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Macromomycin, a protein antitumor drug, was found to cause strand scissions in vitro in superhelical PM2 and SV40 DNA as well as linear duplex lambda DNA. DNA damage appeared to be single rather than double-strand scissions, and there is an indication that DNA breaks occur at some preferential base sites. The DNA breaks were predominantly true single-strand scissions as opposed to alkali-labile bonds. The cutting reaction was inhibited by low temperature (0 degrees C) and reached a maximum at 45 degrees C. The reaction was not affected by 2-mercaptoethanol, although EDTA did cause a slight decrease in the reaction rate. MgCl2 was found to be an effective inhibitor of the strand scission activity of the drug. The rate of DNA cutting was linear over a wide range of DNA substrate levels. There appeared to be a correlation between the drug's ability to damage DNA and to inhibit cell growth in that similar losses of these two activities occurred as the drug was thermally denatured.  相似文献   

Although the cellular form of the prion protein (PrPC) is critical for the development of prion disease through its conformational conversion into the infectious form (PrPSc), the physiological role of PrPC is less clear. Using alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (the Comet assay), we show that expression of PrPC protects human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells against DNA damage under basal conditions and following exposure to reactive oxygen species, either hydroxyl radicals following exposure to Cu2+ or Fe2+ or singlet oxygen following exposure to the photosensitizer methylene blue and white light. Cells expressing either PrPDeltaoct which lacks the octapeptide repeats or the prion-disease-associated mutants A116V or PG14 had increased levels of DNA damage compared to cells expressing PrPC. In PrPSc-infected mouse ScN2a cells there was a significant increase in DNA damage over noninfected N2a cells (median tail DNA 2.87 and 7.33%, respectively). Together, these data indicate that PrPC has a critical role to play in protecting cells against reactive-oxygen-species-mediated DNA damage; a function which requires the octapeptide repeats in the protein, is lost in disease-associated mutants of the protein or upon conversion to PrPSc, and thus provide further support for the neuroprotective role for PrPC.  相似文献   

Growth inhibition and cell killing by bleomycin are believed to be related to the ability of this antibiotic to cleave chromosomal DNA. Because bleomycin has an intracellular site of action, its ability to cross biological membranes must be critical to its overall effectiveness as an antitumor agent. The local anesthetic dibucaine acts to enhance membrane fluidity; therefore, the reported ability of this local anesthetic to modulate bleomycin effects on KB cells was investigated. Cells were treated with various bleomycin congeners in the presence or absence of dibucaine for 24 h. Dibucaine enhanced the inhibition of cell growth mediated by bleomycin A2, demethylbleomycin A2, bleomycin B2, and isobleomycin A2. N-Acetylbleomycin A2 did not inhibit cell growth in the absence of dibucaine, but it was inhibitory in the presence of dibucaine. Cells treated simultaneously for analysis of DNA breakage on alkaline sucrose gradients revealed that breakage was also enhanced in the presence of dibucaine. The degree of enhancement varied with dose and bleomycin congener. N-Acetylbleomycin A2 did not induce DNA breakage in either the absence or the presence of dibucaine. While growth inhibition and net DNA breakage correlated reasonably well in the absence of dibucaine for each bleomycin analogue tested, proportionality was lost in the presence of dibucaine, and very little DNA breakage was present when growth inhibition was complete. These observations imply that, at least in the presence of dibucaine, bleomycin may mediate growth inhibition at some locus in addition to chromosomal DNA and, also, that a given net amount of bleomycin analogue induced DNA damage per se does not produce a specific degree of growth inhibition.  相似文献   

D E Berry  L H Chang  S M Hecht 《Biochemistry》1985,24(13):3207-3214
Bleomycin is hypothesized to cause cell growth inhibition and cell death via DNA cleavage. We have attempted to determine if net DNA cleavage is directly related to growth inhibition by measuring whether both parameters vary in parallel. Of primary importance to these studies was use of several bleomycin congeners. We have shown that these congeners vary in their abilities both to inhibit cell growth and to cause DNA damage. Bleomycin B2, tallysomycin, and phleomycin were the most potent growth inhibitors, and bleomycin B2 caused the most DNA damage. N-Acetylbleomycin A2 was inactive in both assays. The net amount of DNA damage measured at two levels of growth inhibition was compared for each congener and was found to vary widely among the congeners. Similarly, the degree of growth inhibition at a given level of submaximal DNA damage was found to vary widely when individual congeners were compared to each other. Hence, growth inhibition and net DNA damage due to bleomycin are not directly correlated with each other when individual congeners are compared to each other.  相似文献   

