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Associations between different agonistic and affiliative behavioural patterns of female domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) were studied. In three groups of intact cats living in confinement frequencies of fourteen agonistic and affiliative behavioural patterns were recorded. The technique of factor analysis (Principal Components Analysis followed by varimax rotation on a dyads X behavioural patterns matrix) was used to detect clusters in these behavioural patterns. Five factors (or types of interindividual relationships) were extracted per group. They accounted collectively for at least 77% of the total variance present in the data. Although differences existed between groups with respect to behavioural patterns included in each factor, four clusters of behaviours could be discriminated: (I) social rubbing, lordosis and rolling in front of partner (sexual behaviour), (II) allogrooming, social sniffing, nosing, sniffing rear and treading (inspection-affiliative behaviour), (III) offensive behaviour and staring, and (IV) defensive behaviour and staring. The role of these clusters in group living is discussed.  相似文献   

The present study is aimed at finding taste reactivity patterns in domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus) which reflect 'liking' or perceived palatability. Three groups of nonstressed cats living in households were formed which a priori were expected to differ in motivational state for eating food items (more or less hungry), and which were offered two different food items differing in general taste properties (more or less flavourful food, MFF and LFF, respectively) around the time that they were fed their normal food. Analysis of the amount of food eaten showed that MFF was consumed regardless of hunger level and that LFF was consumed depending on the hunger level of cats: the more hungry cats ate more of LFF than the less hungry cats. Analysis of post-meal behavioural sequences showed that the 'MFF consumption sequence' differed from the 'LFF refusal sequence' and that the 'LFF consumption sequence' strongly resembled the 'MFF consumption sequence' but also contained elements of the 'LFF refusal sequence'. Subsequent analysis of the frequencies and total durations of behavioural patterns showed that two kinds of patterns existed, possibly reflecting two 'palatability dimensions': hedonic taste reactivity patterns (lick/sniff feeding bowl, lip lick and groom face) and aversive taste reactivity patterns (lick/sniff food and lick nose). These dimensions may be combined to obtain a single palatability score.  相似文献   

《Behavioural processes》1997,39(3):241-247
Unrestrained, naı̈ve cats (Felis silvestris catus) (n=48: 28 males and 20 females), living in a natural domestic environment, were studied for paw preferences using a food reaching test. A total of 46% were right-preferent, 44% were left-preferent and 10% were ambilateral. 60% of the cats in our sample used one paw 100% of the time. This preference was stable over time (10 weeks), and was not influenced by the presence of food residue on the cats' non-preferred paw. There was no difference between male and female cats in the proportions of left and right paw-preferent individuals. We have reviewed the literature reporting paw preferences in cats and conclude that in static food-reaching tests, domestic cats show a marked paw preference with an equal distribution of left- and right-preferent individuals. They do not, however, show a group or population bias toward the use of any one paw. There are no significant sex differences. In contrast, there is previously published evidence which appears to suggest that moving-target reaching tests uncover a left-sided behavioural asymmetry.  相似文献   

We investigated the social function of tail up in order to verify its possible relationship with the hierarchical organization of a social group. Domestic cats live at higher densities than their ancestor which is a solitary species. Since the signals needed by solitary animals have different properties than those needed by group-living individuals, signalling pattern utilised by the domestic cat has inevitably changed. Kittens displayed the tail up when greeting their mother; this behaviour can also be observed in wild species. But, in domestic cat the tail up can be also observed when an adult individual meets another one and it signals the intention to interact amicably. Rank order affected the display of tail up posture: it was more frequently displayed by low-ranking cats, and high-ranking individuals received it more often than other members of the social group. Then, tail up seems to be a signal by means of which a cat shows the recognition of the higher social status of the individual to whom is directed. We confirmed the association between tail up and other affiliative behavioural patterns and the individual variability in displaying them. Considerations on the evolution of the tail up as a visual signal will be discussed.  相似文献   

