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Electrophoresis of concentrated parotid saliva on slab polyacrylamide gels negatively stained with 3,3-dimethoxybenzidine and hydrogen peroxide (DMB stain) showed nine phenotypes among the proline-rich proteins. These phenotypes are the expression of four autosomal codominant alleles. Gene frequencies are, for Caucasians, Pr 1=0.640, Pr 1=0.005, Pr 2=0.080, Pr 2=0.275; for Negroes, Pr 1=0.700, Pr 1=0.050, Pr 2=0.080, Pr 2=0.170; for Chinese, Pr 1=0.770, Pr 1=0, Pr 2=0, Pr 2=0.230. The presence or absence of another pair of proteins giving the same negative staining is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait (Db). Homozygous Db + + and heterozygous Db + – individuals could not be distinguished. The genetic determinant (Db) for this pair of proteins is either closely linked to or part of the Pr locus. Gene frequencies are, for Caucasians, Db +=0.12, Db =0.88; for Negroes, Db +=0.56, Db =0.44; for Chinese, Db +=0.07, Db =0.93.This study was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Dental Research (9-R01-DE-03685-08) and in part by grant GM 15422 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization of a 3H-labeled probe containing a fragment from PRP-1, a genomic clone with human salivary proline-rich protein gene sequences, revealed significant labeling on the short arm of human chromosome 12 in metaphase preparations from two individuals. Fifty-three percent of metaphases exhibited labeling on one or both chromosomes 12. Additional cells scored at the 850-1,000 band level revealed a significant proportion (52% [32/61] grains, p less than 0.005) of the labeled sites on chromosome 12 to be on band 12p13.2. This probe for a human salivary proline-rich protein gene fragment, probably PMS, is from a cluster of 13 linked genes designated as the human salivary protein complex (SPC). Studies of the DNA of human-mouse somatic-cell hybrids have assigned the SPC to chromosome 12, but have not provided a regional localization (Azen et al, 1985). This paper reports the localization of the SPC to a specific chromosomal band, 12p13.2.  相似文献   

We have shown that genes for at least six human parotid proteins, parotid acidic protein (Pa), proline-rich protein (Pr), double-banded protein (Db), glycoprotein (Gl), parotid middle-band protein (Pm), and parotid-size variant (Ps) are linked. We have designated this complex of genes as the salivary protein complex (SPC). Several of the genes in this complex show marked associations that are most likely the result of linkage disequilibrium. It seems likely that the SPC arose through the process of gene duplication. This hypothesis is supported by the results of our present study that demonstrate the biochemical similarity of the protein products of several SPC genes. The amino acid compositions of the major SPC proteins are compared, including several (Ps 1 and 2, and Db) that have not been published. All of these proteins are quite similar and consist to a large extent of the amino acids, proline, glycine, and gix (glutamine and/or glutamic acid).  相似文献   

Two new genetic polymorphisms (Pe and Po) are found in human parotid saliva. Each polymorphism is determined by the autosomal inheritance of one expressed (dominant) and one unexpressed (recessive) allele. Autosomal inheritance is supported by studies of 63 families including 264 children for Pe and 57 families including 242 children for Po. For randomly collected salivas, gene frequencies in 317 whites are Pe+ = 0.76 and Pe- = 0.24; in 408 whites, Po+ = 0.75 and Po- = 0.25; in 51 blacks, Pe+ = 0.76 and Pe- = 0.24; and in 59 blacks, Po+ = 0.77 and Po- = 0.23. Both Pe and Po proteins react immunologically with polyclonal antisera prepared to proline-rich proteins PRPs. The Pe protein has an isoelectric point of approximately pH 6.1-6.3, and the Po protein has an isoelectric point greater than pH 8.0. In randomly collected salivas, the Pe and Po proteins are associated with other known salivary PRPs. The Pe protein is most strongly associated with the CON 1 and Ps proteins, is less strongly associated with the Pr and Pa proteins, and is not significantly associated with the PmF, PmS, PIF, Db, Con 2, or Gl proteins. If it is assumed that the strength of these associations (presumed linkage disequilibrium) may be related in part to map distance, then these data roughly fit the linear order of PRP genes as previously determined from recombination data derived from family linkage studies. The Po protein is associated with the PmS protein. There is evidence for probable linkage of Pe and Po to the SPC (salivary protein gene complex): Pe to Pa (nine families, lod score at theta = 0 is 2.67) and Po to CON 2 (three families, lod score at theta = 0 is 2.35).  相似文献   

