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在"神经-体液调节"单元的教学中,教师打破了"神经调节"和"体液调节"的教材章节划分,以"辣觉产生的信息传递机制及应用"为大情境贯通,整合了神经-体液调节过程中的信息传递过程,强化了学生对信息交流在生命系统中重要作用的认知,引导学生完成相关概念的构建,体会科学探究的过程并落实社会责任.  相似文献   

在中国最早的文字甲骨文中就已经出了多种样式的"羊"字。这种生来温顺的动物常用于祭祀,所以古人就给自然的"羊"加上了引申的含义,成为吉利、吉祥的一种象征。汉代许慎的《说文解字》中提到"羊,祥也"。古代典籍中,经常将"羊"与"祥"通用。古人以象形之法造出"羊"字后,以羊字为部首的汉字竟发展到多达204个。孔子曾分析以羊为部首的字认为:"半羊之字,以形举也。"早自上古时期,羊就是先民祭祀时必备的祭礼之一。古时有"少牢"和"太牢"之说。所  相似文献   

在饮用水中协同检测“粪型大肠菌群”的试验方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了在饮用水中检测"粪型大肠菌群"的意义,强调了大肠菌群与粪型大肠菌群的关系,总结出"粪型大肠菌群"的检测条件。  相似文献   

在"动物细胞融合与单克隆抗体"一课的教学中,将社会热点话题"精准医学"带进了生物学课堂。"精准医学"不仅为社会带来直观的医学价值,体现了医学工作者的创新思维和生物技术的魅力,也在课堂中提升了学生社会责任意识,强化科学观念,为"精准教学"的发展提供了启示。  相似文献   

合作学习是中学体育课堂教学的重要形式,只有正确的"合"才能有效的"作"。本文就中学学校体育课堂教学实践中如何进行"合"和"作",通过文献资料、调查、逻辑分析等方法,论述了在学校体育教学中进行合作学习的必要性及其途径方法。  相似文献   

“同伴教学法”在“微生物学实验”混合式教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张霞  曹阳  陈峰  张萍  秦敏君 《微生物学通报》2020,47(5):1621-1625
1984年,哈佛大学教授埃里克·马祖尔(Eric Mazur)在物理学教学实践中创立了"同伴教学法(peer-instruction,PI)",PI引导学生主动探究、互相学习,获得良好的教学效果。21世纪,信息技术和生命科学的飞速发展,使得生命科学的实验教学走向网络平台。在"微生物学实验"的混合式教学中,应用"同伴教学法"让学生在实验原理掌握、实验操作技术、实验结果分析和作业互评等学习过程中始终保持在教授给他人的状态,即两周后知识技能的保持率稳定在90%。对比"同伴教学法"班级和未实施"同伴教学法"班级,发现各种成绩的统计中,实施了"同伴教学法"的班级都显著提升。因此,在实验课程的教学中"同伴教学法"是值得深度研究和推广的高效教学方法。  相似文献   

吴登虎  郭伟 《四川动物》2004,23(2):132-133
本文对圈养的两只雄性大熊猫尿中睾酮激素进行了测定与比较,结果表明该老龄大熊猫"菲菲"与壮年大熊猫"川川"在同一时期内尿中睾酮激素含量基本处于相同水平,两者没有显著差异.由此可见老龄雄性大熊猫"菲菲"仍具有繁殖能力.  相似文献   

新课程下,课堂教学的"预设"与"生成"成为了教师研究的一个重要课题。高质量的生成离不开精心的预设,预设中应有生成。论述在课堂教学中,应以预设为基础,精心准备,提高生成的质量和水平。  相似文献   

陈虹  沈辰 《人类学学报》2009,28(2):201-214
作为旧石器研究中十分重要的研究概念之一, 本文对"操作链"的发展史、理论内涵、实践方法等方面进行讨论, 认为"操作链"概念是一种动态的、综合的理论视角和研究体系, 强调了石器技术系统的两个行为过程(技术表现与思维运作)和一个互动关系(操作序列)。实践应用和术语对比, 为更好地运用"操作链"研究石器并复原史前技术体系提供了参考。文章还提出了"操作链"概念本身存在的问题, 希望能在今后的工作中得到完善。  相似文献   

