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S. Ogihara  K. Kuroda 《Protoplasma》1979,100(2):167-177
Summary R-HMM (rhodamine-heavy meromyosin) stained the birefringent fibrous structure which appears and disappears cyclically in parallel with the periodic shuttle streaming in the plasmodium ofPhysarum polycephalum. In addition, 0.6 M KI readily made the birefringent fibrils fade away. These results clearly show that the birefringent fibrils are composed of actin filaments and prove the possibility of actin filaments to alter in the aggregation state during the cyclic production of the motive force responsible for the cytoplasmic streaming.  相似文献   

R. Wolf  J. Niemuth  H. Sauer 《Protoplasma》1997,197(1-2):121-131
Summary The application of sublethal temperature gradients offers a simple, non-invasive means for in vivo studies of thermotaxis and other temperature-dependent processes in various organisms. Development, for instance, can be dramatically desynchronized, and the resulting development gradients allow to analyze physiological inter-dependencies between locally separated subsystems. For this purpose a simple device has been developed, by which a stable linear gradient of 8 °C/cm is established on an inert metal sheet with the aid of Peltier elements. The effects of linear temperature gradients on fusion, growth, and migration of plasmodia of the slime moldPhysarum polycephalum was filmed by 16 mm film time-lapse technique, and their local contraction—relaxation cycles analysed by multistrip kymography, which represents a graphic documentation of the spatio-temporal pattern of protoplasmic movements that occur along well-defined regions within the giant cell.Physarum plasmodia preferentially fuse, and grow, in the range of 24–26 °C. Different parts of a single macroplasmodium can simultaneously show positive and negative thermotaxis. The contraction—relaxation cycles generating the protoplasmic shuttle streaming within the network of veins essentially depend on local temperatures and are instantaneously desynchronized by the temperature gradient. Thus they cannot be controlled by a central pacemaker or an overall electric signal. However, there is a strong tendency to locally synchronize the various oscillation frequencies present within the giant cell if temperature differences do not exceed 2 °C.  相似文献   

The green flagellateSpermatozopsis exsultans Korshikov has been studied in culture by light and electron microscopy. The organism is naked, bears four flagella and is conspicuously spirally twisted. The ultrastructure and location of cell organelles (except the flagellar apparatus) has been investigated in detail using an absolute configuration analysis. With the exception of a doubling of the flagella and of the secondary cytoskeletal microtubule system,S. exsultans has the exact same complement of organelles occupying the same relative positions as has been described forS. similis. The two species are therefore correctly placed in the same genus. The usefulness of absolute orientations of cell organelles for green algal taxonomy and phylogeny is stressed.Dedicated to Prof.M. Mix on the occasion of her 60th birthday.  相似文献   

S. Kawano  H. Takano  K. Mori  T. Kuroiwa 《Protoplasma》1991,160(2-3):167-169
Summary We have identified a novel mitochondrial plasmid of about 16 kbp inPhysarum polycephalum. This plasmid was apparently responsible for promoting mitochondrial fusion. Only in strains carrying the plasmid, small spherical mitochondria fused with one another to form large knotted multinucleate mitochondria which subsequently nderwent fusion between the areas (mt-nuclear) that contained the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) derived from individual mitochondria. Several successive mitochondrial divisions followed, accompanied by mt-nuclear divisions. The resulting mitochondria contained recombinant mtDNAs, but the plasmid was transmitted to all mitochondria without any structural change.  相似文献   

