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The effect of three temperatures on the orientation of the translocation quadrivalent was studied on four different translocation heterozygotes of barley. The alternate orientation decreased while temperature increased, and especially the frequency of discordant (elliptic) orientation increased. The proportion of alternate orientation was extremely low, in these four translocations, at high temperature. The four translocation heterozygotes differed significantly from one another at low and medium temperature. The proportion of configurations with alternate orientation was significantly lower in late MI in comparison with early MI. It is proposed that the change in the proportion of the translocation configuration with different orientations during MI is due to some relationship between the number of active centromeres and the number of the relevant chiasmata which oppose the force exerted by the poles. Accordingly, rings with concordant adjacent orientation will separate earlier than alternate, and elliptic quadrivalents with only two active centromeres will be the last to separate.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the meiotic segregation pattern of a t(1;4)(p36.2;q31.3) reciprocal translocation in two male cousins heterozygous for the translocation. The wife of subject 1 had four recognized spontaneous abortions and two carrier daughters, and the wife of subject 2 had three recognized spontaneous abortions and no liveborn children. The results showed that subject 1 had an imbalance rate of 54% and subject 2 had an imbalance rate of 61% with respect to the translocation. This was not statistically different (P = 0.3174) and the 95% confidence intervals overlapped for each segregation type. The sex ratio of X- and Y-bearing sperm was not statistically different than the expected 50%. The rate of structural abnormalities was 11.3% in subject 1 and 17.8% in subject 2. Both of these values were above the range of control subjects in our lab, but only subject 2's value fell outside the 95% confidence interval for the control population.  相似文献   

A probability model is developed for transmission of a centric-fusion translocation from one generation to the next, giving probability distributions for gametes, zygotes, and liveborn children of different types. The biological assumptions of the model and different alternatives to them are thoroughly discussed. Models of this type form an important part of a theory of population genetics for inherited structural chromosome rearrangements. The treatment is devoted to human populations only. With reference to two segregation analyses carried out by means of the model, the types of insights in the biological mechanisms obtainable by using such a model are demonstrated.  相似文献   

J. Loidl  Q.-W. Jin  M. Jantsch 《Chromosoma》1998,107(4):247-254
Meiotic pairing and segregation were studied in three different heterozygous reciprocal translocation strains of the baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Pachytene translocation quadrivalents were identified by a combination of immunofluorescence and fluorescence in situ hybridization and the karyotypes of meiotic products were determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The translocations differed with respect to the relative sizes of the chromosomes involved and the positions of translocation breakpoints, and produced translocation quadrivalents of widely different shapes. This allowed us to study the influence of the morphology of quadrivalents on their segregation behaviour. In all cases alternate predominated over adjacent segregation. 3:1 disjunction of chromosomes was more frequent when translocation breakpoints were close to the centromeres. If a translocation breakpoint was distant from the centromere, the occurrence of an intervening chiasma influenced the pattern of segregation. In general, quadrivalent formation and segregation resembled the behaviour of translocation heterozygotes in most higher eukaryotes. We therefore conclude that, although chromosome condensation does not occur in yeast metaphase, centromere orientation and chromosome disjunction are governed in a way similar to that of higher eukaryotes. Received: 6 February 1998; in revised form: 19 May 1998 / Accepted: 23 May 1998  相似文献   

The mammalian blastocyst consists of an inner cell mass (ICM) enclosed by the trophectoderm. The origin of these two cell populations lies in the segregation of inner and outer cells in the early morula. In the present study, the segregation of inner and outer cells has been studied in porcine embryos and is compared with segregation in mouse embryos. For this, nuclei of inner and outer cells were differentially labelled with two fluorochromes after partial complement-mediated lysis of the outer cells. In porcine and mouse embryos compaction and the first appearance of inner cells occur at different stages of development. In porcine embryos compaction was observed as early as the 4-cell stage, while in mouse embryos compaction occurred in the 8-cell stage. The first inner cells segregated in porcine embryos which were in the transition from four to eight cells and inner cells were added during two subsequent cell cycles. In mouse embryos inner cells segregated predominantly during the fourth cleavage division. From the results obtained we conclude that the segregation of inner and outer cells follows a different pattern in mouse and in porcine embryos.  相似文献   

