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The inhibition of the β-carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC from the pathogenic fungi Cryptococcus neoformans (Can2) and Candida albicans (Nce103) with carboxylates such as the C1–C5 aliphatic carboxylates, oxalate, malonate, maleate, malate, pyruvate, lactate, citrate and some benzoates has been investigated. The best Can2 inhibitors were acetate and maleate (KIs of 7.3–8.7 μM), whereas formate, acetate, valerate, oxalate, maleate, citrate and 2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzoate showed less effective inhibition, with KIs in the range of 42.8–88.6 μM. Propionate, butyrate, malonate, l-malate, pyruvate, l-lactate and benzoate, were weak Can2 inhibitors, with inhibition constants in the range of 225–1267 μM. Nce103 was more susceptible to inhibition with carboxylates compared to Can2, with the best inhibitors (maleate, benzoate, butyrate and malonate) showing KIs in the range of 8.6–26.9 μM. l-Malate and pyruvate together with valerate were the less efficient Nce103 inhibitors (KIs of 87.7–94.0 μM), while the remaining carboxylates showed a compact behavior of efficient inhibitors (KIs in the range of 35.1–61.6 μM). Notably the inhibition profiles of the two fungal β-CAs was very different from that of the ubiquitous host enzyme hCA II (belonging to the α-CA family), with maleate showing selectivity ratios of 113.6 and 115 for Can2 and Nce103, respectively, over hCA II inhibition. Therefore, maleate is a promising starting lead molecule for the development of better, low nanomolar, selective β-CA inhibitors.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the β-carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC from the pathogenic fungi Cryptococcus neoformans (Can2) and Candida albicans (Nce103) with a series of aromatic, arylalkenyl- and arylalkylboronic acids was investigated. Aromatic, 4-phenylsubstituted- and 2-naphthylboronic acids were the best Can2 inhibitors, with inhibition constants in the range of 8.5–11.5 μM, whereas arylalkenyl and aryalkylboronic acids showed KIs in the range of 428–3040 μM. Nce103 showed a similar inhibition profile, with the 4-phenylsubstituted- and 2-naphthylboronic acids possessing KIs in the range of 7.8–42.3 μM, whereas the arylalkenyl and aryalkylboronic acids were weaker inhibitors (KIs of 412–5210 μM). The host human enzymes CA I and II were also effectively inhibited by these boronic acids. The B(OH)2 moiety is thus a new zinc-binding group for designing effective inhibitors of the α- and β-CAs.  相似文献   

The β-carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC from the fungal pathogen Candida albicans (Nce103) is involved in a CO2 sensing pathway critical for the pathogen life cycle and amenable to drug design studies. Herein we report an inhibition study of Nce103 with a library of sulfonamides and one sulfamate, showing that Nce103, similarly to the related enzyme from Cryptococcus neoformans Can2, is inhibited by these compounds with KIs in the range of 132 nM–7.6 μM. The best Nce103 inhibitors were acetazolamide, methazolamide, bromosulfanilamide, and 4-hydroxymethylbenzenesulfonamide (KIs < 500 nM). A homology model was generated for Nce103 based on the crystal structure of Can2. The model shows that compounds with zinc-binding groups incorporating less polar moieties and compact scaffolds generate stronger Nce103 inhibitors, whereas highly polar zinc-binding groups and bulkier compounds appear more promising for the specific inhibition of Can2. Such compounds may be useful for the design of antifungal agents possessing a new mechanism of action.  相似文献   

A β-carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC, the protein encoded by the NCE103 gene of Candida glabrata which also present in Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was cloned, purified, characterized kinetically and investigated for its inhibition by a series simple, inorganic anions such as halogenides, pseudohalogenides, bicarbonate, carbonate, nitrate, nitrite, hydrogen sulfide, bisulfite, perchlorate, sulfate and some isosteric species. The enzyme showed significant CO2 hydrase activity, with a kcat of 3.8 × 105 s?1 and kcat/KM of 4.8 × 107 M?1 s?1. The Cà glabrata CA (CgCA) was moderately inhibited by metal poisons (cyanide, azide, cyanate, thiocyanate, KIs of 0.60–1.12 mM) but strongly inhibited by bicarbonate, nitrate, nitrite and phenylarsonic acid (KIs of 86–98 μM). The other anions investigated showed inhibition constants in the low millimolar range, with the exception of bromide and iodide (KIs of 27–42 mM).  相似文献   

