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Phytate, the main form of phosphorus storage in plant seeds, is well known to be an anti-nutrient and a major source of phosphorus pollution in animal manure. To improve phosphorus bio-availability, we introduced a recently characterized phytase from Bacillus subtilis into the cytoplasm of tobacco cells. Although the introduction of acid fungal phytase from Aspergillus niger in previous studies did not result in any phenotypic changes in tobacco, here we show that a tobacco line transformed with a neutral phytase exhibited phenotypic changes in flowering, seed development, and response to phosphate deficiency. The transgenic line showed an increase in flower and fruit numbers, small seed syndrome, lower seed IP6/IP5 ratio, and enhanced growth under phosphate-starvation conditions compared with the wildtype. The results suggest that the over-expression of Bacillus phytase in the cytoplasm of tobacco cells shifts the equilibrium of the inositol phosphate biosynthesis pathway, thereby making more phosphate available for primary metabolism. The approach presented here can be applied as a strategy for boosting productivity in agriculture and horticulture.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis of a thermostable alkaline phytase from Bacillus sp. MD2 was performed with an aim to increase its specific activity and activity and stability in an acidic environment. The mutation sites are distributed on the catalytic surface of the enzyme (P257R, E180N, E229V and S283R) and in the active site (K77R, K179R and E227S). Selection of the residues was based on the idea that acid active phytases are more positively charged around their catalytic surfaces. Thus, a decrease in the content of negatively charged residues or an increase in the positive charges in the catalytic region of an alkaline phytase was assumed to influence the enzyme activity and stability at low pH. Moreover, widening of the substrate-binding pocket is expected to improve the hydrolysis of substrates that are not efficiently hydrolysed by wild type alkaline phytase. Analysis of the phytase variants revealed that E229V and S283R mutants increased the specific activity by about 19% and 13%, respectively. Mutation of the active site residues K77R and K179R led to severe reduction in the specific activity of the enzyme. Analysis of the phytase mutant-phytate complexes revealed increase in hydrogen bonding between the enzyme and the substrate, which might retard the release of the product, resulting in decreased activity. On the other hand, the double mutant (K77R-K179R) phytase showed higher stability at low pH (pH 2.6-3.0). The E227S variant was optimally active at pH 5.5 (in contrast to the wild type enzyme that had an optimum pH of 6) and it exhibited higher stability in acidic condition. This mutant phytase, displayed over 80% of its initial activity after 3 h incubation at pH 2.6 while the wild type phytase retained only about 40% of its original activity. Moreover, the relative activity of this mutant phytase on calcium phytate, sodium pyrophosphate and p-nitro phenyl phosphate was higher than that of the wild type phytase.  相似文献   

Homodimeric thymidine phosphorylase from Escherichia coli (TP, E.C. was immobilized on solid support with the aim to have a stable and recyclable biocatalyst for nucleoside synthesis. Immobilization by ionic adsorption on amine-functionalized agarose and Sepabeads® resulted in a very high activity recovery (>85%). To prevent undesirable leakage of immobilized enzyme away from the support, the ionic preparations were cross-linked with aldehyde dextran (MW 20 kDa) and the influence of the dextran oxidation degree on the resulting biocatalyst activity was evaluated. Although in all cases the percentage of expressed activity after immobilization drastically decreased (≤25%), this procedure allowed to obtain an active catalyst which resulted up to 6-fold and 3-fold more stable than the soluble (non immobilized) enzyme and the just adsorbed (non cross-linked) counterpart, respectively, at pH 10 and 37 °C. No release of the enzyme from the support could be observed. Covalent immobilization on aldehyde or epoxy supports was generally detrimental for enzyme activity. Optimal TP preparation, achieved by immobilization onto Sepabeads® coated with polyethyleneimine and cross-linked, was successfully used for the one-pot synthesis of 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine starting from 2′-deoxyuridine or thymidine (20 mM) and 5-fluorouracil (10 mM). In both cases, the reaction proceeded at the same rate (3 μmol min−1) affording 62% conversion in 1 h.  相似文献   

