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Our study reports the diversity of culturable mycoplankton in the eastern South Pacific Ocean off Chile to contribute with novel knowledge on taxonomy of filamentous fungi isolated from distinct physicochemical and biological marine environments. We characterized spatial distribution of isolates, evaluated their viability and assessed the influence of organic substrate availability on fungal development. Thirty-nine Operational Taxonomic Units were identified from 99 fungal strains isolated from coastal and oceanic waters by using Automatic Barcode Gap Discovery. All Operational Taxonomic Units belonged to phylum Ascomycota and orders Eurotiales, Dothideales, Sordariales and Hypocreales, mainly Penicillium sp. (82%); 11 sequences did not match existing species in GenBank, suggesting occurrence of novel fungal taxa. Our results suggest that fungal communities in the South Pacific Ocean off Chile appear to thrive in a wide range of environmental conditions in the ocean and that substrate availability may be a factor influencing fungal viability in the ocean.  相似文献   

The large sulfur bacteria, Beggiatoa spp., live on the oxidation of sulfide with oxygen or nitrate, but avoid high concentrations of both sulfide and oxygen. As gliding filaments, they rely on reversals in the gliding direction to find their preferred environment, the oxygen-sulfide interface. We observed the chemotactic patterns of single filaments in a transparent agar medium and scored their reversals and the glided distances between reversals. Filaments within the preferred microenvironment glided distances shorter than their own length between reversals that anchored them in their position as a microbial mat. Filaments in the oxic region above the mat or in the sulfidic, anoxic region below the mat glided distances longer than the filament length between reversals. This reversal behavior resulted in a diffusion-like spreading of the filaments. A numerical model of such gliding filaments was constructed based on our observations. The model was applied to virtual filaments in the oxygen- and sulfide-free zone of the sediment, which is a main habitat of Beggiatoa in the natural environment. The model predicts a long residence time of the virtual filament in the suboxic zone and explains why Beggiatoa accumulate high nitrate concentrations in internal vacuoles as an alternative electron acceptor to oxygen.  相似文献   

Abstract: A deterministic one-dimensional reaction diffusion model was constructed to simulate benthic stratification patterns and population dynamics of cyanobacteria, purple and colorless sulfur bacteria as found in marine microbial mats. The model involves the major biogeochemical processes of the sulfur cycle and includes growth metabolism and their kinetic parameters as described from laboratory experimentation. Hence, the metabolic production and consumption processes are coupled to population growth. The model is used to calculate benthic oxygen, sulfide and light profiles and to infer spatial relationships and interactions among the different populations. Furthermore, the model is used to explore the effect of different abiotic and biotic environmental parameters on the community structure. A strikingly clear pattern emerged of the interaction between purple and colorless sulfur bacteria: either colorless sulfur bacteria dominate or a coexistence is found of colorless and purple sulfur bacteria. The model predicts that purple sulfur bacteria only proliferate when the studied environmental parameters surpass well-defined threshold levels. However, once the appropriate conditions do occur, the purple sulfur bacteria are extremely successful as their biomass outweighs that of colorless sulfur bacteria by a factor of up to 17. The typical stratification pattern predicted closely resembles the often described bilayer communities which comprise a layer of purple sulfur bacteria below a cyanobacterial top-layer; colorless sulfur bacteria are predicted to sandwich in between both layers. The profiles of oxygen and sulfide shift on a diel basis similarly as observed in real systems.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Coral reefs have high biodiversity and are important as ecosystem engineers, providing microhabitats for a large number of organisms. This study examines the patterns of diversity,...  相似文献   

Comprehensive investigation combining molecular genetic techniques and comparative studies of morphological and physiological properties made it possible to resolve the disputed issue of the taxonomic status of the groups ??T. nivea?? and ??Eikelboom type 021N?? of the genus Thiothrix. The phylogenetic trees constructed on the basis of 16S rRNA and gyrB gene sequences demonstrated that members of the genus Thiothrix formed a cluster within the order Thiotrichales. According to the ??ribosomal?? tree, the cluster of the genus Thiothrix was divided into two main groups, I and II, corresponding to the groups ??T. nivea?? and ??Eikelboom type 021N??. The levels of similarity between the 16S rRNA gene sequences of Thiothrix species reached 88.9?C100%. On the contrary, in the ??gyrase?? tree, these species were not divided into ??T. nivea?? and ??Eikelboom type 021N?? groups. The levels of similarity between the amino acid sequences of the gyrB gene fragments of Thiothrix species varied from 74.5 to 99.2%. Importantly, members of the groups ??T. nivea?? and ??Eikelboom type 021N?? formed very similar 16S rRNA secondary structures in the variable region V3, where a 30-nucleotide deletion characteristic of all Thiothrix species was detected. Phenotypic analysis of the studied bacteria revealed some morphological and physiological properties shared by the groups ??T. nivea?? and ??Eikelboom type 021N??. The data obtained indicate that members of the groups ??T. nivea?? and ??Eikelboom type 021N?? are phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous species within the single monophyletic genus Thiothrix..  相似文献   