Nitrofurantoin inhibited growth and produced loss of viability of Vibrio cholerae cells in a dose-dependent manner, the 10% (D10) and 37% (D37) survival doses being 18.0 and 5.5 micrograms/ml x hr. respectively. The drug also caused filamentation of the cells in a very significant manner. Ultraviolet absorption data and thermal chromatography through hydroxyapatite column revealed that nitrofurantoin treatment of Vibrio cholerae cells produced a maximum amount of 55% of DNA reversibly bihelical due to the formation of inter-strand cross-links. Helix-coil transition studies carried out by viscometric and also, spectrophotometric methods revealed that the nitrofurantoin-induced cross-links in Vibrio cholerae DNA, imparted to this DNA greater thermal stability than that of native DNA. The quantitative aspect and also the mode of nitrofurantoin action on DNA of Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli cells vis-à-vis the carcinogenic potential of the drug were discussed.  相似文献   

DNA strand scission by the antitumor protein neocarzinostatin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The antibiotic protein, neocarzinostatin, induces the scission of DNA strands in vivo and in vitro. HeLa cell DNA prelabelled with [14C] thymidine is cut into large pieces with a peak at 80–90S when cells are incubated with 0.5 to 5.0 μg/ml of highly purified neocarzinostatin. Incubation of the antibiotic (0.5 μg/ml) with [3H] SV40 DNA in the presence of 2-mercaptoethanol results in the conversion of superhelical DNA I to nicked circular duplex DNA II. At high levels of drug, smaller fragments of linear DNA are produced. Strand breaks are detected in both neutral and alkaline sucrose gradients, indicating that drug susceptibility is not due to alkali-labile bonds.  相似文献   

The topoisomerase IIα inhibitor etoposide is a ‘broad spectrum’ anticancer agent and a potent inducer of DNA double strand breaks. DNA damage response of mammalian cells usually involves cell cycle arrest and DNA repair or, if unsuccessful, cell death. We investigated these processes in the human colon cancer cell line HT-29 treated with three different etoposide regimens mimicking clinically relevant plasma concentrations of cancer patients. Each involved a period of drug-free incubation following etoposide exposure to imitate the decline of plasma levels between the cycles of chemotherapy. We found a massive induction of double strand breaks that were rapidly and nearly completely fixed long before the majority of cells underwent apoptosis or necrosis. An even greater percentage of cells lost clonogenicity. The occurrence of double strand breaks was accompanied by a decrease in the levels of Ku70, Ku86 and DNA-PKcs as well as an increase in the level of Rad51 protein. Twenty-four hours after the first contact with etoposide we found a pronounced G2/M arrest, regardless of the duration of drug exposure, the level of double strand breaks and the extent of their repair. During the subsequent drug-free incubation period, the loss of clonogenicity correlated well with the preceding G2/M arrest as well as with the amount of cell death found several days after exposure. However, it correlated neither with early apoptosis or necrosis nor with any of the other investigated parameters. These results suggest that the G2/M arrest is an important determinant in the cytostatic action of etoposide and that the removal of DNA double strand breaks is not sufficient to ensure cell survival.  相似文献   

《Translational oncology》2020,13(11):100834
The Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) plays a key role in the adaptive response to loss of protein homeostasis within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The UPR has an adaptive function in protein homeostasis, however, sustained activation of the UPR due to hypoxia, nutrient deprivation, and increased demand for protein synthesis, alters the UPR program such that additional perturbation of ER homeostasis activates a pro-apoptotic program. Since ubiquitination followed by proteasomal degradation of misfolded proteins within the ER is a central mechanism for restoration of ER homeostasis, inhibitors of this pathway have proven to be valuable anti-cancer therapeutics. Ubiquitin activating enzyme 1(UAE1), activates ubiquitin for transfer to target proteins for proteasomal degradation in conjunction with E2 and E3 enzymes. Inhibition of UAE1 activity in response to TAK-243, leads to an accumulation of misfolded proteins within the ER, thereby aggravating ER stress, leading to DNA damage and arrest of cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle. Persistent drug treatment mediates a robust induction of apoptosis following a transient cell cycle arrest. These biological effects of TAK-243 were recapitulated in mouse models of PDAC demonstrating antitumor activity at a dose and schedule that did not exhibit obvious normal tissue toxicity. In vitro as well as studies in mouse models failed to show enhanced efficacy when TAK-243 was combined with ionizing radiation or gemcitabine, providing an impetus for future studies to identify agents that synergize with this class of agents for improved tumor control in PDAC.SignificanceThe UAE1 inhibitor TAK-243, mediates activation of the unfolded protein response, accumulation of DNA breaks and apoptosis, providing a rationale for the use as a safe and efficacious anti-cancer therapeutic for PDAC.  相似文献   