Terbium-sensitized luminescence and its applicability towards the detection of Bacillus spores such as anthrax are of significant interest to research in biodefense and medical diagnostics. Accordingly, we have measured the effects of terbium chelation upon the parameters associated with dipicolinate ligation and spore detection. Namely, the dissociation constants, intrinsic brightness, luminescent lifetimes, and biological stabilities for several Tb(chelate)(dipicolinate)x complexes were determined using linear, cyclic, and aromatic chelators of differing structure and coordination number. This included the chelator array of NTA, BisTris, EGTA, EDTA, BAPTA, DO2A, DTPA, DO3A, and DOTA (respectively, 2,2′,2″-nitrilotriacetic acid; 2,2-bis(hydroxymethyl)-2,2′,2″-nitrilotriethanol; ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid; ethylenediamine-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid; 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid; 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,7-diacetic acid; diethylenetriamine-N,N,N′,N″,N″-pentaacetic acid; 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7-triacetic acid; and 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid). Our study has revealed that the thermodynamic and temporal emission stabilities of the Tb(chelate)(dipicolinate)x complexes are directly related to chelate rigidity and a ligand stoichiometry of x = 1, and that chelators possessing either aromaticity or low coordination numbers are destabilizing to the complexes when in extracts of an extremotolerant Bacillus spore. Together, our results demonstrate that both Tb(EDTA) and Tb(DO2A) are chemically and biochemically stable and thus applicable as respectively low and high-cost luminescent reporters for spore detection, and thereby of significance to institutions with developing biodefense programs.  相似文献   

Bacterial elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) is a model monomeric G protein composed of three covalently linked domains. Previously, we evaluated the contributions of individual domains to the thermostability of EF-Tu from the thermophilic bacterium Bacillus stearothermophilus. We showed that domain 1 (G-domain) sets up the basal level of thermostability for the whole protein. Here we chose to locate the thermostability determinants distinguishing the thermophilic domain 1 from a mesophilic domain 1. By an approach of systematically swapping protein regions differing between G-domains from mesophilic Bacillus subtilis and thermophilic B. stearothermophilus, we demonstrate that a small portion of the protein, the N-terminal 12 amino acid residues, plays a key role in the thermostability of this domain. We suggest that the thermostabilizing effect of the N-terminal region could be mediated by stabilizing the functionally important effector region. Finally, we demonstrate that the effect of the N-terminal region is significant also for the thermostability of the full-length EF-Tu.  相似文献   

To investigate the immunomodulatory effects of Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) (natto) B4 spores on murine macrophage, RAW 264.7 cells were cultured alone or with B subtilis (natto) B4 spores at 37°C for 12 hrs, then both cells and culture supernatants were collected for analyses. Exposure of RAW 264.7 cells to B. subtilis (natto) B4 spores had no significant effects on macrophage viability and amounts of extracellular lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). However, it remarkably increased the activities of acid phosphatase (ACP), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in cells and the amounts of nitric oxide (NO) and cytokines (tumor necrosis factor‐alpha, interferon‐gamma, interleukin [IL]‐1 beta, IL‐6, IL‐12, IL‐10 and macrophage inflammatory protein‐2) in culture supernatants. These results demonstrate that B. subtilis (natto) B4 spores are harmless to murine macrophages and can stimulate their activation through up‐regulation of ACP and LDH activities and enhance their immune function by increasing iNOS activity and stimulating NO and cytokine production. The above findings suggest that B. subtilis (natto) B4 spores have immunomodulatory effects on macrophages.  相似文献   

Background information. Under conditions of starvation, bacteria of Bacillus ssp. are able to form a highly structured cell type, the dormant spore. When the environment presents more favourable conditions, the spore starts to germinate, which will lead to the release of the vegetative form in the life cycle, the bacillus. For Bacillus anthracis, the aetiological agent of anthrax, germination is normally linked to host uptake and represents an important step in the onset of anthrax disease. Morphological studies analysing the organization of the spore and the changes during germination at the electron microscopy level were only previously performed with techniques relying on fixation with aldehydes and osmium, and subsequent dehydration, which can produce artefacts. Results and conclusions. In the present study, we describe the morphology of dormant spores using CEMOVIS (Cryo‐Electron Microscopy of Vitreous Sections). Biosafety measures do not permit freezing of native spores of B. anthracis without chemical fixation. To study the influence of aldehyde fixation on the ultrastructure of the spore, we chose to analyse spores of the closely related non‐pathogen Bacillus cereus T. For none of the investigated structures could we find a difference in morphology induced by aldehyde fixation compared with the native preparations for CEMOVIS. This result legitimizes work with aldehyde‐fixed spores from B. anthracis. Using CEMOVIS, we describe two new structures present in the spore: a rectangular structure, which connects the BclA filaments with the basal layer of the exosporium, and a repetitive structure, which can be found in the terminal layer of the coat. We studied the morphological changes of the spore during germination. After outgrowth of the bacillus, coat and exosporium stay associated, and the layered organization of the coat, as well as the repetitive structure within it, remain unchanged.  相似文献   