Based upon their photosynthetic nature and the presence of a unique light-harvesting antenna structure, the chlorosome, the photosynthetic green bacteria are defined as a distinctive group in the Bacteria. However, members of the two taxa that comprise this group, the green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobi) and the filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria (Chloroflexales), are otherwise quite different, both physiologically and phylogenetically. This review summarizes how genome sequence information facilitated studies of the biosynthesis and function of the photosynthetic apparatus and the oxidation of inorganic sulfur compounds in two model organisms that represent these taxa, Chlorobium tepidum and Chloroflexus aurantiacus. The genes involved in bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) c and carotenoid biosynthesis in these two organisms were identified by sequence homology with known BChl a and carotenoid biosynthesis enzymes, gene cluster analysis in Cfx. aurantiacus, and gene inactivation studies in Chl. tepidum. Based on these results, BChl a and BChl c biosynthesis is similar in the two organisms, whereas carotenoid biosynthesis differs significantly. In agreement with its facultative anaerobic nature, Cfx. aurantiacus in some cases apparently produces structurally different enzymes for heme and BChl biosynthesis, in which one enzyme functions under anoxic conditions and the other performs the same reaction under oxic conditions. The Chl. tepidum mutants produced with modified BChl c and carotenoid species also allow the functions of these pigments to be studied in vivo.  相似文献   

The structure and diversity of bacterial communities associated with the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the eastern tropical South Pacific was studied through phylogenetic analysis. Clone libraries of 16S rRNA gene fragments were constructed using environmental DNA collected from the OMZ (60 m and 200 m), the sea surface (10 m), and the deep oxycline (450 m). At the class level, the majority of sequences affiliated to the gamma- (53.7%) and alpha-Proteobacteria (19.7%), and to the Bacteroidetes (11.2%). A vertical partitioning of the bacterial communities was observed, with main differences between the suboxic OMZ and the more oxygenated surface and deep oxycline waters. At the surface, the microbial community was predominantly characterized by SAR86, Loktanella and unclassified Flavobacteriaceae, whereas the deeper layer was dominated by Sulfitobacter and unclassified Alteromonadaceae. In the OMZ, major constituents affiliated to the marine SAR11 clade and to thiotrophic gamma-symbionts (25% of all sequences), a group not commonly found in pelagic waters. Sequences affiliating to the phylum Chloroflexi, to the AGG47 and SAR202 clades, to the delta-Proteobacteria, to the Acidobacteria, and to the 'anammox group' of the Planctomycetes were found exclusively in the OMZ. The bacterial richness in the OMZ was higher than in the oxic surface and deeper oxycline, as revealed by rarefaction analysis and the Chao1 richness estimator (surface: 45 +/- 8, deeper oxycline: 76 +/- 26; OMZ (60 m): 97 +/- 33, OMZ (200 m): 109 +/- 31). OMZ bacterial diversity indices (Fisher's: approximately 30 +/- 5, Shannon's: approximately 3.31, inverse Simpson's: approximately 20) were similar to those found in other pelagic marine environments. Thus, our results indicate a distinct and diverse bacterial community within the OMZ, with presumably novel and yet uncultivated bacterial lineages.  相似文献   