Summary In strain CL ofPhysarum polycephalum, multinucleate, haploid plasmodia form within clones of uninucleate, haploid amoebae. Analysis of plasmodium development, using time-lapse cinematography, shows that binucleate cells arise from uninucleate cells, by mitosis without cytokinesis. Either one or both daughter cells, from an apparently normal amoebal division, can enter an extended cell cycle (28.7 hours compared to the 11.8 hours for vegetative amoebae) that ends in the formation of a binucleate cell. This long cycle is accompanied by extra growth; cells that become binucleate are twice as big as amoebae at the time of mitosis. Nuclear size also increases during the extended cell cycle: flow cytometric analysis indicates that this is not associated with an increase over the haploid DNA content. During the extended cell cycle uninucleate cells lose the ability to transform into flagellated cells and also become irreversibly committed to plasmodium development. It is shown that commitment occurs a maximum of 13.5 hours before binucleate cell formation and that loss of ability to flagellate precedes commitment by 3–5 hours. Plasmodia develop from binucleate cells by cell fusions and synchronous mitoses without cytokinesis.Abbreviations CL Colonia Leicester - DSDM Dilute semi-defined medium - FKB Formalin killed bacterial suspension - IMT Intermitotic time - LIA Liver infusion agar - SBS Standard bacterial suspension - SDM Semi-defined medium  相似文献   

Y. Yoshimoto  T. Sakai  N. Kamiya 《Protoplasma》1981,109(1-2):159-168
Summary Using bioluminescence of luciferin-luciferase, we showed that ATP leaked out rhythmically from a strand segment ofPhysarum plasmodium made permeable with caffeine-arsenate. With simultaneous measurement of isometric tension rhythm of the strand, it was revealed that the period and phase of oscillation in ATP leakage correspond well with those of tension production. Further, microinjection of luciferin-luciferase into the plasmodial strand indicated that the intracellular luminescence of luciferin-luciferase also oscillates with the same period and in the same phase as the tension rhythm.The free ATP concentration in a homogenate ofPhysarum plasmodium was of the order of 10 M, but if the homogenate was heated in boiling water, the intensity of luminescence suddenly increased 10–100 fold. ATP available for mechanical workin vivo is thus supposed to be at a much lower level than the total average, which was found in the range of 0.2–0.7 mM.  相似文献   

Plasmodia ofPhysarum polycephalum were analyzed with the aid of cinematography and the infrared reflection technique for characterization of the phase behavior of their oscillating contraction activity, with special emphasis placed on the effects of temperature gradients. In response to temperature gradients, phase gradients were documented cinematographically as well as by infrared registration. A quantitative evaluation of the cinematographically recorded phenomena was carried out with the aid of streak photography. The phase gradient is directed across the region of the temperature gradient with a delay in phase toward the colder side. The correspondingly generated waves are as short as 1 mm and are propagated toward the colder region. A comparison of these waves with the known flickering phenomena in cinematographic films reveals a common nature of both.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Oscillations of ectoplasmic contraction in plasmodia of the myxomycetePhysarum polycephalum growing on agar containing semidefined medium were studied to determine if the contractile force is altered during the synchronous mitosis. In interphase the regular oscillations of contraction in the plasmodial sheet had an average period of 0.93 minutes in plasmodia growing at 24 °C. During mitosis the amplitude of these oscillations gradually decreased, ceasing for an average time of 2.7 minutes in 74% of the 23 plasmodia studied. Cessation of oscillating contractions in mitosis was accompanied by a decrease in the width of the channels embedded in the plasmodial sheet, and a decrease in the velocity of endoplasmic shuttle streaming usually to a complete standstill. Of 13 plasmodia in which the mitotic stage was very accurately determined, the stop in oscillating contractions occurred during metaphase in 10 plasmodia, and in prometaphase, anaphase, telophase in the 3 others. The cessation of contractile oscillations or of streaming did not occur absolutely simultaneously during mitosis in widely separated locations within one plasmodium, indicating mitotic asynchrony over a period of a few minutes within each plasmodium. We suggest that the halt of plasmodial migration during mitosis reported by others is caused by a decrease or cessation at slightly different times in the amplitude of ectoplasmic contractile oscillations in different areas of a plasmodium in mitosis resulting in an overall lack of coordination of endoplasmic flow throughout the plasmodium, thus temporarily halting migration. Possible physiological mechanisms linking a decrease in actomyosin contraction with the metaphase stage of mitosis are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The stigmas of species inAneilema andCommelina are trifid and comprise elongate papillae. Progressive degeneration of papular cells is observed in stigmas from open flowers and at anthesis papillae may be moribund and collapsed. Fluid emanating from the hollow style flows onto the surface through ruptures in the cuticle at the interpapillar junctions into the interstices at maturity. This secretion stains positively for protein. Stigmas are of the wet type.The cuticle overlying the papillar cells is ridged and at the final stages prior to flowering this cuticle becomes detached from the underlying cellulosic wall. The sub-cuticular space so formed is filled with secretion. InAneilema species detachment of cuticle is at the papillar tip and along the lateral walls. InCommelina species the anticlinal walls of adjacent papillae are strongly attached for much of their length and thus detachment of cuticle is restricted to the papillar tip. The cell wall at the tip in both genera may proliferate forming a rudimentary transfer-cell type wall. The secretion is considered to be produced by the papillar cells. It is PAS positive but fails to stain for protein and in both the light and electron microscopes appears heterogenous.Pollen attachment, hydration, germination and early tube growth are very rapid following self-pollination, the pollen tubes entering the neck of the style within ten minutes of attachment.A unique character combination involving pollen and stigmas in these genera indicates a monophyletic origin.  相似文献   

