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为探究罗汉果(Siraitia grosvenorii)自然授粉不良的形成原因,该文以罗汉果品种"大地二号"的种苗为材料,采用定点定时方法调查罗汉果雌雄株访花昆虫,同时利用GC-MS对雌雄株叶片的挥发性成分进行比较分析。结果表明:在雄株上观察到访花昆虫102种,分属于8目29科,其中包括蜜蜂科、眼蝶科、夜蛾科和天蛾科等传粉昆虫类群;在雌株上观察到访花昆虫69种,分属于7目16科,但未观察到上述传粉昆虫类群。雄株访花昆虫的物种丰富度、多度和Shannon-Wiener多样性均显著高于雌株(P<0.05),Jaccard相似性分析显示,雌株和雄株访花昆虫达到中等不相似水平。在雄株叶片中鉴定出挥发性成分17种,优势成分为萜烯类化合物,占总含量的67.31%;在雌株叶片中鉴定出挥发性成分12种,优势成分为烷烃类化合物,占总含量的44.27%。雄株具有较多特有成分,包括7种萜烯类和3种酯类成分,占总体成分的45.45%;雌株的特有成分较少,包括4种烷烃类和1种酯类成分,占总体成分种类的22.72%。Jaccard相似性分析显示,雌株和雄株的挥发性成分总体上达到中等不相似水平,其中萜烯类和酯...  相似文献   

Nutritional indices, development rates, percent dry weights and total lipids were determined in gypsy moth larvae (Lymantria dispar L.) reared on a high wheat germ (HWG) diet or diets prepared from lyophilized, ball-milled oak or pine foliage as the only source of dietary nitrogen (N). With regard to both total and proteinaceous N content, HWG diet>oak diet>pine diet. All nutritional indices measured were significantly lower in second instars fed pine diet vs. oak diet. Protein supplementation of pine diet with either casein or ovalbumin to bring total N up to the level present in oak diet resulted in small increased in approximate digestibility (AD) and effciency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), but relative growth rate (RGR) remained unaffected. The low RGR of larvae fed pine diet (unsupplemented or protein supplemented), as compared to those fed HWG or oak diet, was accompanied by significantly lower larval percent dry weight and percent total lipid. In contrast, RGR, larval percent dry weight and total lipid values were comparable in second instars fed HWG or oak diet. Insects reared from the first through the final instar on oak diet exhibited lower pupal weights compared to those reared on HWG. Casein addition to oak diet generally resulted in even more extended larval development times and further reduced pupal weights, but wheat germ addition to oak diet did not alter development rates and caused an increase in pupal weights.  相似文献   