Thirteen samples of human normal whole saliva were analyzed by RP-HPLC-ESI-MS and MALDI-TOF-MS to investigate the basic proline-rich protein complex. Between known basic-PRPs the P-B, P-C (or IB-8b), P-D (or IB-5), P-E (or IB-9), P-F (or IB-8c), P-H (or IB-4), IB-6, II-2, IB-1, and IB-8a glucosylated were identified, whereas the II-1, IB-7, PA, and D1-A peptides were not detected. Some detected masses not attributable to known basic-PRPs were putatively ascribed to II-2 and IB-1 nonphosphorylated, II-2 and IB-1 missing the C-terminal arginine residue, and the 1-62 fragment of IB-6, named P-J peptide. A correlation matrix analysis revealed a cluster of correlation among all the basic PRPs (apart from the P-B peptide) which is in agreement with their common parotid origin.  相似文献   

Genetic polymorphism is found among the PIF (parotid isoelectric focusing variant) salivary proteins after separation by prolonged isoelectric focusing in pH 3.5–5.2 urea polyacrylamide slab gels subsequently stained for protein. Two PIF proteins are either present (PIF +) or absent (PIF –) from all salivas. The phenotypes are determined by autosomal inheritance of two alleles, PIF + and PIF . Gene frequencies in randomly collected samples show marked racial differences: among 148 whites, PIF + is 0.66 and PIF is 0.34; among 90 blacks, PIF + is 0.35 and PIF is 0.65; among 78 Chinese, PIF + is 0.56 and PIF is 0.44. Studies in 41 families including 129 children support the interpretation of control of PIF by a single autosomal locus. In 8 PIF+ × PIF– matings, there were 8 PIF– (6.34 expected) children. In 33 PIF+ × PIF+ matings, there were 7 PIF– (6.70 expected) children. Linkage studies indicate that PIF is closely linked to the proline-rich protein (PPP) gene complex (e.g., for six families, lod score at =0.00 of PIF/G1 is 3.58). In 107 randomly collected samples from whites, PIF is strongly associated with Db (x 1 2 =20.02; P<0.0001) and Gl (x 1 2 =12.58; P=0.0005) but not with Pr, Ps, Pm, and Pa proteins. These data (probably reflecting genetic disequilibrium) suggest that PIF may be closer to Db and G1 than to other identified loci of the PPP gene complex. The PPP gene complex includes at least seven genes (and probably more) that produce many acidic and basic proline-rich proteins, constituting about two-thirds of parotid salivary proteins that are thought to have important functions at the tooth surfaces.This study was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Dental Research (DEO 3658-15). Paper No. 2435 of the Laboratory of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706.  相似文献   

Two new genetic protein polymorphisms (CON 1 and CON 2) were identified in parotid saliva. Genetic polymorphisms of salivary CON 1 (concanavalin A) and CON 2 proteins are determined by autosomal inheritance of one expressed (dominant) and one unexpressed (recessive) allele for each gene. Autosomal inheritance is supported by studies in 26 families including 105 children for CON 1 and 23 families including 95 children for CON 2. Gene frequencies determined for randomly collected salivas from 134 whites, 79 Chinese, and 74 blacks are as follows: for whites, CON 1 += 0.396 and CON 1 = 0.604, CON 2 + = 0.034 and CON 2 = 0.966; for Chinese, CON 1 + = 0.580 and CON 1 = 0.420, CON 2 + = 0 and CON 2 = 1; for blacks, CON 1 + = 0.581 and CON 1 = 0.419, CON 2 + = 0.007 and CON 2 = 0.993. Both CON 1 and CON 2 proteins, transferred from SDS gels to nitrocellulose, react with concanavalin A. The CON 1 and CON 2 proteins react with antisera prepared to proline-rich proteins (PRP), and the CON 1 and CON 2 proteins have isoelectric points greater than pH 8.5. In randomly collected salivas, the CON 1 protein shows a strong association with Ps proteins, and the CON 2 protein shows a strong association with the PmF protein. On the basis of association data, PmS and CON 2 genes may be outside markers in a linear arrangement of the three genes, PmS, PmF, and CON 2. There is strong evidence for linkage of CON 1 and CON 2 to the SPC (salivary protein gene complex), CON 1 to Ps (15 families, lod score at = 0 is 6.77), CON 2 to PmF (7 families, lod score at = 0 is 5.93), and CON 2 to Gl (5 families, lod score at =0 is 3.91). In addition to immunologic reactions with the CON 1 and CON 2 proteins, antisera to PRP show extensive immunologic reactions with many other salivary proteins when tested by immunoblotting on nitrocellulose. Some of these proteins were previously identified PRP (proline-rich proteins) that are determined by different PRP loci.This study was supported by Grant (DEO 3658-18) from the National Institutes of Dental Research. Paper No. 2647 of the Laboratory of Genetics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706.  相似文献   

