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East Asia is one of the most important regions for studying modern human origin and evolution. A lot of efforts have been made to detect the genetic diversity and to reconstruct the evolutionary history of East Asians, especially using Y chromosome genetic data, in recent years. The Y chromosome data supports the African origin of modern humans in East Asia and the later migration to East Asia through the southern tropic coastline route, and then the northward migration occurred, leading to peopling of the main continent. The genetic data of the Y chromosome reflects a clear prehistoric evolution and migration course of East Asians. As well, the Y chromosome data of East Asians provides clues to elucidate modern human origins and evolution in the neighboring regions, i.e. America, Oceania and the Pacific Islands.  相似文献   

Hong Shi  Bing Su 《生物学前沿》2009,4(3):241-247
East Asia is one of the most important regions for studying modern human origin and evolution. A lot of efforts have been made to detect the genetic diversity and to reconstruct the evolutionary history of East Asians, especially using Y chromosome genetic data, in recent years. The Y chromosome data supports the African origin of modern humans in East Asia and the later migration to East Asia through the southern tropic coastline route, and then the northward migration occurred, leading to peopling of the main continent. The genetic data of the Y chromosome reflects a clear prehistoric evolution and migration course of East Asians. As well, the Y chromosome data of East Asians provides clues to elucidate modern human origins and evolution in the neighboring regions, i.e. America, Oceania and the Pacific Islands.  相似文献   

Relethford JH 《Heredity》2008,100(6):555-563
A continued debate in anthropology concerns the evolutionary origin of 'anatomically modern humans' (Homo sapiens sapiens). Different models have been proposed to examine the related questions of (1) where and when anatomically modern humans first appeared and (2) the genetic and evolutionary relationship between modern humans and earlier human populations. Genetic data have been increasingly used to address these questions. Genetic data on living human populations have been used to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the human species by considering how global patterns of human variation could be produced given different evolutionary scenarios. Of particular interest are gene trees that reconstruct the time and place of the most recent common ancestor of humanity for a given haplotype and the analysis of regional differences in genetic diversity. Ancient DNA has also allowed a direct assessment of genetic variation in European Neandertals. Together with the fossil record, genetic data provide insight into the origin of modern humans. The evidence points to an African origin of modern humans dating back to 200,000 years followed by later expansions of moderns out of Africa across the Old World. What is less clear is what happened when these early modern humans met preexisting 'archaic human' populations outside of Africa. At present, it is difficult to distinguish between a model of total genetic replacement and a model that includes some degree of genetic mixture.  相似文献   

Western Asia provides the best collection of human skeletal remains relevant to the two basic models for the emergence of modern humans, namely the 'rapid replacement' and the 'regional continuity' models. Regardless of the taxonomies of particular hominids, their chronology is of crucial importance. Thermoluminescence (TL) and electron spin resonance (ESR) dates demonstrate that the Acheulo-Yabrudian and Mousterian entities and their associated fossils (Zuttiyeh, Tabun, Skhul, Qafzeh, Kebara, Shanidar, Amud) span the late Middle and Upper Pleistocene period. These new dates initiated major chronological revisions and renewed discussion of the cultural-archaeological implications. One of the most important conclusions is that the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition (or Revolution) 45-40 ka ago has nothing to do with the appearance of anatomically early modern humans in western Asia, which occurred some 100 ka ago or more. The Levant, the coastal region of the eastern Mediterranean, was both a corridor for movement of humans and animals as well as a refugium during climatically harsh periods. The mixture of morphological characteristics among the available Middle Palaeolithic human fossils is interpreted as reflecting the presence of immigrant and local populations. Archaeologically observable behavioural changes are taken as hints to the pre-adaptations of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic revolution. The archaeological record of western Asia can contribute significantly to explaining the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic revolution. This region was the core area where the 'Neolithic Revolution' took place. The shift to systematic cultivation and the domestication of animals occurred within a short time.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

