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The classic twin study is sometimes described as "the perfect natural experiment" for the investigation of the aetiology of complex disease, but assumptions of the twin design need to be empirically tested if their results are to be considered unbiased and representative of singleton populations. In this study comparisons of disease and prevalence of lifestyle characteristics have been made between twin participants in the St Thomas' Hospital UK adult twin registry, the largest twin volunteer register in the UK for the study of diseases of ageing, and a parallel population-based study of singleton women. The only differences found were for weight, where monozygotic (MZ) twins were lighter and had a smaller variance than dizygotic (DZ) twins and singletons. For the other variables studied, volunteer twins were not found to differ from age-matched singleton women in distribution or prevalence of: bone mineral density, osteoarthritis, blood pressure, hypertensive drug use, height, history of hysterectomy and ovariectomy, menopausal status and current alcohol and overall tobacco consumption. We conclude that the results of twin studies can be generalised to singleton populations for these measures and disease outcomes.  相似文献   

Maternally inherited endosymbionts of arthropods are one of the most abundant and diverse group of bacteria. These bacterial endosymbionts also show extensive horizontal transfer to taxonomically unrelated hosts and widespread recombination in their genomes. Such horizontal transfers can be enhanced when different arthropod hosts come in contact like in an ecological community. Higher rates of horizontal transfer can also increase the probability of recombination between endosymbionts, as they now share the same host cytoplasm. However, reports of community‐wide endosymbiont data are rare as most studies choose few host taxa and specific ecological interactions among the hosts. To better understand endosymbiont spread within host populations, we investigated the incidence, diversity, extent of horizontal transfer, and recombination of three endosymbionts (Wolbachia, Cardinium, and Arsenophonus) in a specific soil arthropod community. Wolbachia strains were characterized with MLST genes whereas 16S rRNA gene was used for Cardinium and Arsenophonus. Among 3,509 individual host arthropods, belonging to 390 morphospecies, 12.05% were infected with Wolbachia, 2.82% with Cardinium and 2.05% with Arsenophonus. Phylogenetic incongruence between host and endosymbiont indicated extensive horizontal transfer of endosymbionts within this community. Three cases of recombination between Wolbachia supergroups and eight incidences of within‐supergroup recombination were also found. Statistical tests of similarity indicated supergroup A Wolbachia and Cardinium show a pattern consistent with extensive horizontal transfer within the community but not for supergroup B Wolbachia and Arsenophonus. We highlight the importance of extensive community‐wide studies for a better understanding of the spread of endosymbionts across global arthropod communities.  相似文献   

Whether polygyny is harmful for women and their children is a long-standing question in anthropology. Few studies, however, have explored whether the effect of polygyny varies for women of different wife order, and whether there are different outcomes for their sons and daughters. Because males have higher reproductive variance, especially when they are allowed to take multiple wives, parents may have higher fitness returns from investing in sons over daughters in polygynous households. Moreover, previous studies have found that first wives and their children are advantaged over monogamous and second order wives (who marry into unions later). Here we test the predictions that children of first wives will have an advantage over children to monogamous or second wives, and that sex-biased investment will be strongest among first wives. Using data from the Arsi Oromo of Ethiopia (n ~ 6200 children) we test whether associations with mother's wife order extend beyond childhood into adulthood by examining simultaneously child survival, education and age at marriage. We find that polygynous first wives have no child survival disadvantage, first wives' sons benefit in terms of longer education and daughters have an earlier age at marriage than daughters of monogamous women. Second wives have lower child survival than monogamous women, but surviving children experience advantages in later life outcomes, particularly marriage. These findings challenge the view that polygynous women are always doing the ‘best of a bad job’. Rather, our results suggest that via their surviving sons and daughters there may be long-term benefits for some polygynous women.  相似文献   

The way in which vectors distribute themselves amongst their hosts has important epidemiological consequences. While the role played by active host choice is largely unquestioned, current knowledge relates mostly to the innate response of vectors towards stimuli signalling the presence or quality of their hosts. Many of those cues, however, can be unpredictable, and therefore prevent the incorporation of the appropriate response into the vector's behavioural repertoire unless some sort of associative learning is possible. We performed a wide range of laboratory experiments to test the learning abilities of the mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Mosquitoes were exposed to choice procedures in (1) an olfactomenter and (2) a 'visual arena'. Our goal was to determine whether the mosquitoes were able to associate unconditional stimuli (blood feeding, human breath, vibration and electrical shock) with particular odours (citral, carvone, citronella oil and eugenol) and visual patterns (horizontal or vertical black bars) to which they had been previously observed to be responsive. We found no evidence supporting the hypothesis that associative learning abilities are present in adult Ae. aegypti. We discuss the possibilities that the assays employed were either inappropriate or insufficient to detect associative learning, or that associative learning is not possible in this species.  相似文献   

