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The diverse excretory systems of insects exhibit several features that appear unusual when comparisons are made with the mammalian kidney. Secretion by the Malpighian tubules of a fluid that is unlike the blood in composition, substitutes for glomerular filtration. Various reabsorptive functions, such as volume reduction, regulation of individual electrolytes, adjustment of osmotic concentration and pH regulation, which are associated with distinct renal segments in the mammalian kidney, all occur simultaneously in the rectum of terrestrial insects. Involvement of an extracellular molecular sieve in selective reabsorption is novel. As far as water transport is concerned, the rectal pads of the cockroach and locust appear to accomplish, across a single layer of cells, the same function as the countercurrent multiplier system of the mammalian kidney with its several epithelial layers. Direct absorption of water vapor in the rectum of some insects from atmospheres of low relative humidity, clearly involves quite different and unknown mechanisms. Finally, saline-water insect larvae produce hyperosmotic excreta by direct secretion of ions into the rectal lumen. They can adjust individual transport processes to form various secretions, which are appropriate to the natural waters of diverse chemical types in which these larvae thrive.  相似文献   

The model proposed by Diamond and Bossert [1] for isotonic water transport has received wide acceptance in recent years. It assumes that the local driving force for water transport is a standing osmotic gradient produced in the lateral intercellular spaces of the epithelial cell layer by active solute transport. While this model is based on work done in absorptive epithelia where the closed to open direction of the lateral space and the direction of net transport are the same, it has been proposed that the lateral spaces could also serve as the site of the local osmotic gradients for water transport in secretory epithelia, where the closed to open direction of the lateral space and net transport are opposed, by actively transporting solute out of the space rather than into it. Operation in the backward direction, however, requires a lower than ambient hydrostatic pressure within the lateral space which would seem more likely to cause the space to collapse with loss of function. On the other hand, most secretory epithelia are characterized by transport into a restricted ductal system which is similar to the lateral intercellular space in the absorptive epithelia in that its closed to open direction is the same as that of net transport. In vitro micropuncture studies on the exocrine pancreas of the rabbit indicate the presence of a small but statistically significant increase in juice osmolality, 6 mOsm/kg H2O, at the site of electrolyte and water secretion in the smallest extralobular ducts with secretin stimulation which suggests that the ductal system in the secretory epithelia rather than the lateral intercellular space is the site of the local osmotic gradients responsible for isotonic water transport.  相似文献   

The transport of water during the adaptive rapid recovery ofelongation growth upon additional osmotic stress was examinedin the model stem segments of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)by numerical solution of the extended canal equation, whichconsists of a set of time-dependent non-linear partial differentialequations. The calculated dynamic behaviour of the depletionof solute within the apoplast canal effectively explained thereported transient changes in water flow and, therefore, ingrowth during the adaptation to stress if the stress-inducedenhancement of net uptake of solute from the apoplast canalwas assumed. The extended canal model was also adequate forsimulation of the elastic shrinkage of hypocotyl segments uponexposure to osmotic stress which took place when the supplyof energy was limited. It appeared that the function of thecanal system in absorbing water is intrinsically stable againstperturbations of the water environment. (Received September 5, 1990; Accepted January 11, 1991)  相似文献   

Plants experience drought by a limitation of water supply andby enhanced transpiration. Both processes tend to decrease theplant's water potential, but affect growth responses in theroot and leaf differently. The evaluation of the underlyingmechanisms leads to a discussion of recent studies on biophysicalaspects of cell expansion at a cellular, tissue and organ level.Two processes enable roots to compensate rapidly effects ofwater deficits originating in the medium: (i) adjustment ofthe minimum pressure in cells required for expansion (yieldthreshold), and (ii) solute transport within the elongationzone. Limitations of root growth are discussed with respectto hydraulic, mechanical, and solute relations in the root elongationzone. It is argued that the variable nature of both the yieldthreshold and solute transport challenges the applicabilityof the Lockhart concept to determine growth-related parametersfrom steady conditions of turgor and growth. On a whole organlevel, the attenuation of xylem pressure along the root is importantfor the differential response of root and leaf growth. Experimentalevidence is presented for the hydraulic separation of the elongationzones, which is closely related to root development and functioning.The data obtained over the past few years have been used toextend mathematical models of growth and water transport inroots. Key words: Extension growth, hydraulic conductivity, root development (xylem, endodermis), transport (water and solute), turgor pressure, water stress, xylem pressure, Zea mays  相似文献   