A newly isolated Bacillus species, which grew optimally at 30°C and pH 10, produced a carboxymethylcellulase in a medium containing 10 g CM-cellulose/l. The enzyme, when partially purified by gel filtration, had a mass of about 29 kDa as determined by both SDS-PAGE and gel filtration chromatography. It was optimally active at pH 9.5 and 40°C, and was stable from pH 7 to 11 at 4°C for 24 h. The enzyme was stimulated by Ca2+ (1mm) but was completely inhibited by Hg2+ (1mm). Neither EDTA nor EGTA (10mm) affected the activity.The author is with the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Jordan. PO Box 2686, Amman 11181, Jordan  相似文献   

Summary The structural gene for the Bacillus stearothermophilus glycogen branching enzyme (glgB) was cloned in Escherichia coli. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed a 1917 nucleotide open reading frame (ORF) encoding a protein with an Mr of 74787 showing extensive similarity to other bacterial branching enzymes, but with a shorter N-terminal region. A second ORF of 951 nucleotides encoding a 36971 Da protein started upstream of the glgB gene. The N-terminus of the ORF2 gene product had similarity to the Alcaligenes eutrophus czcD gene, which is involved in cobalt-zinc-cadmium resistance. The B. stearothermophilus glgB gene was preceded by a sequence with extensive similarity to promoters recognized by Bacillus subtilis RNA polymerase containing sigma factor H (E - H). The glgB promoter was utilized in B. subtilis exclusively in the stationary phase, and only transcribed at low levels in B. subtilis spoOH, indicating that sigma factor H was essential for the expression of the glgB gene in B. subtilis. In an expression vector, the B. stearothermophilus glgB gene directed the synthesis of a thermostable branching enzyme in E. coli as well as in B. subtilis, with optimal branching activity at 53° C.  相似文献   

Bacterial bd-type quinol oxidases, such as cytochrome bd from Escherichia coli, contain three hemes, but no copper. In contrast to heme-copper oxidases and similarly to globins, single electron-reduced cytochrome bd forms stable complexes with O(2), NO and CO at ferrous heme d. Kinetics of ligand dissociation from heme d(2+) in the single electron- and fully-reduced cytochrome bd from E. coli has been investigated by rapid mixing spectrophotometry at 20 degrees C. Data show that (i) O(2) dissociates at 78 s(-1), (ii) NO and CO dissociation is fast as compared to heme-copper oxidases and (iii) dissociation in the single electron-reduced state is hindered as compared to the fully-reduced enzyme. Presumably, rapid ligand dissociation requires reduced heme b(595). As NO, an inhibitor of respiratory oxidases, is involved in the immune response against microbial infection, the rapid dissociation of NO from cytochrome bd may have important bearings on the patho-physiology of enterobacteria.  相似文献   

A system of polyphenylalanine synthesis was optimized for a comparison of the polymerizing activities of ribosomes from spores and vegetative cells of Bacillus cereus T. Ribosomes of both types react similarly, showing a magnesium optimum of about 6 mM and spermidine optima of about 5 mM and 4 mM for vegetative and spore ribosomes, respectively. These lead to optimum mono- to multivalent cation rations of 9 and 10 respectively at 100 mM ammonium ion. A comparison of the response of these ribosomes to suboptimal concentrations of magnesium and spermidine show that they differ qualitatively from each other, suggesting that they possess different structure, macromolecular or ionic components.Abbreviations DFP diisopropylfluorophosphate - HEPES N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-ethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

S Neale 《Mutation research》1972,14(2):155-164
N-Nitroso-N-methylurea (NMU) and N-nitroso-N-ethylurea (NEU) induced reversions in four mutant auxotropic strains of E. coli. Among other nitroso compounds tested only N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNG) was an active mutagen in the system used.  相似文献   

