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A theoretical study is made of the dispersion properties of electromagnetic surface waves with arbitrary azimuthal mode numbers and with a small axial wavenumber in cylindrical metal waveguides entirely filled with a radially inhomogeneous, cold, magnetized plasma. The frequency ranges in which the extraordinary polarized waves under analysis can exist are found, and the conditions for their resonant interaction with an ordinary bulk wave are determined. The eigenfrequency of these surface waves is investigated as a function of the plasma parameters, the axial wavenumber, and the azimuthal mode number. Simple analytic expressions are derived for the eigenfrequencies of the surface waves under study propagating in a homogeneous plasma waveguide.  相似文献   

A theory of cylindrical surface waves in a circular waveguide filled with a smoothly inhomogeneous plasma is presented. For a special radial profile of the plasma density, dispersion relations for the complex frequencies of surface waves are derived analytically. The dispersion relations are solved numerically (in the long-wavelength limit) and numerically. It is shown that there are two types of surface waves. When passing to the case of a sharply bounded plasma, one of the waves becomes an ordinary surface wave, while the other becomes strongly damped.  相似文献   

A study is made of the dispersion properties of waveguides filled with a magnetized plasma. It is shown that the eigenmodes of the waveguides filled with a low-density magnetized plasma fall into two families, which are weakly coupled to one another at all frequencies, in particular, in the cyclotron resonance frequency range. These families differ in transverse wavenumbers and the modes in them have hybrid polarization. Attention is focused on the study of the modes that have predominantly TE polarization at frequencies close to the cutoff frequency. The dependence of the critical frequencies of the TE modes on the plasma frequency, as well as the influence of the plasma on the energy flux and energy density of these modes, is investigated. The effect of mode crowding (the existence of an arbitrarily large number of dispersion curves in a finite frequency range between the cyclotron frequency and the upper hybrid frequency) is examined in detail. The results obtained are used to analyze how the plasma affects the electromagnetic properties of the cavity of the 1-MW 140-GHz continuous-wave gyrotron developed at the Institute of Pulsed and Microwave Technology of the Research Center in Karlsruhe, Germany (Institut für Hochleistungsimpuls-und Mikrowellentechnik Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe) for plasma heating in the W7-X stellarator, which is being constructed in Greifswald, Germany.  相似文献   

A theoretical study is made of the resonant effect of the shape of the cross section of the plasma column on the propagation of a packet of extraordinary electromagnetic waves with a zero axial wavenumber in a circular-cross-section cylindrical metal waveguide in an axial magnetic field. The waveguide is assumed to be partially filled with a plasma. The effect of the noncircular shape of the plasma cross section on the dispersion properties of surface eigenmodes propagating strictly transverse to the external magnetic field is investigated by the method of successive approximations for the case in which the angular period of the wave perturbations is twice the ripple period of the interface between the plasma and the dielectric. In this resonant case, the fields and eigenfrequencies of the eigenmodes are determined to second order in the small parameter describing the rippling of the plasma-dielectric interface.  相似文献   

A theoretical study is made of the dispersion properties of electromagnetic surface waves with arbitrary azimuthal mode numbers and a small axial wavenumber in cylindrical isotropic waveguides partially filled with plasma. The plasma is assumed to be cold and radially inhomogeneous, and the problem is solved in the hydrodynamic approximation. The eigenfrequency of the waves is investigated as a function of the plasma parameters, the width and the permittivity of the dielectric gap between the metal waveguide wall and the plasma column, the axial wavenumber, and the azimuthal mode number. It is shown that the axial phase velocities of asymmetric surface modes are higher than the speed of light in a dielectric and that the surface modes do not propagate in a waveguide with a vanishingly small width of the dielectric gap. The theory developed is employed in practice in the calculation of the electrodynamic model of a gas discharges maintained by asymmetric long-wavelength surface modes. The power absorbed by the gas-discharge plasma in the regimes of Ohmic damping and resonant damping is calculated, and the plasma produced during the discharge is shown to be azimuthally homogeneous.  相似文献   

The propagation of surface waves transverse to the circular axis of a toroidal magnetized metal waveguide entirely filled with a plasma is studied using perturbation theory. The distribution of the fields of these waves in such a waveguide structure is investigated. It is shown that the toroidicity introduces a second-order correction to the eigenfrequency of the surface waves.  相似文献   

Raman scattering in a subcritical plasma is simulated numerically for the case where the laser radiation propagates transversely to an external magnetic field. It is shown that, in the linear stage of Raman instability, the magnetic field decreases the instability growth rate for forward scattering and increases it for backward scattering. As the value of the magnetic field increases, the stochastic heating of plasma electrons is enhanced in the region of backscattering.  相似文献   

