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The ATP content of disks of storage tissue of red beet is reduced under N2 atmosphere to between 10 and 25% of its value in air. Plasmalemma fluxes of K+ and Cl are inhibited within 1 minute or less following removal of O2, and the extent of this inhibition is entirely attributable to the depletion of ATP. The ATP content remains approximately constant or decreases slightly for up to 1 hour under N2. On return to air, the ATP content recovers, reaching 75% of the aerobic level within 45 second.  相似文献   

Changes in several mechanisms of sodium transport across the cell membranes are described in essential hypertension. We studied ouabain-sensitive and insensitive 86Rb+ influx into the red blood cells (RBC) of 16 healthy controls and 51 patients with essential hypertension (EH) divided according to their plasma renin activity (PRA) in 3 groups: 11 patients with high PRA (HREH), 18 patients with normal PRA (NREH) and 22 patients with low PRA (LREH). In addition to studying 86RB+ uptake by patients RBC, we tested also the effect of the patients' sera on 86Rb+ influx into the RBC of healthy subjects. Red blood cells of patients with HREH and NREH had lower ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ influx in comparison with controls. No significant differences were found between these hypertensive groups. In contrast 86Rb+ uptake by the RBC of LREH patients was always higher than in controls or HREH and NREH. It was chiefly the ouabain-sensitive component that was raised, but some increase in ouabain-insensitive 86Rb+ influx also could be seen. The serum of patients with HREH and NREH, when incubated with RBC of healthy controls, lowered their ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ influx. The decrease was more pronounced in NREH than in HREH group. Plasma from LREH patients increased both ouabain-sensitive and ouabain-insensitive 86Rb+ influx into the control RBC. These findings indicate that there may be differences in the sodium/potassium transport mechanisms across the cell membrane in various kinds of EH.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hans Peter Getz 《Planta》1991,185(2):261-268
Sucrose uptake into tonoplast vesicles, which were prepared from red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) vacuoles isolated by two different methods, was stimulated by MgATP. Using the same medium as for osmotic disruption of vacuoles, membrane vesicles were prepared from tissue homogenates of dormant red beet roots and separated by high-speed centrifugation through a discontinuous dextran gradient. A low-density microsomal fraction highly enriched in tonoplast vesicles could be further purified from contaminating ER vesicles by inclusion of 5 mM MgCl2 in the homogenization medium. These vesicles were able to transport sucrose in an ATP-dependent manner against a concentration gradient, whereas vesicles from regions of other densities lacked this feature, indicating that ATP stimulation of sucrose uptake took place only at the tonoplast membrane. Sucrose uptake was optimal at pH 7 in the presence of MgATP and could be stimulated by superimposed pH gradients (vesicle interior acidic) in the absence of MgATP, which is consistent with the operation of a sucrose/H+-antiporter at the tonoplast. Tonoplast vesicles, obtained in high yield from tissue homogenates of red beet roots, exhibited sugar-uptake characteristics comparable to those of intact vacuoles; these characteristics included similarities in K m (1.7 mM), sensitivity to inhibitors and specificity for sucrose.Many experiments were carried out at the Experiment Station of the HSPA, Aiea, Hawaii and financed by an NSF grant to Dr. Maretzki and Mrs. M. Thom.  相似文献   

The vacuolar potential (Vvac) and its fluctuations were recorded in red beet vacuoles (Beta vulgaris L.). Measurements with vacuoles in their suspension medium gave Vvac = 10 ± 2 millivolts (referred to the external medium) when 3 molar KCl microelectrodes were used. Buffering the microelectrode filling solution at pH 7.7 reversed the sign of the potential: Vvac = −7 ± 2 millivolts. The magnitude of the potential fluctuations was lowered by dilution (5-1000 times) with the suspension medium containing components released by the cells during the mechanical preparation. Fluctuations were decreased by 50 millimolar KNO3 while they were enhanced by 5 millimolar ATP-Mg. No noticeable change in membrane resistance was detected. The presence of an ATPase bound to the tonoplast may explain the recorded noise spectra. These spectra imply a close connection between the rate of ATPase functioning and the magnitude of ionic fluxes across the tonoplast. It is suggested that noise analysis could be used to detect ATPase (or related enzyme) activity in vacuoles. Possible use of H+ diffusion through a buffered microelectrode, to modify intravacuolar pH, is also suggested.  相似文献   

We set out to identify molecular mechanisms underlying the onset of necrotic Ca(2+) overload, triggered in two epithelial cell lines by oxidative stress or metabolic depletion. As reported earlier, the overload was inhibited by extracellular Ca(2+) chelation and the cation channel blocker gadolinium. However, the surface permeability to Ca(2+) was reduced by 60%, thus discarding a role for Ca(2+) channel/carrier activation. Instead, we registered a collapse of the plasma membrane Ca(2+) ATPase (PMCA). Remarkably, inhibition of the Na(+)/K(+) ATPase rescued the PMCA and reverted the Ca(2+) rise. Thermodynamic considerations suggest that the Ca(2+) overload develops when the Na(+)/K(+) ATPase, by virtue of the Na(+) overload, clamps the ATP phosphorylation potential below the minimum required by the PMCA. In addition to providing the mechanism for the onset of Ca(2+) overload, the crosstalk between cation pumps offers a novel explanation for the role of Na(+) in cell death.  相似文献   