The protein encoded by the Nce103 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a β-carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC designated as scCA, has been cloned, purified, characterized kinetically and investigated for its inhibition with a series of sulfonamides and one sulfamate. The enzyme showed high CO2 hydrase activity, with a kcat of 9.4 × 105 s?1, and kcat/KM of 9.8 × 107 M?1 s?1. Simple benzenesulfonamides substituted in 2-, 4- and 3,4-positions of the benzene ring with amino, alkyl, halogeno and hydroxyalkyl moieties were weak scCA inhibitors with KIs in the range of 0.976–18.45 μM. Better inhibition (KIs in the range of 154–654 nM) was observed for benzenesulfonamides incorporating aminoalkyl/carboxyalkyl moieties or halogenosulfanilamides; benzene-1,3-disulfonamides; simple heterocyclic sulfonamides and sulfanilyl-sulfonamides. The clinically used sulfonamides/sulfamate (acetazolamide, ethoxzolamide, methazolamide, dorzolamide, topiramate, celecoxib, etc.) generally showed effective scCA inhibitory activity, with KIs in the range of 82.6–133 nM. The best inhibitor (KI of 15.1 nM) was 4-(2-amino-pyrimidin-4-yl)-benzenesulfonamide. These inhibitors may be useful to better understand the physiological role of β-CAs in yeast and some pathogenic fungi which encode orthologues of the yeast enzyme and eventually for designing novel antifungal therapies.  相似文献   

The protein encoded by the NCE103 gene of Candida glabrata, a β-carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC designated as CgCA, was investigated for its activation with amines and amino acids. CgCA was weakly activated by amino acids such as l-/d-His, l-Phe, l-DOPA, and l-Trp and by histamine or dopamine (KAs of 21.2–37 μM) but more effectively activated by d-Phe, d-DOPA, d-Trp as well as serotonin, pyridyl-alkylamines, aminoethyl-piperazine/morpholine (KAs of 10.1–16.7 μM). The best activators were l-/d-Tyr, with activation constants of 7.1–9.5 μM. This study may bring a better understanding of the catalytic/activation mechanisms of β-CAs from pathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

The malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum encodes for an alpha-carbonic anhydrase (CA) enzyme possessing catalytic properties distinct of that of the human host, which was only recently purified. A series of aromatic sulfonamides, most of which were Schiff's bases derived from sulfanilamide/homosulfanilamide/4-aminoethylbenzenesulfonamide and substituted-aromatic aldehydes, or ureido-substituted such sulfonamides, were investigated for in vitro inhibition of the malarial parasite enzyme (pfCA) and the growth of P. falciparum. Several inhibitors with affinity in the micromolar range (K(I)'s in the range of 0.080-1.230 microM) were detected, whereas the most potent such derivatives were the clinically used sulfonamide CA inhibitor acetazolamide, and 4-(3,4-dichlorophenyl-ureidoethyl)-benzenesulfonamide, which showed an inhibition constant of 80 nM against pfCA, being four times more effective an inhibitor as compared to acetazolamide (K(I) of 315 nM). The lipophilic 4-(3,4-dichlorophenylureido-ethyl)-benzenesulfonamide was also an effective in vitro inhibitor for the growth of P. falciparum (IC50 of 2 microM), whereas acetazolamide achieved the same level of inhibition at 20 microM. This is the first study proving that antimalarials possessing a novel mechanism of action can be obtained, by inhibiting a critical enzyme for the life cycle of the parasite. Indeed, by inhibiting pfCA, the synthesis of pyrimidines mediated by carbamoylphosphate synthase is impaired in P. falciparum but not in the human host. Sulfonamide CA inhibitors have the potential for the development of novel antimalarial drugs.  相似文献   