Quantitative nutritional indices were measured in 3rd instar gypsy moths, Lymantria dispar L. Analyses of the main and interactive effects of host plant consumed (oak or pine), foliar phenology (early or late season) and larval dietary history (whether fed artificial diet or foliage as second instars) indicate that larval performance was significantly affected by all three variables tested. Relative Growth Rate (RGR) was higher on oak than pine early in the season, but the reverse occurred one month later, owing largely to the slower Relative Consumption Rate (RCR) of late season oak feeders. Efficiency of Conversion of Digested food (ECD) was depressed in larvae fed pine foliage for two instars compared with those fed oak. The interaction between larval dietary history and foliar phenology produced significant effects on all indices measured. Foliar analyses showed that, as the season progressed, oak had a higher percent dry weight than did pine. On a dry weight basis, pine foliage had significantly less total and protein nitrogen than did oak collected at the same time.
Résumé Les indices nutritionnels larvaires ont été évalués sur des chenilles de L. dispar L. du troisième stade. L'analyse des effets et des interactions de la nature de la plante consommée (Quercus microcarpa) ou Pinus strobus, de la phénologie foliaire (en début de saison, c'est-à-dire seconde quinzaine de mai, ou en fin de saison, c'est-à-dire à la mi-juin), de l'alimentation antérieure (régime artificiel de germes de blé ou feuillage pendant le second stade) montre que les performances larvaires sont fortement modifiées par ces 3 variables. Le taux de croissance relative (RGR) est plus élevé sur chêne que sur pin en début de saison, mais s'inverse un mois plus tard avec une forte diminution sur chêne. L'efficacité de conversion de l'aliment (ECD) est diminuée sur pin pendant les second et troisième stades. L'interaction entre l'alimentation antérieure et le phénologie foliaire a des effets significatifs sur la digestibilité approchée (AD), sur l'efficacité de la conversion de l'aliment ingéré (ECI), et sur ECD, RCR et RGR.Les analyses foliaires ont montré que, lorsque la saison avance, le poids sec du chêne devient supérieur à celui du pin. En considérant le poids sec, le feuillage de pin contient moins d'aliments et de protéines que le chêne récolté au même moment. La teneur en azote tend à diminuer chez les deux espèces, de 17% pour le pin et 26% pour le chêne.Nous pensons que certains de ces facteurs déterminent la valeur de ces plantes pour L. dispar. Les chenilles âgées peuvent compenser plus ou moins la faible assimilation sur pin par des RCR plus élevés. Le même comportement ne semble pas possible sur chêne, une plus grande quantité de chêne avancé en saison que de feuilles jeunes ne pouvant être consommée pour compenser la diminution de la digestibilité.

In a laboratory experiment using full-sibs, 60% of the variation in pupal weight of the monophage Tyria jacobaeae L. (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) could be explained by variation in the nitrogen concentration of the food plant, Senecio jacobaea L. and only 4% by variation in sugar concentration. Larval weight and growth rates of young and old larvae were also positively correlated with nitrogen and sugar concentration. Developmental time was negatively correlated with nitrogen concentration. In a second experiment full-sib families differed significantly in larval weight at day 7, mortality, growth rate and developmental time. Pupal weight did not differ significantly among families, but was positively correlated with nitrogen concentration of Senecio. Larval performance was not significantly influenced by concentrations of sugars or alkaloids. We conclude that larval performance of Tyria during most of the larval period is mainly determined by genetic factors, but pupal weights are primarily determined by nitrogen concentration of the food plant.  相似文献   

Nalini M. Nadkarni 《Oecologia》1994,100(1-2):94-97
Some of the proximate factors that would induce aboveground stems to produce adventitious roots were investigated experimentally on Senecio cooperi, a tropical cloud forest tree. Stem segments were air-layered with different treatments to promote root formation, and the number of roots initiated and rates of root growth were monitored for 20 weeks. Treatments were the application of wet epiphytes or dry epiphytes plus associated humus, sponges wetted with either water or nutrient solutions, or dry sponges. Controls (stem segments with nothing applied) were also monitored. Numbers of adventitious roots formed and rates of subsequent root growth differed among treatments. Wet epiphyte/humus and nutrient solutions were most effective in producing roots, which suggests that epiphytes and the nutrients they intercept and retain within the canopy may cue adjacent host tissue to exploit this resource.  相似文献   