The food preferences of 64 cats, of which 28 were domestic pets and 36 were free-ranging animals on three farms, were tested using five food types; a sixth type was also tested on the farm cats. Information was also gathered on the background diet of the house cats (individually) and of each farm cat colony. Consistent differences were found between the predefined groups of cats in their preferences for three foods, Hard Dry (HD), Canned Meat (CM) and Raw Beef (RB), the greatest differences being between house cats and farm cats as a whole. The three colonies of farm cats showed distinct differences in preference, for RB and/or CM, and for the sixth food, Soft Dry (SD). Differences between farms could be explained by a reduced preference for items similar to major components of the background diet of each colony, i.e. selection in favour of foods that were temporally rare. Differences between house and farm cats, and within the house cats, could not be explained in this way; the house cats were neophobic towards RB, and the farm cats ate little of the HD food, possibly because they found it difficult to ingest.  相似文献   

Tsutsui T 《Theriogenology》2006,66(1):122-125
Artificial insemination (AI) in cats represents an important technique for increasing the contribution of genetically valuable individuals in specific populations, whether they be highly pedigreed purebred cats, medically important laboratory cats or endangered non-domestic cats. Semen is collected using electrical stimulation, with an artificial vagina or from intact or excised cauda epididymis. Sperm samples can be used for AI immediately after collection, after temporary storage above 0 degrees C or after cryopreservation. There have been three and five reports on intravaginal and intrauterine insemination, respectively, and one report on tubal insemination with fresh semen. In studies using fresh semen, it was reported that conception rates of 50% or higher were obtained by intravaginal insemination with 10-50x10(6) spermatozoa, while, in another report, the conception rate was 78% after AI with 80x10(6) spermatozoa. After intrauterine insemination, conception rates following deposition of 6.2x10(6) and 8x10(6) spermatozoa were reported to be 50 and 80%, respectively. With tubal insemination, the conception rate was 43% when 4x10(6) spermatozoa were used, showing that the number of spermatozoa required to obtain a satisfactory conception rate was similar to that of cats inseminated directly into the uterus. When frozen semen was used for intravaginal insemination the conception rate was rather low, but intrauterine insemination with 50x10(6) frozen/thawed spermatozoa resulted in a conception rate of 57%. Furthermore, in one report, conception was obtained by intrauterine insemination of frozen epididymal spermatozoa. Overall, there have been few reports on artificial insemination in cats. The results obtained to date show considerable variation, both within and among laboratories depending upon the type and number of spermatozoa used and the site of sperm deposition. Undoubtedly, future studies will identify the major factors required to consistently obtain reliable conception rates, so that AI can become a practical technique for enhancing the production of desirable genotypes, both for laboratory and conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Skull characters of wildcats ( Felis silvestris ), classed as 'old', 'recent' or 'modern', depending on collection date, were compared with those of domestic cats ( F. catus ) and hybrids, using Fisher Linear Discriminant Functions, Principal Component Analyses and Canonical Variates. A key is derived for classification of individual (unknown) skulls. All analyses indicate that 'recent' and 'modern' wildcats were different from those collected earlier, and implied marked changes in the rate of hydridization during this century. We suggest that the older wildcat populations were a relatively 'pure' form but more recent populations contain a significant hybrid component. Although there may be a trend towards re-establishment of the earlier type, an alternative conclusion is that the 'pure' form of wildcat is effectively extinct in Scotland.  相似文献   

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis is an important neurological disease of horses in the United States. Consequently, there is an active research effort to identify hosts associated with the primary causative agent, Sarcocystis neurona. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the domestic cat (Felis catus) is a natural host for S. neurona. Muscle sections from 50 primarily free-roaming domestic cats were examined for the presence of sarcocysts. Serum from cats in this group and another group of 50 free-roaming cats were evaluated for the presence of S. neurona antibody. Sarcocysts were found in five of 50 (10%) cats, and S. neurona antibody in five of 100 (5%) cats. Morphological, molecular (including ribosomal RNA genes), and biological characterisation of these sarcocysts showed that they were not S. neurona or S. neurona-like. Sarcocysts found in the cats were identified morphologically as Sarcocystis felis, a common parasite of wild felids. The life cycle of S. felis is not known, and prior to this study, no molecular marker for S. felis existed. Although cats were found to be infected with S. felis sarcocysts, serological data provided evidence of possible infection with S. neurona as well. Further work is needed to determine the role of the domestic cat in the life cycle of S. neurona.  相似文献   

