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The paper entitled "Sympatric speciation," which was published by John Maynard Smith in 1966, initiated the development of mathematical models aiming to identify the conditions for sympatric speciation. A part of that paper was devoted to a specific two-locus, two-allele model of sympatric speciation in a population occupying a two-niche system. Maynard Smith provided some initial numerical results on this model. Later, Dickinson and Antonovics (1973) and Caisse and Antonovics (1978) performed more extensive numerical studies on the model. Here, I report analytical results on the haploid version of the Maynard Smith model. I show how the conditions for sympatric and parapatric speciation and the levels of resulting genetic divergence and reproductive isolation are affected by the strength of disruptive selection and nonrandom mating, recombination rate, and the rates of male and female dispersal between the niches.  相似文献   

Rowe C 《Animal behaviour》1999,58(5):921-931
Many animals produce and respond to signals made up of multiple components. For example, many avian sexual displays are highly extravagant combinations of visual and acoustic elements, and are described as being 'multicomponent'. One possible reason for the evolution of such complex signals is that they provide more reliable information for receivers. However, receivers also influence signal evolution in another important way, by how they perceive and process signals: signallers will be selected to produce signals that are more easily received. The potential role of receiver psychology in the evolution of multicomponent signals has not previously been considered; in this review I present psychological results that support the notion that two components are better received than one alone. Detection can be improved by producing two components together, thus reducing the reaction time, increasing the probability of detection and lowering the intensity at which detection occurs. Discriminability of multicomponent stimuli is also made easier through better recognition, faster discrimination learning and multidimensional generalization. In addition, multicomponent stimuli also improve associative learning. I show that multicomponency does indeed improve signal reception in receivers, although the benefits of producing components in two sensory modalities (bimodal multicomponent signals) may be larger and more robust than producing them in just one (unimodal multicomponent signals). This highlights the need for consideration of receiver psychology in the evolution of multicomponent signals, and suggests that where signal components do not appear to be informative, they may instead be performing an important psychological function. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

A group-selection model is presented in which each group is initiated by a single fertilized female and persists for several generations before dispersal. Maynard Smith (1964) concluded that altruism could not plausibly evolve under these circumstances. I show that his conclusion is an artifact of a simplifying assumption that amounts to a worst-case scenario for group selection. When the standard donor-recipient equations for altruistic behavior are used in Maynard Smith's model, Mendelian populations derived from sibling groups are often more favorable for the evolution of altruism than are the sibling groups themselves. In general, long-term and large-scale aspects of population structure may at times be important in the evolution of altruistic and other group-advantageous behaviors.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the evolution of signals must be a wasteful process for the signaller, aimed at the maximization of signal honesty. However, the reliability of communication depends not only on the costs paid by signallers but also on the costs paid by receivers during assessment, and less attention has been given to the interaction between these two types of costs during the evolution of signalling systems. A signaller and receiver may accept some level of signal dishonesty by choosing signals that are cheaper in terms of assessment but that are stabilized with less reliable mechanisms. I studied the potential trade‐off between signal reliability and the costs of signal assessment in the corncrake (Crex crex). I found that the birds prefer signals that are less costly regarding assessment rather than more reliable. Despite the fact that the fundamental frequency of calls was a strong predictor of male size, it was ignored by receivers unless they could directly compare signal variants. My data revealed a response advantage of costly signals when comparison between calls differing with fundamental frequencies is fast and straightforward, whereas cheap signalling is preferred in natural conditions. These data might improve our understanding of the influence of receivers on signal design because they support the hypothesis that fully honest signalling systems may be prone to dishonesty based on the effects of receiver costs and be replaced by signals that are cheaper in production and reception but more susceptible to cheating.  相似文献   

