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We report the isolation and characterization of eight microsatellite loci from the scleractinian coral, Acropora nobilis. The microsatellite loci were obtained using compound SSR primers or an enrichment protocol. All the loci were polymorphic with four to eight alleles per locus and observed heterozygosities ranging from 0.22 to 0.76. Some of the primers developed for the two congeners, Acropora palmata and Acropora millepora were applicable to A. nobilis. These loci are useful for studying the connectivity among A. nobilis populations in Okinawa, southern Japan.  相似文献   

The movements of larvae between marine populations are difficult to follow directly and have been the subject of much controversy, especially in the Caribbean. The debate centres on the degree to which populations are demographically open, such that depleted populations can be replenished by recruitment from distant healthy populations, or demographically closed and thus in need of local management. Given the depressed state of many tropical reef populations, the understanding of these movements now bears critically on the number, placement, and size of marine reserves. Most genetic analyses assume that dispersal patterns have been stable for thousands of generations, thus they commonly reflect past colonization histories more than ongoing dispersal. Recently developed multilocus genotyping approaches, however, have the demonstrated ability to detect both migration and population isolation over far shorter timescales. Previously, we developed five microsatellite markers and demonstrated them to be both Mendelian and coral-specific. Using these markers and Bayesian analyses, we show here that populations of the imperiled reef-building coral, Acropora palmata, have experienced little or no recent genetic exchange between the western and the eastern Caribbean. Puerto Rico is identified as an area of mixing between the two subregions. As a consequence of this regional isolation, populations in the western and eastern Caribbean should have the potential to adapt to local conditions and will require population-specific management strategies.  相似文献   



The coral skeleton consists of CaCO3 deposited upon an organic matrix primarily as aragonite. Currently galaxin, from Galaxea fascicularis, is the only soluble protein component of the organic matrix that has been characterized from a coral. Three genes related to galaxin were identified in the coral Acropora millepora.  相似文献   

Broadcast-spawning corals expel eggs and sperm, and the fertilized eggs develop into planulae in the water column. As these sessile corals generally disperse during the planktonic larval stage, their larval characteristics (e.g., survival and settlement rates) are thought to be important for their dispersal. Although some studies of coral larval dispersal have focused on the maximum time that larvae can remain viable and settle, the relevance of this maximum settlement competency period for long distance dispersal remains unclear. To examine the relationship between competency periods and genetic differentiation, we performed laboratory experiments to investigate settlement rates of planulae and determine the degree of genetic differentiation in Acropora digitifera in the Ryukyu Archipelago, southern Japan. In addition, we compared our findings to published data for A. tenuis, which was studied using our methods. Our results indicated that the maximum settlement competency period was lower in A. digitifera planulae (54 days) than in A. tenuis (69 days) planulae. The mean survival rates at 45 days and 59 days after spawning were less than 10%. Furthermore, percentages of planulae that remained viable and settle at 30 days after spawning (survival rate x settlement rates at 30 days) were approximately 18% and 25% in A. digitifera and A. tenuis, respectively. By contrast, gene flow (N(e)m: number of migrations per generation) was significantly higher in A. digitifera (7.8 to 41.4) than in A. tenuis (3.1 to 22.5). These results indicate that the settlement competency period and survival rates are unlikely to be robust predictors of gene flow. Overall, we detected significant genetic differentiation between Kerama and Okinawa in A. digitifera. As direct observation of planula dispersal between Kerama and Okinawa has been reported, we concluded that genetic mixing is not complete, but that some localized planulae may disperse from Kerama to Okinawa via a specific current depending on reef or locality.  相似文献   

Yu  Xiaopeng  Yu  Kefu  Chen  Biao  Liao  Zhiheng  Liang  Jiayuan  Yao  Qiucui  Qin  Zhenjun  Wang  Hao  Yu  Jiaoyang 《Coral reefs (Online)》2021,40(6):1697-1711