对古代本草著作中记载的"桑黄"的名称、形态特征和药用功效等方面做了补充考证。根据历代本草文献中记载的"桑黄"的特点,将其与现代药用真菌粗毛纤孔菌进行了生境、形态特征和药用功效等3个方面的比较考证,并结合粗毛纤孔菌的现代药理活性方面研究成果,认为古代中药"桑黄"应为多孔菌科真菌粗毛纤孔菌。  相似文献   

林有润 《植物研究》2002,22(3):341-365
棕榈科原省藤亚科因其子房壁及外果皮被倒生、螺旋状排列的鳞片所覆盖,而区别于其他亚科,因而独立分出成一新科--省藤科。作者讨论了棕榈科的祖先种可能在石炭纪时,自原始裸子植物开以顿目在分化、衍生出苏铁目祖先种的进化干上,于白垩纪时分化出的一个分支。在棕榈科的祖先种出现不久后,在其进化的分支上,于白垩纪后期又分化出一旁支,成为棕榈科的姊妹科--省藤科的祖先种。从两祖先种分别再分化、衍生出现今分布地球上该二科的属与种。两科、尤其前者是被子植物、尤其是单子叶植物中最原始的类群之一。作者还提出棕榈科象牙椰亚科与贝叶棕亚科是该科最原始或较原始的两类群;槟榔亚科和腊材榈亚科是较进化的两类群;而水椰亚科祖先种可能源于象牙椰亚科的祖先种,但又演化为该科最进化与特化的类群。省藤科省藤亚科略比鳞果榈亚科原始。作者讨论了两科为泛热带分布的科,指出两科的"现代分布区"在南北两半球热带地区,少数种还延伸分布到两半球暖亚热带、甚至达中亚热带地区,分布区边缘最北达日本中部、中国长江流域及黄河下游的南部,美国加利佛尼亚州与佛罗里达州和地中海北部;最南达智利中部和新西兰南部;而"现代分布中心"在热带与暖亚热带的亚洲,中、南美洲,大洋洲及非洲的东、南、西部;但分布区的"密集中心"则在热带亚洲、热带中及南美洲、南太平洋群岛及非洲东南部。作者还介绍了近50年我国南方引种驯化成功的两科植物近400种(见*图谱),其中少数为耐寒的种类,有的种已引种到长江流域或更北的地区。引种的大部分种都有其重要的经济用途,包括:1. 食用,如淀粉和树液可制"西米"或制糖,酿酒、醋或作饮料;果或种子榨油,供食用或工业用;某些种的嫩芽作蔬菜,甚至种子代咖啡饮用;2. 药用,有消炎、止血、活血、驱虫、抗癌等用;3. 建筑、工艺与日用品,包括不少种的树干供建普通房子、桥梁、小船;少数种可提制工业用蜡;许多种的纤维制高级缆绳和编织品;还制工艺品与日用品等;4. 代表热带景观的园林工程、绿化及美化环境的观赏树和人行道树及建造园林景观生态类型的树种等。  相似文献   

The simple-septate basidiomycetes: a synopsis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The simple-septate basidiomycetes comprise more than 8,000 species that show a high morphological and ecological heterogeneity. To gain insight in the phylogenetic relationships within this group, we compared several ultrastructural features such as septal pore apparatus, form, and behavior of the spindle pole bodies, types of host–parasite interaction, presence or absence of colacosomes, symplechosomes, atractosomes, and cystosomes as well as nuclear rDNA sequences coding for small- and large-subunit rRNA. Based on our integrated analysis, we propose a new classification system for the simple-septate basidiomycetes with the subphylum Pucciniomycotina and the classes Agaricostilbomycetes, Atractiellomycetes, Classiculomycetes, Cryptomycocolacomycetes, Cystobasidiomycetes, Microbotryomycetes, Mixiomycetes, and Pucciniomycetes. We also propose the pucciniomycotinous taxa Cystobasidiales, Erythrobasidiales, Helicobasidiales, Mixiales, Naohideales, Pachnocybales, Spiculogloeales, and Kondoaceae and the new subphyla Agaricomycotina (equivalent to the current Hymenomycetes) and Ustilaginomycotina (equivalent to the current Ustilaginomycetes).  相似文献   