Large sulfur bacteria of the genus Achromatium are exceptional among Bacteria and Archaea as they can accumulate high amounts of internal calcite. Although known for more than 100 years, they remain uncultured, and only freshwater populations have been studied so far. Here we investigate a marine population of calcite-accumulating bacteria that is primarily found at the sediment surface of tide pools in a salt marsh, where high sulfide concentrations meet oversaturated oxygen concentrations during the day. Dynamic sulfur cycling by phototrophic sulfide-oxidizing and heterotrophic sulfate-reducing bacteria co-occurring in these sediments creates a highly sulfidic environment that we propose induces behavioral differences in the Achromatium population compared with reported migration patterns in a low-sulfide environment. Fluctuating intracellular calcium/sulfur ratios at different depths and times of day indicate a biochemical reaction of the salt marsh Achromatium to diurnal changes in sedimentary redox conditions. We correlate this calcite dynamic with new evidence regarding its formation/mobilization and suggest general implications as well as a possible biological function of calcite accumulation in large bacteria in the sediment environment that is governed by gradients. Finally, we propose a new taxonomic classification of the salt marsh Achromatium based on their adaptation to a significantly different habitat than their freshwater relatives, as indicated by their differential behavior as well as phylogenetic distance on 16S ribosomal RNA gene level. In future studies, whole-genome characterization and additional ecophysiological factors could further support the distinctive position of salt marsh Achromatium.  相似文献   

Beggiatoa species are filamentous sulfide-oxidizing bacteria belonging to the family Beggiatoaceae that contains several largest bacteria known today. These large sulfur bacteria occur in diverse ecosystems and play an important role in the global sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus cycle. In this study, sediment samples from brackishwater shrimp culture ponds and other brackishwater ecosystems from Tamil Nadu, southeast coast of India, were enriched for Beggiatoa species. Extracted hay medium supplemented with catalase was used and were incubated for two weeks at 28°C. Out of seven set-ups, four yielded positive growth of filamentous sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. The filaments were several millimeters long, ranged in width between 2 and 15μm and exhibited typical gliding motility. The 16S rRNA gene of four single filaments representing the four positive enrichments was subjected to PCR-DGGE followed by sequencing. All four filaments were affiliated to the Beggiatoaceae, but showed less than 89% identity with the Beggiatoa type strain Beggiatoa alba and less than 93% identity with any other sequence of the family. One of the four filaments revealed a nearly full-length 16S rDNA sequence (1411bp) and it formed a monophyletic cluster with two of the partial DGGE-16S rRNA gene sequences (99-100% identity) within the Beggiatoa species cluster. These organisms could possibly represent a novel genus within the family Beggiatoaceae. The fourth partial sequence affiliated with less than 93% sequence identity to the genera Parabeggiatoa, Thioploca and Thiopilula, and was likewise strongly delineated from any sequence published in the family.  相似文献   

The study of oceanic microbial communities is crucial for our understanding of the role of microbes in terms of biomass, diversity and ecosystem function. In this study, 16S rRNA gene tag pyrosequencing was used to investigate change in bacterial community structure between summer and winter water masses from Gosung Bay in the South Sea of Korea and Chuuk in Micronesia, located in the North and South Pacific Oceans, respectively. Summer and winter sampling from each water mass revealed highly diverse bacterial communities, containing ~900 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs). The microbial distribution and highly heterogeneous composition observed at both sampling sites were different from those of most macroorganisms. The bacterial communities in the seawater at both sites were most abundant in Proteobacteria during the summer in Gosung and in Bacterioidetes during the winter. The proportion of Cyanobacteria was higher in summer than in winter in Chuuk and similar in Gosung. Additionally, the microbial community during summer in Gosung was significantly different from other communities observed based on the unweighted UniFrac distance. These data suggest that in both oceanic areas sampled, the bacterial communities had distinct distribution patterns with spatially- and temporally-heterogeneous distributions.  相似文献   

Little is known about the abundance, distribution, and ecology of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria, particularly in oligotrophic environments, which represent 60% of the ocean. We investigated the abundance of AAP bacteria across the South Pacific Ocean, including the center of the gyre, the most oligotrophic water body of the world ocean. AAP bacteria, Prochlorococcus, and total prokaryotic abundances, as well as bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl a) and divinyl-chlorophyll a concentrations, were measured at several depths in the photic zone along a gradient of oligotrophic conditions. The abundances of AAP bacteria and Prochlorococcus were high, together accounting for up to 58% of the total prokaryotic community. The abundance of AAP bacteria alone was up to 1.94 x 10(5) cells ml(-1) and as high as 24% of the overall community. These measurements were consistent with the high BChl a concentrations (up to 3.32 x 10(-3) microg liter(-1)) found at all stations. However, the BChl a content per AAP bacterial cell was low, suggesting that AAP bacteria are mostly heterotrophic organisms. Interestingly, the biovolume and therefore biomass of AAP bacteria was on average twofold higher than that of other prokaryotic cells. This study demonstrates that AAP bacteria can be abundant in various oligotrophic conditions, including the most oligotrophic regime of the world ocean, and can account for a large part of the bacterioplanktonic carbon stock.  相似文献   