Cellular responses to reactive oxygen species-induced DNA damage and aging   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Oxidative stress in cells and tissues can occur during pathophysiological developments, e.g., during inflammatory and allergic diseases or during ischemic or toxic and hyperglycemic conditions via the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Moreover, ROS can be generated by radiation (UV, X-rays) and pharmacologically, e.g., by anthracyclins as chemotherapeutic compounds for treatment of a variety of tumors to induce 'stress or aberrant signaling-inducing senescence' (STASIS). Although STASIS is distinguished from intracellular replicative senescence, a variety of cellular mechanisms appear similar in both aging pathways. It is generally accepted that oxidative stress and ROS eventually cause DNA damage, whereby insufficient cellular repair mechanisms may contribute to premature aging and apoptosis. Conversely, ROS-induced imbalances of the signaling pathways for metabolic protein turnover may also result in opposite effects to recruit malfunctioning aberrant proteins and compounds that trigger tumorigenic processes. Consequently, DNA damage plays a role in the development of carcinogenesis, but is also associated with an aging process in cells and organisms.  相似文献   

The relationship between DNA synthesis and protein accumulation in cell nucleus and cytoplasm has been investigated by the use of a combination of ultramicrointerferometric and ultramicrospectrophotometric methods. 5-Fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine (FUdR) inhibited DNA synthesis, resulting in inhibition of cell proliferation in G-1 and early S-phase. However, synthesis and accumulation of protein continued in the presence of FUdR, as indicated by a 54% increase in the average dry mass value per individual cell during 18-hour exposure to FUdR; due primarily to protein accumulation in the cytoplasm, the average cytoplasmic dry mass increased by as much as 85%, while the dry mass of the nucleus increased by only 21%. The dry mass values of individual nuclei were well-correlated to the nuclear DNA content throughout the period of exposure to FUdR. In contrast to the continued accumulation of protein in the cytoplasm during inhibition of DNA synthesis, protein accumulation in the nucleus was inhibited. When cells were released from inhibition of DNA synthesis by the addition of 2'-deoxythymidine, the nuclear DNA content and nuclear dry mass increased in near-synchrony, there being some evidence that DNA synthesis was initiated somewhat prior to initiation of increase in nuclear dry mass. Thus, it appears that DNA synthesis (or an increase in nuclear DNA content) is intimately related to the regulation of protein accumulation in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Protein oxidation can contribute to radiation-induced cell death by two mechanisms: (1) by reducing the fidelity of DNA repair, and (2) by decreasing cell viability directly. Previously, we explored the first mechanism by developing a mathematical model and applying it to data on Deinococcus radiodurans . Here we extend the model to both mechanisms, and analyze a recently published data set of protein carbonylation and cell survival in D. radiodurans and Escherichia coli exposed to gamma and ultraviolet radiation. Our results suggest that similar cell survival curves can be produced by very different mechanisms. For example, wild-type E. coli and DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair-deficient recA- D. radiodurans succumb to radiation doses of similar magnitude, but for different reasons: wild-type E. coli proteins are easily oxidized, causing cell death even at low levels of DNA damage, whereas proteins in recA- D. radiodurans are well protected from oxidation, but DSBs are not repaired correctly even when most proteins are intact. Radioresistant E. coli mutants survive higher radiation doses than the wild-type because of superior protection of cellular proteins from radiogenic oxidation. In contrast, wild-type D. radiodurans is much more radioresistant than the recA- mutant because of superior DSB repair, whereas protein protection in both strains is similar. With further development, the modeling approach presented here can also quantify the causes of radiation-induced cell death in other organisms. Enhanced understanding of these causes can stimulate research on novel radioprotection strategies.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi, a parasitic protozoan, is the etiological agent of Chagas disease, an endemic and neglected pathology in Latin America. It presents a life cycle that involves a hematophagous insect and man as well as domestic and wild mammals. The parasitic infection is not eliminated by the immune system of mammals; thus, the vertebrate host serves as a parasite reservoir. Additionally, chronic processes leading to dysfunction of the cardiac and digestive systems are observed. To establish a chronic infection some parasites should resist the oxidative damage to its DNA exerted by oxygen and nitrogen free radicals (ROS/RNS) generated in host cells. Till date there are no reports directly showing oxidative DNA damage and repair in T. cruzi. We establish that ROS/RNS generate nuclear and kinetoplastid DNA damage in T. cruzi that may be partially repaired by the parasite. Furthermore, we determined that both oxidative agents diminish T. cruzi cell viability. This effect is significantly augmented in parasites subsequently incubated with methoxyamine, a DNA base excision repair (BER) pathway inhibitor, strongly suggesting that the maintenance of T. cruzi viability is a consequence of DNA repair mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cisplatin is a highly effective chemotherapeutic drug acting as a DNA-damaging agent that induces apoptosis of rapidly proliferating cells. Unfortunately, cellular resistance still occurs. Mutations in p53 in a large fraction of tumor cells contribute to defects in apoptotic pathways and drug resistance. To uncover new strategies to eliminate tumors through a p53-independent pathway, we established a simplified model devoid of p53 to study cisplatin-induced regulated cell death, using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We previously showed that cisplatin induces an active form of cell death accompanied by DNA condensation and fragmentation/degradation, but no significant mitochondrial dysfunction. We further demonstrated that proteasome inhibition, either with MG132 or genetically, increased resistance to cisplatin. In this study, we sought to determine how proteasome inhibition is important for cisplatin resistance by analyzing how it affects several phenotypes associated with the DNA damage response. We found MG132 does not seem to affect the activation of the DNA damage response or increase damage tolerance. Moreover, central modulators of the DNA damage response are not required for cisplatin resistance imparted by MG132. These results suggest the proteasome is involved in modulation of cisplatin toxicity downstream of DNA damage. Proteasome inhibitors can sensitize tumor cells to cisplatin, but protect others from cisplatin-induced cell death. Elucidation of this mechanism will therefore aid in the development of new strategies to increase the efficacy of chemotherapy.  相似文献   