Aquaporins (AQPs) accelerate the movement of water and other solutes across biological membranes, yet the molecular mechanisms of each AQP's transport function and the diverse physiological roles played by AQP family members are still being defined. We therefore have characterized an AQP in a model organism, Drosophila melanogaster, which is amenable to genetic manipulation and developmental analysis. To study the mechanism of Drosophila Malpighian tubule (MT)-facilitated water transport, we identified seven putative AQPs in the Drosophila genome and found that one of these, previously named DRIP, has the greatest sequence similarity to those vertebrate AQPs that exhibit the highest rates of water transport. In situ mRNA analyses showed that DRIP is expressed in both embryonic and adult MTs, as well as in other tissues in which fluid transport is essential. In addition, the pattern of DRIP expression was dynamic. To define DRIP-mediated water transport, the protein was expressed in Xenopus oocytes and in yeast secretory vesicles, and we found that significantly elevated rates of water transport correlated with DRIP expression. Moreover, the activation energy required for water transport in DRIP-expressing secretory vesicles was 4.9 kcal/mol. This low value is characteristic of AQP-mediated water transport, whereas the value in control vesicles was 16.4 kcal/mol. In contrast, glycerol, urea, ammonia, and proton transport were unaffected by DRIP expression, suggesting that DRIP is a highly selective water-specific channel. This result is consistent with the homology between DRIP and mammalian water-specific AQPs. Together, these data establish Drosophila as a new model system with which to investigate AQP function. fluid homeostasis; osmosis; channel; membrane  相似文献   

An integrated methodology is developed for the theoretical analysis of solute transport and reaction in cellular biological media, such as tissues, microbial flocs, and biofilms. First, the method of local spatial averaging with a weight function is used to establish the equation which describes solute conservation at the cellular biological medium scale, starting with a continuum-based formulation of solute transport at finer spatial scales. Second, an effective-medium model is developed for the self-consistent calculation of the local diffusion coefficient in the cellular biological medium, including the effects of the structural heterogeneity of the extra-cellular space and the reversible adsorption to extra-cellular polymers. The final expression for the local effective diffusion coefficient is: D(Abeta)=lambda(beta)D(Aupsilon), where D(Aupsilon) is the diffusion coefficient in water, and lambda(beta) is a function of the composition and fundamental geometric and physicochemical system properties, including the size of solute molecules, the size of extra-cellular polymer fibers, and the mass permeability of the cell membrane. Furthermore, the analysis sheds some light on the function of the extra-cellular hydrogel as a diffusive barrier to solute molecules approaching the cell membrane, and its implications on the transport of chemotherapeutic agents within a cellular biological medium. Finally, the model predicts the qualitative trend as well as the quantitative variability of a large number of published experimental data on the diffusion coefficient of oxygen in cell-entrapping gels, microbial flocs, biofilms, and mammalian tissues.  相似文献   

Due to hydro-electric power production, the freshwater inputto the Sandsfjord system has increased during winter, whilethe freshwater input to Jøsenfjorden has been removed.In studies conducted during autumn and winter, both Meganyctiphanesnorvegica and Thysanoessa raschii were most common in Jøsenfjorden,and T.raschii was almost wanting in the Sandsfjord system. Theeuphausiids generally swam to the surface layer at night, butavoided low salinity water in the uppermost metres of the Sandsfjordsystem. Still, in most locations 50% of M.norvegica was foundin the upper 10 m. Their vertical distribution overlapped withfreshwater-driven currents, and estuarine circulation was apparentlyprominent in governing the horizontal distribution within theSandsfjord system. At the entrance to the fjord, M. norvegicawas distributed deeper than within the fjord, reducing the importanceof transport with estuarine circulation relative to currentsdriven by wind at the coast. Estimates of advective rates ofM.norvegica suggest that exchange with coastal waters was moreimportant for the standing stock than local growth within thefjords. In Jtfsenfjorden, maxima of T.raschii were always foundin a zone of shallowing bottom topography (bottom depth 130m), where this species possibly maintained its horizontal positionby means of vertical migrations.  相似文献   

