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Symbiotic and parasitic relationships can alter the degree of endoreduplication in plant cells, and a limited number of studies have documented this occurrence in root cells colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. However, this phenomenon has not been tested in a wide range of plant species, including species that are non-endopolyploid and those that do not associate with AM fungi. We grew 37 species belonging to 16 plant families, with a range of genome sizes and a range in the degree of endopolyploidy. The endoreduplication index (EI) was compared between plants that were inoculated with Glomus irregulare and plants that were not inoculated. Of the species colonized with AM fungi, 22 of the 25 species had a significant increase in endopolyploid root nuclei over non-mycorrhizal plants, including species that do not normally exhibit endopolyploidy. Changes in the EI were strongly correlated (R(2) = 0.619) with the proportion of root length colonized by arbuscules. No change was detected in the EI for the 12 non-mycorrhizal species. This work indicates that colonization by symbiotic fungi involves a mechanism to increase nuclear DNA content in roots across many angiosperm groups and is likely linked to increased metabolism and protein production.  相似文献   

Cuttings were taken from 4-week-old seedlings of Norway spruce ( Picea abies L. Karst.) raised at two different irradiation levels. Rooting experiments showed that root formation was increased by the ethylene formed by adding 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid ACC or Ethrel, especially in the slowly rooting cuttings grown under high light (HL). Cobaltousion. an ethylene synthesis inhibitor, delayed rooting, especially in the easily rooted cuttings grown under low light (LL).
Compounds isolated from the cuttings using immunoaffinity chromatography, on a column with antibodies against cytokinins, and separated by HPLC decreased in amount during the first week of the rooting period. An increase in ethylene production accelerated this process, especially in cuttings grown under HL, whereas cobaltous ion delayed it. We suggest that ethylene stimulates rooting by enhancing the degradation of cytokinins.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL)-1alpha is one of the important cytokines involved in regulating immunological reactions in the mouse skin. However, it is not known whether IL-1alpha regulates the proliferation and differentiation of mouse epidermal melanocytes. In this study, to investigate the role of IL-1alpha in the regulation of the proliferation and differentiation of mouse epidermal melanocytes, IL-1alpha was supplemented to serum-free primary cultures of epidermal cell suspensions from the initiation of the primary culture (keratinocytes and melanoblasts-melanocytes) as well as to pure cultures of melanoblasts-melanocytes (keratinocyte-depleted cultures, after 14 days), and its effect was tested. IL-1alpha inhibited the proliferation of undifferentiated melanoblasts irrespective of the presence or absence of keratinocytes, whereas the cytokine inhibited the proliferation of differentiated melanocytes only in the presence of keratinocytes. Moreover, IL-1alpha induced the differentiation of melanocytes and, in addition, stimulated tyrosinase activity, melanin synthesis, and dendritogenesis of melanocytes irrespective of the presence or absence of keratinocytes. These results suggest that IL-1alpha is involved in inhibiting the proliferation of neonatal murine epidermal melanoblasts and in stimulating the differentiation, melanogenesis, and dendritogenesis of melanocytes. The results also suggest that IL-1alpha inhibits the proliferation of differentiated melanocytes in cooperation with keratinocyte-derived factors.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that endoreduplication levels in hypocotyls of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. are under negative control of phytochromes. In this study, the hormonal regulation of this process was analysed using a collection of A. thaliana mutants. The results show that two hormones in particular, gibberellin (GA) and ethylene, play distinct roles. Hypocotyl cells of the GA-deficient mutant ga1-11 grown in the dark did not elongate and showed a greatly reduced endoreduplication. Normal endoreduplication could be restored by supplying 10−9 M of the gibberellin GA4+7, whereas the restoration of normal cell growth required 100-fold higher concentrations. The GA-insensitive mutant gai showed reduced cell elongation but normal ploidy levels. We conclude that (i) GA4+7 has a global positive effect on endoreduplication and (ii) that endoreduplication is more sensitive to GA4+7 than cell elongation. Ethylene had a completely different effect. It induced an extra round of endoreduplication both in light- and dark-grown seedlings and acted mainly on discrete steps rather than having a global effect on endoreduplication. The genes EIN2 and CTR1, components of the ethylene signal transduction pathway were both involved in this process. Received: 27 February 1999 / Accepted: 21 May 1999  相似文献   