张野  黄石 《人类学学报》2019,38(4):491-498
1983年,科学家们根据线粒体DNA(mtDNA)系统发育树构建了首个现代人起源的分子模型,认为现代人起源于亚洲,但1987年非洲起源说的提出取代了这一亚洲起源说。非洲起源说所依赖的无限多位点假说以及分子钟假说后来被普遍认为是错误的且不切实际的。我们近几年提出了一个新的分子进化模式,即遗传多样性上限理论,重新构建了一个新的人类起源模型。这一模型与多地区起源说基本吻合, 重新把现代人类起源地定位在了东亚。非洲说与东亚说在线粒体进化树上的主要区别是单倍型N和R的关系,非洲起源说认为N是R的祖先,东亚说则反之。本研究引用了已发表的古代人群mtDNA数据,重点分析了线粒体单倍群N和R的关系。结果显示,三个最古老的人类(一个距今45000年,其他两个约40000年)都属于单倍群R;在距今39500到30000年前的人类样本中,绝大部分属于单倍群R下游的亚单倍群U,只有两例为单倍群N(Oase1距今39500年,Salkhit距今34425年)。这两例所属单倍型位于单倍群N下游最基本的未分化亚型,不属于今天存在的任何N下游单倍型,所以可能靠近单倍群N的根部。这些古DNA数据揭示单倍群R比单倍群N古老大约5000年,进一步证实了亚洲起源说的正确性,非洲说的依据不足。  相似文献   

Behavioral modernity is considered one of the defining characteristics separating modern humans from earlier hominin lineages. Over the course of the past two decades, the nature and origins of modern human behavior have been among the most debated topics in paleoanthropology. 1 - 7 There are currently two primary competing hypotheses regarding how and when modern human behavior arose. The first one, which we shall term the saltational model, argues that between 50–40 kya modern human behavior appeared suddenly and as a “package”; that is, the entire range of traits appeared more or less simultaneously. The proposed reason most often cited for this sudden change in behavior is a genetic mutation, possibly related to communication, 7 that occurred around 50 kya. The second major hypothesis, which we shall term the gradualistic model, argues that modern human behavior arose slowly and sporadically over the course of the past 150,000 years and may be related to increasing population pressure. 2 In general, many European scholars subscribe to the saltational model, while many Africanists seem to prefer the gradualistic model. As McBrearty and Brooks 2 noted, the disagreement may be related to different developmental histories underlying the research traditions in Europe and Africa.  相似文献   



Linguistic, cultural and genetic characteristics of the Malagasy suggest that both Africans and Island Southeast Asians were involved in the colonization of Madagascar. Populations from the Indonesian archipelago played an especially important role because linguistic evidence suggests that the Malagasy language branches from the Southeast Barito language family of southern Borneo, Indonesia, with the closest language spoken today by the Ma’anyan. To test for a genetic link between Malagasy and these linguistically related Indonesian populations, we studied the Ma’anyan and other Indonesian ethnic groups (including the sea nomad Bajo) that, from their historical and linguistic contexts, may be modern descendants of the populations that helped enact the settlement of Madagascar.


A combination of phylogeographic analysis of genetic distances, haplotype comparisons and inference of parental populations by linear optimization, using both maternal and paternal DNA lineages, suggests that Malagasy derive from multiple regional sources in Indonesia, with a focus on eastern Borneo, southern Sulawesi and the Lesser Sunda islands.


Settlement may have been mediated by ancient sea nomad movements because the linguistically closest population, Ma’anyan, has only subtle genetic connections to Malagasy, whereas genetic links with other sea nomads are more strongly supported. Our data hint at a more complex scenario for the Indonesian settlement of Madagascar than has previously been recognized.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1394-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The recent application of such chronometric techniques as electron spin resonance (ESR), thermoluminescence (TL), and uranium series dating has had a significant impact on perceptions of modern human origins. Claims for the presence of anatomically modern humans in Africa prior to 100 ka and for the transition leading to modern Africans at an even earlier date have been made, partly based on results of these techniques. However, a careful examination of the pertinent record shows that these claims are not unequivocally supported by the available fossil and chronological evidence.  相似文献   

