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小鼠作为发育机制的模式动物,其生殖细胞分化与发育的研究一直是发育生物学研究的重点之一。主要综述了小鼠原始生殖细胞的起源、迁移与增殖的机制,以及原始生殖细胞向生殖细胞的分化,卵母细胞与精子的发生与发育机理,讨论了胚胎干细胞向生殖细胞体外诱导分化以及生殖细胞体外培养的应用前景。  相似文献   

抗真菌药物研究的新进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
真菌感染是一种常见病、多发病。由于近年来临床上广谱抗生素、化疗药物和免疫抑制剂大量应用,艾滋病的流行以及放射治疗和器官移植的广泛进行,真菌病发病率大幅上升。本文着重介绍当前临床上常用的抗真菌药物的应用情况以及当前有希望的新一代抗真菌药物的研究进展,以期对临床应用有所帮助。  相似文献   

随着真菌病发病率的不断上升,抗真菌药物使用频率和剂量增加,致病真菌的耐药问题逐渐突出。合成开发新一代结构的抗真菌药是目前药物研究的热点,但如何提高现有抗真菌药物的抗菌作用,也是抗真菌研究的另一个热点领域。现结合国内外最新文献,全面阐述抗真菌增效剂的研究成果,展示目前抗真菌研究的新思路。  相似文献   

原始生殖细胞是生物个体中最早出现的生殖细胞.原始生殖细胞经过增殖及迁移,到达性腺位置,再经过一系列的分化最终发育成精子或者卵子.在斑马鱼中,原始生殖细胞最早出现在受精后3小时.而在小鼠中,原始生殖细胞最早出现在受精后7.25天.在斑马鱼原始生殖细胞发育的过程中,细胞迁移的启动、细胞数目的 变化、细胞干性的维持等均受到严...  相似文献   

本文概述了抗真菌药物的现状和近年来剂型、结构改造和筛选等方面的研究进展,着重介绍了-β1,3-D-葡聚糖合成酶抑制剂和抗真菌靶位的新进展,并对抗真菌药物研究开发中存在的问题和发展方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

第三类小RNA和生殖细胞发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果蝇中重复相关小干扰RNA(rasiRNA)和哺乳动物中Piwi相互作用RNA(piRNA)是最近发现的大小在30个核苷酸左右的小RNA,它们与已经发现的22个核苷酸左右的短干扰RNA(siRNA)和微小RNA(miRNA)有明显区别,因此命名为第三类小RNA。第三类小RNA可以与Piwi形成基因沉默复合体,并可能采取与经典RNA干扰不同的方式而影响特定基因的表达。目前这类小RNA主要在生殖细胞及干细胞中发现,尤其对生殖细胞中生理功能的全面研究,可能对RNA干扰现象有一个更为全面的理解。  相似文献   

目前真菌感染,特别是免疫缺陷患者中侵入性真菌感染的发病率和死亡率在不断增加,但现有抗真菌药物可选择范围小、毒副作用大而且耐药情况日渐严重。联合用药这一概念的提出,给耐药株及严重性真菌感染提供了新的治疗途径,并且已在临床中广泛运用。该文对不同种类抗真菌药物联用的研究成果及作用机制做一综述。  相似文献   

由于唑类药物长期使用,真菌耐药性及其交叉耐药现象不断出现,对临床治疗具有重要威胁。近年来提出新型抗真菌药物的新靶点,并研发出具有高活性强、强疗效的抗真菌药物。本研究对近年来新型抗真菌药的种类、结构和特点进行阐述,并介绍不同型药物对真菌的细胞壁、细胞膜、蛋白质合成、呼吸链等作用新靶点和作用机制的研究进展。  相似文献   

超微结构的研究证明,豌豆(Pisum sativum L.)生殖细胞自形成直至成熟花粉时期,始终存在少量质体和较多的线粒体。DNA 荧光的观察表明,在发育早期的生殖细胞中不含细胞质DNA 类核,但在成熟花粉的生殖细胞中有许多的类核。在花粉离体萌发过程中,随着花粉管的生长,生殖细胞中的类核逐渐降解。在花粉培养24 h 后,生殖细胞的类核全部消失。研究结果确定了豌豆质体母系遗传的细胞学基础,支持遗传分析及RFLP研究的结论,阐明了过去在细胞学上认为是双亲遗传的判断不正确的原因  相似文献   

