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There is a critical need for compounds that target cell surface integrin receptors for applications in cancer therapy and diagnosis. We used directed evolution to engineer the Ecballium elaterium trypsin inhibitor (EETI‐II), a knottin peptide from the squash family of protease inhibitors, as a new class of integrin‐binding agents. We generated yeast‐displayed libraries of EETI‐II by substituting its 6‐amino acid trypsin binding loop with 11‐amino acid loops containing the Arg‐Gly‐Asp integrin binding motif and randomized flanking residues. These libraries were screened in a high‐throughput manner by fluorescence‐activated cell sorting to identify mutants that bound to αvβ3 integrin. Select peptides were synthesized and were shown to compete for natural ligand binding to integrin receptors expressed on the surface of U87MG glioblastoma cells with half‐maximal inhibitory concentration values of 10–30 nM. Receptor specificity assays demonstrated that engineered knottin peptides bind to both αvβ3 and αvβ5 integrins with high affinity. Interestingly, we also discovered a peptide that binds with high affinity to αvβ3, αvβ5, and α5β1 integrins. This finding has important clinical implications because all three of these receptors can be coexpressed on tumors. In addition, we showed that engineered knottin peptides inhibit tumor cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix protein vitronectin, and in some cases fibronectin, depending on their integrin binding specificity. Collectively, these data validate EETI‐II as a scaffold for protein engineering, and highlight the development of unique integrin‐binding peptides with potential for translational applications in cancer. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We present a fully automatic structural classification of supersecondary structure units, consisting of two hydrogen-bonded β strands, preceded or followed by an α helix. The classification is performed on the spatial arrangement of the secondary structure elements, irrespective of the length and conformation of the intervening loops. The similarity of the arrangements is estimated by a structure alignment procedure that uses as similarity measure the root mean square deviation of superimposed backbone atoms. Applied to a set of 141 well-resolved nonhomologous protein structures, the classification yields 11 families of recurrent arrangements. In addition, fragments that are structurally intermediate between the families are found; they reveal the continuity of the classification. The analysis of the families shows that the α helix and β hairpin axes can adopt virtually all relative orientations, with, however, some preferable orientations; moreover, according to the orientation, preferences in the left/right handedness of the α–β connection are observed. These preferences can be explained by favorable side by side packing of the α helix and the β hairpin, local interactions in the region of the α–β connection or stabilizing environments in the parent protein. Furthermore, fold recognition procedures and structure prediction algorithms coupled to database-derived potentials suggest that the preferable nature of these arrangements does not imply their intrinsic stability. They usually accommodate a large number of sequences, of which only a subset is predicted to stabilize the motif. The motifs predicted as stable could correspond to nuclei formed at the very beginning of the folding process. Proteins 30:193–212, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Methyl 1α, 3α-dihydroxy 5β-cholan-24-oate was synthesized to provide a model compound for the mass spectrometric identification of 1α-hydroxylated bile acids.  相似文献   

Folding type-specific secondary structure propensities of 20 naturally occurring amino acids have been derived from α-helical, β-sheet, α/β, and α+β proteins of known structures. These data show that each residue type of amino acids has intrinsic propensities in different regions of secondary structures for different folding types of proteins. Each of the folding types shows markedly different rank ordering, indicating folding type-specific effects on the secondary structure propensities of amino acids. Rigorous statistical tests have been made to validate the folding type-specific effects. It should be noted that α and β proteins have relatively small α-helices and β-strands forming propensities respectively compared with those of α+β and α/β proteins. This may suggest that, with more complex architectures than α and β proteins, α+β and α/β proteins require larger propensities to distinguish from interacting α-helices and β-strands. Our finding of folding type-specific secondary structure propensities suggests that sequence space accessible to each folding type may have differing features. Differing sequence space features might be constrained by topological requirement for each of the folding types. Almost all strong β-sheet forming residues are hydrophobic in character regardless of folding types, thus suggesting the hydrophobicities of side chains as a key determinant of β-sheet structures. In contrast, conformational entropy of side chains is a major determinant of the helical propensities of amino acids, although other interactions such as hydrophobicities and charged interactions cannot be neglected. These results will be helpful to protein design, class-based secondary structure prediction, and protein folding. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 45: 35–49, 1998  相似文献   