Ecological surveys observe coral “winners” and “losers” in global coral bleaching events. However, the key contributors to holobiont tolerance and interactions between symbionts remain unclear. Herein, we compared bleaching and unbleaching Acropora pruinosa corals from Weizhou Island, during an extreme high-temperature event in the northern South China Sea in 2020. We found the dominant Symbiodiniaceae subclade in the bleaching and unbleaching corals to be C1; however, the density of Symbiodiniaceae in the latter was significantly higher than that in the former. Additionally, the symbiotic bacteria α diversity in the unbleaching coral was significantly higher than that in the bleaching coral, with a reorganized bacterial community structure. Core microbiome analyses revealed 55 bacterial core operational taxonomic units (OTUs), of which 10 were significantly differentially enriched between the two coral groups. The significantly enriched bacterial core OTUs in the unbleaching coral were primarily nitrogen cycling related, while those enriched in the bleaching coral were associated with antimicrobial activity. RNA-Seq analyses revealed that significantly upregulated genes in the bleaching coral were primarily associated with diseases and autophagy, while those in the unbleaching coral were associated with immune defense and maintenance of the symbiotic relationship between corals and symbionts. We propose that the differences in tolerance of A. pruinosa result from the cooperation between coral host, Symbiodiniaceae, and symbiotic bacteria. In extreme high-temperature events, unbleaching corals may maintain stable symbiotic relationships by increasing the diversity of symbiotic bacteria, regulating the structure of the symbiotic bacteria community, improving the interaction between coral host and symbiont and enhancing host immunity, thus avoiding coral bleaching. This study illuminates the relationship between the coral symbiont and tolerance differences of coral holobionts, providing new insights for further exploration into the adaptability of scleractinian corals in the context of global warming.


Coral reefs are in severe decline. Infections by the human pathogen Serratia marcescens have contributed to precipitous losses in the common Caribbean elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, culminating in its listing under the United States Endangered Species Act. During a 2003 outbreak of this coral disease, called acroporid serratiosis (APS), a unique strain of the pathogen, Serratia marcescens strain PDR60, was identified from diseased A. palmata, human wastewater, the non-host coral Siderastrea siderea and the corallivorous snail Coralliophila abbreviata. In order to examine humans as a source and other marine invertebrates as vectors and/or reservoirs of the APS pathogen, challenge experiments were conducted with A. palmata maintained in closed aquaria to determine infectivity of strain PDR60 from reef and wastewater sources. Strain PDR60 from wastewater and diseased A. palmata caused disease signs in elkhorn coral in as little as four and five days, respectively, demonstrating that wastewater is a definitive source of APS and identifying human strain PDR60 as a coral pathogen through fulfillment of Koch's postulates. A. palmata inoculated with strain PDR60 from C. abbreviata showed limited virulence, with one of three inoculated fragments developing APS signs within 13 days. Strain PDR60 from non-host coral S. siderea showed a delayed pathogenic effect, with disease signs developing within an average of 20 days. These results suggest that C. abbreviata and non-host corals may function as reservoirs or vectors of the APS pathogen. Our results provide the first example of a marine "reverse zoonosis" involving the transmission of a human pathogen (S. marcescens) to a marine invertebrate (A. palmata). These findings underscore the interaction between public health practices and environmental health indices such as coral reef survival.  相似文献   

To identify fast-evolving genes in reef-building corals, we performed direct comparative sequence analysis with expressed sequence tag (EST) datasets from two acroporid species: Acropora palmata from the Caribbean Sea and A. millepora from the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Comparison of 589 independent sequences from 1,421 A. palmata contigs, with 10,247 A. millepora contigs resulted in the identification of 196 putative homologues. Most of the homologous pairs demonstrated high amino acid similarities (over 90%). Comparisons of putative homologues showing low amino acid similarities (under 90%) among the Acropora species to the near complete datasets from two other cnidarians (Hydra magnipapillata and Nematostella vectensis) implied that some were non-orthologous. Within 86 homologous pairs, 39 exhibited dN/dS ratios significantly less than 1, suggesting that these genes are under purifying selection associated with functional constraints. Eight independent genes showed dN/dS ratios exceeding 1, while three deviated significantly from 1, suggesting that these genes may play important roles in the adaptive evolution of Acropora. Our results also indicated that CEL-III lectin was under positive selection, consistent with a possible role in immunity or symbiont recognition. Further studies are needed to clarify the possible functions of the genes under positive selection to provide insight into the evolutionary process of corals.  相似文献   