与人类细胞相比,细胞壁为真菌的特有结构,因此作用于细胞壁的抗真菌药物相较于其他类型抗真菌药物而言具有高效、低毒的特点,是迄今为止安全性最高的一类抗真菌药物。本文对作用于细胞壁的抗真菌药物进行综述,根据作用机制及靶点的不同分别介绍葡聚糖合成酶抑制剂、几丁质合成酶抑制剂及糖基磷脂酰肌(glycosylphosphatidylinositol,GPI)锚定蛋白抑制剂,对其进行总结和归纳,为相关药物的研发及将来的临床应用前景提供参考。  相似文献   

用Hoechst33342标记及氨银反应的方法在光镜和电镜水平上研究不同发育阶段的小鼠卵母细胞转化精核的能力。生发泡期卵母细胞质不能诱发精子组蛋白替代鱼精蛋白及精核解聚。生发泡破裂后,卵母细胞获得使精核解聚的能力,但直到卵母细胞完成成熟前,雄原核均不能形成。进一步研究表明,卵母细胞成熟过程中持续的蛋白质合成是雄原核形成所必需的,鱼精蛋白质磷酸化是精核解聚中的关键步骤。  相似文献   

Tritiated thymidine injected intraperitoneally into female mice midway through the gestation period was demonstrated by autoradiographic methods to be incorporated into the nuclei of oocytes of female embryos, observed at the pachytene stage of meiosis 2 to 4 days after the injection. The tritium label was also demonstrated in the oocyte nuclei of the daughters of similarly treated females at maturity (6 weeks post partum). It was also found that some follicle cells, likewise labeled with H3-thymidine in mid-fetal life, persisted to maturity with few or no intervening mitoses. The observations are presented in support of the prevailing view that individual oocytes which arise from germ cell primordia in fetal stages become the egg cells of the adult female mammal.  相似文献   

RNA SYNTHESIS IN THE MOUSE OOCYTE   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
RNA synthesis in the oocyte and granulosa cell nuclei of growing follicles has been studied in the mouse ovary. The RNA precursor [3H]uridine was administered intraperitoneally to adult mice and the amount of label incorporated into ovarian RNA was quantitated autoradiographically using grain-counting procedures. Uridine incorporation into the nucleus is low in oocytes of small, resting follicles but increases during follicle growth and reaches a peak prior to the beginning of antrum formation. Thereafter uptake rapidly declines and is very low in the oocytes of maturing follicles. Uridine incorporation into granulosa cell nuclei, in contrast to that found in the oocyte, increases gradually during most of the period of follicle growth. Qualitative studies of the activity of endogenous, DNA-dependent RNA polymerases have also been made in fixed oocytes isolated from follicles at different stages of growth. Polymerase activity is demonstrable in the nucleolus and nucleoplasm of oocytes from growing follicles, but is absent from maturing oocytes of large follicles.  相似文献   

Cytological changes occurring in young oocytes of the mouse, following whole-body x-irradiation, have been examined by light and electron microscopy. Two minutes after a dose of 200 r, a drop occurs in the number of mitochondria per oocyte. The normal number of mitochondria is restored in the next few minutes. Five to 6 hours after a dose of 7 r, and 30 to 45 minutes following a dose of 200 r, all the oocytes are markedly contracted. In the next 2 hours (at a dose of 7 r), some cells shrink further and become pycnotic, while others expand and show signs of karyolysis. Of the expanded cells, some (about 50 per cent of total young oocytes) become morphologically normal. In both pycnotic and karyolytic nuclei, the nucleolus was contracted but without loss of its fibrillar structure. The contracted nucleolus appeared similar to those seen in some nearly mature normal oocytes (these oocytes have a high natural death rate). No other cell type in the ovary was affected by doses of x-rays up to 200 r. Observations on the nucleus of the normal oocyte are included. In the dictyate stage of meiotic prophase the chromosomes were dispersed into bundles of 100 A microfibrils. The main component of the nucleolus was found to be tightly coiled fibrils of 60 to 100 A, which appear to have a close relationship with the microfibrils of the chromosomes.  相似文献   