Trihydroxy and tetrahydroxy bile acid metabolites substituted at the C-1 or C-6 position were studied using the urine, serum and liver tissue from sixteen patients with cholestatic liver diseases. Following extraction, isolation and hydrolysis, bile acids were converted into the dimethylethylsilyl derivatives and assayed by capillary gas chromatography—mass spectrometry. Five 1β-hydroxylated bile acids, viz. 1β,3α,12α-trihydroxy-, 1β,3α,7β-trihydroxy-1, 1β,3α,7α,12α-tetrahydroxy-5β-cholanoic acids and an epimer of the first compound, and two 6α-hydroxylated bile acids, viz. 3α,6α,7α-trihydroxy-, 3α,6α,7α,12α-tetrahydroxy-5β-cholanoic acids, were completely or partially identified. Large amounts of 1β-hydroxylated and 6α-hydroxylated bile acids were found in the urine, whereas only trace amounts were detected in the serum and liver tissue. These findings indicate that altered metabolism, such as 1β- or 6α-hydroxylation of bile acids, is enhanced in cholestasis, and that the resulting hydroxylated metabolites are eliminated in the urine.  相似文献   

Adhesion to collagens by most cell types is mediated by the integrins α1β1 and α2β1. Both integrin α subunits belong to a group which is characterized by the presence of an I domain in the N-terminal half of the molecule, and this domain has been implicated in the ligand recognition. Since purified α1β1 and α2β1 differ in their binding to collagens I and IV and recognize different sites within the major cell binding domain of collagen IV, we investigated the potential role of the α1 and α2 I domains in specific collagen adhesion. We find that introducing the α2 I domain into α1 results in surface expression of a functional collagen receptor. The adhesion mediated by this chimeric receptor (α1-2-1β1) is similar to the adhesion profile conferred by α2β1, not α1β1. The presence of α2 or α1-2-1 results in preferential binding to collagen I, whereas α1 expressing cells bind better to collagen IV. In addition, α1 containing cells bind to low amounts of a tryptic fragment of collagen IV, whereas α2 or α1-2-1 bearing cells adhere only to high concentrations of this substrate. We also find that collagen adhesion of NIH-3T3 mediated by α2β1 or α1-2-1β1, but not by α1, requires the presence of Mn2+ ions. This ion requirement was not found in CHO cells, implicating the I domain in cell type-specific activation of integrins. J. Cell. Physiol. 176:634–641, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of cells undergoing mitotic division is their rounded morphology and reduced adhesion to the substratum. We have studied and compared the attachment of interphase and mitotic cells to substrata coated with fibronectin and vitronectin. We have found that adhesion of mitotic cells, as compared to interphase cells, is significantly reduced to fibronectin, but is higher to vitronectin. These results correlate well with the expression of α5β1 and αVβ3 integrins, the respective receptors for fibronectin and vitronectin, on the cell surface. Mitotic cells show higher levels of αVβ3 and very low levels of α5β1 proteins on the cell surface as compared to interphase cells. This difference in the levels of these integrins also reflects in the total amounts of fibronectin and vitronectin present on the cell surface of these cells. We have further shown, by flow cytometry, that binding of vitronectin, or the synthetic peptide-GRGDSP-, causes an increase in the intracellular levels of Ca2− in mitotic cells, but no change is seen in the interphase cells. Binding of fibronectin to either of these cells fails to elicit any response. One interesting feature of our results is that the levels of total, i.e., cytoplasmic plus membrane bound, α5β1 and αVβ3 integrins of mitotic and interphase cells remain the same, thus implying an alteration in the distribution of integrin chains between the plasma membrane and the cytoplasm during the conversion of interphase cells into the mitotic phase. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cyclic strain has been shown to modulate endothelial cell (EC) morphology, proliferation, and function. We have recently reported that the focal adhesion proteins focal adhesion kinase (pp125FAK) and paxillin, are tyrosine phosphorylated in EC exposed to strain and these events regulate the morphological change and migration induced by cyclic strain. Integrins are also localized on focal adhesion sites and have been reported to induce tyrosine phosphorylation of pp125FAK under a variety of stimuli. To study the involvement of different integrins in signaling induced by cyclic strain, we first observed the redistribution of α and β integrins in EC subjected to 4 h cyclic strain. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) seeded on either fibronectin or collagen surfaces were subjected to 10% average strain at a frequency 60 cycles/min. Confocal microscopy revealed that β1 integrin reorganized in a linear pattern parallel with the long axis of the elongated cells creating a fusion of focal adhesion plaques in EC plated on either fibronectin (a ligand for α5β1) or collagen (a ligand for α2β1) coated plates after 4 h exposure to cyclic strain. β3 integrin, which is a vitronectin receptor, did not redistribute in EC exposed to cyclic strain. Cyclic strain also led to a reorganization of α5 and α2 integrins in a linear pattern in HUVEC seeded on fibronectin or collagen, respectively. The expression of integrins α5, α2, and β1 did not change even after 24 h exposure to strain when assessed by immunoprecipitation of these integrins. Cyclic strain-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of pp125FAK occurred concomitant with the reorganization of β1 integrin. We concluded that α5β1 and α2β1 integrins play an important role in transducing mechanical stimuli into intracellular signals. J. Cell. Biochem. 64:505–513. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