Triadimefon, a broad spectrum fungicide and an inhibitor of gibberellic biosynthesis, whitened, thickened, and shortened the roots of bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Spring Green) seedlings and stimulated the development of root primordia along the hypocotyl. In a comparative study, triadimefon, IAA, spermidine, putrescine and spermine all stimulated adventitious root growth, but triadimefon was more effective than the other 4 compounds. Equimolar concentrations of gibberellic acid (GA3) completely eliminated the stimulatory effect of triadimefon. Stimulation of root development by triadimefon was accompanied by inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis followed by removal of basal dominance and an increase in polyamine levels, both of which occurred after rooting had begun. Although triadimefon was effective in stimulating rooting, its mechanism of action is apparently not mediated via the control of ethylene and polyamine biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A majority of the cells in the Arabidopsis hypocotyl undergo endoreduplication. The number of endocycles in this organ is partially controlled by light. Up to two cycles occur in light-grown hypocotyls, whereas in the dark about 30% of the cells go through a third cycle. Is the inhibition of the third endocycle in the light an indirect result of the reduced cell size in the light-grown hypocotyl, or is it under independent light control? To address this question, the authors examined the temporal and spacial patterns of endoreduplication in light- or dark-grown plants and report here on the following observations: (i) during germination two endocycles take place prior to any significant cell expansion; (ii) in the dark the third cycle is completed very early during cell growth; and (iii) a mutation that dramatically reduces cell size does not interfere with the third endocycle. The authors then used mutants to study the way light controls the third endocycle and found that the third endocycle is completely suppressed in far red light through the action of phytochrome A and, to a lesser extent, in red light by phytochrome B. Furthermore, no 16C nuclei were observed in dark-grown constitutive photomorphogenic 1 seedlings. And, finally the hypocotyl of the cryptochrome mutant, hy4, grown in blue light was about three times longer than that of the wild-type without a significant difference in ploidy levels. Together, the results support the view that the inhibition of the third endocycle in light-grown hypocotyls is not the consequence of a simple feed-back mechanism coupling the number of cycles to the cell volume, but an integral part of the phytochrome-controlled photomorphogenic program.  相似文献   

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings carrying the long hypocotyl (Ih) mutation, which confers a lack of B-type phytochrome (phyB), were significantly shorter than their near-isogenic wild-type counterparts when grown in complete darkness. Relative growth rates determined for 5 mm hypocotyl regions were lower in Ih seedlings in all growing regions, and the zone of elongation was less extensive in Ih hypocotyls. Digital imaging microscopy revealed that the pattern of epidermal cell lengths along the stem axis differed between the Ih mutant and the iso-genic wild-type. These findings (and the fact that experiments were conducted under conditions where phytochrome photoconversion to the far-red-absorbing form does not occur) suggest that the red-absorbing form of phyB (PrB) is an active positive regulator of development in etiolated plants.  相似文献   

It has long been known that core body temperature declines with age, with temperatures of 35.5°C or below common in the elderly. However, the effects of temperature reduction on bone cell function and skeletal homeostasis have been little studied. We investigated the effects of mild hypothermia (35.5°C) and severe hypothermia (34°C) on bone-forming osteoblasts, and bone-resorbing osteoclasts. Formation of 'trabecular' bone structures by rat calvarial osteoblasts was reduced by 75% at 35.5°C and by 95% at 34°C after 14-16 days culture, compared to 37°C. In addition to reductions in osteoblast cell number, expression of mRNAs for Runx2, alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin and type I collagen were also down-regulated in hypothermia. In contrast, formation of osteoclasts in mononuclear cell cultures derived from mouse marrow, showed a 1.5 to 2-fold stimulation in hypothermia; resorption pit formation was similarly increased. Taken together, these data show that hypothermia exerts reciprocal effects on bone cell function by retarding osteoblast differentiation and bone formation, whilst increasing osteoclastogenesis and thus resorption. These results suggest the possibility that hypothermia in the elderly could potentially have a direct, negative impact on bone metabolism.  相似文献   