The larvae of Alsophila pometaria (Harr.), feeding on the young foliage of oak, has a higher relative growth rate (RGR) and relative nitrogen accumulation rate (RNAR) than the larvae of Anisota senatoria (J. E. Smith), feeding on the mature foliage of oak. Although the young oak foliage is more efficiently digested by A. pometaria (higher AD's), it is not more efficiently assimilated and used for growth (no difference in ECI's). Thus, the higher growth rate of A. pometaria is due entirely to a higher consumption rate (RCR and RNCR). Young foliage is significantly higher in nitrogen and water than mature foliage, but phenol and tannin levels are comparable in young and old foliage. A. pometaria consumes the foliage of different oak species at the same rate, independent of nitrogen content, while A. senatoria increases its consumption rate in response to decreased nitrogen levels. As a result, the growth rate of A. pometaria is directly related to leaf nitrogen content, while the growth rate of A. senatoria is independent of leaf nitrogen. The two species of insects have digestive systems that are very similar biochemically, and that are well-designed for effective protein digestion. Tannins and phenols do not influence the nutrional indices of either species. We suggest that the major benefit of spring feeding is the availability of succulent, high-nitrogen foliage, and not the avoidance of high-tannin foliage. The spring feeder appears to have a feeding strategy that favors rapid growth at the expense of efficiency, while the late summer feeder has a strategy that favors efficiency over rate.
Résumé Alimentées sur feuillage jeune de chêne, les chenilles d'Alsophila pometaria avaient un taux relatif de croissance (RGR) et un taux relatif d'accumulation d'azote (RNAR) plus élevés que les chenilles d'Anisota senatoria alimentées sur feuillage mûr de chêne. Bien que le jeune feuillage soit plus efficacement digéré par A. pometaria (AD plus élevé), il n'est pas assimilé et utilisé pour la croissance avec de meilleurs rendements (les ECI ne sont pas différents). Ainsi le taux de croissance plus élevé d'A. pometaria est dû entièrement à un taux de consommation plus important (RCR et RNCR). Le feuillage jeune est significativement plus riche en azote et en eau que le feuillage mûr, mais les niveaux de phénol et de tanins sont les mêmes. A pometaria consomme les feuilles de différentes espèces de chênes au même taux, indépendamment de la teneur en azote, tandis que A. senatoria accroît sa consommation en réponse à une diminution de la teneur en azote. Il en résulte que le taux de croissance d'A. pometaria dépend directement de la teneur en azote des feuilles, tandis que celui d'A. senatoria en est indépendant. Les systèmes digestifs des deux insectes sont biochimiquement semblables et sont efficaces pour la digestion des protéines. Les tanins et les phénols n'influent pas sur les indices nutritionnels de ces deux espèces. Nous estimons que le principal intérêt de l'alimentation printanière est la disponibilité en feuillage succulent, riche en azote, et non l'absence de feuilles à haute teneur en tanin. L'alimentation printanière semble correspondre à une strategie alimentaire qui favorise la croissance aux dépens de l'efficacité tandis que l'alimentation en fin d'été est une stratégie qui favorise l'efficacité sur la rapidité.

The New Zealand mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Hydrobiidae) and the pulmonate Physella acuta (Physidae) have invaded freshwaters in many parts of the world and become established. They co-exist in many streams, lakes and ponds in New Zealand, often at high densities. In the present study the effects of intraspecific- and interspecific interactions between the two species on growth and reproductive output were examined in laboratory mesocosms. In 30-day experiments, growth of Potamopyrgus antipodarum was lower in high density treatments than controls providing evidence for competition at higher densities of both snail species. No competitive effect was obtained for Physella acuta when controls were compared with high-density treatments, but growth was reduced at high densities of conspecifics. Numbers of juveniles released by Potamopyrgus antipodarum in 40 day trials declined at high snail densities and were lowest at high densities of conspecifics. Egg production by Physella acuta was also reduced at high snail densities. However, when the two species were kept together at equal densities (total snail density twice that of controls), egg production by Physella acuta was significantly higher than in all other treatments, suggesting facilitation by the congenor. Lastly, in a 10-day experiment, Physella acuta grew faster in water conditioned by Potamopyrgus antipodarum than in Physa-conditioned water, whereas Potamopyrgus antipodarum showed no growth response to Physella-conditioned water. Overall, our results indicate that growth and reproductive output of both snail species are influenced more by the density of conspecifics than the presence and density of the other species. The successful co-existence of the two species in New Zealand freshwaters therefore may be a reflection, at least in part, of few competitive interactions between them.  相似文献   