The Mechanism of Isotonic Water Transport   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
The mechanism by which active solute transport causes water transport in isotonic proportions across epithelial membranes has been investigated. The principle of the experiments was to measure the osmolarity of the transported fluid when the osmolarity of the bathing solution was varied over an eightfold range by varying the NaCl concentration or by adding impermeant non-electrolytes. An in vitro preparation of rabbit gall bladder was suspended in moist oxygen without an outer bathing solution, and the pure transported fluid was collected as it dripped off the serosal surface. Under all conditions the transported fluid was found to approximate an NaCl solution isotonic to whatever bathing solution used. This finding means that the mechanism of isotonic water transport in the gall bladder is neither the double membrane effect nor co-diffusion but rather local osmosis. In other words, active NaCl transport maintains a locally high concentration of solute in some restricted space in the vicinity of the cell membrane, and water follows NaCl in response to this local osmotic gradient. An equation has been derived enabling one to calculate whether the passive water permeability of an organ is high enough to account for complete osmotic equilibration of actively transported solute. By application of this equation, water transport associated with active NaCl transport in the gall bladder cannot go through the channels for water flow under passive conditions, since these channels are grossly too impermeable. Furthermore, solute-linked water transport fails to produce the streaming potentials expected for water flow through these passive channels. Hence solute-linked water transport does not occur in the passive channels but instead involves special structures in the cell membrane, which remain to be identified.  相似文献   

Discrete-depth, hourly mesozooplankton samples were collectedover a 92 h period in May 1992 at an anchor station within theSeine Region of Freshwater Influence (ROFI) (English Channel).The mesozooplankton community defined as a euryhaline marineassemblage was dominated by the calanoid copepods Acartia spp.,Temora longicornis and Centropages hamatus, the cladoceran Evadnenordmanni and the appendicularian Oikopleura dioica. The semi-diurnaltidal current was the dominant factor in determining the short-termtemporal changes in the community in terms of density and speciescomposition so that zooplankton patches displayed oscillatingmotion in relation to tidal advection. Although a few species(e.g. Pleurobrachia pileus) exhibited higher densities aroundlow tide, maximum densities were observed for most species (e.g.T.longicornis and E.nordmanni) around high tide, according tosalinity variations. Diurnal changes were only reported forcyclopoid copepods (i.e. Halicyclops sp. and Cyclopina sp.)which wer$$$ mainly endobenthic during the day and moved intothe water column at night. Besides temporal changes in depth-averageddensities, most species exhibited vertical migrations at dieland/or tidal periods. Tidal vertical migrations were reportedonly for a few taxa and could be the result of passive mechanisms(e.g. vertical mixing) rather than of active behaviour. Dielvertical migrations were observed in most of the abundant taxa.While this migration pattern did not appear to be an adaptationto predator avoidance within the Seine ROFI, it could regulatehorizontal transport of organisms and promote their retention.The consequences of the short-term mesozooplankton fluctuationsfor sampling designs are discussed.  相似文献   

Fluid secretion and reabsorption by a variety of plant and animal tissues appear to be accomplished by osmotic coupling between solute transport and water movement. The local osmosis model suggests that active accumulation of solutes within narrow folds at the cell surface may produce the local gradients that generate water flow. Both micropuncture techniques and electron-probe X-ray microanalysis have established that local osmotic gradients occur in absorptive epithelia, but they have not as yet been detected in secretory tissues.Hormonal control of secretion involves stimulation of solute pumps and adjustments of permeability to non-transported solutes. Since hormone receptors and pumps are often located on opposite surfaces of the cell, intracellular second messengers convey the secretory signal through cytoplasm. Much has been learned by study of insect tissues that are anatomically simple and that function for long periods in vitro. Aspects of hormone-receptor interaction have been explored, including the action of halluninogenic molecules. In insect salivary glands cyclic AMP appears to stimulate cation transport, while calcium increases anion permeability. The various second messengers probably interact with each other in complex feedback loops that stabilize the system and make it quickly responsive to hormone. Cyclic AMP may stimulate release of calcium from mitochondria. Unresolved is the way second messengers alter properties of the cell surface.  相似文献   