The chromosomal condensin complex gives metaphase chromosomes structural stability. In addition, condensin is required for sister-chromatid resolution during their segregation in anaphase [1-7]. How condensin promotes chromosome resolution is poorly understood. Chromosome segregation during anaphase also fails after inactivation of topoisomerase II (topo II), the enzyme that removes catenation between sister chromatids left behind after completion of DNA replication [8, 9]. This has led to the proposal that condensin promotes DNA decatenation [3, 10, 11], but direct evidence for this is missing and alternative roles for condensin in chromosome resolution have been suggested [12-14]. Using the budding-yeast rDNA as a model, we now show that anaphase bridges in a condensin mutant are resolved by ectopic expression of a foreign (Chlorella virus) but not endogenous topo II. This suggests that catenation prevents sister-rDNA segregation but that yeast topo II is ineffective in decatenating the locus without condensin. Condensin and topo II colocalize along both rDNA and euchromatin, consistent with coordination of their activities. We investigate the physiological consequences of condensin-dependent rDNA decatenation and find that late decatenation determines the late segregation timing of this locus during anaphase. Regulation of decatenation therefore provides a means to fine tune the segregation timing of chromosomes in mitosis.  相似文献   

In the flea beetle species, Alagoasa bicolor, males have two sex chromosomes, X and Y, each of which is larger than the rest of the genome combined. These large sex chromosomes do not pair at meiosis I, and are therefore not joined at metaphase I. Nevertheless, they always segregate from each other at anaphase I. As prometaphase I progresses, the unpaired X and Y undergo reorientation from a parallel to a linear configuration. Using 3F3/2, an antibody that detects the level of phosphorylation of a kinetochore protein or proteins, we have determined that this reorientation is not accompanied by a change in the level of phosphorylation of the kinetochores of either X or Y. This implies that: i) either the reorientation does not involve the loss or gain of kinetochore microtubules, or ii) if such loss or gain occurs, it does not effect a change in the tension placed on the nonrandomly segregating kinetochores, or iii) the sex chromosomes, as in some other species, have lost the ability to sense kinetochore tension changes. Evolution of nonrandom segregation may necessitate the inability of the participating chromosomes to affect the metaphase checkpoint.  相似文献   

Summary A family with autosomal reciprocal translocation t(4;13) (q25;q31) with a sibship comprising 2 children with unbalanced karyotypes, der(13) partial trisomy 4q, 1 child with the balanced translocation, and 2 abortions were studied. The segregation risk of unbalanced derivation in reciprocal translocations is discussed. The clinical picture of the 2 children with partial trisomy 4q is compared with similar cases.  相似文献   

The septum-located DNA translocase, FtsK, acts to co-ordinate the late steps of Escherichia coli chromosome segregation with cell division. The FtsK γ regulatory subdomain interacts with 8 bp KOPS DNA sequences, which are oriented from the replication origin to the terminus region ( ter ) in each arm of the chromosome. This interaction directs FtsK translocation towards ter where the final chromosome unlinking by decatenation and chromosome dimer resolution occurs. Chromosome dimer resolution requires FtsK translocation along DNA and its interaction with the XerCD recombinase bound to the recombination site, dif , located within ter . The frequency of chromosome dimer formation is ∼15% per generation in wild-type cells. Here we characterize FtsK alleles that no longer recognize KOPS, yet are proficient for translocation and chromosome dimer resolution. Non-directed FtsK translocation leads to a small reduction in fitness in otherwise normal cell populations, as a consequence of ∼70% of chromosome dimers being resolved to monomers. More serious consequences arise when chromosome dimer formation is increased, or their resolution efficiency is impaired because of defects in chromosome organization and processing. For example, when Cre– loxP recombination replaces XerCD– dif recombination in dimer resolution, when functional MukBEF is absent, or when replication terminates away from ter .  相似文献   