The levels of selection problem was central to Maynard Smith’s work throughout his career. This paper traces Maynard Smith’s views on the levels of selection, from his objections to group selection in the 1960s to his concern with the major evolutionary transitions in the 1990s. The relations between Maynard Smith’s position and those of Hamilton and G.C. Williams are explored, as is Maynard Smith’s dislike of the Price equation approach to multi-level selection. Maynard Smith’s account of the ‘core Darwinian principles’ is discussed, as is his debate with Sober and Wilson (1998) over the status of trait-group models, and his attitude to the currently fashionable concept of pluralism about the levels of selection.  相似文献   

In evolutionary biology, the axiom that natural selection tends ideally to maximize inclusive fitness of the individual or some other suitable quantity is often advanced (Cody, 1974; Maynard Smith, 1978; Krebs & McCleery, 1984; Houston et al., 1988). Moreover, the evolutionists generally distinguish two situations (Dawkins, 1980; Maynard Smith, 1982): one in which fitness is independent of the frequency of the phenotypes present in the population (frequency-independent selection), and one in which it does depend on this frequency (frequency-dependent selection). This led some authors such as Parker (1984), and more recently Parker & Maynard Smith (1990), to consider "a 2-speed optimization": frequency-independent selection should lead to a "simple optimum" at the end of the selective process, since all the individuals should have the same strategy and the mean fitness of the population should be maximized; frequency-dependent selection, formulated in terms of the theory of games, should lead to a "competitive optimum" even though the "evolutionary stable strategy" (or "ESS"; Maynard Smith & Price, 1973) characterizing the equilibrium "is not the strategy that maximizes fitness in a population sense" (Parker & Maynard Smith, 1990: 30). Our aim in this short communication is to criticize the concept of "competitive optimum" by Parker & Maynard Smith, as well as the general ability of natural selection to "maximize fitness", even in "phenotypic models" (Lloyd, 1977). These models, devoid of genetic constraints since each strategist is assumed to reproduce its own kind, are especially suitable for examining the ideal effect of natural selection.  相似文献   

This paper presents a generalization of Maynard Smith's concept of an evolutionarily stable strategy (ESS) to cover the cases of a finite population and a variable contest size. Both equilibrium and stability conditions are analysed. The standard Maynard Smith ESS with an infinite population and a contest size of two (pairwise contests) is shown to be a special case of this generalized ESS. An important implication of the generalized ESS is that in finite populations the behaviour of an ESS player is "spiteful", in the sense that an ESS player acts not only to increase his payoff but also to decrease the payoffs of his competitors. The degree of this "spiteful" behaviour is shown to increase with a decrease in the population size, and so is most likely to be observed in small populations. The paper concludes with an extended example: a symmetric two-pure-strategies two-player game for a finite population. It is shown that a mixed strategy ESS is globally stable against invasion by any one type of mutant strategist. The condition for the start of simultaneous invasion by two types of mutant is also given.  相似文献   

One of the most remarkable aspects of John Maynard Smith’s work was the fact that he devoted time both to doing science and to reflecting philosophically upon its methods and concepts. In this paper I offer a philosophical analysis of Maynard Smith’s approach to modelling phenotypic evolution in relation to three main themes. The first concerns the type of scientific understanding that ESS and optimality models give us. The second concerns the causal–historical aspect of stability analyses of adaptation. The third concerns the concept of evolutionary stability itself. Taken together, these three themes comprise what I call the natural philosophy of adaptation.  相似文献   

Electron-spin resonance echoes are used to study the complex overlapping ESR spectra of whole chloroplasts. By varying the repetition rate of the microwave pulse sequence, delay time, and pulse width, signals with different longitudinal and transverse relaxation times were extracted. We have identified the echo signals due to plastocyanin and ferredoxins. In addition, we have found a strong signal at g = 4.3, that possibly arises from distorted cytochrome, and weak signals in the region g = 6-9. The strong echo signal at g = 2.0047 (Signal II), is made up of at least three "dark" components that differ in their relaxation times. Upon illumination at 1.2 K several of the echo signals including Signal II show reversible light-induced components. The kinetics of these transients depend on the addition of 3(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea. Part of the transients are believed to arise from cyclic electron flow around Photosystem I.  相似文献   