Results are presented from laboratory studies of the radiation transport from a transmitting to a receiving antenna in a cold magnetoactive plasma in the upper hybrid frequency range. In the low-frequency part of this range, sharp maxima of the transmission coefficient are recorded in the resonant directions. In the high-frequency part, a beamed radiation along the external magnetic field is observed. An analysis of the experiments shows that the Q factor of the angular resonances is primarily limited by the phase effects caused by weak spatial dispersion.  相似文献   

An expression for the ion?ion coupling in a multicomponent plasma jet is derived for an arbitrary ratio between the thermal and relative velocities of the components. The obtained expression is used to solve the problem on the expansion of a current-carrying plasma microjet emitted from the cathode surface into vacuum. Two types of plasmas with two ion components are analyzed: (i) plasma in which the ion components of equal masses are in the charge states Z 1= +1 and Z 2= +2 and (ii) plasma with ions in equal charge states but with the mass ratio m 1/m 2 = 2. It is shown that, for such plasmas, the difference between the velocities of the plasma components remains substantial (about 10% of the average jet velocity in case (i) and 15% in case (ii)) at distances of several centimeters from the emission center, where it can be measured experimentally, provided that its initial value at the emitting cathode surface exceeds a certain threshold. This effect is investigated as a function of the mass ratio and charge states of the ion components.  相似文献   

The classical (for the Grad-Shafranov equation) formulation of the equilibrium problem for a cylindrical current-carrying plasma column is shown to admit multiple solutions. The multiple solutions are bifurcational in character and appear due to the nonlinearity of the equilibrium equation. This was demonstrated analytically using a stepped current profile as an example. Bifurcational solutions found for the cylindrical case survive in toroidal geometry too.  相似文献   

At the RRC Kurchatov Institute, high-impedance plasma opening switches have recently been developed that enable efficient pulse sharpening and are capable of operating in a repetitive mode. This paper presents the results of studying the conduction phase preceding the current break. In this stage, the magnetic-field and current waves propagate in the plasma from the switch to the load. The magnetic-field and current detectors placed along the plasma axis are used to measure the velocity and acceleration of the current front near the cathode and anode. At the end of the conduction phase, the characteristic velocities near the cathode and anode attain 100 and 50 cm/μs, respectively. During the current front propagation, the width of the front nearly triples. The acceleration and widening of the front are reasonably explained within electron magnetohy-drodynamics. It is shown that the voltage during the current break depends on the length of the coaxial cathode of the switch. When the cathode length is shorter than the distance covered by the current front, the generated voltage decreases substantially. __________ Translated from Fizika Plazmy, Vol. 27, No. 1, 2001, pp. 64–70. Original Russian Text Copyright ? 2001 by Dolgachev, Kingsep, Ushakov.  相似文献   

The nonlinear resonance doubling of radio wave frequencies in inhomogeneous plasma is studied as applied to the ionosphere under the conditions of the phase synchronism between an extraordinary pump wave and its second harmonic. The synchronism is not related to plasma resonances, but is determined by the magnetic field and plasma electron density in the transparency region. The generation efficiency of the second harmonic of a transversely propagating wave is calculated for a wide frequency band lying higher than the lower hybrid resonance frequency. It is shown that this effect is physically analogous to the generation of the second harmonic of laser radiation in a nonlinear crystal. The generation efficiency of the second harmonic is determined for inhomogeneous ionospheric plasma in which the synchronism condition is satisfied in a limited frequency range. It is shown that this effect can be used for remote nonlinear diagnostics of the upper ionospheric plasma, in which the characteristic size of the synchronism region can reach several kilometers. It is proposed to use a combination of satellite and ground-based ion probes in experiments on transionospheric probing. Even if the frequency of the wave emitted from the satellite is lower than the critical frequency in the ionosphere, the frequency of its second harmonic can exceed the critical frequency, so that it can be recorded by a ground-based ion probe or a specially designed receiver. The reflected second-harmonic signal can also be detected at the satellite by using a broadband radio-frequency spectrometer.  相似文献   

The linear stage of electron cyclotron instability of quasi-TE modes in a waveguide filled with a magnetoactive plasma is studied using a kinetic approach. The dispersion relation of the instability is derived analytically. It is shown that the presence of the plasma can reduce both the linear instability growth rate and the instability region; in this case, the maximum of the growth rate is displaced toward lower frequencies. The results obtained are compared with the available experimental observations. They can be useful for optimizing the operating regimes of high-power continuous-wave gyrotrons.  相似文献   

