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Maternal thyroid function in early and late pregnancy.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thyroid function was investigated during and after pregnancy in 12 healthy euthyroid women. During pregnancy, serum total T4 (TT4) levels were significantly elevated and nearly stable, while thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) levels progressively increased till the 7th month. A slight elevation, though not significant, of free T4 (fT4) was recorded in early pregnancy. In the following months, fT4, free T3 (fT3) and the T4/TBG ratio progressively diminished, reaching a plateau at the 7th month. Serum TSH levels, measured by an ultrasensitive immunofluorometric assay, were comparable to postpartum values during the first trimester and showed a moderate upward trend with the progression of pregnancy. The evaluation of 24-hour TSH profiles was performed in 5 women during the first trimester of pregnancy. In all women, the circadian rhythm of TSH was present with a normal nocturnal surge, though anticipated in 1 case. In summary (1) during the first trimester of pregnancy, the increased thyroid activity does not seem to be only sustained by pituitary TSH which remains unmodified; the negative correlation between TSH and hCG levels might suggest that hCG also stimulates the gland to increase thyroid hormone output, and the presence of a normal TSH circadian rhythm indicates that the central mechanism of neuroregulation of the pituitary-thyroid axis is preserved in early pregnancy, and (2) in late pregnancy, a marked decrease in free thyroid hormone fractions is accompanied by serum TSH levels still in the normal range, indicating a modification of thyroid homeostasis which might recognize various etiological factors.  相似文献   



Placental growth hormone (PGH) is a major growth hormone in pregnancy and acts with Insulin Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I) and Insulin Like Growth Hormone Binding Protein 3 (IGFBP3). The aim of this study was to investigate PGH, IGF-I and IGFBP3 in non-diabetic (ND) compared to Type 1 Diabetic (T1DM) pregnancies.


This is a prospective study. Maternal samples were obtained from 25 ND and 25 T1DM mothers at 36 weeks gestation. Cord blood was obtained after delivery. PGH, IGF-I and IGFBP3 were measured using ELISA.


There was no difference in delivery type, gender of infants or birth weight between groups. In T1DM, maternal PGH significantly correlated with ultrasound estimated fetal weight (r = 0.4, p = 0.02), birth weight (r = 0.51, p<0.05) and birth weight centile (r = 0.41, p = 0.03) PGH did not correlate with HbA1c.Maternal IGF-I was lower in T1DM (p = 0.03). Maternal and fetal serum IGFBP3 was higher in T1DM. Maternal third trimester T1DM serum had a significant band at 16 kD on western blot, which was not present in ND.


Maternal T1DM PGH correlated with both antenatal fetal weight and birth weight, suggesting a significant role for PGH in growth in diabetic pregnancy.IGFBP3 is significantly increased in maternal and fetal serum in T1DM pregnancies compared to ND controls, which was explained by increased proteolysis in maternal but not fetal serum. These results suggest that the normal PGH-IGF-I-IGFBP3 axis in pregnancy is abnormal in T1DM pregnancies, which are at higher risk of macrosomia.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the impact of protein malnutrition during early pregnancy on fetal and placental growth and on the protein synthesis capacity of placental and endometrial tissues. Twelve crossbred sows received 1.8 kg/d of a control (13% protein) or protein-restricted (0.5% protein) diet from the day of breeding to Day 63 of pregnancy, when dissections were performed on each conceptus unit. The de novo protein synthetic rate of placental and endometrial explants was measured using (35)S-methionine. These proteins and the proteins from amniotic and allantoic fluids were separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Placental weight was significantly reduced in the sows fed the restricted diet, with a tendency for decreased fetal weight as well. No differences were found due to dietary treatment in de novo protein synthesis or in the electrophoretic patterns of secreted proteins of the placenta or endometrium. The apparent quantity of 3 proteins in the allantoic fluid of the restricted diet fetuses decreased, while 1 protein increased in comparison with that of the control fetuses. These data suggest that protein malnutrition in early pregnancy decreases placental growth, thereby decreasing both fetal growth and the opportunity for compensatory growth upon nutritional rehabilitation.  相似文献   

