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Isolation of polymorphic DNA fragments from human chromosome 4.   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
We have identified and characterized 40 DNA probes detecting restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) on human chromosome 4. Single copy human clones were isolated from a bacteriophage library enriched for chromosome 4 sequences. Each clone was hybridized to somatic cell hybrid DNAs for verification of its species and chromosomal origin and for regional localization. Sequences specific for chromosome 4 were tested for their ability to detect RFLPs in human DNA and their potential utility as genetic markers was assessed. Approximately 263,000 base pairs or 0.13% of the chromosome was screened for sequence variation. The estimate of heterozygosity calculated from this large body of data, H = 0.0021, indicates that the degree of sequence variation on chromosome 4 is comparable to other autosomes. The characterization of these 40 markers has tripled the number of polymorphic loci available for linkage studies on chromosome 4, making it feasible to begin construction of a detailed linkage map that will span the entire chromosome.  相似文献   

Breakage-fusion-bridge cycles contribute to chromosome aberrations and generate large DNA palindromes that facilitate oncogene amplification in cancer cells. At the molecular level, large DNA palindrome formation is initiated by chromosome breaks, and genomic architecture such as short inverted repeat sequences facilitates this process in mammalian cells. However, the prevalence of DNA palindromes in cancer cells is currently unknown. To determine the prevalence of DNA palindromes in human cancer cells, we have developed a new microarray-based approach called Genome-wide Analysis of Palindrome Formation (GAPF, Tanaka et al., Nat Genet 2005; 37: 320-7). This approach is based on a relatively simple and efficient method to purify "snap-back DNA" from large DNA palindromes by intramolecular base-pairing, followed by elimination of single-stranded DNA by nuclease S1. Comparison of Genome-wide Analysis of Palindrome Formation profiles between cancer and normal cells using microarray can identify genome-wide distributions of somatic palindromes. Using a human cDNA microarray, we have shown that DNA palindromes occur frequently in human cancer cell lines and primary medulloblastomas. Significant overlap of the loci containing DNA palindromes between Colo320DM and MCF7 cancer cell lines suggests regions in the genome susceptible to chromosome breaks and palindrome formation. A subset of loci containing palindromes is associated with gene amplification in Colo320DM, indicating that the location of palindromes in the cancer genome serves as a structural platform that supports subsequent gene amplification.  相似文献   

Summary Recently, a unique cellular DNA segment, representing the normal allele counterpart of hepatitis B virus integration site, has been isolated. It has allowed the identification of a cellular domain in which rearrangements occur in approximately 10% of primary liver tumours. We here report on the assignment of this probe, D4S112, by in situ hybridization to band 4q32.1.  相似文献   

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We examined unequal homologous DNA recombination between human repetitive DNA elements located on a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) and transforming plasmid molecules. A plasmid vector containing an Alu element, as well as a sequence identical to a unique site on a YAC, was introduced into yeast and double recombinant clones analyzed. Recombination occurs between vector and YAC Alu elements sharing as little as 74% identity. The physical proximity of an Alu element to the unique DNA segment appears to play a significant role in determining the frequency with which that element serves as a recombination substrate. In addition, cross-over points of the recombination reaction are largely confined to the ends of the repetitive element. Since a similar distribution of crossover sites occurs during unequal homologous recombination in human germ and somatic tissue, we propose that similar enzymatic processes may be responsible for the events observed in our system and in human cells. This suggests that further examination of the enzymology of unequal homologous recombination of human DNA within yeast may yield a greater understanding of the molecular events which control this process in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Because of the recurrent loss of regions of the chromosome 3 short arm in renal cell carcinomas, a chromosomal mechanism for the expression of recessive cancer genes has been implicated in the development of this type of tumor. Nondisjunction and subsequent reduplication of a mutant chromosome is one of the presumed mitotic mechanisms leading to the expression of recessive cancer genes. Using variant fluorescence at the centromeric region of chromosome 3 and a restriction fragment length polymorphism on chromosome 3p, we found chromosome 3 heteromorphism in the constitutional cells of 14 of 15 patients with renal tumors showing two normal chromosomes 3. This heteromorphism was maintained in each tumor. Therefore, the mechanism of nondisjunction and reduplication in the development of homozygosity for a mutant chromosome 3 in renal tumors remains questionable.  相似文献   