Amino acid composition and electrophoretic mobility suggest that two polymorphic proteins in human parotid saliva, Pm and PmS, are basic proline-rich proteins. Comparison of two basic proline-rich proteins previously isolated by D. L. Kauffman and P. J. Keller (1979) [Arch. Oral. Biol. 24: 249], IB-6 and IB-9, with PmS and Pm demonstrated corresponding electrophoretic mobilities on cationic polyacrylamide slab gels. Further, the amino acid compositions of IB-9 and Pm were found to be similar. Although differences in amino acid composition and carbohydrate content were noted, such differences could be accounted for, suggesting that IB-9 and Pm are identical.  相似文献   

The human salivary acidic proline-rich proteins (aPRPs) complex was investigated by different chromatographic and mass spectrometric approaches and the main aPRPs, namely PRP-1, PRP-2 and PIF-s (15,515 amu), Db-s (17,632 amu) and Pa (15,462 amu) proteins, were detected. All these isoforms are phosphorylated at Ser-8 and Ser-22 and have a pyroglutamic moiety at the N-terminus. Apart from Pa, all the other aPRPs undergo a proteolytic cleavage at Arg-106 residue (Arg-127 in Db-s protein), that generates the small PC peptide (4371 amu) and PRP-3, PRP-4, PIF-f (11,162 amu) and Db-f (13,280 amu) proteins, all of which were detected. With regard to the Pa protein, the main form detected was the dimeric derivative (Pa 2-mer, 30,922 amu) originated by a disulfide bond involving Cys-103 residue. Besides these known isoforms, several previously undetected aPRP derivatives were found (in minor amounts): (i) the triphosphorylated derivatives of PRP-1/PRP-2/PIF-s and Db-s, showing the additional phosphate group at Ser-17; (ii) the mono-phosphorylated forms at either Ser-22 or Ser-8 of PRP-1/PRP-2/PIF-s, PRP-3/PRP-4/PIF-f, Db-s and Db-f; (iii) a nonphosphorylated form of PRP-3/PRP-4/PIF-f; (iv) the triphosphorylated and diphosphorylated forms of Pa 2-mer. Moreover, minor quantities of PRP-3/PRP-4/PIF-f lacking the C-terminal Arg (11,006 amu), and of Pa 2-mer lacking the C-terminal Gln (30,793 amu) were found. By this approach the different phenotypes of PRH1 locus in 59 different subjects were characterized.  相似文献   

We present the nucleotide sequences of four members of the six-member human salivary prolinerich protein (PRP) gene family. The four genes are PRB1 and PRB2, which encode basic PRPs, and PRB3 and PRB4, which encode glycosylated PRPs. Each PRB gene is approximately 4.0 kb in length and contains four exons, the third of which is entirely composed of 63-bp tandem repeats and encodes the proline-rich portion of the protein products. Exon 3 contains different numbers of tandem repeats in the different PRB genes. Variation in the numbers of these repeats is also responsible for length variations in different alleles of the PRB genes. We have determined a probable evolutionary history of the human PRP gene family by comparing the nucleotide sequences of the six PRP genes. The present-day six PRP loci probably evolved from a single ancestral gene by four sequential gene duplications, leading to six genes that fall into three subsets, each consisting of two genes. During this evolutionary process, multiple rearrangements and gene conversion occurred mainly in the region from the 3 end of IVS2 and the 3 end of exon 3.  相似文献   

The acidic proline-rich proteins (Pr) showing genetic polymorphism were purified from human parotid salivas by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. Molecular weight determinations, amino acid composition analyses, and polypeptide mapping experiments indicate that the Pr 3 protein is a fragment of the Pr 1 protein. Studies of a parotid saliva factor capable of converting Pr 1 to Pr 3 and Pr 2 to Pr 4 indicate that Pr 3 and Pr 4 are generated from Pr 1 and Pr 2, respectively. Evidence suggests that the converting factor is a protease capable of posttranslationally cleaving Pr 1 and Pr 2, the primary or derived products of alleles Pr1 and Pr2.  相似文献   