DeVries SH 《Neuron》2000,28(3):847-856
Unlike cone photoreceptors, whose light responses have a uniform time course, retinal ganglion cells are tuned to respond to different temporal components in a changing visual scene. The signals in a mammalian cone flow to three to five morphologically distinct "OFF" bipolar cells at a sign-conserving, glutamatergic synapse. By recording simultaneously from pairs of synaptically connected cones and OFF bipolar cells, I now show that each morphological type of OFF bipolar cell receives its signal through a different AMPA or kainate receptor. The characteristic rate at which each receptor recovers from desensitization divides the cone signal into temporal components. Temporal processing begins at the first synapse in the visual system.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca(2+)) is a universal regulator of a wide variety of cellular processes. For such control to be achieved, information is encoded within spatial and temporal components of the underlying Ca(2+) signal. One pathway through which Ca(2+) signals are decoded is the Ras binary switch. Here I describe some recent advances that have shed light on how cells can decode the spatial and temporal aspects of Ca(2+) signals through the regulation of this important signalling switch.  相似文献   

Brock DW 《Bioethics》1991,5(2):105-112
Mark Wicclair criticizes Allen Buchanan's and my claim that determining an appropriate level of competence (Wicclair substitutes "decisional capacity" for "competence", the import of which I note briefly below) for health care treatment decisionmaking involves balancing respecting a patient's self-determination and protecting his or her well-being. The most important implication of this balancing is that a standard of competence should vary in significant part with the effects for the patient's well-being of accepting his or her choice. Wicclair's criticisms take two main forms. First, he considers and rejects four of the positive reasons we offer in support of a risk-related standard. Second, in rejecting our fourth reason he argues that a risk-related standard leads to faulty competence determinations -- too high a standard in some cases and too low a standard in others. If he is correct, there are no positive reasons for adopting a risk-related standard and there are as well specific reasons not to adopt such a standard in order to avoid mistaken competence determinations. My response will address both sorts of criticisms in turn.  相似文献   

This paper places Husserl's mature work, The Crisis of the European Sciences, in the context of his engagement with--and critique of--experimental psychology at the time. I begin by showing (a) that Husserl accorded psychology a crucial role in his philosophy, i.e., that of providing a scientific analysis of subjectivity, and (b) that he viewed contemporary psychology--due to its naturalism--as having failed to pursue this goal in the appropriate manner. I then provide an analysis of Husserl's views about naturalism and scientific philosophy. Some central themes of the Crisis are traced back to Husserl's earlier work and to his relationship with his teacher, Franz Brentano, with whom he disagreed about the status of "inner perception" as the proper scientific method for a phenomenological analysis. The paper then shows that Husserl was well aware of at least one publication about the crisis of psychology (Bühler's 1927 book), and it teases out some aspects of the complicated relationship between Husserl and members of the Würzburg School of thought psychology: The latter had drawn on Husserl's writings, but Husserl felt that they had misunderstood his central thesis. I conclude by placing Husserl's work in the wider context of scientific, cultural, and political crisis-discourses at the time.  相似文献   

Sexual signals are important in speciation, but understanding their evolution is complex as these signals are often composed of multiple, genetically interdependent components. To understand how signals evolve, we thus need to consider selection responses in multiple components and account for the genetic correlations among components. One intriguing possibility is that selection changes the genetic covariance structure of a multicomponent signal in a way that facilitates a response to selection. However, this hypothesis remains largely untested empirically. In this study, we investigate the evolutionary response of the multicomponent female sex pheromone blend of the moth Heliothis subflexa to 10 generations of artificial selection. We observed a selection response of about three‐quarters of a phenotypic standard deviation in the components under selection. Interestingly, other pheromone components that are biochemically and genetically linked to the components under selection did not change. We also found that after the onset of selection, the genetic covariance structure diverged, resulting in the disassociation of components under selection and components not under selection across the first two genetic principle components. Our findings provide rare empirical support for an intriguing mechanism by which a sexual signal can respond to selection without possible constraints from indirect selection responses.  相似文献   