M. Glyn  K. Gull 《Protoplasma》1990,158(3):130-141
Summary The transformation ofPhysarum polycephalum flagellates to myxamoebae is characterised by disappearance of the flagellum. This transition, from the flagellate to the myxamoeba was observed by phase contrast light microscopy and recorded by time lapse video photography to determine whether flagellates shed their flagella or they are absorbed within the cell. In addition, the kinetics of flagellum disappearance were also studied. Our observations indicate that the flagellum was absorbed within the cell; the process occurred within seconds. Flagellum resorbtion was preceded by typical morphological cell changes. The shape of the nucleus altered and its mobility within the cell decreased. It was not possible to observe the flagellum within the cell with phase contrast video recordings. Thin section electron microscopy was used to study this intracellular phenomenon. Several stages of flagellum dissolution could be identified within the cell. The two most important stages were: an axoneme surrounded by the flagellar membrane within a plasma membrane lined pocket or vacuole and the naked axoneme without its membrane, free within the cell cytoplasm. The existence of cytoplasmic microtubules prevented identification of any further dissolution stages of the flagellum. A group of microtubules adjacent to the flagellum but within the cytoplasm was observed in flagellates and also in those cells which possesed enveloped axonemes. The flagellum did not dissociate from the kinetosomes before resorbtion.Immunofluorescence studies with the 6-11-B-1 monoclonal antibody indicated that acetylated microtubules exist in myxamoebae after transformation from flagellates for up to 40 min. Acetylated tubulin is not limited to the centrioles in these cells.  相似文献   

M. Wright  A. Moisand 《Protoplasma》1982,113(1):69-79
Summary Monoasters induced by taxol in the amoebae of the MyxomycetePhysarum polycephalum show an unusual tridimensional location of the centrioles. Tridimensional reconstructions of individual monoasters with either two or four centrioles show that the position of centrioles is not random. The characteristics of these monoasters suggest that the centrioles are not linked to the mitotic center in the monoaster since mitotic centers completely devoid of centrioles in adjacent or central location are observed. However, the preferential centrifugal orientation of the centrioles in the centrosphere induced by taxol suggests that centrioles are initially located in the mitotic center in agreement with the attachment of the centrioles to the mitotic center during interphase.  相似文献   

