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The crystal structure of the ternary complex of hexameric purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) from Escherichia coli with formycin A derivatives and phosphate or sulphate ions is determined at 2.0 A resolution. The hexamer is found as a trimer of unsymmetric dimers, which are formed by pairs of monomers with active sites in different conformations. The conformational difference stems from a flexible helix (H8: 214-236), which is continuous in one conformer, and segmented in the other. With the continuous helix, the entry into the active site pocket is wide open, and the ligands are bound only loosely ("open" or "loose binding" conformation). By segmentation of the helix (H8: 214-219 and H8': 223-236, separated by a gamma-turn), the entry into the active site is partially closed, the pocket is narrowed and the ligands are bound much more tightly ("closed" or "tight binding" conformation). Furthermore, the side-chain of Arg217 is carried by the moving helix into the active site. This residue, conserved in all homologous PNPs, plays an important role in the proposed catalytic mechanism. In this mechanism, substrate binding takes place in the open, and and the catalytic action occurs in the closed conformation. Catalytic action involves protonation of the purine base at position N7 by the side-chain of Asp204, which is initially in the acid form. The proton transfer is triggered by the Arg217 side-chain which is moved by the conformation change into hydrogen bond distance to Asp204. The mechanism explains the broad specificity of E. coli PNP, which allows 6-amino as well as 6-oxo-nucleosides as substrates. The observation of two kinds of binding sites is fully in line with solution experiments which independently observe strong and weak binding sites for phosphate as well as for the nucleoside inhibitor.  相似文献   

We have developed simultaneous detection of eight genes associated with the five categories of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli by the multiplex PCR assay with Alexa Fluor-labeled primers. This assay can easily distinguish eight genes based on the size and color of amplified products without gel staining.  相似文献   

Transition of bacteria to cell wall deficient L-forms in response to stress factors has been assumed as a potential mechanism for survival of microbes under unfavorable conditions. In this article, we provide evidence of paradoxal survival through L-form conversion of E. coli high cell density population after lethal treatments (boiling or autoclaving). Light and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated conversion from classical rod to polymorphic L-form shape morphology and atypical growths of E. coli. Microcrystal formations observed at this stage were interpreted as being closely linked to the processes of L-form conversion and probably involved in the general phenomenon of protection against lethal environment. Identity of the morphologically modified L-forms as E. coli was verified by species specific DNA-based test. Our study might contribute to a better understanding of the L-form phenomenon and its importance for bacterial survival, as well as provoke reexamination of the traditional view of killing strategies against bacteria.  相似文献   

The catalytic inactivation of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in water by silver loaded alumina as catalyst was investigated. Ag/Al2O3 and AgCl/Al2O3 catalysts exhibited high bactericidal activity at room temperature in water with no need for any light or electrical power input. Dissolved oxygen which can be catalyzed to reactive oxygen species (ROS) was found to be essential for the strong bactericidal activities of the catalysts. Decomposition of the cell wall leading to leakage of the intracellular component and the complete lysis of the whole cell were directly observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The resultant change in cell permeability was confirmed by potassium ion leakage. The different morphological changes between E. coli cells treated with the catalysts and Ag+ were also observed. The formation of ROS involved in the bactericidal process by AgCl/Al2O3 was confirmed by addition of catalase and OH scavenger. Higher temperature and pH value were found to have positive effect on the bactericidal activity of AgCl/Al2O3. All these results indicated that the bactericidal effect of the catalyst was a synergic action of ROS and Ag+, not an additive one. A possible mechanism is proposed.  相似文献   

The primary metabolic route for D-xylose, the second most abundant sugar in nature, is via the pentose phosphate pathway after a two-step or three-step conversion to xylulose-5-phosphate. Xylulose kinase (XK; EC phosphorylates D-xylulose, the last step in this conversion. The apo and D-xylulose-bound crystal structures of Escherichia coli XK have been determined and show a dimer composed of two domains separated by an open cleft. XK dimerization was observed directly by a cryo-EM reconstruction at 36 A resolution. Kinetic studies reveal that XK has a weak substrate-independent MgATP-hydrolyzing activity, and phosphorylates several sugars and polyols with low catalytic efficiency. Binding of pentulose and MgATP to form the reactive ternary complex is strongly synergistic. Although the steady-state kinetic mechanism of XK is formally random, a path is preferred in which D-xylulose binds before MgATP. Modelling of MgATP binding to XK and the accompanying conformational change suggests that sugar binding is accompanied by a dramatic hinge-bending movement that enhances interactions with MgATP, explaining the observed synergism. A catalytic mechanism is proposed and supported by relevant site-directed mutants.  相似文献   