Enzyme inhibition data of structurally novel isatin-containing sulfonamides were determined for two carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC from pathogenic Candida species (CaNce103 from C. albicans and CgNce103 from C. glabrata). The compounds show KI values in the low nanomolar range for the fungal CAs, while they have significantly higher KI values for the human CAs. Homology models were constructed for the CaNce103 and CgNce103 and subsequently the ligands were docked into these models to rationalize their enzyme inhibitory properties.  相似文献   

The members of a focused series of carboxylic acids and of their derivatives (esters, amides and metal complexes) have been investigated as inhibitors of the main cytosolic/transmembrane carbonic anhydrase isoforms, CA I, II, IX and XII, belonging to the mammalian α-class of CAs. These enzymes are present in red blood cells in submillimolar concentration, and typical sulfonamide CA inhibitors do not selectively inhibit any of them. Among such isozymes, the isoform-I is an 'orphan' target that mediates hemorrhagic retinal and cerebral vascular permeability, involved in retinal and cerebral disease. In the present study, we identified the first selective CA I nanomolar inhibitors, that displayed activity against other isozymes in micromolar/millimolar concentration range. Selective CA II over CA I inhibition has also been observed with some diketo acids/metal complexes. Few diketo acid derivatives showed inhibition activities against the fungal β-class enzymes from Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans in low micromolar concentration range. Prediction of drug-like properties for the most interesting compounds suggests a favorable bioavailability.  相似文献   

The Rv3588c gene product of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a β-carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC denominated here mtCA 2, shows the highest catalytic activity for CO2 hydration (kcat of 9.8 × 105 s?1, and kcat/Km of 9.3 × 107 M?1 s?1) among the three β-CAs encoded in the genome of this pathogen. A series of sulfonamides/sulfamates was assayed for their interaction with mtCA 2, and some diazenylbenzenesulfonamides were synthesized from sulfanilamide/metanilamide by diazotization followed by coupling with amines or phenols. Several low nanomolar mtCA 2 inhibitors have been detected among which acetazolamide, ethoxzolamide and some 4-diazenylbenzenesulfonamides (KIs of 9–59 nM). As the Rv3588c gene was shown to be essential to the growth of M. tuberculosis, inhibition of this enzyme may be relevant for the design of antituberculosis drugs possessing a novel mechanism of action.  相似文献   

A series of phenolic acids and phenol natural products, such as p-hydroxybenzoic acid, p-coumaric acid, caffeic acid, ferulic acid, gallic acid, syringic acid, quercetin, and ellagic acid, were investigated for their inhibitory effects against the metalloenzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC All mammalian isozymes of human (h) or murine (m) origin hCA I–hCA XII, mCA XIII and hCA XIV were inhibited in the low micromolar or submicromolar range by these (poly)phenols (KIs in the range of 0.87–7.79 μM). p-Hydroxybenzoic acid was the best inhibitor of all isozymes (KIs of 0.87–35.4 μM) and the different isozymes showed very variable inhibition profiles with these derivatives. Phenols like the ones investigated here possess a CA inhibition mechanism distinct of that of the sulfonamides/sulfamates used clinically or the coumarins. Unlike the sulfonamides, which bind to the catalytic zinc ion, phenols are anchored at the Zn(II)-coordinated water molecule and bind more externally within the active site cavity, making contacts with various amino acid residues. As this is the region with the highest variability between the many CA isozymes found in mammals, this class of compounds may lead to isoform-selective inhibitors targeting just one or few of the medicinally relevant CAs.  相似文献   