Present-day Pacific islanders are thought to be the descendants of Neolithic agriculturalists who expanded from island South-east Asia several thousand years ago. They speak languages belonging to the Austronesian language family, spoken today in an area spanning half of the circumference of the world, from Madagascar to Easter Island, and from Taiwan to New Zealand. To investigate the genetic affinities of the Austronesian-speaking peoples, we analysed mitochondrial DNA, HLA and Y-chromosome polymorphisms in individuals from eight geographical locations in Asia and the Pacific (China, Taiwan, Java, New Guinea highlands, New Guinea coast, Trobriand Islands, New Britain and Western Samoa). Our results show that the demographic expansion of the Austronesians has left a genetic footprint. However, there is no simple correlation between languages and genes in the Pacific.  相似文献   

Previous Y chromosome studies have shown that the Cohanim, a paternally inherited Jewish priestly caste, predominantly share a recent common ancestry irrespective of the geographically defined post-Diaspora community to which they belong, a finding consistent with common Jewish origins in the Near East. In contrast, the Levites, another paternally inherited Jewish caste, display evidence for multiple recent origins, with Ashkenazi Levites having a high frequency of a distinctive, non-Near Eastern haplogroup. Here, we show that the Ashkenazi Levite microsatellite haplotypes within this haplogroup are extremely tightly clustered, with an inferred common ancestor within the past 2,000 years. Comparisons with other Jewish and non-Jewish groups suggest that a founding event, probably involving one or very few European men occurring at a time close to the initial formation and settlement of the Ashkenazi community, is the most likely explanation for the presence of this distinctive haplogroup found today in >50% of Ashkenazi Levites.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of Y-chromosome haplotype using 19 Y-SNPs in Han Chinese populations from 22 provinces of China. Our data indicate distinctive patterns of Y chromosome between southern and northern Han Chinese populations. The southern populations are much more polymorphic than northern populations. The latter has only a subset of the southern haplotypes. This result confirms the genetic difference observed between southern and northern ethnic populations in East Asia. It supports the hypothesis that the first settlement of modern humans of African origin occurred in the southern part of East Asia during the last Ice Age, and a northward migration led to the peopling of northern China.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of Y-chromosome haplotype using 19 Y-SNPs in Han Chinese populations from 22 provinces of China. Our data indicate distinctive patterns of Y chromosome between southern and northern Han Chinese populations. The southern populations are much more polymorphic than northern populations. The latter has only a subset of the southern haplotypes. This result confirms the genetic difference observed between southern and northern ethnic populations in East Asia. It supports the hypothesis that the first settlement of modern humans of African origin occurred in the southern part of East Asia during the last Ice Age, and a northward migration led to the peopling of northern China.  相似文献   