Normal cells in culture exhibit limited division potential and have been used as a model for cellular senescence. In contrast, tumor-derived or carcinogen- or virus-transformed cells are capable of indefinite division. Fusion of normal human diploid fibroblasts with immortal human cells yielded hybrids having limited life spans, indicating that cellular senescence was dominant. Fusions of various immortal human cell lines with each other led to the identification of four complementation groups for indefinite division. The purpose of this study was to determine whether human chromosome 1 could complement the recessive immortal defect of human cell lines assigned to one of the four complementation groups. Using microcell fusion, we introduced a single normal human chromosome 1 into immortal human cell lines representing the complementation groups and determined that it caused loss of proliferative potential of an osteosarcoma-derived cell line (TE85), a cytomegalovirus-transformed lung fibroblast cell line (CMV-Mj-HEL-1), and a Ki-ras(+)-transformed derivative of TE85 (143B TK-), all of which were assigned to complementation group C. This chromosome 1 caused no change in proliferative potential of cell lines representing the other complementation groups. A derivative of human chromosome 1 that had lost most of the q arm by spontaneous deletion was unable to induce senescence in any of the immortal cell lines. This finding indicates that the q arm of human chromosome 1 carries a gene or set of genes which is altered in the cell lines assigned to complementation group C and is involved in the control of cellular senescence.  相似文献   

Inhibition of replicative DNA synthesis following gamma-irradiation is observed in eukaryotic cells but is defective in cells derived from patients with the cancer-prone inherited disorder ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) and in A-T-like Chinese hamster cell mutants. Chinese hamster cells show a less pronounced inhibition of DNA synthesis after gamma-irradiation when compared to irradiated human HeLa or mouse A9 cells. Therefore, to identify new human genes involved in the regulation of DNA replication in response to ionizing radiation in mammalian cells, single human chromosomes were introduced into Chinese hamster cells by microcell-mediated chromosome transfer. It is found that a new gene on human chromosome 4q inhibits DNA synthesis following gamma- and UV irradiation in hamster cells. However, this delay of DNA replication did not improve cell survival or the level of chromosomal aberrations induced by X-rays, indicating that the lack of the inhibition of DNA synthesis after X-irradiation is not a prerequisite for the X-ray sensitivity and chromosomal instability, which is observed in A-T and A-T-like hamster cells.  相似文献   

Integration of papillomavirus in the genome of the host cell has been found associated with malignant cases of cervical carcinoma. To determine what role viral integration plays as part of the pathogenic mechanism resulting in a cancer cell, the structure of integrated papillomavirus DNA (human papillomavirus DNA 18) segments and its cellular flanking sequences in HeLa cells as well as the corresponding normal human allele have been characterized. All integrated viral DNA segments have the same human DNA sequences in their 5' flank. The use of human sequence flanking the viral DNA as a probe detected the presence of four different forms of this human DNA region based on restriction fragment length polymorphism. Three of these forms can be linked to integrated viral DNA from human papillomavirus 18. The remaining form could not be linked to viral DNA and did not have a germline pattern in its 5'-end suggesting that it was also structurally altered. None of the forms of the human sequence present in HeLa cells has the complete structure of the germline normal allele characterized in DNA from placenta and human fibroblasts IMR-90. This observation suggests that HeLa cells carry a structural alteration in both alleles of the same locus, one of which was caused by integration of papillomavirus DNA. This locus is located on a chromosome fragile site. These rearrangements will result in a homozygous situation which is interpreted as affecting a recessive phenotype which might be involved in some aspect of tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The subtelomeric region of human chromosome 4q contains the locus for facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD). The FSHD mutation is a deletion within an array of 3.3-kb tandem repeats (D4Z4). The disease mechanism is unknown but is postulated to involve position effect. A closely related 3.3-kb array on chromosome 10qter, in contrast, is not associated with a disease phenotype. We show here that the 4q homology on chromosome 10 is not confined to the 3.3-kb repeats but extends both proximally (42 kb) and distally to include the telomere. We have also identified the most distal expressed gene on 10q known so far, mapping only 96 kb from the 3.3-kb repeat array. A 4q variant has also been identified; there is 92%nucleotide identity between the two 4q forms, 4qA and 4qB. The 4qter and 10qter forms show homology to other chromosome ends, including 4p, 21q, and 22q, and these regions may represent a relatively common subtelomeric domain.  相似文献   

The analysis of 11 various oncogenes expression in different human tumors showed that each tumor is characterised by a specific functioning program of these genes. In 40-50% of tumors the oncogenes ras, fos and myc are expressed. All other oncogenes are either considered to be "silent" or are expressed only in few cases. The increased expression of sis and myb oncogenes is observed in metastases.  相似文献   

Localization of a unique DNA sequence to band p16 of human chromosome 4   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Southern blot analysis of DNA from human-rodent cell hybrids and in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes allowed the assignment of a unique human DNA sequence associated with satellite DNA to band p16 of human chromosome 4.  相似文献   

Adenovirus type 12 DNA sequences in primary hamster tumors.   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
K C Lee  S Mak 《Journal of virology》1977,24(1):408-411
In five out of six primary hamster tumors induced by adenovirus type 12, less than 55% of the adenovirus type 12 genome is present. Various fragments of the integrated viral DNA were present in non-equimolar amounts.  相似文献   