A general method is developed for a numerical analysis of the frequency spectra of internal, internal-surface, and surface slow waves in a waveguide with transverse plasma density variations. For waveguides with a piecewise constant plasma filling, the spectra of slow waves are thoroughly examined in the limits of an infinitely weak and an infinitely strong external magnetic field. For a smooth plasma density profile, the frequency spectrum of long-wavelength surface waves remains unchanged, but a slow damping rate appears that is caused by the conversion of the surface waves into internal plasma waves at the plasma resonance point. As for short-wavelength internal waves, they are strongly damped by this effect. It is pointed out that, for annular plasma geometry, which is of interest from the experimental point of view, the spectrum of the surface waves depends weakly on the magnetic field strength in the waveguide.  相似文献   

A plasma microwave amplifier based on a relativistic electron beam in an electrodynamic system in the form of a coaxial waveguide with a thin tubular plasma in a strong external magnetic field has been considered. Dispersion relations for determining the spectra of plasma and beam waves in the coaxial waveguide, as well as the general dispersion relation describing beam-plasma interaction, have been obtained in the linear approximation. The frequency dependences of the spatial growth rates for different plasma radii and different plasma frequencies, as well as the characteristic frequencies of the plasma amplifier, have been obtained by numerically and analytically solving the dispersion relations. The parameters of the plasma amplifier and generator with the coaxial electrodynamic system have been estimated for their experimental implementation.  相似文献   

Noto M  Keng D  Teraoka I  Arnold S 《Biophysical journal》2007,92(12):4466-4472
The state of adsorbed protein molecules can be examined by comparing the shifts in a narrow line resonance wavelength of transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) whispering gallery modes (WGM) when the molecules adsorb onto a transparent microsphere that houses WGM. In adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA) onto an aminopropyl-modified silica microsphere, the TM/TE shift ratio indicated highly anisotropic polarizability of BSA in the direction normal to the surface, most likely ascribed to anchoring the heart-shaped protein molecule by one of its tips. The polarization-dependent resonance shift was confirmed when the surrounding refractive index was uniformly changed by adding salt, which would simulate adsorption of large objects.  相似文献   

Comparison of sperm viability with seminal plasma metal levels   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study compares the semen levels of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and aluminum (Al) in relation to live sperm in semen samples from 64 apparently healthy men. The measured levels were separated into live sperm count tertiles (<25% [18 subjects], 25–50% [26 subjects], and >50% [20 subjects]). The mean ± SD for each group was calculated, and the difference between the means of the high and low tertiles were compared by ANOVA. Significant differences were observed between the high and low live sperm groups for Pb (p < 0.01) and Al (p < 0.05), but not Cd. Spearman’s rank correlation between sperm viability and the semen plasma metal levels showed a direct relation to Mg (p < 0.05). However, there was an inverse relation to lead (p < 0.001), cadmium (p < 0.01), and aluminum (p < 0.01). There was no significant correlation between Ca and Zn. Linear regression between the live sperm counts and semen level of the three metals show that metal levels were inversely correlated with the percentage of live sperm (p < 0.001, <0.01). Apparently, the presence of these metals in the environment and in seminal plasma exerts a toxic effect on sperm.  相似文献   

The regimes of the instabilities of an annular relativistic electron beam in a waveguide with an annular plasma are systematically analyzed and classified. The growth rates of the instabilities are calculated different limiting cases, and the resonance conditions for the development of the instabilities are determined. The fastest growing instability of a high-current relativistic electron beam in a waveguide with a dense plasma is considered. The possible onset of a low-frequency instability of a beam in a waveguide with a low-density plasma is investigated. Typical examples of how the growth rates depend on the perturbation wavenumbers are presented for systems with parameters close to the experimental ones.  相似文献   

The coupled rotational dynamics of the m/n = 2/1 and 3/2 MHD modes in an ohmic discharge and the m/n = 2/1 and 4/1 modes in a regime with on-axis electron-cyclotron resonance heating were studied experimentally. The specific features of rotation of these modes in the presence of an error magnetic field, in particular the dependence of the instantaneous frequency Ω(t) of the MHD mode on its spatial orientation at the current instant, were revealed. In analyzing the results obtained, MHD modes were identified with tearing modes (magnetic islands) having a corresponding spatial structure. A possible mechanism for the mutual influence of magnetic islands resulting in their consistent rotation is discussed.  相似文献   

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