Bremer H  Dennis P 《Biochimie》2008,90(3):493-499
We have previously proposed that the rate of ribosome function during balanced growth in E. coli, expressed as the rate of peptide chain elongation, is adjusted by a feedback mechanism: whenever that rate is submaximal (i.e. below 22 amino acid residues polymerized per active ribosome at 37 degrees C), the feedback signal ppGpp is generated by an activation of the ppGpp synthetase expressed from the spoT gene. The accumulation of ppGpp reduces the synthesis of additional ribosomes and thereby reduces the consumption of amino acids which, in turn, allows the remaining ribosomes to function at a higher rate. Here we have described with supporting evidence the proposed feedback loop in greater detail and provided a mathematical analysis which predicts that the SpoT ppGpp synthetase activity should be highest when the ribosomes function at their half-maximal rate. This prediction is consistent with reported observations and is independent of the particular (unknown) mechanism by which the rate of translation controls the ppGpp synthetase activity of SpoT.  相似文献   

Techniques utilizing β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity as an indicator of Escherichia coli (E. coli) presence use labeled glucuronides to produce optical signals. Carboxyumbelliferyl-β-d-glucuronide (CUGlcU) is a fluorescent labeled glucuronide that is soluble and highly fluorescent at natural water pHs and temperatures and, therefore, may be an ideal reagent for use in an in situ optical sensor. This paper reports for the first time the Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters for the binding of E. coli GUS with CUGlcU as Km = 910 μM, Vmax = 41.0 μM min−1, Vmax/Km 45.0 μmol L−1 min−1, the optimal pH as 6.5 ± 1.0, optimal temperature as 38 °C, and the Gibb's free energy of activation as 61.40 kJ mol−1. Additionally, it was found CUGlcU hydrolysis is not significantly affected by heavy solvents suggesting proton transfer and solvent addition that occur during hydrolysis are not limiting steps. Comparison studies were made with the more common fluorescent molecule methylumbelliferyl-β-d-glucuronide (MUGlcU). Experiments showed GUS preferentially binds to MUGlcU in comparison to CUGlcU. CUGlcU was also demonstrated in a prototype optical sensor for the detection of E. coli. Initial bench testing of the sensor produced detection of low concentrations of E. coli (1.00 × 103 CFU/100 mL) in 230 ± 15.1 min and high concentrations (1.05 × 105 CFU/100 mL) in 8.00 ± 1.01 min.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli penicillin-binding protein 5 (PBP5) anchors to the inner membrane in a pH-dependent manner via a C-terminal amphiphilic alpha-helix. Low pH was found to enhance both levels of PBP5 membrane anchoring and levels of alpha-helicity in an aqueous PBP5 C-terminal homologue, which led to the suggestion that levels of PBP5 membrane anchoring are related to levels of PBP5 C-terminal alpha-helicity. Here we have used Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and a peptide homologue of the PBP5 C-terminal sequence to investigate the effect of pH on the conformational behavior of this sequence at a lipid interface and on its ability to interact with lipid. Our results suggest that the membrane-anchoring mechanism of PBP5 is unlikely to involve conformational change in the protein's C-terminal region and may therefore involve conformational changes in the protein's ectomembranous domain.  相似文献   



Enteroaggregative Haemorrhagic E. coli (EAHEC) is a new pathogenic group of E. coli characterized by the presence of a vtx2-phage integrated in the genomic backbone of Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAggEC). So far, four distinct EAHEC serotypes have been described that caused, beside the large outbreak of infection occurred in Germany in 2011, a small outbreak and six sporadic cases of HUS in the time span 1992–2012. In the present work we determined the whole genome sequence of the vtx2-phage, termed Phi-191, present in the first described EAHEC O111:H2 isolated in France in 1992 and compared it with those of the vtx-phages whose sequences were available.


The whole genome sequence of the Phi-191 phage was identical to that of the vtx2-phage P13374 present in the EAHEC O104:H4 strain isolated during the German outbreak 20 years later. Moreover, it was also almost identical to those of the other vtx2-phages of EAHEC O104:H4 strains described so far. Conversely, the Phi-191 phage appeared to be different from the vtx2-phage carried by the EAHEC O111:H21 isolated in the Northern Ireland in 2012.The comparison of the vtx2-phages sequences from EAHEC strains with those from the vtx-phages of typical Verocytotoxin-producing E. coli strains showed the presence of a 900 bp sequence uniquely associated with EAHEC phages and encoding a tail fiber.