Understanding the segregational behaviour of reciprocal tranlocations in man is of both theoretical and clinical importance. Generally, information for genetic counselling is obtained from empirical data although knowledge of gametic output can now be obtained by karyotyping individual human spermatozoa. However, neither empirical studies nor sperm karyotyping data provide detailed information on how the combinations of normal, balanced and unbalanced gametes arise. For this knowledge of quadrivalent orientation and first meiotic segregation is required. We have used dual colour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) to identify normal and derived chromosomes during meiosis in testicular biopsy material from a 46,XY,t(15;20)(q11.2;q11.2) heterozygote. We were able to determine the frequencies of different quadrivalent structures at first metaphase (MI) and the proportion of first meiotic divisions subject to interstitial chiasmata. Having identified all 2:2, 3:1 and 4:0 segregation products at second metaphase, it was possible to correlate segregation categories with the various forms of MI quadrivalent possibly indicating their modes of orientation. Finally the ratios of normal:balanced:unbalanced gametes expected to be produced by this translocation heterozygote were calculated.by T.C. Hsu  相似文献   

Sexual segregation is a common phenomenon in temperate bats, but little is known about driving forces or spatiotemporal patterns. Sexual segregation of the tree-dwelling Daubenton’s bat (Myotis daubentonii) was analyzed. Day roosts and foraging areas of radio-tracked animals were recorded during late spring, early summer, and late summer. Home ranges were calculated for each sex based on identified locations. Distance analysis between sex-specific roosts and foraging areas was conducted for each period. Mixed colonies were confirmed by trapping at roosts. Home range of males was larger (47.3 km2) than of females (9.7 km2). During late spring, distances between male and female roosts were larger (median = 715 m) than during early (median = 474 m) and late summer (median = 489 m). Distances between sex-specific foraging areas were larger during early summer (median = 2,134 m) than during both late spring (median = 1,116 m) and late summer (median = 628 m). The proportion of males in mixed groups increased from late spring (0.2 ± 0.1) to late summer (0.5 ± 0.2). These results show that sexual segregation is not static, but depends on energetic demand of individuals and mating willingness. A high energetic demand in females and low mating willingness in both sexes leads to distinct sexual segregation during late spring. When mating willingness increases, despite an increasing energy demand in males, sexes aggregate to mate.  相似文献   

Dystroglycan (DG) is an extracellular matrix receptor implicated in muscular dystrophies and cancers. DG belongs to the membrane-tethered mucin family and is composed of extracellular (alpha-DG) and transmembrane (beta-DG) subunits stably coupled at the cell surface. These two subunits are generated by autoproteolysis of a monomeric precursor within a distinctive protein motif called sea urchin-enterokinase-agrin (SEA) domain, yet the purpose of this cleavage and heterodimer creation is uncertain. In this study, we identify a functional nuclear localization signal within beta-DG and show that, in addition to associating with alpha-DG at the cell surface, the full-length and glycosylated beta-DG autonomously traffics to the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm in a process that occurs independent of alpha-DG ligand binding. The trafficking pattern of beta-DG mirrors that of MUC1-C, the transmembrane subunit of the related MUC1 oncoprotein, also a heterodimeric membrane-tethered mucin created by SEA autoproteolysis. We show that the transmembrane subunits of both MUC1 and DG transit the secretory pathway prior to nuclear targeting and that their monomeric precursors maintain the capacity for nuclear trafficking. A screen of breast carcinoma cell lines of distinct pathophysiological origins revealed considerable variability in the nuclear partitioning of beta-DG, indicating that nuclear localization of beta-DG is regulated, albeit independent of extracellular ligand binding. These findings point to novel intracellular functions for beta-DG, with possible disease implications. They also reveal an evolutionarily conserved role for SEA autoproteolysis, serving to enable independent functions of mucin transmembrane subunits, enacted by a shared and poorly understood pathway of segregated subunit trafficking.  相似文献   

