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31P NMR of phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) from egg-yolk in sonicated vesicles has been measured in the presence of various ions. Addition of Ln3+ or Ca2+ shifted the 31P resonance of the phosphate groups of the outer surface of the vesicles. These shifts were measured at varied lanthanide or Ca2+ concentration at different ionic strengths obtained by addition of NaCl. The shifts induced by Tb3+ and Ca2+ have been analyzed using the theory of the diffuse double layer. Corrections were introduced for the effect of the ionic strength on the activities of the ions. The binding efficiency is shown to be controlled by the electrostatic potential produced by the bound cations at the membrane surface. This potential is slightly modified due to weak chloride binding. Binding constants have been derived.  相似文献   

31P NMR of phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) from egg-yolk in sonicated vesicles has been measured in the presence of various ions. Addition of Ln3+3 or Ca2+ shifted the 31P resonance of the phosphate groups of the outer surface of the vesicles. These shifts were measured at varied lanthanide or Ca2+ concentration at different ionic strengths obtained by addition of NaCl. The shifts induced by Tb3+ and Ca2+ have been analyzed using the theory of the diffuse double layer. Corrections were introduced for the effect of the ionic strength on the activities of the ions. The binding efficiency is shown to be controlled by the electrostatic potential produced by the bound cations at the membrane surface. This potential is slightly modified due to weak chloride binding. Binding constants have been derived.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for determining equilibrium parameters of calcium binding on the inner surface of membrane vesicules. Based on the studies of concentration relationship of calcium content in vesicules of myometrium sarcolemma (at the equilibrium state) there were determined the values of maximal capacity of Ca2+-binding (12.79 nmole/mg of protein) and the dissociation constants of Ca2+-binding centre complex (62.3 mkM) on the inner surface of the vesicules, and the value of intravesicular volume as well (25.7 mkl/mg of protein).  相似文献   

Dynamic Kerr effect measurements were performed with dilute aqueous suspensions of monodisperse spherical vesicles (~1μm diameter), isolated from the rod outer segment of bovine retina. A large birefringence, amounting to the specific Kerr constant of 10?3 esu, can be observed. When a sufficiently long duration pulse (1 s) is applied, the decay of birefringence can be represented by a single exponential profile, yielding a relaxation time of 100 ± 20 ms in 1 mM imidazole buffer. This is consistent with the rotatory relaxation time of these spherical membrane vesicles. When a short duration is applied, the birefringence increases more steeply and the decay profile contains several components. The slowest (terminal) relaxation time is 86 ± 15 ms and is due to the same process as the one observed in the slow pulse case.  相似文献   

The uptake and release of Ca2+ by sarcoplasmic reticulum fragments and reconstituted ATPase vesicles was measured by a stopped-flow fluorescence method using chlortetracycline as Ca2+ indicator.Incorporation of the Ca2+ transport ATPase into phospholipid bilayers of widely different fatty acid composition increases their passive permeability to Ca2+ by several orders of magnitude. Therefore in addition to participating in active Ca2+ transport, the (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-activated ATPase also forms hydrophilic channels across the membrane. The relative insensitivity of the permeability effect of ATPase to changes in the fatty acid composition of the membrane is in accord with the suggestion that the Ca2+ channels arise by protein-protein interaction between four ATPase molecules. The reversible formation of these channels may have physiological significance in the rapid Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum during activation of muscle.  相似文献   

Preincubating pig erythrocyte membranes with ATP enhances their ability to accumulate Ca2+ against a concentration gradient. The extent of this increase is dependent on preincubation time over the period 0–60min. As the accessibility of outside membrane markers is decreased by preincubation and as accumulated Ca2+ is not removed by EGTA [ethanedioxybis(ethylamine)tetra-acetate], it is suggested that ATP causes the formation of sealed inside-out vesicles which can transport Ca2+ inward. The transport system requires ATP and Mg2+ and exhibits an apparent dissociation constant for Ca2+ of approx. 100μm. Since the dissociation constant for Ca2+-sensitive ATPase (adenosine triphosphatase) in these preparations is similar, it is concluded that this ATPase is responsible for Ca2+ transport. Polyphosphoinositide concentrations are also increased during incubation with ATP; however, there is no change in their rate of synthesis or breakdown during Ca2+ transport.  相似文献   