A 1 year follow-up investigation of salivary acidic proline-rich proteins (aPRPs) in preterm and at-term newborns using HPLC-ESI-IT-MS showed that (i) this class of proteins is constitutive rather than inducible, as it is still found in the oral cavity of preterm newborns from 180 days of postconception age (PCA); (ii) the expression of PRH-2 locus anticipates that of PRH-1, since Db isoforms are expressed some months after the PRP-1 and PRP-2 isoforms. The evaluation of the relative abundances of the different aPRPs isoforms and derivatives (differently phosphorylated and cleaved) as a function of PCA showed that (iii) the proteolytic enzymes generating truncated isoforms are also constitutive because they are fully active since 180 days of PCA; (iv) the kinase involved in aPRP phosphorylation is not fully mature in preterm newborns, but its activity increases with PCA, synchronizing with that of at-term newborns and reaching the adult levels at about 500-600 days of PCA, in concomitance with the beginning of deciduous dentition.  相似文献   

Two members of the human salivary proline-rich protein (PRP) multigene family have been isolated and completely sequenced. These PRP genes, PRH1 and PRH2, are of the HaeIII-type subfamily and code for acidic PRP proteins. Both genes are approximately 3.5 kilobase pairs (kb) in length and contain four exons. Exon 3 encodes the proline-rich part of the protein and includes five 63-base pair (bp) repeats. CAT and ATA boxes and several possible enhancer sequences occur in a 1-kb region 5' to exon 1. Two sets of repeats occur in the sequenced region in addition to the 63-bp repeats: one pair of about 140 bp flanks 500 bp of DNA in the first intervening sequence, and the other pair of 72 bp is tandemly repeated 1.4 kb 5' to the PRH1 gene. The 4-kb region of sequenced DNA from PRH1 differs by an average of 8.7% from the same region in PRH2, but the nucleotide sequences of the exon 3 of the two genes differ by only 0.2%. This result suggests the occurrence of a recent gene conversion event. The regions containing the 5-fold repeated sequences of 63 bp are identical in the two genes, PRH1 and PRH2. A comparison of the human HaeIII and BstNI subfamily repeats and a comparison of the human, mouse, and rat repeats suggest that the individual repeats have evolved in a concerted fashion within each gene and within the PRP gene family as a whole.  相似文献   

There is genetic polymorphism of the peroxidase of human saliva, but not of leukocytes. The phenotypes are determined by autosomal inheritance, the phenotype of fast mobility (SAPX 1) being determined by homozygosity for a recessive gene (SAPX 1) and the phenotypes of slow mobility (SAPX 2 and SAPX 3) being determined by two different genes, SAPX 2 and SAPX 3, with completely dominant expression at the same locus. The phenotypes are modified by varying degrees of endogenous proteolysis. The SAPX 2 and SAPX 3 types appear to be genetically controlled modifications of SAPX 1 rather than different primary gene products, because of their completely dominant inheritance, their larger molecular size compared to SAPX 1, and their dissociation with 2-mercaptoethanol to give SAPX 1. The acidic protein type Pa 1 is always found in association with SAPX 2, and an uncommon variant type Pa 2 is associated with SAPX 3. The most likely hypothesis is that the genes Pa 1 and Pa 2 produce products which modify the SAPX 1 type. When the Pa type is Pa 0, the SAPX phenotype is SAPX 1. Since 2-mercaptoethanol can dissociate the Pa 1 protein into a probable monomeric form, and can dissociate SAPX 2 and SAPX 3 to give SAPX 1, it is probable that Pa 1 and Pa 2 monomers complex with SAPX 1 through disulfide bonds to give SAPX 2 or SAPX 3 types. The frequencies of the genes determining the SAPX types are the same as those for Pa: SAPX 1 and Pa 0=0.787, SAPX 2 and Pa 1=0.208, SAPX 3 and Pa 2=0.005.This study was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Dental Research (2-RO1-DE-03658-11).  相似文献   

The solid phase synthesis of a 59 amino acid human salivary protein IB7 has been accomplished using Fmoc strategy. Because the protein contains 25 proline, 13 glycine and 9 glutamine residues the coupling time, piperidine delivery and acetic anhydride reaction time were increased. Yield after HPLC purification was 35%. Circular dichroism studies revealed that about one third of IB7 residues adopted a type II helix secondary structure, as found in collagen helices. The rest of the sequence adopts a random coil secondary structure.  相似文献   