The influence of Phragmites australis on the growth of Zizania latifolia, and the morphological characteristics of both species, were investigated at two nutrient levels. The experiment was carried out over three growing seasons between May 2003 and December 2005. The experimental plot was longitudinally divided into two equal halves, one of which was planted with Zizania latifolia (Zizania zone) and the other one with Phragmites australis (Phragmites zone). Four weeks after transplantation, the plot was again divided horizontally, perpendicular to the previous division, and subject to low (LN) and high nutrient (HN) treatments. Measured growth indices of the two species were more developed in the HN than in the LN treatments. Both species were observed to invade each other’s zone, but Phragmites latifolia seemed to out-compete Zizania latifolia individuals. This was evident from the decrease in below ground biomass of Zizania latifolia in the third growing season and deterioration in above ground organs with time. It was concluded that Phragmites australis out-competes Zizania latifolia due to better developed root and rhizome system.  相似文献   

David N. Karowe 《Oecologia》1989,80(4):507-512
Summary Feeding efficiencies of ultimate instar larvae of two polyphagous tree-feeding Lepidoptera, Malacosoma disstria (Lasiocampidae) and Orgyia leucostigma (Liparidae), were measured on artificial diets containing from 0% to 8% tannic acid. Relative growth rate (RGR) of O. leucostigma was not affected by up to 8% tannic acid, suggesting that O. leucostigma has evolved an effective counteradaptation to hydrolyzable tannins. In contrast, as little as 0.5% tannic acid caused a significant reduction in RGR of M. disstria, due both to reduced efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD) and reduced relative consumption rate (RCR), and caused a significant increase in mortality during the pupal stage. Moreover, when reared from hatching on tannin-containing diets, no M. disstria larvae survived past the fourth instar.Although tannins are commonly referred to as digestibility-reducing substances, tannic acid did not reduce the ability of M. disstria or O. leucostigma larvae to digest either the whole diet or nitrogen contained in the diet. For M. disstria, tannic acid acts as a toxin and a feeding deterrent, but not as a digestibility-reducing substance. Growing evidence that tannins commonly act as toxins warrants a reassessment of their role in anti-herbivore chemistry.  相似文献   

Microbial redox reactions of inorganic sulfur compounds play a vital role in balancing the turnover of this element in the environment. These vital reactions are carried out by the enzyme system encoded by the sox operon. The central player of the sulfur oxidation biochemistry is the SoxY–Z protein complex. Another protein called SoxF having sulfide dehydrogenase activity has the ability to reactivate the inactivated SoxY–Z protein complex. This SoxF protein is obtained from the sox operon of Chlorobium tepidium. In the present work an attempt has been made to understand the structural details of the activity of SoxF protein. A plausible biochemical mechanism has been predicted regarding the involvement of the SoxF protein in biological sulfur anion oxidation process. Since this is the first report regarding the structural biology of SoxF protein this study may shed light in the hitherto unknown molecular biochemistry of sulfur anion oxidation by sox operon.  相似文献   

In floodplain ponds with low piscivore abundance, both endemic Midgley's gudgeons, Hypseleotris sp. 5, and exotic mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, showed significant ontogenetic variation in the use of food and space. Small gudgeons were generally associated with surface and benthic habitats, then restricted their distribution to benthic habitats at a size of approximately 24mm (standard length). The ontogenetic variation in mosquitofish habitat use was less discrete, and could be described as a tendency for larger individuals to be associated with the bottom of the littoral macrophyte beds than with the surface of the macrophyte beds or surface of the limnetic zone. Small gudgeons exhibited high spatial overlap with mosquitofish within the surface habitats of the ponds. All size-class/species comparisons showed significant partitioning of food resources, however, the diets of small gudgeons and mosquitofish were very similar. Therefore, juvenile gudgeons may have to pass through a similar spatial and trophic niche to introduced mosquitofish before recruiting to the adult stage. Possible mechanisms driving the ontogenetic variation in gudgeon and mosquitofish habitat use are discussed. This paper demonstrates that ontogenetic niche shifts at fine spatial scales can affect our interpretation of interactions between native and introduced fishes.  相似文献   