We review current knowledge of the most abundant sugars, sucrose, maltose, glucose and fructose, in the world's major crop plants. The sucrose‐accumulating crops, sugar beet and sugar cane, are included, but the main focus of the review is potato and the major cereal crops. The production of sucrose in photosynthesis and the inter‐relationships of sucrose, glucose, fructose and other metabolites in primary carbon metabolism are described, as well as the synthesis of starch, fructan and cell wall polysaccharides and the breakdown of starch to produce maltose. The importance of sugars as hormone‐like signalling molecules is discussed, including the role of another sugar, trehalose, and the trehalose biosynthetic pathway. The Maillard reaction, which occurs between reducing sugars and amino acids during thermal processing, is described because of its importance for colour and flavour in cooked foods. This reaction also leads to the formation of potentially harmful compounds, such as acrylamide, and is attracting increasing attention as food producers and regulators seek to reduce the levels of acrylamide in cooked food. Genetic and environmental factors affecting sugar concentrations are described.  相似文献   

H. De Haan 《Hydrobiologia》1982,95(1):205-221
This paper attempts to generalize the major controlling factors and their impacts on the physico-chemical environment in Tjeukemeer in relation to the speciation of algal nutrients.Morphometry, man-made hydrology, climate, chemistry of drainage area and biology of the lake appear to control its physico-chemistry the most. Thus the shallow Tieukemeer is vulnerable to wind and therefore almost always completely mixed and often turbid owing to resuspended sediments. In normal summers the lake is oligohaline, hard, eutrophic and alkaline, and in winter it is hard, eutrophic, alkaline and humus-rich. The implications of these properties on the following physico-chemical components and their relevance for the speciation of algal nutrients are discussed: turbidity, colour, halinity, pH, alkalinity, salinity, conductivity, ionic composition, ionic balance and organic matter.Because of the relationships between the physico-chemical environment on the one hand and the speciation and bio-availability of nutrients on the other hand, special attention is given to the speciation of some major and minor elements as derived from ultra filtration experiments. In this context, the metal binding capacity of the organic matter (mainly fulvic acids) is also considered.  相似文献   

Microbes colonise all multicellular life, and the gut microbiome has been shown to influence a range of host physiological and behavioural phenotypes. One of the most intriguing and least understood of these influences lies in the domain of the microbiome's interactions with host social behaviour, with new evidence revealing that the gut microbiome makes important contributions to animal sociality. However, little is known about the biological processes through which the microbiome might influence host social behaviour. Here, we synthesise evidence of the gut microbiome's interactions with various aspects of host sociality, including sociability, social cognition, social stress, and autism. We discuss evidence of microbial associations with the most likely physiological mediators of animal social interaction. These include the structure and function of regions of the ‘social' brain (the amygdala, the prefrontal cortex, and the hippocampus) and the regulation of ‘social’ signalling molecules (glucocorticoids including corticosterone and cortisol, sex hormones including testosterone, oestrogens, and progestogens, neuropeptide hormones such as oxytocin and arginine vasopressin, and monoamine neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine). We also discuss microbiome‐associated host genetic and epigenetic processes relevant to social behaviour. We then review research on microbial interactions with olfaction in insects and mammals, which contribute to social signalling and communication. Following these discussions, we examine evidence of microbial associations with emotion and social behaviour in humans, focussing on psychobiotic studies, microbe–depression correlations, early human development, autism, and issues of statistical power, replication, and causality. We analyse how the putative physiological mediators of the microbiome–sociality connection may be investigated, and discuss issues relating to the interpretation of results. We also suggest that other candidate molecules should be studied, insofar as they exert effects on social behaviour and are known to interact with the microbiome. Finally, we consider different models of the sequence of microbial effects on host physiological development, and how these may contribute to host social behaviour.  相似文献   

吴刚  冯宗炜  秦宜哲 《生态学报》1993,13(2):139-147
农林业系统沙兰杨-小麦、玉米群落类型N、P、K营养元素循环研究结果表明:在整个群落中,元素N和P发生损亏,K基本平衡。在植物组分库和枯落物库中,元素N、P、K均发生累积;在土壤库中,元素N、P和K均发生亏损。土壤表层(0—20cm)N的含量是限制农作物正常生长发育的主要环境因子。土壤库中有效N和速效P的含量是限制沙兰杨正常生长发育的主要环境因子。群落的年输入输出量大,枯落物少,营养元素在各组分间的循环量大等是该群落类型营养元素循环的重要特性。  相似文献   