The spleen ofMustelus schmitti is described, being an elongated organ running dorsally along the stomach and surrounded by a thin capsule without muscular tissue. The classical division between red and white pulps was evident, with a marginal sinus surrounding the latter. Numerous ellipsoids were located in the red pulp, inside nodular-like structures, or in the marginal sinus. Two types of reticular cells were apparent as well as macrophages and melanomacrophages. Hemopoiesis was present through immature and mature cells of the erythroid and thrombocytoid lineages, but no evidence of granulopoiesis was found. Comparison amongMustelus species and between chondrichthyan and mammalian spleens are made.  相似文献   

L. Mir  M. Wright  A. Moisand 《Protoplasma》1984,120(1-2):20-35
Summary Several, stable amoebal strains which differ phenotypically from the diploid parental amoebal strain have been obtained in the MyxomycetePhysarum polycephalum. They were detected using their flagellation pattern as a discriminating parameter. This approach is valid since the number of flagella by phase contrast microscopy correlates with the number of anterior centrioles obtained using three-dimensional reconstructions of the nucleo-flagellar complexes from serial thin sections. The complexity of the structures of the various nucleo-flagellar complexes suggests that in these strains the duplication time of centrioles is not strictly regulated as it is in haploid amoebae. In agreement with this hypothesis, several pro-centrioles were observed in interphase amoebae. Although the anterior centrioles are linked to the mtoc 1 during interphase, the number of mtoc 1 cannot regulate the number of centrioles since some strains possess two mtoc 1 but only one pair of centrioles. Neither the number of centrioles nor the number of mtoc 1 are related to ploidy. Stable strains with one (all haploid strains), two (some diploid strains) and three (some diploid strains) mtoc 1 have been observed. Thus each mtoc 1 is duplicated once per cell cycle implying that it must possess some information which plays a role in the morphogenesis of the new mtoc 1. Except in one case, the number of mitotic abnormalities increases exponentially with the number of mtoc 1. This observation suggests that the mtoc 1 could correspond to the interphase state of the mitotic center.  相似文献   

The green flagellateSpermatozopsis similis spec. nova has been studied in culture by light and electron microscopy. The flagellate bears two flagella, is naked and has a characteristic crescent and spirally twisted cell shape. The two flagella are of subequal length, each with a prominent hair-point. Each cell contains two contractile vacuoles, a single chloroplast with an anterior eyespot but lacking a pyrenoid, an anteriorly located nucleus, a single dictyosome associated with the posterior end of the nucleus, a single mitochondrion posterior to the nucleus and associated with a small microbody, some conspicuous vacuoles, and a greater number of secondary cytoskeletal microtubules which probably are responsible for maintaining the peculiar shape of this species. SinceS. similis in culture is only biflagellate, it cannot be accommodated within the quadriflagellate, but otherwise very similar speciesS. exsultans. Spermatozopsis similis is compared with other green flagellates and is shown to share common ultrastructural characters withChlamydomonas-type green algae.  相似文献   