The relation between the nutrition of the mother and that of her baby was assessed in a south Indian community where malnutrition is common and women do not smoke. Unselected mothers and their infants of over 37 weeks'' gestation were studied in two groups: those who paid for their care (150) and a poorer group who did not (172). There were significnat differences between the paying and non-paying groups in maternal triceps skinfold thickness, infant weight, and infant length. Overall there was a significant positive correlation between maternal triceps thickness and infant weight, length, and triceps and subscapular skinfold thickness. The correlation with the infant head circumference was less significant. These findings are further evidence that the nutrition of the mother has an important effect on the nutrition of her baby and that malnutrition is an important reason why Indian babies are lighter than European ones.  相似文献   

Effect of heat stress on ovine placental growth in early pregnancy.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ditocous Dorset ewes were fed to predicted requirements and kept in environmental chambers at 21 degrees C (n = 6) or 40 degrees C (n = 5) between days 50 and 75 of gestation. Ewes were slaughtered and the pregnant uterus was dissected for measurement of conceptus weights and in vitro estimations of placental mitotic activity. Heat caused a 19% reduction in placental weight but did not affect fetal weight. Placental DNA and protein concentrations and protein/DNA were similar in both groups. Total placental DNA content was significantly reduced in the heated ewes, suggesting a reduction in cell number; however, DNA synthetic rate tended to be higher. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that fetal growth retardation in chronically heat-stressed ewes occurs in late pregnancy as a consequence of a primary reduction in placental growth in early gestation.  相似文献   

The present study determined the placental and whole-body metabolism of androstenedione originating in the maternal and fetal compartments of the pregnant baboon at mid (day 100; n = 4) and late (day 165; n = 3) gestation (term = day 184) in untreated animals and at midgestation in animals (n = 3) treated with pellets (50 mg) of androstenedione inserted at 8-day intervals in the mother between days 70 and 100 of gestation. Baboons were anesthetized with ketamine-halothane-nitrous oxide, blood samples obtained from maternal, uterine, fetal and umbilical vessels during constant infusion of [3H] or [14C]androstenedione via the fetal or maternal circulation, respectively, and radiolabeled precursor/products in plasma purified by HPLC. The metabolic clearance rate (MCR; 1/day/kg body wt) of androstenedione in the mother was similar at mid (81 +/- 6) and late (69 +/- 12) gestation and was unaltered by treatment with androstenedione (92 +/- 17). Fetal MCR of androstenedione was 3-fold greater (P less than 0.05) than in the mother and was similar in the three treatment groups. In the maternal compartment, the conversion ratio of androstenedione to estradiol (range 26-37%) exceeded (P less than 0.05) that to testosterone (range 15-19%) which exceeded (P less than 0.05) that to estrone (range 7-14%), a pattern unaffected by stage of gestation or treatment with androstenedione in vivo. Similar results were observed in the fetal compartment although values for each conversion were always 3-4-fold lower (P less than 0.05) than in the maternal compartment. Regardless of stage of gestation or treatment with androstenedione, [14C]estradiol in the uterine vein (95 +/- 15 cpm/ml) exceeded (P less than 0.05) that in the umbilical vein (3 +/- 1) indicative of preferential secretion of estradiol to the maternal compartment. In contrast, the concentration of [14C]estrone in uterine (15 +/- 4) and umbilical (18 +/- 4) vessels were similar indicating that estrone was secreted equally into the mother and fetus. Similar observations were noted for respective values for [3H]estrogens derive from fetal [3H]androstenedione. Placental extraction of fetal androstenedione (range 86-93%) exceeded (P less than 0.05) that for androstenedione originating in the mother (range 44-54%) and neither were affected by stage of gestation or treatment with androstenedione in vivo. Less than 1% of fetal [3H]androstenedione reached the maternal circulation unaltered, presumably due to placental catabolism. Similarly, the concentration of maternally-derived [14C]androstenedione present in fetal plasma (less than 5%) was minimal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