White fluorescent light (5 W m−2) inhibited Avena coleoptile growth. Light caused in increase in minimum stress relaxation time and a decrease in extensibility (strain/load) of coleoptile cell walls. Light increased the contents of ferulic acid (FA) and diferulic acid (DFA) ester-linked to the hemicellulose I in cell walls. These changes in the phenolic contents correlated with those of the mechanical properties of cell walls, suggesting that light stimulates the formation of DFA in hemicellulose I, making cell walls rigid, and thus results in growth inhibition. The ratio of DFA to FA was almost constant in the dark, but decreased in light, although it was almost constant in Oryza coleoptiles either in the dark or in light (Tan et al. 1992). From this fact, it is speculated that in the light condition, the formation of DFA in cell walls is limited in the step of the peroxidase catalyzed coupling reaction to produce DFA, while in the dark it is limited in the step of the feruloylation of hemicellulose I.  相似文献   

Previous studies using the technique of premature chromosome condensation indicated that nearly one-half of the bleomycin-induced chromatid breaks and gaps in CHO cells could be repaired within 1 h (repair starting at 30 min) after treatment. Cycloheximide and streptovitacin A (but not hydroxyurea or hycanthone) inhibited chromosome repair. The purpose of this study was to measure the kinetics of DNA repair after bleomycin treatment using the alkaline elution technique and to determine whether various inhibitors could block this repair. After bleomycin treatment, the major proportion of the repair of DNA damage occurred within 15 min, with significant repair evident by 2 min. This fast repair component was inhibited by 0.2% EDTA. A slower repair component was observed to occur up to 60 min after bleomycin treatment. None of the inhibitors tested were found to have a significant effect on the repair of bleomycin damage at the DNA level. Since chromosome breaks were observed not to begin repair until after 30 min while over 50% of the DNA was repaired by 15 min, these results suggest that the DNA lesions that are repaired quickly are not important in the formation of chromosome aberrations. Further, since cycloheximide and streptovitacin A blocked chromosome repair but had little measurable effect on DNA repair, these results suggest that the DNA lesions responsible for chromosome damage represent only a small proportion of the total DNA lesions produced by bleomycin.  相似文献   