The naturally occurring waxy and low-amylose variants of foxtail millet and other cereals, like rice and barley, originated in East and Southeast Asia under human selection for sticky foods. Mutations in the GBSS1 gene for granule-bound starch synthase 1 are known to be associated with these traits. We have analyzed the gene in foxtail millet, and found that, in this species, these traits were originated by multiple independent insertions of transposable elements and by subsequent secondary insertions into these elements or deletion of parts of the elements. The structural analysis of transposable elements inserted in the GBSS1 gene revealed that the non-waxy was converted to the low-amylose phenotype once, while shifts from non-waxy to waxy occurred three times, from low amylose to waxy once and from waxy to low amylose once. The present results, and the geographical distribution of different waxy molecular types, strongly suggest that these types originated independently and were dispersed into their current distribution areas. The patterns of GBSS1 variation revealed here suggest that foxtail millet may serve as a key to solving the mystery of the origin of waxy-type cereals in Asia. The GBSS1 gene in foxtail millet provides a new example of the evolution of a gene involved in the processes of domestication and its post-domestication fate under the influence of human selection. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Sixteen biallelic markers (SRY10831a, SRY10831b, SRY4064, SRY2627, 92R7, P2, P3, M34, M9, M3, M2, YAP, M60, M89, M213, M216) located in the nonrecombinant region of the Y chromosome were analyzed in 209 individuals belonging to six Brazilian populations: four Afro-Brazilian populations, one population of white European descendants, and one population of Japanese descendants. The results showed that most of the Y chromosomes of the Afro-Brazilians were from sub-Saharan Africa and that the proportion of Y chromosomes of European origin was greater than that of Y chromosomes of Amerindian origin. No typical African or Amerindian haplogroup was detected among Japanese individuals, and only one white individual showed a typical African haplogroup. Haplogroup P-92R7, which is highly frequent in the Portuguese and Italian populations, was the most frequent among whites (54%), and haplogroup K-M9, which shows wide geographic distribution and is absent in Africa, was the most frequent among Japanese individuals (65.6%). The two semi-isolated Afro-Brazilian populations showed the highest and the lowest genetic diversity, respectively. These differences probably reflect the effect of greater or smaller gene flow between a small isolated group and other populations. These findings show that the process of admixture does not occur homogeneously, with a tendency toward preferential marriages within the ethnic group and a clear direction in unions between European men and Amerindian or African women in the past. The results agree with historical and social data about the formation of the Brazilian population and reveal some of the factors that contribute to its heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The interaction of the human genome with the changing environment moulds the genetic structure of human populations. The variability of autosomal loci and the haplotype diversity was studied in geographically diverse populations from Russia and neighboring countries. Basic tendencies in variability were investigated concerning specific types of polymorphism. The results reveal marked differences between East European populations and those from the Asian part of Russia. The possible effects of climatic-geographic factors on the allele and haplotype frequencies have been studied for some loci. The existences of these correlations provide evidence of possible effect of both adaptation to natural environmental factors and large-scale population movements on the specificity and diversity of gene pool.  相似文献   

We have initiated a study of ancient male migrations from Siberia to the Americas using Y chromosome polymorphisms. The first polymorphism examined, a C→T transition at nucleotide position 181 of the DYS199 locus, was previously reported only in Native American populations. To investigate the origin of this DYS199 polymorphism, we screened Y chromosomes from a number of Siberian, Asian, and Native American populations for this and other markers. This survey detected the T allele in all five Native American populations studied at an average frequency of 61%, and in two of nine native Siberian populations, the Siberian Eskimo (21%) and the Chukchi (17%). This finding suggested that the DYS199 T allele may have originated in Beringia and was then spread throughout the New World by the founding populations of the major subgroups of modern Native Americans. We further characterized Native American Y chromosome variation by analyzing two additional Y chromosome polymorphisms, the DYS287 Y Alu polymorphic (YAP) element insertion and a YAP-associated A→G transition at DYS271, both commonly found in Africans. We found neither African allele associated with the DYS199 T allele in any of the Native American or native Siberian populations. However, we did find DYS287 YAP+ individuals who harbored the DYS199 C allele in one Native American population, the Mixe, and in one Asian group, the Tibetans. A correlation of these Y chromosome alleles in Native Americans with those of the DYS1 locus, as detected by the p49a/p49f (p49a,f) probes on TaqI-digested genomic DNA, revealed a complete association of DYS1 alleles (p49a,f haplotypes) 13, 18, 66, 67 and 69 with the DYS199 T allele, while DYS1 alleles 8 and 63 were associated with both the DYS199 C and T allele. Received: 18 November 1996 / Accepted: 19 May 1997  相似文献   