The effect of calcium ion on 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3) binding to rat kidney outer mitochondrial membranes was examined in vitro. The outer mitochondrial membranes were prepared by using a discontinuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The membrane fraction, which is enriched with monoamine oxidase activity, contained specific binding sites for T3. Scatchard analysis of T3 binding to outer mitochondrial membranes gave an association constant (Ka) of 0.53 X 10(10)M-1. The binding of [125I]-T3 to the membranes was inhibited by the addition of CaCl2(0.25 X 10(-4)--2.5 X 10(-3)M). 50% inhibition was obtained by 0.75 X 10(-4)M CaCl2 in the presence of 0.1 mM EGTA. When outer mitochondrial membranes were solubilized with Triton X-100, four main T3 binding activities were isolated by a gel filtration study. On the other hand, the binding of [125I]-T3 to the solubilized T3 receptors derived from outer mitochondrial membranes was not strongly inhibited by calcium. When outer mitochondrial membranes were preincubated in the presence of 1 mM calcium, the number of T3 binding sites in the membranes was decreased, and this was associated with an increase in the number of T3 binding sites in the supernatants of the incubation mixture. Scatchard analysis showed that the number of T3 binding sites in the membranes is decreased by calcium ion without any change in the association constant. In studies with gel filtration of receptors which are released by Ca2+ from outer mitochondrial membranes, three main T3 binding activities were isolated. Mg2+, Mn2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ did not affect T3 binding to outer mitochondrial membranes. The results indicate that calcium ion regulates T3 binding to the outer mitochondrial membrane through the release of T3 receptors from the membranes.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent calcium transport in cardiac sarcolemmal membrane vesicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cardiac sarcolemmal (SL) membrane vesicles accumulated Ca in the presence of ATP. The accumulated Ca was released by osmotic shock and by the Ca ionophore A23187, indicating that the Ca had been transported into the vesicle interior. Ca uptake by the SL vesicles was not inhibited by ruthenium red, 2,4-dinitrophenol, carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone, of NaN3, agents that are known to inhibit mitochondrial Ca transport activity. In contrast to the behavior of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum, Ca accumulation by the SL vesicles was not stimulated by oxalate and could not driven by p-nitrophenylphosphate hydrolysis. NaCl inhibited ATP-dependent Ca uptake by the SL vesicles. This effect was shown to be due to a stimulation of Ca efflux by Na, mediated by the sarcolemmal NaCa exchange system. The results provide conclusive evidence for the presence of an ATP-dependent Ca “pump” in the cardiac SL membrane.  相似文献   

The uptake and release of Ca2+ by sarcoplasmic reticulum fragments and reconstituted ATPase vesicles was measured by a stopped-flow fluorescence method using chlortetracycline as Ca2+ indicator. Incorporation of the Ca2+ transport ATPase into phospholipid bilayers of widely different fatty acid composition increases their passive permeability to Ca2+ by several orders of magnitude. Therefore in addition to participating in active Ca2+ transport, the (Mg2+ + Ca2+)-activated ATPase also forms hydrophilic channels across the membrane. The relative insensitivity of the permeability effect of ATPase to changes in the fatty acid composition of the membrane is in accord with the suggestion that the Ca2+ channels arise by protein-protein interaction between four ATPase molecules. The reversible formation of these channels may have physiological significance in the rapid Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum during activation of muscle.  相似文献   

Summary The shifts of current-voltage characteristics of sodium and calcium inward currents produced by changes in the concentration of divalent cations (Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+) and in pH of the extracellular solution have been measured on isolated neurons of the molluscHelix pomatia intracellularly perfused with potassium-free solutions. On the basis of these shifts and using Stern's theory (O. Stern, 1924.Z. Electrochem. 30508–516), the binding constants for the ions to charged groups of the outer side of the somatic membrane and the density of the surface charges produced by these groups have been calculated. For groups located in the vicinity of sodium channels we obtainedK Ca=90±10,K Sr=60±10,K Ba=25±5 andK Mg=16±5m –1 at pH=7.7 and for groups located in the vicinity of calcium channelsK Ca=67±10,K Sr=20±5 andK Ba=19±5m –1 at pH=7.0. The same groups bind H+ ions with apparent pK=6.2±0.2 that corresponds toK H=1.6×106 m –1. The density of fixed charges near the sodium channels is 0.17±0.05 e/nm2 (pH=7.7) and near the calcium channels is 0.23±0.05 electrons/nm2 (pH=7.0). From the comparison of the obtained values with the data about binding constants of the same ions to different negatively charged phospholipids, a suggestion is made that just the phophatidylserine is responsible for the surface potential of the outer side of the somatic membrane. It was also shown that the presence of this potential results in a change in the concentration of carrier ions near the membrane which affects the maximal values of the corresponding transmembrane currents.  相似文献   