The inhibition of a newly cloned human carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC, isozyme XII (hCA XII), has been investigated with a series of sulfonamides, including some clinically used derivatives (acetazolamide, methazolamide, ethoxzolamide, dichlorophenamide, dorzolamide, brinzolamide, benzolamide, and sulpiride, or indisulam, a compound in clinical development as antitumor drug), as well as the sulfamate antiepileptic drug topiramate. Some simple amino-/hydrazine-/hydroxy-substituted aromatic/heterocyclic sulfonamides have also been included in the study. All types of activity have been detected, with several medium potency inhibitors (K(I)s in the range of 34-220 nM), whereas ethoxzolamide and several halogenated sulfanilamides showed stronger potency, with K(I)s in the range of 11-22 nM. The antiglaucoma sulfonamides used clinically, except dichlorophenamide, which is a moderate inhibitor (K(I) of 50 nM), as well as topiramate, indisulam, and sulpiride behave as very potent hCA XII inhibitors, with K(I)s in the range of 3.0-5.7 nM. Several subnanomolar inhibitors (K(I)s in the range of 0.30-0.85 nM) have also been detected. Compounds with excellent selectivity against hCA XII over hCA II have been found, showing selectivity ratios in the range of 177.7-566.7. Apparently, hCA XII is a target of the antiglaucoma sulfonamides, and potent hCA XII inhibitors may be developed/used for the management of hypoxic tumors, together with inhibitors of the other tumor-associated isozyme, CA IX.  相似文献   

A series of monothiocarbamates (MTCs) was investigated for the inhibition of the β-class carbonic anhydrase (CAs, EC from the fungal parasite Malassezia globosa, MgCA. These MTCs incorporate various scaffolds, among which aliphatic amine with 1–4 carbons atom in their molecule, morpholine, piperazine, as well as phenethylamine and benzylamine derivatives. All the reported MTCs displayed a better efficacy in inhibiting MgCA compared to the clinically used sulphonamide drug acetazolamide (KI of 74?μM), with KIs spanning between 1.85 and 18.9?μM. The homology model of the enzyme previously reported by us was used to rationalize the results by docking some of these MTCs within the fungal CA active site. This study might be useful to enrich the knowledge of the MgCA inhibition profile, eliciting novel ideas pertaining the design of modulators with potential efficacy in combatting dandruff or other fungal infections.  相似文献   

We investigated the catalytic activity and inhibition of both the zinc and cadmium-containing R1 fragment of the ζ-class carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC from the marine diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii. Our data prove that these enzymes are not only very efficient catalysts for the physiological reaction, but also sensitive to sulfonamide and anion inhibitors, with inhibition constants from the nanomolar to millimolar range. Acetazolamide inhibited the two enzymes with KIs in the range of 58–92 nM. The best anion inhibitors of Cd-R1 were thiocyanate, sulfamate and sulfamide, with KIs of 10–89 μM, whereas the best Zn-R1 anion inhibitors were sulfamate and sulfamide with KIs of 60–72 μM. These enzymes were only weakly inhibited by chloride, bromide or sulfate, main anion components of sea water, with inhibition constants in the range of 0.24–0.85 mM. Thus, similarly to CAs belonging to other classes, the ζ-class CA (with either cadmium or zinc ions at the active site) was inhibited by both anions and sulfonamides.  相似文献   

The synthesis of a new series of sulfamides incorporating ortho-, meta, and para-benzenesulfamide moieties is reported, which were investigated for the inhibition of two human (h) isoforms of the zinc enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC, hCA I and II, and two Vibrio cholerae enzymes, belonging to the α- and β-CA classes (VchCAα, VchCAβ). The compounds were prepared by using the “tail approach”, aiming to overcome the scarcity of selective inhibition profiles associated to CA inhibitors belonging to the zinc binders. The built structure–activity relationship showed that the incorporation of benzhydryl piperazine tails on a phenyl sulfamide scaffold determines rather good efficacies against hCA I and VchCAα, with several compounds showing KIs?相似文献   

We investigated the inhibition of carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC isoforms I–XV with 4-(4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3,2-dioxaborolan-2-yl)phenylsulfamide and other simple or sugar sulfamides, a class of less investigated CA inhibitors (CAIs). The crystal structure of the adduct of hCA II with the boron-substituted sulfamide shows the organic scaffold of this compound bound in the hydrophilic half of the active site where it makes a large number of van der Waals contacts with Ile91, Gln92, Val121, Phe131, Leu198, and Thr200. The data here reported provide further insights into sulfamide binding mechanism confirming that this zinc-binding group could be usefully exploited for obtaining new potent and selective CAIs.  相似文献   