Zooplankton assemblages of 51 lacustrine environments located in the middle of the Mediterranean Region were analysed to evaluate the existence of an ‘age effect’ in determining their structure. The analysed datasets refer to two different geographic areas, one comprising 30 natural and artificial lakes in Sicily and the other an arrangement of 21 analogous aquatic ecosystems located at the bottom of the Italian Peninsula, a more pristine area called Southern Apennine region. Most of the natural lakes are of post-glacial origin. The artificial lakes in both datasets were built in the last century and offer the opportunity to evaluate the possible short-term effects of ageing on the structure of their zooplankton. A comparison of assemblages in the two regions by PERMANOVA and nMDS revealed that they are quite different; therefore they were analysed separately. An explorative analysis on the possible relationship between biological data and environmental data (including lake age) was performed on both datasets using DISTLM. The presence of an ‘age effect’ emerged only in the subset of artificial lakes of the Southern Apennine region; accordingly it was tested more in detail with an a posteriori PERMANOVA analysis in the subset of reservoirs that resulted positive in the first test. SIMPER allowed us to single out the main species responsible of changes in the zooplankton along the selected age groups. No age effect was evident in the Sicilian water bodies, where other variables, such as conductivity, trophic state, urbanisation and water level fluctuations proved to have a major role in shaping zooplankton assemblages. The results showed that the age effect is: (i) detectable only at a time scale of decades; (ii) masked by the human impact in the watershed.  相似文献   

Vertically transmitted bacterial symbionts are common in arthropods. However, estimates of their incidence and diversity are based on studies that test for a single bacterial genus and often only include small samples of each host species. Focussing on ladybird beetles, we collected large samples from 21 species and tested them for four different bacterial symbionts. Over half the species were infected, and there were often multiple symbionts in the same population. In most cases, more females than males were infected, suggesting that the symbionts may be sex ratio distorters. Many of these infections would have been missed in previous studies as they only infect a small proportion of the population. Furthermore, 11 out of the 17 symbionts discovered by us were either in the genus Rickettsia or Spiroplasma, which are rarely sampled. Our results suggest that the true incidence and diversity of bacterial symbionts in insects may be far greater than previously thought.  相似文献   

In recent years, researchers have been attempting to relate differences in personality (e.g., boldness, aggressiveness, exploration tendency) to variation in cognition (performances in tasks that require learning, reasoning, attention, or memory, etc.) both theoretically and empirically. However, it is unclear on what basis personality and cognition might be associated with each other. Previous theory suggests a connection between fast–slow personality types and cognitive speed–accuracy tradeoffs. In this study, we tested this hypothesis in budgerigars and found that, in their 1st associative learning, birds with fast personality (less fearful of handling stress) were fast learners in the beginning, while slow personality individuals improved faster, but both types of birds did not differ in accuracy. However, these relationships were context-dependent. No significant relationship was found in subsequent learning tasks (reversal learning and a 2nd associative learning) in the familiar context (task setup and apparatus similar to the 1st associative learning). We then conducted a problem-solving experiment with novel setup and apparatus to test 1 possible explanation that the association between personality and cognition in the 1st associative learning might be caused by noncognitive constraint, such as fearfulness when facing novel task setup and apparatus. We found that fast individuals interacted more with the problem box and solved it, whereas the slow birds were not. We suggest that personalities can influence cognitive performances and trigger a cognitive speed-improvement tradeoff under the novel context. However, there are no consistent cognitive styles that co-varied with different personalities.  相似文献   