1. The paired caeca at the junction of the ileum and rectum help determine the ionic composition of the voided excreta. 2. The caeca play a role in the transport of water, sodium, potassium, and chloride, the dominant effect being that of sodium transport.  相似文献   

Birds are a diverse vertebrate class in terms of diet and habitat, but they share several common physiological features, including the use of uric acid as the major nitrogenous waste product and the lack of a urinary bladder. Instead, ureteral urine refluxes from the urodeum into the more proximal coprodeum and portions of the hindgut (colon or rectum and ceca). This presents a potential problem in that hyperosmotic ureteral urine in contact with the permeable epithelia of these tissues would counteract renal osmotic work. This review describes and provides examples of different strategies used by avian species to balance renal and post-renal changes in urine composition. The strategies described include: 1. a "reptilian" mode, with moderate renal concentrating ability, but high rates of post-renal salt and water resorption; 2. the "mammalian" strategy, in which the coprodeum effectively functions like a mammalian urinary bladder, preserving the osmotic concentrating work of the kidney; 3. an interaction strategy, in which post-renal transport processes are hormonally regulated in order to optimize renal function under varying conditions of salt or water stress; 4. the salt gland strategy seen in marine or estuarine birds with functional salt glands, in which post-renal transport mechanisms are used to conserve urinary water and to recycle excess NaCl to the nasal salt glands. Finally, we also describe some features of an as-yet unstudied group of birds, the birds of prey. At least some species in this group are relatively good renal concentrators, and would be predicted to have post-renal mechanisms to preserve this work. This new synthesis illustrates the marked diversity of adaptive mechanisms used by avian species to maintain osmotic homeostasis.  相似文献   

A simple model of plant cell volume changes is presented. It is based on Kedem-Katchalsky equations for water and solute transport and on linear approximation of the dependence of intracellular hydrostatic pressure on the cell volume. Active transport of solute is also included. The time hierarchy within the system is analyzed by appropriate normalization of variables and by the assessment of the numerical values of model coefficients. The dynamics of the system comprises a slow process of solute exchange and a fast process of water transport. This explains the wellknown biphasic response of the cell volume to a sudden change in external conditions. An approximation of equations describing the system behaviour on the basis of the Tikhonov's theorem is proposed. The approximative solution is compared with the exact numerical solution of the original equations. The approximation is very good under physiological conditions, but it ceases to hold when the solute permeability of the cell membrane increases causing the breakdown of the entire time hierarchy within the system.  相似文献   

The Australian thorny devil, Moloch horridus Gray, 1841, and the Texas horned lizard, Phrynosoma cornutum Harlan, 1825, have the remarkable ability to rapidly move water through interscalar spaces on their skin’s surface to their mouth for drinking. The morphology of these scale hinges has not been studied. We used histological and SEM techniques to examine and compare the scale hinges of both species. Additional taxa in their respective lineages were examined in order to evaluate the potential that convergent evolution has occurred. In the two species that transport water, each scale hinge has a basally expanded and semi-enclosed channel formed by the hinge joint that is interconnected with all scale hinges on the body. We hypothesize that it is within this semi-tubular channel system of hinge joints, where the β-layer keratin of the integument is very thin, that water is transported. Hinge joint walls are covered by a complex topography of fractured surfaces that greatly expand the channel’s surface area and probably enhance capillary transport of water. In addition, we note differing morphology of scale surfaces at the rear of the jaws of both species. We hypothesize that capillary forces fill the scale-hinge system and additional forces, generated within the mouth by observed motions during drinking, depress local water-pressure to pull water through the channels of the hinge-joint system. We conclude that the combined features in the two species, semi-tubular hinge-joint channels with convoluted walls and a jaw-buccal cavity pumping-mechanism, have convergently evolved for capture, transport, and drinking of water from sporadic rainfall.  相似文献   