As the prevalence of osteoporosis is expected to increase over the next few decades, the development of novel therapeutic strategies to combat this disorder becomes clinically imperative. These efforts draw extensively from an expanding body of knowledge pertaining to the physiologic mechanisms of skeletal homeostasis. To this body of knowledge, we contribute that cells of hematopoietic lineage may play a crucial role in balancing osteoblastic bone formation against osteoclastic resorption. Specifically, our laboratory has previously demonstrated that megakaryocytes (MKs) can induce osteoblast (OB) proliferation in vitro, but do so only when direct cell‐to‐cell contact is permitted. To further investigate the nature of this interaction, we have effectively neutralized several adhesion molecules known to function in the analogous interaction of MKs with another cell type of mesenchymal origin—the fibroblast (FB). Our findings implicate the involvement of fibronectin/RGD‐binding integrins including α3β1 (VLA‐3) and α5β1 (VLA‐5) as well as glycoprotein (gp) IIb (CD41), all of which are known to be expressed on MK membranes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that interleukin (IL)‐3 can enhance MK‐induced OB activation in vitro, as demonstrated in the MK–FB model system. Taken together, these results suggest that although their physiologic and clinical implications are very different, these two models of hematopoietic–mesenchymal cell activation are mechanistically analogous in several ways. J. Cell. Biochem. 109: 927–932, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two γ-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor chimeras were designed in order to elucidate the structural requirements for GABAA receptor desensitization and assembly. The (α1/γ2) and (γ2/α1) chimeric subunits representing the extracellular N-terminal domain of α1 or γ2 and the remainder of the γ2 or α1 subunits, respectively, were expressed with β2 and β2γ2 in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf-9) cells using the baculovirus expression system. The (α1/γ2)β2 and (α1/γ2)β2γ2 but not the (γ2/α1)β2 and (γ2/α1)β2γ2 subunit combinations formed functional receptor complexes as shown by whole-cell patch–clamp recordings and [3H]muscimol and [3H]flunitrazepam binding. Moreover, the surface immunofluorescence staining of Sf-9 cells expressing the (α1/γ2)-containing receptors was pronounced, as opposed to the staining of the (γ2/α1)-containing receptors, which was only slightly higher than background. To explain this, the (α1/γ2) and (γ2/α1) chimeras may act like α1 and γ2 subunits, respectively, indicating that the extracellular N-terminal segment is important for assembly. However, the (α1/γ2) chimeric subunit had characteristics different from the α1 subunit, since the (α1/γ2) chimera gave rise to no desensitization after GABA stimulation in whole-cell patch–clamp recordings, which was independent of whether the chimera was expressed in combination with β2 or β2γ2. Surprisingly, the (α1/γ2)(γ2/α1)β2 subunit combination did desensitize, indicating that the C-terminal segment of the α1 subunit may be important for desensitization. Moreover, desensitization was observed for the (α1/γ2)β2γ2 receptor with respect to the direct activation by pentobarbital. This suggests differences in the mechanism of channel activation for pentobarbital and GABA.  相似文献   

α7β1 is the major integrin complex expressed in differentiated muscle cells where it functions as a laminin receptor. In this work we have expressed the α7 integrin subunit in CHO cells to investigate the functional properties of this receptor. After transfection with α7 CHO cells acquired the ability to adhere and spread on laminin 1 consistent with the laminin receptor activity of the α7β1. α7 transfectants, however, showed a 70% reduction in the ability to adhere to fibronectin and were unable to assemble a fibronectin matrix. The degree of reduction was inversely related to the level of α7 expression. To define the mechanisms underlying this adhesive defect we analyzed surface expression and functional properties of the α5β1 fibronectin receptor. Although cell surface expression of α5β1 was reduced by a factor of 20–25% in α7 transfectants compared to control untransfected cells, this slight reduction was not sufficient to explain the dramatic reduction in cell adhesion (70%) and matrix assembly (close to 100%). Binding studies showed that the affinity of125I-fibronectin for its surface receptor was decreased by 50% in α7 transfectants, indicating that the α5β1 integrin is partially inactivated in these cells. Inactivation can be reversed by Mn2+, a cation known to increase integrin affinity for their ligands. In fact, incubation of cells with Mn2+restored fibronectin binding affinity, adhesion to fibronectin, and assembly of fibronectin matrix in α7 transfectants. These data indicate that α7 expression leads to the functional down regulation of α5β1 integrin by decreasing ligand binding affinity and surface expression. In conclusion, the data reported establish the existence of anegative cooperativitybetween α7 and α5 integrins that may be important in determining functional regulation of integrins during myogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