IPBES第一轮工作方案受到国际社会的广泛关注,奠定了其作为第一个生物多样性领域政府间机制的重要地位.IPBES自成立以来相继发布了系列评估报告和决策者摘要,引起了国际社会广泛关注,因此,其公平性、公正性、科学性和透明性始终为各界关注的焦点,直接决定着IPBES评估报告的可信度和未来的发展.为有效提升工作效率,提高其成...  相似文献   

To elucidate compositional changes of the arteries with aging, the authors investigated the relationships among average contents of calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, and magnesium in the arteries by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. The arteries used were the thoracic and abdominal aortas, coronary, common carotid, anterior, middle and posterior cerebral, vertebral, basilar, internal thoracic, axillary, radial, truncus celiacus, common, internal and external iliac, femoral, popliteal, and umbilical arteries. It was found that high correlations were found between the average contents of calcium and phosphorus, between the average contents of calcium and magnesium, and between the average contents of phosphorus and magnesium in the arteries, but not between the average contents of sulfur and the other elements. These correlations revealed that as the content of calcium and phosphorus increased in the arteries, the magnesium content increased simultaneously in the arteries, but the sulfur content did not. It is likely that magnesium forms compounds with phosphorus in the arteries.  相似文献   

Nitroazaphenanthrenes (NAphs) and their N-oxides (NAphOs) were synthesized as derivatives with nitrogen atoms in the 1, 4, and 9 positions of phenanthrene rings, and as nitrated derivatives substituted at the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 positions of phenanthrene rings. To determine the structure activity relationship of these derivatives, all 19 isomers were bioassayed with Salmonella tester strains. NAphs substituted at the 4, 6, 7 and 8 positions were mutagenic for TA98, and 1-, 2-, and 3-N-9-AphOs, 6-N-1-AphO and 6-N-4-AphO were mutagenic for TA98 and TA100 without the S9 mix, while 5-N-1-AphO and 5-N-9-AphO were non- or weakly mutagenic. Nitrated derivatives, 6-N-4-Aph, 6-N-9-Aph, 6-N-1-AphO, and 6-N-4-AphO, were powerful mutagens for TA98 and TA100. Mutagenicity was enhanced by mutant strains producing nitroreductase, such as YG1021 and 1026, and by those producing O-acetyltransferase, such as YG1024 and 1029. Nitro derivatives substituted at positions 4 and 5 in the phenanthrene rings were perpendicular, while those at positions 2, 3, 6 and 7 were coplanar to the phenanthrene rings. NAphs substituted at the 1 and 8 positions were noncoplanar due to steric hindrance of the aromatic proton at the peri position. On the other hand, 1,5- and 1,8-dinitro-4-azaphenanthrenes showed high mutagenicity for strains TA98 and TA100 in the absence of the S9 mix, and were strongly enhanced by nitroreductase and O-acetyltransferase, over-producing mutants. Therefore, it was found that the mutagenic potency of NAphs and NAphOs was closely associated with the chemical properties and orientation of nitro substitution of aromatic rings.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution from trace elements has been increasing in recent decades and has become an important concern for environmental agencies. The trace elements arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, and lead are among the elements that cause the greatest environmental impact and carry the highest risk to human health. Electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) has long been employed in trace element determination. In the last few years the main constraints of spectroscopy absorption methods have been overcome. These advances have increased the possibilities and the utility of ETAAS for trace element determination at μg L?1 levels in difficult matrices such as soils and sediments, giving greater accuracy and precision, lower economic cost, and easier sample pretreatment than other methods. The main advances come from sample manipulation for matrix destruction and preconcentration, the use of new lab-on-valve FIA systems, the solid sampling, the use of new, more efficient modifiers and in situ trapping methods for analyte stabilization and pre-concentration, and the progress in the capacity to control the atomization temperature and to correct background spectral interferences. All of them have permitted an improvement in the sensitivity, decreasing the detection limits and manipulation process, and increasing the accuracy and precision of the analyses.

Moreover, the new technology in the optic and detector systems have given rise to high-resolution continuum source ETAAS (HR-CS ETAAS) spectrometers that solve most of the constraints presented by the more conventional line source ETAAS (LS ETAAS) spectrometers. HR-CS ETAAS enables a rapid detection of several elements at once, facilitates direct determination from solid sampling, and reduces the matrix interferences and background noise. Here we give an overview of the recent advances and the different possibilities of using ETAAS, drawing on studies from the last decade on methods to analyze As, Cd, Cu, Hg, and Pb in soils and sediments.  相似文献   

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