At least two different vtx2-phages, both characterized by the presence of a peculiar tail fiber-coding gene, intervened in the emergence of EAHEC. The finding of an identical vtx2-phage in two EAggEC strains isolated after 20 years in spite of the high variability described for vtx-phages is unexpected and suggests that such vtx2-phages are kept under a strong selective pressure.The observation that different EAHEC infections have been traced back to countries where EAggEC infections are endemic and the treatment of human sewage is often ineffective suggests that such countries may represent the cradle for the emergence of the EAHEC pathotype. In these regions, EAggEC of human origin can extensively contaminate the environment where they can meet free vtx-phages likely spread by ruminants excreta.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-574) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

YggX is a highly conserved protein found only in eubacteria and is proposed to be involved in the bacterial response to oxidative stress. Here we report the solution structure of YggX from Escherichia coli determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The structure of YggX displays a fold consisting of two N-terminal antiparallel beta-sheets and three alpha-helices, which shares significant structural similarity to the crystal structure of a hypothetical protein PA5148 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Previous studies propose YggX as an iron binding protein that is involved in cellular iron trafficking. Our data indicate that the protein alone does not bind iron in vitro, suggesting other cofactors or different conditions may be necessary for metal binding.  相似文献   

通过敲除SOS应答启动蛋白基因rec A,探讨SOS应答对E.coli恩诺沙星抗药性的影响,并体外评价Rec A抑制剂和恩诺沙星联用对细菌协同抑制作用的影响.利用Red重组系统,构建E.coli ATCC 25922的rec A缺失菌株E.coli ATCC 25922/?rec A;在恩诺沙星压力下,利用荧光定量PCR测定SOS应答系统相关基因rec A和umu C表达量的变化.用微量肉汤稀释法测定恩诺沙星等常用抗生素对两个菌株的MIC变化;利用梯度平板法测定恩诺沙星对两个菌株抗药性变异的影响;合成Rec A抑制剂,并评估其与恩诺沙星联合抑制E.coli生长及其抗药性的作用.结果表明,E.coli ATCC 25922/?rec A菌株对恩诺沙星的最低抑菌浓度值降低至原始菌株的1/8;经药物处理后,在梯度平板上,rec A缺失菌株较野生型不易产生抗药性;荧光定量PCR表明,rec A缺失菌株或在Rec A抑制剂作用下,SOS应答系统受到一定的抑制.敲除rec A,使菌株对恩诺沙星的抗药性和抗药率均明显降低;Rec A抑制剂在一定程度上能抑制SOS应答,起到协同抑菌作用.  相似文献   

Nanospray time-of-flight mass spectrometry has been used to study the assembly of the heptamer of the Escherichia coli cochaperonin protein GroES, a system previously described as a monomer-heptamer equilibrium. In addition to the monomers and heptamers, we have found measurable amounts of dimers and hexamers, the presence of which suggests the following mechanism for heptamer assembly: 2 Monomers <--> Dimer; 3 Dimers <--> Hexamer; Hexamer + Monomer <--> Heptamer. Equilibrium constants for each of these steps, and an overall constant for the Monomer <--> Heptamer equilibrium, have been estimated from the data. These constants imply a standard free-energy change, DeltaG(0), of about 9 kcal/mol for each contact surface formed between GroES subunits, except for the addition of the last subunit, where DeltaG(0) = 6 kcal/mol. This lower value probably reflects the loss of entropy when the heptamer ring is formed. These experiments illustrate the advantages of electrospray mass spectrometry as a method of measuring all components of a multiple equilibrium system.  相似文献   

The small ribosome subunit of Escherichia coli contains 10 base-methylated sites distributed in important functional regions. At present, seven enzymes responsible for methylation of eight bases are known, but most of them have not been well characterized. One of these enzymes, RsmE, was recently identified and shown to specifically methylate U1498. Here we describe the enzymatic properties and substrate specificity of RsmE. The enzyme forms dimers in solution and is most active in the presence of 10-15 mM Mg(2+) and 100 mM NH(4)Cl at pH 7-9; however, in the presence of spermidine, Mg(2+) is not required for activity. While small ribosome subunits obtained from an RsmE deletion strain can be methylated by purified RsmE, neither 70S ribosomes nor 50S subunits are active. Likewise, 16S rRNA obtained from the mutant strain, synthetic 16S rRNA, and 3' minor domain RNA are all very poor or inactive as substrates. 30S particles partially depleted of proteins by treatment with high concentrations of LiCl or in vitro reconstituted intermediate particles also show little or no methyl acceptor activity. Based on these data, we conclude that RsmE requires a highly structured ribonucleoprotein particle as a substrate for methylation, and that methylation events in the 3' minor domain of 16S rRNA probably occur late during 30S ribosome assembly.  相似文献   