Unexpectedly low levels of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) cytochrome b sequence divergence are found between species of the scleractinian coral genus Acropora. Comparison of 964 positions of the cytochrome b gene of two out of the three Caribbean Acropora species with seven of their Pacific congeners shows only 0.3-0.8% sequence difference. Species in these biogeographic regions have been evolving independently for at least three million years (since the rise of the Isthmus of Panama) and this geological date is used to estimate nucleotide divergence rates. The results indicate that the Acropora cytochrome b gene is evolving at least 10-20 times slower than the 'standard' vertebrate mtDNA clock and is one of the most slowly evolving animal mitochondrial genes described to date. The possibility is discussed that, unlike higher animals, cnidarians may have a functional mtDNA mismatch repair system.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of colony size and polyp position on six variables of polyp fecundity [egg number, egg size, total egg volume, total testis volume, total gonad volume, and gonad ratio (egg volume/testis volume)] in three tabular Acropora corals (Scleractinia), A. hyacinthus, A. japonica, and A. solitaryensis. Samples were collected from various colony sizes (n = 21–30 colonies species?1), just before the predicted spawning at Kochi, Japan, in 2009. Five replicate polyps were sampled at three positions (center, middle, and outer) from the center to the marginal area in each tabular colony. Results indicated effects of colony size and polyp position on both male and female gonads polyp?1. A positive effect of colony size was observed on variables of female gonads polyp?1 (egg number, total egg volume) in A. hyacinthus only, while the positive effect on the variable of male gonads polyp?1 (total testis volume) was common in all Acropora species, with total testis volume polyp?1 increasing 2–4-fold from the small (200–400 cm2) to the large size class (5,000–9,000 cm2). Among the polyp positions, lower values were observed mostly in center polyps in A. hyacinthus, while lower values were observed only in outer polyps in the other Acropora species. The distinct patterns between A. hyacinthus and the other two Acropora species suggest different reproductive strategies at the species level. Further studies are needed to confirm the prevalence of these effects in scleractinian corals, which will broaden our understanding of reproductive life history strategies and improve the estimation of reproductive performance.  相似文献   

The branching coral Acropora palmata is a foundation species of Caribbean reefs that has been decimated in recent decades by anthropogenic and natural stressors. Declines in population density and genotypic diversity likely reduce successful sexual reproduction in this self-incompatible hermaphrodite and might impede recovery. We investigated variation among genotypes in larval development under thermally stressful conditions. Six two-parent crosses and three four-parent batches were reared under three temperatures and sampled over time. Fertilization rates differed widely with two-parent crosses having lower fertilization rates (5–56 %, mean 22 % ± 22 SD) than batches (from 31 to 87 %, mean 59 % ± 28 SD). Parentage analysis of larvae in batch cultures showed differences in gamete compatibility among parents, coinciding with significant variation in both sperm morphology and egg size. While all larval batches developed more rapidly at increased water temperatures, rate of progression through developmental stages varied among batches, as did swimming speed. Together, these results indicate that loss of genotypic diversity exacerbates already severe limitations in sexual reproductive success of A. palmata. Nevertheless, surviving parental genotypes produce larvae that do vary in their phenotypic response to thermal stress, with implications for adaptation, larval dispersal and population connectivity in the face of warming sea surface temperatures.  相似文献   

The rapid decline of Acropora cervicornis and Acropora palmata has often been linked with coral reef deterioration in the Caribbean; yet, it remains controversial whether these species are currently recovering or still declining. In this study, the status of ten populations of A. palmata in Los Roques National Park (LRNP), Venezuela is presented. Six of these populations showed signs of recovery. Ten 80 m2 belt-transects were surveyed at each of the ten reef sites. Within belt-transects, each colony was measured (maximum diameter and height) and its status (healthy, diseased or injured) was recorded. Populations in recovery were defined by a dominance of small to medium-sized colonies in densities >1 colony per 10 m2, together with 75% undamaged colonies, a low prevalence of diseases (<10%), and a low density of predators (0.25 snails per colony). Based on allozyme analysis of seven polymorphic loci in four populations (N = 30), a moderate to high-genetic connectivity among these populations (F ST = 0.048) was found with a predominance of sexual over asexual reproduction (N* : N = 1; N go : N = 0.93–1). Both ecological and molecular data support a good prognosis for the recovery of this species in Los Roques.  相似文献   

