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Some early T4 ribonucleic acids were not found in an infected ribonuclease II-deficient strain but were formed in ribonuclease II+ transductants as well as in wild-type Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

The immunity (imm) gene of Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
M J Lu  U Henning 《Journal of virology》1989,63(8):3472-3478
The immunity (imm) gene of the Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4 effects exclusion of phage superinfecting cells already infected with T4. A candidate for this gene was placed under the control of the lac regulatory elements in a pUC plasmid. DNA sequencing revealed the presence of an open reading frame encoding a very lipophilic 83-residue (or 73-residue, depending on the unknown site of translation initiation) polypeptide which most likely represents a plasma membrane protein. This gene could be identified as the imm gene because expression from the plasmid caused exclusion of T4 and because interruption of the gene in the phage genome resulted in a phage no longer effecting superinfection immunity. It was found that the fraction of phage which was excluded upon infection of cells possessing the plasmid-encoded Imm protein ejected only about one-half of their DNA. Therefore, the Imm protein inhibited, directly or indirectly, DNA ejection.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the structure of the late cytoplasmic RNAs made after infection with wild-type simian virus 40 and a set of viable mutants, four of which have deletions and one an insertion within the nucleotide sequence specifying the leader segment of the 16S and 19S mRNA's. The principal findings are: (i) simian virus 40 16S and 19S mRNA's made during infections with wild-type virnds and possibly in the nucleotide sequence comprising the "leader" segments. (II) "Spliced" 16S and 19S mRNA's are made during infections with each of the mutants although, in some cases, the ratio of 19S to 16S mRNA species is reduced. (iii) The deletion or insertion of nucleotides within the DNA segment defined by map position 0.70 to 0.75 causes striking alterations in the types of leader structures in the late mRNAs. (iv) Many of the late RNA leader segments produced after infection with the mutants appear to be multiply spliced, i.e., instead of the major 200- to 205-nucleotide-long leader segment present in wild-type 16S mRNA, the RNAs produced by several of the deletion mutants have leaders with whort discontiguous segments.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage T4 gene 41 protein is a 5' to 3' DNA helicase which unwinds DNA ahead of the growing replication fork and, together with the T4 gene 61 protein, also functions as a primase to initiate DNA synthesis on the lagging strand. Proteolytic cleavage by trypsin approximately 20 amino acids from the COOH terminus of the 41 protein produces 41T, a 51,500-dalton fragment (possibly still associated with small COOH-terminal fragments) which still retains the ssDNA-stimulated GTPase (ATPase) activity, the 61 protein-stimulated DNA helicase activity, and the ability to act with 61 protein to synthesize pentaribonucleotide primers. In the absence of the T4 gene 32 ssDNA binding protein, the primase-helicase composed of the tryptic fragment (41T) and 61 proteins efficiently primes DNA synthesis on circular ssDNA templates by the T4 DNA polymerase and the three T4 polymerase accessory proteins. In contrast, the 41T protein is defective as a helicase or a primase component on 32 protein-covered DNA. Thus, unlike the intact protein, 41T does not support RNA-dependent DNA synthesis on 32 protein-covered ssDNA and does not stimulate strand displacement DNA synthesis on a nicked duplex DNA template. High concentrations of 32 protein strongly inhibit RNA primer synthesis with either 41 T or intact 41 protein. The 44/62 and 45 polymerase accessory proteins (and even the 44/62 proteins to some extent) substantially reverse the 32 protein inhibition of RNA primer synthesis with intact 41 protein but not with 41T protein. We propose that the COOH-terminal region of the 41 protein is required for its interaction with the T4 polymerase accessory proteins, permitting the synthesis and utilization of RNA primers and helicase function within the T4 replication complex. When this region is altered, as in 41T protein, the protein is unable to assemble a functional primase-helicase in the replication complex. An easy and rapid purification of T4 41 protein produced by a plasmid encoding this gene (Hinton, D. M., Silver, L. L., and Nossal, N. G. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 12851-12857) is also described.  相似文献   

The mutator phenotype of Escherichia coli dam mutants was found to be reversed by introduction of the bacteriophage T4 gene for DNA adenine methyltransferase. This precludes a direct role for the E. coli DNA adenine methyltransferase in mismatch repair, in addition to its role in strand discrimination, as suggested by earlier studies (S. L. Schlagman, S. Hattman, and M. G. Marinus, J. Bacteriol. 165:896-900, 1986).  相似文献   