Two major Ca2(+)-binding glycoproteins Mr 120,000 and 100,000 were isolated from 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonic acid -solubilized bovine heart sarcolemma membrane. Peroxidase-conjugated concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin lectins bind strongly to the isolated 120- and 100-kDa glycoproteins. Treatment with endoglycosidase F resulted in conversion of the 120-kDa glycoprotein to a form migrating at about 97 kDa. Treatment of the 100-kDa band with endoglycosidase F produced form of about 80 kDa. Endoglycosidase H digestion removes only 5% of the mass of both glycoproteins. the carbohydrate structure of both glycoproteins, is therefore, predicted to be at least 75% complex structure and 25% high mannose or hybrid structure. The 120- and 100-kDa glycoproteins are the major Ca2(+)-binding proteins in the sarcolemma membranes. Intact and endoglycosidase-treated glycoproteins bind 45Ca2+ as analyzed by a 45Ca2+ overlay technique. Using polyclonal antibodies, the 120- and 100-kDa glycoproteins were identified in muscle plasma membranes (ventricles, atria, and uterus smooth muscle). They were, however, not present in non-muscle tissues such as pancreas, liver, and kidney. The 120- and 100-kDa glycoproteins appear to be homologous molecules as judged by their similar V8 protease peptide maps, cross-reactivity with polyclonal antibody, and other physicochemical properties.  相似文献   

Vesicles from yeast plasma membrane were prepared according to Franzusoff and Cirillo [1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 3608), with slight modifications. When Mg-ATP was added, this preparation was able to generate a membrane potential, that was sensitive to inhibitors of the yeast H+-ATPase and uncouplers, and could be decreased by the addition of permeant anions, as measured by the fluorescence changes of the dye oxonol V. The addition of ATP could also generate a pH gradient, detectable by the fluorescence changes of the monitor aminochloromethoxyacridine. This gradient was sensitive to inhibitors of ATPase and uncouplers, and could be increased by the addition of permeant anions to the incubation mixture. When the vesicles were loaded with KCl, an increased rate of K+ efflux was produced upon the addition of ATP. Cytochrome oxidase from bovine heart could be reconstituted into the vesicles and was shown to generate a membrane potential difference, negative inside, evidenced by the fluorescence quenching of the cyanide dipropylthiacarbocyanine and the uptake of tetraphenylphosphonium. Besides, in these vesicles, K+ and Rb+, but not Na+ or NH+4 could decrease the quenching of fluorescence and the uptake of tetraphenylphosphonium produced when the electron-donor system was present. In the vesicles in which cytochrome oxidase was incorporated, upon the addition of cytochrome c and ascorbate, the uptake of 86Rb+ could be demonstrated also. This uptake was found to be saturable and inhibited by K+, and to a lesser degree by Na+. The results obtained indicate that these vesicles are reasonably sealed and capable of generating and maintaining a membrane potential. The membrane potential could be used to drive ions across the membrane of the vesicles, indicating the presence and functionality of the monovalent cation carrier. The vesicles, in general terms seem to be suitable for studying transport of ions and metabolites in yeast.  相似文献   

The antibacterial activities and membrane binding of nukacin ISK-1 and its fragments and mutants were evaluated to delineate the determinants governing structure-function relationships. The tail region (nukacin(1-7)) and ring region (nukacin(7-27)) were shown to have no antibacterial activity and also had no synergistic effect on each other or even on nukacin ISK-1. Both a fragment with three lysines in the N terminus deleted (nukacin(4-27)) and a mutant with three lysines in the N terminus replaced with alanine (K1-3A nukacin ISK-1) imparted very low activity (32-fold lower than nukacin ISK-1) and also exhibited a similar antagonistic effect on nukacin ISK-1. Addition of two lysine residues at the N terminus (+2K nukacin ISK-1) provided no further increased antibacterial activity. Surface plasmon resonance sensorgrams and kinetic rate constants determined by a BIAcore biosensor revealed that nukacin ISK-1 has remarkably higher binding affinity to anionic model membrane than to zwitterionic model membrane. Similar trends of strong binding responses and kinetics were indicated by the high affinities of nukacin ISK-1 and +2K nukacin ISK-1, but there was no binding of tail region, ring region, nukacin(4-27), and K1-3A nukacin ISK-1 to the anionic model membrane. Our findings therefore suggest that the complete structure of nukacin ISK-1 is necessary for its full activity, in which the N-terminus three lysine residues play a crucial role in electrostatic binding to the target membrane and therefore nukacin ISK-1's ability to exert its potent antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

Tb3+, a fluorescent trivalent cation with physicochemical properties similar to Ca2+, binds to peripheral nerve membrane vesicles prepared from the walking leg nerve bundle of the lobster (Homarus americanus). Saturable binding is measured for at least two classes of binding site. Bound Tb3+ can be displaced by other cations in the order: Ca2+ > Mg2+ = Zn2+ > NH4+. The binding of Tb3+ to the lower affinity site (KD(app) = 6.0 μM) is inhibitable by Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+, whereas the higher affinity site (KD(app) = 2.2 μM) is only sensitive to Ca2+. Using this spectral probe the role of Ca2+ in peripheral nerve membrane function can be investigated.  相似文献   