In arid environments, episodically-pulsed resources are important components of annual water and nutrient supply for plants. This study set out to test whether seedlings have an increased capacity for using pulsed resources, which might then improve establishment when in competition with older individuals. A second aim was to determine whether there is a trade-off in competitive strategies when resources are supplied continuously at low concentrations, or as pulses with pronounced inter-pulse periods. A glasshouse experiment used a target-neighbour design of size-asymmetric competition, with juveniles of Panicum antidotale (blue panicgrass) introduced into contrasting densities of adult plants. Stable isotopes of nitrogen were used for measuring plant resource uptake from pulses, and tolerance to inter-pulse conditions was assessed as the mean residence time (MRT) of nitrogen. A higher root/shoot ratio and finer root system enhanced the capacity of juveniles to use resources when pulsed, rather than when continuously supplied. Higher resource uptake during pulses improved the establishment of juvenile Panicum in mixed cultures with older individuals. However, a trade-off was observed in plant strategies, with juveniles showing a lower MRT for nitrogen, which suggested reduced tolerance to resource deficit during inter-pulse periods. Under field conditions, higher utilization of pulsed resources would lead to the improved seedling establishment of Panicum adjacent to “nurse” plants, whereas mature plants with well-developed roots, exploiting a greater soil volume, maintain more constant resource uptake and retention during inter-pulse periods.  相似文献   

Funk DJ  Filchak KE  Feder JL 《Genetica》2002,116(2-3):251-267
Does ecological divergence drive species-level evolutionary diversification? How so and to what degree? These questions were central to the thinking of the evolutionary synthesis. Only recently, however, has the ecology of speciation become an important focus of empirical study. Here, we argue that ecologically specialized, phylogenetically diverse, and experimentally tractable herbivorous insect taxa offer great opportunities to study the myriad mechanisms by which ecology may cause reproductive isolation and promote speciation. We call for the development and integrated experimental study of a taxonomic diversity of herbivore model systems and discuss the availability and recent evaluation of suitable taxa. Most importantly, we describe a general comparative framework that can be used to rigorously test a variety of hypotheses about the relative contributions and the macroevolutionary generality of particular mechanisms. Finally, we illustrate important issues for the experimental analysis of speciation ecology by demonstrating the consequences of specialized host associations for ecological divergence and premating isolation in Neochlamisus bebbianae leaf beetles.  相似文献   

Summary Blackcaps (Sylvia atricapilla) that breed in central Europe have usually migrated to Mediterranean or African wintering grounds. In the past several decades, a portion of this breeding population has started migrating to the British Isles to overwinter and this population has increased dramatically. Several factors, including higher annual survivorship (due to supplemental feeding and reduced migratiry distance), assortative mating, and enhanced reproductive success may be involved in this rapid population growth. As part of an intensive, long-term study of this population, we tested the hypothesis that the differences in photoperiod experienced by British-wintering versus Mediterranean-wintering blackcaps might lead to relatively early vernal (i.e., migratory and/or reproductive) physiological condition in members of the former group. We found that birds exposed to photoperiodic conditions that simulated migration to Britain to overwinter generally initiated vernal migratory activity earlier than birds held under conditions simulating migration to traditional wintering areas in central Spain. This difference, coupled with the shorter migratory distance to the British Isles, leads to significantly earlier estimated arrival dates for blackcaps that winter in Britain compared to central Spain. Bimodality in arrival times suggests that assortative mating on central European breeding grounds might occur between members of the different wintering populations. Males exposed to British-winter photoperiods showed significantly earlier testicular development than males kept under Spanish-winter photoperiods. Early arrival on the breeding grounds, coupled with accelerated reproductive condition, should lead to a relatively early reproductive effort, perhaps increasing average reproductive success. In general, these results support the hypothesis that differences in photoperiod on the wintering grounds may play an important role in the dynamic state of this population.  相似文献   

