpha 1(V) cDNA was clearly different from those of the other fibrillar collagens including the alpha 1(XI), while it was similar to type IV collagen. This result supposes a different evolution of the alpha 1(V) gene from those of the other fibrillar collagens.  相似文献   

Type IV collagen, which is present in all metazoan, exists as a family of six homologous alpha(IV) chains, alpha1-alpha6, in mammals. The six chains assemble into three different triple helical protomers and self-associate as three distinct networks. The network underlies all epithelia as a component of basement membranes, which play important roles in cell adhesion, growth, differentiation, tissue repair and molecular ultrafiltration. The specificity of both protomer and network assembly is governed by amino acid sequences of the C-terminal noncollagenous (NC1) domain of each chain. In this study, the structural basis for protomer and network assembly was investigated by determining the crystal structure of the ubiquitous [(alpha1)(2).alpha2](2) NC1 hexamer of bovine lens capsule basement membrane at 2.0 A resolution. The NC1 monomer folds into a novel tertiary structure. The (alpha1)(2).alpha2 trimer is organized through the unique three-dimensional domain swapping interactions. The differences in the primary sequences of the hypervariable region manifest in different secondary structures, which determine the chain specificity at the monomer-monomer interfaces. The trimer-trimer interface is stabilized by the extensive hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions without a need for disulfide cross-linking.  相似文献   

DNA and chromatin structure of the human alpha 1 (I) collagen gene   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The human alpha 1 (I) collagen gene and 48 kilobase pairs of flanking DNA have been isolated on two overlapping cosmids. The alpha 1 (I) gene is 18 kilobase pairs long and contains a single repetitive element of the Alu family; at least 15 repetitive elements are present in the flanking DNA. Analysis of chromatin structure in nuclei isolated from cultured fibroblasts demonstrated a single chromatin domain greater than 65 kilobase pairs in length that contained 9 DNase I-hypersensitive sites. The pattern of hypersensitive sites was also determined in nuclei derived from placental tissue. Five of the DNase I-hypersensitive sites were observed in both placental and fibroblast chromatin including one site near the 5' end and another near the 3' end of alpha 1 (I). An additional two sites located near the 3' end of the alpha 1 (I) gene in fibroblast chromatin are associated with the tissue-specific use of different polyadenylation sites. Two DNase I-hypersensitive sites found only in fibroblast chromatin and one site found only in placental chromatin were located more than 10 kilobase pairs away from the alpha 1 (I) gene and may be related to tissue-specific expression of other genes in the domain. However, the only abundant placental mRNAs from the 65-kilobase pair domain were those transcribed from the alpha 1 (I) gene. These findings suggest that physical linkage does not play a predominant role in controlling coordinate expression of collagen genes.  相似文献   

The subunit compositions of skin and muscle type I collagens from rainbow trout were found to be alpha1(I)alpha2(I)alpha3(I) and [alpha1(I)](2)alpha2(I), respectively. The occurrence of alpha3(I) has been observed only for bonyfish. The skin collagen exhibited more susceptibility to both heat denaturation and MMP-13 digestion than the muscle counterpart; the former had a lower denaturation temperature by about 0.5 degrees C than the latter. The lower stability of skin collagen, however, is not due to the low levels of imino acids because the contents of Pro and Hyp were almost constant in both collagens. On the other hand, some cDNAs coding for the N-terminal and/or a part of triple-helical domains of proalpha(I) chains were cloned from the cDNA library of rainbow trout fibroblasts. These cDNAs together with the previously cloned collagen cDNAs gave information about the complete primary structure of type I procollagen. The main triple-helical domain of each proalpha(I) chain had 338 uninterrupted Gly-X-Y triplets consisting of 1014 amino acids and was unique in its high content of Gly-Gly doublets. In particular, the bonyfish-specific alpha(I) chain, proalpha3(I) was characterized by the small number of Gly-Pro-Pro triplets, 19, and the large number of Gly-Gly doublets, 38, in the triple-helical domain, compared to 23 and 22, respectively, for proalpha1(I). The small number of Gly-Pro-Pro and the large number of Gly-Gly in proalpha3(I) was assumed to partially loosen the triple-helical structure of skin collagen, leading to the lower stability of skin collagen mentioned above. Finally, phylogenetic analyses revealed that proalpha3(I) had diverged from proalpha1(I). This study is the first report of the complete primary structure of fish type I procollagen.  相似文献   

Patients and rodents with Goodpasture's syndrome (GPS) develop severe autoimmune crescentic glomerulonephritis, kidney failure, and lung hemorrhage due to binding of pathogenic autoantibodies to the NC1 domain of the alpha3 chain of type IV collagen. Target epitopes are cryptic, normally hidden from circulating Abs by protein-protein interactions and the highly tissue-restricted expression of the alpha3(IV) collagen chain. Based on this limited Ag exposure, it has been suggested that target epitopes are not available as B cell tolerogens. To determine how pathogenic anti-GPS autoantibody responses are regulated, we generated an Ig transgenic (Tg) mouse model that expresses an Ig that binds alpha3(IV)NC1 collagen epitopes recognized by serum IgG of patients with GPS. Phenotypic analysis reveals B cell depletion and L chain editing in Tg mice. To determine the default tolerance phenotype in the absence of receptor editing and endogenous lymphocyte populations, we crossed Tg mice two generations with mice deficient in Rag. Resulting Tg Rag-deficient mice have central B cell deletion. Thus, development of Tg anti-alpha3(IV)NC1 collagen B cells is halted in the bone marrow, at which point the cells are deleted unless rescued by a Rag enzyme-dependent process, such as editing. The central tolerance phenotype implies that tolerizing self-Ag is expressed in bone marrow.  相似文献   

Deletion analysis of the mouse alpha 1(III) collagen promoter.   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A chimeric gene was constructed by fusing the DNA sequences containing the 5' flanking region of the mouse alpha 1(III) collagen gene to the coding sequence of the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) gene. Transient transfection experiments indicated that the alpha 1(III) promoter is active in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts and BC3H1 smooth muscle cells. The activity of the alpha 1(III) collagen promoter-CAT plasmid is stimulated approximately ten fold by the presence of the SV40 enhancer element. Removing sequences upstream of -200 stimulates the activity of the chimeric gene eight fold. Further deletion analysis identified sequences located between -350 and -300 that were instrumental in repressing the activity of the promoter. This 50 bp region contains a direct repeat sequence that may be involved in the regulation of the mouse alpha 1(III) collagen gene. Truncating the alpha 1(III) promoter to -80 further stimulated expression. We propose that the positive regulatory elements of this gene appear to be located within the first 80 bp of the promoter, whereas elements located further upstream exert a negative effect on the expression of the gene. Regulation of the alpha 1(III) gene contrasts with that of the alpha 2(I) collagen gene, which appears to be regulated by several positive elements located in various regions of the promoter.  相似文献   

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