Aim Data shortages mean that conservation priorities can be highly sensitive to historical patterns of exploration. Here, we investigate the potential of regionally focussed species distribution models to elucidate fine‐scale patterns of richness, rarity and endemism. Location Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania and Kenya. Methods Generalized additive models and land cover data are used to estimate the distributions of 452 forest plant taxa (trees, lianas, shrubs and herbs). Presence records from a newly compiled database are regressed against environmental variables in a stepwise multimodel. Estimates of occurrence in forest patches are collated across target groups and analysed alongside inventory‐based estimates of conservation priority. Results Predicted richness is higher than observed richness, with the biggest disparities in regions that have had the least research. North Pare and Nguu in particular are predicted to be more important than the inventory data suggest. Environmental conditions in parts of Nguru could support as many range‐restricted and endemic taxa as Uluguru, although realized niches are subject to unknown colonization histories. Concentrations of rare plants are especially high in the Usambaras, a pattern mediated in models by moisture indices, whilst overall richness is better explained by temperature gradients. Tree data dominate the botanical inventory; we find that priorities based on other growth forms might favour the mountains in a different order. Main conclusions Distribution models can provide conservation planning with high‐resolution estimates of richness in well‐researched areas, and predictive estimates of conservation importance elsewhere. Spatial and taxonomic biases in the data are essential considerations, as is the spatial scale used for models. We caution that predictive estimates are most uncertain for the species of highest conservation concern, and advocate using models and targeted field assessments iteratively to refine our understanding of which areas should be prioritised for conservation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The ecological literature is ambiguous as to whether the initial diversity of a plant community facilitates or deters the diversity of colonizing species. We experimentally planted annual crop species in monoculture and polyculture, and examined the resulting weed communities. The species composition of weeds was similar among treatments, but the species richness of weeds was significantly higher in the polycultures than in the monocultures. This supports the ‘diversity begets diversity’ hypothesis. Environmental microheterogeneity, diversity promoters, and ecological equivalency do not seem able to explain the observed patterns.  相似文献   

Aquatic Ecology - The European Water Framework Directive implements the policies to achieve a good ecological status of all European waterbodies. To determine the ecological potential in freshwater...  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of chitosan-N-acetylcysteine (NAC) as a non-viral gene carrier. In particular, we aimed to elucidate whether the advantage of thiolation was more pronounced in the stabilization of particles or in the effect of nonspecific sulfhydryl reduction of the target cells. Low-viscosity chitosan was modified by covalent binding of NAC. The resulting conjugate displayed 1.35 mM SH/g polymer. Particles produced via self-assembly of chitosan conjugate and pDNA had a mean particle size of 113.7 nm and a positive zeta-potential. Sulfhydryl group content on the particle surface was investigated by Ellman's test and papain reactivation assay, with the result of about 100 nM SH groups/mL nanoparticle suspension. An oxidation step was performed to stabilize polyplexes via disulfide bonds. The enhanced stability of oxidized particles against both polyanion heparin and alkaline pH was proven by a gel retardation assay. The stabilization was demonstrated to be reversible by treatment with glutathione. Further, the effect of immobilized SH groups and of supplementation with free NAC on transfection efficacy on Caco-2 cells was investigated. The expression of the transgene was raised 2.5-fold and 10-fold with nonoxidized thiomer polyplexes in comparison to polyplexes of unmodified chitosan and oxidized chitosan-NAC, respectively. The impact of sulfhydryl reduction on transfection was assessed via thiol group inactivation with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) (DNTB). This inactivation resulted in a decrease of transfection efficacy. In conclusion, chitosan-NAC conjugate was demonstrated to be beneficial for transfection, either for stabilization via disulfide bonds or for raising the expression of transgene via shifting the redox potential of the target cells.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - In spite of the paramount ecological and socioeconomic relevance of tropical reef ecosystems, the dynamics of their meroplankton abundance remain poorly characterized. The small-scale...  相似文献   

Collectively, freshwaters constitute a significant source of methane to the atmosphere, and both methane production and methane oxidation can strongly influence net emissions. Anaerobic methane oxidation (AOM) is recognized as a strong regulator of marine methane emissions and appreciation of AOM’s importance in freshwater is growing. In spite of this renewed interest, recent work and reactive-transport modeling results we present in this paper point to unresolved pathways for AOM. Comparison of recent observations from a eutrophic reservoir, Lacamas Lake, with predictions of a 1D steady-state model of water column methane dynamics indicates that high rates of methane oxidation measured via bottle assays cannot be explained with conventional electron acceptors (O2, NO2 ?, NO3 ?, SO4 2?, Mn4+, and Fe3+). Reactive-transport modeling suggests that solute oxidant concentrations at the thermocline would have to be around 10 times higher than observed to explain the measured methane consumption. Organic acids—a major constituent of organic matter—may account for part of this unexplained AOM given their abundance in eutrophic systems, although the details of these pathways remain elusive (e.g., which species are involved, seasonal renewal of reduced species, contribution of particulate versus dissolved phases). We point to several observations consistent with organic acid-mediated AOM, both in Lacamas Lake and in other systems. Nevertheless, direct evidence of this pathway is still lacking and testing for this remains an important direction for future work. To this end, we identify several new avenues of research that would help quantify the role of organic acid-mediated AOM relative to other electron acceptors.  相似文献   