Previous workers reported that the T4 bacteriophage UvsX protein could promote neither RecA-LexA-mediated DNA repair nor induction of lysogenized bacteriophage, only recombination. Reexamination of these phenotypes demonstrated that, in contrast to these prior studies, when this gene was cloned into a medium but not a low-copy-number vector, it stimulated both a high frequency of spontaneous induction and mitomycin C-stimulated bacteriophage induction in a strain containing a recA13 mutation, but not a recA1 defect. The gene when cloned into a low- or medium- copy-number vector also promoted a low frequency of recombination of two duplicated genes in Escherichia coli in a strain with a complete recA gene deletion. These results suggest that a narrow concentration range of T4 UvsX protein is required to promote both high-frequency spontaneous and mitomycin C-stimulated bacteriophage induction in a recA13 gene mutant, but it facilitates recombination of duplicated genes at only a very low frequency in E. coli RecA(-) mutants with a complete recA deletion. These results also suggest that the different UvsX phenotypes are affected differentially by the concentration of UvsX protein present.  相似文献   

The expression of the T4 denV gene, which previously had been cloned in plasmid constructs downstream of the bacteriophage lambda hybrid promoter-operator oLpR, was analyzed under a variety of growth parameters. Expression of the denV gene product, endonuclease V, was confirmed in DNA repair-deficient Escherichia coli (uvrA recA) by Western blot analyses and by enhancements of resistance to UV irradiation.  相似文献   

C Kao  E Gumbs    L Snyder 《Journal of bacteriology》1987,169(3):1232-1238
Escherichia coli lit mutations inhibit gene expression late in infection by bacteriophage T4. We cloned the lit gene from wild-type E. coli and three independent lit mutants. We present evidence that lit mutations [renamed lit(Con) mutations] cause overproduction of the lit gene product and that overproduction of this product causes the inhibition of gene expression. We also present evidence that the lit gene product is nonessential for E. coli growth, although the gene is common to most E. coli K-12 strains.  相似文献   

Summary Mutant ribosome binding sites of the bacteriophage T4 rIIB gene, resident on an 873 bp DNA fragment, were cloned into a plasmid vector as in-frame fusions to a reporter gene, beta-galactosidase. The collection of mutations included changes in the region 5 to the Shine/Dalgarno sequence, a mutation of the Shine/Dalgarno sequence, the alternate initiation codons GUG, AUA and ACG, and mutants in which several closely spaced initiation codons compete with each other on the same mRNA. The results show that the secondary structure variations we have installed 5 to the Shine/Dalgarno sequence have little effect on translation. GUG is essentially as good an initiator of translation as AUG when they are assayed on separate messages, but is outcompeted at least 50-fold in the sequence AUGUG. AUA and ACG are poor start codons, and are temperature sensitive. The initiation codon pair AUGAUA, in which the AUG is only two nucleotides from the Shine/Dalgarno sequence, displays a novel cold-sensitive phenotype.  相似文献   

Characterization of the bacteriophage T4 gene 41 DNA helicase   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The T4 gene 41 protein and the gene 61 protein function together as a primase-helicase within the seven protein bacteriophage T4 multienzyme complex that replicates duplex DNA in vitro. We have previously shown that the 41 protein is a 5' to 3' helicase that requires a single-stranded region on the 5' side of the duplex to be unwound and is stimulated by the 61 protein (Venkatesan, M., Silver L. L., and Nossal, N. G. (1982) J. biol. Chem. 257, 12426-12434). The 41 protein, in turn, is required for pentamer primer synthesis by the 61 protein. We now show that the 41 protein helicase unwinds a partially duplex DNA molecule containing a performed fork more efficiently than a DNA molecule without a fork. Optimal helicase activity requires greater than 29 nucleotides of single-stranded DNA on the 3' side of the duplex (analogous to the leading strand template). This result suggests the 41 protein helicase interacts with the leading strand template as well as the lagging strand template as it unwinds the duplex region at the replication fork. As the single-stranded DNA on the 3' side of a short duplex (51 base pairs) is lengthened, the stimulation of the 41 protein helicase by the 61 protein is diminished. However, both the 61 protein and a preformed fork are essential for efficient unwinding of longer duplex regions (650 base pairs). These findings suggest that the 61 protein promotes both the initial unwinding of the duplex to form a fork and subsequent unwinding of longer duplexes by the 41 protein. A stable protein-DNA complex, detected by a gel mobility shift of phi X174 single-stranded DNA, requires both the 41 and 61 proteins and a rNTP (preferably rATP or rGTP, the nucleotides with the greatest effect on the helicase activity). In the accompanying paper, we report the altered properties of a proteolytic fragment of the 41 protein helicase and its effect on in vitro DNA synthesis in the T4 multienzyme replication system.  相似文献   