Regulation of Electrogenic Pumping in Barley by pH and ATP   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
The relationship of the electrogenic pump to the ATP concentrationin barley roots was examined. Excision, salt accumulation andchanges in temperature produced changes in the ATP concentrationwhich did not correlate with changes in membrane potential (m).Illumination of seedlings prior to excision of the root elevatedthe ATP level and caused m to hyperpolarize. Metabolic inhibitionby sodium azide resulted in a fall in ATP concentration andmembrane depolarization. With treatment in azide for longerthan 10 min there was a linear relationship between ATP concentrationand m. Time-courses of the effects of azide and carbon monoxideshowed that this relationship did not hold at short treatmenttimes because the ATP concentration fell more rapidly than thedecay of m. Application of butyrate or fusicoccin produced littleor no change in the ATP concentration but both caused significantchanges in m. The effects on m of butyrate, fusicoccin, external pH and metabolicinhibitors were considered to be consistent with regulationof electrogenic pumping by cytoplasmic pH. Key words: Cytoplasmic pH, Electrogenic pumping, Fusicoccin, Butyrate  相似文献   

The hyperpolarisation of the membrane potential in Characeae above that of the diffusion potential is explained by the operation of the electrogenic proton pump. We studied the interaction of calcium with the functioning of the pump. The membrane potential was measured using the standard microelectrode technique. An increase in the calcium concentration resulted in depolarisation, its magnitude increasing with lower proton concentrations. Calcium-induced membrane potential changes, tested in the concentration range of 0.25 mmol/l to 25 mmol/l, were greatest at 0.25 mmol/l CaCl2 and decreased with the increasing calcium concentration. Light-induced initial changes in the membrane potential also showed a dependence on the presence of calcium in the external medium. We conclude that calcium has a role in the regulation of the proton pump in Nitella.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the fluctuations of the red blood cell membrane in both the temporal ((ω(s−1)) and spatial (q(m−1)) frequency domains. The cells were examined over a range of osmolarities leading to cell volumes from 50% to 170% of that in the isotonic state. The fluctuations of the isotonic cell showed an ∼q−3-dependence, indicative of a motion dominated by bending, with an inferred bending modulus of ∼9 × 10−19J. When the cells were osmotically swollen to just below the point of lysis (166% of physiological volume), a q−1-dependence of the fluctuations supervened, implying that the motion was now dominated by membrane tension; estimated as ∼1.3 × 10−4 nm−1. When, on the other hand, the cells were osmotically dehydrated, the fluctuation amplitude progressively decreased. This was caused by a rise in internal viscosity, as shown by measurements on resealed ghosts containing a reduced hemoglobin concentration, which displayed no such effect. We examined, in addition, cells depleted of ATP, before the onset of echinocytosis, and could observe no change in fluctuation amplitude. We conclude that the membrane fluctuations of the red cell are governed by bending modulus, membrane tension, and cytosolic viscosity, with little or no dependence on the presence or absence of ATP.  相似文献   

T Sasaki  D V Gallacher 《FEBS letters》1990,264(1):130-134
In exocrine acinar cells a variety of neurotransmitters (e.g. acetylcholine) stimulate phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate hydrolysis elevating intracellular calcium to activate calcium-dependent membrane currents (outward K+ and inward Cl-). This study shows that in lacrimal acinar cells extracellular application of ATP is also associated with outward and inward current responses; these, however, are not the result of phosphoinositide metabolism. ATP directly activates receptor-operated cation channels which permit influx of Na+ and Ca+ (the inward current). The elevation in [Ca2+]i which results is sufficient to activate the outward K+ current. ATP thus promotes Ca+ influx in the absence of phosphoinositide metabolism.  相似文献   

The ploidy levels of the cells in different organs (leaves, petioles and roots) of red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants of different ages, as well as of different in vitro systems (transformed hairy roots, calli derived from leaves and rhizogenic calli), were investigated using flow cytometry. Two callus lines with red and yellow phenotypes, derived by mechanical separation of the morphologically heterogeneous rhizogenic callus, were also examined. All investigated samples experienced several cycles of endoreduplication. The older organs exhibited higher levels of polysomaty than the young ones. The highest degree of endoreduplication was found in old petiole tissue and the lowest in the red callus line (cycle values of 1.81 and 0.55, respectively). Interestingly, the callus derived from leaves did not exhibit a 2Cx peak, but was tetraploid, probably due to genetic instability, which may have been caused by prolonged cultivation under in vitro conditions. Red and yellow calli showed significantly lower polysomaty (cycle values of 0.55 and 0.59, respectively) than the primary rhizogenic callus (cycle value of 1.09). The DNA profiles of the two phenotypes differed, possibly reflecting differences in their metabolism.  相似文献   