Prometaphase I orientation, reorientation and anaphase I segregational behaviour of a chain-forming interchange quadrivalent involving one of the long chromosomes and the long arm of the seventh (nucleolar) chromosome was studied during anther development in pearl millet. The data obtained from 34 anthers showed that by early prometaphase I about 90% of the bivalents have attained stable bipolar orientation but about 48% of the quadrivalents are mal-oriented. There seems to be an interaction between bivalents and quadrivalents during mal-orientation and reorientation. The mal-oriented bivalents reoriented before the quadrivalents. For quadrivalent mal-orientation four types, 4/0, 3/1, 2/1/1/1 and 2/2 (adjacent 1), were distinguished in addition to the regular types, adjacent 2 and alternate. Based on their potential to reorient, the order of the mal-oriented quadrivalent types was 4/0 > 3/1 > 2/1/1; 2/2 led to anaphase I disjunction as for an adjacent 1 segregation. The data from 36 anthers at anaphase I showed alternate segregation of chromosomes in nearly 50% of pollen mother cells (PMCs) up to a developmental index of about 65. In late anthers about 35% PMCs showed alternate segregation. This suggests that the PMCs that reached metaphase I later had more adjacent 2 orientations since mal-oriented configurations delay meiotic development, and implies preferential reorientation behaviour of the maloriented quadrivalent types.  相似文献   

Honda H  Miharu N  Samura O  He H  Ohama K 《Human genetics》2000,106(2):188-193
Meiotic segregation of chromosomes 14 and 21 in sperm from a 14;21 Robertsonian translocation carrier was analyzed with dual-color FISH using two locus-specific DNA probes (Tel 14q and LSI 21). The frequency of normal or chromosomally balanced sperm, resulting from alternate segregation, was 88.42%. The frequency of unbalanced sperm, resulting from adjacent segregation, was 11.25%. These observed frequencies deviated significantly from the theoretical frequencies (33.33% and 66.67%, respectively) based on random chromosome segregation, with sperm resulting from alternate segregation being preferentially produced in the translocation carrier. With respect to the chromosomally unbalanced sperm, the frequency of 21q disomic sperm was 2.45%, which is in agreement with the frequencies of unbalanced fetuses or offspring at the time of amniocentesis or at term (0-4.3%) reported by others. Although the frequency of 14 or 21 nullisomic sperm should be theoretically equal to that of 14q or 21q disomic sperm in both the carrier and controls, the frequency of nullisomic sperm was significantly higher than that of disomic sperm in the carrier (P=0.0009 for chromosome 14, P<0.0001 for chromosome 21) but not in the controls (P=0.091 for chromosome 14, P=0.74 for chromosome 21). This evidence suggests the occurrence of maturation arrest during spermatogenesis of the carrier.  相似文献   

Meiotic segregation products were studied in sperm from two men heterozygous for the reciprocal translocations t(8;15)(p22;q21) and t(3;16)(p23;q24). A total of 226 and 201 sperm complements, respectively, were analyzed. In each translocation, 63% of complements were unbalanced, and alternate and adjacent 1 percentages were similar. The 3:1 segregation frequencies produced by the two translocations were 3.5% and 5.0%.  相似文献   

Summary Meiotic segregation was studied in a male heterozygous for a 13;15 Robertsonian translocation using in vitro sperm penetration of hamster eggs. Sixty-seven sperm chromosome complements were obtained and R-banded. Alternate segregation produced equal numbers of normal (31) and balanced (29) gametes, as was theoretically expected. Incidence of unbalanced complements was 10.4%, and the frequency of abnormalities unrelated to the translocation was 7.4%. This study confirms the predominance of alternate meiotic segregation in Robertsonian translocation carriers. Four sperm studies of Robertsonian translocation have been previously reported. A review of the combined results points out the low incidence of imbalance in the sperm of Robertsonian translocation carrier and the lack of evidence for an interchromosomal effect.  相似文献   

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