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Alteration in KNO3 and KCl levels of culture solutions resultedin the production of a series of Phaseolus vulgaris seedlingscontaining a range of chloride levels in the primary leaves;such treatments did not affect leaf potassium content. Irrespectiveof the leaf chloride content the stomata responded to increasedlight intensity by a decrease in stomatal resistance. The stomataof seedlings grown in culture solutions containing KCI offeredhigher diffusive resistances than those of seedlings not receivingthis treatment. This increase in stomatal resistance was foundover the whole range of elevated leaf chloride contents produced.Presence of chloride in the leaf tissue did not, however, affectstomatal responses to fluctuations in atmospheric CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

The effects of air temperature (To), leaf-air vapour pressuredifferences [VPD) and water deficit on stomatal responses tochanging irradiance were studied in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Responseswere approximately sigmoidal, with rates of closure being fasterthan the rates of opening. The mean half-time for closure was5.4 min and for the opening 9.2 min. Under water deficit, bothstomatal opening and closing were faster than in well-wateredconditions. Stomata were more sensitive to VPD and water stressthan to To. The higher the VPD or To the more rapid was thestomatal response, except in stressed plants where there wasno significant effect of To. Under water stress, stomata weremore sensitive to water potential (  相似文献   

Primary leaves of one-week-old seedlings of dwarf beans effectivelyinhibit stem elongation either in natural daylight or in continuousdarkness. Stem elongation is promoted by exogenous gibberellicacid and kinetin and inhibited by indol-3-ylacetic acid (IAA)or abscisic acid, and it is suggested that IAA is the inhibitorysubstance emanating from the primary leaf blades which affectsthe growth of the stem.  相似文献   

Plants of Phaseolus vulgaris L were grown from seed in open-topgrowth chambers at present day (350 µmol mol–1)and double the present day (700 µmol mol–1) atmosphericCO2 concentration with either low (L, without additional nutrientsolution) or relatively high (H, with additional nutrient solution)nutrient supply Measurements of assimilation rate, stomatalconductance and water use efficiency were started 17 d aftersowing on each fully expanded, primary leaf of three plantsper treatment Measurements were made in external CO2 concentrations(C2) of 200, 350, 450, 550 and 700 µmol mol–1 andrelated to both Ca and to C1, the mean intercellular space CO2concentration Fully adjusted, steady state measurements weremade after approx 2 h equilibration at each CO2 concentration The rate of CO2 assimilation by leaves increased and stomatalconductance decreased similarly over the range of Ca or C1 inall four CO2 and nutrient supply treatments but both assimilationrate and stomatal conductance were higher in the high nutrientsupply treatment than in the low nutrient treatment The relationbetween assimilation rate or stomatal conductance and C1 wasnot significantly different amongst plants grown in present-dayor elevated CO2 concentration in either nutrient supply treatment,i e there was no evidence of down regulation of photosynthesisor stomatal response Increase in CO2 concentration from 350to 700 µmol mol–1 doubled water use efficiency ofindividual leaves in the high nutrient supply treatment andtripled water use efficiency in the low nutrient supply treatment The results support the hypothesis that acclimation phenomenaresult from unbalanced growth that occurs after the seed reservesare exhausted, when the supply of resources becomes growth limiting CO2 enrichment, Phaseolus vulgaris L., net CO2 assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, water use efficiency  相似文献   

Flux response curves were determined at 16 wavelengths of light for the conductance for water vapor of the lower epidermis of detached leaves of Xanthium strumarium L. An action spectrum of stomatal opening resulted in which blue light (wavelengths between 430 and 460 nanometers) was nearly ten times more effective than red light (wavelengths between 630 and 680 nanometers) in producing a conductance of 15 centimoles per square meter per second. Stomata responded only slightly to green light. An action spectrum of stomatal responses to red light corresponded to that of CO2 assimilation; the inhibitors of photosynthetic electron transport, cyanazine (2-chloro-4[1-cyano-1-methylethylamino]-6-ethylamino-s-triazine) and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, eliminated the response to red light. This indicates that light absorption by chlorophyll is the cause of stomatal sensitivity to red light. Determination of flux response curves on leaves in the normal position (upper epidermis facing the light) or in the inverted position (lower epidermis facing the light) led to the conclusion that the photoreceptors for blue as well as for red light are located on or near the surfaces of the leaves; presumably they are in the guard cells themselves.  相似文献   