Rani R  Ghosh S 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(22):10641-10649
Present study introduces linseed oil cake as a novel substrate for phytase production by Rhizopus oryzae. Statistical approach was employed to optimize various medium components under solid state fermentation (SSF). An overall 8.41-fold increase in phytase production was achieved at the optimum concentrations (w/w, mannitol, 2.05%; ammonium sulfate, 2.84% and phosphate, 0.38%). Further enhancement by 59% was observed due to a novel strain improvement approach. Purified phytase (~34 kDa) showed optimal temperature of 45 °C, dual pH optima at 1.5 and 5.5 and possesses high catalytic efficiency (2.38×10(6) M(-1) s(-1)). Characterization study demonstrates the phytase as highly thermostable and resistant to proteolysis, heavy metal ions, etc. Furthermore, an improved HPLC method was introduced to confirm the ability of phytase to degrade phytic acid completely and was found to be an efficient method.  相似文献   

Blue multicopper oxidases, laccases displayed on the surface of Bacillus spores were used to decolorize a widely used textile dyestuff, indigo carmine. The laccase-encoding gene of Bacillus subtilis, cotA, was cloned and expressed in B. subtilis DB104, and the expressed enzyme was spontaneously localized on Bacillus spores. B. subtilis spores expressing laccase exhibited maximal activity for the oxidation of 2,2′-azino-bis (3-ethylthiazoline-6-sulfonate) (ABTS) at pH 4.0 and 80 °C, and for the decolorization of indigo carmine at pH 8.0 and 60 °C. The displayed enzyme retained 80% of its original activity after pre-treatment with organic solvents such as 50% acetonitrile and n-hexane for 2 h at 37 °C. The apparent Km of the enzyme displayed on spores was 443 ± 124 μM for ABTS with a Vmax of 150 ± 16 U/mg spores. Notably, 1 mg of spores displaying B. subtilis laccase (3.4 × 102 U for ABTS as a substrate) decolorized 44.6 μg indigo carmine in 2 h. The spore reactor (0.5 g of spores corresponding to 1.7 × 105 U in 50 mL) in a consecutive batch recycling mode decolorized 223 mg indigo carmine/L to completion within 42 h at pH 8.0 and 60 °C. These results suggest that laccase displayed on B. subtilis spores can serve as a powerful environmental tool for the treatment of textile dye effluent.  相似文献   

We have recently characterized sliding motility in Bacillus subtilis strains that lack functional flagella, and here describe the discovery of inhibitors of colony spreading in these strains as well as the aflagellate pathogen, Bacillus anthracis. Aflagellate B. subtilis strains were used to screen for new types of antibacterials that might inhibit colony spreading on semi-solid media. From a diverse set of organic structures, p-nitrophenylglycerol (NPG), an agent used primarily in clinical laboratories to control Proteus swarming, was found to inhibit colony spreading. The four stereoisomers of NPG were synthesized and tested, and only the 1R,2S-(1R-anti) and 1R,2R-(1R-syn) NPG isomers had significant activity in a quantitative colony-spreading assay. Twenty-six NPG analogs and related structures were synthesized and tested to identify more active inhibitors. p-Methylsulfonylphenylglycerol (p-SPG), but not its ortho or meta analogs, was found to be the most effective of these compounds, and synthesis and testing of all four p-SPG stereoisomers showed that the 1R-anti-isomer was the most active with an average IC(50) of 16 μM (3-5 μg mL(-1)). For B. anthracis, the colony-spreading IC(50) values for 1R-anti-SPG and 1R-anti-NPG are 12 μM (2-4 μg mL(-1)) and >150 μM, respectively. For both Bacillus species tested, 1R-anti-SPG inhibits colony spreading of surface cultures on agar plates, but is not bacteriostatic or bacteriocidal in liquid cultures. Work is in progress to find the cellular target(s) of the NPG/SPG class of compounds, since this could lead to an understanding of the mechanism(s) of colony spreading as well as design and development of more potent inhibitors for the control of B. anthracis surface cultures.  相似文献   