Using an overlay technique, we previously showed that the Gram-negative periodontal pathogen Fusobacterium nucleatum binds to a glycoprotein of Mr 89,000 (Prakobphol, A., Murray, P., and Fischer, S.J. (1987) Anal. Biochem. 164, 5-11) in the parotid saliva of some individuals. We now show that deglycosylation of the purified glycoprotein results in loss of receptor activity. Amino acid analysis of the protein core showed predominantly proline, glycine, and glutamic acid/glutamine, a characteristic of proline-rich glycoproteins (PRG). The amino terminus contained repeating sequences of Ser-Gln-Gly-Pro-Pro-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Lys-Pro-Glu-Gly-Pro-Pro-Pro- Gln-Gly that had significant compositional and sequence homology to that encoded by exon 3 of the PRB3 gene. We analyzed the PRG oligosaccharides by a combination of mass spectrometry techniques and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Twenty-seven highly fucosylated structures were identified. The most abundant was as follows (where Fuc is fucose). (formula; see text) To understand the structural basis of F. nucleatum binding, we screened glycolipids and neoglycolipids carrying carbohydrate structures related to those of the PRG for receptor activity; components with unsubstituted terminal lactosamine residues best supported adherence. Neoglycolipids constructed from PRG oligosaccharides were also receptors. Treatment with beta-galactosidase, but not alpha-fucosidase, abolished binding, suggesting that unsubstituted lactosamine units, including the 6-antenna of the major oligosaccharide, mediate F. nucleatum adherence.  相似文献   

This study provides direct evidence for a robust effect of salivaproteins on ingestive responses to tannic acid. Proline-richproteins (PRPs) were elevated in the saliva of mice, via chronictreatments with the ß-adrenergic agonist isoproterenol(IPR) and the effects of this manipulation on intake of tannicacid were examined. Because salivary PRPs from rodents bindreadily to tannic acid, it was hypothesized that elevated salivaryPRPs would lower the free concentration of ingested tannic acid.In experiment 1, the ingestive sensitivity of IPR- and saline-injectedmice of four strains (SW, BALB, C3H and B6) to 0.5 mM tannicacid was compared. IPR treatment significantly reduced the tannicacid sensitivity of the BALBs, but not the SWs, C3Hs or B6s,as measured by a two-choice test. Furthermore, whole-mouth salivaof mice from the four strains was compared in terms of (i) flowrate, (ii) relative PRP concentration and (iii) tannin bindingcapacity. As compared to the other mouse strains, the salivaof IPR-injected BALBs appeared to contain PRPs that had a highertannin binding capacity, and that occurred at higher concentrations,with the exception of the C3Hs. Salivary flow rate did not differamong mouse strains. In experiment 2, the effect of IPR treatmenton ingestive responses of BALBs to two concentrations of tannicacid (0.5 and 1.0 mM) was examined using a lickometer device.Intake measures (lick rate, burst duration, number of burstsand overall lick rate) indicated that the IPR-injected BALBsdrank the 0.5 mM tannic acid solution as if it was water. Saline-injectedBALBs rejected the 0.5 mM tannic acid solution almost immediately.Whereas both the IPR- and saline-injected BALBs rejected the1.0 mM tannic acid solution, the latter group rejected it morestrongly. These results suggest that salivary PRPs in the IPR-treatedBALBs bound to a significant portion of the ingested tannicacid. In so doing, the PRPs dminished the free concentrationand, hence, aversive taste quality of the tannic acid. 1Present address: Department of Entomology and Nematology, 740IFAS, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA  相似文献   

Summary A study of 172 unnamed populations and 22 cultivars of Lotus corniculatus showed: (1) that all plants of most strains of both categories contained leaf tannins (total 172 strains); (2) that 6 strains were tannin-negative; and (3) that 16 strains were polymorphic. Because of the small number of tested plants per strain, the above frequency of polymorphism is probably underestimated. Tannin-negative or polymorphic strains are frequent in Iran and Turkey. Leaftannin production is inherited as a monogenic dominant with tetrasomic inheritance. Repeated scores suggest that some individuals always, others sometimes and yet others never produce leaf tannins. Mean tannin content of 6 cultivars was strongly negatively associated with mean cyanide content.  相似文献   

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