Many theoretical studies have proposed different causal mechanisms by which the structure of a host population could have important implications for life history traits of pathogens. However, little information is available from real systems to test these hypotheses. The domestic cat, Felis silvestris catus, whose populations exhibit a great variability in social and spatial structure, represent an ideal case study to assess this question. In the present article, we show how cat population structure may have influenced the evolution of feline viruses and, in return, how these viruses may have modified the genetic structure of cat populations. To cite this article: D. Pontier et al., C. R. Biologies 332 (2009).  相似文献   

Urban stray cat populations have previously been shown to be organized in moderately to strongly genetically differentiated colonies. However, the spatial pattern of this genetic differentiation and the possibility that some cryptic genetic structure occurs have not been investigated. Firstly, we combine a pairwise Fst method, a fully Bayesian clustering method and a multivariate analysis to show that the spatial structure of 17 urban stray cat colonies (Nancy, France) does not match the underlying genetic structure. These colonies are structured in two clusters at the uppermost hierarchical level. Additionally, geographic proximity between colonies does not explain their genetic homogeneity. The spatial pattern in genetic differentiation seems more to be a mixture between low global structure and some highly localized structure, comprising isolated colonies. Variations in the local ecological and social constraints on immigration between colonies may explain this pattern. Secondly, we show that the overall current immigration rate is low (8%). Our results suggest that dispersal does not play a major role in the process of homogenization of allelic frequencies. Our study provides a case-study on the use of Bayesian clustering and assignment methods on a real, small data set with numerous fragmented populations; a population structure that is of high relevance in conservation biology.  相似文献   

Mastication has been studied by cinematography with synchronized electromyography (computer quantified and analyzed), while unanesthetized, freely feeding cats (Felis catus) were reducing equivalent-sized chunks of raw and cooked beef and cooked chicken. Cats reduce food on one side at a time, and their chewing cycles show both horizontal and anteroposterior deflections. Food objects are shifted from side to side by lateral jerks of the head and movements of the tongue. During the opening phase, the lower jaw is rotated relatively straight downward, and the digastric muscles are active in bilateral symmetry. Near the end of opening, the head jerks upward, both zygomaticomandibulares start to fire, and opening acceleration of the mandible decreases. Closing starts with horizontal displacement of the mandibular canines toward the working side, accompanied by asymmetrical activities from the working side deep temporalis and the balancing side medial pterygoid, as well as a downward jerk of the head. As closing proceeds, the mandibular canines remain near the working side and the working side zygomaticomandibularis and deep masseter are very active. Near the end of closing, the mandibular canine on the working side moves toward the midline, and adductors, digastrics, and lateral pterygoids of both sides are active. The adductors of the working side are generally more active than those of the balancing side. During a reduction sequence, the number and shape of the masticatory cycles, as well as movements of the head, during a reduction sequence are affected significantly by food type. As reduction proceeds, the duration of bite and the muscular activity (as characterized by number and amplitude of spikes) change significantly among muscles of the working and balancing sides. The adductors of the working side are generally most active when cats chew raw beef, less for cooked beef, and least for cooked chicken. In general, the adductor activity reflects food consistency, whereas that of the digastrics and lateral pterygoids reflects more the vertical and lateral displacements of the mandible. Statistical analysis documents that the methods of electrode insertion and test give repeatable results for particular sites in different animals. Thus, it should be possible to compare these results with those produced while other mammalas are masticating.  相似文献   

We report on the completion of an autosomal genetic linkage (GL) map of the domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus). Unlike two previous linkage maps of the cat constructed with a hybrid pedigree between the domestic cat and the Asian leopard cat, this map was generated entirely with domestic cats, using a large multi-generational pedigree (n = 256) maintained by the Nestlé Purina PetCare Company. Four hundred eighty-three simple tandem repeat (STR) loci have been assigned to linkage groups on the cat's 18 autosomes. A single linkage group spans each autosome. The length of the cat map, estimated at 4370 cM, is long relative to most reported mammalian maps. A high degree of concordance in marker order was observed between the third-generation map and the 1.5 Mb-resolution radiation hybrid (RH) map of the cat. Using the cat 1.9 × whole-genome sequence, we identified map coordinates for 85% of the loci in the cat assembly, with high concordance observed in marker order between the linkage map and the cat sequence assembly. The present version represents a marked improvement over previous cat linkage maps as it (i) nearly doubles the number of markers that were present in the second-generation linkage map in the cat, (ii) provides a linkage map generated in a domestic cat pedigree which will more accurately reflect recombination distances than previous maps generated in a hybrid pedigree, and (iii) provides single linkage groups spanning each autosome. Marker order was largely consistent between this and the previous maps, though the use of a hybrid pedigree in the earlier versions appears to have contributed to some suppression of recombination. The improved linkage map will provide an added resource for the mapping of phenotypic variation in the domestic cat and the use of this species as a model system for biological research.  相似文献   