Leaf diffusion resistance interpreted as stomatal resistance,leaf water potential (w), solute potential (s) and leaf turgorpotential (p) of the chilling sensitive species Phaseolus vulgariswere determined during chilling at 4 °C in the light. Bothchill-hardened and non-hardened plants were used. For comparison,the chilling resistant species Pisum sativum was also used. The results for chilled P. sativum were similar to those obtainedfor chill-hardened P. vulgaris plants receiving a chilling treatment.In both cases a reduction in stomatal aperture and the maintenanceof a positive leaf turgor were the responses to chilling. Leavesof chilled but non-hardened P. vulgaris plants were found tomaintain open stomata throughout the chilling treatment despitea severe wilt developing after 7 h at 4 °C. This was incontrast to the chill-resistant P. sativum. which showed a rapidclosing and subsequent re-opening of the stomata to a new reducedaperture. During the first 12 h of chilling wof P. vulgaris leaves changedfrom –0.47 MPa to –1.24 MPa. On more prolonged chillingw tended to return to pre-chilling values. In addition. p decreasedfrom 0.42 MPa to zero after only 9 h of chilling, and remainedat this value for the remainder of the chilling period, s, changedrapidly from –0.89 MPa to –1.35 MPa in the first7.5 h, and after 9 h. w and s, were equal, i.e. zero p. In contrast,the chilling resistant plant P. sativum maintained a positivep throughout the chilling period, and there was little differencebetween values of w, and s in control and chilled leaves. Key words: Chilling, Stomata, ater relations, Phaseolus vulgaris, Pisum sativum  相似文献   

CARMI  A.; SHOMER  I. 《Annals of botany》1979,44(4):479-484
The effects of starch accumulation on photosynthesis and chloroplastultrastructure were studied in primary leaves of bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L. cv. Bulgarian). De-topping the shoot above the primaryleaf node, caused over an 8-day period, a considerable increasein the photosynthetic activity of the primary leaves, despitethe fact that a large quantity of starch had accumulated intheir chloroplasts. The accumulation of starch was greater inthe chloroplasts of spongy cells in comparison with that ofthe palisade cells. Initiation of starch grains was observedmainly in the peripheral part of the chloroplast, distant fromthe cell wall. As a result, most of the starch was accumulatedclose to the inner part of the cell, leaving a considerablemass of the chloroplast near the cell wall free of starch. Theaccumulation of starch was accompanied by the destruction, deformationand disorientation of grana and thylakoids. It is concludedthat the accumulation of starch is not inevitably a limitingfactor in photosynthesis and the results cast doubt on the hypothesisthat starch accumulation or dissipation is the main factor involvedin the regulation of photosynthesis. Phaseolus vulgaris L, bean, photosynthesis, starch accumulation, chloroplast ultrastructure  相似文献   