BackgroundThe impacts of environmental cadmium (Cd) exposure on birth size parameters including weight, length and head circumference (HC) have been reported in multiple studies. However, little remains known of the impacts of maternal Cd exposure during pregnancy on size during in utero development and during early childhood. The aim of this study was to comprehensively investigate impacts of maternal Cd exposure during pregnancy on the size of offspring in utero (from 24 weeks pregnancy) until six months of age.MethodsPregnant mothers were recruited as part of an ongoing prospective birth cohort study based in Guangdong, China. Maternal urine samples were collected in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, in which Cd concentrations were measured by inductively couple plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). In utero size indicators at 24 and 32 week of gestation, including biparietal diameter (BPD), abdominal circumference (AC), femur length (FL) and HC were derived from ultrasound examinations. Anthropometric measures of weight, height and HC at birth and one, three and six months of age were also collected. Associations of size measures at the various time points with maternal urinary Cd concentrations were assessed using linear regression models.ResultsThe median urinary Cd concentration was 1.00 and 0.98 μg/g creatinine in the first and third trimesters respectively. In univariate analysis, increased maternal Cd levels in the first trimester were associated with decreased HC (-0.17 cm/ug/g urinary Cd) at birth, and the association was particularly pronounced among males (-0.30 cm/ug/g urinary Cd). First trimester Cd exposure was also found to be significantly associated with decreased infant weight at three and six months of age among girls (−101 g/ug/g and −97 g/ug/g urinary Cd, respectively). Associations of similar magnitude were observed after adjustment for various maternal factors. No significant associations were observed with infant size measures or with measures of Cd in the third trimester.ConclusionsOur detailed study suggests that the first trimester is particularly critical window of susceptibility to sex-specific effects of Cd on size parameters at birth, with some effects persisting to six months of age. These compelling sex-dependent effects on HC and body weight warrant future studies examining longer-term health effects of pregnancy-related Cd exposures.  相似文献   

During the mid-1960s, 22 977 pregnant women in Scotland and England were followed up prospectively for the incidence of malformations in their infants evident at birth or within six weeks. During the first 13 weeks of gestation 620 of these women had been prescribed Debendox (dicyclomine-doxylamine-pyridoxine) and 743 other women agents other than Debendox containing pyridoxine. Of the 620 women given Debendox, 589 (95%) had a normal outcome of pregnancy, 8 (13%) delivered a malformed infant, and 23 (3.7%) had other outcomes. Of the 22 357 women who were given Debendox, 445 (2.0%) produced infants with malformation; and the rates for all abnormal outcomes among women given Debendox and those not given the drug were 5.0% and 5.4% respectively. These results support the hypothesis that Debendox is not teratogenic.  相似文献   

A. Leader  K. H. Wong  M. Deitel 《CMAJ》1981,125(6):545-549
Maternal undernutrition may result in a greater deprivation of the fetus than has previously been believed. The infant not only may be "light for dates" but also has an increased risk of perinatal disability or death secondary to gross neurologic and developmental abnormalities. This article reviews current knowledge of the energy, protein, iron, vitamin, sodium and calcium requirements in pregnancy, with special reference to the management of the underweight and overweight pregnant women.  相似文献   

The placental diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide was measured in unanaesthetized monkeys (M. Mulatta). Maternal and fetal blood was sampled from chronically placed catheters while the mother breathed 50 or 100 parts per million of CO. Diffusing was calculated from the amount of CO taken up by the fetus divided by the partial pressure difference across the placenta, it averaged 0.646 plus or minus 0.062 (SEM) ml x min(-1) x torr(-1) x kg(-1) of fetal weight. The significance of this index of respiratory gas exchange in the monkey placenta is discussed with respect to previous measurements in other species and with respect to fetal growth.  相似文献   

Sixty-three pregnant llamas of known breeding date were used in this study. Forty-six of them were submitted to surgery between 186 and 320 days of gestation (52-91% of average gestation period, respectively). Under general anesthesia their fetuses were exteriorized and fetal weight (W), biparietal diameter (BPD) and femoral (F), tarsus-hoof (T-H), tibial (T)) and fronto-occipital (F-O) length were determined. Additionally, the same variables were determined on 16 newborn llamas. The weight was measured in kg and the length in cm. All the collected data was entered into a spreadsheet and different regression analyses as a function of gestational age (GA) were assessed. The best fit equations and their correlation for linear regression were the following: GA=169.448+16.66(*)W, r=0.99; GA=-51.713+44.77(*)BPD, r=0.88; GA=-72.139+39.48(*)F-O, r=0.71; GA=39.304+8.35(*)T-H, r=0.97; GA=91.276+8.23(*)T, r=0.86; GA=102.029+9.94(*)F, r=0.91. For multiple regression, the dependent variable GA can be predicted by the following equation: GA=67.462+11.163(*)W+20.297(*)BPD. Results of the present study indicated measured variables to be highly correlated with GA. This could be useful on daily basis in clinical examination of the neonates, in assessment of fetal growth and well being with cesarean sections, in the determination of GA in late gestation abortions, and in perinatal and reproductive research in the llama.  相似文献   