Plants take up inorganic nitrogen and store it unchanged or convert it to organic forms. The nitrogen in such organic compounds is stoichiometrically recoverable by the Kjeldahl method. The sum of inorganic nitrogen and Kjeldahl nitrogen has long been known to equal the total nitrogen in plants. However, in our attempt to study the mechanism of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) metabolism, we unexpectedly discovered that about one-third of the total nitrogen derived from 15N-labeled NO2 taken up by Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. plants was converted to neither inorganic nor Kjeldahl nitrogen, but instead to an as yet unknown nitrogen compound(s). We here refer to this nitrogen as unidentified nitrogen (UN). The generality of the formation of UN across species, nitrogen sources and cultivation environments for plants has been shown as follows. Firstly, all of the other 11 plant species studied were found to form the UN in response to fumigation with 15NO2. Secondly, tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants fed with 15N-nitrate appeared to form the UN. And lastly, the leaves of naturally fed vegetables, grass and roadside trees were found to possess the UN. In addition, the UN appeared to comprise a substantial proportion of total nitrogen in these plant species. Collectively, all of our present findings imply that there is a novel nitrogen mechanism for the formation of UN in plants. Based on the analyses of the exhaust gas and residue fractions of the Kjeldahl digestion of a plant sample containing the UN, probable candidates for compounds that bear the UN were deduced to be those containing the heat-labile nitrogen–oxygen functions and those recalcitrant to Kjeldahl digestion, including organic nitro and nitroso compounds. We propose UN-bearing compounds may provide a chemical basis for the mechanism of the reactive nitrogen species (RNS), and thus that cross-talk may occur between UN and RNS metabolisms in plants. A mechanism for the formation of UN-bearing compounds, in which RNS are involved as intermediates, is proposed. The important broad impact of this novel nitrogen metabolism, not only on the general physiology of plants, but also on plant substances as human and animal food, and on plants as an integral part of the global environment, is discussed.Abbreviations NO Nitric oxide - NO2 Nitrogen dioxide - RNS Reactive nitrogen species - UN Unidentified nitrogen - TNNAT, RNNAT, INNAT and UNNAT Total, Kjeldahl, inorganic and unidentified nitrogen in naturally fed plants, respectively - TNNIT, RNNIT, INNIT and UNNIT Total, Kjeldahl, inorganic and unidentified nitrogen derived from nitrate, respectively - TNNO2, RNNO2, INNO2 and UNNO2 Total, Kjeldahl, inorganic and unidentified nitrogen derived from NO2, respectively  相似文献   

Summary Treatment of Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium cells with a low dose of hydrogen peroxide induces expression of a large number of genes, and confers resistance to oxidative stresses. The oxyR gene encodes a positive regulatory protein for a subset of these genes involved in the defense against oxidative damage. We cloned a DNA fragment that contains the E. coli oxyR region on a plasmid vector, and analyzed the nucleotide sequence of the gene. The amino acid sequence of OxyR protein, deduced from the nucleotide sequence, shows a high degree of homology to the sequences of a number of bacterial activator proteins including LysR, cysB, IlvY, MetR and NodD. The product of the oxyR gene identified by the maxicell procedure was a 34 kDa protein, which agrees with the size predicted from the nucleotide sequence of the gene.  相似文献   

We report how the combined use of protein expression reporter green fluorescent protein (GFP), and of an incomplete factorial approach (“InFFact”) made of 12 combinations of different states of three expression variables (bacterial strains, culture media and expression temperatures) created a convenient tool for screening the soluble expression of recombinant proteins in Escherichia coli (E. coli).In the first part of this work, we used two recombinant proteins that could be easily detected by Western blotting in the soluble fraction of E. coli lysate in most of the 12 InFFact combinations. When these proteins were fused to GFP and used in the same experiment (“InFFact-GFP”), fluorescence signals proved as sensitive and reliable as those provided by Western blotting. A trend analysis based on Western blot signals or on fluorescence allowed finding expression conditions for successfully scaling up the production of both proteins. Thus, GFP allowed InFFact trend analysis to be performed without gel electrophoresis or Western blotting.In the second part, we compared the results obtained by InFFact and InFFact-GFP when two other recombinant proteins were used which, in contrast with the proteins used in the first part, were barely detectable by Western blotting. Surprisingly, InFFact-GFP but not InFFact was able to find expression conditions for successfully scaling up the production of both proteins, suggesting that GFP could increase the solubility of the fusion partner.In conclusion, GFP allowed InFFact to be performed without gel electrophoresis and with at least the same sensitivity and specificity as that of Western blotting.  相似文献   