Hydraulic and osmotic properties of oak roots   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Hydraulic and osmotic properties of root systems of 2.5–8-months-oldoak seedlings (Quercus robur and Q. petraea) were measured usingthe root pressure probe. Root pressures of excised roots rangedbetween 0.05 and 0.15 MPa which was similar to values obtainedfor herbaceous species. Root hydraulic conductivity (Lpr; perunit of root surface area) was much larger in the presence ofhydrostatic than in the presence of osmotic pressure differencesdriving water flow across the roots. Differences were as largeas a factor of 20 to 470. Roots of the young seedlings of Q.robur grew more rapidly than those of Q. petraea and had a hydraulicconductivity which was substantially higher. Nitrogen nutritionaffected root growth of Q. robur more than that of Q. petraea,but did not affect root Lpr of either species. For Q. robur,Lpr decreased with root age (size) which is interpreted by aneffect of suberization during the development of fine roots.Root hydraulic conductance remained constant for both species.For Q. robur, this was due to the fact that the overall decreasein Lpr was compensated for by an increase in root surface area.Root reflection coefficients (sr) were low and ranged betweensr=0.1 and 0.5 for solutes for which cell membranes exhibitreflection coefficients of virtually unity (salts, sugars etc.).Solute permeability was small and was usually not measurablewith the technique. When root systems were attached to the rootpressure probe for longer periods of time (up to 10d), solutepermeability increased due to ageing effects which, however,did not cause a general leakiness of the roots as Lpr decreased.Hence, values were only used from measurements taken duringthe first day. Transport properties of oak roots are comparedwith those recently obtained for spruce (Rdinger et al., 1994).They are discussed in terms of a composite transport model ofthe root which explains low root sr at low solute permeabilityand reasonable rootLpr The model predicts differences betweenosmotic and hydraulic water flow and differences in the transportproperties of roots of herbs and trees as found. Key words: Composite transport, hydraulic conductivity, nitrogen nutrition, Quercus, reflection coefficient, root transport, water relations  相似文献   

Diatom and dinoflagellate species that are not endemic to aregion can be inadvertently introduced when their resistantresting stages are discharged with the ballast-tank waters andsediments of bulk cargo vessels. A survey of 343 cargo vesselsentering 18 Australian ports showed that 65% of ships were carryingsignificant amounts of sediment on the bottom of their ballasttanks. All of these samples contained diatoms, including speciesthat are not endemic to Australian waters. Diatom resting spores,especially of Chaetoceros, were also detected. Dinoflagellateresting spores (cysts) were present in 50% of the sediment samples.Of the 53 cyst species identified, 20 (including Diplopelta,Diplopsalopsis, Gonyaulax, Polykrikos, Protoperidinium, Scrippsiellaand Zygabikodinium spp.) were successfully germinated to produceviable cultures. Such diversity of diatom and dinoflagellatespecies in ships' ballast water suggests that the apparent cosmopolitanismof many coastal phytoplankton species may be due partly to theglobal transport of seawater ballast. Of considerable concernwas the detection in 16 ships of cysts of the toxic dinoflagellatesAlexandrium catenella, Alexandrium tamarense and Gymnodiniumcatenatum. One single ballast tank was estimated to contain>300 million viable A.tamarense cysts, some of which weresuccessfully germinated in the laboratory to produce toxic cultures.These toxic dinoflagellate species, which can contaminate shellfishwith paralytic shellfish poisons, pose a serious threat to humanhealth and the aquaculture industry. Ballast-water quarantinemeasures recently introduced in Australia are discussed. Mid-oceanexchange of ballast water is only partially effective in removingdinoflagellate cysts which have settled to the bottom of ballasttanks. The present work indicates that the most effective measureto prevent the spreading of toxic dinoflagellate cysts via ships'ballast water would be to avoid taking on ballast water duringdinoflagellate blooms in the water column of the world's ports.  相似文献   