目的: 本文采用免疫组织化学方法观察Myb转录因子家族成员c-myb蛋白在小鼠精子和卵母细胞-卵丘复合物中的分布.方法: 建立小鼠体外受精模型,用不同浓度反义c-myb寡脱氧核苷酸(c-myb ASODNs)与精子、卵母-卵丘细胞复合物共孵育观察其对小鼠体外受精率的影响,并进一步探讨c-myb ASODNs对小鼠体外受精率的影响机制.结果: 在颗粒细胞胞核和精子的头部有c-myb蛋白分布.c-myb ASODNs呈剂量依赖性抑制小鼠体外受精率(小鼠体外受精率在空白组、低、中、高浓度c-myb ASODNs组、无义tat ODNs组分别为34.97%、30.89%、20.14%、16.68%、34.47% ).GABA、P4、Verapamil和dbcAMP与c-myb ASODNs共同作用时,GABA、P4、dbcAMP三者均逆转c-myb ASODNs对受精的抑制作用,(小鼠体外受精率在空白组、中浓度c-myb ASODNs组、GABA、P4、Verapamil和dbcAMP组、分别为34.81%、22.96%、40.83%、39.12%、7.463% 、40.61%),GABA、P4、和dbcAMP三者对精子中的c-myb蛋白免疫组化染色阳性的细胞百分率无明显影响.Verapamil能抑制小鼠体外受精,并协同c-myb ASODNs的抑制作用,且使精子中的c-myb蛋白免疫组化染色阳性的细胞百分率明显下降.结论: c-myb ASODNs与受精密切相关, Verapamila可能通过调节精子中的c-myb表达,从而抑制小鼠体外受精,而GABA、P4和dbcAMP可能不是通过c-myb来影响受精过程.  相似文献   

乙醇对着床前小鼠胚胎体外发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用含不同浓度乙醇的Whitten氏培养液对小鼠2细胞、4细胞、8细胞和桑椹期胚胎分别进行体外培养,研究了乙醇对小鼠不同发育时期胚胎体外发育的影响。首先利用含0、0.1%、0.5%、1.0%、1.5%、2.0%、3.0%、5.0%和10.0%乙醇的Whitten氏培养液对2细胞胚胎进行培养,发现小鼠2细胞胚胎对培养液中乙醇浓度的耐受极限在1.5%左右。然后又用含1%和3%乙醇的Whitten氏培养液分别对小鼠2细胞、4细胞、8细胞和桑椹期胚胎进行培养。结果发现:含1%乙醇的培养液对于8细胞胚胎和桑椹胚的囊胚形成有促进作用,而在2细胞和4细胞胚胎中则影响不明显。3%乙醇则对各期胚胎均有不同程度的抑制作用,但随着胚胎发育其对乙醇的耐受力逐渐增强。  相似文献   

In previous experiments, we found that rats raised in constant light (LL) manifested a more robust circadian rhythm of motor activity in LL and showed longer phase shifts after a light pulse in constant darkness (DD) than those raised under constant darkness. In addition, we observed that the effects produced by constant light differed depending on the time of postnatal development in which it was given. These results suggest that both sensitivity to light and the functioning of the circadian pacemaker of the rat could be affected by the environmental conditions experienced during postembryonic development. Thus, the present experiment aimed to study whether postnatal exposure to light could also affect the circadian system of the mouse. Three groups of mice were formed: One group was raised under constant darkness during lactation (DD group), the second under constant light (LL group), and the third under light-dark cycles (LD group). After lactation, the three groups were submitted first to constant light of high intensity, then to LD cycles, and finally to constant darkness. In the DD stage, a light pulse was given. Finally, mice were submitted to constant light of low intensity. We observed that the circadian rhythm of the DD group was more disturbed under constant light than the rhythm of the LL group, and that, when light intensity increased, the period of the rhythm of the DD group lengthened more than that of the LL group. No significant differences among the groups were found in the phase shift induced by the light pulse. Therefore, it appears that DD mice are more sensitive to light than their LL counterparts. However, at present there is no evidence to affirm that the light environment experienced by the mouse during postnatal development affects the circadian pacemaker. (Chronobiology International, 18(4), 683–696, 2001)  相似文献   

利用本实验室建立的小鼠胎肝造血基质细胞系(MFLSC)研究了造血基质细胞对粒-巨噬系造血祖细胞(CFU-GM)生长的影响。实验结果表明,MFLSC对CFUGM集落的生成有双向调控作用,即既有刺激性作用,又有抑制性影响。这种调控有体液因子之中介,亦有细胞与细胞间近距离的效应。文中讨论了MFLSC双向调控CFUGM生长的意义及其机理。  相似文献   

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