Summary Many of the flagellates inhabiting the hindgut of lower termites are associated with ectobiotic, rod-like bacteria or spirochetes. Different types of attachment sites are present. Electron dense material underlies, e.g., the plasma membrane ofJoenia annectens at the contact site, whereas other attachment sites do not show any visible specializations. The host cell's glycocalyx may, however, be reduced at the attachment sites as it is the case inDevescovina glabra. The thick glycocalyx ofStephanonympha nelumbium is not changed at the sites where bacterial rods attach, but spirochetes penetrate to a certain extent. Bacteria which colonize the extracellular surface structures ofMicrorhopalodina multinucleata express their own glycocalyx to mediate a contact. In this study we focussed on the examination of one common mode of interaction between bacteria and their host cells, i.e., adhesion via lectins and sugars. The sugar composition was analysed by light and electron microscopic labelling experiments using the lectins Con A, WGA and SBA. In general, only the posterior body surface ofJoenia which is colonized with bacteria is labelled. The demonstrated sugars are found in fibrous glycocalyx portions surrounding the attachment sites of the bacteria. Such glycocalyx fibres in combination with the electron dense material supporting the attachment sites seem to be the prerequisites for bacterial attachment. InD. glabra, however, a role for sugars in mediating the attachment could not be demonstrated. Removal of the ectobiotes using antibiotics revealed that the specialized contact sites ofJoenia are present in the absence of bacteria and thus possibly serve to attract bacteria. Nothing, however, remains of the former attachment sites in bacteria-freeDevescovina cells. Attachment sites in this case could be induced by bacterial contact. There is not one general mechanism for bacterial attachment to termite flagellates; rather, adhesion seems to follow different strategies.Abbreviations Con A concanavalin A - DAB 3,3-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride - DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - DIC differential interference contrast - FA formaldehyde - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - GA glutaraldehyde - PB Soerensen's phosphate buffer - PC phase contrast - pen/strep penicillin and streptomycin - SBA soybean agglutinin - SEM scanning electron microscope - TBS Tris buffer saline - TEM transmission electron microscope - WGA wheat germ agglutinin Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Eberhard Schnepf on the occasion of his retirement  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the salivary gland of the dipteran insect Rhynchosciara angelae in a defined stage of the larval development, characterized by the synthesis and storage of secretion product, is described. Observations were made with both Nomarski optics and electron microscopy. Filiform projections extending into the lumen of the gland were observed in the apical portion of the cells. At the basal region junctions, characterized as hemidesmosomes, were observed between the membrane of the cell and the basal lamina. The plasma membrane presents numerous infoldings into the cell increasing considerably the surface area at this region. Throughout the cytoplasm of the gland cells numerous mitochondria, Golgi complexes, microtubules, profiles of endoplasmic reticulum, secretion granules and glycogen granules were observed. Carbohydrates were detected on ultrathin sections by using the periodic acid-silver methenamine and the periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate techniques.  相似文献   

E. Kamitsubo 《Protoplasma》1981,109(1-2):3-12
Summary The effect of supraoptimal temperatures onNitella cells was studied with special reference to the function of subcortical fibrils and an endoplasmic factor. Local heat-treatment (50 °C for 1 minute) of an internodal cell ofNitella disclosed that 1. the subcortical fibrils in the treated area remain normal, not affected by the treatment, 2. the subcortical fibrils alone produce no cytoplasmic streaming, 3. the endoplasm contains an extremely heat-labile factor which is indispensable for streaming, and 4. the stagnant endoplasm in the heat-treated area is neither coagulated nor gelated by heat.Preliminary reports appeared in Proc. 37th Annu. Meet. Bot. Soc. Jpn. P. 160 (1972, in Japanese) and in Abst. Annu. Meet. Jpn. Soc. Cell Biol. p. 57 (1975, in Japanese).  相似文献   

Chlorhexidine is widely used as a bacterial drug whose method of action has been well described in bacteria. Its fungicidal properties have been proved. We show here the effects of a sublethal dose of a preparation of digluconate of chlorhexidine on buddingCandida albicans. A fungistatic action is revealed by a decrease in the percentage of budding cells, and two main types of alterations can be observed with transmission electron microscopy (T.E.M.): a loss of cytoplasmic components and a coagulation of nucleoproteins. With scanning electron microscopy (S.E.M.), the cell walls show morphological modifications.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the eye lens of Sepiola atlantica was investigated using scanning electron microscopy. The main lens elements in both the anterior and posterior half of the Sepiola lens are plate-like configurations with fiber-like extensions at their margins. Anteriorly the plates are plano-convex, posteriorly subspherical. The central, primordial, posterior plates are spherical with no marginal extensions. The plates are mutually anchored by protrusions and invaginations and by push-button attachments. The posterior and anterior halves are separated by a septum which consists of concentric zones of radially orientated elongated cells. The marginal extensions of the plates and the septal elements are closely associated. The unique structure of the septum makes it a good candidate for the high resistance barrier between the posterior and anterior halves of the Sepiola lens (Jacob and Duncan, 1981).  相似文献   

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