Recombinant mesophilic Escherichia coli (Ec) and thermophilic Bacillus stearothermophilus (Bst) elongation factors EF-Tus, their isolated G-domains, and six chimeric EF-Tus composed of domains of either EF-Tu were prepared, and their GDP/GTP binding activities and thermostability were characterized. BstEF-Tu and BstG-domain bound GDP and GTP with affinities in nanomolar and submicromolar ranges, respectively, fully comparable with those of EcEF-Tu. In contrast, the EcG-domain bound the nucleotides with much lower, micromolar affinities. The exchange of domains 2 and 3 had essentially no effect on the GDP-binding activity; all complexes of chimeric EF-Tus with GDP retained K(d) values in the nanomolar range. The final thermostability level of either EF-Tu was the result of a cooperative interaction between the G-domains and domains 2 + 3. The G-domains set up a "basic" level of the thermostability, which was approximately 20 degrees C higher with the BstG-domain than with the EcG-domain. This correlated with the growth temperature optimum difference of both bacteria and two distinct thermostabilization features of the BstG-domain: an increase of charged residues at the expense of polar uncharged residues (CvP bias), and a decrease in the nonpolar solvent-accessible surface area. Domains 2 + 3 contributed by further stabilization of alpha-helical regions and, in turn, the functions of the G-domains to the level of the respective growth temperature optima. Their contributions were similar irrespective of their origin but, with Ecdomains 2 + 3, dependent on the guanine nucleotide binding state. It was lower in the GTP conformation, and the mechanism involved the destabilization of the alpha-helical regions of the G-domain by Ecdomain 2.  相似文献   

通过敲除SOS应答启动蛋白基因rec A,探讨SOS应答对E.coli恩诺沙星抗药性的影响,并体外评价Rec A抑制剂和恩诺沙星联用对细菌协同抑制作用的影响.利用Red重组系统,构建E.coli ATCC 25922的rec A缺失菌株E.coli ATCC 25922/?rec A;在恩诺沙星压力下,利用荧光定量PCR测定SOS应答系统相关基因rec A和umu C表达量的变化.用微量肉汤稀释法测定恩诺沙星等常用抗生素对两个菌株的MIC变化;利用梯度平板法测定恩诺沙星对两个菌株抗药性变异的影响;合成Rec A抑制剂,并评估其与恩诺沙星联合抑制E.coli生长及其抗药性的作用.结果表明,E.coli ATCC 25922/?rec A菌株对恩诺沙星的最低抑菌浓度值降低至原始菌株的1/8;经药物处理后,在梯度平板上,rec A缺失菌株较野生型不易产生抗药性;荧光定量PCR表明,rec A缺失菌株或在Rec A抑制剂作用下,SOS应答系统受到一定的抑制.敲除rec A,使菌株对恩诺沙星的抗药性和抗药率均明显降低;Rec A抑制剂在一定程度上能抑制SOS应答,起到协同抑菌作用.  相似文献   

Type III secretion is a transport mechanism by which bacteria secrete proteins across their cell envelope. This protein export pathway is used by two different bacterial nanomachines: the flagellum and the injectisome. An indispensable component of these secretion systems is an ATPase similar to the F1-ATPase β subunit. Here we characterize EscN, an enteropathogenic Escherichia coli type III ATPase. A recombinant version of EscN, which was fully functional in complementation tests, was purified to homogeneity. Our results demonstrate that EscN is a Mg2+-dependent ATPase (kcat 0.35 s−1). We also define optimal conditions for the hydrolysis reaction. EscN displays protein concentration-dependent activity, suggesting that the specific activity changes with the oligomeric state of the protein. The presence of active oligomers was revealed by size exclusion chromatography and native gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

In this work, we introduce a biological detoxification method that converts toxic waste from castor beans into animal feed material. This method simultaneously induces the production of tannase and phytase by Paecilomyces variotii; both enzymes have high levels of activity and have the potential to be used in feedstuffs because they decrease overall anti-nutritional factors. The maximum tannase and phytase activities obtained were 2600 and 260 U/g after 48 and 72 h, respectively. SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of the fermented castor cake extracts revealed a reduction in ricin bands during fermentation, and the bands were no longer visible after 48 h. The cytotoxicity of the extracts was evaluated by MTT testing on RAW cells, and a progressive increase in cellular viability was obtained, reaching almost 100% after 72 h of fermentation.  相似文献   

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