Tom Moss 《Epigenetics》2011,6(2):128-133
Mutations in the pattern of CpG methylation imprinting of the human genome have been correlated with a number of diseases including cancer. In particular, aberrant imprinting of tumor suppressor genes by gain of CpG methylation has been observed in many cancers and thus represents an important alternative pathway to gene mutation and tumor progression. Inhibitors of DNA methylation display therapeutic effects in the treatment of certain cancers and it has been assumed that these effects are due to the reversal of mutant gene imprinting. However, significant reactivation of imprinted tumor suppressor genes is rarely observed in vivo following treatment with DNA methylation inhibitors. A recent study revealed an unexpected requirement for CpG methylation in the synthesis and assembly of the ribosome, an essential function for cell growth and proliferation. As such, the data provide an unforeseen explanation of the action of DNA methylation inhibitors in restricting cancer cell growth.Key words: DNA methylation, meCpG, DNA methyltransferase-inhibition, DNMT1-/-, DNMT3b-/-, aza-deoxycytidine, gene silencing, ribosome biogenesis, cancer therapy  相似文献   

Mice received an intraperitoneal injection of 14C-labeled acrylamide (AA) at an exposure of 125 mg/kg to equal that used in genetic studies carried out by Shelby et al. (1986). Subsequently, spermatozoa were recovered from the reproductive tracts of the animals over a 3-week period and assayed for the amount of bound AA. A strong increase in the level of binding occurred in late-spermatid to early-spermatozoa stages; these same stages are also genetically most sensitive to the action of AA. At all time points, alkylation of DNA within the sperm accounted for a very small fraction (generally less than 0.5%) of the total sperm-head alkylation. However, alkylation of protamine, a protein unique to sperm cells, was found to be correlated with total sperm-head alkylation and accounted for essentially all of the AA binding. Two radioactive adducts were found in hydrolysed protamine samples, one of which co-eluted with a standard of S-carboxyethylcysteine. Protamine alkylation appears to be a significant cause of acrylamide-induced genetic damage in spermiogenic cells of the mouse.  相似文献   

Bleomycin (BLM), a well-known DNA scission agent, is assumed to inhibit intracellular DNA replication by damaging the DNA template (cis-acting mechanism), although other DNA damaging compounds can alter DNA replication through modulation of crucial replication factor(s) (trans-acting mechanism). The present study examines the relationship between DNA damage and inhibition of replication caused by BLM in the well-defined simian virus 40 (SV40) intracellular and cell-free in vitro systems. Treatment of SV40-infected BSC-1 cells for 2 h with BLM at 50 microg/mL, induced 0.3 break/viral genome. Under the same treatment conditions, analysis of replication intermediates on two-dimensional gels showed a decrease in both mass of SV40 replication intermediates and replication activity. The mass of SV40 intermediates was decreased to about 30%, whereas replication activity was reduced to less than 5%. These results suggest that BLM inhibits both initiation and elongation phases of SV40 replication. In a cell-free DNA replication system, extracts from BLM-treated cells (50 micro/mL) were able to support SV40 DNA replication by only 50%. In this study, non-drug-treated DNA template was used, implying that BLM can induce a trans-acting effect. Finally, the drug-induced effects on SV40 DNA replication in cell-free and intracellular viral systems were compared to the effects on genomic DNA replication in BSC-1 cells. Overall, the results support the concept that BLM-induced inhibition of DNA replication occurs by both trans- (inhibition of replication of nondamaged template) and cis-acting mechanisms (template damage).  相似文献   

J S Liu  S R Kuo  X Yin  T A Beerman  T Melendy 《Biochemistry》2001,40(48):14661-14668
Treatment of cells with the enediyne C-1027 is highly efficient at inducing single- and double-strand DNA breaks. This agent is highly cytotoxic when used at picomolar levels over a period of days. For this study, C-1027 has been used at higher levels for a much shorter time period to look at early cellular responses to DNA strand breaks. Extracts from cells treated with C-1027 for as little as 2 h are deficient in SV40 DNA replication activity. Treatment with low levels of C-1027 (1-3 nM) does not result in the presence of a replication inhibitor in cell extracts, but they are deficient in replication protein A (RPA) function. Extracts from cells treated with high levels of C-1027 (10 nM) do show the presence of a trans-acting inhibitor of DNA replication. The deficiency in RPA in extracts from cells treated with low levels of C-1027 can be fully complemented by the addition of exogenous RPA, and may be due to a C-1027-induced decrease in the extractability of RPA. This decrease in the extractability of RPA correlates with the appearance of many extraction-resistant intranuclear RPA foci. The trans-acting inhibitor of DNA replication induced by treatment of cells with high levels of C-1027 (10 nM) is DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK). DNA-PK is activated by the presence of DNA fragments induced by C-1027 treatment, and can be abrogated by removal of the DNA fragments. Although it is activated by DNA damage and phosphorylates RPA, DNA-PK is not required for either RPA focalization or loss of RPA replication activity.  相似文献   

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