Quirós  Rolando 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):343-355
Data from an extensive mid-summer survey of Argentinian lakes and reservoirs were used to study the effects of variability in internal processes on the residual variance in chlorophyll — total phosphorus (CHL-TP) regression models. These effects were compared with those related to the external characteristics of lakes, e.g. climate, morphometry and nutrient status. Zooplanktivorous fish biomass, mean macrozooplankton size, dissolved oxygen at the sediment-water interface, and submersed macrophyte development, were shown to be significant in explaining residual variance in CHL-TP for Argentinian lakes and reservoirs. The results suggest that those variables have discontinuous or threshold effects on CHL-TP residuals among lakes. Significant differences were also shown between CHL-TP regressions for lakes with and without zooplanktivorous fish and for lakes with small or large macrozooplankton. Lakes with zooplanktivorous fish, small body size macrozooplankton, and very low hypolimnetic oxygen also have higher chlorophyll levels than predicted from CHL-TP regression models.  相似文献   

Landholding fragmentation is a common feature of the agricultural systems of small farmers in the tropics. This paper presents a case study from an ejido in central Chiapas, Mexico, where this pattern is common. Farmers recognize soil types of different quality, embodied in a folk soil txonomy. They argue that fragmentation is the result of their desire to maintain an equitable distribution of all land types among them, independently of the amount of land each controls. ¯The evidence shows that while not all farmers have all soil types, farmers belonging to all ranges of socioeconomic strata control soils in all the soil classes. There is no marked concentration of any soil type by any specific group, types are distributed among farmers by their abundance. Farmers have rejected previous government proposals to consolidate their landholdings. Fragmentation is associated with a high degree of social control over the land and a participatory process present in this community.  相似文献   

Hydrophilicity index is used to locate antigenic determinants on two related groups of proteins-myoglobin and hemoglobin. The data on 41 species (including 34 mammals) of myoglobin show that average hydrophilicity for the complete myoglobin molecules as well as the average hydrophilicity for all hydrophilic regions put together seem to remain constant; the variation in the size and location of the antigenic determinants in these species is very small indicating that the antigenic sites are not shifted during evolution. In the case of both the proteins there is a good agreement between the antigenic sites picked up by using hydrophilicity index and the experimentally determined antigenic sites. The data on 56 species of hemoglobin α-chains and 44 species of hemoglobinβ-chains showed that although there are few sites on hemoglobin which have remained invariant during evolution, there is a significant variation in other sites in terms of either a splitting of a site, or a drastic change in the hydrophilicity values and/or a length of the site. Comparison of the hydrophilicity data on these two groups of proteins suggests that hemoglobins which perform a variety of functions as compared to myoglobins are evolving faster than myoglobins supporting the contention of earlier workers.  相似文献   

This ecological study examines the variations in diarrhoea-specific infant mortality rates among municipalities in the State of Ceará, north-east Brazil, using data from a community health workers' programme. Diarrhoea is the main cause of postneonatal deaths in Ceará, and diarrhoea mortality rates vary substantially among municipalities, from 7 to 50 per thousand live births. To determine the inter-relationships between potential predictors of diarrhoea-specific infant mortality, eleven variables were classified into proximate determinants (i.e. adequate weight gain and exclusive breast-feeding in first 4 months) and underlying determinants (i.e. health services and socioeconomic variables). The health services variables included percentage with prenatal care up-to-date, participation in growth monitoring and immunization up-to-date, while the socioeconomic factors included female illiteracy rate, per capita gross municipality product and percentage of households with low income, percentage of households with inadequate water supply and inadequate sanitation, and urbanization. Using linear regression analysis variables were included from each group to build regression models. The significant determinants of variability in diarrhoea-specific infant mortality between municipalities were prevalence of infants exclusively breast-feeding, percentage of infants with adequate weight gain, percentage of pregnant women with prenatal care up-to-date, female illiteracy rate and inadequate water supply. These findings suggest that community-based promotion of exclusive breast-feeding in the first 4 months and care-giving behaviours that prevent weight faltering, including weaning practices and feeding during and following diarrhoea episodes, may further reduce municipality-level diarrhoea-specific mortality. Primary heath care strategies addressing these two proximate determinants provide only a partial solution to reducing diarrhoeal disease mortality. Improvements in municipal health services (prenatal care) and socioeconomic status variables, including water supply and maternal education, can also contribute to reduction of infant mortality due to diarrhoea. These results may be used by government health officials to set priorities by considering not only the strength of the association between selected risk factors and diarrhoea mortality rates, but also the prevalence of the risk factors being considered at the municipality level. Finally, the methods used are applicable to other settings with community-based primary health care decentralized to the state or municipal level.  相似文献   

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