Beligni MV  Lamattina L 《Planta》2000,210(2):215-221
Seed germination, greening of etiolated plants and inhibition of hypocotyl elongation are stimulated by light, which is sensed by various types of photoreceptor. Nitric oxide (NO) has proven to be a bioactive molecule, especially in mammalian cells and, most recently, in plants. Like some phytochrome-dependent processes, many NO-mediated ones are accomplished through increases in cGMP levels. Given these similarities, we proposed that NO could take part in light-mediated events in plants. Here we show that NO promotes seed germination and de-etiolation, and inhibits hypocotyl and internode elongation, processes mediated by light. Two NO donors, sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine induced germination of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids) seeds in conditions in which this process is dependent on light (e.g. 26 °C). This was a dose-dependent response and was arrested by addition of an NO scavenger, carboxy-PTIO. In addition, nitrite and nitrate, two NO-decomposition products were ineffective in stimulating germination. Wheat seedlings sprayed with SNP and grown in darkness contained 30–40% more chlorophyll than control seedlings. Nitric-oxide-mediated partial greening was increased by light pulses, wounding and biotic stress. Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (ecotype Columbia) and lettuce seedlings grown in the dark had 20%-shorter hypocotyls in NO treatments than in control ones. On the other hand, internode lengths of potato plants growing under low light intensity and sprayed with 100 μM SNP were also 20% shorter than control ones. These results implicate NO as a stimulator molecule in plant photomorphogenesis, either dependent on or independent of plant photoreceptors. Received: 27 April 1999 / Accepted: 16 June 1999  相似文献   

Gliclazide, a second-generation sulfonylurea, has anti-oxidant properties as well as hypoglycemic activities. In the present study, we investigated whether gliclazide affected proliferation and/or differentiation of HW white and HB2 brown adipocyte cell lines. Gliclazide inhibited proliferation of HW and HB2 cells in the medium containing fetal calf serum or epidermal growth factor (EGF). Gliclazide inhibited phosphorylation of EGF receptor and of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 stimulated by EGF. Gliclazide increased lipid accumulation and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) expression in the early stage of differentiation of adipocytes. A K(ATP) channel activator, diazoxide, did not inhibit the increase of lipid accumulation by gliclazide. Furthermore, gliclazide inhibited the DNA-binding activity of PPARgamma in mature adipocytes. On the other hand, glibenclamide, other sulfonylurea, did not show these effects. These results indicate gliclazide inhibits proliferation and stimulates differentiation of adipocytes via down-regulation of the EGFR signalling. Gliclazide may have preventive and therapeutic effects on obesity, as well as on type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Apocynin is a naturally occurring methoxy-substituted catechol, experimentally used as an inhibitor of NADPH oxidase. Since it acts as a potent inhibitor in studies with neutrophils and macrophages, no inhibitory effect can often be found in non-phagocyte cells. In our experiments, apocynin even stimulated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by vascular fibroblasts. Even when added to macrophages, apocynin initially caused an increase in ROS production. The inhibition of ROS formation followed, suggesting that in the presence of leukocyte myeloperoxidase and hydrogen peroxide, apocynin is converted to another compound. Apocynin pre-activated with H2O2 and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) inhibited ROS production immediately. In non-phagocytes, apocynin stimulated ROS production and no inhibition was observed even after 60 min. Apocynin treated with H2O2 and HRP, however, decreased ROS production in the same manner as in macrophages. The stimulatory effect on ROS production can be abolished by tiron and superoxide dismutase (SOD), suggesting that superoxide was the produced species. The effect of apocynin was inhibited by diphenylene iodinium (DPI), a non-scavenging NADPH oxidase inhibitor. It can be summarized that apocynin stimulates cell superoxide production. In the presence of peroxidase and hydrogen peroxide, however, it is converted into another compound that acts as an inhibitor of superoxide production. It strongly suggests that under conditions in vivo, apocynin can have opposite effects on phagocytes and non-phagocyte cells. It acts as an inhibitor of phagocyte NADPH oxidase but also as a ROS production stimulator in non-phagocyte cells.  相似文献   