Temporal patterns are evaluated in Neogene reef coral assemblages from the Bocas del Toro Basin of Panama in order to understand how reef ecosystems respond to long-term environmental change. Analyses are based on a total of 1,702 zooxanthellate coral specimens collected from six coral-bearing units ranging in age from the earliest Late Miocene to the Early Pleistocene: (1) Valiente Formation (12–11 Ma), (2) Fish Hole Member of the Old Bank Formation (5.8–5.6 Ma), (3) La Gruta Member of the Isla Colon Formation (2.2–1.4 Ma), (4) Ground Creek Member of the Isla Colon Formation (2.2–1.4 Ma), (5) Mimitimbi Member of the Urracá Formation (1.2–0.8 Ma), and (6) Hill Point Member of the Urracá Formation (1.2–0.8 Ma). Over 100 coral species occur in the six units, with faunal assemblages ranging from less than 10% extant taxa (Valiente Formation) to over 85% extant taxa (Ground Creek Member). The collections provide new temporal constraints on the emergence of modern Caribbean reefs, with the La Gruta Member containing the earliest occurrence of large monospecific stands of the dominant Caribbean reef coral Acropora palmata, and the Urracá Formation containing the last fossil occurrences of 15 regionally extinct taxa. Canonical correspondence analysis of 41 Late Miocene to Recent reef coral assemblages from the Caribbean region suggests changes in community structure coincident with effective oceanic closure of the Central American Seaway (~3.5 Ma). These changes, including increased Acropora dominance, may have contributed to a protracted period of elevated extinction debt prior to the major peak in regional coral extinctions (~2–1 Ma).  相似文献   

The once-dominant shallow reef-building coral Acropora palmata has suffered drastic geographical declines in the wider Caribbean from a disease epidemic that began in the late 1970s. At present there is a lack of quantitative data to determine whether this species is recovering over large spatial scales. Here, we use quantitative surveys conducted in 107 shallow-water reef sites between 2010 and 2012 to investigate the current distribution and abundance of A. palmata along the Mesoamerican Reef System (MRS). Using historical data we also explored how the distribution and abundance of this species has changed in the northern portion of the MRS between 1985 and 2010–2012. A. palmata was recorded in only a fifth of the surveyed reef sites in 2010–2012. In the majority of these reef sites the presence of A. palmata was patchy and rare. Only one site (Limones reef), in the northernmost portion of the MRS, presented considerably high A. palmata cover (mean: 34.7%, SD: 24.5%). At this site, the size-frequency distribution of A. palmata colonies was skewed towards small colony sizes; 84% of the colonies were healthy, however disease prevalence increased with colony size. A comparison with historical data showed that in the northern portion of the MRS, in 1985, A. palmata occurred in 74% of the 31 surveyed sites and had a mean cover of 7.7% (SD = 9.0), whereas in 2010–2012 this species was recorded in 48% of the sites with a mean cover of 2.9% (SD = 7.5). A. palmata populations along the MRS are failing to recover the distribution and abundance they had prior to the 1980s. Investigating the biological (e.g., population genetics) and environmental conditions (e.g., sources of stress) of the few standing reefs with relatively high A. palmata cover is crucial for the development of informed restoration models for this species.  相似文献   

Caribbean elkhorn coral, Acropora palmata, has been decimated in recent years, resulting in the listing of this species as threatened under the United States Endangered Species Act. A major contributing factor in the decline of this iconic species is white pox disease. In 2002, we identified the faecal enterobacterium, Serratia marcescens, as an etiological agent for white pox. During outbreaks in 2003 a unique strain of S. marcescens was identified in both human sewage and white pox lesions. This strain (PDR60) was also identified from corallivorious snails (Coralliophila abbreviata), reef water, and two non‐acroporid coral species, Siderastrea siderea and Solenastrea bournoni. Identification of PDR60 in sewage, diseased Acropora palmata and other reef invertebrates within a discrete time frame suggests a causal link between white pox and sewage contamination on reefs and supports the conclusion that humans are a likely source of this disease.  相似文献   