Mathematical relations for the number of mature T4 bacteriophages, both inside and after lysis of an Escherichia coli cell, as a function of time after infection by a single phage were obtained, with the following five parameters: delay time until the first T4 is completed inside the bacterium (eclipse period, nu) and its standard deviation (sigma), the rate at which the number of ripe T4 increases inside the bacterium during the rise period (alpha), and the time when the bacterium bursts (mu) and its standard deviation (beta). Burst size [B = alpha(mu - nu)], the number of phages released from an infected bacterium, is thus a dependent parameter. A least-squares program was used to derive the values of the parameters for a variety of experimental results obtained with wild-type T4 in E. coli B/r under different growth conditions and manipulations (H. Hadas, M. Einav, I. Fishov, and A. Zaritsky, Microbiology 143:179-185, 1997). A "destruction parameter" (zeta) was added to take care of the adverse effect of chloroform on phage survival. The overall agreement between the model and the experiment is quite good. The dependence of the derived parameters on growth conditions can be used to predict phage development under other experimental manipulations.  相似文献   

We have previously described an Escherichia coli K-12 mutant, Y49, which restricts the growth of bacteriophage T7 and causes the accumulation of short DNA molecules and head-related particles during infection. We now show that the basis for these effects is the inability of the T7 gene 2 product to inactivate the Y49 RNA polymerase during infection, similar to what has been shown by DeWyngaert and Hinkle (J. Biol. Chem. 254:11247--11253, 1979) for the BR3 and tsnB strains of E. coli.  相似文献   

The location of the non-essential T4 mutant uvs79, with defective replication repair, is described. After crosses with double mutants dispersed over the early region of T4, a linkage was observed with the double mutant am41 : am42. For more accurate location, crosses were made with single mutants. Uvs79 proved to be located between mutants amC23 and amN81 in gene 41, as shown by 3-point crosses. No genetic complementation with respect to multiplicity reactivation was found between amN81 and uvs79 after a co-infection of an su? host. Apparently, mutant amN81 is disturbed as to replication repair and, owing to its lack of DNA synthesis, also in replication-dependent recombination repair. Consequently, the product of gene 41 has a function additional to its RNA-primer induction during replication of undamaged DNA. Presumably, the product of gene 41 induces RNA primers opposite DNA regions containing lesions. This capability is believed to be specifically affected by the uvs79 mutation.  相似文献   

At a replication fork DNA primase synthesizes oligoribonucleotides that serve as primers for the lagging strand DNA polymerase. In the bacteriophage T7 replication system, DNA primase is encoded by gene 4 of the phage. The 63-kDa gene 4 protein is composed of two major domains, a helicase domain and a primase domain located in the C- and N-terminal halves of the protein, respectively. T7 DNA primase recognizes the sequence 5'-NNGTC-3' via a zinc motif and catalyzes the template-directed synthesis of tetraribonucleotides pppACNN. T7 DNA primase, like other primases, shares limited homology with DNA-dependent RNA polymerases. To identify the catalytic core of the T7 DNA primase, single-point mutations were introduced into a basic region that shares sequence homology with RNA polymerases. The genetically altered gene 4 proteins were examined for their ability to support phage growth, to synthesize functional primers, and to recognize primase recognition sites. Two lysine residues, Lys-122 and Lys-128, are essential for phage growth. The two residues play a key role in the synthesis of phosphodiester bonds but are not involved in other activities mediated by the protein. The altered primases are unable to either synthesize or extend an oligoribonucleotide. However, the altered primases do recognize the primase recognition sequence, anneal an exogenous primer 5'-ACCC-3' at the site, and transfer the primer to T7 DNA polymerase. Other lysines in the vicinity are not essential for the synthesis of primers.  相似文献   

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