The antiaggregating agent prostacyclin (PGI2) was infused into ten dogs during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) to minimize thrombocytopenia and platelet dysfunction. The animals were anesthetized, placed on mechanical ventilation and underwent thoracotomy. After heparinization with 300 u/kg, animals were assigned to control (n=5) or PGI2 treated groups (n=5). Thoracotomy and then CPB decreased platelet numbers to below 30, 000/mm3 (p < 0.05) and fibrinogen to less than 150 mg/dl (p < 0.05). PGI2 at 100 ng/kg·min was infused for the 2 h period of CPB. PGI2 infusion did not prevent these changes, but did prevent platelet serotonin release. In the control group after CPB, platelet serotonin fell from the baseline value of 1.11 μg/109 to 0.35 μg/109 platelets (p < 0.05). In contrast, PGI2 treatment resulted in a serotonin increase to 2.27 μg/109 platelets (p < 0.05). Thromboxane B2 concentrations of platelets and plasma rose during CPB (p < 0.05). Surprisingly, PGI2 infusion accentuated this rise in platelet and plasma thromboxane B2 (p < 0.05). These data indicate that during CPB, an infusion of PGI2: 1) does not prevent thrombocytopenia; 2) increases platelet serotonin uptake despite, 3) an associated rise in platelet and plasma thromboxane B2.  相似文献   

Four-day-old etiolated cucumber cotyledons (Cucumis sativus, L.) were excised and allowed to green in white fluorescent light at 28 C. Cotyledons excised with a full hypocotyl hook exhibited a lag phase of 1 hour before entering the rapid greening phase, whereas cotyledons excised without any hypocotyl hook exhibited a lag phase of 6 hours. Cotyledons excised with varying lengths of hypocotyl hook accumulated chlorophyll roughly in proportion to the hook length. When cotyledons were excised with a full hook and were partially or totally shielded from light with aluminum foil, the samples with the hook covered accumulated more chlorophyll than the wholly exposed samples. The samples with the cotyledons covered showed no net accumulation of chlorophyll irrespective of hook's exposure to light. These data suggest the contribution of some factor or factors by the hypocotyl hook which reduce the lag phase during greening.  相似文献   

Zhao H  Yannaing S  Thanthan S  Kuwayama H 《Peptides》2011,32(11):2218-2224
This study was designed to determine the effects of gastrin on the circulating levels of ghrelin, growth hormone (GH), insulin, glucagon and glucose in ruminants. Two experiments were done in eight Holstein steers. Animals were randomly assigned to receive intravenous bolus injections: (1) 0.1% bovine serum albumin in saline as vehicle, 0.8, 4.0 and 20.0 μg/kg body weight (BW) of bovine sulfated gastrin-34; (2) vehicle, 0.53 μg/kg BW of bovine sulfated gastrin-17 alone or combined with 20.0 μg/kg BW of [d-Lys3]-GHRP-6, the selective antagonist of GHS-R1a. Blood samples were collected from −10 to 150 min relative to injection time. Concentrations of acyl and total ghrelin in response to gastrin-34 injection were significantly increased in a dose-dependent manner. Concentrations of GH were also markedly elevated by gastrin-34 injection; however, the effect of 20.0 μg/kg was weaker than that of 4.0 μg/kg. The three doses of gastrin-34 equally decreased insulin levels within 15 min and maintained the level until the time of last sampling. Gastrin-34 had no effect (P > 0.05) on the levels of glucagon and glucose. Levels of acyl ghrelin increased after administration of gastrin-17 alone or combined with [d-Lys3]-GHRP-6; however, [d-Lys3]-GHRP-6 did not block the elevation of GH by gastrin-17. The present results indicate that sulfated gastrin stimulates both ghrelin and GH release, but the GHS-R1a may not contribute to the release of GH by gastrin. Moreover, sulfated gastrin seems to indirectly maintain the homeostasis of blood glucose through the down-regulation of insulin in ruminants.  相似文献   