Electro-optical characterization of the photoreceptor disk membrane vesicle is performed by examining the electric field and concentration dependence of the steady-state birefringence of aqueous suspensions of the vesicles. The electric polarizability anisotropy is found to be negative and of large magnitude: α12 = ?(1?3) × 10?10 cm3. The optical anisotropy is determined to be also negative but of small magnitude: g1 ?g2 = ?1 × 10?7. The specific Kerr constant deduced from the concentration dependence of the Kerr constant is found to be very large: Ksp = 7 × 10?4 c.s.u. Upon deforming the vesicles osmotically from the spherical shell to the disk structure, the steady-state birefringence increases by an order of magnitude which is attributed solely to the increase in optical anisotropy attending the corresponding change in the geometric eccentricity of the vesicle. A plausible birefringence mechanism based on the known structural features of the vesicles is proposed, which would account for these findings.  相似文献   

Folate binding and transport by rat kidney brush-border membrane vesicles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[3H]Pteroylglutamic acid (PteGlu) uptake was studied using brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from rat kidney. Results on the uptake of [3H]PteGlu by brush-border membrane vesicles incubated in media of increasing osmolarities demonstrated that uptake was contributed by two components, intravesicular transport and membrane binding. Both the components of the uptake exhibited similar pH dependence, with maxima at pH 5.6, and were found to be saturable mechanisms with Km values of 6.7.10(-7) and 11.2.10(-7) M, respectively. These studies show that PteGlu is transported by isolated rat kidney brush-border membrane vesicles in a manner consistent with a saturable system and that a binding component may be functionally associated with this.  相似文献   

Riboflavin uptake and membrane-associated riboflavin-binding activity have been investigated in Bacillus subtilis. The uptake and binding activity of the vitamin were found to be repressed coordinately by riboflavin present in the growth medium. The uptake of riboflavin has been shown to have properties of a carrier-mediated process, and membrane vesicles have been shown to demonstrate riboflavin counterflow and exchange. The membrane-associated binding activity for riboflavin has been solubilized with detergents, and a procedure for the partial purification of this component is described. The partially purified riboflavin-binding component has properties expected for a carrier involved in riboflavin uptake, as it shows saturation kinetics and is inhibited by riboflavin analogues. Evidence is also presented showing that reduced riboflavin binds to a greater extent than oxidized riboflavin, and the possible role of the reduced riboflavin in riboflavin uptake is discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles to retain calcium following ATP-supported calcium uptake in the presence of the calcium-precipitating anions oxalate and phosphate depends on Cao (calcium ion concentration outside the vesicles) and Cai (calcium ion concentration within the vesicles). Calcium efflux rates at any level of Cai are accelerated when Cao is increased. Higher Cao at the time that calcium uptake reactions reach steady state is associated with a spontaneous calcium release that reflects this effect of increased Cao. Increasing Cai at any level of Cao causes little or no acceleration of calcium efflux rate so that calcium permeability coefficients, estimated by dividing calcium efflux rates by Cai, the "driving force", are inversely proportional to Cai. Calcium permability coefficients thus correlate, as a first approximation, with the ratio Cai/Cao, decreasing 1000-fold as this ratio increases over a 3000-fold range (Cao = 0.1 to 3.3 muM, Cai =4 to 750 muM). Oscillations in both the calcium content of the vesicles and Cao are seen as calcium uptake reactions approach steady state, suggesting that calcium permeability undergoes time-dependent variations. Sudden reduction of Cao to levels that markedly inhibit calcium influx via the calcium pump unmasks a calcium efflux that decreases slowly over 60 to 90 s.The maximal calcium permeability observed in the present study would allow the calcium efflux rate from the sarcoplasmic reticulum at a Cai of 100 muM to be approximately 10(-10) mol/cm2/s, which is about 1 order of magnitude less than that estimated for the sarcoplasmic reticulum of activated skeletal muscle in vivo. The release of most of the stored calcium in some experiments indicates that the observed permeability changes can occur over a large portion of the surface of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet differential spectra of poly A we studied in the presence of Ca2+ ions with 10(-3)M Na+ in the solution. At concentrations lower than 10(-3)M Ca2+, the ions bind to phosphate groups of the single helical polymer, thus increasing its degree of helicity. At higher concentrations, the ions start binding to the bases of poly A, producing aggregates whose effective radius, as found with an electric microscope, is not more than 10(2) A. These particles stack to form aggregates of an order-of-magnitude higher size. The mutual orientation of bases in the poly A aggregates is of a high degree of order. The calculation of concentration dependences of Ca2+-poly A binding constants shows that this process is cooperative.  相似文献   

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