Hochberg and co-workers have predicted that an increase in host adult mortality due to parasites is balanced by an earlier age at first reproduction. In polygynous species we hypothesize that such a pattern would lead to diverging selection pressure on body size between sexes and increased sexual size dimorphism. In polygynous mammals, male body size is considered to be an important factor for reproductive success. Thus, under the pressure of a virulent infection, males should be selected for rapid growth and/or higher body size to be able to compete successfully as soon as possible with opponents. In contrast, under the same selection pressure, females should be selected for lighter adult body size or rapid growth to reach sexual maturity earlier. We investigated this hypothesis in the domestic cat Felis catus. Orange cats have greater body size dimorphism than non-orange cats. Orange females are lighter than non-orange females, and orange males are heavier than non-orange males. Here, we report the extent to which orange and non-orange individuals differ in infection prevelance for two retroviruses, feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). FIV is thought to be transmitted almost exclusively through aggressive contacts between individuals, whereas FeLV transmission occurs mainly through social contacts. The pattern of infection of both diseases is consistent with the higher aggressiveness of orange cats. In both sexes, orange cats are significantly more infected by FIV, and tend to be less infected by FeLV than other cats. The pattern of infection is also consistent with an earlier age at first reproduction in orange than in non-orange cats, at least for females. These results suggest that microparasitism may have played an important role in the evolution of sexual size dimorphism of domestic cats.  相似文献   

Impact of predation by domestic cats Felis catus in an urban area   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
  • 1 As companion animals, domestic cats Felis catus can attain very high densities, and have the potential to exert detrimental effects on prey species. Yet, there is a paucity of information on the impact of cat predation in urban areas, where most cats are likely to be present.
  • 2 We quantified the minimum number of animals killed annually by cats in a 4.2-km2 area of Bristol, UK, by asking owners to record prey animals returned home by their pets. The potential impact of cat predation on prey species was estimated by comparing the number of animals killed with published estimates of prey density and annual productivity.
  • 3 Predator density was 229 cats/km2.
  • 4 Five mammal, 10 bird and one amphibian prey species were recorded. Mean predation rate was 21 prey/cat/annum. The most commonly recorded prey species was the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus.
  • 5 Predation on birds was greatest in spring and summer, and probably reflected the killing of juvenile individuals. For three prey species (house sparrow Passer domesticus, dunnock Prunella modularis, robin Erithacus rubecula), estimated predation rates were high relative to annual productivity, such that predation by cats may have created a dispersal sink for juveniles from more productive neighbouring areas. The impact of cats on these species therefore warrants further investigation.

Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that infects humans and animal species worldwide. The relative importance of each potential transmission route in the complex life cycle of this coccidia is largely unknown, due to the lack of studies taking into account all routes simultaneously. In this study, we analyzed the transmission of T. gondii in an urban population of stray cats captured between 1993 and 2004. Analyzing prevalence, our aim was to determine which factors influence transmission in this population. Specific anti-T. gondii IgG antibodies were detected using the modified agglutination test. Firstly, we analyzed the kinetics of antibody titers in cats captured several times, using mixed linear models and correspondence analysis. We showed that antibody titers did not vary significantly with time and that titer 40 was the best threshold to separate individuals into two serological groups. Overall, prevalence was only 18.6%, thus transmission of T. gondii is infrequent in this population. As expected, a highly significant association was detected between age and presence of IgG antibodies. Prevalence was lowest in kittens aged 3-4 months, suggesting that newborn kittens may carry maternal antibodies and that vertical transmission is rare. After taking into account the effect of age, logistic regression showed that antibody carriage was related to factors that possibly related to the survival of oocysts: localization in the study site, origin of the cats, maximal temperatures and rain. Our results suggest that in this population, vertical transmission is rare, low predation limits prevalence, and oocyst survival is a determining factor in the risk of infection. We discuss the more general importance of conditions determining oocyst survival in the life cycle of T. gondii.  相似文献   

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