We previously reported that Azospirillum brasilense induced a more elastic cell wall and a higher apoplastic water fraction in both wheat coleoptile and flag leaf. These biophysical characteristics could permit increased growth. Knowledge of the biochemical effects the bacteria could elicit in plant cell walls and how these responses change plant physiology is still scarce. The objective of this work was to analyze whether A. brasilense Sp245 inoculation affected elongation and extensibility of growing cucumber (Cucumis sativus) hypocotyls and ionically bound cell wall peroxidase activities. Hypocotyl tip and basal segments were excised from A. brasilense Sp245-inoculated cucumber seedlings growing in darkness under hydroponic conditions. Elongation, cell wall extensibility, cell wall peroxidase activities against ferulic acid and guaiacol and NADH oxidase activities were analyzed. Azospirillum-inoculated cucumber seedlings grew bigger than non-inoculated ones. Dynamic cell wall differences were detected between inoculated and non-inoculated hypocotyls. They included greater acid-induced cell wall extension and in vivo elongation when incubated in distilled water. Although there was no difference between treatments in either region of the hypocotyl NADH oxidase and ferulic acid peroxidase activities were lower in both regions in inoculated seedlings. These lesser activities could be delaying the stiffening of cell wall in inoculated seedlings. These results showed that the cell wall is a target for A. brasilense growth promotion.  相似文献   

Moore TC 《Plant physiology》1967,42(5):677-684
The capacities of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and gibberellin A3 (GA3) to counteract the inhibitory effects of (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (CCC), 2-isopropyl-4-dimethylamino-5-methylphenyl-1-piperidinecarboxylate methyl chloride (Amo-1618), and N,N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (B-995) on hypocotyl elongation in light-grown cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings were investigated. One μg of GA3 applied to the shoot tip was sufficient to completely nullify the effect of 10 μg of Amo-1618 or 25 μg of B-995 applied simultaneously to the shoot tip, and 10 μg of GA3 completely counteracted the effect of 10−3 m CCC added to the root medium. One μg of IAA counteracted the effect of 10−3 m CCC in the root medium, but IAA did not nullify the action of either Amo-1618 or B-995. Experiments were conducted using 2 growth retardants simultaneously, which indicated that Amo-1618 and CCC inhibit a common process, namely GA biosynthesis, essential to hypocotyl elongation. However, since the effect of CCC was overcome by applications of both GA and IAA, growth retardation resulting from treatment with CCC apparently is not due solely to inhibition of GA biosynthesis. B-995 did not interact additively with either Amo-1618 or CCC, which suggests that B-995 affects a process different from those affected by the other 2 retardants. Thus, while inhibition evoked by B-995 is reversible by applied GA, the action of B-995 does not appear to be inhibition of GA biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Poinsett 76) seedlings withfully expanded cotyledons, and excised cotyledons, first trueleaves, hypocotyl segments and fruit mesocarp discs were exposedto vapours from a series of aqueous alcohol solutions of 0 to320 mM methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, n-butanol, and n-pentanolduring chilling at 2.5C for 5 d. Certain concentrations ofeach alcohol reduced subsequent chilling-induced ion leakagefrom the cotyledons and leaves. Exposure of cotyledons to certainmethanol or ethanol solutions also reduced chilling-inducedethylene production, but not carbon dioxide production. In contrast,exposing cucumber seedlings with fully expanded cotyledons tothe same series of alcohol concentrations that resulted in reducedchilling-induced ion leakage and ethylene production of excisedcotyledons actually increased chilling injury of the seedlings.The hypocotyl region directly below the cotyledons was the siteof chilling-induced injury and contained the most chilling-sensitivehypocotyl tissue. Exposing hypocotyl segments excised from thissensitive region to alcohol solutions did not significantlyreduce chilling-inducedion leakage. Exposing excised cucumbercotyledons or hypocotyl segments to equivalent osmotic nonvolatilesolutions of mannitol and glycerol at 2.5C or to alcohol solutionsat 12.5C had no significant effect on the rate of ion leakage.For the series of alcohols used, the relationship between thelog of the alcohol concentration that minimized chilling-inducedion leakage from cucumber cotyledon discs held at 2.5C for5 d and the log of the partition coefficient of the alcoholinto olive oil or the log of the molecular weight of the alcoholswas highly significant. The same concentrations of alcoholsthat reduced chilling-inducedion leakage also reduced stomatalaperture as measured as decreased porosity of excised cotyledons.The correlation between reduced chilling injury and stomatalconductance of cotyledons exposed to a series of ethanol solutionswas highly significant. It appears that alcohols may reducechilling injury of cucumber cotyledons by inducing stomata closure.Sufficient endogenously synthesized ethanol accumulated in discsheld in N2 at 10C for 1 d to confer tolerance to chilling at2.5C for 5 d. Key words: Anaerobic, Cucumis sativus, ethanol, ion leakage, stomatal conductance  相似文献   

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