Though a prominent British developmental biologist in his day, a close friend of Theodosius Dobzhansky, and a frequent correspondent with Ernst Mayr, C.H. Waddington did not enter the ranks of "architect" of the Modern Synthesis. By the end of his career, in fact, he recognized that other biologists reacted to his work "as though they feel obscurely uneasy"; and that the best that some philosophers of biology could say of his work was that he was not "wholly orthodox" (Waddington 1975c, 11). In this essay, I take Waddington's self-assessments at face value and explore three potential reasons why his work did not have more of a direct impact: Waddington's explicit support for the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead; a lack of institutional support; and Waddington's occasional marginalization from the core network of American neo-Darwinians. Though excluded from the Modern Synthesis in the mid-20th century, it now appears that Waddington's work does undergird the emerging evo-devo synthesis. Whether this indicates concomitant, if implicit, support for Whiteheadian philosophy is an interesting question not explored here.  相似文献   

For signalling to be honest the handicap principle claims that signals must impose fitness costs so that only the best individuals can afford the most exaggerated signals. The cost of signalling in terms of reduced survival decreases, however, towards the end of an individual's lifetime, which can induce an increase in signalling effort as a terminal effort. I show for the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, that a decrease in survival prospects through impaired condition leads to an increase in red nuptial coloration that makes the signal less reliable as an indicator of male parental ability. Males in poor condition with a large signal sometimes cannibalized all the eggs they received, probably to start a new breeding cycle with a higher energy reserve. However, the inclusion of socially imposed costs of signalling through male-male competition during courtship increased the honesty of the signal, as some males in poor condition and of poor parental ability decreased their signal expression. Some cheaters still occurred, but the signalling system was honest on average. This implies that socially imposed costs are important in the maintenance of honest sexual signalling. Dishonesty may occur under favourable conditions when the cost of signalling is reduced. This emphasizes the importance of considering the environmental conditions experienced by individuals when investigating the evolution and maintenance of honest sexual signals. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In 1866, at the C. Ludwig's laboratory, E. F. Cyon discovered n. depressor, and after C. Bernard's presentation he was awarded with the Montion Prize of the Paris Academy of Sciences. In 1867, together with his brother M. Cyon, he discovered nn. accelerantes of heart, which increase the heart rate when being stimulated. From 1868 to 1874 he was a privatdocent an professor of physiology at Saint-Petersburg University, where under his guidance I.P. Pavlov mastered the brilliant technique of vivisection experiment and accomplished his first works on the physiology of circulation and digestion. From 1872 to 1874 E. F. Cyon was physiology professor at Saint-Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy. He published "Course of Physiology" in 2 volumes, the official speech "Heart and Brain" and others, proposed an original theory of inhibition, improved the reflex theory. He published 197 works, including 151 in German and French. I. P. Pavlov paid a worthy tribute to his teacher and continued the main direction of his investigations.  相似文献   

When performing tasks, humans are thought to adopt task sets that configure moment-to-moment data processing. Recently developed mixed blocked/event-related designs allow task set-related signals to be extracted in fMRI experiments, including activity related to cues that signal the beginning of a task block, "set-maintenance" activity sustained for the duration of a task block, and event-related signals for different trial types. Data were conjointly analyzed from mixed design experiments using ten different tasks and 183 subjects. Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex/medial superior frontal cortex (dACC/msFC) and bilateral anterior insula/frontal operculum (aI/fO) showed reliable start-cue and sustained activations across all or nearly all tasks. These regions also carried the most reliable error-related signals in a subset of tasks, suggesting that the regions form a "core" task-set system. Prefrontal regions commonly related to task control carried task-set signals in a smaller subset of tasks and lacked convergence across signal types.  相似文献   

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