There is an urgent need for new chemotherapic agents to treat human fungal infections due to emerging and spreading globally resistance mechanisms. Among the new targets that have been recently investigated for the development of antifungal drugs there are the metallo-enzymes Carbonic Anhydrases (CAs, EC The inhibition of the β-CAs identified in many pathogenic fungi leads to an impairment of parasite growth and virulence, which in turn leads to a significant anti-infective effect. Based on antifungal nucleoside antibiotics, the inhibition of the β-CAs from the resistance-showing fungi Candida glabrata (CgNce103), Cryptococcus neoformans (Can2) and Malasszia globosa (MgCA) with a series of benzenesulfonamides bearing nitrogenous bases, such as uracil and adenine, is here reported. Many such compounds display low nanomolar (<100 nM) inhibitory potency against Can2 and CgNce103, whereas the activity of MgCA is considerably less affected (inhibition constants in the range 138.8–5601.5 nM). The β-CAs inhibitory data were compared with those against α-class human ubiquitous isoforms. Interesting selective inhibitory activities for the target fungal CAs over hCA I and II were reported, which make nitrogenous base benzenesulfonamides interesting tools and leads for further investigations in search of new antifungal with innovative mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

A series of novel sulphonamide derivatives was obtained from sulphanilamide which was N4-alkylated with ethyl bromoacetate followed by reaction with hydrazine hydrate. The hydrazide obtained was further reacted with various aromatic aldehydes. The novel sulphonamides were characterised by infrared, mass spectrometry, 1H- and 13C-NMR and purity was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Human (h) carbonic anhydrase (CA, EC isoforms hCA I and II and Mycobacterium tuberculosis β-CA encoded by the gene Rv3273 (mtCA 3) inhibition activity was investigated with the synthesised compounds which showed promising inhibition. The KIs were in the range of 54.6?nM–1.8?µM against hCA I, in the range of 32.1?nM–5.5?µM against hCA II and of 127?nM–2.12?µM against mtCA 3.  相似文献   

In this study, a series of novel β-benzylphenethylamines and their sulfamide derivatives were synthesized starting from (Z)-2,3-diphenylacrylonitriles. Pd-C catalysed hydrogenation of diphenylacrylonitriles, reduction of propanenitriles with LiAlH4 in the presence of AlCl3 followed by addition of conc. HCl afforded β-benzylphenethylamine hydrochloride salts. The reactions of these amine hydrochloride salts with chlorosulfonyl isocyanate (CSI) in the presence of tert-BuOH and excess Et3N gave sulfamoylcarbamates. Removing of Boc group from the synthesized sulfamoylcarbamates with trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) yielded novel sulfamides in good yields. These novel sulfamides derived from β-benzylphenethylamines were effective inhibitors of the cytosolic carbonic anhydrase I and II isoenzymes (hCA I and II), acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) with Ki values in the range of 0.278–2.260 nM for hCA I, 0.187–1.478 nM for hCA II, 0.127–2.452 nM for AChE and 0.494–1.790 nM for BChE. The inhibitory effects of the synthesized novel sulfamides derived from β-benzylphenethylamines were compared to those of acetazolamide and dorzolamide as clinical hCA I and II isoenzymes inhibitors and tacrine as a clinical AChE and BChE enzymes inhibitors. In addition to in vitro tests, molecular modeling approaches are implemented not only for prediction of the binding affinities of the compounds but also to study their inhibition mechanisms in atomic level at the catalytic domains.  相似文献   

A family of nine genes encoding proteins involved in the synthesis of β-1,2 mannose adhesins of Candida albicans has been identified. Four of these genes, BMT1-4, encode enzymes acting stepwise to add β-mannoses on to cell-wall phosphopeptidomannan (PPM). None of these acts on phospholipomannan (PLM), a glycosphingolipid member of the mannose-inositol-phosphoceramide family, which contributes with PPM to β-mannose surface expression. We show that deletion of BMT5 and BMT6 led to a dramatic reduction of PLM glycosylation and accumulation of PLM with a truncated β-oligomannoside chain, respectively. Disruptions had no effect on sphingolipid biosynthesis and on PPM β-mannosylation. β-Mannose surface expression was not affected, confirming that β-mannosylation is a process based on specificity of acceptor molecules, but liable to global regulation.  相似文献   

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