In anterior pituitaries from male rats, it appeared that 5α-androstane-3β, 17β-diol was quickly metabolized into 5α-androstane-3β,6α-17β-triol and 5α-androstane-3β,7α, 17β-triol by action of 6α- and 7α-hydroxylases. Hydroxysteroid hydroxylases were located in endoplasmic reticulum and were dependent on NADPH+. Their optimum pH was 8.0, optima temperature, 37°C, and their apparent Km was 2.7 μM. Hydroxylative reactions were not reversible and not modified by gonadectomy. Hydroxylation seemed an efficient control of the pituitary level of 5α-andros-tane-3β, 17β-diol.  相似文献   

This review gives a broad overview of the state of play with respect to the synthesis, conformational properties, and biological activity of α‐fluorinated β‐amino acids and derivatives. General methods are described for the preparation of monosubstituted α‐fluoro‐β‐amino acids (Scheme 1). Nucleophilic methods for the introduction of fluorine predominantly involve the reaction of DAST with alcohols derived from α‐amino acids, whereas electrophilic sources of fluorine such as NFSI have been used in conjunction with Arndt? Eistert homologation, conjugate addition or organocatalyzed Mannich reactions. α,α‐Difluoro‐β‐amino acids have also been prepared using DAST; however, this area of synthesis is largely dominated by the use of difluorinated Reformatsky reagents to introduce the difluoro ester functionality (Scheme 9). α‐Fluoro‐β‐amino acids and derivatives analyzed by X‐ray crystal and NMR solution techniques are found to adopt preferred conformations which are thought to result from stereoelectronic effects associated with F located close to amines, amides, and esters (Figs. 26). α‐Fluoro amide and β‐fluoro ethylamide/amine effects can influence the secondary structure of α‐fluoro‐β‐amino acid‐containing derivatives including peptides and peptidomimetics (Figs. 79). α‐Fluoro‐β‐amino acids are also components of a diverse range of bioactive anticancer (e.g., 5‐fluorouracil), antifungal, and antiinsomnia agents as well as protease inhibitors where such fluorinated analogs have shown increased potency and spectrum of activity.  相似文献   

During tissue morphogenesis and tumor invasion, epithelial cells must undergo intercellular rearrangement in which cells are repositioned with respect to one another and the surrounding mesenchymal extracellular matrix. Using three-dimensional aggregates of squamous epithelial cells, we show that such intercellular rearrangements can be triggered by activation of β1 integrins after their ligation with extracellular matrices. On nonadherent substrates, multicellular aggregates (MCAs) formed rapidly via E-cadherin junctional complexes and over time became compacted spheroids exhibiting a more epithelial phenotype. After MCAs were replated on culture substrates, the spheroids collapsed to yield tightly arranged cell monolayers. Cell–cell contact induced rapid elevation in E-cadherin levels, which was due to an increase in the metabolic stability of junctional receptors. During MCA remodeling of cell–cell adhesions, and monolayer formation, their E-cadherin levels fell rapidly. Similar behavior was obtained regardless of which ECM ligand—collagen type I, fibronectin, or laminin 1—MCAs were seeded on. In contrast, when seeded onto a matrix elaborated by squamous epithelial cells, cells in the MCA attached, spread, lost cell–cell junctions, and dispersed. Analysis identified laminin 5 as the active ECM ligand in this matrix, and MCA dispersion required functional β1 integrin and specifically α3β1. Furthermore, substrate-immobilized anti-integrin antibody effectively reproduced the epithelial–mesenchymal-like transition induced by the laminin 5 matrix. During the early stages of aggregate rearrangement and collapse, cells on laminin 5 substrates, but not those on collagen I substrates, exhibited intense cortical arrays of F-actin, microspikes, and fascin accumulation at their peripheral surfaces. These results suggest that engagement of specific integrin–ligand pairs regulates cadherin junctional adhesions during events common to epithelial morphogenesis and tumor invasion.  相似文献   

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