DNA histograms were measured by flow cytometry for 656 human solid tumors (365 primary and 291 metastatic). The proportion of aneuploid cells in cell suspensions obtained by mechanical disaggregation was significantly higher than those obtained after enzymatic disaggregation (collagenase + DNAse) of the same tumor. A strong correlation was observed between the values of DNA-indices measured after staining with propidium iodide and with 4',-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (r = 0.97). Aneuploid cells were observed in 430 tumors (66%); 30 of these had two aneuploid stemlines, and two had three aneuploid stemlines. The overall frequency of aneuploidy was 61% among primary and 71% among metastatic tumors. The median value of the DNA index was 1.67 for 224 primary aneuploid tumors and 1.68 for 206 metastatic aneuploid tumors. For most diseases, the largest proportion of aneuploid primary and metastatic tumors had DNA-indices in the hypertriploid region. No major differences in frequency and degree of aneuploidy was observed between primary and metastatic tumors. For carcinomas of the bladder and prostate, frequency of aneuploidy was higher among poorly differentiated, than among moderately and well-differentiated tumors. For carcinomas of the breast and for sarcomas, tumors with DNA-indices of greater than 2.0 were observed mostly in the poorly differentiated group. For patients with carcinomas of the bladder and prostate most tumors at earlier stages of disease were diploid; whereas most tumors at later stages of disease were aneuploid. For patients with carcinomas of the ovary, colon, and kidney, no relationship between stage of disease and aneuploidy was evident.  相似文献   

In order to construct a human chromosome 4-specific YAC library, we have utilized pYAC4 and a mouse/human hybrid cell line HA(4)A in which the only human chromosome present is chromosome 4. From this cell line, approximately 8Mb of chromosome 4 have been cloned. The library includes 65 human-specific clones that range in size from 30kb to 290kb, the average size being 108kb. In order to optimize the manipulation of YAC libraries, we have begun to investigate the stability of YACs containing human DNA in yeast cells; these studies will also determine if there are intrinsic differences in the properties of chromosomes containing higher eukaryotic DNAs. We are examining two kinds of stability: 1] mitotic stability, the ability of the YAC to replicate and segregate properly during mitosis, and 2] structural stability, the tendency of the YAC to rearrange. We have found that the majority of YACs examined are one to two orders of magnitude less stable than authentic yeast chromosomes. Interestingly, the largest YAC analyzed displayed a loss rate typical for natural yeast chromosomes. Our results also suggest that increasing the length of an artificial chromosome improves its mitotic stability. One YAC that showed a very high frequency of rearrangement by mitotic recombination proved to be a mouse/human chimera. In contrast to studies using total human DNA, the frequency of chimeras (i.e., mouse/human) in the YAC pool appeared to be low.  相似文献   

A small fraction of the genome contains genes that are imprinted and thus expressed exclusively from one parental allele.We report here that the human neuronatin gene (NNAT) on chromosome 20q11.2 is imprinted and transcribed specifically from the paternal allele. The region containing NNAT has multiple CpG islands, and methylation analysis showed that a 1.8-kb CpG island in its promoter region exhibits differential methylation in all tissues examined. This finding is consistent with the island acting as a component of the NNAT imprint control domain. NNAT lies within the singular 8.5-kb intron of the gene encoding bladder cancer-associated protein (BLCAP), which, as we demonstrate, is not imprinted. This study provides the first example, to our knowledge, in humans of an imprinted gene contained within the genomic structure of a nonimprinted gene. Thus, NNAT is in an imprinted "microdomain," making this locus uniquely suited for the investigation of mechanisms of localized imprint regulation.  相似文献   

Using single primer pairs Y3 and Y4, in siru polymerase chain reaction (in situ PCR) was successfully performed on the specimen slides of peripheral leukocytes. By both of the direct digpxiginin-11-dUTP incorporation into PCR products with in situ PCR (direct in situ PCR) and in situ PCR followed by detection of in situ hybridization (indirect in siru PCR), DNA fragments specific for human Y chromosome were obviously amplified in cellular nuclei of specimens on the slides. The results were verified by Southern analysis. The methodology of in situ PCR and its application were discussed.  相似文献   

Mapping of human chromosome 5 microsatellite DNA polymorphisms.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Thirteen moderately to highly informative microsatellite DNA polymorphisms based on (dC-dA)n.(dG-dT)n repeats were mapped to segments of human chromosome 5 using both linkage analysis and a panel of somatic cell hybrids which contained rearranged chromosomes. The markers were distributed throughout most of the length of the chromosome from the regions p15.3-p15.1 to q33.3-qter. Maps of the sites of meiotic recombination within the reference families proved particularly useful for the purpose of integrating new polymorphisms into the existing linkage map.  相似文献   

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