棉铃虫幼虫感染棉铃虫微孢子虫后的组织病理变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1997年田间调查时发现一种寄生于棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hübner)的微孢子虫Nosema sp.,它对棉铃虫有较强的致病力并可经卵垂直传播。利用透射电镜对棉铃虫幼虫感染该微孢子虫后的组织病理变化进行了初步观察。结果表明:该微孢子虫可侵染棉铃虫的中肠、马氏管、脂肪体、神经等组织;侵染后可导致寄主中肠的微绒毛脱落,线粒体内脊排列方向发生变化,线粒体整体发生变形并最终瓦解;内质网发生断裂;细胞核体积变小并变形,但该微孢子虫并不入侵细胞核;马氏管膨大,边缘向外突出隆起;神经细胞的细胞核变成长条形,细胞界线模糊;在神经细胞内也发现了微孢子虫孢子,证明该微孢子虫也入侵寄主神经细胞。  相似文献   

A closed‐form solution for steady‐state coupled phloem/xylem flow is presented. This incorporates the basic Münch flow model of phloem transport, the cohesion model of xylem flow, and local variation in the xylem water potential and lateral water flow along the transport pathway. Use of the Lambert‐W function allows this solution to be obtained under much more general and realistic conditions than has previously been possible. Variation in phloem resistance (i.e. viscosity) with solute concentration, and deviations from the Van't Hoff expression for osmotic potential are included. It is shown that the model predictions match those of the equilibrium solution of a numerical time‐dependent model based upon the same mechanistic assumptions. The effect of xylem flow upon phloem flow can readily be calculated, which has not been possible in any previous analytical model. It is also shown how this new analytical solution can handle multiple sources and sinks within a complex architecture, and can describe competition between sinks. The model provides new insights into Münch flow by explicitly including interactions with xylem flow and water potential in the closed‐form solution, and is expected to be useful as a component part of larger numerical models of entire plants.  相似文献   

Use of Lanthanum to Trace Apoplastic Solute Transport in Intact Plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This electron microscopic study revealed that solutes enterthe apoplasm of root mcristems and move from there to the steleof the root and to the shoots of intact plants. Lanthanum wasused as a plasma membrane-impermeable electron-dense markerof apoplastic solute flux in Hordeum vulgare L., Saiicorniavirgimca L., Spartina alternflora Loisel. and Zea mays L. Thepresence of lanthanum in EM specimens was confirmed by X-raymicroanalysis. Lanthanum that entered the root apoplasm wasalso localized in membrane-bound compartments within cells ofeach plant Lanthanum was localized in vesicles, ER, and vacuolesof root and leaf cells. Following root application, lanthanumwas evident in the leaves of the three grass species studied.Lanthanum was rarely observed in S. virginica leaves. Only plantsexposed to 23 mol m–3 lanthanum for 24 h or more showedlanthanum in root cell cytosol and this was concluded to bea toxic response. Key words: Apoplast, halophyte, lanthanum, root meristem, transport  相似文献   

Transport of Salt and Water in Rabbit and Guinea Pig Gall Bladder   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
A simple and reproducible method has been developed for following fluid transport by an in vitro preparation of mammalian gall bladder, based upon weighing the organ at 5 minute intervals. Both guinea pig and rabbit gall bladders transport NaCl and water in isotonic proportions from lumen to serosa. In the rabbit bicarbonate stimulates transport, but there is no need for exogenous glucose. The transport rate is not affected by removal of potassium from the bathing solutions. Albumin causes a transient weight loss from the gall bladder wall, apparently by making the serosal smooth muscle fibers contract. Active NaCl transport can carry water against osmotic gradients of up to two atmospheres. Under passive conditions water may also move against its activity gradient in the presence of a permeating solute. The significance of water movement against osmotic gradients during active solute transport is discussed.  相似文献   

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