Acropora palmata, a branching coral abundant on shallow reef environments throughout the Caribbean, is susceptible to physical disturbance caused by storms. Accordingly, the survivorship and propagation of this species are tied to its capability to recover after fragmentation. Fragments of A. palmata comprised 40% of ramets within populations that had experienced recent storms. While the survivorship of A. palmata fragments was not directly related to the size of fragments, removal of fragments from areas where they settled was influenced by size. Survivorship of fragments was also affected by type of substratum; the greatest mortality (58% loss within the first month) was observed on sand, whereas fragments placed on top of live colonies of A. palmata fused to the underlying tissue and did not experience any losses. Fragments created by Hurricane Andrew on a Florida reef in August 1992 began developing new growth (proto-branches) 7 months after the storm. The number of proto-branches on fragments was dependent on size, but growth was not affected by the size of fragments. Growth-rates of proto-branches increased exponentially with time (1.7 cm year(-1) for 1993-1994, 2.7 cm year(-1) for 1994-1995, 4.2 cm year(-1) for 1995-1996, and 6.5 cm year(-1) for 1996-1997), taking over 4 years for proto-branches to achieve rates comparable to those of adult colonies on the same reef (6.9 cm year(-1)). In addition to the initial mortality and reduced growth-rates, fragmentation resulted in a loss of reproductive potential. Neither colonies that experienced severe fragmentation nor fragments contained gametes until 4 years after the initial damage. Although A. palmata may survive periodic fragmentation, the long-term effects of this process will depend ultimately on the balance between the benefits and costs of this process.  相似文献   



The success of tropical reef-building corals depends on the metabolic co-operation between the animal host and the photosynthetic performance of endosymbiotic algae residing within its cells. To examine the molecular response of the coral Acropora microphthalma to high levels of solar irradiance, a cDNA library was constructed by PCR-based suppression subtractive hybridisation (PCR-SSH) from mRNA obtained by transplantation of a colony from a depth of 12.7 m to near-surface solar irradiance, during which the coral became noticeably paler from loss of endosymbionts in sun-exposed tissues.

Methodology/Principal Findings

A novel approach to sequence annotation of the cDNA library gave genetic evidence for a hypothetical biosynthetic pathway branching from the shikimic acid pathway that leads to the formation of 4-deoxygadusol. This metabolite is a potent antioxidant and expected precursor of the UV-protective mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), which serve as sunscreens in coral phototrophic symbiosis. Empirical PCR based evidence further upholds the contention that the biosynthesis of these MAA sunscreens is a ‘shared metabolic adaptation’ between the symbiotic partners. Additionally, gene expression induced by enhanced solar irradiance reveals a cellular mechanism of light-induced coral bleaching that invokes a Ca2+-binding synaptotagmin-like regulator of SNARE protein assembly of phagosomal exocytosis, whereby algal partners are lost from the symbiosis.


Bioinformatics analyses of DNA sequences obtained by differential gene expression of a coral exposed to high solar irradiance has revealed the identification of putative genes encoding key steps of the MAA biosynthetic pathway. Revealed also by this treatment are genes that implicate exocytosis as a cellular process contributing to a breakdown in the metabolically essential partnership between the coral host and endosymbiotic algae, which manifests as coral bleaching.  相似文献   


Reef-forming corals are under threat globally from climate change, leading to changes in sea temperatures with both hot and cold events recorded and projected to increase in frequency and severity in the future. Tolerance to heat and cold exposure has been found to be mutually exclusive in other marine invertebrates, but it is currently unclear whether a trade-off exists between hot and cold thermal tolerance in tropical corals. This study quantified the changes in physiology in Acropora millepora from the central Great Barrier Reef subjected to three temperature treatments; sub-lethal cold, ambient and sub-lethal heat (23.0 °C, 27.0 °C and 29.5 °C, respectively). After 10 weeks, pigment content and Symbiodiniaceae density increased in cold-treated corals but decreased in heat-treated corals relative to corals at ambient conditions. Heat-treated corals gained less mass relative to both ambient and cold-treated corals. These results indicate that the physiological condition of A. millepora corals examined here improved in response to mild cold exposure compared to ambient exposure and decreased under mild heat exposure despite both these temperatures occurring in situ around 15% of the year. The energetic condition of corals in the hotter treatment was reduced compared to both ambient and cooler groups, indicating that corals may be more resilient to mild cold exposure relative to mild heat exposure. The results indicate that the corals shifted their resource allocation in response to temperature treatment, investing more energy into skeletal extension rather than maintenance. No evidence of thermal tolerance trade-offs was found, and cold thermal tolerance was not lost in more heat-tolerant individuals. An enhanced understanding of physiological responses of corals at both ends of the thermal spectrum is important for predicting the resilience of corals under projected climate change conditions.


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