CARMI  A.; KOLLER  D. 《Annals of botany》1977,41(1):59-67
The rate of photosynthesis and/or dry matter production wasstudied in fully-expanded primary leaves of bean (Phaseolusvulgaris cv. Bulgarian) plants which had been subjected to varioussurgical and hormonal treatments. Between 30 and 40 per centof the assimilates produced by the primary leaves, over a 4-dayperiod starting with expansion of the first trifoliate leaf,were diverted to the growing shoot above the insertion of theprimary leaves. In detopped plants (i.e. lacking all leaves,stem and buds above insertion of primary leaves), both the rateof net photosynthesis (NP) of the primary leaves 4 days afterdetopping, and the mean net assimilation rate (NAR) over thisinterval, did not differ significantly from those of intactplants. The assimilate normally diverted to the top in intactplants was distributed between the remaining organs of the detoppedplant. When translocation of assimilates from the primary leaveswas stopped by girdling their petioles, both NAR and NP wereas in untreated control plants after a 2-day period. The assimilatesproduced during that period accumulated in the mesophyll chlorenchymain the form of starch granules. Intact plants supplied withGA3, or IAA, through the primary leaves as well as detoppedplants supplied with IAA through the stump, differed from untreatedcontrol plants in the pattern of distribution of the assimilatesproduced: IAA favoured dry-matter accumulation in the roots,while GA3 favoured the tops. Nevertheless, neither NP, nor NARdiffered significantly from the corresponding controls.  相似文献   

Helms K 《Plant physiology》1971,47(6):799-804
Hypocotyl collapse in dark-grown seedlings of Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Pinto was due to calcium deficiency. There was no evidence of an associated pathogen. The number of seedlings with hypocotyl collapse decreased and the mean hypocotyl length increased when increasing levels of calcium (0-100 micrograms per gram) were supplied in an external nutrient solution to seedlings grown under sterile conditions.  相似文献   

Gibberellic acid (GA2), kinetin, and indole-3yl-acetic acid(IAA) each at four concentrations (0, 0.5, 5, and 50 µM)were applied alone and in all possible combinations to rootsof Phaseolus vulgaris L. grown under four different light regimes(7000, 14 000, 21 000, and 28 000 lx). GA3 increased growthof main stem and laterals but reduced apical dominance, especiallyin the absence of, or at low kinetin concentrations. A highlevel of kinetin lowered GA3 induced growth of main stems and,to a lesser extent, laterals. Kinetin greatly reduced apicaldominance, especially in the absence of, or at low GA3 concentrations.IAA slightly reduced growth of main stems and laterals and slightlyincreased apical dominance. Generally the magnitude of the IAAeffects were less than those of GA3 or kinetin and there wereless interaction between IAA and other factors than betweenGA3 or kinetin and other factors. Light affected growth of bothmain stem and laterals but the effect was dependent on GA3 andkinetin levels and the interactions were complex. Generallya hormone balance seems to be operative with gibberellin-promotinggrowth of main stem and laterals and cytokinins and possiblyauxins preventing excessive elongation. Differential responsesbetween main stem and lateral may be due to different localhormone concentrations and over-all responses may be temperedby light intensity.  相似文献   

ESAU  K. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(1):1-13
Certain developmental features of the primary phloem were examinedin Phaseolus vulgaris L., chiefly by the use of the pulvinusat the base of the petiole. The cells included in the studywere the sieve element, the companion cell, and the tannin cell.In the sieve element, the sieve plate shows the usual sequenceof conversion of plasmodesmatal canals into pores. The endoplasmicreticulum, which appears as flat cisternae associated with ribosomesin younger cells, later becomes in part stacked and in partaligned parallel with the walls as a network. The stacked ERprecedes the anastornosing parietal ER in time of development,but the parietal ER persists longer. Of the two forms of P-proteincharacteristic of a number of Fabaceae, the crystalline bodyappears considerably in advance of the body composed of tubules.Neither form of P-protein disperses completely in the maturecell, although the crystalline protein may spread out into aggregatesof fine fibrils. The companion cells show the typical denseprotoplasts and branched plasrnodesmatal connections with thesieve elements. The vacuome of these cells is dispersed intonumerous small vacuoles, many of which appear to be concernedwith autophagic digestion of protoplasmic material. The tannincells have large vacuoles in which the tannin material is located.The cells form vertical series in which the end walls becomeperforated.  相似文献   