The interactions between calmodulin, ATP and Ca2+ on the red cell Ca2+ pump have been studied in membranes stripped of native calmodulin or rebound with purified red cell calmodulin. Calmodulin stimulates the maximal rate of (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase by 5–10-fold and the rate of Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation by at least 10-fold. In calmodulin-bound membranes ATP activates (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase along a biphasic concentration curve (Km1 ≈ 1.4 μM, Km2 ≈ 330 μM), but in stripped membranes the curve is essentially hyperbolic (Km ≈ 7 μM). In calmodulin-bound membranes Ca2+ activates (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase at low concentrations (Km < 0.28 μM) in stripped membranes the apparent Ca2+ affinities are at least 10-fold lower.The results suggest that calmodulin (and perhaps ATP) affect a conformational equilibrium between E2 and E1 forms of the Ca2+ pump protein.  相似文献   

To examine the potential effect of the cellular ATP concentration and of the phosphate potential on the function of the sodium pump in intact renal cells, the ATP content of dog cortical tubules was first modified by a 30-min preincubation with one of the following effectors: 5 or 10 mM fructose, 2.5 mM adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP), or 2.5 mM adenosine in the presence of substrates (10 mM glutamine + 1 mM glutamate with either 10 mM lactate (low ATP) or 10 mM pyruvate (high ATP)). The tubules were then incubated in Krebs-Henseleit saline using two different phosphate concentrations and the same substrate mixture. The ATP content in tubular cells was modified by these treatments, ranging from 2.2 to 5.7 mM. The oxygen uptake by the tubules was measured before and after application of a small amount of nystatin (0.05 mM, 6 mumol/g wet wt.), added to impose an identical and submaximal increment of work to the Na(+)-K+ ATPase in tubules, irrespective of their ATP condition. This manoeuvre was followed by the addition of 1 mM ouabain to inhibit the sodium pump and quantify the respiration related to the activity of the Na+ pump. No significant effect of the ATP content on the respiratory cost of the Na(+)-K+ ATPase activity was noted when the [ATP] was above the normal concentration of approximately 3.0 mM before or after introduction of nystatin. In a second group of experiments, tubules were treated with 0.1 mM digitonin (13 mumol/g wet wt.) and resuspended in intracellular-like and sodium-free medium. The respiration was measured before and after the addition of increasing Mg-ATP concentrations (0-12 mM). A fixed quantity of Na+ (20 mM) was then introduced before ouabain was applied. The oxygen uptake was measured in these three conditions. We observed a fixed increment of ouabain-sensitive respiration upon stimulation of the pump activity by sodium at ATP concentrations ranging from 2 to 7 mM. The same observation applied when the free energy released from ATP hydrolysis ranged from -50 to -56 kJ.mol-1 and when the [ATP]/[ADP].[Pi] ratio ranged from 1.5 to 7.5 mM-1. These results suggest that the Na+:ATP stoichiometry of the Na(+)-K+ ATPase is not modified by [ATP] in dog cortical tubules when the ATP content is at or above the physiological value. Furthermore, the stoichiometry of the pump does not appear to change when the phosphate potential and (or) the free energy released from ATP hydrolysis are altered.  相似文献   

Compartmentation of malate in relation to ion absorption in beet   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Malate in beet discs treated in different salt solutions was labeled by a 30 min pulse of 14CO2, and subsequent changes in specific activity were followed for several hr. In treatments which resulted in net acid synthesis in response to excess cation absorption, malate specific activity fell slowly after removal of 14CO2. In solutions where no net acid synthesis occurred, and from which cation and anion were absorbed equally, malate specific activity fell rapidly when 14CO2 was removed. The foregoing suggests that the net synthesis of organic acids in response to excess cation absorption leads to the removal of organic anions from cytoplasmic metabolic pools as counter-ions in salt transport to the vacuole.  相似文献   

Influx of Ca2+ into cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was measured under non-steady-state conditions, which enable measurements of the initial rate of transport across plasma membranes without interference by the vacuolar Ca2+ transport system. Removal of glucose from the incubation medium led to inactivation of Ca2+ influx within 5 min. Readdition of glucose led to a transient increase in the rate of Ca2+ transport, reaching a peak after 3-5 min. A second increase was observed 60-80 min later. To examine whether the first transient activation of Ca2+ influx by glucose was mediated by membrane hyperpolarization, influx of 45Ca2+ was measured in the presence and absence of metabolic substrates (glucose, glycerol, and glucose plus antimycin A) in cells hyperpolarized to different values of membrane potential (delta psi). Logarithms of the rate of Ca2+ influx were plotted against values of delta psi. Two different slopes were obtained, depending upon whether the metabolic substrate was present or absent. Ca2+ influx in the presence of the metabolic substrates was always higher than expected by their effect on delta psi. Glycerol plus antimycin A did not affect Ca2+ influx. It was concluded that metabolized substrates activate Ca2+ influx not only by effects on delta psi but also by additional mechanism(s). Since no simple correlation between Ca2+ influx and intracellular ATP levels was observed, it was concluded that ATP levels do not affect the initial rates of Ca2+ transport across the plasma membrane of S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

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