The contribution of sediment interstitial water and the water column to the transpiration stream of Myriophyllum aquaticum (Vellozo) Verdcourt was determined to estimate the significance of mass flow in supply of sediment nutrients for plant growth. Sediment interstitial water accounted for about 2% of the water transpired over a 37 day period. Because of the small volume of water that originated in the sediment we concluded that mass flow did not significantly enhance nutrient supply to the roots of M. aquaticum. Relative growth rate (RGR) of adventitious, water roots was greater than whole plant RGR, and RGR of sediment roots was not significantly different from zero, indicating a shift in the biomass allocation after emergence of the apical meristem into the air. Water use, measured by the transpiration coefficient, averaged 260 ml H2O mg DW-1, which is similar to C-4 terrestrial plants. M. aquaticum has leaf characteristics commonly associated with xerophytic habitats. These characteristics may be necessary if a high transpiration rate and a mechanical requirement for high cell turgor pressure, required by a reliance upon hydrostatic pressure for support of the aerial stems, are mutually exclusive because of morphological constraints on hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

The imperfect ascomycetous yeastsCandida parapsilosis andArxula adeninivorans degraded 3-hydroxybenzoic acid via gentisate which was the cleavage substrate. 4-Hydroxybenzoic acid was metabolized via protocatechuate. No cleavage enzyme for the latter was detected. In stead of this NADH- and NADPH-dependent monooxygenases were present. In cells grown at the expense of hydroquinone and 4-hydroxygenzoic acid, enzymes of the hydroxyhydroquinone variant of the 3-oxoadipate pathway were demonstrated, which also took part in the degradation of 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid byC. parapsilosis.Abbreviations HHQ Hydroxyhydroquinone (1,2,4-trihydroxybenzene) - GSH reduced Glutathione  相似文献   

Summary Damage in the older needles of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] in the Fichtelgebirge (NE Bavaria, FRG) appears to result primarily from nutrient imbalances rather than from direct effects of air pollutants on the mesophyll of the needles. Support for this conclusion was obtained by altering the nutrition of older needles through the removal of terminal buds on several branches from a damaged and an undamaged spruce tree in spring. Various photosynthetic parameters, as well as the chloroplast pigment and nutrient concentrations, of 1- to 3-year-old needles on manipulated branches were compared with those of branches on which the new flush was allowed to develop during the course of the growing period. Removal of terminal buds affected only the 1-year-old needles. Elimination of the new flush resulted in a higher Ca and Mn content of the needles of the undamaged tree. This treatment also resulted in an increase of the photosynthetic capacity (under saturating light and CO2 conditions), carboxylation and light use efficiency, as well as net photosynthesis under natural conditions of the 1-year-old needles on the yellow chlorotic tree. This was accompanied by higher chlorophyll concentrations and an increase in Mg, Ca, Mn, and Zn content, and no visible signs of chlorosis developed in the experiment. By contrast, the needles of twigs in which the new flush was allowed to develop exhibited reductions in mineral content in the middle of the year. This was especially true for the elements Mg and Ca, and was accompanied by needle chlorosis and a depression of the capacity of photosynthesis. Thus it appears that there is a close relationship between the development of needle damage and nutrient imbalances in spruce. The retranslocation of elements from the 1-year-old needles to the new flush seems to play a major role in the development of needle bleaching. This approach thus supports the hypothesis described above and confirms a preliminary test with a similar experimental design, which had been conducted earlier.  相似文献   

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