Segmented, filamentous bacteria (SFBs) are autochthonous, apathogenic bacteria, occurring in the ileum of mice and rats. Although the application of formal taxonomic criteria is impossible due to the lack of an in vitro technique to culture SFBs, microbes with a similar morphology, found in the intestine of a wide range of vertebrate and invertebrate host species, are considered to be related. SFBs are firmly attached to the epithelial cells of the distal ileal mucosa, their preferential ecological niche being the epithelium covering the Peyer's patches. Electron microscopic studies have demonstrated a considerable morphological diversity of SFBs, which may relate to different stages of a life cycle. Determinants of SFB colonization in vivo are host species, genotypical and phenotypical characteristics of the host, diet composition, environmental stress and antimicrobial drugs. SFBs can survive in vitro incubation, but do not multiply. On the basis of their apathogenic character and intimate relationship with the host, it is suggested that SFBs contribute to development and/or maintenance of host resistance to enteropathogens.  相似文献   

Previous studies on recovery in hyporheic communities have found that communities rapidly return to pre-disturbance levels. However, most of these studies have concentrated on small floods or ones with short return periods. I studied the impact of a large 1 in 6 year flood on the hyporheic community at 2 sites in the Hunter River, a large coastal river in New South Wales with a mean daily flow of 15 m3 s−1. The flood peaked at 1270 m3 s−1 and afterwards invertebrate densities at the 2 sites were 83 and 67% less than they were before. Recovery to pre-flood densities was slow but was aided by increases in the oligochaete and cyclopoid populations. At Site 1, there was a boom in oligochaete and cyclopoid numbers 61 d after the flood, but the communities resumed their pre-flood densities by Day 139. Recovery at Site 2 took 139 d. Most groundwater taxa (stygobites) living in the hyporheic zone did not recover from the disturbance when compared to non-stygobites. Apart from Microturbellaria and the harpacticoid Parastenocaris sp., numbers of all stygobite taxa continued to decline after the flood, becoming absent after 61 d. The poor recovery of stygobites is probably due to their adaptations for survival in the relatively stable groundwater environment. This study shows that hyporheic communities are sensitive to large bed-moving floods and supports the hypothesis that ecotonal species with a strong affinity to one ecosystem can be poor at recovering from disturbances that occur in an adjacent ecosystem.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic organisms normally endeavor to optimize the efficiency of their light-harvesting apparatus. However, here we describe two bacterial isolates belonging to the genera Allochromatium and Thiocapsa that demonstrate a novel adaptation by optimizing their external growth conditions at the expense of photosynthetic efficiency. In the South Andros Black Hole, Bahamas, a dense l-m thick layer of these anoxygenic purple sulfur bacteria is present at a depth of 17.8 m. In this layer the water temperature increases sharply to 36°C as a consequence of the low-energy transfer efficiency of their carotenoids (ca. 30%). These include spirilloxanthin, and related polyene molecules and a novel chiral carotenoid identified as spirilloxanthin-2-ol, not previously reported in purple bacteria. To our knowledge, this study presents the first evidence of such a bacterial mass significantly increasing the ambient water temperature. The transduction of light to heat energy to excess heat may provide these anoxygenic phototropic bacteria with a competitive advantage over non-thermotolerant species, which would account for their predominance within the microbial layer. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Three new Tardigrada species are described from a manganese nodule area of thc abyssal castern South Pacific. Moebjergarctus mangunis gen. et sp.n. is characterized by its segmcntcd ccphalic cirri, club-shaped and forward bent primary clavae, spherical secondary clavae, spines on legs I, 11, 111, small clavoid papillae on legs IV, long cirri E, and corkscrew-shaped digits with simple claws. Angursa capsula sp.n. is distinguished by the presence of secondary and tertiary clavac, occurring as elevated cuticular areas, club-shaped primary clavae, short lateral cirri, short median cirrus, spines on legs I and hcmisphcrical, capsulc-shaped papillae on legs IV. Angursa lingua sp.n. is characterized by the presence of secondary and tertiary clavae, occurring as elevated cuticular areas, balloon-shaped primary clavae, long lateral cirri, long median cirrus, spines on legs I, clavoid papillae on legs IV and weakly broadened distal parts of cirri E, resulting in tongue-shaped swellings. A simple key to the species of Angursa is presented.  相似文献   

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