Both the systemic and the uteroplacental renin-angiotensin system (RAS) display dramatic changes during pregnancy. However, whether gestational protein insufficiency affects the expressions of RAS in the placenta remains unknown. In this study, we hypothesized that the expression of Ace2 in the placental labyrinth was reduced by maternal protein restriction. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a normal diet or a low-protein diet (LP) from Day 1 of pregnancy until they were killed at Day 14 or Day 18. The labyrinth zone (LZ) of the placenta was then dissected and snap frozen for expression analysis by quantitative real-time PCR of Ace, Ace2, Agtr1a, Agtr1b, and Agtr2. Formalin-fixed placentas were used for immunohistochemical analysis on ACE and ACE2 proteins. The findings include 1) the expression of Ace2 in rat LZ was reduced by maternal protein restriction in late pregnancy; 2) ACE protein was mainly present in syncytiotrophoblasts, whereas ACE2 protein was found predominantly in fetal mesenchymal tissue and fetal capillaries; 3) Agtr1a was predominant in the rat LZ, and its mRNA levels, but not protein levels, were reduced by LP; 4) expressions of Ace, Ace2, and Agtr1a in the rat LZ and their response to LP occurred in a gender-dependent manner. These results may indicate that a reduced expression of Ace2 and perhaps an associated reduction in angiotensin (1-7) production in the placenta by maternal protein restriction may be responsible for fetal growth restriction and associated programming of adulthood hypertension.  相似文献   

Epidemiological and experimental studies have demonstrated that maternal undernutrition during pregnancy is associated with abnormal placental growth. In sheep, maternal nutrient restriction over the period of rapid placental growth (30-80 days) restricts placentome growth. Then following adequate nutrition up to term (147 days), placental mass is greater in association with a higher total abundance of the predominant placental glucose transporter-1. The resulting lambs are larger at birth, have heavier kidneys with an increased expression of the glucocorticoid-responsive type 1 angiotensin II receptor. Near to term, these fetuses possess more adipose tissue, the endocrine sensitivity of which is markedly enhanced. For example, the abundance of mRNA for 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1, which catalyses the conversion of cortisone to bio-active cortisol is increased. This is associated with a higher abundance of both leptin and glucocorticoid receptor mRNA. At 6 months of age, the juvenile offspring of nutrient restricted ewes have lower resting blood pressure that was positively correlated with plasma cortisol concentration, suggesting their blood pressure could be more strongly driven by circulating cortisol. These offspring also exhibited a greater pressor response to vasoconstrictor challenges, but showed no difference in vasodilatory response. At this age, the kidney weight was similar between groups, but the abundance of cytochrome c in kidney mitochondria was enhanced in lambs born to nutrient restricted ewes that could indicate increased mitochondrial activity. Reduced maternal nutrition during the period of rapid placental growth may therefore contribute to hypertension in later life through physiological and vascular adaptations during fetal life.  相似文献   

Calcium metabolism was studied in relation to ovarian functions and embryonic development during early and late pregnancy in the viviparous blenny Zoarces viviparus . The level of total calcium in the maternal serum decreased during pregnancy from 21·7 (± 2·6) to 8·7 (± 1·1) mg 100 ml−1. Calcium in the ovarian fluid surrounding the embryos appeared at a level which was always lower than in the maternal blood. The calcium content of the embryos increased during their development in the ovarian cavity. During early pregnancy, oestradiol-treatment increased the level of total calcium and alkkali-labile protein P (vitellogenin) in serum of the maternal organism, but did not have any effect on the level of ultrafiltrable calcium. However, in the untreated females, the post-ovulatory follicles, believed to act as calyces nutriciae in the pregnant ovary, were able to concentrate the ultrafiltrable calcium above the level in the serum. The activity of injected45Ca per unit plasma and follicular fluid volume was always higher in oestradiol-pretreated fish when compared with controls over a time course range. Embryos from females, which were not treated with oestradiol, accumulated high levels of labelled calcium and the accumulation was time-course dependent. Embryos from oestradiol-treated females showed low levels of tracer accumulation at all samplings and their appearance indicated an overall negative effect of oestradiol. During late pregnancy, labelled calcium showed a rapid turnover within 24 h post-injection in the maternal blood and ovarian fluid and a large accumulation in the embryos. Calcium influx in embryos, which were incubated with labelled calcium during 72 h in in vitro systems was largest during the initial 4·5–24h time interval.  相似文献   