Lysine acetylation is an important post-translational modification in the metabolic regulation of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In Escherichia coli, PatZ (formerly YfiQ) is the only known acetyltransferase protein and is responsible for acetyl-CoA synthetase acetylation. In this study, we demonstrated PatZ-positive cooperativity in response to acetyl-CoA and the regulation of acetyl-CoA synthetase activity by the acetylation level. Furthermore, functional analysis of an E809A mutant showed that the conserved glutamate residue is not relevant for the PatZ catalytic mechanism. Biophysical studies demonstrated that PatZ is a stable tetramer in solution and is transformed to its octameric form by autoacetylation. Moreover, this modification is reversed by the sirtuin CobB. Finally, an in silico PatZ tetramerization model based on hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions is proposed and validated by three-dimensional hydrodynamic analysis. These data reveal, for the first time, the structural regulation of an acetyltransferase by autoacetylation in a prokaryotic organism.  相似文献   

Bacterial pathogens have evolved a sophisticated arsenal of virulence factors to modulate host cell biology. Enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EPEC and EHEC) use a type III protein secretion system (T3SS) to inject microbial proteins into host cells. The T3SS effector cycle inhibiting factor (Cif) produced by EPEC and EHEC is able to block host eukaryotic cell-cycle progression. We present here a crystal structure of Cif, revealing it to be a divergent member of the superfamily of enzymes including cysteine proteases and acetyltransferases that share a common catalytic triad. Mutation of these conserved active site residues abolishes the ability of Cif to block cell-cycle progression. Finally, we demonstrate that irreversible cysteine protease inhibitors do not abolish the Cif cytopathic effect, suggesting that another enzymatic activity may underlie the biological activity of this virulence factor.  相似文献   

The natively disordered protein alpha-synuclein is the primary component of Lewy bodies, the cellular hallmark of Parkinson's disease. Most studies of this protein are performed in dilute solution, but its biologically relevant role is performed in the crowded environment inside cells. We addressed the effects of macromolecular crowding on alpha-synuclein by combining NMR data acquired in living Escherichia coli with in vitro NMR data. The crowded environment in the E.coli periplasm prevents a conformational change that is detected at 35 degrees C in dilute solution. This change is associated with an increase in hydrodynamic radius and the formation of secondary structure in the N-terminal 100 amino acid residues. By preventing this temperature-induced conformational change, crowding in the E.coli periplasm stabilizes the disordered monomer. We obtain the same stabilization in vitro upon crowding alpha-synuclein with 300 g/l of bovine serum albumin, indicating that crowding alone is sufficient to stabilize the disordered, monomeric protein. Two disease-associated variants (A30P and A53T) behave in the same way in both dilute solution and in the E.coli periplasm. These data reveal the importance of approaching the effects of macromolecular crowding on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, our work shows that discrete structured protein conformations may not be achieved by alpha-synuclein inside cells, implicating the commonly overlooked aspect of macromolecular crowding as a possible factor in the etiology of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Kang Z  Du L  Kang J  Wang Y  Wang Q  Liang Q  Qi Q 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(11):6600-6604
The strategic design of this study aimed at producing succinate and polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) from substrate mixture of glycerol/glucose and fatty acid in Escherichia coli. To accomplish this, an E. coli KNSP1 strain derived from E. coli LR1110 was constructed by deletions of ptsG, sdhA and pta genes and overexpression of phaC1 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Cultivation of E. coli KNSP1 showed that this strain was able to produce 21.07 g/L succinate and 0.54 g/L PHA (5.62 wt.% of cell dry weight) from glycerol and fatty acid mixture. The generated PHA composed of 58.7 mol% 3-hydroxyoctanoate (3HO) and 41.3 mol% 3-hydroxydecanoate (3HD). This strain would be useful for complete utilization of byproducts glycerol and fatty acid of biodiesel production process.  相似文献   

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