The investigations were designed to test osmotic adjustment,cell wall bulk elastic modulus and stomatal behaviour duringand after water stress and rewatering in the primary and firsttrifoliolate leaf of Phaseolus vulgaris. Leaf water relationsquantities fully recovered after rewatering within a few hours;diffusion resistance to vapour flow, however, required 6 h.Leaf growth recovery was considerably delayed. Osmotic adjustmentwas absent during water stress in both the primary and the firsttrifoliolate leaf. The bulk elastic modulus (v), however, waslower for the primary leaf (higher elasticity) than for thetrifoliolate leaves. These two types of leaves differed in theirdrought resistance in that the primary leaf exhibited wiltingat the end of the stress period (7 d) while the trifoliolateleaf remained relatively turgid. The bulk elastic modulus ofthe cell wall changed almost proportionally with the turgorpressure (p). The structure coefficient (), an indicator forthe intensity of change of the bulk elastic modulus with turgorwas higher for the primary than for the first trifoliolate leaf.The leaf diffusion resistance (r), below the turgor loss point,changed proportionally with the solute potential with very similarregression lines for the relation of (r) versus RWC 1. The datasuggest that greater drought resistance of the first trifoliolateleaf is related to a decreased bulk elastic modulus, but notto osmotic adjustment nor to differences in stomatal resistanceduring water stress. Key words: Phaseolus vulguris, Water stress, Recovery, Cell wall elasticity  相似文献   

When seedlings of Phaseolus vulgaris with leaves in the daytimeposition (almost horizontal to the ground) were turned upside-downduring the light period, their leaves moved upward away fromthe ground after about 20 min and ceased moving after about1.5 h. But when seedlings with leaves in the night time position(directed downward) were turned upside-down, their leaves moveddownward toward the ground after about 30 min and stopped movingabout 2 h later. Thus, Phaseolus primary leaves showed positiveor negative geotropic responses that correspohded to the darkor light period. This geotropic response of primary leaves was accompanied bythe redistribution of K+, Cl and NO3- in the laminarpulvinus. These facts suggest that the circadian endogenousclock that is assumed to exist in Phaseolus vulgaris has atleast two regulation echanisms; one which measures time andanother which determines leaf postition in relation to gravityby changing the ion distribution in the pulvinus (Received February 12, 1983; Accepted May 17, 1983)  相似文献   

MULLINS  M. G. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(4):889-896
Patterns of 14C-photosynthate translocation in bean (Phaseolusvulgaris L.) seedlings have been investigated in relation tovascular-bundle continuity between exporting and importing organsby use of radioassay and tissue-clearing techniques. Assimilatefrom the primary leaves reaches the first trifoliate leaf byan indirect route. There is no direct vascular connection betweenthe primary leaves and distal tissues. Bundles of the primaryleaf petiole connect with an anastomosis at the node, and allbundles which originate from this structure descend the stem.Assimilate from primary leaves moves down the stem, and is thentransferred to an ascending pathway, the bundles of which traversethe anastomosis at the second node. The lateral leaflets ofthe first trifoliate leaf are served differentially by primaryleaves with respect to assimilate supply. Differences are relatedto position, and may be accounted for by differences in vascularcontinuity.  相似文献   

In Phaseolus vulgaris L., the shoot displays a revolving movementthat occurs rhythmically in a highly regular manner. Previousdata led to think that revolving movement is driven by turgorand volume changes in the epidermal cells of the bending zone.To document this hypothesis, the time course of in situ celllength variations in the bending zone was measured during themovement of the shoot and related to the phase of the revolvingmovement. Each ten minutes, a photograph of cells was takenand the revolving movement was simultaneously recorded usingtime-lapse microphotography and video-monitoring. In the movingpart of the shoot, epidermal cells displayed partly reversiblelength variations during their growth. Data were processed byFourier analysis to determine whether or not a periodicity exists.Rhythm in cell length variations was evidenced only when initialcell lengths were ranged between 60 and 120 µM. In thiscase, the period corresponds to that of the revolving movement. Thus, revolving movement is related to partly reversible lengthvariations in the cells of the bending zone. These results agreewith the hypothesis of an involvement of turgor mediated volumechanges in the revolving movement (Received September 16, 1997; Accepted June 18, 1998)  相似文献   

The leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv Greensleeves contain an endopeptidase with a pH optimum of 9.0 and an isoelectric point between 10.0 and 10.5. This endopeptidase is the only abundant Azocoll-digesting proteinase in the leaves. The activity of this enzyme is highest in immature leaves and declines as the leaf matures and senesces. Enzymically isolated protoplasts contain very little of this proteinase. The proteinase can be recovered readily from the extracellular fluid obtained by gentle centrifugation of leaf strips vacuum-infiltrated with a buffered solution. These experiments indicate that the Azocoll digesting proteinase is located in the periplasmic space and/or the cell wall.  相似文献   

Use of Rotary Variable Displacement Transducers attached togrowing primary leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris has shown thatwhen the root systems were rapidly cooled from 23°C to 10°Cleaf extension rate fell to very low values within a few minutes.When the root systems were returned to 23°C leaf extensionincreased almost immediately to overshoot the control rateswithin 5–10 min, before declining to control values overthe next 50–60 min. When lights went off at the end ofthe day cycle there was an immediate and very large increasein leaf extension rate in both root-cooled and control plants;the rate then slowly declined over the next 60 min. This effectwas seen when the photoperiod was artificially shortened orlengthened and was reduced in magnitude when the photoperiodwas ended gradually by dimming the lights. The effect was notattributable to effects on leaf temperature but appears to bethe result of an endogenous rhythm interacting with the endof the photoperiod. At the beginning of the photoperiod therewas a gradual reduction in leaf extension rate occurring over30–45 min. Key words: Phaseolus vulgaris, leaf growth, extension rate, root cooling, wall extensibility, turgor  相似文献   

A large decrease was observed in the chlorophyll content ofthe primary leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris during senescence.Chloroplasts isolated from mature and senescent leaves gavevery similar light saturation curves for electron transportreactions involving either PS I or PS II, indicating that theaverage number of chlorophyll molecules associated with eachreaction centre did not change during senescence. It is concludedthat the reaction centres ceased to function at the same timeas, or perhaps before, their antenna chlorophylls were lostfrom the thylakoid membrane, and that the percentage decreasein the number of functional reaction centres per leaf was atleast as great as the percentage decrease in the leaf chlorophyllcontent. The chlorophyll-protein composition of thylakoid membrane preparationswas examined by electrophoresis of samples treated with sodiumdodecyl sulphate. In older leaves a smaller proportion of thechlorophyll applied to polyacrylamide gels was associated withthe P700- chlorophyll a-protein complex. There was also a declinein emission at 734 nm in the 77 °K fluorescence spectrumof intact leaf tissue during senescence. These results indicatethat older leaves contained a smaller proportion of chlorophyllsassociated with PS I, and this is consistent with the decreaseobserved in the leaf chlorophyll a/b ratio during senescence.The effect of these changes in chlorophyll content on the capacityof the chloroplast to carry out photosynthetic electron transportis discussed.  相似文献   

银杏叶片遭受光量子通量密度(PFD)为1200μmolm-2s-1的强光胁迫后,净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、细胞间隙CO2浓度(Ci)、PSⅡ光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和表现量子效率(AQY)都下降,而叶片在505nm处的光吸收(A505)、初始荧光水平(Fo)和荧光的非光化学猝灭(qN)上升。在去除强光胁迫数小时之后,这些参数都不能完全恢复。这就表明,虽然强光能引起严重的光抑制,可能涉及依赖叶黄素循环的热耗散和一部分PSⅡ反应中心的失活及破坏,但是导致光合速率降低的主要因素仍然是气孔导度的降低。  相似文献   

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