The possibility of improving the effectiveness of antenatal screening for Down''s syndrome by measuring human chorionic gonadotrophin concentrations in maternal serum during the second trimester to select women for diagnostic amniocentesis was examined. The median maternal serum human chorionic gonadotrophin concentration in 77 pregnancies associated with Down''s syndrome was twice the median concentration in 385 unaffected pregnancies matched for maternal age, gestational age, and duration of storage of the serum sample. Measuring human chorionic gonadotrophin in maternal serum was an effective screening test, giving a lower false positive rate (3%) at a 30% detection rate than that for maternal age (5%) and the two existing serum screening tests, unconjugated oestriol (7%) and alpha fetoprotein (11%). The most effective screening results were obtained with all four variables combined; at the same 30% detection rate the false positive rate declined to 0.5%. The new screening method would detect over 60% of affected pregnancies, more than double that achievable with the same amniocentesis rate in existing programmes (5%), and could reduce the number of children born with Down''s syndrome in the United Kingdom from about 900 a year to about 350 a year.  相似文献   

Production of identical twin calves by embryo demisection requires a reliable system for continual monitoring of pregnancy. Both halves of bisected embryos were replaced nonsurgically into one uterine horn on Day 7 in 80 recipients. Monthly blood sampling began on Day 22 of pregnancy and transrectal echography took place between 50 and 80 days. Fifty-four recipients had elevated plasma progesterone concentrations on Day 22 (67% pregnancy rate). Of 21 pregnancies diagnosed as twins by echography, 15 live sets were born, 3 singles accompanied by a stillbirth, and 3 complete abortions. Twenty-five singleton pregnancies resulted in 23 live calves, 1 still-birth and 1 abortion. It was not possible to monitor echographically the remaining 8 pregnancies. At all stages of pregnancy studied, mean concentrations of bovine pregnancy-specific protein B (bPSPB) and estrone sulphate were higher (P<0.01) in twin (n = 17) than in single (n = 26) pregnancies, but the high individual variation obviated any predictive value for fetal number. Although bPSPB and estrone sulphate concentrations were positively correlated at most stages of normal pregnancies after Day 100, divergence was observed in the unsuccessful pregnancies between the concentrations of all 3 hormones, suggesting synthesis/release is under independent control. Measurement of bPSPB may be useful for prediction of fetal well-being, whereas estrone sulphate may reflect placental viability.  相似文献   

Human pregnancy is associated with sexually dimorphic differences in mortality and morbidity of the fetus with the male fetus experiencing the poorest outcome following complications such as pre-eclampsia, pre-term delivery and infection. The physiological mechanisms that confer these differences have not been well characterised in the human. Work conducted on the effect of maternal asthma during pregnancy, combining data collected from the mother, placenta and fetus has found some significant sex-related mechanistic differences associated with fetal growth in both normal pregnancies and pregnancies complicated by asthma. Specifically, sexually dimorphic differences have been found in placental glucocorticoid metabolism in male and female fetuses of normal pregnancies. In response to the presence of maternal asthma, only the female fetus alters placental glucocorticoid metabolism resulting in decreased growth. The male fetus does not alter placental function or growth in response to maternal asthma. As a result of the alterations in glucocorticoid metabolism in the female, downstream changes occur in pathways regulated by glucocorticoids. These data suggest that the female fetus adjusts placental function and reduces growth to compensate for maternal disease. However, the male fetus continues to grow in response to maternal asthma with no changes in placental function. This response by the male fetus may partially contribute to the increased risk of morbidity and mortality in this sex.  相似文献   

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