To obtain more knowledge of the origin and genetic diversity of domestic horses in China, this study provides a comprehensive analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop sequence diversity from nine horse breeds in China in conjunction with ancient DNA data and evidence from archaeological and historical records. A 247-bp mitochondrial D-loop sequence from 182 modern samples revealed a total of 70 haplotypes with a high level of genetic diversity. Seven major mtDNA haplogroups (A–G) and 16 clusters were identified for the 182 Chinese modern horses. In the present study, nine 247-bp mitochondrial D-loop sequences of ancient remains of Bronze Age horse from the Chifeng region of Inner Mongolia in China ( c. 4000–2000a bp ) were used to explore the origin and diversity of Chinese modern horses and the phylogenetic relationship between ancient and modern horses. The nine ancient horses carried seven haplotypes with rich genetic diversity, which were clustered together with modern individuals among haplogroups A, E and F. Modern domestic horse and ancient horse data support the multiple origins of domestic horses in China. This study supports the argument that multiple successful events of horse domestication, including separate introductions of wild mares into the domestic herds, may have occurred in antiquity, and that China cannot be excluded from these events. Indeed, the association of Far Eastern mtDNA types to haplogroup F was highly significant using Fisher's exact test of independence ( P  = 0.00002), lending support for Chinese domestication of this haplogroup. High diversity and all seven mtDNA haplogroups (A–G) with 16 clusters also suggest that further work is necessary to shed more light on horse domestication in China.  相似文献   

Plastid subtype ID (PS-ID) sequences were determined from sequence data based on CA repeats between genes rpl16 and rpl14 in Japanese lowland and upland cultivars. The PS-ID sequences of Japanese rice cultivars showed that there are different maternal origins between lowland and upland cultivars. One subtype, 6C7A, of PS-ID sequences was predominant in all but one Japanese lowland cultivar and carried a combination of the indica-specific subtype 8C8A and japonica-specific nuclear markers for the isozyme genotype. It is probably a nuclear-cytoplasmic recombinant resulting from natural out-crossing and succeeding self-pollination. The origin of the plastid was re-confirmed by the existence of an indica-specific deletion in the plastid genome. In contrast, the Japanese upland cultivars showed two subtypes, 7C6A and 6C7A, of PS-ID sequences. An upland-specific isozyme allele as a nuclear marker was equally predominant in cultivars carrying each subtype. The existence of these particular upland-specific nuclear and cytoplasmic genotypes suggests that the origin of Japanese upland cultivars is different from that of Japanese lowland cultivars. Cultivars carrying the upland-specific nuclear genotype are common in Southeast Asia, but the combination of the upland-specific nuclear and cytoplasmic genotypes which is the same as the Japanese upland predominant type was found in cultivars only in Taiwan and Indonesia. Japanese upland cultivars are closely related to those cultivars.  相似文献   

A DNA probe detecting multiple haplotypes of the human Y chromosome.   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
We have characterized a DNA probe (49f) that detects about 15 Y-specific TaqI bands corresponding to a low-copy number sequence. Five of these bands, each representing a single DNA fragment, can either be present, absent, or variable in length. Familial segregation studies have shown that the variations of these fragments are inherited in a Mendelian fashion and strictly Y-linked. A survey of 44 male individuals indicated that the five variable TaqI fragments detected by probe 49f can be considered as five independent allelic series. Each series represents the different and mutually exclusive allelic forms observed for a single DNA fragment. A total of 16 haplotypes, each defined by a different combination of the various forms of each of these five restriction fragment length polymorphisms, were observed among the 44 scored individuals. These TaqI restriction polymorphisms are not observed with other restriction digests and have therefore been attributed to point mutations. The five polymorphic fragments map to Yq11, a region that does not recombine with the X chromosome and are therefore not redistributed. This implies that an apparently independent reassortment of one of these series with respect to the others can be explained only on the basis of mutations that occurred several times (or reverted) during evolution of the Y chromosome. However, an examination of the different combinations of two or more allelic series suggests that some alleles are not randomly distributed and raises the possibility of establishing a genealogy of the human Y chromosome.  相似文献   

Debate over the origin of modern humans continues without a clear end in sight. Currently, the genetic and fossil evidence is still used to support two different interpretations of the origin of modern humans. Some researchers claim that the genetic evidence is compatible with either an Out‐of‐Africa or a Multiregional model, while other scientists argue that the evidence supports only a Multiregional model of evolution. I argue that the fossil record and archeological evidence constrain interpretation of the genetic evidence and imply that very little, if any, admixture with Eurasian archaic hominins such as the Neanderthals occurred during the spread of modern humans out of Africa.  相似文献   

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